Таблицы excel в таблицу oracle

Задача. У вас есть файл Excel – и вы хотите, чтобы эти данные были помещены в таблицу. Я покажу вам, как это делается, и мы задокументируем каждый шаг с большим количеством иллюстраций.

Прочитав этот пост, вы будете готовы с уверенностью импортировать данные в существующую таблицу из Excel. Хотите создать новую таблицу из Excel? Мы тоже можем это сделать.

В нашем примере я буду использовать таблицу HR.EMPLOYEES для создания XLS-файла для нашего импорта. Мы будем использовать этот файл Excel для заполнения пустой копии таблицы EMPLOYEES в другой схеме.

Шаг 0: Пустая таблица Oracle и ваш файл Excel

У вас есть таблица Oracle и один или несколько файлов Excel.

Шаг 1: Выбираем «Импорт данных» по правому щелчку мыши

Шаг 2: Выберите свой входной файл (XLSX) и проверьте данные

Если вы уже запускали этот мастер раньше, вы можете выбрать файлы из предыдущих сеансов.

Когда вы выберете файл, мы захватим первые 100 строк для просмотра ниже. Этот «Предел строк предварительного просмотра» определяет, сколько строк вы можете использовать для проверки ИМПОРТА по мере прохождения мастера. Вы можете увеличить его, но это потребует больше ресурсов, так что не сходите с ума.

Кроме того, есть ли в вашем файле Excel заголовки столбцов? Хотим ли мы рассматривать их как строку к таблице? Скорее всего, нет. Если вы снимите флажок «Заголовок», имена столбцов станут новой строкой в вашей таблице – и, вероятно, не будут вставлены.

Иногда ваш файл Excel имеет несколько заголовков, или вам может потребоваться импортировать только определенное подмножество электронной таблицы. Используйте опцию «Пропустить строки», чтобы получить правильные данные.

Шаг 3: Создайте сценарий или импортируйте автоматически

По мере прохождения шагов в мастере мы будем держать панель предварительного просмотра содержимого файла под рукой, так что вам не придется нажимать  alt+tab туда и обратно от Excel до SQL Developer.

Для этого упражнения будет использоваться метод «Вставки» (Insert). Каждая строка, обработанная в файле Excel, приведет к выполнению инструкции INSERT в таблице, в которую мы импортируем.

Если вы выберете «Вставить скрипт», мастер завершит работу скриптом ВСТАВКИ на вашем листе SQL. Это хорошая альтернатива, если вы хотите настроить SQL, или если вам нужно отладить/посмотреть, почему метод «Insert» не работает.

Шаг 4: Выберите столбцы Excel для импорта

Мастер по умолчанию использует все используемые столбцы Excel в том порядке, в котором они находятся в файле.

У вас может быть файл Excel со 100 столбцами, но ваша таблица имеет только 30. Здесь вы даете команду SQL Developer, какие столбцы должны использоваться для импорта. Вы также можете изменить порядок столбцов, что может сделать следующий шаг немного проще.

Шаг 5: Сопоставьте столбцы Excel со столбцами таблицы

Левая панель представляет столбцы в файле XLS. Информация справа показывает, куда идут эти данные и как они будут обрабатываться в Oracle.

Если вы не обращаете внимания и просто позволяете Мастеру импорта делать всё по умолчанию, то сейчас самое время проснуться. Есть большая вероятность, что порядок столбцов файла Excel не будет соответствовать определению вашей таблицы. На этом шаге вы указываете SQL Developer-у, какие столбцы в электронной таблице совпадают с какими столбцами в таблице Oracle.

А помните, как мы установили это окно предварительного просмотра на 100 строк? Мы внимательно изучаем данные, ищем проблемы, пытаясь вписать их в столбец вашей таблицы. Если мы обнаружим проблему, мы пометим столбцы этими «предупреждающими» символами.

Я загрязнил свой файл Excel некоторыми намеренно ошибочными значениями, которые, как я знаю, не будут «подходить». Когда эти строки будут обнаружены в мастере, база данных их отклонит, но остальные строки будут введены.

Давайте на секунду поговорим о форматах даты и времени.

О TIMESTAMP тоже. В файле Excel у вас, вероятно, будут некоторые поля даты и времени, которые вы хотите переместить в столбцы формата  DATE или TIMESTAMP. SQL Developer обрабатывает эти значения как строки – и ВАМ нужно сообщить SQL Developer формат DATE или TIMESTAMP, чтобы иметь возможность их преобразовать.

Давайте посмотрим на HIREDATE.

Это значение «ха – ха» никогда не войдет в качестве значения HIRE_DATE – если только вы не храните ДАТЫ в VARCHAR2, — и если вы делаете это, то делаете это НЕПРАВИЛЬНО. Всегда храните ДАТЫ в формате DATE!

Видите выпадающий селектор «Формат» (Format)? SQL Developer по умолчанию установил строку формата ДАТЫ в ‘DD-MON-RR’ – мы пытаемся угадать это на основе строк, которые мы рассматриваем в этом окне предварительного просмотра 100.

