Synonyms vocabulary word list

Synonyms Words List: Enhancing Your Vocabulary

Have you ever found yourself struggling to find the right word to express yourself? Do you feel like your vocabulary could use a little boost? One way to improve your vocabulary is to learn synonyms. Synonyms are words that have the same or a similar meaning as another word. By expanding your knowledge of synonyms, you can increase your vocabulary and communicate more effectively.

Why Use Synonyms?

Using synonyms can make your writing and speech more interesting and engaging. It can also help you to avoid repeating the same words over and over again, which can make your writing sound dull and monotonous. Synonyms can also help you to convey your message more effectively by allowing you to choose the word that best expresses your intended meaning.

Where to Find Synonyms

There are many resources available to help you find synonyms. One of the most popular resources is a thesaurus. A thesaurus is a reference book or website that lists synonyms and antonyms for words. It can be a valuable tool for writers, students, and anyone who wants to improve their vocabulary. There are also many online resources available that provide lists of synonyms, including dictionary websites and vocabulary-building apps.

Synonyms Words List -

Synonyms Words List -

Synonyms Words List -

Here are some examples of synonyms Words:

Synonyms Words that Start with A

Here are some synonyms starting with the letter A in English:

  • Abandon – Desert, Forsake, Leave, Quit, Abdicate
  • Abate – Diminish, Decrease, Reduce, Lessen, Subside
  • Abhor – Hate, Detest, Loathe, Despise, Execrate
  • Ability – Capacity, Skill, Talent, Expertise, Proficiency
  • Abolish – Eliminate, Eradicate, Exterminate, Remove, Annul
  • Abound – Thrive, Flourish, Overflow, Teem, Swell
  • Abrupt – Sudden, Unexpected, Hasty, Rapid, Immediate
  • Absence – Lack, Nonexistence, Vacancy, Absoluteness, Void
  • Absolute – Total, Complete, Unconditional, Final, Utter
  • Abundant – Plentiful, Ample, Copious, Bountiful, Lavish
  • Abysmal – Bottomless, Profound, Extreme, Incomprehensible, Terrible
  • Accentuate – Emphasize, Highlight, Stress, Underline, Feature
  • Accept – Approve, Agree, Consent, Allow, Embrace
  • Accessible – Reachable, Attainable, Available, Obtainable, Approachable
  • Acclaim – Praise, Applause, Commendation, Admiration, Recognition
  • Accommodate – Adjust, Adapt, Suit, Fit, Cater
  • Accomplish – Achieve, Attain, Fulfill, Realize, Succeed
  • Accurate – Correct, Precise, Exact, True, Right
  • Accuse – Blame, Charge, Denounce, Censure, Implicate
  • Achieve – Accomplish, Attain, Reach, Realize, Succeed
  • Acknowledge – Admit, Recognize, Confess, Allow, Grant
  • Acquire – Obtain, Get, Procure, Secure, Win
  • Active – Energetic, Dynamic, Vigorous, Lively, Busy
  • Adapt – Adjust, Modify, Alter, Change, Conform
  • Adaptable – Flexible, Versatile, Adjustable, Malleable, Pliable
  • Add – Increase, Augment, Expand, Extend, Enhance
  • Adequate – Sufficient, Enough, Ample, Appropriate, Suitable
  • Admire – Respect, Esteem, Honor, Idolize, Worship
  • Admit – Acknowledge, Allow, Confess, Grant, Recognize
  • Adopt – Embrace, Accept, Follow, Take on, Espouse
  • Adore – Love, Cherish, Worship, Idolize, Prize
  • Advance – Progress, Develop, Evolve, Improve, Upgrade
  • Advantage – Benefit, Gain, Profit, Edge, Merit
  • Adventure – Risk, Hazard, Peril, Quest, Expedition
  • Adversary – Enemy, Foe, Opponent, Rival, Competitor
  • Adverse – Negative, Unfavorable, Hostile, Contrary, Antagonistic
  • Advocate – Supporter, Champion, Defender, Backer, Promoter
  • Aesthetic – Artistic, Beautiful, Stylish, Creative, Elegant
  • Affable – Friendly, Amiable, Sociable, Genial, Cordial
  • Affection – Love, Fondness, Devotion, Adoration, Emotion
  • Affluent – Wealthy, Rich, Prosperous, Opulent, Well-to-do
  • Agile – Nimble, Quick, Spry
  • Agitate – Stir, Shake, Disturb, Upset, Rouse
  • Agony – Pain, Suffering, Torment, Distress, Anguish
  • Agreeable – Pleasant, Nice, Enjoyable, Appealing, Amiable
  • Ailment – Illness, Disease, Disorder, Malady, Sickness
  • Aim – Goal, Objective, Target, Purpose, Intention
  • Alert – Vigilant, Watchful, Attentive, Observant, Alerted
  • Alienate – Estrange, Distance, Separate, isolate, Disaffect
  • Alive – Living, Existing, Surviving, Animated, Active
  • Allay – Calm, Soothe, Mitigate, Relieve, Alleviate
  • Allegiance – Loyalty, Devotion, Commitment, Fidelity, Faithfulness
  • Allocate – Assign, Allot, Distribute, Apportion, Share
  • Allow – Permit, Authorize, Enable, Entitle, Consent
  • Ally – Associate, Partner, Friend, Companion, Colleague
  • Alter – Change, Modify, Revise, Transform, Adjust
  • Altruistic – Selfless, Charitable, Philanthropic, Generous, Benevolent
  • Always – Forever, Ever, Perpetually, Continuously, Eternally
  • Amaze – Astonish, Surprise, Startle, Stun, Bewilder
  • Ambitious – Aspiring, Determined, Driven, Enterprising, Eager
  • Ameliorate – Improve, Better, Enhance, Refine, Elevate
  • Amiable – Friendly, Pleasant, Kind, Nice, Affable
  • Ample – Abundant, Plenty, Enough, Sufficient, Adequate
  • Amuse – Entertain, Delight, Please, Cheer, Interest
  • Ancestor – Forefather, Forebear, Progenitor, Predecessor, Antecedent
  • Anger – Rage, Fury, Wrath, Resentment, Indignation
  • Anguish – Agony, Suffering, Distress, Torment, Pain
  • Animosity – Hostility, Hatred, Enmity, Antipathy, Rancor
  • Annoy – Irritate, Bother, Disturb, Upset, Nuisance
  • Annual – Yearly, Annualized, Per annum, Once-a-year, Annualised
  • Anonymous – Nameless, Unknown, Unidentified, Incognito, Unnamed
  • Anticipate – Expect, Foresee, Foretell, Predict, Envisage
  • Anxiety – Worry, Concern, Nervousness, Apprehension, Unease
  • Apathy – Indifference, Lethargy, Aversion, Unconcern, Insensitivity
  • Apex – Peak, Summit, Top, Pinnacle, Acme
  • Appear – Seem, Look, Show, Present, Manifest
  • Applaud – Praise, Cheer, Clap, Acclaim, Compliment
  • Appreciate – Value, Esteem, Admire, Treasure, Recognize
  • Approach – Come near, Near, Advance, Access, Ingress
  • Approve – Agree, Consent, Authorize, Sanction, Ratify
  • Aptitude – Ability, Talent, Capability, Competence, Proficiency
  • Arbitrary – Random, Haphazard, Capric

