Таблица задач для сотрудников excel

Как составить список дел в Excel? Бесплатный шаблон для ведения задач на день

Вам нужно спланировать рабочий день, чтобы успеть закрыть важные дела? Используйте бесплатный шаблон в Excel из статьи. Он решит эту проблему. С его помощью вы сможете составить список задач, расставить приоритеты и выделить время на действительное важное и срочное. Скачать файл можно прямо из статьи. Ссылка находится после инструкции.

Задачи, которые решает шаблон

Интерфейс планировщика дел в Excel

  • Составление списка дел на день.
  • Расстановка приоритетов и выделение важных и срочных задач, которые требуется закрыть в первую очередь.
  • Работа с нагрузкой. Если вы запланируете больше дел, чем реально можно успеть сделать – шаблон отметит задачи, которые реально закрыть сегодня.
  • Повышение личной эффективности.

Шаблон рассчитан на то, что запланированные дела займут максимум 6 часов времени. Оставшиеся 2 часа (из стандартного 8-ми часового рабочего дня) обычно уходят на звонки, перерывы, общение с коллегами и другие вещи. Поэтому все дела, которые выходят за лимит в 6 часов, Эксель будет выделять как не выполнимые.

В шаблоне есть строки для 20 дел. Обычно такого числа хватает для составления планов на день. При необходимости лимиты можно изменить. Пишите в комментариях, каких функций не хватает в планировщике – попробуем их сделать в следующих версиях.

Как пользоваться списком дел в Excel?

1. Скачайте файл с шаблоном по этой ссылке. Откройте его на компьютере. В шаблоне будет пример списка дел на день. Вы можете его очистить, чтобы заполнить таблицу своими данными.

Внимание! Не удаляйте информацию из ячеек, выделенных фоном. Там прописаны формулы.

2. Заполните поля таблицы:

Название поля

Что нужно в него вписать

A. Задача

Укажите в столбике список дел на день. Каждую задачу необходимо вводить в новой строке.

B. Важность

Здесь находится выпадающий список. У каждой задачи необходимо выбрать параметр с уровнем важности: «Важно» или «Не важно».

D. Срочность

Здесь нужно выбрать у каждой задачи уровень ее срочности – «Срочно» или «Не срочно».

G. Время, мин.

Укажите прогнозируемое время на закрытие задачи в минутах. Например, если планируете выполнить работу за 1,5 часа – укажите в поле цифру 90.

Пример заполнения данных. На скриншоте можно посмотреть, как выбирать значения из выпадающего списка:

Выбор важности в задаче

3. Когда заполните список дел и укажите у каждого пункта его важность, срочность и время на выполнение – в поле F появятся цифры с указанием порядка (1,2, 3 и 4). Откройте фильтр в заголовке столбца F и выберите значение сортировки – «От минимального к максимальному». После этого дела в списке распределятся по их значению – от важных к менее важным.

Скриншот, как делать сортировку в списке дел в Экселе:

Сортировка задач в списке дел

Результат работы. Вы видите, что срочные и важные дела стали первыми в списке:

Готовый список дел на день

4. В поле I можно посмотреть, какие дела реально успеть сделать за день, а какие – нет. На скриншоте выше видно, что на обновление портфолио на сайте не хватит времени.

По умолчанию шаблон определяет, какие задачи, в первую очередь из списка важных и срочных, можно успеть выполнить за 6 часов. Остальные помечает как невыполнимые. При необходимости алгоритм можно изменить путем редактирования формул в Excel.

Где скачать файл для составления планов на день?

Вы можете бесплатно скачать шаблон по этой ссылке. Он работает в программе Эксель. Его можно свободно распространять и делиться с другими людьми.

Если вам требуется дополнительный функционал, напишите комментарий под статьей. Постараемся его реализовать в следующих версиях.

Рекомендуем прочитать статьи:

  • Бесплатная программ для учета времени в Excel
  • Российский софт для офиса
  • 116 сервисов для организации удаленной работы
  • CRM-системы для малого бизнеса


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Простой список дел

В этом шаблоне простого списка дел используется таблица и условное форматирование. Добавьте строку для новой задачи, укажите приоритет, даты и примечания. При указании степени завершения 100% Excel автоматически отмечает задачу как завершенную. Этот шаблон списка дел можно распечатать в формате Excel. Его можно настроить и использовать для отслеживания ваших действий по выполнению списка дел. Этот шаблон поддерживает специальные возможности.




