Смещение на одну ячейку excel vba

Свойство Offset объекта Range, возвращающее смещенный диапазон, в том числе отдельную ячейку, в коде VBA Excel. Синтаксис, параметры, примеры.

Offset – это свойство объекта Range, возвращающее диапазон той же размерности, но смещенный относительно указанного диапазона на заданное количество строк и столбцов.


Синтаксис свойства Range.Offset:

Expression.Offset (RowOffset, ColumnOffset)

Expression – это выражение (переменная), возвращающее исходный объект Range, относительно которого производится смещение.


RowOffset – это параметр, задающий смещение диапазона по вертикали относительно исходного на указанное количество строк.

Значение RowOffset Направление смещения
Отрицательное вверх
Положительное вниз
0 (по умолчанию) нет смещения

ColumnOffset – это параметр, задающий смещение диапазона по горизонтали относительно исходного на указанное число столбцов.

Значение ColumnOffset Направление смещения
Отрицательное влево
Положительное вправо
0 (по умолчанию) нет смещения

Необходимо следить за тем, чтобы возвращаемый диапазон не вышел за пределы рабочего листа Excel. В противном случае VBA сгенерирует ошибку (Пример 3).


Пример 1
Обращение к ячейкам, смещенным относительно ячейки A1:

Sub Primer1()

  Cells(1, 1).Offset(5).Select

    MsgBox ActiveCell.Address

  Cells(1, 1).Offset(, 2).Select

    MsgBox ActiveCell.Address

  Cells(1, 1).Offset(5, 2).Select

    MsgBox ActiveCell.Address

End Sub

Пример 2
Обращение к диапазону, смещенному относительно исходного:

Sub Primer2()

  Range(«C8:F12»).Offset(3, 5).Select

    MsgBox Selection.Address

End Sub

Пример 3
Пример ошибки при выходе за границы диапазона рабочего листа:

Sub Primer3()

On Error GoTo ErrorText

  Cells(1, 1).Offset(3).Select

Exit Sub


  MsgBox «Ошибка: « & Err.Description

End Sub


  1. Свойство Range.Offset (Excel)
  2. Синтаксис
  3. Параметры
  4. Пример
  5. Поддержка и обратная связь
  6. Range.Offset property (Excel)
  7. Syntax
  8. Parameters
  9. Example
  10. Support and feedback
  11. VBA Excel. Свойство Range.Offset
  12. Синтаксис
  13. Параметры
  14. Примеры
  15. VBA Offset Range or Cell
  16. Using Offset with the Range Object
  17. Using Offset with the Cells Object
  18. Selecting a Group of Cells
  19. VBA Coding Made Easy
  20. VBA Code Examples Add-in
  21. VBA Range Offset
  22. Use OFFSET with the Range Object
  23. Select a Range using OFFSET
  24. Using OFFSET with ActiveCell
  25. Using OFFSET with ActiveCell to Select a Range
  26. Copy a Range using OFFSET
  27. Using Cells Property with OFFSET

Свойство Range.Offset (Excel)

Возвращает объект Range, представляющий диапазон, смещенный относительно указанного диапазона.


выражение.Offset (RowOffset, ColumnOffset)

выражение: переменная, представляющая объект Range.


Имя Обязательный или необязательный Тип данных Описание
RowOffset Необязательный Variant Число строк (положительных, отрицательных или 0 (ноль), по которым диапазон должен быть смещением. Положительные значения соответствуют смещению вниз, а отрицательные — вверх. Значение по умолчанию равно 0.
ColumnOffset Необязательный Variant Число столбцов (положительных, отрицательных или 0 (ноль), по которым диапазон должен быть смещением. Положительные значения соответствуют смещению вправо, а отрицательные — влево. Значение по умолчанию равно 0.


В этом примере активируется ячейка, расположенная на три столбца вправо и на три строки вниз от активной ячейки на листе Sheet1.

В этом примере предполагается, что Лист1 содержит таблицу со строкой заголовков. В этом примере выделяется таблица без выделения строки заголовков. Перед запуском примера активная ячейка должна находиться в любом месте таблицы.

Если RowOffset или ColumnOffset равны нулю, их можно опустить.

Выбрать ячейку D1

Выбрать ячейку A5

Поддержка и обратная связь

Есть вопросы или отзывы, касающиеся Office VBA или этой статьи? Руководство по другим способам получения поддержки и отправки отзывов см. в статье Поддержка Office VBA и обратная связь.