Synonyms Words that Start with B

Here are some synonyms starting with the letter B in English:

  • Back – Rear, End, Backside, Behind, Posterior
  • Backward – Retrograde, Backward, Behind, Slow, Delayed
  • Bad – Terrible, Awful, Poor, Horrible, Wretched
  • Baffle – Puzzle, Confuse, Perplex, Mystify, Stump
  • Balanced – Stable, Equilibrium, Level, Poised, Harmonious
  • Ban – Prohibit, Forbid, Outlaw, Bar, Exclude
  • Banal – Trite, Commonplace, Clichéd, Dull, Boring
  • Band – Group, Ensemble, Crew, Band, Team
  • Barbaric – Savage, Cruel, Brutal, Barbaric, Vicious
  • Bare – Nude, Undressed, Exposed, Naked, Bare
  • Bargain – Deal, Agreement, Contract, Compact, Bargain
  • Barren – Infertile, Sterile, Unproductive, Desert, Barren
  • Base – Low, Dishonorable, Mean, Vile, Base
  • Bashful – Shy, Timid, Reserved, Coy, Bashful
  • Basic – Fundamental, Essential, Elementary, Basic, Primary
  • Beaming – Radiant, Glowing, Smiling, Joyful, Beaming
  • Beautiful – Lovely, Gorgeous, Stunning, Attractive, Beautiful
  • Bedlam – Chaos, Mayhem, Pandemonium, Turmoil, Bedlam
  • Before – Prior, Preceding, Earlier, Antecedent, Before
  • Begin – Start, Commence, Initiate, Launch, Begin
  • Behave – Conduct, Act, Behave, Perform, Execute
  • Belated – Delayed, Late, Overdue, Tardy, Belated
  • Believe – Trust, Have faith, Accept, Believe, Convinced
  • Belligerent – Aggressive, Hostile, Combative, Bellicose, Quarrelsome
  • Beneficial – Advantageous, Helpful, Favorable, Positive, Beneficial
  • Benevolent – Kind, Generous, Charitable, Altruistic, Benevolent
  • Benign – Gentle, Kindly, Mild, Harmless, Benign
  • Berate – Scold, Rebuke, Reprove, Chide, Berate
  • Best – Finest, Greatest, Top, Best, Superlative
  • Betray – Deceive, Mislead, Double-cross, Betray, Cheat
  • Bewilder – Puzzle, Baffle, Perplex, Confuse, Bewilder
  • Bias – Prejudice, Partiality, Favoritism, Bias, Discrimination
  • Bizarre – Strange, Weird, Peculiar, Eccentric, Bizarre
  • Blame – Fault, Accuse, Censure, Blame, Condemn
  • Blast – Explosion, Burst, Blast, Detonation, Eruption
  • Blend – Mix, Combine, Blend, Integrate, Meld
  • Bless – Consecrate, Sanctify, Bless, Hallow, Dedicate
  • Blissful – Happy, Joyful, Ecstatic, Delightful, Blissful
  • Blooming – Flourishing, Thriving, Blossoming, Blooming, Burgeoning
  • Blunt – Dull, Blunt, Obtuse, Bland, Unsharpened
  • Boast – Brag, Flaunt, Boast, Show off, Vaunt
  • Brave – Courageous, Fearless, Valiant, Heroic, Brave
  • Brawny – Muscular, Strong, Powerful, Brawny, Sturdy
  • Break – Fracture, Shatter, Smash, Break, Destroy
  • Breathless – Panting, Gasping, Breathless, Puffed
  • Bright – Shining, Radiant, Luminous, Bright, Dazzling
  • Brilliant – Dazzling, Sparkling, Shining, Brilliant, Glittering
  • Brisk – Energetic, Vigorous, Lively, Brisk, Quick
  • Broad – Wide, Spacious, Extensive, Broad, Expansive
  • Brood – Worry, Obsess, Ponder, Brood, Contemplate
  • Brutal – Harsh, Cruel, Ruthless, Brutal, Savage
  • Busy – Active, Industrious, Productive, Busy, Occupied
  • Buzz – Hum, Whir, Buzz, Murmur, Drone
  • Bygone – Past, Former, Olden, Bygone, Previous

Synonyms Words that Start with C

Here are some synonyms starting with the letter C in English:

