Смс it words and word

The Research Work

research issue:





№ 1. GLOSSARY. 15


№ 3. 22



The development of modern technologies such as mobile phones and
Internet has a great influence on the language, in particular on its spelling.
The whole information is shortened to its minimum to save time and money.
Experts say the growing trend of SMS language among teenagers has paved the way
for a new type of language.

Now, it seems to be gaining a lot of popularity among all class of
people. Language experts are of the opinion that SMS has led to a creation of a
new form of language and way of communication.

Over the past ten years, the short message service (SMS) has
become a popular tool of communication. For many people the opportunity to send
short messages is preferable to phone calls.

SMS language has become so popular that mass-media arrange SMS
poems competitions; in Great Britain there is a book, devoted to art of
reductions; philologists from the Oxford university include lexicon used for
drawing up SMS messages in the brief Oxford dictionary; the firm Genie is
publishing the first-ever dictionary of the most used SMS reductions [8].

In this connection researching the phenomenon of SMS language as a
way of studying a foreign language is represented actual and noteworthy.

That is why the aim of the study is to find out if using SMS
language is a convenience or a corruption for studying English, to reveal
positive factors, and also to create a brief dictionary of SMS reductions for
studying by schoolchildren.

Therefore I have formulated such problems:

to study the theoretical material: history of SMS language; SMS
devices; key rules for drawing up SMS language.

to analyze using SMS language: the pros and cons.

to conduct a sociological survey of Russian-speaking
schoolchildren on the theme «Use of SMS language while studying English».

to define advantages and lacks of SMS language for studying

to make a brief dictionary of SMS language for studying by

The object of the research is SMS language as a
modern way of communication.

The subject of the investigation is influence of
SMS language on studying English.

Research Hypothesis.

Studying English SMS language helps schoolchildren to learn better
features and an originality of the foreign language, promotes development of
certain linguistic skills.

I used theoretical and practical methods of research: the
comparative analysis of literature, brainstorm (formulating the aims of
research and hypothesis), observation, sociological survey, measurement,
classification, generalization, analysis.

The research consists of theoretical and practical parts. The
theoretical part represents studying the phenomenon of SMS language. I
conducted the classification of SMS reductions and devices. The practical part
brings forward the results of sociological survey and the dictionary of SMS
language for studying by schoolchildren.

The basic part

I stage. Studying the theoretical material

History of SMS language

SMS language or Textese (also known as txtese, chatspeak, txt,
textspeak, txtspk, txtk, texting language, or txt talk) is a term for the
abbreviations and slang most commonly used due to the necessary brevity of
mobile phone text messaging, though its use is common on the Internet,
including e-mail and instant messaging. It can be likened to a rebus, which
uses pictures and single letters, or numbers to represent whole words.

The first message was sent in 1992 on channels of European network
GSM. The engineer of the firm Vodafon sent the first SMS message: «Merry
Christmas – 92 ».

However this new technology was forgotten for the whole 8 years.
And only in the year 2000 the cellular companies introduced Short Message

SMS language devices.

Apo copes (type of truncation of final syllables):

Mom (mo)-moment; A3-anytime, anywhere, anyplace; 4e – forever

Abbreviations (alphabetic abbreviations where each letter is read like
in the alphabet):

Bbl – be back later; Nc–no comment; Btw–by the way

Acronyms (alphabetic abbreviation which is read as a uniform

Lol – laugh out loud; Bot – back on topic; Bion – believe it or

Apheresis (type of truncation of initial syllables):

Net = Internet

Smilies – means of expressions of emotions in a text:

:-) a smile :-0 hbtu 0: happy birthday! ;-) a smile with winking
х a mouth on the lock

Use of letters instead of the words similar to them on sounding:

b = be Ic – I see c = see U – you r = are Cu – see you y = why

Use of digits instead of separate words or the syllables similar
to them on sounding.

1 = won 8 = ate 4 = for 2 = too

Replacement of a syllable with a letter or a digit:

great = gr8 B4 =Before mate = m8 2d4 =To die for

wait = w8 4е =Forever
later = l8r or l8a 2l8 = Too late

skate = sk8 once = 1ce skater = sk8r before = b4

Removal of vowels from a word without damage to recognition:

btwn = between


@ = at sch%ll = school

Key rules for drawing up SMS-reductions:

to reduce words as far as possible:

wd=would Tho=though Ppl=people Pls=please Spk=speak

To use a letter instead of a word where it is possible:

u=you I=I/it R=are B=be C=see/sea

To use digits instead of letters where it is possible:

0=nothing w8=wait 2=two, to, too D8=date 2DAY=today F8=fate

A3=anyplace, anytime, anywhere Gr8=great L8r=later L8=late

To use symbols:

sch%l=school c%l=cool

To use abbreviations in long sentences:

ATB= All the best Ti2GO= Time to go B4N= Bye for now TIA= Thanks
in advance

II stage. The analysis of using SMS language

Spheres of use SMS reductions

Despite of using SMS in a number of some European companies,
according to all available information in business sphere, SMS language didn’t
get accustomed. Experts consider, that SMS language is a way of informal
dialogue which does not promote a successful establishment of business contacts
(it would be not correct to use it, for example, for official invitations).

Nevertheless, popularity of SMS-slang is so great, that it began
to make a serious influence on the modern English language. Even more there is
a substitution of alive language by language of abbreviations and symbols.
There are translations on SMS language of Shakespeare works, which are called
to draw attention of the British students and schoolchildren to help them to
understand better the classical literature and more effectively to prepare for
examinations [9.]

The pros and cons

Thus, mobile communication and original SMS language get into the
most different areas of our life, influencing on culture as a whole. It is
possible to consider some aspects of this influence positive, and other aspects
cause alarm in the public.

Opinions of people were divided: experts of education,
scientists-philologists, sociologists, psychologists, even doctors enter

Popularity of SMS language causes fear among linguists
considering, that the slang is widely used among schoolchildren whose language
culture is not finally generated. “Pupils write the same way as they think”
(Goldenkov, 1999). From the linguistic point of view SMS language is full of
reductions, punctuation, grammar, and capitalization are largely ignored.

Welsh journalist and television reporter John Humphrys has
criticized textese as «wrecking our language». The author cites
ambiguous examples such as «lol» which may mean «laughing out
loud» or «lots of love», depending on the context in which it is
used. Humphrys describes emoticons and textese as «irritating» and
essentially lazy behaviors, and surmises that «sloppy» habits gained
while using textese will result in students’ growing ignorance of proper
grammar and punctuation.[5]

David Crystal has countered the claims that SMS has a deleterious
effect on language with numerous scholarly studies. Despite scholarly research
to the contrary, the popular notion that text messaging is damaging to the
linguistic development of young people and to the English language itself

Hence, present young generation practicing a new way of
self-expression through SMS language, in the future become illiterate experts.

Teachers are anxious by the developed position and insist on
eradication of text messages in favour of preservation of classical language.

The experts concerned on the future of literary English language,
consider, that similar experiments can render destructive influence, both on formation
of the young person, and on educational process as a whole.

According to researches of the American psychologists studying for
a long time «SMS-psychology», there is a formation of conditional
«SMS-dependence» which starts to appear if the person who sends more
than five messages for one day. In experts opinion, it means fear of contacts
“eyes — in eyes” and attempt of flight from a reality [3].

At the same time there is the other point of view on that problem.
The group of scientists in Britain accepts this phenomenon, believing that “the
new kind of language has already settled, and they include the list of
reductions in the new Oxford dictionary [12].

The most suitable way of solving that problem was found in
Scotland. At Glasgow University there is an experiment – texting courses.

With help of scientists the program and rules of telephone slang
is developed. In the future they plan to draw up the standard of a writing to
make messages more universal and clear for all [13].

Moreover the online dictionary of acronyms, confirms, that
reductions is one of productive ways of word-formation in the modern English
language. The dictionary exists for 10 years and is the greatest and the most
authoritative web site.

The broad audience of users comes on this site in searches of
interpretation of the reductions used in different spheres. Monthly about 1
million visitors from 180 countries receive the competent information on more
than 3 million inquiries about acronyms and abbreviations.

Acronym Finder contains over 550000 terms, and their quantity
increases, on the average, 200 new units a day. Students and teachers,
government officials, pharmacists, translators and any person who had problems
with decoding abbreviations use the dictionary [14].

There is one more opinion of psychologists on that kind of hobby.
They consider it as a new way of the self-expression, convenient means for realization
of needs in the world of new technologies.

From the linguistic and psychological point of view SMS texts is
the phenomenon more likely positive.

The person writing SMS message solves a little bit important
problems, besides simple transfer of the maintenance [3].

III stage. The sociological survey of Russian-speaking
schoolchildren on the topic «Use of SMS language while studying English».