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Отправить по электронной почте

Шаблон уже настроен для автоматической фильтрации, так что Вы можете группировать задачи по дате, приоритету, статусу и т.д. Вы также можете использовать кнопки автосортировки в список задач в последовательности по дате, приоритету, и т.д. Шаблон подготовлен для печати, что будет полезно для людей, которые любят добавлять или «выключать» пункты вручную.

Вы также можете использовать этот шаблон, для создания списков задач для командного проекта. Например, вы можете использовать столбец «Владелец» для присвоения задачи конкретному лицу, а затем отправить электронную таблицу, или использовать его совместно, чтобы отслеживать задачи и сроки.

О шаблоне «Список задач»

Status (Статус): Вы можете ввести значения, такие как «Done» или «In Progress» или сокращений, которые вы определяете сами. Вы также можете использовать эту колонку, чтобы вставить процент завершения, например «50%» или «75%»

Priority (Приоритет): Вы можете использовать 3-, 5-, или 10-балльную шкале для этого столбца, где 1 является самым высоким приоритетом. В настоящее время колонна Приоритет использует условное форматирование, чтобы выделять «High» красным и «Low» синим.

PICK: Это акроним, который обозначает Possible, Implement, Challenge, or Kill. См PICK Chart для получения дополнительной информации об этой полезной технике Six Sigma. Если вам не нужна эта колонка, просто удалите его.

Due Date (Дата окончания): Введите значения в формате даты. Если срок будет установлен раньше, чем сегодняшняя дата, условное форматирование сделает Дату красным.

Owner (Владелец): лицо, назначенное для выполнения этой задачи, или лицо, ответственное за ее завершение.

Project/Task (Проект / Задание): краткое описание задачи.

Notes (Примечания): Поясняющие заметки или специальные инструкции, комментарии и т.д.

Whether you have to plan an event or manage a project, a to do list helps you set priorities and track your progress. By listing out all the necessary steps in one place, you can break down your goal in small, bite-sized chunks and organize your time accordingly. 

In this article, you’ll find nine to do list templates in Excel. We’ll walk you through the steps to creating your own to do list with checkboxes in Excel and the most common uses for a to do list template.

We’ve also provided to do list templates in Smartsheet, a spreadsheet-inspired work execution platform that makes managing to do lists more collaborative and real-time than Excel.

Basic To Do List Template

Download Basic To Do List Template

Excel | Smartsheet

This basic to do list template can be customized to be a daily to do list, weekly to do list, or monthly to do list based on your desired time frame. You can write out your tasks, convey status, set priority, assign due dates and owners, and add notes for extra context.

Printable To Do List Template

Printable to do list template

Download Printable To Do List Template

Excel | Smartsheet

If you’re running around planning an event or need to hang your task list on a wall, a printable version of your to do list is necessary. However, not all Excel to do list templates are printer-friendly (the rows will often print on multiple pieces of paper). 

Be sure to look for a to do list template, like this one, that has been designed to print the whole to do list on one page. You can write in your tasks and due dates, and check the box when you’re done with a to do item.

To Do List with Checkboxes Template

To do list with checkboxes template

Download To Do List with Checkboxes Template

Excel | Smartsheet

Who doesn’t enjoy the feeling of accomplishment after checking a checkbox? 

This to do list template includes dynamic checkboxes for each task and once you check a box, the strikethrough formatting will be applied to the task. This allows you to visually convey which tasks are completed and uncompleted at a glance. 

To Do List with Drop-Downs Template

To Do List with Drop Downs Template

Download To Do List with Drop-Downs Template

Excel | Smartsheet

If you need to add similar details (like status) for many tasks, drop-down lists save you from entering the same information over and over again.

This to do list template features drop-down lists for priority (you can choose from high, medium, and low) and status (complete, in progress, or not started). And, when you specify that a task has been complete, that row will automatically turn green. 

Action Item List Template

Download Action Item List Template

Excel | Smartsheet

Also known as a rolling action item list, this template tracks specific tasks that must be accomplished by a certain person. Action items typically arise from meetings and should always be clearly documented. 

This action item list template has columns for you to track the date created, description, priority, assignee, due date, completion date, and notes for each task.

Group Project Task List Template

Group Project Task List

Download Group Project Task List Template

Excel | Smartsheet

While a to do list traditionally includes the tasks only assigned to you, there will be times when you need to see what your colleagues are working on as well.