Если мы ошиблись в догадках или не смогли разобраться, вам нужно будет ввести это самостоятельно. Документы Oracle могут помочь вам определить правильную модель формата ДАТЫ. Если вы видите небольшое предупреждающее изображение рядом со значениями даты на панели данных, возможно, у вас неправильный формат.

Шаг 6: Проверьте свои настройки и ВПЕРЕД!

Кнопка «Готово» запустит магию.

Нажмите на кнопку «Готово» (Finish).

Если Мастер столкнется с какими-либо проблемами при выполнении вставок, вы увидите следующее:

Помните те забавные данные, которые я поместил в файл Excel? Теперь это создает проблемы.

Я собираюсь сказать «Да», чтобы игнорировать все ошибки. Но если вам нужна КАЖДАЯ отдельная строка – вам нужно сказать «Отмена», чтобы начать все сначала. Затем вы можете либо исправить свои данные в файле Excel, либо внести изменения в свою таблицу, чтобы данные соответствовали/работали.

Нажав ‘Да», мы доберемся до конца нашей истории и наших данных!

Шаг 7: Посмотрите, Что сработало, а Что нет

Во-первых, есть ли плохие новости?

Если были строки, отклоненные базой данных, мы увидим их сейчас.

За этим диалогом находятся инструкции INSERT, которые мы пытались запустить, но не сработали. Вы можете изменить их вручную, чтобы исправить несколько записей. Но если у вас тысячи забракованных строк – лучше разобраться в файле (в источнике импорта).

Теперь давайте посмотрим на наши новые табличные данные!

Я люблю сладкий запах данных по утрам!

Обратите внимание на панель «Журнал» (Log). Там можно увиеть файл, с которым мы работали, и сколько времени потребовалось для загрузки данных.

Всё! Можно выдохнуть свободно. Импорт из файла Excel в таблицу базы данных Oracle завершен. В шапке статьи вы можете посмотреть видео инструкцию  — копию этого мануала на английском языке.

Вас заинтересует / Intresting for you:

convert your excel file format to .csv format with using save as option

Save below content in a file with .ctl extension in the D drive under folder_name folder. Before running this .ctl make sure that table should be present in your schema with the distinct column names not like in your posted image. And the column name should be match with names of .ctl file(sc_id,
sal, etc). And the datatypes of your columns should be match with the data present in a .csv file. And also make sure that your table should be empty otherwise you should use truncate or append options in your .ctl file.

    INFILE 'D:folder_namecsvfile_name.CSV'
    BADFILE 'D:folder_namecsvfile_name.BAD'
    DISCARDFILE 'D:folder_namecsvfile_name.log'
    logfile 'D:folder_namecsvfile_name.DSC'
    iNTO TABLE schema_name.table_name


Run your .ctl file in sql plus with use of below commands

sqlldr schema_name/password@databasename control=your control file path.

If any error occurs while loading data into table those will logged into .log file. For learn more about sqlloader Refer http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B10501_01/server.920/a96652/ch05.htm

TL;DR – Skip to the video!

Hate GUIs, want to do this via the command-line?

THIS is your number one question – and it has been here on my blog since the day I posted it.

You have an Excel file – and you want that data put into a table. I’ll show you how, and we’ll document each step of the way with plenty of pictures.

You will be prepared to import data to an existing table from Excel with confidence after reading this post. Want to build a new table from Excel? We can do that, too.

Warning: This post has a LOT of pictures.

For our example I’ll be using the HR.EMPLOYEES table to create the XLS file for our import. We’ll use that Excel file to populate an empty copy of the EMPLOYEES table in another schema.

Step 0: The Empty Oracle Table and your Excel File

You have an Oracle table and you have one or more Excel files.

You do know how to view multiple objects at once in SQL Developer, right?

Step 1: Mouse-right click – Import Data

Step 2: Select your input (XLSX) file and verify the data

If you’ve ran this wizard before, you can pick files from previous sessions.

As you select the file, we’ll grab the first 100 rows for you to browse below. This ‘Preview Row Limit’ defines how many rows you can use to verify the IMPORT as we step through the wizard. You can increase it, but that will take more resources, so don’t go crazy.

Also, does your Excel file have column headers? Do we want to treat those as a row to the table? Probably not. If you uncheck the ‘Header’ flag, the column names will become a new row in your table – and probably fail to be inserted.

Sometimes your Excel file has multiple headers, or you may need to only import a certain subset of the spreadsheet. Use the ‘Skip Rows’ option to get the right data.

Step 3: Create a script or import automatically

As the wizard progresses, we’ll keep the File Contents preview panel handy so you don’t have to alt+tab back and forth from Excel to SQL Developer.

For this exercise the ‘Insert’ method will be used. Each row processed in the Excel file will result in an INSERT statement executed on the table we’re importing to.

If you choose ‘Insert Script’, the wizard will end with an INSERT Script in your SQL Worksheet. This is a nice alternative if you want to customize the SQL, or if you need to debug/see why the ‘Insert’ method isn’t working.

