Talent for the written word

Congratulations to the winners of the “Neilson Hays Young Writers Awards”, a new contest that invited youngsters between the ages of 10 and 18 submitting illustrated children’s picture books and short stories in English.

The theme for this first contest was “Hope” and 178 would-be writers responded to the call. Of these, 17 were short-listed and invited to attend a Finalist’s Workshop in March, where professional writers and illustrators critiqued the works and offered advice.

The winners were announced last month at the British Club Bangkok, where winners’ certificates were presented by Ngarmpun Vejjajiva and Asst Prof Onchuma Yuthavong, two of the 10 judges. Also on hand to congratulate the winners were Ayesha Rekhi, Political Counsellor at the Embassy of Canada representing the ambassador Donica Pottie. Excerpts from the winning entries were read by Cindy Sirinya Bishop and Krissada Clapp.

“This contest exceeded our expectations, not only in terms of the number of entries we received, but also in the levels of enthusiasm extended to us from all the contestants who worked so hard to submit such quality works, and from the volunteers, judges and sponsors whose support and encouragement overwhelmed us. To all involved, we express our sincere thanks,” said Nalin Vanasin, president of the Neilson Hays Library.

The winners of the 5 categories, plus a special Ambassador’s Selection Award from the Embassy of Canada, are as follows.

— Original picture books 12 years and under (12 pages, 300 words), Thai/Bilingual Schools

First Place: “The Story of Hope” by Pattaranan Ritwichai from Plearnpattana School

Original picture books 12 years and under (12 pages, 300 words), International Schools

First Place: “Hope” by Anchalina Sachdev and Seo Yeon Lee from Bangkok International Preparatory and Secondary School

— Original picture books 16 years and under (16 pages, 500 words), Thai/Bilingual Schools

First Place: “Pookan Painted” by Titaya Punyaratabandhu from Satit Kaset International Programme

— Original picture books 16 years and under (16 pages, 500 words), International Schools

First Place: “When the Big Men Came” by Emmy Mills from International Community School and Bethan McClean St Andrews International School (Sukumvit 107)

-Original short story 18 years and under (800-1,000 words) – All schools

First Place: “The Saxophone Man” by Aanya Oswal Monteiro from NIST International School

-Special Prize: Ambassador’s Selection Award from the Embassy of Canada

For excellent story with an environmental theme: “Lamplighter” by Ganpicha Sahasakul from NIST International School

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Перевод «талант написания» на английский

Слушайте, если бы у меня был талант написания сценариев к теленовеллам, то это уже другое дело.

Другие результаты

О ней слагали легенды, про её криминальный талант написаны рассказы и сняты кинофильмы.

Legends have and novels have been written about her criminal talent, as well as films movies have been filmed.

Благодаря вокалу Макмэхона, его таланту написания текстов и в сочетании с игрой на пианино альбом получил восхищенные отзывы и привлек внимание дистрибьютора студии Drive-Thru MCA (сейчас Geffen).

McMahon’s vocals, songwriting skills, and incorporation of the piano earned the album rave reviews and caught the attention of Drive-Thru’s distributor MCA (now Geffen).

Благодаря вокалу Макмэхона, его таланту написания текстов и в сочетании с игрой на пианино альбом получил восхищенные отзывы и привлек внимание дистрибьютора студии Drive-Thru MCA (сейчас Geffen).

McMahon’s vocals, songwriting skills, and incorporation of the piano earned the album rave reviews and caught the attention of Drive-Thru’s distributor MCA (now Geffen).

У некоторых людей есть естественный талант в написании.

There are people who have a natural talent for writing.

Университет призывает всех студентов продемонстрировать свои таланты в написании научно-исследовательских проектов.

The university encourages all Indian students to demonstrate their talents in writing research and development projects.

Но у многих из нас нет особых талантов к написанию привлекательных текстов.

However the majority of us does not have special abilities to a writing of attractive texts.

Однажды у него внезапно обнаруживается талант к написанию

Именно в этот период написания талант автора развернулся наилучшим образом.

Одним из ярчайших воплощений композиторского таланта Крутого является написание инструментальной музыки.