A group project task list, or group assigned to do list, allows everyone to see which tasks they need to complete and when. This template boosts accountability by assigning each task to a person (or multiple people) and adding due dates.

Prioritized To Do List Template

Download Prioritized To Do List Template

While it can reduce stress to write down all the tasks you need to accomplish in no particular order, sometimes you need to quickly see the most important to dos and the ones that can wait. 

This prioritized to do list has drop-down columns, letting you organize tasks by high, medium, and low priority, or put the task on hold.

To Do List with Double-Click Enabled Template

Download To Do List with Double-Click Template

This template features VBA code, or a Macro, allowing you to simply double-click on a cell and a checkmark will automatically be added to that cell. You can then create conditional formatting rules around that checkmark. For example, in this template, the row will turn green and will have strikethrough formatting when the checkmark is checked.

Note: When you open the file for this template, you must “Enable Macros” for the double-click code to work.

Business Trip Checklist Template

Download Business Trip Travel Template

A to do list isn’t only helpful for project management. When you need to coordinate a business trip, a checklist ensures you have the right reservations, documents, and meetings before you get on the plane. 

This business trip checklist includes tasks for international travel, meeting with clients and vendors, and notifying coworkers and clients of your departure.

How to Make a To Do List in Excel with Checkboxes

By leveraging the developer ribbon and adding some conditional formatting rules, you can create a to do list with checkboxes in Excel. 

Here are the steps:

Set Up Your To Do List in Excel

  1. Add column headers to make up your to do list. You can add headers like tasks, priority, status, due date, owner, done/completed, or notes. For this example, make sure you have columns for “task” and “done” at the very least.
  2. Fill in your task and priority information.
  3. Highlight the column headers and in the Home tab, in the Alignment group, click the center icon to center the text.

Add Checkboxes to Your To Do List in Excel

You first need to enable the developer ribbon in Excel. If you already have the developer ribbon, skip to step 3. 

  1. Click File > Options and then select Customize Ribbon in the pop-up box. 
  2. On the right side, under Main Tabs, check the box next to Developer and click Ok. You should now see a new developer tab in your Excel file.
  1. Click the Developer tab, click Insert, and select the checkbox icon in the Form Controls section.
  1. Click the cell where’d you’d like to add the checkbox. A checkbox with some text next to it will appear on your sheet.
  2. Right-click on the text to enable editing. You can either delete the text or add something else. Resize the box around the checkbox once you are done. You can now drag the checkbox to any cell you like. 
  3. Once the checkbox is in a cell, click on the cell and drag the bottom right corner all the way down to auto-populate more checkboxes in the other rows.

Now you need to link each checkbox to a cell where it will display the check/uncheck status of the checkbox. The check/uncheck status will be represented by “True/False,” allowing you to create formulas and conditional formatting rules that react to the checkbox’s status.

  1. Add a second sheet to your Excel workbook by clicking the + icon on the bottom of the sheet. We’ll link to cells on this second sheet so the “True/False” status will be hidden.
  2. Go back to your first sheet and right-click on a checkbox and click Format Control
  1. Click Unchecked and click the icon next to the Cell link field. Go to Sheet2 and click the cell that corresponds with the first task (if your first task is A2 on Sheet1, then you’ll link it to A2 on Sheet2).

When the checkbox is checked on Sheet1, the value changes to «True» on Sheet2.

9. Repeat steps 7-9 for all the other checkboxes. 

Set Conditional Formatting Rules to Your To Do List

Now you can create conditional formatting rules based on the status of the checkbox. For example, you could change the font color to red for tasks that have not been checked or change the row color green for tasks that have been checked. 

For this example, we’ll add strikethrough formatting to tasks with a checked checkbox. 

  1. Highlight the first row with your task information, making sure not to highlight the checkbox. Then, in the Home tab, click Conditional Formatting > New Rule
  1. Under Select a Rule Type, select Use a formula to determine which cells to format
  2. Under Format values where this formula is true, you’ll enter your formula. For our sheet, we type =Sheet2!$A$2=TRUE. You’ll want to replace “$A$2” with your cell location on Sheet2 for the first task.
  1. Then, click Format and check the box for Strikethrough in the Effects group.
  2. Repeat steps 1-4 for all the other checkboxes, making sure to adjust your formula for each checkbox. 

