Shortened word for it has

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Q: How do you shorten the word it has?

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Shortening  is the process and the result of forming a word out of the initial elements (letters, morphemes) of a word combination

Shortening is the process and the result of forming a word out of the initial elements (letters, morphemes) of a word combination

Shortening To make a new word from a syllable (or two) of the original words.  The latter may lose it’s beginning (telephone – phone, defence — fence), it’s ending (holidays – hols, advertisement- ad), or both the beginning and the ending (influenza – flu, refrigerator — fridge) To make a new word from the initial letters of a word group:  U.N.O – United Nation Organization, B.B.C. and et c.


To make a new word from a syllable (or two) of the original words. The latter may lose it’s beginning (telephone – phone, defence — fence), it’s ending (holidays – hols, advertisement- ad), or both the beginning and the ending (influenza – flu, refrigerator — fridge)

To make a new word from the initial letters of a word group:

U.N.O – United Nation Organization, B.B.C. and et c.

Types of Shortening clipping acronyms blending abbreviation

Types of Shortening





C l i p p i n g  is a type of word-building shortening of spoken words m e d i a l clipping (or s y n c o p e , from Greek

C l i p p i n g

is a type of word-building shortening of spoken words

m e d i a l clipping (or s y n c o p e , from Greek «syncope» a cutting up), e.g., fancy (fantasy), ma’am (madam) .

f i n a l clipping (or a p o c o p e , from Greek «apokoptein» — cut off), e.g., cap (captain), gym (gymnasium, gymnastics) , lab (laboratory), ed (editor ) ;

i n i t i a l clipping (or a p h e s i s , i.e. a p h e r e s i s , from Greek «aphairesis» — a taking away ), e.g., cap (captain), phone (telephone), story (history), chute (parachute ) ;

may be combined and result in the curtailed words with the middle part of the prototype retained, e.g., flu (influenza), frig (refrigerator), tec (detective )

structure of the prototype  shortened words correlated with w o r d s , e.g ., cabbie (cabman), nightie (nightdress), teeny (teenager) ; shortened words correlated with p h r a s e s , e.g. , finals (final examinations), perm (permanent wave), pop (popular music), pub (public house), taxi (taximeter-cab ).

structure of the prototype

shortened words correlated with w o r d s , e.g ., cabbie (cabman), nightie (nightdress), teeny (teenager) ;

shortened words correlated with p h r a s e s , e.g. , finals (final examinations), perm (permanent wave), pop (popular music), pub (public house), taxi (taximeter-cab ).

The process of formation is also called t e l e s c o p i n g , because the words seem to slide into one another like sections of a telescope . E.g., brunch (breakfast + lunch), smog (smoke + fog), smaze (smoke + haze), slimnastics (slim + gymnastics ) . B l e n d i n g is a type of compounding by means of merging parts of words into new one word . coining a new word from the initial elements of one word and the final elements of another, e.g. , drunch (drink + lunch), skort (skirt + short ) ; combining the initial elements of one word with a notional word, e.g., mobus (motors + bus), legislady (legislative lady) . coining a new word by combining one notional word arid the final element of another word, e.g., manglish (man + English), radiotrician (radio + electrician );

The process of formation is also called t e l e s c o p i n g , because the words seem to slide into one another like sections of a telescope . E.g., brunch (breakfast + lunch), smog (smoke + fog), smaze (smoke + haze), slimnastics (slim + gymnastics ) .

B l e n d i n g is a type of compounding by means of merging parts of words into new one word .

coining a new word from the initial elements of one word and the final elements of another, e.g. , drunch (drink + lunch), skort (skirt + short ) ;

combining the initial elements of one word with a notional word, e.g., mobus (motors + bus), legislady (legislative lady) .

coining a new word by combining one notional word arid the final element of another word, e.g., manglish (man + English), radiotrician (radio + electrician );

A b b r e v i a t i o n is a type of shortening when words are formed from the initial letters of each part of a phrasal term. Abbreviations are pronounced as a series of letters, i.e. the alphabetical reading of the letters is retained. E.g., B.B.C. (The British Broadcasting Corporation), M.P. (Member of Parliament), P.M. (Prime Minister), T.V. (Television), Y.C.L. (The Young Communist League ). A specific type of abbreviations having no parallel in Ukrainian is represented by Latin abbreviations, which are not read as Latin words but substituted by their English equivalents , e.g., a.m. (ante meridium) – in the morning; p.m. (post meridiem) – in the afternoon;

A b b r e v i a t i o n is a type of shortening when words are formed from the initial letters of each part of a phrasal term. Abbreviations are pronounced as a series of letters, i.e. the alphabetical reading of the letters is retained. E.g., B.B.C. (The British Broadcasting Corporation), M.P. (Member of Parliament), P.M. (Prime Minister), T.V. (Television), Y.C.L. (The Young Communist League ).