One of the brightest embodiments of Krutoy’s composer’s talent is the writing of instrumental music.

О его таланте и трудолюбии написаны сотни текстов в СМИ.

His talent and diligence of hundreds of texts written in the media.

Когда вы развили свою любовь и талант к написанному слову?

When did you develop your love and talent for the written word?

Она обладает большим талантом к написанию песен.

В свое время его талант для написания песен всплыло на поверхность, и он начал выступать профессионально.

In time, his talent for songwriting bubbled to the surface, and he began performing professionally.

Именно здесь юный Кондратий Рылеев обнаружил свой сильный характер, а также талант к написанию стихов.

It was here that the young Kondraty Ryleyev discovered his strong character, as well as his talent for writing poetry.

Без сомнения, у Квентина Тарантино есть талант к написанию памятных, цитируемых диалогов, которые одновременно интенсивны, проницательны и часто смешны.

Without a doubt, Quentin Tarantino has a flair for writing memorable, quotable dialogue that is simultaneously intense, insightful, and often laugh-out- loud funny.

У тебя есть талант к написанию песен, звукорежиссуре или пению?

Do you have a talent for song writing, sound engineering or singing?

Александр Барс обладает признанным талантом к написанию

В то время как Леннона и Маккартни широко хвалили за их таланты в написании песен, вклад Старра был не так легко признан.

While Lennon and McCartney were widely praised for their songwriting talents, Starr’s contributions were not as readily acknowledged.

У него обнаруживаются не только талант к написанию песен, но и ярко выраженный артистизм.

He discovered not only the talent for writing songs, but also a pronounced artistry.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 173. Точных совпадений: 1. Затраченное время: 164 мс


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Senior Member

English, as spoken in New Joisey

  • #1

Does this sentence make sense?
I have a talent for writing.
У меня способности к писанию.
I am trying to express a talent for writing or being a good author.

    • #2

    I would say
    У меня есть способности к письму. (1)
    У меня есть писательские способности. (2)
    Писание is too unclear in this case.
    Of the two I would prefer the second one.

    Last edited: Oct 28, 2010


    • #3

    I would say
    У меня есть способности к письму. (1)
    У меня есть писательские способности. (2)
    Писание is too unclear in this case.
    Of the two I would prefer the second one.

    I would go for the second one. This is it.

    PS. «Писание» in Russian has pretty much one meaning: «The Bible» (Священное Писание — The Holy Bible).
    May be used for other religions, then it has to be shown what religion it is.
    Like «Q’uran — the holy book of Muslims» — «Коран — священное писание (священная книга) мусульман». «Torah — the holy book of jews» — «Тора — священное писание евреев».


    • #4

    Yeah. And «письмо» sounds more like just writing of letters (not necessary resulting in books or something like that).
    «Каждый человек владеет навыками чтения и письма, но не каждый может писать книги.»


    • #5

    In addition:
    It seems that «писательство» is the most appropriate noun (that means writing of literary works). Although «у меня есть писательские способности» (or, maybe even better, «писательский талант») sounds much, much more natural than «у меня есть способности к писательству».

    • #6

    In addition:
    It seems that «писательство» is the most appropriate noun (that means writing of literary works). Although «у меня есть писательские способности» (or, maybe even better, «писательский талант») sounds much, much more natural than «у меня есть способности к писательству».

    It’s just how I’m feeling about this.

    • #7

    У меня есть литературные способности will do, too.

    • #8

    У меня талант к маранию бумаги, хотя многим моя писанина приходится по душе — I have a talent to waste paper, however many find my scribble to their liking.

    Write from the heart and set creativity

    As a content creator, you can lose sight of your talent for quality writing. One have to write from the heart and set creativity. Writing gigs can be inherently fun and allow for your creativity to flow with little effort. They might also pay you a generous sum for doing what you love. But finding both can be a rare find these days.

    Let’s talk about that.

    Maybe following your passion dovetails with making a decent income. More often, though, freelance writers have to choose between getting creative or making money. I want to do both, don’t you?