  • Calm – Serene, Peaceful, Tranquil, Calm, Quiet
  • Candid – Frank, Open, Direct, Candid, Outspoken
  • Capable – Able, Competent, Skilled, Capable, Proficient
  • Careful – Cautious, Prudent, Meticulous, Careful, Diligent
  • Celebrate – Commemorate, Honor, Observe, Celebrate, Rejoice
  • Certain – Confident, Sure, Certain, Definite, Convinced
  • Challenge – Dare, Defy, Confront, Challenge, Provoke
  • Change – Alter, Modify, Transform, Change, Convert
  • Chaos – Disorder, Confusion, Turmoil, Chaos, Anarchy
  • Charismatic – Charming, Magnetic, Persuasive, Charismatic, Attractive
  • Charming – Delightful, Enchanting, Alluring, Charming, Fascinating
  • Cheerful – Happy, Joyful, Jovial, Cheerful, Merry
  • Childish – Immature, Infantile, Juvenile, Childish, Adolescent
  • Chilly – Cold, Icy, Frosty, Chilly, Cool
  • Choose – Select, Pick, Choose, Elect, Opt
  • Clarity – Clearness, Transparency, Precision, Clarity, Sharpness
  • Classic – Traditional, Timeless, Classic, Vintage, Antique
  • Clean – Pure, Spotless, Immaculate, Clean, Tidy
  • Clear – Distinct, Obvious, Evident, Clear, Transparent
  • Clever – Intelligent, Smart, Sharp, Clever, Brilliant
  • Clumsy – Awkward, Ungainly, Inept, Clumsy, Unskillful
  • Coarse – Rough, Harsh, Rugged, Coarse, Unrefined
  • Cold – Chilly, Frigid, Freezing, Cold, Icy
  • Collaborate – Cooperate, Work together, Collaborate, Conspire
  • Colorful – Bright, Lively, Vibrant, Colorful, Rich
  • Comfortable – Cozy, Snug, Homely, Comfortable, Relaxing
  • Commence – Begin, Start, Initiate, Commence, Launch
  • Common – Ordinary, Normal, Typical, Common, Regular
  • Compassionate – Kind, Merciful, Sympathetic, Compassionate, Caring
  • Competent – Capable, Qualified, Skilled, Competent, Efficient
  • Complete – Entire, Whole, Total, Complete, Comprehensive
  • Complex – Complicated, Intricate, Sophisticated, Complex, Elaborate
  • Concern – Worry, Anxiety, Care, Concern, Solicitude
  • Conclude – Finish, End, Conclude, Terminate, Wrap up
  • Confident – Self-assured, Assured, Confident, Positive, Certain
  • Confused – Perplexed, Bewildered, Disoriented, Confused, Baffled
  • Conquer – Overcome, Master, Subdue, Conquer, Triumph
  • Conscious – Aware, Alert, Attentive, Conscious, Mindful
  • Consistent – Stable, Steady, Unchanging, Consistent, Reliable
  • Content – Satisfied, Pleased, Content, Gratified, Fulfilled
  • Continuous – Uninterrupted, Unceasing, Continuous, Constant, Persistent
  • Cool – Cold, Chill, Frosty, Cool, Refreshing
  • Cooperative – Collaborative, Helpful, Supportive, Cooperative, Accommodating
  • Courageous – Brave, Valiant, Fearless, Courageous, Heroic
  • Crafty – Cunning, Wily, Deceptive, Crafty, Tricky
  • Crazy – Insane, Mad, Eccentric, Crazy, Absurd
  • Creative – Imaginative, Innovative, Original, Creative, Inventive
  • Credible – Reliable, Trustworthy, Plausible, Credible, Convincing
  • Critical – Crucial, Vital, Important, Critical, Essential
  • Cruel – Brutal, Savage, Ruthless, Cruel, Inhumane
  • Cry – Weep, Sob, Wail, Cry, Whimper
  • Culminate – End, Conclude, Finish, Culminate, Reach a climax
  • Cumbersome – Bulky, Clumsy, Awkward, Cumbersome, Unwieldy
  • Cunning – Deceptive, Scheming, Tricky, Cunning, Sly
  • Curious – Inquisitive, Interested, Fascinated, Curious, Eager
  • Curse – Swear, Cuss, Curse, Profanity, Obscenity
  • Cute – Adorable, Charming, Sweet, Cute, Lovely
  • Cynical – Skeptical, Pessimistic, Distrustful, Cynical, Suspicious

Synonyms Words that Start with D

Here are some synonyms starting with the letter D in English:

  • Dainty – Delicate, Fine, Elegant, Dainty, Exquisite
  • Daring – Bold, Brave, Audacious, Daring, Fearless
  • Dark – Shadowy, Dim, Murky, Dark, Gloomy
  • Dash – Sprint, Run, Rush, Dash, Bolt
  • Dauntless – Brave, Bold, Fearless, Dauntless, Valiant
  • Dazzling – Shiny, Bright, Radiant, Dazzling, Gleaming
  • Deadly – Lethal, Mortal, Fatal, Deadly, Terminal
  • Deafening – Loud, Noisy, Thundering, Deafening, Booming
  • Deceptive – Misleading, Tricky, Deceptive, Fraudulent
  • Decisive – Conclusive, Definitive, Resolute, Decisive, Firm
  • Dedicated – Committed, Devoted, Loyal, Dedicated, Faithful
  • Deep – Profound, Intense, Serious, Deep, Strong
  • Defeat – Overcome, Beat, Vanquish, Defeat, Conquer
  • Defiant – Rebellious, Insolent, Defiant, Obstinate
  • Delightful – Charming, Pleasing, Enchanting, Delightful, Enjoyable
  • Delirious – Crazy, Hysterical, Uncontrollable, Delirious, Raving
  • Dense – Thick, Crowded, Compact, Dense, Heavy
  • Depressing – Gloomy, Sad, Melancholy, Depressing, Disheartening
  • Desirable – Attractive, Sought-after, Coveted, Desirable, Appealing
  • Desolate – Lonely, Barren, Deserted, Desolate, Empty
  • Desperate – Hopeless, Dire, Urgent, Desperate, Critical
  • Determined – Resolute, Firm, Unwavering, Determined, Committed
  • Devastating – Destructive, Ruinous, Catastrophic, Devastating, Disastrous
  • Deviant – Abnormal, Perverse, Deviant, Unusual
  • Devoted – Dedicated, Committed, Loyal, Devoted, Faithful
  • Dextrous – Skillful, Agile, Dexterous, Adroit
  • Different – Distinct, Divergent, Unique, Different, Uncommon
  • Difficult – Challenging, Hard, Tough, Difficult, Arduous
  • Diligent – Hardworking, Persistent, Industrious, Diligent, Assiduous
  • Diminutive – Small, Tiny, Miniature, Diminutive, Petite
  • Dire – Dreadful, Terrible, Urgent, Dire, Extreme
  • Dirty – Unclean, Filthy, Grimy, Dirty, Muddy
  • Disastrous – Catastrophic, Ruinous, Devastating, Disastrous, Destructive
  • Discerning – Perceptive, Astute, Shrewd, Discerning, Observant
  • Discreet – Cautious, Prudent, Careful, Discreet, Circumspect
  • Disgusting – Revolting, Repulsive, Sickening, Disgusting, Nauseating
  • Dishonest – Deceitful, Fraudulent, Untruthful, Dishonest, Corrupt
  • Disillusioned – Disappointed, Dismayed, Disillusioned, Crestfallen
  • Displeased – Unhappy, Dissatisfied, Displeased, Frustrated
  • Disruptive – Troublesome, Disturbing, Disruptive, Disrupting
  • Dissimilar – Different, Unalike, Dissimilar, Diverse
  • Distinct – Clear, Unique, Distinguished, Distinct, Notable
  • Distinguished – Famous, Eminent, Illustrious, Distinguished, Prominent
  • Distorted – Twisted, Deformed, Distorted, Warped
  • Diverse – Different, Varied, Diverse, Multifarious
  • Divine – Sacred, Holy, Heavenly, Divine, Godly
  • Dominant – Prevailing, Leading, Dominant, Prominent
  • Dour – Gloomy, Sullen, Morose, Dour, Surly
  • Downcast – Depressed, Dejected, Downcast, Blue
  • Drab – Dull, Boring, Dreary, Drab, Lifeless
  • Dreadful – Horrible, Terrible, Frightening, Dreadful, Appalling
  • Dreamy – Fantastical, Imaginative, Dreamy, Unrealistic
  • Dreary – Gloomy, Dull, Bleak, Dreary, Tedious
  • Dynamic – Energetic, Active, Vibrant, Dynamic, Lively
  • Dysfunctional – Faulty, Flawed, Malfunctioning, Dysfunctional, Unworkable