You can now customize the colors and fonts of your to do list.

Common Uses for a To Do List Template

You can use a basic to do list template to track almost anything. Here are some common uses:

  • Baby checklist: A newborn checklist will ensure you have everything on hand for the baby’s arrival. Include items for nursing, diapering, bathtime, bedtime, and the home (like toys, mobiles, night light, etc).
  • Back-to-school checklist: After a long summer break, get back into the groove with a back-to-school supplies checklist. Make a different list depending on the age of your kids (they’ll need different supplies for elementary, middle, and high school).
  • Camping checklist or backpacking checklist: You probably won’t forget your tent, but other items, like a change of socks, can slip through the cracks. Create a checklist to organize all the items you need for your next outdoor adventure, including food, gear, and clothing.
  • Grocery list: Throughout the week, jot down ingredients that you run out of or meals that you’d like to make the following week. Save time by organizing your list by sections of the grocery store. For example, group all produce items together. 
  • Home inventory checklist: Organize everything house-related in one spot. Add weekly house cleaning, spring cleaning, maintenance, inventory, and other home projects to your checklist to make sure you’re keeping your house clean and safe every season.
  • Moving checklist: Stay on track before, during, and after your moving day. Your checklist can start as early as six weeks before your move, including things like planning a garage sale, ordering moving supplies, and notifying utility services of your move.
  • Packing checklist: While planning for your next trip, create a packing checklist to make sure you have everything you need before you leave your house. Make sure to include last-minute items like snacks, phone and computer chargers, and pajamas. 
  • Travel checklist: After your suitcases are packed, you still have to navigate taxis, planes, and hotels. A travel checklist allows you to compile all important reservation and flight information in one place, so you always know where to go and when.
  • Wedding checklist and wedding planning checklist: A wedding planning checklist ensures that everyone knows what needs to get done, so you can relax and have fun on your special day. Be sure to create a separate day-of wedding checklist, covering the getting ready stage all the way to breakdown. 

Increase Accountability with Real-Time Task Management in Smartsheet

Empower your people to go above and beyond with a flexible platform designed to match the needs of your team — and adapt as those needs change. 

The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be more effective and get more done. Report on key metrics and get real-time visibility into work as it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automated workflows built to keep your team connected and informed. 

When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there’s no telling how much more they can accomplish in the same amount of time. Try Smartsheet for free, today.

Using templates in Microsoft Excel isn’t only a great way to save time, but also increases your productivity. Work without having to worry about the design of your workbook, and avoid having to set up complex formulas from scratch — templates get it all done for you.

Whether you use Excel to create simple spreadsheets, inventory management, budgets, analytics, and reports, or manage tasks, there’s a template out there for you. Luckily, you don’t have to spend hours on end to find the perfect one. We’ve done the searching for you.

Below, you can find a curated list of the best 51 Excel templates to give your work and productivity a boost, picked by our expert staff.

How to use Excel templates

With each template in our list, we’ve included a link to an official or safe-to-use source where you can download the template. Not every website works the same, however, you can usually see a large Download button to obtain the file. See the example below.

microsoft excel templates

Once your template file finishes downloading, all you have to do is open it. You can do this by double-clicking on the .xls or .xlsx file, or head to Excel and open it from the File menu.

Every template can be edited and customized for your own needs. They simply serve as the base for your project but have no set-in-stone elements. Feel free to make a template unique and truly yours.

The best 51 templates for Excel productivity

1. Family budget planner

family budget excel template

Keep track of finances within your family or team with this simple, extremely useful template. With fields for total income, individual earnings, spendings, and other fields, you can optimize your finances with ease.

Download Family budget planner

2. Personal budget spreadsheet

Personal budget spreadsheet template

Working alone? This personal budget allows you to get a better, more clear overview of your earnings, spendings, and how you could save money. So, if you’re sucking in a personal budget planning, then we recommend this template.

Download Personal Budget Spreadsheet

3. Household budget planner

Household budget planner template

This budgeting template includes charts and a list of monthly expenses that can be customized for your own team’s needs. If you’re wondering, how do I create a household budget in excel, then this template will provide you with the solution you’re looking for.

Download this household budget template excel

4. Weekly budget worksheet

weekly budget worksheet

Don’t want to plan too much ahead? Focus on the now and use a weekly budget planner. As you fill the planner in, you’ll still be able to notice crucial details about how you handle your money.

