Take them at their word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Many in the general public take them at their word.

We take them at their word, as we did before.

We should take them at their word, and demand that they start confronting the real problem.

Мы должны поймать их на слове и потребовать, чтобы они начали противостоять реальной проблеме.

If we take them at their word, we can rule out any logical reason.

Если мы поверим им, то мы можем исключить любую логическую причину.

The only way to deal with them successfully in a matter like this was to take them at their word.

Единственный способ удовлетворительно разрешить такое дело — это поймать их на слове.

Most of us take them at their word.

I take them at their word on this.

But don’t take them at their word without comparing prices.

Only the truly credulous and naive would take them at their word.

And we will take them at their word.

Or, more tragically, we can take them at their word

We do not have time to be investigators: we trust people and take them at their word.

Нам некогда заниматься исследованиями: мы доверяем людям на слово.

We take them at their word because we want to believe it.

You can take them at their word.

I take them at their word; they hate life.

So, if there truly is «nothing new under the sun,» take them at their word, and act accordingly.

Так что, если действительно «ничто не ново под луной», ловите их на слове, и действуйте соответствующе.

If someone tries to sell you something with a brain on it, don’t just take them at their word.

Если вам пытаются продать что-то с изображением мозга на нём, не верьте на слово.

The parties to any loan always claim it is prudent: a bank analyst has little choice but to take them at their word.

Стороны любой кредитной сделки всегда утверждают, что она благоразумна, и банковскому аналитику ничего не остается кроме как поверить им на слово.

Should we just take them at their word?

Now, the figures on this list are based entirely on estimates given by developers and/or publishers, so we could only take them at their word.

Однако следует указать, что в данном списке цифры полностью основаны на информации, предоставленной разработчиками и/или издателями, т.е. мы не можем быть точно уверенно в их подлинности.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 36. Точных совпадений: 36. Затраченное время: 143 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

take someone at his word

ловить кого-либо на слове

Иллюстрированный сборник идиом. — М.: «Росмэн».

Смотреть что такое «take someone at his word» в других словарях:

  • take someone at his — ● word …   Useful english dictionary

  • take (someone) at (their) word — to decide to believe exactly what someone tells you, even if it does not seem likely to be true. When he said he d give me a job, I took him at his word and turned up the next day at his office …   New idioms dictionary

  • take someone at their word — phrase to do something as a result of what someone has said, even though they may not have meant exactly what they said He said he didn’t mind what we did, and we took him at his word. Thesaurus: to believe or accept that something is true or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • take someone at their word — to do something as a result of what someone has said, even though they may not have meant exactly what they said He said he didn t mind what we did, and we took him at his word …   English dictionary

  • take at one’s word — {v. phr.} To believe everything (someone) says; to act on what is said. * /If you say you don t want this coat, I ll take you at your word and throw it away./ * /When the king said he wished to be rid of his advisor, a friend took him at his word …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • take at one’s word — {v. phr.} To believe everything (someone) says; to act on what is said. * /If you say you don t want this coat, I ll take you at your word and throw it away./ * /When the king said he wished to be rid of his advisor, a friend took him at his word …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • take at one’s word — v. phr. To believe everything (someone) says; to act on what is said. If you say you don t want this coat, I ll take you at your word and throw it away. When the king said he wished to be rid of his advisor, a friend took him at his word and… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • take someone’s word for it — take (someone s) word for it to believe someone. If she says she s sick, you have to take her word for it. I took him at his word when he said he could translate Russian …   New idioms dictionary

  • word — [wʉrd] n. [ME < OE, akin to Ger wort < IE * werdh (extension of base * wer , to speak, say) > Gr eirein, to speak, L verbum, word] 1. a) a speech sound, or series of them, serving to communicate meaning and consisting of at least one… …   English World dictionary

  • take a man at his word — take what someone says seriously, treat someone s remarks seriously …   English contemporary dictionary

  • word — ► NOUN 1) a single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used to form sentences with others. 2) a remark or statement. 3) (a word) even the smallest amount of something spoken or written: don t believe a word. 4) (words) angry talk.… …   English terms dictionary


  • #1

«To take someone at their word» means to believe them.
He said he owns an island in the Bahamas . . that’s a little hard to believe, but I take him at his word.

Is there an equivalent French expression, or is it just «je lui fais confiance» ??

  • #2

From the WR dictionary:

take [sb] at his/her word v expr (believe [sb] is speaking honestly) croire sur parole loc v
take [sb]’s word for [sth] v expr (believe) croire sur parole loc v
Don’t take my word for it — look it up for yourself.
Ne me croyez pas sur parole, vérifiez par vous-mêmes.

Take Them at Their Words: Shocking, Amusing and Baffling Quotations from the GOP and Their Friends, 1994-2004

Передняя обложка

Academy Chicago Publishers, 2004 — Всего страниц: 369

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Google не подтверждает отзывы, однако проверяет данные и удаляет недостоверную информацию.