A specific type of abbreviations having no parallel in Ukrainian is represented by Latin abbreviations, which are not read as Latin words but substituted by their English equivalents , e.g., a.m. (ante meridium) – in the morning; p.m. (post meridiem) – in the afternoon;

Definition Exampels A c r o n y m s (from Greek



A c r o n y m s (from Greek «acros» end + «onym» name) are abbreviated words formed from the initial letters of word-combination; the abbreviated written form lends itself to be read as though, it were an ordinary English word and sounds like an English word.

  NATO   /neitou/ — The North Atlantic Treaty Organization,  UNO  /ju:nou/ — United Nations Organization,  SALT   /solt/ — Strategic Arms Limitation Talks,  radar  – radio detecting and ranging;  laser   – light amplification stimulated emission radio;  maser  – microwave amplification stimulated emission radio.

Christian names in acronyms:

Fred  – fast reading electric device;

Oscar  – orbiting satellite;

Eva   – electronic velocity analyzer.

Want to become better at reading and writing English?

What’s the difference between abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms?

Learn how to shorten words to improve your English writing


We love to shorten everything in English. This is especially true in an age where texting has become the preferred way to communicate with one another. In writing, there are three common methods we can use to shorten words: abbreviations(1), acronyms(2), and initialisms(3). This blog will give you all the information you need to be able to read, write, and differentiate between them. 


Let’s face it, writing long words can be a nuisance(4), especially when you’re in a rush or need to write the same word multiple times. This is where abbreviations come in. Chances are, you’ve already seen many of these abbreviations before, but here are some of the most common abbreviations you are likely to come across. 

Days of the week: Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sun. 

Months of the year: Jan., Feb., Aug., Sep., Oct., Nov., Dec.

Measurements: “cm” for centimeter, “mm” for millimeter, and “in” for inch. 

Titles: “Mr.” for mister, “Ms.” for miss, and “Mrs.” for mistress. 

Map Locations: “st.” for street, “Ave.” for avenue, “dr.” for drive, “blvd.” for boulevard and “ln.” for lane. 

Calendar from 1948

Here are a few common abbreviations found in writing that tend to confuse people. 

i.e. stands for id est, which means, “in other words.” 

Ex. I love to eat western food, i.e., pizza and cheeseburgers. 

e.g. stands for “example given.” 

Ex. Tonight, we will explore some popular areas in Taipei, e.g, Taipei 101, Longshan Temple, and Daan Park. 

etc. stands for etcetera, which means, “and other things.” 

Ex. She bought way too much stuff at the department store. She walked out with shoes, a hat, pants, and a new blouse, etc. 

One thing to note about abbreviations is that they are informal. Most of the time,  they shouldn’t be used in academic, professional, or formal writing. Before you use these, just assess(5) whether or not abbreviations are appropriate for what you are writing, i.e. save them for your texts or personal notes rather than your Master’s thesis or C.V. 


People often confuse initialisms—which we will cover soon—and abbreviations for acronyms. Some dictionaries are making exceptions since so many people misuse these terms, but as far as acronyms go, they need to spell out another longer word or phrase while making a new word ( they often shorten the lengthy names of certain organizations). 

Exam skills: 6 tips to help you with writing examstop tips to improve your writing

One great example is NASA. You pronounce this word just as it’s spelled, and it was created to shorten the official name, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, a name that doesn’t quite roll off the tongue like NASA does. If the abbreviation doesn’t form a new word that is pronounced just as it’s written, it isn’t technically an acronym. Let’s look at some of the most common acronyms to better understand this concept.

scuba: self-contained underwater breathing apparatus 

radar:  radio detection and ranging 

GIF: Graphics Interchange Format 

AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Program 

TED (talk): tell me, explain to me, describe to me

CAPTCHA: Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart

Yahoo: yet another hierarchical officious oracle

ZIP: Zone Improvement Plan 

IKEA: Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd

CD-ROM: Compact Disc Read-Only Memory 


Some people will claim that initialisms are acronyms, but that is debatable(6). Words like NBA and VIP are initialisms: There is no way to pronounce the letters like a typical word, but we instead pronounce each letter sound separately. 

There are some examples that can be classified as both acronyms or initialisms. Think about the word ASAP. You can pronounce this phonetically as one word or say each letter separately A-S-A-P. 

There are tons of initialisms, but here are a handful of common examples that everyone can recognize. 

IQ: intelligence quotient 

lol:  laugh out loud

UFO: unidentified flying object 

a UFO flying over tracks


RSVP:  répondez s’il vous plaît (please respond)

TBA: to be announced 

OMG: oh my god

ETA: estimated time of arrival 

NBA – National Basketball Association 

VIP: very important person 

3D: three dimensional 

I will leave it open whether initialisms are a subset of acronyms, but it’s better to understand the subtle differences between abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms regardless. 