With the view of definition of a place of SMS-language in
teenagers’ lives and its importance for studying English I conducted a survey
among 142 schoolchildren at the age of 11-17 years old. The questionnaire
consisted of following questions:

1. Do you use ICQ or SMS languages in Russian?

2. Why do you use ICQ or SMS languages in Russian?

3. Why don’t you use ICQ or SMS languages in Russian?

4. Do you use ICQ or SMS languages in English?

5. Why do you use ICQ or SMS languages in English?

6. Why don’t you use ICQ or SMS languages in English?

7. Would you stop using ICQ or SMS languages if you know that it makes
your learning English corrupt?

8. What kinds of English SMS language do you often use?

9. Does your knowledge of English influence your SMS language?

10. Do you learn new English words, using English SMS language?

11. Does SMS language help you improve pronunciation of English

12. Does English SMS language cause problems with spelling?

As a result of the questioning it was found out, that all students
use Russian SMS messages, and in English — about 75 % of children.

Some students don’t use English SMS language because it is
impossible precisely express ideas, not all interlocutors use English SMS

The overwhelming part of schoolchildren uses Russian SMS language
for convenience and economy of time. And they use English SMS language for
convenience, economy of time, because of fashion and for entertainment.

The most part of students prefer such kinds of reductions as
emoticons, use of letters or digits instead of words, combinations of letters
and digits in words, abbreviations in English.

70 % of respondents consider that SMS language can’t negatively
affect their knowledge of English.

76 % of students consider that their knowledge of English
influence on SMS language. And on the contrary SMS language very often helps to
learn new English words for 48 % of schoolchildren and sometimes for 52 % of

As for the question about improvement of pronunciation with help
of SMS language 75 % of respondents are sure that SMS language very often helps
and 25 % of children think, that SMS language sometimes helps.

But 90 % of students believe SMS language causes spelling

Analyzing results of questioning from the point of view of age I
have come to following conclusions: the greatest popularity of SMS reductions
in the Russian and English languages appears among teenagers from 13 till 17

Considering the reasons of using SMS reductions in two languages,
it is visible, that basically 13-17year old children use them for convenience
and economy of time. 11-12 year old students use Russian SMS language because
it is fashionable and they use English SMS language for fun. Most 11-13 year
old children do not use English SMS language because of difficulty of this
language, impossibility to express precisely idea and whereas not all people
use it. 14-15 year old teenagers mention unpopularity of English SMS language
among youngsters.

As for negative influence of SMS language on studying English the
overwhelming part of 11-12 year old children do not agree.

The least popular ways of SMS reductions for all students are
apocopes and «removal of vowels from words» And the most popular ways are
emoticons. 11-year old children equally prefer all other ways. 12-13 year old
students prefer abbreviations, “use of letters and digits instead of words”.

14-year old teenagers choose such ways as “use of letters and
digits instead of words”, and also a combination from letters and words.
15-year old teenagers use abbreviations, combinations from letters and words.
16-17 year old students often use abbreviations, “use of letters and digits
instead of words”, and also their combination. Thus, students of senior grades
use a wide range of SMS reductions.

Most of 14 -17 year old students agree that knowledge of English
influence on SMS language. A half of 11-13 year old children do not agree. All
students agree that SMS language influences on learning new English words. All
age groups equally agree that SMS language improves pronunciation of English
words. A half of students think that SMS language causes problems in spelling.
The smaller part of 13-17 year teenagers do not think so.

IV stage. Definition of advantages and lacks of using SMS
reductions during studying the English language.

For conclusion about use of SMS language while studying English I
familiarized with opinions of different experts and I used results of

John Levis considers that in connection with a lot of exceptions
in rules of reading in the English language, new ways of the image of words
facilitate storing a pronunciation of words [6].

The writer Georges Bernard Show suggested entering the graphic
representation for each sound, so to increase quantity of letters in the
alphabet [6].

In the USA simplification in spelling already occurs. Linguist Noj
Vebster, considers, that unpronounceable letters in words should be withdrawn

Teachers from Kampala faced cases of using SMS language by
schoolchildren at examinations that was reflected in low results [7].

According to Andy Karvin some universities start studying an
opportunity of using SMS for delivery of lectures as remote training [11].

Кobus van Wyk informs that the question of using mobile devices in
training is considered. As, if the pupil with impatience reads or writes by
means of SMS, it would be possible to take advantage also precisely of this
opportunity for the good education [11].

However some teachers of Science consider that SMS-language is
convenient in the technological world [7].

Some psychologists and teachers are sure that SMS reductions
develop creativity, imagination, skills to analyze [10].

On the basis of the revealed negative and positive factors of
influence of SMS language on educational process and results of the questioning
I have come to the following conclusions:

— English SMS language is better to study for schoolchildren who
have learned English for some years;

— It is better to use selective SMS reductions which will not lead
to language contradictions;

— It is convenient to use SMS language during mastering
pronunciation of new words;

-It is useful to use SMS language while developing informal

V stage. Making a brief dictionary of SMS language for studying by

While researching the phenomenon of SMS language I studied certain
quantity of SMS reductions and I made a brief dictionary of SMS reductions for
studying English language. For convenience of use words and expressions are
distributed on lexical sets:

— Expression of opinions; — expression of emotions; — virtual
kisses; — greetings; — farewell; — the instruction of time; — expression of
discontent; — people; — polite words; — questions; — conjunctions and prepositions;
— verbs; — wishes; — estimation; — emoticons.

Using this dictionary students can improve learning new words and
phrases, their meaning and pronunciation. Besides, the unusual way of studying
and an opportunity of drawing up own reductions will cause interest to


As a result of researching SMS language I have come to the
conclusion that SMS messages, despite of singularity, serve as means of
communication. This phenomenon is natural, as the language is «an alive
organism», constantly developing and changeable. It is difficult to say if SMS
a positive or a negative phenomenon, but it is necessary to recognize the fact
of existence of a kind of modern language.

SMS language should be considered not only as an element of youth
subculture. Being a popular tool of dialogue, it allows removing a problem of
existence in language space and it is an original source of updating

Therefore, despite of discrepancy of points of view, SMS language
is the part of culture. It also demands theoretical judgment of philologists
and psychologists to reduce its negative influence on traditional language and

The results of the work have confirmed the hypothesis about SMS
language as a way of learning originality of a foreign language.

The sociological survey has confirmed, that use of certain SMS
reductions promotes development of special linguistic skills: pronunciation
skills, grammatical structures, development of informal conversation, expansion
of vocabulary.

Use of SMS language at lessons recovers training; it causes
interest to the language. Process of drawing up and decoding SMS reductions
promotes not only fastening new material, but also develops creative abilities
and skills to analyze.


1. Goldenkov M. “Hot Dog! Modern Active English”., М.,
1999, 272 p.

2. Lutskevich V.A. “English-Russian Dictionary of Modern
М., 2002, 571 p.

3. Journal “Speak Out” 1/2002, М.:
GLOSSA-PRESS, 2009, 63 p.

4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMS_language

5. http://transl8it.com/cgi-win/index.pl Словарь перевода текста
на SMS язык


7. http://www.independent.co.ug/index.php/society/society/37-society/231-sms-spells-end-of-gd-grammar-


SMS Lingo: The New Kind Of Language

9. http://y2u.co.uk/knowledge_information/
technology/rn_mobile_sms_texting_slang.htm « SMS language»

http://www.eslteachersboard.com/cgi-bin/english/index.pl?read=1918 «SMS
Language — Improving Lives Or Infecting Our English?» By:Dennis Paguio


«Should Schools Teach SMS Text Messaging?»

12. http://library.thinkquest.org/06aug/02130/ ICQ & SMS
language — convenience or corruption?

13. http://coolsms.by.ru/sokr.html

14. www.acronymfinder.com

 Appendix № 1.

An abbreviation (from Latin brevis,
meaning «short») is a shortened form of a word or phrase. Usually,
but not always, it consists of a letter or group of letters taken from the word
or phrase.

Acronyms and initialisms are abbreviations that
are formed using the initial components in a phrase or name. These components
may be individual letters (as in CEO) or parts of words (as in Benelux).

Apocope — The loss or omission of a sound or syllable from the end
of a word.

Apheresis is the loss of one or more sounds
from the beginning of a word, especially the loss of an unstressed vowel.

An emoticon is a textual expression representing
the face of a writer’s mood or facial expression. Emoticons are often used to alert
a responder to the tenor or temper of a statement, and can change and improve
interpretation of plain text.

GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications: originally from Groupe
Spécial Mobile) is the most popular standard for mobile telephone systems in
the world.

ICQ is a popular instant messaging computer program, which was
first developed by the Israeli company Mirabilis, now owned by AOL. The first
version of the program was released in November 1996 and ICQ became one of the
first Internet-wide instant messaging services. The name ICQ is a homophone for
the phrase «I seek you».

Short Message Service (SMS) is a communication service
component of the GSM mobile communication system, using standardized
communications protocols that allow the exchange of short text messages between
mobile phone devices.

 Appendix № 2.
Results of the sociological survey.