Range.Offset property (Excel)

Returns a Range object that represents a range that’s offset from the specified range.


expression.Offset (RowOffset, ColumnOffset)

expression A variable that represents a Range object.


Name Required/Optional Data type Description
RowOffset Optional Variant The number of rows—positive, negative, or 0 (zero)—by which the range is to be offset. Positive values are offset downward, and negative values are offset upward. The default value is 0.
ColumnOffset Optional Variant The number of columns—positive, negative, or 0 (zero)—by which the range is to be offset. Positive values are offset to the right, and negative values are offset to the left. The default value is 0.


This example activates the cell three columns to the right of and three rows down from the active cell on Sheet1.

This example assumes that Sheet1 contains a table that has a header row. The example selects the table, without selecting the header row. The active cell must be somewhere in the table before the example is run.

If RowOffset or ColumnOffset are 0 (zero) they can be omitted.

Support and feedback

Have questions or feedback about Office VBA or this documentation? Please see Office VBA support and feedback for guidance about the ways you can receive support and provide feedback.


VBA Excel. Свойство Range.Offset

Свойство Offset объекта Range, возвращающее смещенный диапазон, в том числе отдельную ячейку, в коде VBA Excel. Синтаксис, параметры, примеры.


Синтаксис свойства Range.Offset:

Expression – это выражение (переменная), возвращающее исходный объект Range, относительно которого производится смещение.


RowOffset – это параметр, задающий смещение диапазона по вертикали относительно исходного на указанное количество строк.

Значение RowOffset Направление смещения
Отрицательное вверх
Положительное вниз
0 (по умолчанию) нет смещения

ColumnOffset – это параметр, задающий смещение диапазона по горизонтали относительно исходного на указанное число столбцов.

Значение ColumnOffset Направление смещения
Отрицательное влево
Положительное вправо
0 (по умолчанию) нет смещения

Необходимо следить за тем, чтобы возвращаемый диапазон не вышел за пределы рабочего листа Excel. В противном случае VBA сгенерирует ошибку (Пример 3).


Пример 1
Обращение к ячейкам, смещенным относительно ячейки A1:


VBA Offset Range or Cell

In this Article

The Offset Property is used to return a cell or a range, that is relative to a specified input cell or range.

Using Offset with the Range Object

You could use the following code with the Range object and the Offset property to select cell B2, if cell A1 is the input range:

Notice the syntax:

Positive integers tells Offset to move down and to the right. Negative integers move up and to the left.

The Offset property always starts counting from the top left cell of the input cell or range.

Using Offset with the Cells Object

You could use the following code with the Cells object and the Offset property to select cell C3 if cell D4 is the input range:

Cells(4, 4).Offset(-1, -1).Select

Selecting a Group of Cells

You can also select a group of cells using the Offset property. The following code will select the range which is 7 rows below and 3 columns to the right of input Range(“A1:A5”):

Range(“D8:D12”) is selected:

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VBA Range Offset

Using OFFSET with the range object, you can navigate from one cell to another in the worksheet and you can also select a cell or a range. It also gives you access to the properties and methods that you have with the range object to use, but you need to specify the arguments in the OFFSET to use it.

Use OFFSET with the Range Object

  1. Specify the range from where you want to start.
  2. Enter a dot (.) to get a list of properties and methods.
  3. Select the offset property and specify the arguments (row and column).
  4. In the end, select property to use with the offset.

Select a Range using OFFSET

You can also select a range which is the number of rows and columns aways from a range. Take the below line of code, that selects a range of two cells which is five rows down and 3 columns right.

Apart from that, you can also write code to select the range using a custom size. Take an example of the following code.

To understand this code, you need to split it into three parts.

First thing first, in that range object, you have the option to specify the first cell and the last of the range.

Now let’s come back to the example:

  • In the FIRST part, you have used the range object to refer to the cell that is one row down and one column right from the cell A1.
  • In the SECOND part, you have used the range object to refer to the cell that us five rows down and two columns right from the cell A1.
  • In the THRID part, you have used the cells from the part first and second to refer to a range and select it.

Using OFFSET with ActiveCell

You can also use the active cell instead of using a pre-defined range. That means you’ll get a dynamic offset to select a cell navigating from the active cell.

The above line of code will select the cell which is five rows down and two columns right from the active cell.

Using OFFSET with ActiveCell to Select a Range

Use the following code to select a range from the active cell.

To understand how this code works, make sure to see this explanation.

Copy a Range using OFFSET

Using Cells Property with OFFSET

You can also use the OFFSET property with the CELLS property. Consider the following code.