Working with CSV? You’ll get even more methods – great for VERY LARGE data sets.

Step 4: Select the Excel Columns to be Imported

The wizard defaults to all of the Excel columns being used, in the order they’re found in the file.

You may have an Excel file with 100 columns but your table only has 30. This is where you tell SQL Developer what columns are to be used for the import. You can also modify the column order, which may make the next step a bit easier.

Step 5: Map the Excel Columns to the Table Columns

The left panel represents the columns in the XLS file. The information on the right shows where that data is going, and how it will be treated.

If you’re not paying attention and just letting the wizard guide you home, then now is the time to wake up. There’s a good chance the column order of the Excel file won’t match the definition of your table. This is where you will tell SQL Developer what columns in the spreadsheet match up to what columns in the Oracle table.

And remember how we set that preview window to 100 rows? We’re peaking at the data, looking for problems as we try to fit it into your table column. If we find a problem, we’ll mark the columns with those ‘warning’ symbols.

I’ve polluted my Excel file with some values that I know won’t ‘fit.’ When these rows are encountered in the wizard, they’ll be rejected by the database – but the other rows will come in.

Let’s talk about DATES for a second.

And TIMESTAMPS too. In the excel file, you’re probably going to have some date/time fields you want to move into DATE or TIMESTAMP columns. SQL Developer is treating those value as strings – and YOU need to tell SQL Developer the DATE or TIMESTAMP format to use to be able to convert them.

Let’s look at HIREDATE.

That ‘ha ha’ value will never make it in as a HIRE_DATE value – unless you’re storing DATES in a VARCHAR2 – and if you’re doing that, you’re doing it WRONG. Always store DATES as a DATE!

See the ‘Format’ drop down selector? SQL Developer has defaulted the DATE format string to ‘DD-MON-RR’ – we try to guess based on the rows we’re looking at in that 100 preview window.

If we have guessed wrong, or were unable to figure it out, you’ll need to input this yourself. The Oracle Docs can help you define the correct DATE Format Model. If you see the little warning graphics next to your Date values in the Data panel, you might have the wrong format.

Step 6: Verify your settings and GO!

The ‘Finish’ button will start the magic.

Click on the ‘Finish’ button.

If the Wizard runs into any problems doing the INSERTs, you’ll see this:

Remember that funny data i put into the Excel file? That’s causing problems now.

I’m going to say ‘Yes’ to ignore all the errors. But, if you need EVERY single row – you need to say ‘Cancel’ to start over. Then you can either fix your data in the Excel file, or make changes to your table so the data will fit/work.

After clicking ‘Yes’, we’ll get to the end of our story, and our data!

Step 7: See What Worked and What Didn’t

First, any bad news?

If there were rows rejected by the database, we’ll see those now.

Behind that dialog are the INSERT statements we tried to run, but didn’t work. You might be able to edit those manually to fix a few records. But if you have thousands of rejected rows – better to fix at the source.

Now let’s go look at our new table data!

I love the sweet smell of data in the morning!

Note the ‘Log’ panel. We’ll show you the file we worked with, and how much time it took to load the data.

Just a few more pointers when it comes to Excel

  • Storing data in Excel can be…dangerous
  • If you have a lot of data or if this will be a repeating process, consider External Tables or SQL*Loader instead
  • If you like to put data in Oracle because you understand SQL better than Excel macros, then welcome to the club 😉
  • Here’s 11 more tips on Importing Excel/CSV into your database

The Movie

In this article, we will explain different methods to load data from excel sheet into Oracle database.

Below are the methods that can be used.

  •  SQLCL utility
  •  TOAD

Here we will explain how to do this with SQL developer and SQLCL utility.


SQL developer is a free tool provided by SQL developer is a free tool provided by Oracle for managing database with GUI interface.

You can download and install it on your desktop. Loading the excel sheet into a table using SQL developer is the easiest way.

Let’s say, we have an excel sheet names employee.xlsx as below.

So first create a table with the columns same as excel sheet.

SQL> show user
);  2    3    4    5    6

Table created.

Once the table is created, connect to the database using SQL developer.

Select the table, which we created,(where data will be loaded).

Right click on the table and select Import Data.

Browse the xlsx file and set format to xls.

Import method -> Insert

We have successfully imported the excel sheet into the table. Let’s check in the database.

SQL> select count(*) from app_user.employee;



SQLCL is a free utility provided by Oracle that provides an option to load CSV file to a database table easily.

For installation and use please refer – SQLCL Utility in Oracle:

But here we have an excel sheet which has the extension. .xlsx So 1st step is to convert this to.xlsx csv .

Steps to convert excel sheet to the csv file.

Open a notepad and paste the below connect and name it as XlsToCsv.vbs

Script reference – https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1858195/convert-xls-to-csv-on-command-line

if WScript.Arguments.Count < 2 Then
    WScript.Echo "Error! Please specify the source path and the destination. Usage: XlsToCsv SourcePath.xls Destination.csv"
End If
Dim oExcel
Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Dim oBook
Set oBook = oExcel.Workbooks.Open(Wscript.Arguments.Item(0))
oBook.SaveAs WScript.Arguments.Item(1), 6
oBook.Close False
WScript.Echo "Done"

Now in command prompt, go to the location where this executable file exists.