Synonyms Words that Start with E

Here are some synonyms starting with the letter E in English:

  • Early – Preceding, Antecedent, Early, Former
  • Earnest – Sincere, Genuine, Earnest, Serious
  • Easy – Effortless, Simple, Easy, Undemanding
  • Eccentric – Unconventional, Quirky, Eccentric, Peculiar
  • Eclectic – Diverse, Varied, Eclectic, Broad
  • Economical – Thrifty, Frugal, Economical, Prudent
  • Edgy – Tense, Nervous, Edgy, Anxious
  • Educated – Knowledgeable, Cultured, Educated, Informed
  • Eerie – Spooky, Weird, Eerie, Unsettling
  • Effective – Efficient, Productive, Effective, Powerful
  • Effervescent – Lively, Bubbly, Effervescent, Animated
  • Efficient – Competent, Capable, Efficient, Skilled
  • Elaborate – Detailed, Intricate, Elaborate, Complex
  • Elastic – Stretchy, Flexible, Elastic, Pliable
  • Electric – Exciting, Electrifying, Electric, Thrilling
  • Elegant – Sophisticated, Stylish, Elegant, Refined
  • Elemental – Fundamental, Basic, Elemental, Primary
  • Elevated – High, Tall, Elevated, Exalted
  • Elusive – Hard to catch, Evasive, Elusive, Slippery
  • Embarrassed – Ashamed, Humiliated, Embarrassed, Self-conscious
  • Embellished – Decorated, Adorned, Embellished, Ornamented
  • Empathetic – Sympathetic, Understanding, Empathetic, Compassionate
  • Empowered – Enabled, Authorized, Empowered, Entitled
  • Enchanting – Alluring, Fascinating, Enchanting, Captivating
  • Encouraging – Supportive, Positive, Encouraging, Uplifting
  • Endearing – Charming, Sweet, Endearing, Lovable
  • Endless – Infinite, Boundless, Endless, Limitless
  • Energized – Revitalized, Rejuvenated, Energized, Recharged
  • Engaging – Captivating, Charming, Engaging, Appealing
  • Enjoyable – Pleasant, Gratifying, Enjoyable, Satisfying
  • Enormous – Huge, Massive, Enormous, Gigantic
  • Enthusiastic – Eager, Zealous, Enthusiastic, Passionate
  • Enticing – Attractive, Tempting, Enticing, Seductive
  • Equal – Same, Identical, Equal, Equivalent
  • Equanimous – Calm, Composed, Equanimous, Serene
  • Equitable – Fair, Impartial, Equitable, Just
  • Erratic – Inconsistent, Unpredictable, Erratic, Unstable
  • Essential – Necessary, Crucial, Essential, Vital
  • Esteemed – Respected, Revered, Esteemed, Honored
  • Eternal – Endless, Perpetual, Eternal, Everlasting
  • Ethereal – Heavenly, Celestial, Ethereal, Angelic
  • Euphoric – Elated, Ecstatic, Euphoric, Joyful
  • Evocative – Suggestive, Stimulating, Evocative, Provocative
  • Exacting – Demanding, Strict, Exacting, Rigorous
  • Exalted – Honored, Revered, Ex
  • Excellent – Exceptional, Outstanding, Excellent, Superb
  • Exciting – Thrilling, Stimulating, Exciting, Electrifying
  • Exclusive – Restricted, Select, Exclusive, Elite
  • Exemplary – Model, Ideal, Exemplary, Perfect
  • Exhausted – Weary, Fatigued, Exhausted, Drained
  • Exhilarating – Thrilling, Exciting, Exhilarating, Invigorating
  • Exotic – Unusual, Unfamiliar, Exotic, Foreign
  • Expansive – Extensive, Wide-ranging, Expansive, Comprehensive
  • Expert – Skilled, Experienced, Expert, Proficient
  • Expensive – Costly, Pricey, Expensive, Pricy
  • Experimental – Exploratory, Trial, Experimental, Innovative
  • Exquisite – Beautiful, Delicate, Exquisite, Elegant
  • Extensive – Widespread, Broad, Extensive, Far-reaching
  • Extraordinary – Remarkable, Exceptional, Extraordinary, Unusual
  • Extravagant – Lavish, Opulent, Extravagant, Over-the-top
  • Extreme – Intense, Radical, Extreme, Severe
  • Exuberant – Lively, Energetic, Exuberant, Enthusiastic
  • Eye-catching – Striking, Attention-grabbing, Eye-catching, Noticeable
  • Energetic – Vigorous, Dynamic, Energetic, Lively
  • Enlightening – Informative, Illuminating, Enlightening, Educational
  • Entrepreneurial – Business-minded, Innovative, Entrepreneurial, Enterprising
  • Ethical – Moral, Righteous, Ethical, Honorable
  • Evident – Obvious, Clear, Evident, Apparent
  • Evocative – Provocative, Inspiring, Evocative, Moving
  • Exotic – Unusual, Unfamiliar, Exotic, Foreign.

Synonyms Words that Start with F

Here are some synonyms starting with the letter F in English:

  • Fabulous – Amazing, Marvelous, Fabulous, Wonderful
  • Face – Confront, Encounter, Face, Meet
  • Facilitate – Simplify, Ease, Facilitate, Streamline
  • Faint – Weak, Lightheaded, Faint, Dizzy
  • Fair – Impartial, Just, Fair, Equitable
  • Faithful – Loyal, Devoted, Faithful, Committed
  • Fake – Faux, Imitation, Fake, Counterfeit
  • Familiar – Recognizable, Known, Familiar, Common
  • Famous – Celebrated, Renowned, Famous, Illustrious
  • Fanatical – Extreme, Obsessive, Fanatical, Zealous
  • Fantastic – Incredible, Phenomenal, Fantastic, Unreal
  • Fascinating – Engaging, Intriguing, Fascinating, Compelling
  • Fashionable – Stylish, Trendy, Fashionable, Popular
  • Fast – Quick, Swift, Fast, Rapid
  • Fat – Chubby, Plump, Fat, Obese
  • Faulty – Flawed, Defective, Faulty, Imperfect
  • Fearful – Afraid, Terrified, Fearful, Panicked
  • Fearless – Brave, Courageous, Fearless, Intrepid
  • Feisty – Spirited, Energetic, Feisty, Spunky
  • Fellow – Comrade, Companion, Fellow, Colleague
  • Ferocious – Fierce, Savage, Ferocious, Vicious
  • Fertile – Productive, Fertile, Fruitful, Rich
  • Fervent – Passionate, Enthusiastic, Fervent, Zealous
  • Festive – Joyful, Merry, Festive, Celebratory
  • Few – Limited, Scarce, Few, Rare
  • Fickle – Inconsistent, Unreliable, Fickle, Changeable
  • Fictional – Imaginary, Fictitious, Fictional, Unreal
  • Fiery – Intense, Passionate, Fiery, Emotional
  • Filthy – Dirty, Grimy, Filthy, Nasty
  • Final – Conclusive, Definitive, Final, Ultimate
  • Financial – Monetary, Economic, Financial, Fiscal
  • Fine – Excellent, Superior, Fine, Splendid
  • Firm – Strong, Resolute, Firm, Steadfast
  • First – Initial, Primary, First, Inaugural
  • Fit – Suitable, Appropriate, Fit, Proper
  • Flawless – Perfect, Impeccable, Flawless, Ideal
  • Flexible – Adaptable, Versatile, Flexible, Adjustable
  • Flimsy – Weak, Fragile, Flimsy, Delicate
  • Fluffy – Soft, Puffy, Fluffy, Furry
  • Fluent – Articulate, Fluent, Eloquent
  • Foolish – Absurd, Senseless, Foolish, Silly
  • Forbid – Ban, Prohibit, Forbid, Disallow
  • Forceful – Powerful, Assertive, Forceful, Dynamic
  • Foremost – Leading, Primary, Foremost, Principal
  • Forgetful – Absent-minded, Forgetful, Unmindful
  • Formal – Official, Ceremonial, Formal, Stately
  • Fortunate – Lucky, Blessed, Fortunate, Serendipitous
  • Fragile – Delicate, Frail, Fragile, Vulnerable

Synonyms Words that Start with G

Here are some synonyms starting with the letter G in English:

  • Gain – Acquire, Attain, Gain, Obtain
  • Gallant – Brave, Chivalrous, Gallant, Valiant
  • Gambit – Maneuver, Strategy, Gambit, Tactic
  • Game – Sport, Recreation, Game, Play
  • Generous – Benevolent, Charitable, Generous, Kind
  • Genuine – Authentic, Real, Genuine, Legitimate
  • Giddy – Dizzy, Lightheaded, Giddy, Unsteady
  • Gifted – Talented, Skilled, Gifted, Exceptional
  • Gigantic – Colossal, Huge, Gigantic, Enormous
  • Give – Donate, Contribute, Give, Offer
  • Glad – Pleased, Delighted, Glad, Happy
  • Glaring – Obvious, Evident, Glaring, Prominent
  • Gleaming – Shining, Glowing, Gleaming, Bright
  • Glimpse – Glance, Peek, Glimpse, Look
  • Global – International, Worldwide, Global, Universal
  • Glorious – Splendid, Magnificent, Glorious, Grand
  • Glossy – Shiny, Polished, Glossy, Sleek
  • Glow – Radiance, Shine, Glow, Brightness
  • Godly – Pious, Religious, Godly, Spiritual
  • Golden – Valuable, Precious, Golden, Priceless
  • Good – Excellent, Great, Good, Outstanding
  • Gorgeous – Beautiful, Stunning, Gorgeous, Elegant
  • Graceful – Elegant, Refined, Graceful, Sophisticated
  • Gracious – Courteous, Polite, Gracious, Kind
  • Grand – Majestic, Grand, Regal, Imperial
  • Grateful – Thankful, Appreciative, Grateful, Obliged
  • Gratifying – Satisfying, Rewarding, Gratifying, Fulfilling
  • Great – Huge, Immense, Great, Vast
  • Gripping – Engaging, Compelling, Gripping, Fascinating
  • Gritty – Tough, Resilient, Gritty, Determined
  • Groovy – Cool, Hip, Groovy, Trendy
  • Gross – Disgusting, Revolting, Gross, Nasty
  • Groundbreaking – Innovative, Revolutionary, Groundbreaking, Trailblazing
  • Grown-up – Mature, Adult, Grown-up, Responsible
  • Gruesome – Horrifying, Shocking, Gruesome, Repulsive
  • Guileless – Honest, Sincere, Guileless, Candid
  • Guilty – Blameworthy, Culpable, Guilty, Responsible
  • Gullible – Naive, Innocent, Gullible, Credulous
  • Gusty – Windy, Blustery, Gusty, Stormy
  • Gutsy – Courageous, Bold, Gutsy, Fearless
  • Guy – Bloke, Lad, Guy, Dude
  • Gyrating – Twirling, Swirling, Gyrating, Rotating
  • Gluttonous – Greedy, Voracious, Gluttonous, Ravenous
  • Graceless – Awkward, Clumsy, Graceless, Ungainly
  • Glamorous – Stylish, Fashionable, Glamorous, Chic
  • Garish – Gaudy, Flashy, Garish

Synonyms Words that Start with H

Here are some synonyms starting with the letter H in English:

  • Habitual – Chronic, Constant, Habitual, Regular
  • Happy – Blissful, Content, Happy, Joyful
  • Hard – Arduous, Challenging, Difficult, Hard
  • Harmony – Accord, Agreement, Harmony, Unity
  • Hate – Abhorrence, Animosity, Hate, Loathing
  • Help – Aid, Assist, Help, Support
  • High – Elevated, High, Tall
  • Honest – Candid, Frank, Honest, Sincere
  • Huge – Colossal, Enormous, Gigantic, Huge
  • Humble – Humble, Meek, Modest, Submissive.

Synonyms Words that Start with I

Here are some synonyms starting with the letter I in English:

  • Idea – Concept, Idea, Notion, Thought
  • Identify – Recognize, Identify, Distinguish
  • Ignite – Kindle, Ignite, Light, Spark
  • Illicit – Illegal, Illicit, Unlawful
  • Illusion – Delusion, Illusion, Mirage
  • Immaculate – Immaculate, Spotless, Stainless
  • Immense – Huge, Immense, Vast
  • Immortal – Enduring, Eternal, Immortal, Perpetual
  • Impartial – Fair, Impartial, Just, Unbiased
  • Impenetrable – Impenetrable, Inaccessible, Invulnerable.

Synonyms Words that Start with J

Here are some synonyms starting with the letter J in English:

  • Jaded – Bored, Jaded, Tired, Weary
  • Jealous – Envious, Jealous, Resentful
  • Jest – Banter, Jest, Joke, Quip
  • Jolly – Cheerful, Jolly, Merry
  • Jolt – Bump, Jolt, Shake
  • Joy – Delight, Joy, Pleasure
  • Jubilant – Ecstatic, Elated, Jubilant
  • Judicious – Discreet, Judicious, Prudent
  • Juxtapose – Compare, Juxtapose, Contrast
  • Justify – Excuse, Justify, Defend.