    We may think we have no choice. But with a lot of commitment and an ounce of faith, we have a chance to shine. If you want to follow your passion, you’ll have to risk not making much money right away. There are sites like this one that let you spread your wings and fly that proverbial pen across the page while earning money for reader engagement.

    Reader engagement increases when we share engaging content. 

    Without sharing from the heart, your engagement will inevitably drop. If you’re writing about local news you don’t find compelling, it will show up in your readership over time.

    Ever notice how trending articles gain high exposure and interest then crash? It’s because people get curious, then quickly get bored. They need to feel your passion blazing through the screen or page. Let words evoke emotion and touch their hearts. They’ll eagerly share with their friends because they relate. Your passion is timeless and potentially life-altering. Isn’t it wonderful to know your words can change a person’s life?

    You have to look at your long game. 

    It’s tempting to let other offers lure you into thinking that instant gratification will help you grow as a writer. Any business that skimps on quality for the sake of mass content won’t last, and neither will you. It’ll sap your motivation and eventually take the wind out of your sails. That quick money-making kind of writing job isn’t sustainable.

    You’ll sacrifice improving your craft for a paycheck. That can result in less pay anyway since you’re already disenchanted and know you can’t force it. You’ll inevitably drop out of the race for quick cash.

    Write from the heart and set creativity

    People love to read stories we share from our hearts. When they get inspired by your words, give them more. Keep writing about what matters to you, or try a new, exciting fiction series. Write about sex. Everyone loves to read about sex.

    Follow your muse. Add vibrant color and sharp flavor. Excite and delight your reader with what lights you up. Inspire them with your passion.

    Write from the heart and set creativity

    If local news inspires you, I applaud you. 

    The news doesn’t inspire me unless it’s a feel-good story on a charitable act or supporting a local business.

    Lately, I struggle with choosing to spend my limited time writing short informational news articles or diving into my never-ending creative well and sharing heartfelt essays. As a single homeschooling mom of two young children, I often have to choose one or the other — be passionate or write boring news stories.

    I don’t naturally write very fast, mostly due to my attention to detail and refusal to crank out poor-quality writing. Some of us can produce quality work promptly, but I’m not one of them.

    It’s not hard to write about what I know. I publish stories on local restaurants or nonprofit organizations. But it’s mostly me regurgitating website info or repeating myself as I rave about amazing enchiladas and soup kitchens. I had a goal to earn a certain amount, and I dropped the ball.

    It’s excruciating to write without inspiration. When I’m unmotivated to write, it feels like a chore. And when it feels like such hard work, I flee or freeze. Why endure that when I could be writing what sets my pen flying?

    Some of us are doing the equivalent of serving tables while working on our novel. I accept that, sometimes, we do what we don’t love to get to where we want to be. But it’s becoming more clear to me that when I force myself to push local news pieces, it holds me back from shining my light. Why not turn it on and keep going?

    Final thoughts

    Imagine what fire we spark in ourselves and others by sharing our passions through our talent for the written word. When you only focus on the money, you forget what’s important. It’ll show up in your writing, too.

    Why not follow your heart instead? Take the slow and steady path, setting intentions for improving your craft through accessing your true inspiration. Find your muse and pay attention. Then cozy up by the fireplace and enjoy basking in the glow of your light.

    See also an interesting article on “personal writing for self development“

    How to Hone Your Talent for Writing Into a Successful Copywriting Career


    By: Victoria Kennedy and Tom Gil

    The information age is not only characterized by the technology that brought it about, but demand from consumers for a constant stream of content.

    While being a writer in the new millennium has come with its challenges as the traditional ways of earning an income have evolved, other opportunities have risen. Every platform needs a writer, from businesses needing to reel in customers via social media to websites seeking blog contributors.

    Copywriting in particular has evolved into an in-demand career. Why? Copywriting is an essential element of marketing and advertising. Writers create words with the purpose of persuading people to take action after reading or hearing them.

    Real estate copywriter Tom Gil recognized the need for businesses to partner with trustworthy and efficient copywriters and climbed the ladder to success by helping companies market their brands. But how do those, like Tom, who has a knack for writing, turn that talent into a successful career? Gil shares his tips with those ready to master their writing talent and launch their copywriting career.

    Enhance your value.