Knowing how words are shortened in English text will make you a better reader and a more effective writer. Instead of getting hung up on definitions, learn what the most common abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms mean, and you will be well on your way to better understanding how words in English get shortened in text and writing. 


1. abbreviation (n.)

Def. a short form of a word, etc.

Ex. The abbreviation for Monday is Mon. 

2. acronym (n.)

Def. a word formed from the first letters of the words that make up the name of something. 

Ex. The acronym for “Graphics Interchange Format” is GIF. 

3. initialism (n.)

Def. a word formed from the first letters of the words that make up the name of something, with each letter pronounced separately

Ex. The initialism for “very important person” is VIP. 

nuisance (n.)

4. Def. a thing, person or situation that is annoying or causes trouble or problems

Ex. Mosquitos are such a nuisance during the summer. 

5. assess (v.)

Def. to make a judgement about the nature or quality of somebody/something

Ex. He assessed the hiking route, and it is just too dangerous to proceed until the snow melts. 

6. debatable (adj.)

Def. not certain because people can have different ideas and opinions about the thing being discussed

Ex. Whether or not the Earth was created by the Big Bang is debatable


Omg-oh-my-god-texting-social-media by Wokandapix

January-calendar-month-year-day by Amber_Avalona

Fractal-mandelbulb-3d-ufo-invasion by cpmacdonald


На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

At the same time, it is necessary to avoid the use of slang, template phrases, shortened words, and an overly frivolous tone.

В то же время необходимо избегать употребления сленга, шаблонных фраз, сокращения слов, чересчур легкомысленного тона.

Technically, till and ’til could be considered abbreviations (shortened words) of until, but to is a separate word.

Если же подойти к ним с лингвистической точки зрения, то till и ’til могут считаться аббревиатурами (укороченными версиями) слова until, а to — это вообще отдельное слово.

Другие результаты

Bot is the shortened word robot.

The common name is «Wat Pho», a shortened word of its original name Photharam.

Общее название «Wat Pho», сокращенное слово от его первоначального имени Photharam.

An abbreviation is a shortened word or phrase.

Bot is the shortened word robot.

JSC «Mida LT» (MIDA — is the shortened word combination from «soft coverings») — one of the market leaders in production of both membrane roofing products and bitumen tiles.

АО «Мида LT» (МИДА — это сокращенное словосочетание из «мягких покрытий») — один из лидеров рынка в производстве обеих мембранных кровельных продуктов и битумной черепицы.

Some are shortened versions of longer words.

Некоторые из них — это усеченные варианты более длинных слов.

This has now been shortened to one word.

Later, Joachimsthaler was shortened to the word thaler.

Позднее слово «Йоахимсталер» сократилось до «талер».

Abbreviations are shortened versions of words or phrases.

Сокращения — это укороченные версии каких-то фраз и словосочетаний.

Some argue that the art of possession of cold steel came to the Philippines from Indonesia, where it was called jakalili, and the Filipinos simply shortened the word for ease of pronunciation.

Одни утверждают, что искусство владения холодным оружием пришло на Филиппины с Индонезии, где именовалось джакалили, а филиппинцы просто сократили слово для удобства произношения.

This is evidenced by the fact that words are shortened, simplified, less the Sanskrit word forms.

Note that hypnic is also a shortened version of the word ‘hypnagogic’.

Обратите внимание, что hypnic также является сокращенной версией слова «hypnagogic».

It could, however, be shortened by deleting the words «the use of», which were superfluous.

Правда, его можно было бы укоротить, исключив слово «использование», которое является лишним.

Words get shortened: electronic mail becomes e-mail, which in turn becomes email.

Сами слова становятся короче: электронная почта (electronic mail) становится «e-mail», а та в свою очередь — «email».

The word is shortened from the term cathedral church, in which it is used as an adjective.

Слово сокращено от термина соборная церковь, в котором оно используется в качестве прилагательного.

Cumbrian dialect is derived from Celtic and Norse influences with speakers of dialect having a relatively strong accent with certain words often shortened.

Камбрийский диалект происходит от кельтских и норвежских влияний с говорящими диалектами, имеющими относительно сильный акцент с некоторыми словами, которые часто сокращаются.

Abbreviations are abbreviated (or shortened) forms of words and phrases.

Сокращения и пропуски букв Сокращения — это укороченные версии слов (или словосочетаний).

The dialects spoken in Satakunta are considered difficult to understand as the speech is rapid and many words are shortened.

Диалект жителей Сатакунта считается непонятным, так как они говорят очень быстро и сокращают многие слова.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 121. Точных совпадений: 2. Затраченное время: 266 мс


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