If it shows Done, then CSV file conversion is successful. Then copy this csv file to your database server.

Login with SQLCL utility and use LOAD command. Before that table structure needs to be created in the database.

);  2    3    4    5    6

Table created.

SYNTAXLOAD  [ table_name ] [ csv file with path ]

SQL> select count(*) from app_user.employee;


We loaded the CSV file successfully.

In this oracle tutorial, we will learn how to connect excel to an oracle database. also, we will cover these topics.

  • Connect Excel to Oracle Database
  • Connect Excel to Oracle Database 12c
  • Excel Connect to Oracle Database without ODBC
  • Excel Connect to Oracle Database with ODBC
  • Excel Connect to Oracle Database using OLED
  • Excel Connection String to Oracle Database
  • Can you link excel to Oracle Database

In this section, we will learn how to connect Excel to Oracle Database without ODBC.

  • Microsoft Excel has built-in feature of connecting excel to oracle database and we show show you how to use it.
  • Once the connection is established, you will be able to access all the files in the oracle database of that common particular user.
  • In our case, c##sqlserverguides is the name of our common user name. Please note that it is mandatory to c## as suffix while creating a user name.
  • There are three things required to connect excel with the oracle database.
    • Server or SSID
    • Username
    • Password
  • Default ssid is “orcl” which is also the Global Database name. In case you have changed it or created a new one then please mention that one.
  • Open Microsoft Excel and click on the Data tab, from there click on the the From Database dropdown and select ‘From Oracle Database‘.
Connect Excel to Oracle Database
Connect Excel to Oracle Database
  • If you encounter this error then simply click on the on the OK button. The error won’t create problem while connecting excel with the Oracle database.
Oracle.DataAccess.Client is not Installed
  • Enter the name of server or ssid here. ssid is the name of the global database created at the time of installation. In our case, it is ‘orcl’, click on the ok button to proceed.
Enter Server or SSID to connect excel with oracle database
Enter Server or SSID to connect excel with oracle database
  • Excel is connected to oracle database now you can browse of all the oracle data on the microsoft excel.
Excel Connected to Oracle Database

Read How to Check Oracle Database Version

Connect Excel to Oracle Database with ODBC

In this section, we will learn how to connect excel to the oracle database on the windows operating system.

  • Offline installed Excel software can only be connected to the oracle database. Web based excel won’t give option to connect with the database.
  • First step in the process is we have to create a new data source on “Windows Administrative Tools” on windows operating system.
windows administrative tools
Windows Administrative Tools
  • Inside “Windows Administrative Tool” click on the ODBC Data Sources (64-bit). From the appeared prompt select “User DSN” tab and click on Add button.
  • Another prompt will appear “Create New Data Source” in that prompt select “Oracle in OraDB19Home1“. This name may change in future but it will always start with the key ‘oracle’. Click on the the finish button.
create new data source
Create New Data Source
  • Once you clicked on the finish button in the previous option, you will see “Oracle Database Driver Configuration” window.
  • Data Source Name: Name provided here will reflect in excel and you have to choose it over there.
  • Description: If you want to add a little description about your database you can write it here. Description can also be treated as instruction for other users of the database.
  • TNS Service Name: ‘orcl’ is the global database configured while installing the Oracle databse software. Incase you have changed it or created a new one then mention that here.
  • User ID: It is optional to provide user id. You can mention the common username here.
  • Click on the “Test Connection” button and provide the username and password and click on the ok button. If a prompt appear “Test Successful” that means you can move to next step now. Click on the Ok button on the “Oracle ODBC Driver Configuration” window.
oracle odbc driver connect
Oracle ODBC Driver Connect
  • Open Microsoft Excel and click on the Data tab, from there click on the the Get Data dropdown and select ‘From Other Sources‘, click on the option “From ODBC“.
Connect Excel to Oracle Database
Connect Excel to Oracle Database
  • Select the Data Source Name that we created in Oracle Odbc Driver Configuration.
  • Once done, it will ask for the username and password. Enter the credential and you will see that a screen with Navigation title will appear and now you can browse your data there. This is how we can connct excel with oracle database.
select database from ODBC in oracle database

Read How to Get List all Tables in Oracle Database

Connect Excel to Oracle Database 12c

In this section, we will learn how to connect excel to oracle database 12c on the windows operating system.

  • Oracle has released various versions so far out of these 12c and 11g were most popular and widely used versions.
  • Current stable long term version is Oracle database 19c and 21c is in innovation mode.
  • Though 12c has been obsolete still many organisations are still using it.
  • Steps to connect excel to oracle database 12c is similar to oracle database 19c. So you can follow section section “Connect Excel to Oracle Database with ODBC” of this tutorial.