 Appendix № 3.

 The brief
dictionary of SMS language for studying by schoolchildren.



How are you?


OK and you?


Are you free to talk?


Are you OK?


You OK?


What’s up?


welcome back

Expression of opinions


As far as I know


As far as I understand it


I will be able to


In my opinion


I must say


to be honest


Not my problem


So what do you think?


But I Could Be Wrong


By The Way


In My Humble Opinion


Excuse Me For Butting In


In Other Words


On the other hand


To the best of my knowledge


don’t know


for your information


in any case


no comment


as I said earlier


I don’t care


It Does Not Matter


in my point of view


As a matter of fact 



All the best


Bye for now


Have a nice day




Thanks in advance


Time to go




See you later.


See you today?


Let me know


Please call me


Call back


Be Seeing You


Best Regards


Chat With You Later


talk to you later


With Best Wishes


Hope to see you soon


call me


please call me


stay in touch


Bye-Bye for Now


Good luck


end of discussion




have a good night


have a nice time


Have fun


till tomorrow


be back late(r)


be seeing you


hope you miss me

Virtual kisses


I love you


I love you


Mad about you




Hugs and kisses

Expression of emotions




Big kiss


Falling down rolling on the floor laughing




Just kidding


Laugh out loud / lots of love








I see


I know




I love you

The instruction of time


as soon as possible














as soon as possible




at the moment


never forever




end of day


at the weekend


sooner or later


till next time

Polite words






Thank you









Very happy






Laughing / Grinning


Devilish grin






Not talking




Not funny


Surprised / shocked



Expression of discontent


Leave me alone


Mind your own business


You’ll be sorry!


Get out of my life















young gentleman


young lady


young man









happy birthday to you


Merry Christmas




don’t worry be happy










Conjunctions and Prepositions

























want to
















get on with it



Best in class 






Emotionally disturbed 


Good job









City science-practical conference

« A Step to Science-2014»

Junior group

English language Section

«Peculiarity of using sms-shortenings and sms-abbreviations

 in the modern English language»

Shnireva Anastasiya, Grade 8 «a»

Science research supervisor: Lazareva Olga Sergeevna

Chita 2014


1. Brief annotation…………………………………………………………………………………..3

2. Annotation………………………………………………………………………………………..4

3.  Plan of research …………………………………………………………………………………5

4.  Science article …………………………………………………………………………………..7

5.  List of literature

6. Appendix

City science-practical conference

« A Step to Science-2014»

«Peculiarity of using sms-shortenings and sms-abbreviations

 in the modern English language»

Shnireva Anastasiya, Grade 8 «a»

Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary State School № 2”, Chita

Brief annotation.

      This research work contains the analyses of sms-abbreviations and sms-shortening in modern English language and thesaurus dictionary of sms-abbreviations and sms-shortening. The notion  «SMS», the influence of sms-abbreviations and sms-shortening  on perceptions of the student, the development of SMS-abbreviation in English language, the main methods of forming SMS-shortening were described in this research work.

City science-practical conference

« A Step to Science-2014»

«Peculiarity of using sms-shortenings and sms-abbreviations

 in the modern English language»

Shnireva Anastasiya, Grade 8 «a»

Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary State School № 2”, Chita


       Telephone, radio, television, the Internet and mobile communications have caused the highest rate of drift of information, which caused acceleration of life in common. The desire to save time has led to a change of thinking of people, including text. Hundreds of words have SMS- equivalent, SMS- language has became the second language to millions of people, especially for English-speaking users.

   This research work proposes the dictionary of sms-abbreviations and sms-shortening, which pupils can use studying modern English language. 

The main aim of my work: compiling of a dictionary of sms-abbreviations and sms-shortening.

Problems to be solved:

1) To study and analyze different sources of information on sms-abbreviations and sms-shortening.

2) To make up a list of sms-abbreviations and sms-shortening.

3)  To compare and analyze different sms-abbreviations and sms-shortening both in Russian and English languages.

4) To reveal the role of sms-abbreviations in English language.

The influence on perceptions of the student, the development of SMS-abbreviation in English language, the main methods of forming SMS-shortening were described in this research work.

City science-practical conference

« A Step to Science-2014»

«Peculiarity of using sms-shortenings and sms-abbreviations

 in the modern English language»

Shnireva Anastasiya, Grade 8 «a»

Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary State School № 2”, Chita

 Plan of research

All people live in the quickly changing world.  Telephone, radio, television, the Internet and mobile communications have caused the highest rate of drift of information, which caused acceleration of life in common. Universal desire to save time and, accordingly, linguistic resources, has led to a change of thinking, including text. In the United States SMS- language dictionary was published. Hundreds of words have SMS- equivalent, SMS- language has became the second language to millions of people, especially for English-speaking users. This method of communication is wide spread among particular groups of people. A similar phenomenon is observed  in almost all countries,  but especially SMS- shortening  is popular in the USA.

 Problems of shortened lexical units as a specific linguistic phenomenon in modern languages ​​have attracted  attention of many scholars . These problems are discussed  a in numerous articles and individual works of Russian and foreign authors, such as AA Ioannina , LP Krisin, Y. Gorshunov Their  articles has become the  basis for our research work.

These theme was chosen by me because I have English-speaking friend, we always communicate in the Internet and use some abbreviations and shortenings.

While studying the problem, I have used the following methods of investigation:

-descriptive method of research; it is used to describe the development of SMS-abbreviation in English language, the influence of sms-abbreviations and sms-shortening  on perceptions of the student.

-collection of the material: in my research I’ve studied a number of articles and books different authors such as AA Ioannina , LP Krisin, Y. Gorshunov.

— systematization of the material: this method was used when I try to describe some rules of forming sms-abbreviations and sms-shortening.

— study and analysis: ; this method was used to make a conclusion of our investigation.

The object of investigation: sms-abbreviations and sms-shortening in English language.

The subject of investigation: the process of enlargement of vocabulary by means of sms-abbreviations and sms-shortening.

Hypothesis: If sms-abbreviations and sms-shortening are growing in number in the English language, there is a necessity to compile thesaurus dictionary of sms-abbreviations and sms-shortening.

In my research the following stages can be distinguished:

1. Preparatory stage

     1)  The analyses of the problem.

     2) Defining the main idea of the project and allocation of the problems.

2. Research stage

     1)  Data acquisition.

3. Analytical stage

     1) The analyses of the acquired data.

     2) Summarizing the gathered information.

4. Conclusive stage

1)  Introducing the project to the public.

2)   Self-evaluation of the project.

Novelty. This topic is new in the linguistic, scholars have not yet studied thoroughly the frequency of using these sms-shortening, so we believe that we contributed something to the study of this phenomenon, as SMS-language.

   In my research work I, firstly, studied the notion SMS, the influence on perceptions of the student, the development of SMS-abbreviation in English language.

Secondly, I studied  main methods of forming SMS-shortening and gave the analyses.

Thirdly, I compile  a dictionary of sms-abbreviations and sms-shortening.

Appendix contains diagrams and a dictionary.

City science-practical conference

« A Step to Science-2014»

«Peculiarity of using sms-shortenings and sms-abbreviations

 in the modern English language»

Shnireva Anastasiya, form 8 «a»

Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary State School № 2”, Chita

Scientific article

The notion SMS and SMS today

       Short Message Service (SMS) is a text messaging service component of phone, web, or mobile communication systems. It uses standardized communications protocols to allow fixed line or mobile phone devices to exchange short text messages. [6]

     SMS is the most widely used data application, with an estimated 3.5 billion active users, or about 80% of all mobile phone subscribers at the end of 2012. The term «SMS» is used for all types of short text messaging and the user activity itself in many parts of the world. SMS is also employed in direct marketing, known as SMS marketing.

     SMS as used on modern handsets originated from radio telegraphy in radio memo pagers using standardized phone protocols. These were defined in 1985 as part of the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) series of standards as a means of sending messages of up to 160 characters to and from GSM mobile handsets. Though most SMS messages are mobile-to-mobile text messages, support for the service has expanded to include other mobile technologies, such as ANSI CDMA networks and Digital AMPS, as well as satellite and landline networks. [7]

SMS today

    In 2012, 6.1 trillion SMS text messages were sent. This translates into an average of 193000 SMS per second. SMS has become a massive commercial industry, earning $114.6 billion globally in 2012. The global average price for an SMS message is $0.11, while mobile networks charge each other interconnect fees of at least $0.04 when connecting between different phone networks.

   While SMS is still a growing market, traditional SMS are becoming increasingly challenged by alternative messaging services available on smartphones with data connections, especially in Western countries where these services are growing in popularity. [7]


   Europe follows next behind Asia in terms of the popularity of the use of SMS. In 2003, an average of 16 billion messages were sent each month. Users in Spain sent a little more than fifty messages per month on average in 2013. In Italy, Germany and the United Kingdom, the figure was around 35–40 SMS messages per month. In each of these countries, the cost of sending an SMS message varies from €0.04–0.23, depending on the payment plan (with many contractual plans including all or a number of texts for free). In the United Kingdom, text messages are charged between £0.05–0.12. Curiously,      France has not taken to SMS in the same way, sending just under 20 messages on average per user per month. France has the same GSM technology as other European countries, so the uptake is not hampered by technical restrictions.