Download weekly budget Excel planner 

5. Event fundraiser

event fundraiser excel template

If you’re raising funds for an event, it’s important you always know who contributed to the cause, how much they donated, and the total amount needed. This template automatically updates as you input information, and shows you a visual chart to quickly get caught up at a glance.

Download this event fundraiser excel template 

6. Social media calendar

social media calendar template

Big on social media? Download this premium template to plan your next posts down to the minute it goes live.

Download social media excel planner

7. Project Gantt chart

Project gannt chart template

This advanced and powerful template gives you control to accurately manage schedules, resources, and deliverables. Track every single deliverable of your project using this gannt chart template.

Download Gantt chart Excel Template

8. Net worth statement

Net worth statement template

Do you know what your current financial worth is? If not, use this simple yet effective template to calculate it with ease. «It’s not your salary that makes you rich, it’s your spending habits.» 

Track your expenditure with this net worth template

9. Bubble chart timeline

Bubble chart timeline

Create a timeline for your project with this template. Add various branches and information with the smaller bubbles, while creating a large overview using the main timeline.

Download: Bubble Chart Timeline 

10. Employee payroll register

employee payrol register template

With this template, employers can better manage payrolls. Keep a record of employee information, payroll payments, and hours worked to accurately calculate their earnings.

Download: Employee Payroll Register Template

11. Employee scheduling template

employee scheduling template

Use this template to create a schedule for the upcoming week.

Download: Employee Scheduling Template 

12. Project timecard summary

project timecard summary template

Calculate total hours for a week broken down by project.

Download: Project timecard summary 

13. Company balance sheet

comapny balance sheet template

Create an accurate illustration of your company’s current net worth. This template includes your company’s assets, liabilities, and equity at a particular point in time. 

Download: Company balance sheet 

14. Weekly timesheet template

weekly timesheet template

Record and monitor the exact amount of work hours weekly and bi-weekly basis.

Download: Weekly Timesheet Template 

15. Billing statement

billing statement template

Use this billing statement template for invoice tracking, simple customer account management, and general billing.

Download: Billing statement 

16. Invoice tracking

invoice tracking template

Use any system you want to create and send invoices with this template. Use statements from PayPal, other templates, or a combination of both.

Download: Invoice Tracking 

17. Cash flow statement

cash flow statement

Create a summary of your company’s inflow and outflow of cash. Track where your business’s money came from (cash receipts) and where it went (cash paid). 

Download: Cash Flow Statement 

18. Price list template

price list template

Create a professional price list for your products or services that you provide to your customers. 

Download: Price List Template 

19. Sales invoice template

sales invoice template

This invoice template includes all information that you would expect to give out to customers after a purchase. Note down shipping information, product code, special notes, and instructions. 

Download: Sales Invoice Template 

20. Monthly attendance checker

monthly attendance checker

This monthly attendance form template allows you to record whether students, workers, or team members were present, absent, tardy, unexcused, or excused.

Download: Monthly Attendance Checker 

21. World meeting planner

world meeting planner

This meeting planner spreadsheet is set up to assist you in the planning of conference calls and meetings with people in different time zones.

Download: World Meeting Planner Template

22. Fax cover sheet

fax cover sheet template

The template makes it easy to customize a printable fax cover sheet for your company, organization, or personal needs.

Download: Fax cover sheet Template 

23. Profit and Loss Statement

profit and Loss Statement Template

This template is a valuable asset in helping you create an annual income projection. Use it to help show investors and creditors why they should get on board with your business.

Download: Profit and Loss Statement Template 

24. Employee succession planner

employee succession planner template

Create a functional organizational chart that illustrates the success and planning of your organization.

Download: Employee Succession Planner Template 

25. Simple balance sheet

simple balance sheet template

Create finance balance reports using this professionally-made template by financial professionals. All things that need to be considered are included.

Download: Simple balance sheet Template 

26. Annual sales report

annual sales report excel template

Determine which areas of the business are contributors to your success, and calculate further growth of your business for the upcoming year. 

Download: Annual Sales Report Template 

27. Milestone chart

Milestone chart template

A commitment to delivering is as important as the project itself. A milestone chart is an effective tool to depict project scope and timelines.

Download: Milestone Chart Template 

28. Manufacturing Business Accounting 

manufacturing business accounting template

Record and create financial reports for manufacturing companies with this extremely detailed and automated template.