Read: How to create table in Oracle

Excel Connect to Oracle Database without ODBC

In this section, we will learn how to connect excel connect to the oracle database without ODBC on the windows operating system.

  • Most of the connection between microsoft excel and oracle database are established using ODBC.
  • This type of connections are established in previous versions of microsoft excel when there was no option for from connecting oracle directly with excel.
  • In new versions there is already option to connect with oracle database as you can see in the below image.
from oracle database option in excel
From Oracle Database Option in Excel
  • In case this option is not available then using oled you can connect with the database.
  • to see practical implementation of excel connect to oracle database with oled visit the first section of this tutorial ” Connect Excel to Oracle Database”.

Also, check: How to Fetch Data from Oracle Database in Python

Excel Connect to Oracle Database using OLED

In this section, we will learn how excel connects to an oracle database using OLED in the Microsoft Windows operating system.

  • Open Microsoft Excel and click on the Data tab, from there click on the the Get Data dropdown, now click on ‘From Other Sources‘ and select From OLEDB.
excel connect to oracle using oled
Excel Connect to Oracle Database using OLED
  • In the connection string prompt enter the below code. In our case ‘orcl’ is the name of our global database so we have set source=orcl.
provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;data source=orcl
  • After entering the above code click on the build button a new promot will appear “Data Link Properties”. Enter the user name and password for the user you want to connect with. In our case we are connecting with “c##sqlserverguides”.
  • Once filled all the required information (username & password) click on “Test connection” button. If Test connection succeeded click on ok for all the three screens.
microsoft data link to excel connect with oracle database using oled
Microsoft Data Link
  • New prompt will appear immedietly after clicking on ok button of “From OLE
    DB” window.
  • Enter username and password one last time and click on connect. It may take few seconds then excel will be connected to oracle database.
final step excel connect to oracle database using oled
Final Step: Excel Connect to Oracle Database using OLED
  • Below is the window that will appear on the successful establishment of the connection. You will be able to access all the files, folder and tables available inside the connected user.
Excel Connected to Oracle Database
Excel Connected to Oracle Database

Read: Oracle get database name

Excel Connection String to Oracle Database

In this section, we will learn how to establish an excel connection string to an oracle database.

  • While connecting excel to oracle database you must have noticed ‘Credential Connection String’ box that might be optional in some cases.
  • Excel Connection String holds all the information about the connecting database like host, hostname, port, IP address, server type and service name.
  • while connecting excel to oracle database using oled we have to provide excel connection string that you can us the below excel connection string to connect with oracle databse.
provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;data source=orcl
  • If you are advance user and want to connect via oracle database on server than you can configure the setting using the below code.
provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;data source=
              DESCRIPTION = 
                 (ADDRESS = 
                   (PROTOCOL = TCP)
                   (HOST = localhost)
                   (PORT = 1521)
              (CONNECT_DATA = 
                  (SERVER = DEDICATED) 
                  (SERVICE_NAME = orcl))

Can you link excel to Oracle Database

In this section, we will answer the question “can you link excel to the oracle database“.

  • Yes, we can link excel to oracle database and there are multiple ways of doing that.
  • In this tutorial, we have explained 3 mojor ways that are widely used to connect excel to oracle database.
    • Connect excel to oracle database
    • Excel Connect to Oracle Database with ODBC
    • Excel Connect to Oracle Database using OLED
  • Visit each section to learn more about how to connect excel with oracle database.

In this tutorial, we have learned how to connect excel to an oracle database. Also, we have covered these topics.

  • Connect Excel to Oracle Database
  • Connect Excel to Oracle Database 12c
  • Excel Connect to Oracle Database without ODBC
  • Excel Connect to Oracle Database using OLED
  • Excel Connection String to Oracle Database
  • Can you link excel to Oracle Database


I am Bijay having more than 15 years of experience in the Software Industry. During this time, I have worked on MariaDB and used it in a lot of projects. Most of our readers are from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, etc.

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Are you trying to figure out how to load data from Excel into your database?

The problem: load data to Oracle

Many business analysts rely heavily upon Microsoft Excel as one of their primary sources for important business data. At some point they will need to load data into an Oracle database, and thus you will often hear them make requests such as the following:

  • Copying Excel data to Oracle
  • Importing Excel data to Oracle
  • Loading Excel data to Oracle
  • Transferring Excel data to Oracle

They key point is that regardless of how the business users ask, the request is essentially the same. Some very common ways they obtain such loading of the database data include:

Business user sending a formal data load request to their information systems people to perform and deliver the loaded Oracle table. However, this process can take time – sometimes more than the business user can wait.

Business user truly self-servicing by loading the database data themselves using a powerful tool like Quest®Toad® for Oracle, and then working with that data in Toad or some other database tool. This approach is quick and easy, plus Toad for Oracle integrates easily into the business analyst’s workflow.

In my recent blog titled “Copying database data to Microsoft Excel via Toad for Oracle” I showed how easily Toad for Oracle can export data into Excel — a favorite tool of many business analysts.