    In the Republic of Ireland, a total of 1.5 billion messages are sent every quarter, on average 114 messages per person per month. In the United Kingdom over 1 billion text messages are sent every week.

    The Eurovision Song Contest organized the first pan-European SMS voting in 2002, as a part of the voting system (there was also a voting over traditional phone lines). In 2005, the Eurovision Song Contest organized the biggest televoting ever (with SMS and phone voting).[7]

During roaming, that is, when a user connects to another network in different country from his own, the prices may be higher, but in July 2009, EU legislation went into effect limiting this price to €0.11.


   In addition to SMS voting, a different phenomenon has risen in more mobile-phone-saturated countries. In Finland, some TV channels began «SMS chat», which involved sending short messages to a phone number, and the messages would be shown on TV a while later. Chats are always moderated, which prevents sending harmful material to the channel. The craze soon became popular and evolved into games, at first slow-paced quiz and strategy games. After a while, faster-paced games were designed for television and SMS control. Games tend to involve registering one’s nickname and, after that, sending short messages for controlling a character on screen. Messages usually cost 0.05 to 0.86 Euro apiece, and games can require the player to send dozens of messages. In December 2003, a Finnish TV channel, MTV3, put a Santa Claus character on air reading aloud messages sent in by viewers. On 12 March 2004, the first entirely «interactive» TV channel, VIISI, began operation in Finland. That did not last long, as SBS Finland Oy took over the channel and turned it into a music channel named The Voice in November 2004.Also in 2004, Finnair became the first airline in the world to enable passengers to check-in in advance for flights with text messages. [6]

United States

   In the United States, text messaging is very popular; as reported by CTIA in December 2009, the 286 million US subscribers sent 152.7 billion text messages per month, for an average of 534 messages per subscriber per month. The Pew Research Center found in May 2010 that 72% of U.S. adult cellphone users send and receive text messages.

   In the U.S., SMS is often charged both at the sender and at the destination, but, unlike phone calls, it cannot be rejected or dismissed. The reasons for lower uptake than other countries are varied—many users have unlimited «mobile-to-mobile» minutes, high monthly minute allotments, or unlimited service. Moreover, push to talk services offer the instant connectivity of SMS and are typically unlimited. Furthermore, the integration between competing providers and technologies necessary for cross-network text messaging has only been available recently. Some providers originally charged extra to enable use of text, further reducing its usefulness and appeal. In the third quarter of 2006, at least 12 billion text messages crossed AT&T’s network, up almost 15 percent from the preceding quarter.

   In the United States, while texting is widely popular among the ages of 13–22 years old, it is increasing among adults and business users as well. The age that a child receives his/her first cell phone has also decreased, making text messaging a very popular way of communication for all ages. The number of texts being sent in the United States has gone up over the years as the price has gone down to an average of $0.10 per text sent and received.[6]

    In order to convince more customers to include text messaging plans, some major cellphone providers have recently increased the price to send and receive text messages from $.15 to $.20 per message. This is over $1,300 per megabyte. Many providers offer unlimited plans, which can result in a lower rate per text given sufficient volume.

New Zealand

    There are three mobile network companies in New Zealand.
Telecom NZ was the first telecommunication company in New Zealand. In 2011, Telecom was broken into two companies, with Chorus Ltd taking the landline infrastructure and Telecom NZ providing services including over their mobile network.
Vodafone NZ acquired mobile network provider Bellsouth New Zealand in 1998 and has 2.32 million customers as at July 2013 Vodafone launched the first Text messaging service in 1999 and has introduced innovative TXT services like Safe TXT and CallMe
2degrees Mobile Ltd launched in August 2012.
In 2005, around 85% of the adult population had a mobile phone. In general, texting is more popular than making phone calls, as it is viewed as less intrusive and therefore more polite.[7]

Influence on perceptions of the student

   When a student sends a text message that contains phonetic abbreviations and acronyms that are common in text messaging (e.g., «gr8» instead of «great»), it can influence how that student is subsequently evaluated. In a study by Lewandowski and Harrington (2012), participants read a student’s text message  sent to a professor that either contained text-messaging abbreviations (gr8, How R U?) or parallel text in standard English (great, How are you?), and then provided impressions of the sender. Students who used abbreviations in their text message were perceived as having a less favorable personality and as putting forth less effort on an essay they submitted along with the email. Specifically, abbreviation users were seen as less intelligent, responsible, motivated, studious, dependable, and hard-working. These findings suggest that the nature of a student’s sms-language communication can influence how others perceive the student and their work.[1]

Development of SMS-abbreviation in English language

Fast pace of life, which gives the appearance of new phenomena in the media category by creating complex multipartite names, is the main cause of the growth rate of reducing in the language, which make the text bigger. Then we would like to find adequate and, at the same time economic means for transmission of information.

Feeling that the language «sick» is not new: every ten years of the twentieth century the purity of English language is threatened. «The main linguistic» criminals «are the press, radio, television, America, the Internet and mobile telephony. Media means only «grasp» the new language forms and expand the area of their using».

Today, when the SMS-abbreviation, is a mass phenomenon in many languages, it is used extensively to supplement vocabularies, serving a variety of areas of knowledge, it is considered one of the most «productive ways of updating the vocabulary of». The process of SMS-abbreviation is widely developed in all languages.[4]

We can say that reducing were widespread throughout the world, they are not a specific feature of one nation, one language. SMS-abbreviation is not only in English but also in other languages, and the causes of its development, should not be found in the peculiarities of the national language or national thinking, but in the general laws of development of human society, the organization of human memory and perception.

Y. Gorshunov wrote that the abbreviation is reducing, which was formed from the first letters of reduced words.[2]

In our study, we take another definition, which was given by AA Of Jonah. So «abbreviation is a linguistic phenomenon, which should reflect both the common properties ​​and laws of languages , and internal features peculiar to specific language.

To my mind, we should note that » abbreviation exist in different  styles and types of speech activity: advertisements , newspaper articles , scientific and journalistic writings and even works of art». However, the modern  world has the most active using of English abbreviations, and the modern English language abbreviations would have the correct interpretation of the relevant characteristics.

Especially powerful influence on the content and structure of SMS-language, of course, has the Internet. Worldwide network of communication has its own culture, etiquette (netiquette), characters (computer geeks, mouse potatoes, screenagers (as teenagers), newbies (or noobs), technophobes), and, of course, language, or Internet Slang, having its own terminology and neologisms. Main characteristics spread to text messages by mobile phone, so-called SMS-messages.

Main methods of forming SMS-shortening

It is known that «the main principle of SMS-language is the maximum information in the minimum amount of keystrokes; it is a saving of time and effort». These are the main characteristics of SMS-language (SMS-language, chatspeak, txt, txtspk, txt talk). The basic rules of spelling and punctuation are ignored.[3]

The most popular means of shortening of the words in the SMS- language are abbreviation and acronym.

The most popular abbreviations are such as: TTY (talk to you later), BTW (by the way), IMHO (in my humble opinion), FYI (for your information), HAND (have a nice day) and, finally , LOL (laugh out loud). The latter form is used more often as an word- acronym, we can hear it in  the oral speech. Acronyms are abbreviations, which were formed » from the first letters of words or phrases «, for example : «NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), DVD (Digital Videodisk), CD-ROM (Compact Disk Read-only Memory) or Web (World Wide Web) .

Four main rules of forming  sms-shortening are defined by me:

  1. One letter or number substitute the whole word, eg: be — b (be); ate — 8 (ate); see — c (see); for — 4 (four); are — r; to / too — 2 (two) ; you — u (you); why — y (why); your / you are — ur (your).

2. One letter or number substitute the syllable, for example: activate — activ8 (activate); great — gr8 (great); mate — m8 (mate); later — l8r (later); before — b4 (before); therefore — there4 ; today — 2day (today); wait — w8 (wait); threesome — 3SUM (threesome); hate — H8 (hate); no one — NO1 (no one); anyone — NE1 (anyone); forever — 4eva (forever).

3. Changing the value of symbols, for example: ss — $; oo -%;-orr— oz; sorry — soz (sorry); tomorrow — tomoz (2moz) (tomorrow); tomorrow — 2moro (tomorrow); tonight — 2NITE (tonight ); thanks — TX (thank you); today — 2dA (today) address — addy (address); says — sez (says); because — cuz, bcuz, bcz, bcos, bc, coz or bcoz (because); please — plez (please); probably — probz (probably).