In the Wake of the Republican Revolution of 1994, when the G.O.P. won majority status in the U.S. House of Representatives and House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s «Contract With America made best-seller lists, Bruce J. Miller began collecting the verbal and rhetorical gems of freshman Republicans and their many friends in the media—as well as a smattering of oddities from the other end of the political spectrum. «Take Them At Their Words is an amusing, shocking and revealing compendium of quotes taken from a wide variety of sources such as the «Congressional Record, radio and television, newspapers, books, magazines and websites. The quotes are grouped under headings like «Earth day at the G.O.P.» and «Love Thy Neighbor.» Twelve contemporary political cartoons are also included. Here are a few samples: «[Sarah Brady] ought to be put down. A humane shot at a veterinarian’s would be an easy way to do it. I wish she would just keep wheeling her husband around, wiping the saliva off his mouth once in a while—and leave the rest of us damn well alone.» «Bob Mohan, talk radio host from Phoenix, Arizona, speaking on station KFYI about gun control activists Sarah and James Brady, 4-29-95. «If I was still in office I would be raping and pillaging throughout the intelligence community to get to the bottom of this.» «Then-retired Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Colin Powell, testifying before the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee about the exposure of U.S. troops to chemical weapons during the Persian Gulf War, 4-18-97. .» . . Now depending on your circumstances and the nature of the attack, you might do better by staying put. Or it might be better to get away. You should understand and plan for bothpossibilities. Think about fresh water, food, and clean air.» «From a voice recording of Tom Ridge at the Dept of Homeland Security, 1-800-BE-READY, 4-9-03.

SimitarI “love” the way that my Latte sipping friends want to insist that Islam and its nutters do not want to conquer the world . Mainly because it seems to me to be a valiant imitation of the ostrich’s defensive head burying behaviour. The fact of the matter is that among the motivated believers  a world dominated by their faith is what they imagine on their pillows every night, they desire a homogenised world where the only vision of the deity is their own. Fortunately for the world there is  a greater percentage of the faithful who are rather more interested in the welfare of their families than in building the caliphate.

None the less  I think that it is wise to take note of what these nutters actually say that they want to do, in fact I think that we should take them at their word when they say they want to rule the world:

“There is no doubt that the huge growth in the population of Asia, together with its economic and military development, will make Australia into lebensraum — to use the European term,” writes Mr Hamid. Lebensraum, meaning living space, was a term used by Nazi Germany as a motivation for territorial conquest.

Asia, Mr Hamid writes, is facing a population explosion “while Australia is nearly empty of people, apart from scattered groups of white residents”.

Residents of “the Israeli outpost” at the other end of Asia are likewise warned to return to their countries of origin or face an “unequal conflict”.

These warnings, however, are marginal to the central vision offered in the article — the emergence of a vibrant pan-Asian identity in which Islam, and the Taliban in particular, constitutes a powerful moral and cultural force but not an exclusive one. Its emphasis on pan-Asian political identity rather than pan-Islamic sets it apart from al-Qa’ida ideology. The Taliban article does not call for jihad, although it hints at the possibility of “peaceful Islamic expansion” and the linchpin role in the “Asian Age”, as the author terms it, is ceded to non-Islamic China.

Western power is fading fast, he writes, “to the benefit of Asian giants, and first and foremost among them the colossal economic and human power of China”.

Of course  the reality of our geography make a storming of our beaches most unlikely, and even less likely to succeed, but the real threat comes from those we allow into the country who share  the same vision of the world as Mr Hamid then actively seeking , as Jean Luc would say,  to “make it so” .  The best way to avoid this happening  would have to be ensuring that all of our people have a primary identity as Australians and that we should  discourage the creation of insular ghettoes as they have failed to do in places like the UK and the Netherlands. Just look at the social problems there and you can see what we can expect in the not too distant future if we don’t address the problem now.

A lot of the problem is a side effect of the information revolution. When my family came here in the early sixties communication with my homeland was either slow or too  expensive. There was no choice but to become fully invested in this country. Now the net  and cheap telephony makes the sort of disconnection form the homeland that any  migrant needs to fully commit to the new life almost impossible and we see too many people who are here physically but their loyalties  remain entirely with their old life and their old culture with all of its old  baggage .

Am I the only one who thinks that this is the  problem?
Cheers Comrades


Tags: Mr Hamid of teh Tallibam, pan-Asian political identity

in Australian Politics, England, Ethical questions, Federal politics, France, God bothering, international politics, Iran, Iraq, Islam, Islamist Terror threats, Israel, Leftism, Multiculturalism, Netherlands, Pakistan, Political Correctness, Sri Lanka, World Events, WTF??? ERR??? on November 6, 2009.

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