Toad for Oracle makes short work of this use case as well — how to load data from Excel into Oracle. For my example, I chose to use the Internet Movie Database (IMDB) and thus downloaded the movies title basic data. I then unzipped the file to obtain the 606 megabyte tab delimited text file named data.tsv. I then renamed that data file to movies.tsv so as not to forget what the file contains.


The solution to load data into Oracle

Many business analysts strongly favor the second choice of using Toad for Oracle to self-service and load data. In this blog I’ll review some common scenarios that facilitate easily copying Excel data to Oracle using Toad. The techniques that I’ll be showing work essentially the same in both of Toad’s primary interfaces for this task: the Schema Browser and Main-Menu—> Database —> Create —> Table. I’ll demonstrate using the Schema Browser, which is often the most common choice for this task.

Figure 1: Create a new table to load data.

Figure 1: Create a new table to load data

Now in Figure 2 below I’m inside the create table screen. First I chose to check the box for display advanced features, otherwise I would not see displayed the options which will be required. Second, I chose to open a file to read for the table’s column names. It uses the first row of data for that. Third, I chose my tab delimited text file. Finally, I pressed OK. Since my file was over 600 megabytes, it took a few seconds to process.

Figure 2: Method to populate the table columns to load data.

Figure 2: Method to populate the table columns to load data.

In Figure 3 below I now have all the columns for my table. Note that Toad has set the default datatype to VARCHAR2 for all columns. Moreover Toad also has set each column to be optional. You may need to modify these default choices as you know your data far better than Toad. Then press the OK button to create the table and load data.

Figure 3: Resulting population of table columns.

Figure 3: Resulting population of table columns.

In Figure 4 below I have now created the table required to hold all the data for the IMDB movies data file. Remember, the file is over 600 megabytes in size, so the data load will likely take a few moments. But we’re more than half-way home at this point. Now I just need to import the data into my newly created table.

Figure 4: Resulting table creation.

Figure 4: Resulting table creation.

In Figure 5 below I have now invoked Toad for Oracle’s Data Import wizard by opening the Right Hand Mouse (RHM) menu and select Import —> Data, or Main Menu —> Database—>Import—>Import Table Data. As you can now see, I am setup to initiate loading of the MOVIES table. However this is a multi-step wizard where we’ll need to specify additional information before the table can be loaded.

Figure 5: Page 1 of the data import wizard.

Figure 5: Page 1 of the data import wizard.

In Figure 6 below I am now on the second page of the data import wizard where I identify the file type and name. If you look back at Figure 2, you will see that we’ve answered two of the three key parameters. Note that we’ve yet to say that it’s a tab delimited file. Remember too that the first line in the file has the column names, so we’ll need to be able to tell Toad to skip over those.

Figure 6: Page 2 of the data import wizard.

Figure 6: Page 2 of the data import wizard.

In Figure 7 below I am now on the third page of the data import wizard where I identify the file as tab delimited text.


Figure 7: Page 3 of the data import wizard.

In Figure 8 below I am now on the fourth page of the data import wizard where I identify that Toad should start reading the table data at line 2 because the first row contains the column names. You should take your time on this page of the wizard to make sure you review the dates, times, and numbers settings based upon how your data is formatted in the text file.

Figure 8: Page 4 of the data import wizard.

Figure 8: Page 4 of the data import wizard.

In Figure 9 below I am now on the fifth page of the data import wizard where Toad has read a sample of the data rows and displays them for you to verify. Moreover, Toad displays a pop-up to see how you want to map the columns of data to the table columns. In this case it really does not matter. But had I created the columns in the table in a different order or reordered them, then the choice would have to be by matching the names.

Figure 9: Page 5 of the data import wizard.

Figure 9: Page 5 of the data import wizard.

In Figure 10 below I am now on the sixth page of the data import wizard where Toad displays the results of your selection from the prior page’s pop up where you specified the data file field to table column mapping. Again if I had reordered the columns in the table, I would have had to make changes on this page to properly align the fields to columns.

Figure 10: Page 6 of the data import wizard.

Figure 10: Page 6 of the data import wizard.

In Figure 11 below I am now on the seventh page of the data import wizard where Toad displays the field to column matching results performed upon the sample data with the column header row removed. Note that the columns displayed here are sized based upon the column name size. I’ll need to press the size cols to data button if I wish to be able to see the column values displayed in their entirety.

Figure 11: Page 7 of the data import wizard.

Figure 11: Page 7 of the data import wizard.

In Figure 12 below I am now on the eighth page of the data import wizard where Toad allows one to specify a host of parameters or options that control the actual database transaction processing. As you can see, I have said to perform batch array inserts of 500 rows, to truncate the table before loading, and to commit after every 500 rows. These choices will affect how long the actual data load takes. Remember that my data file is over 600 megabytes, so setting these parameters is critical. Now when I press the execute button, the data import process will begin.


Figure 12: Page 8 of the data import wizard.

In Figure 13 below I am now executing the data import process. The first time I ran this I got errors because the default column data types and size were VARCHAR(32) and the movies titles are much longer than that. I just chose to abort, increased the column lengths, and restarted the wizard. It then ran to completion without error. Did you note that even on my small VM running on a desktop PC that I’m getting loads of over 66,000 records per second!