4. Omitting of letters and punctuation marks when:

— excluded vowels,  the meaning of the word is determined by the sequence of consonants, for example: between — btw (between); because — bcs (because); your — YR (your); speak — SPK (talk); people — PPL (people) ; please — PLS (please); friend — frnd (each); homework — hmwrk (homework); message — msg (message), probably — prbly (probably), peace — pce (world), text — txt (text )

  • is used  abbreviations «/»: with — w / t (a); something — s / t (something); boyfriend — b / f (man); girlfriend — g / f (girl); bedroom — b / r (bedroom); homework — h / w (homework); class work — c / w (classwork).
  • is  used transcriptions of slang or dialectal variants, if they are shorter than the original word, for example, instead of because — cos (because).

In this study, we analyzed SMS- shortening. The analysis shows us that in the English language SMS-shortening are formed from reducing of letters and punctuation marks (39%). Also there are a lot of SMS-shortening, where one letter or number replaces the syllable (25%). With the same frequency generated SMS-shortening when change the meaning of symbol and one letter or number replaces the whole word (19% and 17%) (Appendix 1).

We can say that the SMS- shortening are formed by reducing of  letters and punctuation, the vowels miss more often (60%) and of the abbreviation «/» and using of transcription (slang, dialectal variants) are used in SMS — language less (35% and 5%) (Appendix 2).

In my opinion, it is necessary to say that the combination of means of text messages can significantly reduce the whole sentence. For example: hi m8 u k? i soz i 4gt 2 cal u lst nyt-y dnt we go c film 2moz (60 symbols) — Hi, mate. Are you okay? I am sorry that I forgot to call you last night. Why don’t we go and see film tomorrow? (120 symbols)

This fact shows us that «the use of distorted and truncated version of the English language is acceptable in society». Although many scientists and linguists believe that broadcast such messages should be banned on national television, as the popular media are obliged to promote the literary language.

Thus, the extension and significance of SMS-language for communication, on the one hand, make it (language) the subject of linguistic research, on the other hand, psychologists and philologists believe that the text language can destroy the basis of language.

 It seems to me that SMS- dictionary ingrained among the English-speaking part of the American population. The process of constant change and modernization is peculiar to any language, and if people prefer to use the new spelling or pronunciation of words,  linguistic norm is changing and becoming acceptable .

Changeability is universal characteristic of any living language, and these changes are inevitable. New realities in the modern language (including SMS-language) attract attention and new research.

The list of literature:

  1. Goldenkov M. – Be carefull, hot dog! Morden English. – Moskov, 2003
  2. Gorshunov, Y. Types of semantic relations between components of the words (in the English language). — St. Petersburg, 2004.
  1. Ioannina, AA Features of the present textthinking. SMS-language. — Moskow, 2007
  1. Krisin LP The explanatory dictionary of foreign words. — Moscow, 2003.
  2. Genon.ru-Abbreviation
  3. SMS language. – http.//en.wikipedia.org
  4. http://studyenglishnow.ru

Before a child can read words, we teach them the alphabet. We begin by teaching them the names of the letters and once they have mastered that, we teach the sounds the letters make. This is the phonetic alphabet.

Once a child knows the phonetic alphabet, they can begin sounding out words. However, English is a complex language with many confusing rules. Certain combinations of letters change the sound they make from their straight forward phonetic sounds.

To make it as easy as possible for a child to learn to read, we usually begin by using CVC words. Having a CVC word list will keep you on point when teaching reading to your child.

  • What Is A CVC Word?
  • Why are CVC words important?
  • Short A Words
  • Short E Words
  • Short I Words
  • Short O Words
  • Short U Words
  • How Do You Read CVC Words?
  • Ways to Use CVC Word Lists With Your Students
  • CVC Words At The Forefront Of Learning

What Is A CVC Word?

A CVC word is one that begins with a consonant, has a vowel in the middle, and then another consonant at the end. The vowel sound in the middle is always a short vowel sound (1).

So, consonant, vowel, consonant = CVC.

Why are CVC words important?

These three-letter words are the ones your child first learns to read. They are the easiest words to learn because they do not have any of the complex letter sounds or rules of other words.

Each letter of a CVC word is a “short” letter, and it makes the same sound it does in the phonetic alphabet (2).

By learning to read CVC words first, your child has the opportunity to be successful in sounding out words. This builds confidence in their reading skills and promotes enthusiasm for reading. These CVC word lists can be used when teaching reading to your child.

Short A Words

  • ab: cab, dab, gab, jab, lab, nab, tab
  • ad: bad, dad, had, lad, mad, pad, sad, tad
  • ag: bag, gag, hag, lag, nag, rag, sag, tag, wag
  • am: bam, dam, ham, jam, ram, yam
  • an: ban, can, fan, man, pan, ran, tan, van
  • ap: cap, gap, lap, map, nap, rap, sap, tap, yap, zap
  • at: bat, cat, fat, hat, mat, pat, rat, sat, vat
  • ax: fax, lax, max, sax, tax, wax
  • Other short A CVC words: gal, pal, gas, yak, bath, math

Short E Words

  • eb: web
  • ed: bed, fed, led, red, wed
  • eg: beg, keg, leg, Meg, peg
  • em: gem, hem
  • en: den, hen, men, pen, ten
  • et: get, jet, met, net, pet, set, vet, wet
  • Other short E CVC words: yes, pep, hex

Short I Words

  • ib: bib, rib
  • id: bid, did, hid, kid, lid, rid
  • ig: big, dig, fig, gig, pig, rig, wig, zig
  • im: dim, him, rim
  • in: bin, din, fin, pin, sin, tin, win
  • ip: dip, hip, lip, nip, rip, sip, tip, zip
  • it: bit, fit, hit, kit, lit, pit, sit, wit
  • ix: fix, mix, six
  • Other short I CVC words: hill, pill, fish, dish

Short O Words

  • ob: bob, cob, fob, hob, job, lob, mob, rob, sob
  • od: cod, god, nod, pod, rod, sod
  • og: bog, cog, dog, fog, hog, jog, log
  • om: mom
  • op: cop, hop, mop, pop, top
  • ot: cot, dot, got, hot, jot, lot, not, pot, rot, tot
  • ox: box, fox, pox

Short U Words

  • ub: cub, dub, hub, nub, pub, rub, sub, tub
  • ud: bud, cud, dud, mud
  • ug: bug, dug, hug, jug, lug, mug, pup, rug, tug
  • um: bum, gum, hum, mum, sum, yum
  • un: bun, fun, gun, nun, pun, run, sun
  • up: cup, pup
  • us: bus
  • ut: but, cut, gut, hut, jut, nut, put, rut, tut
  • ux: tux

How Do You Read CVC Words?

You read CVC words by segmenting and blending them.

This means you:

  • Split up each of the letters, which is segmenting them.
  • Make the sounds of the individual letters.
  • Blend those sounds together to make the entire word.

Once a child can recognize individual letters and the sounds they make, they will be able to begin decoding CVC words.

Start by concentrating on the beginning sounds. For this, you could use a worksheet that has a picture of an item and the last two letters of the word. So, you might have a sheet that has a picture of a pig and underneath it reads ___ig.

You then encourage your child to say the word and concentrate on the first sound, in this case the P. Finally, your child writes the P in the gap and they can read the entire word — pig.

Next, you move onto the end sounds and use the same principle, but in reverse. So now your sheet will read pi___. The third stage is to have them fill in the blanks using the middle letter.

After your child has mastered this skill, you can move onto sheets where they write two letters. So the sheet would say ___ ___ g. And then, again, you would do the same thing, but require them to insert the end of the word p ___ ___.

Finally, after they’ve mastered the prior exercise, you’d have your child write the entire word.

Ways to Use CVC Word Lists With Your Students

There are many interesting and engaging ways you can use a CVC words list with your children or students.

Reading in Pairs

Pair up your children, placing a child with more confidence with a child who is less confident. Have them take turns reading the CVC words on the list.

Encourage each child to sound out the individual letters and then blend the letters to make the words.

If each child has a CVC word list, they can cross out the words they read.

CVC Word Review

At the end of a lesson, give your children a blank sheet and have them write down as many of the CVC words as they remember.

You can do the same thing by giving your children CVC word lists with some of the words on them and asking the children to write down words that rhyme.

Spelling Dictation

You can also use CVC words to introduce spelling practice.

To do this, you read words from the CVC list aloud, and your children write them down.

Reading Flashcards

Either print out a list of CVC words and cut them up or write the words out on individual cards.

You can use these flashcards in a number of ways:

  • Have your children turn them over and read the words aloud.
  • Make another set of the CVC word flashcards, lay them face down and play Memory.
  • Print out an even number of sets of CVC flashcards and use them to play Go-Fish.

Highlighter Quiz

Give each of your children a copy of the CVC word list and a highlighter pen. Then either read words aloud from the list or read a story that contains a large number of the words.

As you read, your children will highlight each CVC word they hear you say.