The above code first refers to the cell A1 (as you have specified) with row one and column one using the cells property, and then uses the offset property to selects the cell which is two rows down and three columns.


excelvbatutorialExcel is the most commonly used spreadsheet management software. VBA , or Visual Basic for Applications, takes it a step further and makes it easy for you to automate just about anything in Excel (check out this tutorial for a quick into to VBA). In today’s tutorial, we’re going to show you how to use the Offset function in VBA, to select a cell or a range of cells. You require basic familiarity with both Excel and VBA.

If you’re new to them, no problem, you can try out our course for VBA with Excel.

What is the Offset Function

The OffSet() returns the value of the cell, at an offset that you’ve specified.  The syntax of this function looks like this:

 OffSet(Cell reference, rows, columns, height, width)

Here’s what each parameter means

  1. Cell reference: refers to a single cell or range of cells.
  2. Rows: specify the number of rows away from the given cell. If the value entered is negative, the given cell shifts to the left.
  3. Columns: specify the number of columns away from the given cell. If value is negative, the cell shifts up.

Note that height and width are optional. They are used to specify the height and width of the returned range in cells. You can insert the OffSet() formula in any cell in the worksheet, except obviously, the cells from which you want the offset.

Combining Range() with OffSet()

The OffSet property is usually used in tandem with the Range property to specify a new location. Let’s take a look at this example

Range("B1").Offset(RowOffSet:=1, ColumnOffset:=1).Select

This code will select C2. The parameter RowOffSet is used to move 1 row from cell B1. Similarly, the parameter ColumnOffSet is used to move 1 column from cell B1. Note that the parameters have to be separated by a comma.

An easier way to accomplish the same result is to use a shorthand method, like we show below

 Range("A1").Offset(1, 1).Select.

Here we only specified the numbers for the row and column offset. VBA will internally “know” that the first one is for the row offset, while the second one is for the column offset.  If you’d like to explore the Range() function more, you can take a look at our course on VBA macros. Now, let’s move on to some more examples.

How to Specify Only Rows

It’s possible to specify just the rows and not the columns. Here’s how you can do it.


Here we’ve omitted the column parameter and its comma. This code results in only moving 1 row down from the original cell location. It will select the entire row, not just a single cell.

How to Specify Only Columns

Similarly it’s possible to just specify the columns and omit the rows. The code will look like this:

 Range("B1").Offset(, 1 ).Select

The comma is necessary for Excel to know that only column offset has been set.

How to Specify Negative OffSet

Can you guess how to do this? It’s simple enough. Here’s the code

Range("D2").Offset(-1, -1 ).Select

This makes the selection go up 1 row and 1 column from the starting position. That is from cell D2 we move up to cell C1.

How to OffSet a Range of Cells

It is also possible to specify more than one cell for the Range. Say you want to select or get the offset for a range of cells

Range("B1:D4").Offset(1, 1).Select

Here, we start off with the range of cells from B1 to D4. The objective is to offset this complete range of cells by 1 row and 1 column. The new range of cells will be from C2 to E5.

Combining Active Cell with Offset

The active cell refers to the currently selected cell. Let’s check a few examples that involve active cells. Here is the code to move one cell down from the currently selected cells is


Combining Active Cell with Range() and Offset()

The following code selects a cell in addition to four more to the right which are to be copied/pasted in another location.


Take note that there is a comma after the first ActiveCell instance and a double closing parenthesis before the Copy. Let us now  move on to cover simple programs that use OffSet functionality to obtain desired results.

Example 1: To Count the Rows in an Excel Worksheet

Sub CountNumRows()
Dim Count1 as Long
Count1 = 0
Count1 = Count1 + 1
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Loop Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1))
MsgBox "There are" Count1 "Rows"
End Sub

In this program, we declared Count1 as a variable of type long. Count is incremented by 1. Then OffSet() is used to loop through the rows. When an empty row is encountered the loop terminates. The variable count1 contains the total number of rows.MsgBox() displays a pop-up box with the total number of rows.

Example 2: Combining Range with OffSet to Fill a Range of Cells with Even Numbers from 1 to 100.

Sub prog1()
Dim Num
Num = 0
For Row = 0 To 9
For Col = 0 To 9
Range(“A1”).Offset(Row, Col).Value = Num
Num = Num + 2
Next Col
Next Row
End Sub

In this program, A1 is the given cell and the resultant range is from A1 to J10. Variable Num is initialized to zero and is incremented by the value 2 each time in the loop. The resultant range of cells contain each and every even number without duplicates from 1 to 100.