Figure 13: Page 9 of the data import wizard.

Figure 13: Page 9 of the data import wizard.


If you are a business user who wants to copy from Excel to Oracle, use Toad. You can easily do automatic table creation and data loading as shown above. Thus you can self-service without requesting help from your information systems people. No other database tool makes copying data from Excel to Oracle quicker and easier than Toad. Plus no matter whether you’re using Toad freeware or the commercial version of Toad, the process is essentially the same.

Need help managing data? Try Toad for free!

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Try Toad for Oracle 

Toad® database management tools are cross-platform solutions from Quest® that can help new and veteran DBAs, and even “accidental” DBAs manage data in Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, SAP, MySQL, and Postgres environments. 

Related Toad World posts

Blog: Copying database data to Microsoft Excel via Toad for Oracle

Useful resources

Toad for Oracle general information

Technical brief: Top Five Reasons to Choose Toad Over SQL Developer

Case study: Opening doors and creating opportunities with data insights

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Head over to the Toad for Oracle forum on Toad World®!  Chat with Toad developers, and lots of experienced users. 

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Toad for Oracle

Bert Scalzo

Written by Bert Scalzo

Bert Scalzo is a guest-blogger for Quest and a renowned database expert, Oracle® ACE, author, database technology consultant, and formerly a member of Dell Software’s TOAD dev team. With three decades of Oracle® database experience to draw on, Bert’s webcasts garner high attendance and participation rates. His work history includes time at both Oracle Education and Oracle Consulting. Bert holds several Oracle Masters certifications and has an extensive academic background that includes a BS, MS and Ph.D. in computer science, as well as an MBA, and insurance industry designations.

Bert is a highly sought-after speaker who has presented at numerous Oracle conferences and user groups, including OOW, ODTUG, IOUG, OAUG, RMOUG and many others. Bert enjoys sharing his vast knowledge on data modeling, database benchmarking, database tuning and optimization, «star schema» data warehouses, Linux® and VMware®.

As a prolific writer, Bert has produced educational articles, papers and blogs for such well-respected publications as the Oracle Technology Network (OTN), Oracle Magazine, Oracle Informant, PC Week (eWeek), Dell Power Solutions Magazine, The LINUX Journal, LINUX.com, Oracle FAQ, Ask Toad and Toad World.

This popular author is known throughout the industry for his instructive books, which include:

• Oracle DBA Guide to Data Warehousing and Star Schemas
• TOAD Handbook (1st Edition)
• TOAD Handbook (2nd Edition)
• TOAD Pocket Reference (2nd Edition)
• Database Benchmarking: Practical Methods for Oracle & SQL Server
• Advanced Oracle Utilities: The Definitive Reference
• Oracle on VMware: Expert Tips for Database Virtualization
• Introduction to Oracle: Basic Skills for Any Oracle User
• Introduction to SQL Server: Basic Skills for Any SQL Server User
• Toad Unleashed
• Leveraging Oracle Database 12cR2 Testing Tools
• Database Benchmarking and Stress Testing

Drop Bert an email at bertscalzo2@gmail.com and he’ll write you back, and maybe send you an autographed book!

I’ve been thinking about it for quite a long time and never really had time to implement it, but it’s finally there : a pipelined table interface to read an Excel file (.xlsx) as if it were an external table.

It’s entirely implemented in PL/SQL using an object type (for the ODCI routines) and a package supporting the core functionalities.
Available for download on GitHub :



ExcelTable.getRows table function :

This is the actual SQL interface, to be used in conjunction with the TABLE operator.
It returns an ANYDATASET instance whose structure is defined by the p_cols parameter.

  function getRows (
    p_file   in  blob
  , p_sheet  in  varchar2
  , p_cols   in  varchar2
  , p_range  in  varchar2 default null
  return anydataset pipelined
  using ExcelTableImpl;
Arg Data type Desc Mandatory
p_file BLOB Input Excel file in Office Open XML format (.xlsx or .xlsm).
A helper function (ExcelTable.getFile) is available to directly reference the file from a directory.
p_sheet VARCHAR2 Worksheet name Yes
p_cols VARCHAR2 Column list (see specs below) Yes
p_range VARCHAR2 Excel-like range expression that defines the table boundaries in the worksheet (see specs below) No

Range syntax specification

 range_expr ::= ( cell_ref [ ":" cell_ref ] | col_ref ":" col_ref | row_ref ":" row_ref )
 cell_ref   ::= col_ref row_ref
 col_ref    ::= { "A".."Z" }
 row_ref    ::= integer

If the range is empty, the table implicitly starts at cell A1.