CVC Words At The Forefront Of Learning

CVC words can be found frequently in early reader books. Using a CVC word list not only encourages your children to learn individual words, but it equips them with the skills to begin reading those early reader books themselves.

Print them out, decorate your room, create worksheets and games, but whatever you do, celebrate CVC words and their role in raising readers.

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SMS Words

We all use SMS Words quite frequently. SMS (Short Messaging Service) is a technology that permits users to send text messages of around 150 characters between mobile phones. SMS has fast developed as a language all its own which youngsters enjoy using, while elders frown in disapproval. Since the messages have to be in minimal length and it is difficult to type on a phone keypad, SMS fans use a lot of abbreviations instead of full words. The common SMS Words and sentences are presented in the following pages. These short SMS Words will help you send messages in short period of time. You can create your own SMS Words and spread them among your friends and relatives so that you could use them more frequently and more usefully. You are welcome to share your SMS Words with the rest of the world by submitting them to us. We will add those words in these lists.



  1. Frequently Used SMS Short Forms
  2. Frequently Used SMS Message Sentences

Related Links :

A Word A Day
Longest Word
Word Power
Small Words for Big Words
Portmanteau Words
Rhyming Words
GRE Analogy Words
GRE Word List
Misspelled Words
Tongue Twisters
Difficult Words
The Long List of Phobias
Glossary of English
English Irregular Verbs

From SMS Words to HOME PAGE


The use of computers

Just as television has extended human sight across the barriers of time and distance,
so the computers extend the power of the human mind across the existing barriers.

They save a lot of time. They seldom make mistakes. It’s much faster and easier to
surf the Internet than to go to the library.

In the last 10 years or so, most large businesses have become completely depended on
computers for storing and looking an information, for writing and calculating financial
and mathematical information.

Computers within a single office or building may be connected, and they there fore form
a network. Users of computers on a network can send messages to each other utilizing the
same collections of data or information. In many offices and organizations computer
message have replaced messages written on paper, and they are now called e-mail or
electronic mail.

E-mail is a great invention, too. It’s faster than sending a letter and cheaper than
sending a telegram.

E-mail saves paper and the work of moving paper from one place to another. Workers can
send and receive e-mail without leaving their desks and their desktop computers. But
computers have some disadvantages. Computers can get viruses. Sometimes the wrong people
can make use of the information available in the wrong way. Computers become out of date
very quickly, they need to be replaced.

Words and word combinations:

to extend-продлевать, расширять


within-в пределах

to utilize-использовать, перерабатывать

to replace-ставить, заменять

Give the English equivalents for:

Расширять способности человеческого мозга,
существующие барьеры, экономить время, делать
ошибки, полностью зависит от компьютера,
просматривать информацию, посылать сообщения,
заменять сообщения, великое изобретение, не
покидая своего места, посылать и получать
электронную почту, использовать информацию
неправильно, устаревать, нуждаться в замене.

Answer the questions:

1.What advantages of computer do you know?

2.Why have most large businesses become completely depended on computers?

3.How do we use the e-mail?

4.What disadvantages of computers do you know?

Computers at school

Information science with the ideas and message of
processing and storing information is of great importance today. That’s why computer
technology must be told in secondary school. The new subject “basic information
science”, and “computing machine” was introduсed for
the siner forms at
schools. The pupils teach computers to resolve school problems. Contact with the machine
increases the interest in learning, makes them more serious about studying new subject.
School computers are used not only for studying information science, but also examinations
purposes. Young people who finish the school must be trained to operate computers.

Words and word combinations:

a message of processing-средство обработки

a storing of information-собрание информации

to introduce-вводить

to use-использовать

to increase-увеличивать

a purpose-намерение, цель

to train-обучать

Give the English equivalents for:

Информационная наука, средство развития,
компьютерная технология, стимулировать интерес
к обучению, делать более серьезным обучение
новым предметам, для изучения информатики.

Answer the questions:

1. Why is information science very important today?

2. Why do the pupils teach the computers at school?

3. What increases the interest of learning?

4. Where are school computers used?

Computers in medicine

Computers are one of great importance in modern hospital. The chief use of computers is
the storing and sorting the medical knowledge which has been enquired in the last 50
years. No doctor can possible keep up with all discoveries. The only solution of the
problem is store medical knowledge in a computer. Today there are medical computer centers
were all existing knowledge of symptoms of various diseases and of their treatment is
stored. Doctors feed data on symptoms in the computer and get the necessary information on
correct diagnostics and treatment.

Words and word combinations:

a chief use-основная цель использования

to discovery – открытие

a solution – решение

an existing knowledge – существующие решения

a symptom – симптом

the various diseases – различные болезни

a treatment – лечение

to feed – подавать, нагнетать

diagnostic – диагностический

Give the English equivalents for:

в современной больнице, накопление медицинских
знаний, хранить открытия, решение проблемы,
существующие знания о симптомах различных
болезней, лечение болезней, подавать данные о
симптомах в компьютер, получить необходимую
информацию, правильная диагностика и лечение.

Answer the questions:

1. What is the chief use of computers in modern hospital?

2. What is the only solution of the medical problem?

3. What are there in the medical computer centers today?

4. Why do doctors feed data on symptoms in the computer?


The Internet

The Internet, a global computer network which embraces millions of users all over the
world, began in the United States in 1969 as a military experiment. It was designed to
survive a nuclear war. Information sent over the Internet takes the shortest path
available from one computer to another. Because of this, any two computers on the Internet
will be able to stay in touch with each other as long as there is a single route between

This technology is called packet switching. Owing to this technology, if some computers
on the network are knocked out (by a nuclear explosion, for example), information will
just route around them. One such packet-switching network already survived a war. It was
the Iraq computer network, which was not knocked out during the Gulf War.

Most Internet host computers (more than 50%) are in the United States, while the rest
are located in more than 100 other countries. Although the number of host computers can be
counted fairy accurately, nobody knows exactly how many people use the Internet. There are
millions and their number is growing by thousands each month world-wide.

The most popular Internet service is e-mail. Most of people, who have access to the
Internet, use the networks only for sending and receiving e-mail messages. However, other
popular services are available on the Internet: reading news, using the World Wide Web,
telnet etc.

Words and word combinations:

a network-нейронная сеть

to embrace-соединять

to survive-пережить

a nuclear war-ядерная война

a path-путь

a single route-единственный маршрут

a packet switching-пакетная коммутация

owing to-вследствие, благодаря

a nuclear explosion-ядерный взрыв

to knock out-выключать

a fairy accurately-сказочно точно

an access-доступ

a reliable alternative-надежная альтернатива

a fee-плата

the wireless station-радиостанция


to transmit-передавать


to intercept-прерывать


to conduct transaction-вести дела


Give the English equivalents for:

Глобальная компьютерная сеть, ядерная война,
самый короткий путь, пакетная коммуникация,
выключать, самая популярная служба Интернета,
иметь доступ в Интернет, посылать электронную
почту, решительное увеличение, передавать
сообщение, постоянно перехватывать,
зашифрованные программы, вести сделки по

Answer the questions:

1.What is the Internet?

2.Where did the Internet begin?

3.Why was the Internet designed?

4.What is the most popular Internet service?

5.How do people use the Internet?

6.How can the commercial users communicate over the Internet?

The Internet as a source of information

Computers play a very important part in our life. They help people in their work and
studies. They save us a lot of time. While at school I often made use of the Internet to
collect information for my test papers and compositions. Computers give access to a lot of
information. It is possible to find data and descriptions, chapters from necessary
books… to make a long story short, everything you need. The Internet, a global computer
network, which embraces millions of users all over the world, began in the United States
in 1969 as a military experiment. It was designed to survive in a nuclear war. Information
sent over the Internet takes the shortest path available from one computer to another.
Most of the Internet host computers (more than 50%) are in the United States, while the
rest are located in more than 100 other countries. Although the number of host computers
can be counted fairly accurately, nobody knows exactly how many people use the Internet.
There are millions and their number is growing by thousands each month worldwide. Users of
computers on a network can send messages to each other, utilizing the same collections of
data or information. In many offices and organizations computer messages have replaced
messages written on paper, and they are now called e-mail or electronic mail. E-mail is
not only fast and easy (if you understand how to use the computer), but it also saves
paper and the work of moving paper from one place to another. Workers can send and receive
e-mail without leaving their desks and their desktop computers. The Internet may provide
businessmen with a reliable alternative to the expensive and unreliable telecommunication
systems of their communities. Commercial users can communicate over the Internet with the
rest of the world and can do it very cheaply. But saving money is only the first step. If
people see that they can make money from the Internet, they increase the commercial use of
this network. For example, some American banks and companies conduct transactions over the
Internet. So, you see that the Internet is an inseparable part of our life.

Words and word combinations:

an access-доступ


to utilize-использовать

to replace-вернуть


to keep up-быть в курсе

Give the English equivalents for:

Экономить время, собирать информацию, найти
любую информацию, глобальная компьютерная сеть,
послать информацию по Интернету, посылать
сообщения друг другу, общаться по Интернету,
совершать сделки по Интернету.