Synonyms Words that Start with K

Here are some synonyms starting with the letter K in English:

  • Keen – Eager, Sharp, Enthusiastic, Passionate
  • Keep – Hold, Keep, Retain
  • Kind – Benevolent, Compassionate, Gentle, Kind
  • Kindness – Benevolence, Kindness, Sympathy
  • Knowledge – Information, Knowledge, Wisdom
  • Known – Established, Familiar, Known, Recognized
  • Kudos – Acclaim, Applause, Kudos, Praise

Synonyms Words that Start with L

Here are some synonyms starting with the letter L in English:

  • Lament – Grieve, Lament, Mourn
  • Large – Big, Large, Huge
  • Last – Concluding, Last, Final
  • Laugh – Chuckle, Giggle, Laugh
  • Lavish – Extravagant, Lavish, Sumptuous
  • Lazy – Indolent, Lazy, Slothful
  • Learn – Absorb, Learn, Study
  • Legitimate – Genuine, Lawful, Legitimate, Valid
  • Lengthy – Extended, Lengthy, Protracted
  • Lethal – Deadly, Fatal, Lethal, Mortal.

Synonyms Words that Start with M

Here are some synonyms starting with the letter M in English:

  • Magnificent – Grand, Magnificent, Splendid
  • Maintain – Keep, Maintain, Sustain
  • Majority – Bulk, Majority, Most
  • Malicious – Malevolent, Malicious, Spiteful
  • Manage – Control, Manage, Supervise
  • Manifest – Apparent, Evident, Manifest
  • Manipulate – Handle, Manipulate, Operate
  • Marvelous – Amazing, Marvelous, Wonderful
  • Massive – Huge, Massive, Gigantic
  • Mature – Developed, Mature, Grown.

Synonyms Words that Start with N

Here are some synonyms starting with the letter N in English:

  • Naked – Bare, Naked, Nude
  • Name – Appellation, Name, Title
  • Nasty – Disgusting, Nasty, Revolting
  • Natural – Genuine, Natural, Real
  • Navigate – Direct, Navigate, Steer
  • Necessary – Crucial, Necessary, Vital
  • Neglect – Ignore, Neglect, Overlook
  • Negligent – Careless, Negligent, Slack
  • Neighbourly – Amiable, Friendly, Neighbourly
  • Nervous – Anxious, Nervous, Tense

Synonyms Words that Start with O

Here are some synonyms starting with the letter O in English:

  • Observe – Watch, Observe, Monitor
  • Obtain – Acquire, Gain, Obtain
  • Obvious – Apparent, Clear, Obvious
  • Occur – Happen, Occur, Take place
  • Odd – Bizarre, Eccentric, Odd, Peculiar
  • Offend – Annoy, Offend, Irritate
  • Offensive – Insulting, Offensive, Rude
  • Offer – Present, Offer, Provide
  • Official – Authorized, Formal, Official
  • Often – Frequently, Often, Regularly.

Synonyms Words that Start with P

Here are some synonyms starting with the letter P in English:

  • Painful – Agonizing, Painful, Sore
  • Pale – Ashen, Pale, Wan
  • Pamper – Indulge, Pamper, Spoil
  • Paradox – Contradiction, Paradox, Puzzle
  • Partial – Biased, Partial, Prejudiced
  • Particular – Exact, Particular, Specific
  • Party – Celebration, Party, Festivity
  • Passion – Ardour, Passion, Zeal
  • Patient – Enduring, Patient, Tolerant
  • Peaceful – Calm, Peaceful, Serene

Synonyms Words that Start with Q

Here are some synonyms starting with the letter Q in English:

  • Quick – Fast, Rapid, Quick
  • Quiet – Hushed, Quiet, Silent
  • Quit – Abandon, Cease, Quit
  • Quiz – Examination, Quiz, Test

Synonyms Words that Start with R

Here are some synonyms starting with the letter R in English:

  • Rage – Fury, Outrage, Rage
  • Rare – Scarce, Uncommon, Rare
  • Rational – Logical, Rational, Reasonable
  • Realize – Appreciate, Realize, Understand
  • Reasonable – Fair, Just, Reasonable
  • Rebel – Insurgent, Rebel, Revolutionary
  • Receive – Acquire, Receive, Obtain
  • Recommend – Advise, Recommend, Suggest
  • Refuse – Decline, Refuse, Reject
  • Regret – Apology, Regret, Sorrow

Synonyms Words that Start with S

Here are some synonyms starting with the letter S in English:

  • Sad – Dejected, Gloomy, Sad
  • Safe – Secure, Safe, Protected
  • Same – Identical, Same, Equal
  • Say – Express, State, Say
  • Scared – Afraid, Frightened, Scared
  • Scarce – Rare, Scarce, Limited
  • Secret – Confidential, Secret, Private
  • See – Observe, See, Perceive
  • Serious – Earnest, Serious, Sincere
  • Shiny – Gleaming, Shiny, Bright

Synonyms Words that Start with T

Here are some synonyms starting with the letter T in English:

  • Tall – High, Tall, Elevated
  • Talk – Communicate, Talk, Converse
  • Tasty – Delicious, Flavorful, Tasty
  • Terrible – Awful, Horrible, Terrible
  • Thankful – Appreciative, Grateful, Thankful
  • Think – Consider, Ponder, Think
  • Thorough – Comprehensive, Thorough, Complete
  • Timid – Shy, Timid, Timorous
  • Tired – Exhausted, Fatigued, Tired
  • True – Genuine, Real, True

Synonyms Words that Start with U

Here are some synonyms starting with the letter U in English:

  • Ugly – Hideous, Repulsive, Ugly
  • Understand – Comprehend, Grasp, Understand
  • Unique – Distinctive, Exceptional, Unique
  • Unite – Join, Unite, Combine
  • Unusual – Atypical, Unique, Unusual
  • Upset – Agitated, Distressed, Upset
  • Urgent – Crucial, Imperative, Urgent
  • Use – Employ, Utilize, Use
  • Useful – Beneficial, Helpful, Useful
  • Useless – Futile, Ineffective, Useless

Synonyms Words that Start with V

Here are some synonyms starting with the letter V in English:

  • Vacant – Empty, Vacant, Unoccupied
  • Vague – Ambiguous, Unclear, Vague
  • Valuable – Precious, Valuable, Priceless
  • Variety – Assortment, Diversity, Variety
  • Vast – Immense, Large, Vast
  • Very – Extremely, Highly, Very
  • Vibrant – Lively, Vibrant, Dynamic
  • Victory – Triumph, Victory, Success
  • View – Observe, See, View
  • Violent – Fierce, Savage, Violent