    To become successful, copywriters must work to enhance their value, but this can be more difficult than it sounds. Professional writers must master grammar, English, punctuation, spelling, adjectives, and have a vast vocabulary to pull from when they write. Studying the language helps, but in all honesty, practice makes perfect.

    Gil encourages:

    Read aloud your own blog, newsletter, emails, DMs, and WhatsApp messages. See how they flow. Ask for feedback from more experienced writers. If you have nothing to offer for their time, ghostwrite for them for free, and ask for feedback.

    Another essential skill critical to copywriting is research. Before a copywriter types a single word, he or she must spend time researching and organizing the information. Many do not take enough time in this step or overlook its value.

    Research, outlining, and honing writing skills is just the beginning. A skilled copywriter must know how to influence an audience with a call to action, and this takes knowledge of advertising and marketing. Having the ability to do so can make or break a career for a copywriter.

    Gil explains:

    Increase your actual value and improve your knowledge on influence, behavioral economics, psychology, sales, and negotiations. It is about moving people to take action by agitating problems – moving them away from pain; or exhibiting benefits moving them closer to desire, all while tackling objections.

    [Related: These Three Steps Will Cure Impostor Syndrome]

    Focus on their needs, not yours.

    It is easy for copywriters to get wrapped up in leveling up their own career. However, many will find if they instead focus on the needs of their clients, their own personal career will grow organically.

    When a writer understands what a client, or editor, is seeking, he or she is in a better position to understand what their audience is all about, speak the language of their client’s brand, and recognize how to get the audience to pay attention. Women in particular have a knack for being in tune with the emotions and needs of others and need to not be afraid of harnessing these talents in their work.

    Gil says:

    Understand the needs of your clients and editors. Not what you get out of it. Not the transactional nature, and not even the relationship. Focus on what problems they’re experiencing. The restaurant needing its website launched in seven days due to perished goods being ordered in advance; or the editor who must meet the deadline for a printed magazine. By doing that, relationships are built naturally, and money follows suit.

    By focusing on the client, a copywriter can do an exceptional job in creating what the client desires. Gil explained he was able to land nine-figure brands and write for some of the biggest publications in the world within just two years as a copywriter by building trust with a client when he put their needs first. This results in greater leads for the client and credibility for the copywriter. From there, the income and additional job offers will come.

    [Related: How to Thrive in the Reinvention Revolution]

    Increase your perceived value.

    Companies need to see the value in what a copywriter is offering. Copywriters are not just writers, they are entrepreneurs who need clients to see why good copy is a necessity and why they need the service.

    This is the perceived value of how a copywriter can help market the company’s business. There are a dozen of other copywriters down the road who can spin words into marketing gold. The true ticket to success is standing out and being recognized.

    Gil urges:

    Money follows attention. It doesn’t matter how good of a copywriter you are if nobody knows about it. Believing you’re the best is motivation keeping you going. Appearing as the best is what gets you paid. Call it social proof, or the halo effect. But just get known.

    There are several ways copywriters can get their name out there to businesses in need of professional help with their websites and emails. Gil suggests:

    Write thought leadership papers and interview as a subject matter expert. It’s investing in yourself and your brand. It will better position you in the marketplace, create leverage with clients, and trust with prospects.

    Having a talent for writing is just the first step in building a productive career as a copywriter. Those who can transform that talent and market themselves to corporations in need of their services and nurture those relationships will be well on their way to success.

    [Related: Five Essential Things You Need to Know When Starting Your Business Online]

    Victoria Kennedy, CEO of Victorious PR, has helped dozens of entrepreneurs become the #1 authority in their niche and has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Yahoo Finance. Find out more here.

    Tom Gil is a certified real estate copywriter and marketing consultant. He is a Harvard-trained negotiator, real estate investor, and former special forces sniper instructor. His investing methods have been featured in Real Trends and REALTOR Magazine, his persuasive copywriting techniques in Wealth Magazine and Psychology Today, and he is a contributor for Inc. and ADWEEK. He helps ambitious real estate firms, realtors, and investors sharpen their message, improve their voice, and increase their earnings. Find him at tomgil.com.

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