Answer the questions:

1.How does the computer help pupils at school?

2.Is it comfortable to send messages to each other?

3. How do the commercial users use the Internet?

4.How do the American banks use the Internet?

5.Why does the American bank use the Internet?

Scientific and Technological Progress

It’s difficult to overestimate the role of science and technology in our life. They
accelerate the development of civilization and help us in our co-operation with nature.
Scientists investigate the laws of the universe, discover the secrets of nature, and apply
their knowledge in practice improving the life of people.

Let’s compare our life nowadays with the life of people at the ‘beginning of the 20th
century. It has changed beyond recognition. Our ancestors hadn’t the slightest idea of the
trivial things created by the scientific progress that we use in our every day life. I
mean refrigerators, TV sets, computers, microwave ovens, radio telephones, what not. They
would seem miracle to them that made our life easy, comfortable and pleasant. On the other
hand, the great inventions of the beginning of the 20th century, I mean radio, aeroplanes,
combustion and jet engines have become usual things and we can’t imagine our life without

A century is a long period for scientific and technological progress, as it’s rather
rapid. Millions of investigations, the endless number of outstanding discoveries have been
made. Our century has had several names that were connected with a certain era in science
and technology. At first it was called the atomic age due to the discovery of the
splitting of the atom. Then it became the age of the conquest of space when for the first
time in the history of mankind a man overcame the gravity and entered the Universe. And
now we live in the information era when the computer network embraces the globe and
connects not only the countries and space stations but a lot of people all over the world.
All these things prove the power and the greatest progressive role of science in our life.

But every medal has its reverse. And the rapid scientific progress has aroused a number
of problems that are a matter of our great concern. These are ecological problems, the
safety of nuclear power stations, the nuclear war threat, and the responsibility of a

But still we are grateful to the outstanding men of the past and the present who have
courage and patience to disclose the secrets of the Universe.

Words and word combinations:

to accelerate-ускорить

to investigate-исследовать

a universe-вселенная

to apply-обращаться

to improve-улучшать

an ancestor-предок

a combustion-сгорание

a miracle-чудо



a conquest-покорение

a mankind-человечество

to overcome-преодолеть

a gravity-серьезность

to reverse-переставлять

to arouse-вызывать

a concern-интерес

a treat-развлечение

a courage-смелость

to disclose-обнаруживать

Give the English equivalents for:

Ускорять развитие цивилизации, исследовать
законы вселенной, изменяться до неузнавания,
казаться чудом, век завоевании космоса, впервые в
истории человечества, выходить во вселенную,
пробуждать большое количество проблем, причина
интереса, иметь храбрость и терпение, обнаружить

Answer the questions:

1. What accelerates the development of civilization and helps us in our cooperation
with nature?

2. How did our life change from the beginning of the 20th century?

3. What names has our century?

4. What outstanding discoveries in our century do you know?

5. What problems has the rapid scientific progress?


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Communication through mobile phone – today is the most common and affordable way for students of electronic communication. Mobile telephony provides not only voice transmission information, but also send text messages ,which are called SMS (Short Message Service). Nowadays, mobile phones have the function of exchange SMS-messages , which is one of the most popular in mobile communications. The word «SMS» has already become a literary language , and became widely used. Since communication with a mobile phone — one way transmission of information over long distances, the transmission of SMS- messages directly related to the «mass communication.»

With the development of communication technology with mobile phones in our lives and broke quickly gained popularity SMS- messages, which have become an integral part of youth culture. What attracts young people this kind of communication? According to psychologists, SMS- chat liberates people: in the short message you can write something that is difficult to say aloud in a lively conversation. Nowadays, people use text messaging to transmit not only what — or information , as well as to invest in their feelings, emotions and a certain sense, for example , when writing greeting SMS — messages. Some mobile users (students are no exception) send up to 30 messages per day. University students and school pupils are widely used SMS- messages for several reasons: this way of communication saves time and money; SMS- message can be delivered at the right time for your destination, use the SMS- messages handy if you want to keep quiet . Teens use the services of a mobile phone, not only in school at recess, but during lessons ( they send short text messages to get a clue or compare answers and solutions ) .

Electronic method of written communication students — correspondence with each other via SMS- messages — is a written form of spoken language learners. In my opinion, there was a special way of communicating teenagers — the language of SMS-messages (or SMS- language), which is based on the use of certain slang and words invented by the students and has a predominance of neologisms and unusual cuts. In addition, it is replenished constantly vocabulary of e-mails from the modified speaking, living in chat rooms and on Internet forums. Finally, short text messages, representing the written form of spoken language learners reflect the natural processes that occur in the SMS- language.

It is important to note that in recent years has increased interest in the language of SMS-messages schoolchildren. Russian society is beginning to worry about the problems associated with modern culture speech of students appear in print individual articles, the authors of which relate to the problem of » mobilemanii » among teenagers.

This topic is relevant, since virtually all cellular users, especially teenagers, have resorted to the use of SMS language in their communication. And as cellular communication appeared in our life recently, then SMS — a new phenomenon and requires further study .

Therefore, the purpose of my work — Identify and describe the features of SMS-modern English language.

To achieve the objectives were as follows:

1. Explore the history of the emergence and development of language SMS.

2. Determine the relevance of studying SMS-language among the youth;

3. Analyze the results.

Chapter I. History of SMS- Language

SMS- abbreviation stands for: Short Message Service. Today it is the most popular technology capable of exchanging information anywhere and at anytime using cellular. And we are now hard to imagine a time when there was no SMS as well as mobile phones. And very few people think about when it was first sent an SMS-message, and who invented SMS. This technology has become one of the symbols of modern mobile life — today SMS service used by more than 80% of mobile subscribers in France only for one day people share more than 20 million messages sent and the number of posts around the world hundreds of billions a year.

History of development of SMS is very interesting: 14 years this service has remained unclaimed, and then for a short period of time for most operators become almost the main source of additional income .//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// It all started back in 1991 when the Institute of Telecommunications Standards (ETSI) proposed a mechanism for the exchange of small blocks of text information between the mobile subscriber stations . However, it was then sent from a PC to a mobile phone. December 3, 1992 the British company Vodafone engineer Neil Papuort (Neil Papworth) sent from a PC to a mobile phone to colleagues the world’s first SMS — message containing a short greeting Merry Christmas . Message was «Merry Christmas» (» Merry Christmas «). ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////.Thus was born the technology, changed afterwards mobile life of millions of people worldwide.

Now Neil Papuort lives with his family in Montreal and works as a software architect in the company Tekelec. Interview with Neil Papuortom.

— What was the purpose of sending messages in one day?

— Demonstrate that you can send SMS outside of the laboratory.

— Why you are asked to send a message?

— I was one of those employees who worked installing and testing the software for our customer — company Vodafone.

— How do you verify that the message was delivered, and where there was a host?

— I sent SMS to Richard Jarvis (Richard Jarvis), who was at the Christmas party of Vodafone. Colleague Richard Jarvis called the manager, who was next to me. The manager was out of Vodafone.

— How did you come up with the idea to send the message «Merry Christmas» on December 3rd? Did you find that the message is too long to go?

— What else could send a Christmas party?

— What did you feel at the time when the message was sent and delivered?

— It was a professional moment. We felt the tension. When we realized what we did, just thought, «Great!»

— When did you realize that you have a successful pioneer of global communication tool?

— Ha, I did not even think about it until the moment is not yet widely sanctified 10th anniversary SMS.

— What impact SMS had on your life personally?

— I continue to work with SMS for almost 20 years. Every year I get 5 minutes of fame — write about me in the local newspaper. Starred in commercials Superbow l!

— What is the most important or most memorable SMS you have sent or received?

— Post birth of my three children — relatives and friends.

— Which famous person would you like to send SMS?

— I’m a big fan of Formula 1. I would have sent a message to the Briton Jenson Button (Jenson Button).

— Imagine that you have the possibility to send SMS to all mobile phones in the world. What would you write?

— Do not write SMS while driving! (Don’t txt & drive!)

— When you wrote this letter last?

— When I was in Vodacom in Johannesburg, I wrote several letters to his mother! It was 1994!

Already in 1993 the Norwegian telecommunications company Telenor and British broadcaster Cellnet began to offer its clients the service of sending text messages via telephone. But promising technology was not popular, for example, the number of SMS-messages in 1995 was 0.4 pieces per month.

Ability to send and receive short text messages was laid in the standard GSM. GSM — Global System for Mobile Communications (global digital standard for mobile communications). Operators are not in a hurry to bring to market a new service, since while the mobile market is just being formed , and there was no clear understanding of how to use the new service from a commercial standpoint . Number of users are interested in this service was also small. A take on the additional costs of an unknown technology promotion nobody wanted — why take the risk, even when conventional mobile communication services for many at that time were a luxury, and subscribers gladly pay a lot of money just for the opportunity to talk on the phone.