Synonyms Words that Start with W

Here are some synonyms starting with the letter W in English:

  • Wary – Cautious, Careful, Wary
  • Wealthy – Affluent, Rich, Wealthy
  • Weird – Bizarre, Strange, Weird
  • Welcome – Greet, Receive, Welcome
  • Well-known – Famous, Renowned, Well-known
  • Wet – Damp, Moist, Wet
  • Whimsical – Capricious, Fanciful, Whimsical
  • Whole – Complete, Entire, Whole
  • Wide – Broad, Extensive, Wide
  • Wild – Feral, Untamed, Wild

Synonyms Words that Start with X

Here are some synonyms starting with the letter X in English:

  • Xenophobia – Racism, Xenophobia, Prejudice
  • Xeric – Arid, Dry, Xeric
  • Xerox – Duplicate, Photocopy, Xerox

Synonyms Words that Start with Y

Here are some synonyms starting with the letter Y in English:

  • Yearn – Crave, Long, Yearn
  • Yellow – Golden, Amber, Yellow
  • Yield – Produce, Generate, Yield
  • Young – Juvenile, Adolescent, Young
  • Youthful – Adolescent, Juvenile, Youthful
  • Yearly – Annual, Yearly, Yearlong
  • Yes – Affirmative, Yes, Positive
  • Yummy – Delicious, Tasty, Yummy
  • Yesterday – Prior, Past, Yesterday
  • Yell – Shout, Scream, Yell

Synonyms Words that Start with Z

Here are some synonyms starting with the letter Z in English:

  • Zenith – Summit, Peak, Zenith
  • Zealous – Passionate, Enthusiastic, Zealous
  • Zero – Null, Nought, Zero
  • Zest – Gusto, Enthusiasm, Zest
  • Zigzag – Wavy, Meandering, Zigzag
  • Zany – Comical, Witty, Zany
  • Zephyr – Breeze, Gust, Zephyr
  • Zonal – Regional, Zonal, Area-based

Please note that some of these words are not commonly used in everyday language and are more technical or specific in nature.

As you can see, each synonym has a slightly different connotation, so it is important to choose the word that best fits the context and intended meaning.

Tips for Using Synonyms

When using synonyms, it is important to keep the following tips in mind:

  • Understand the nuances of each word: Synonyms may have slightly different meanings or connotations, so it is important to choose the word that best fits the context and intended meaning.
  • Avoid using unfamiliar words: While it is important to expand your vocabulary, it is also important to avoid using words that are too obscure or unfamiliar. Using words that your audience may not understand can make your writing or speech difficult to follow.
  • Vary your word choices: Using a variety of synonyms can make your writing and speech more interesting and engaging. However, be careful not to overuse synonyms and make your writing sound forced or unnatural.
  • Use a thesaurus sparingly: While a thesaurus can be a valuable tool, it is important to use it sparingly and not rely too heavily on it. Using too many synonyms can make your writing or speech sound stilted and awkward.

Learning synonyms can be a fun and easy way to enhance your vocabulary and improve your communication skills. By using synonyms, you can make your writing and speech more interesting and engaging, and convey your message more effectively. So why not start building your vocabulary today?


What is a synonym?

A synonym is a word that has the same or a similar meaning as another word.

Why is it important to know synonyms?

Knowing synonyms can help you to improve your vocabulary and communication skills. Using a variety of synonyms can also make your writing and speaking more interesting and engaging.

How can I find synonyms for a word?

You can use a thesaurus or an online synonym dictionary to find synonyms for a word. You can also search for synonyms by using a search engine and typing in “synonyms for [word].”

Are all synonyms interchangeable?

No, not all synonyms are interchangeable. Some synonyms may have slightly different connotations or may be used in different contexts. It is important to understand the nuances of a word and its synonyms before using them in your writing or speech.

Can synonyms have opposite meanings?

No, synonyms do not have opposite meanings. Words that have opposite meanings are called antonyms.

How can I learn new synonyms?

You can learn new synonyms by reading books, articles, and other materials that use a variety of vocabulary. You can also use vocabulary-building apps, play word games, and challenge yourself to use new words in your writing and speech.

Post Views: 369

Learn various synonyms for the most commonly used words of English.

If everything is expressed only by a single word in every situation, life would be boring. Luckily, we have synonyms to convey the same message in various ways. A number of competitive exams feature questions on vocabulary, especially on synonyms and antonyms.

Synonyms are the words that have the same or very similar meaning. In this series of articles, you will learn synonyms for commonly used words. Each article consists of a list of 15-20 words. Each word is accompanied by four synonyms. The lists are arranged in the alphabetical order of words.

List of Synonyms – 1

Synonyms for words starting with A, B, C

Word Synonym-1 Synonym-2 Synonym-3 Synonym-4
Amazing Incredible Unbelievable Improbable Astonishing
Anger Enrage Infuriate Arouse Nettle
Angry Wrathful Furious Enraged Indignant
Answer Reply Respond Retort Acknowledge
Ask Question Inquire Query Interrogate
Awful Dreadful Terrible Abominable Unpleasant
Bad Depraved Rotten Contaminated Sinful
Beautiful Gorgeous Dazzling Splendid Magnificent
Begin Start Open Launch Initiate
Big Enormous Huge Immense Gigantic
Brave Courageous Fearless Dauntless Intrepid
Break Fracture Wreck Crash Demolish
Bright Sparkling Shimmering Radiant Vivid
Calm Quiet Peaceful Unruffled Tranquil
Come Approach Advance Near Arrive
Cool Chilly Cold Frosty Frigid
Crooked Bent Twisted Zigzag Hooked
Cry Weep Wail Sob Bawl
Cut Slice Carve Cleave Slit


List of Synonyms – 2

Synonyms for words starting with D, E, F

Word Synonym-1 Synonym-2 Synonym-3 Synonym-4
Dangerous Perilous Hazardous Risky Uncertain
Dark Shadowy Unlit Murky Gloomy
Decide Determine Settle Choose Resolve
Definite Certain Sure Positive Determined
Delicious Savory Delectable Appetizing Luscious
Describe Portray Characterize Picture Narrate
Destroy Ruin Demolish Raze Slay
Difference Disagreement Inequity Contrast Dissimilarity
Do Execute Enact Carry Out Finish
Dull Unimaginative Lifeless Tedious Tiresome
Eager Keen Fervent Enthusiastic Involved
End Stop Finish Terminate Conclude
Enjoy Appreciate Delight In Be Pleased Indulge In
Explain Elaborate Clarify Define Interpret
Fair Just Impartial Unbiased Objective
Fall Drop Descend Plunge Topple
False Fake Fraudulent Counterfeit Spurious
Fast Quick Rapid Hasty Swiftly
Fat Stout Corpulent Paunchy Plump
Fear Fright Dread Terror Alarm
Fly Soar Hover Flit Wing
Funny Humorous Amusing Droll Laughable