Download: Manufacturing Business Accounting Template 

29. SWOT Chart 

swot analysis excel template

Plan ahead for the launch of a new product. Measure its position among established companies that already exist on the market by looking at SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats).

Download: SWOT Chart Template

30. Year-end Inventory Analysis

end year inventory analysis template

Use the various charts included in this template to analyze end-of-the-year reports and data. Notice trends and use this overview to perform better in the upcoming year.

Download: Year-end Inventory Analysis Template

31. Bill of sale (general form)

bill of sale excel template

Provide a general bill sale form from Excel using this template.

Download: Bill of Sale (General Form) Template

32. Digital marketing strategy

digital marketing strategy template

Put together an awesome marketing strategy to bring your business to the next level with this template.

Download: Digital Marketing Strategy Template

33. Background check form

Background check form template

Send this template out to perform a thorough background check before hiring someone for a job or service.

Download: Background Check Form Template

34. Dynamic Pareto chart

Pareto Chart is based on the Pareto principle (also known as the 80/20 rule), which is a well-known concept in project management. Use this template to easily implement it into your spreadsheets.

pareto chart template

Download: Dynamic Pareto Chart Template

35. Payment schedule sample form

payment schedule sample form template

Use this amazing payment schedule template to accurately follow the rules and regulations related to payment schedules.

Download: Payment Schedule Sample Form Template

36. Simple personal budget

simple personal budget template

Create a simple financial plan that shows you the amount of money that will be spent on any expenses category in any period of time.

Download: Simple Personal Budget Template

37. To-do list with priorities

to-do list template

Never forget about a task in your new to-do list template. What makes this simple workbook effective is its priority rating column, showing you which tasks need to be done first.

Download: To-do List with Priorities Template

38. General Analysis Charts

general analysis charts template

Another visually pleasing collection of charts from Template WPS. Use these to break down and analyze various sets of data.

Download: General Analysis Charts Template

39. Automated Emails 

automated emails template

Get this free rapid email tool to save you time when sending out a large amount of emails. With this template, you can quickly create emails in Excel to send them to groups of people.

Please follow the included tutorial on the ExcelTemplate website.

Download: Automated Emails Template

40. Sales Performance Report

Sales performance report

Get an accurate report of your sales, completed with useful charts to further analyze the performance data of your business or product.

Download: Sales Performance Report Template

41. Conference and Meeting Agenda

conference and meeting agenda excel template

Prepare for a conference using this agenda planner. Note down topics, breaks, timestamps, and add notes when needed.

Download: Conference and Meeting Agenda Template

42. Simple Contract 

simple contract template

Ensure no details are missed when hiring new personnel or wanting to make a contract with a client. This template includes all the necessary details to create a successful contract agreement.

Download: Simple Contract Template

43. Break-Even Analysis

breakeven analysis

Use this template to determine whether your business revenue can cover all of your expenses within a particular time period.

Download: Break-Even Analysis Template

44. Credit Memo 

credit memo template

A simple yet stylish credit memo that works effectively.

Download: Credit Memo Template

45. Sales Receipt

sales receipt template

Write a receipt using this template. Includes fields for taxes, discounts, unit price, subtotal, and more.

Download: Sales Receipt Template

46. Fishbone Diagram 

fishbone diagram template

Use this fishbone diagram template to see a project from a different perspective.

Download: Fishbone Diagram Template

47. Employee Training Tracker

employee tracking template

Keep track of information and help the coordination between employees, trainers, department heads, and venues during a training period.

Download: Employee Training Tracker Template

48. Critical Path Analysis 

Take advantage of this simple yet effective template to analyze possible paths for your projects.

 critical path analysis template

Download: Critical Path Analysis Template

49. Timeline Editing 

 timeline editing template

This stylish timeline template will help you set up goals to reach over a period of time in chronological order.

Download: Timeline Editing Template

50. Report Card 

 report card template

Generate report cards for students or employees using this simple to customize the template.

Download: Report Card Template

51. Sales Funnel Chart

 sales funnesl chart

This funnel chart template allows you to take a systematic approach towards selling a product or service.

Download: Sales Funnel Chart Template

Final thoughts

We hope this article was helpful in finding the perfect Excel template you need to tackle your next project. Don’t forget to bookmark this page for any future Excel projects!

If you’re looking for more guides or want to read more tech-related articles, consider subscribing to our newsletter. We regularly publish tutorials, news articles, and guides to help you.

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