On the fate of the new service was affected by that at first it gives you for free. With the advent of free service, determine the range of its users — basically it was a youth. And those huge volumes of messages that young people sent to each other, allowing the operator to make a conclusion about the unprecedented popularity of the service SMS. As a result, he became chargeable. But it is not able to stop the flow of phone messages and phone gradually began to turn from the way of communication managers and professionals in the device used massively. At this point began the rebirth SMS — were » mobilized » youth saw a chance to save the new service , as well as a new means of expression

Due to the relatively low cost of one SMS — messages began to bring new service very good money, and consequently received and market recognition. Operators have realized that it is profitable, and launched aggressive advertising support new services, and in 2000 allowed its customers to send SMS to users of other networks. All this has dramatically increased the attractiveness of services, and also served as a fact of penetration of SMS to the masses.

Due to its simplicity and relatively low cost compared with the call, SMS service continues to evolve and captures all new applications .

Chapter II.Classification ofSMS-Messages

1. Types ofSMS-Messages

There are different types of SMS — messages: abbreviation, letters, numbers and emoticons. Consider each type of SMS — messages.

I. Abbreviators.

Acronyms — words formed Abbreviations and read through the alphabetical name or initial letters of the initial sounds of words in it. This is the most common way SMS-messages.

Starting the history of language abbreviations should be attributed to the time the telegraph.

Telegraph first began when transmitting messages omit vowels in words. However, they are limited only official word, enter into written speech «pt», «PTA», «CSC», «kWh», «dvtch», «vskl.» Currently, this method cuts in the derivation called «fluency vowels» has been developed in specific terms: (msg-message, pls-please, adds-address, gds-goods, acct-account, exx-examples, exps-expenses, rwy-railway, mdnt-midnight, bldg-building, bkg-banking, bldv-boulevard, scrpt-scripture).

Further, the idea found its continuation in Morse code, where whole words instead of radio operators used it initial syllables. In modern English word formation, there are several options for reducing the basics as the final part of the truncation of the original word: (vac-vacation, hols-holidays, dino-dinosaurus, armo-armoured, grad-graduate, techno-technology, doc-doctor, demo-demonstration , crim-criminal, ad-advertisement); truncation of the first syllable in the original word: (telephone-phone, defence-fence); truncation both syllables at the beginning and end of a word: (flu-influenza, fridge-refridgerator).

Reduction from the initial letters of the phrases found later, during the Second World War, in the telegrams of American and British soldiers home: SWALK (Sealed With A Loving Kiss — «Sealed with Love») and TTFN (Ta Ta For-«While saying goodbye»).

Abbreviation in the form of the initial letters of collocations and input structures by the end of XX century, is used not only in the media, advertising, Internet, fax messages and SMS-messages, but in colloquial speech: UK-United Kingdom, PC-personal computer, PM-Prime Minister, IQ-intelligence quotient, VIP-very important person, PR-public relations. IOW-in other words, FTF-face to face, BBS-be back soon, MYOB-mind your own business, DIY-do it yourself, ASAP-as soon as possible, WB-welcome back, HAND-have a nice day, ATB-all the best, FYI-for your information.

Undergo reduction as geographic names: NYC-New York City, LA-Los Angeles, ME-Middle East, York, etc.

It is believed that the tendency to replace the words in capital letters became popular in the 80s mainly due to the emergence of rock bands that are not only cutting their names, but they were embedded in the second (secret) meaning:

«U2» — «You two» («both of you») or «You too» («you too»), «INXS» — «In exess» or «In access» («in excess, in abundance»).

The method of derivation model Abbr + N — N — + abbreviation word — the word (H-film — horror film, L-driver — learning driver, V-ball — volleyball, F-ball — football, X-treme — extreme, V-day — Victory day, G-man — government man, etc.) also is a relatively new and tends to develop. (Appendix 1)

II. Letters and numbers.

The second type of drawing up a word consisting of letters and numbers on the pronunciation similar to ordinary, familiar to us in words, but shorter on writing (Appendix 2)

III. Emoticons.

Also of great importance in correspondence have so-called «emoticons».

In Wikipedia, this term is the following definition:

Smiley (born smiley — «smiling») — a stylized graphical representation of a smiling human face, is traditionally depicted as a yellow circle with two black dots representing eyes and a black arc symbolizing the mouth.

Emoticons are used to transmit the mood. You can use them to report on their mood, using only 2-3 marks. (Appendix 3)

2. SMS – Argo

Argo (from Fr. Argot) — language a closed social group of people characterized by specificity used vocabulary, originality of its use, but does not have its own grammatical and phonetic system.

Not to be confused jargon and slang. Jargon usually has a professional attachment may be used as slang , regardless of profession. For example, in modern French language many words used as slang young people from poor neighborhoods, and managers with higher education.

Often, a slang language meant an underclass of society, the language of thieves, vagabonds and beggars. Argot actually become synonymous with » Fenya .» Argo is not independent of the system is reduced to the specific usage of words within a common language. Argo interacts with jargon and vernacular, forming a special lexical layer — slang.

Argo often identified with the concept of secret language. (Wikipedia)

SMS-Argo popularity is so great that he was to have a major influence on modern English. Increasingly, there is a substitution of a living language the language of abbreviations and symbols. Translations appear on the SMS-language works of Shakespeare, which are designed to attract the attention of the British school and university students to help them better understand the classical literature and efficiently prepare for exams. From the works of selected key passages which may be quoted in the examinations and seminars.

Here is the famous Hamlet’s soliloquy «To be or not to be: that is the question » , translated into SMS:

2 b? Ntb? = ?

«To be or not to be? That is a question».

Authors such experiments believe that the translation of literary works from English to SMS — language , guided by well-known popular expression » Brevity — the soul of wit ,» you can identify the most important elements of the plot . So looks pretty volume work «Romeo and Juliet» English classic , compressed using recording rules of SMS — messages to several , dozens of lines :

FeudTween2hses — Montague & Capulet. RomeoM falls_

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cvc words

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Halloween «to be»

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Word Building pics 1 (short u & a cvc words)

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от Guruskype

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CVC words A-X
Случайное колесо

от Guruskype

SMS (Short Message Service) English

Short Message Service - SMS words in English

SMS (Short Message Service) English

«Short message service (SMS)

is an abbreviate version of original words of English Language

developed in recent years that enables cellular phone users

to send & receive text messages.»

Short Messages are also popular in online Social Media users for Conversation with friends and relatives on Internet. With time SMS has evolved as a brand new genre in English language and has become an integral part of the “hot trends” surrounding the language.

In the world of SMS language, words are made with the help of punctuation marks and by taking specific alphabets or numbers out of whole words or sentences. There are no set rules on how to make and use these short forms. They are born out of the imagination and understanding of the ones who seem to be using them, and gradually becomes popular among others. SMS language may seem to make things simpler or faster but can easily confuse those who are new to it or not familier with. They can also irritate people in case of official matters where they end up not taking you seriously.

Therefore, these short forms can be used when you want to save time or are having an informal conversation with a friend or an acquaintance but must be avoided while sending official messages or formal notes.

English language is ever growing and to keep pace with the changing styles and trends in the language, you also need to be aware of some of the most commonly used short forms or abbreviations in SMS.

Some examples of most common SMS words are as follows:

SMS word Description
# Number
4u For you
10Q Thank You
2ny8/2nite Tonight
4EVER Forever
ADR Address
AEAP As Early As Possible
B4 Before
B4U Before You
BB4N Bye-Bye for Now
BMW Be My Wife
BF Boyfriend
BW Best Wishes
CU See You
CUZ/COZ Because
DIKU Do I Know You
DND Do Not Disturb
DYLM do you like me
EM Excuse Me?
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
FF Friends Forever
FRM from
FWD Forward
G2G Got to Go
GF Girlfirend
GIGO Garbage in, garbage out
GR8 Great!
GTH Go To Hell
H8 hate
HAK Hugs and kisses
HAND have a nice day
HUD How You Doing?
HW Homework
I 1DR I Wonder
IC I See
ILU I Love You
IOU I owe you
KISS Keep It Simple, Stupid
KIT Keep in touch
L8 late
LOL Lots Of Love
LV love
MSG Message
NAP Not a problem
NE1 Anyone
OK All Correct
OMG Oh My God
OOO Out of office
OS Operating system
PCM Please call me
PLS please
PZA Pizza
RD Research and development
RU are you
SYS See You Soon
Thnx/Thnk u/Thnx/ty/thanq Thank you
THX, THNX Thanks
U You
UR Your / you are?
VM Voice mail
W8 Wait…
Wassup? /Wts up?/ Wtz up?/Sup? What’s up? 
XI10 Exciting
XLNT excellent
XME Excuuuuse Me
XOXO Hugs and Kisses
Y why
ZZZ Sleeping, Bored, Tired

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