List of Synonyms – 3

Synonyms for words starting with G, H, I, K

Word Synonym-1 Synonym-2 Synonym-3 Synonym-4
Get Acquire Obtain Secure Procure
Go Recede Depart Fade Disappear
Good Excellent Apt Marvelous Qualified
Great Noteworthy Worthy Distinguished Remarkable
Gross Improper Rude Coarse Indecent
Happy Pleased Contented Satisfied Delighted
Hate Despise Loathe Detest Abhor
Have Acquire Gain Maintain Believe
Help Aid Assist Succor Encourage
Hide Conceal Camouflage Shroud Veil
Hurry Hasten Urge Accelerate Bustle
Hurt Damage Distress Afflict Pain
Idea Thought Concept Conception Notion
Important Necessary Vital Critical Indispensable
Interesting Fascinating Bright Intelligent Animated
Keep Hold Maintain Sustain Support
Kill Slay Execute Assassinate Abolish

List of Synonyms – 4

Synonyms for words starting with L, M, N, O, P

Word Synonym-1 Synonym-2 Synonym-3 Synonym-4
Lazy Indolent Slothful Idle Inactive
Little Dinky Puny Diminutive Miniature
Look Scrutinize Inspect Survey Study
Love Like Admire Esteem Fancy
Make Design Fabricate Manufacture Produce
Mark Impress Effect Trace Imprint
Mischievous Prankish Waggish Impish Sportive
Move Plod Go Creep Crawl
Neat Trim Dapper Natty Smart
New Novel Modern Current Recent
Old Aged Used Worn Dilapidated
Part Portion Section Fraction Fragment
Place Space Area Spot Plot
Plan Region Location Situation Position
Predicament Quandary Dilemma Plight Spot
Put Place Assign Keep Establish

List of Synonyms – 5

Synonyms for words starting with Q, R, S, T, U

Word Synonyms-1 Synonyms-2 Synonyms-3 Synonyms-4
Quiet Tranquil Peaceful Calm Restful
Right Correct Accurate Factual True
Run Race Sprint Dash Rush
Say/Tell Recount Narrate Explain Reveal
Scared Panicked Fearful Unnerved Insecure
Show Display Exhibit Present Note
Slow Unhurried Behind Tedious Slack
Stop Cease Halt Stay Pause
Story Tale Yarn Account Narrative
Strange Odd Peculiar Unusual Unfamiliar
Take Hold Catch Seize Grasp
Tell Disclose Reveal Show Expose
Think Consider Contemplate Reflect Mediate
Trouble Distress Anguish Anxiety Wretchedness
True Accurate Right Proper Precise
Ugly Horrible Unpleasant Monstrous Terrifying


Here you will find a table of words and their synonyms. We only listed typical synonyms ansd recommend using a good dictionary.

  • A – F
  • G – L
  • M – R
  • S – Z
Word Synonym
about approximately
abstract summary
to accomplish to achieve
to accumulate to build up
to administer to manage
to admit to confess
almost nearly
animated lively
to annoy to irritate, to bother
to answer to reply
anyway besides
apparent obvious
to appear to seem
applicable relevant
appreciable considerable
ardour passion
arise occur
aromatic fragrant
to arrive to reach
artful crafty
association organization
to assure to guarantee
attractive appealing
away absent
awful terrible
backbone spine
backside behind, bottom
bad (not good) poor, naughty
ballot poll
to bear on sth. to affect
to beat to defeat
becoming fitting
to begin to start
to behave to act
believable plausible
belly stomach
bendy flexible
beneficiant generous
beneficial favourable
bid tender
bizarre weird
blameless innocent
bloodbath massacre
bloodless cold
branch department
brave courageous
to bring sth. back to reintroduce
to bring sth. on to cause
to bring sb. up to raise
brow forehead
bum backside, behind, bottom
business commerce, trade
busy (telephone) engaged
candy sweet
to categorize to classify
to categorise
charter constitution
cheesy corny, tacky
chiefly mainly
choosy picky
to chop to cut
chorus refrain
citation quotation
to cite to quote
class lesson, course
clerk receptionist
clever intelligent
to close to shut
coiffure hairstyle
to collapse to break down
to collect to gather
comfort consolation
comic comedian
commencement graduation
complete total
completely totally
concord harmony
to condemn to sentence
confederate accomplice
to confine to restrict
conflict clash
to conform to comply
to confuse to mix up
to connect to associate, to put through (telephone)
considerate thoughtful
constancy fidelity
constant fixed
constitution structure
construction (lit.) interpretation
to consult to refer to
contemporary modern
continuous continual
contrary opposite
convention conference
to convey to communicate
to cope to manage
correct right
couch sofa
crook criminal
crusade campaign
cube dice
curative healing
curler roller
cussed stubborn
dash sprint
daybreak dawn
deceptive misleading
decontrol deregulate
dedicated committed
to deduce to infer
defective faulty
deliberate planned
deliberately intentionally
delicate fragile
to demostrate to protest
to denationalize to privatize
to denationalise
denims jeans
to denote to indicate, to represent
to deprave to corrupt
depraved wicked, evil
to desert to abandon
deserted abandoned
destiny fate
detached indifferent
devil satan
dicy risky
to differentiate to distinguish
to diminish to decrease
disadvantaged deprived
disagreeable unpleasant
to disappear to vanish
disaster catastrophe
to disclaim to deny
to disclose to reveal
discount reduction
disgrace shame
domesticate cultivate
dossier file
dubious doubtful
dull (person) stupid
eager keen
earth soil
ecocnomic profitable
egocentric selfish
to elevate to raise, to promote
to emphasise to stress
to emphasize
to encounter to come across
enormous huge, immense
to enquire to investigate
equity fairness
especially particularly
essential fundamental
to establish to set up
to evaluate to assess
everlasting eternal
exactly precisely
except apart from
to expire to run out
to explode to blow up
extra additional
to fabricate to manufacture
famous famed, renowned
fanatic enthusiast
fantastic great, brilliant
to float to drift
fool idiot
foolish silly
forehead brow
to foretell to predict
formerly previously
fortunate lucky
foxy cunning
foyer lobby
fragrance perfume
French dressing vinaigrette
to function to operate

Ulrike Schroedter contributed to the list.

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