Otherwise, there are four ways to specify the table range :

  • Range of rows : '1:100'
    In this case the range of columns implicitly starts at A.
  • Range of columns : 'B:E'
    In this case the range of rows implicitly starts at 1.
  • Range of cells (top-left to bottom-right) : 'B2:F150'
  • Single cell anchor (top-left cell) : 'C3'

Columns syntax specification

The syntax is similar to the column list in a CREATE TABLE statement, with a couple of specifics :

 column_list    ::= column_expr { "," column_expr }
 column_expr    ::= ( identifier datatype [ "column" string_literal ] | identifier for_ordinality )
 datatype       ::= ( number_expr | varchar2_expr | date_expr | clob_expr )
 number_expr    ::= "number" [ "(" ( integer | "*" ) [ "," [ "-" ] integer ] ")" ]
 varchar2_expr  ::= "varchar2" "(" integer [ "char" | "byte" ] ")"
 date_expr      ::= "date" [ "format" string_literal ]
 clob_expr      ::= "clob"
 for_ordinality ::= "for" "ordinality"
 identifier     ::= """ { char } """
 string_literal ::= "'" { char } "'"

Column names must be declared using a quoted identifier.

Supported data types are :

  • NUMBER – with optional precision and scale specs
  • VARCHAR2 – including CHAR/BYTE semantics
    Values larger than the maximum length declared are silently truncated and no error is reported.
  • DATE – with optional format mask
    The format mask is used if the value is stored as text in the spreadsheet, otherwise the date value is assumed to be stored as date in Excel’s internal serial format.
  • CLOB

A special “FOR ORDINALITY” clause (like XMLTABLE or JSON_TABLE’s one) is also available to autogenerate a sequence number.

Each column definition (except for the one qualified with FOR ORDINALITY) may be complemented with an optional “COLUMN” clause to explicitly target a named column in the spreadsheet, instead of relying on the order of the declarations (relative to the range).
Positional and named column definitions cannot be mixed.

For instance :

  "RN"    for ordinality
, "COL1"  number
, "COL2"  varchar2(10)
, "COL3"  varchar2(4000)
, "COL4"  date           format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
, "COL5"  number(10,2)
, "COL6"  varchar2(5)
  "COL1"  number        column 'A'
, "COL2"  varchar2(10)  column 'C'
, "COL3"  clob          column 'D'


Using this sample file :

1- Loading all six columns, starting at cell A2, in order to skip the header :

SQL> select t.*
  2  from table(
  3         ExcelTable.getRows(
  4           ExcelTable.getFile('TMP_DIR','ooxdata3.xlsx')
  5         , 'DataSource'
  6         , ' "SRNO"    number
  7           , "NAME"    varchar2(10)
  8           , "VAL"     number
  9           , "DT"      date
 10           , "SPARE1"  varchar2(6)
 11           , "SPARE2"  varchar2(6)'
 12         , 'A2'
 13         )
 14       ) t
 15  ;

      SRNO NAME              VAL DT                  SPARE1 SPARE2
---------- ---------- ---------- ------------------- ------ ------
         1 LINE-00001 66916.2986 13/10/1923 11:45:52
         2 LINE-00002 96701.3427 05/09/1906 10:12:35
         3 LINE-00003 68778.8698 23/01/1911 09:26:22        OK
         4 LINE-00004  95110.028 03/05/1907 13:52:30        OK
         5 LINE-00005 62561.5708 04/04/1927 18:10:39
         6 LINE-00006 28677.1166 11/07/1923 15:10:59        OK
         7 LINE-00007 16141.0202 20/11/1902 02:02:24
         8 LINE-00008 80362.6256 19/09/1910 14:06:42
         9 LINE-00009 10384.1973 16/07/1902 04:54:12
        10 LINE-00010  5266.9097 08/08/1921 11:51:34
        11 LINE-00011 12513.0679 01/07/1908 21:53:55
        12 LINE-00012 66596.9707 22/03/1913 05:20:10


        95 LINE-00095 96274.2193 08/04/1914 22:48:31
        96 LINE-00096  29783.146 06/04/1915 23:49:23
        97 LINE-00097 19857.7661 16/02/1909 21:21:52
        98 LINE-00098 19504.3969 05/12/1917 01:56:05
        99 LINE-00099 98675.8673 05/06/1906 17:41:10
       100 LINE-00100 24288.2885 22/07/1920 13:25:59

100 rows selected.

2- Loading columns B and F only, from rows 2 to 10, with a generated sequence :

SQL> select t.*
  2  from table(
  3         ExcelTable.getRows(
  4           ExcelTable.getFile('TMP_DIR','ooxdata3.xlsx')
  5         , 'DataSource'
  6         , q'{
  7             "R_NUM"   for ordinality
  8           , "NAME"    varchar2(10) column 'B'
  9           , "SPARE2"  varchar2(6)  column 'F'
 10           }'
 11         , '2:10'
 12         )
 13       ) t
 14  ;

     R_NUM NAME       SPARE2
---------- ---------- ------
         1 LINE-00001
         2 LINE-00002
         3 LINE-00003 OK
         4 LINE-00004 OK
         5 LINE-00005
         6 LINE-00006 OK
         7 LINE-00007
         8 LINE-00008
         9 LINE-00009

9 rows selected.

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