Hope you found the offset function useful, and can now use it in your own programs.  We have just covered the tip of the iceberg. There’s lots more to it. You can check out more details with this ultimate VBA course, and if you’d like to hop over to advanced Macros we just the right course with Mr Excel!

In this Article

  • ActiveCell.Offset Properties and Methods
  • ActiveCell.Offset Syntax
  • ActiveCell.Offset..Select
  • Using Range Object with Activecell.Offset Select
  • Alternatives to ActiveCell

This tutorial will demonstrate how to use Activecell Offset in VBA.

The ActiveCell is a property of VBA that represents the cell address of the active cell in your worksheet. If the cursor is positioned in cell A1 then the ActiveCell property in VBA will return the cell address of “A1”. The are a number of properties and methods that are connected to the ActiveCell. In this article we are concentrating on the ActiveCell.Offset method.

ActiveCell.Offset Properties and Methods

Activecell.Offset has a number of properties and methods available to be programmed with VBA. To view the properties and methods available, type the following statement in a procedure as shown below, and press the period key on the keyboard to see a drop down list.

VBA ActiveCell Offset Methods

Methods are depicted by the green method icon, and properties by the small hand icon. The properties and methods for the ActiveCell.Offset method are the same as for the ActiveCell method.

ActiveCell.Offset Syntax

The syntax of ActiveCell.Offset is as follows

VBA ActiveCell Offset Syntax

where the RowOffset and ColumnOffset is the number of rows  to offset (positive numbers for down, negative number for up) or the number of columns you wish offset (positive numbers offsets to the right, negative number to the left).


The Activecell.Offset..Select method is the most commonly used method for with Activecell.Offset method. It allows you to move to another cell in your worksheet. You can use this method to move across columns, or up or down rows in your worksheet.

To move down a row, but stay in the same column:


To move across a column, but stay in the same row:

Activecell.Offset (0,1).Select

To move down a row, and across a column:

Activecell.Offset (1,1).Select

To move up a row:


To move left a column:


In the procedure below, we are looping through a range of cells and moving down one row, and across one column as we do the loop:

Sub ActiveCellTest()
  Dim x As Integer
  For x = 1 To 10
   ActiveCell = x
   ActiveCell.Offset(1, 1).Select
  Next x
End Sub

The result of which is shown in the graphic below:

VBA ActiveCell_Loop

The Loop puts the value of i (1-10) into the Activecell, and then it uses the Activecell.Offset property to move down one row, and across one column to the right – repeating this loop 10 times.

Using Range Object with Activecell.Offset Select

Using the Range Object with the active cell can sometimes confuse some people.

Consider the following procedure:

Sub ActiveCellOffsetRange()
  Range("B1: B10").Select
  ActiveCell.Offset(1, 1).Range("A1").Select
End Sub

With the ActiveCell.Offset(1,1.Range(“A1”), the Range(“A1”) has been specified.   However, this does not mean that cell A1 in the sheet will be selected. As we have specified the Range(“B1:B10”), cell A1 in that range is actually cell B1 in the workbook.  Therefore the cell will be offset by 1 row and 1 column from cell B1 NOT from cell A1.

VBA ActiveCell Offset Range

Therefore, the Range(“A1′) in this instance is not required as the macro will work the same way with it or without it.

Alternatives to ActiveCell

Instead of using Activecell with the Offset method, we can also use the Range object with the Offset method.

Sub RangeOffset() 
 Range("B1").Offset(0, 1).Select
End Sub

The procedure above would select cell C1 in the worksheet.

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Для движения по таблице используется функция.

переменная.Offset(RowOffset, ColumnOffset)

В качестве переменных может выступать как ячейка так и диапазон (Range) удобно пользоваться этой функцией для смещения относительно текущей ячейки.

Например, смещение ввниз на одну ячейку и выделение ее:

ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

Если нужно двигаться вверх, то нужно использовать отрицательное число:

ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Select

Функция ниже использует эту возможность для того, чтобы пробежаться вниз до первой пустой ячейки.

Sub beg()
	Dim a As Boolean
	Dim d As Double
	Dim c As Range
	a = True
	Set c = Range(ActiveCell.address)
	d = c.Value
	c.Value = d
	While (a = True)
		ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
		If (IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Value) = False) Then
			Set c = Range(ActiveCell.address)
			d = c.Value
			c.Value = d
			a = False
		End If
End Sub

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