Short word for months


  1. Months of the Year
  2. Seasons of the Year
  3. Days of the Week
  4. Other Abbreviations of Time

Month Abbreviaton

AbbreviationsWhat is the proper way to abbreviate the word “month”? Unfortunately, there is no only proper way. It all depends on context: mth (plural mths) is most popular.



mo. (plural mos.).

MM and M are usually used in date formats like MM/DD/YY. In some documents it is common to see just “m”.

Please note: Abbreviations used on this page denote common usage unrelated to documenting sources. When documenting sources using MLA style, the months with four or fewer letters, e.g. May, June, and July are not abbreviated, the remaining months Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov. and Dec. are abbreviated. When documenting sources using APA style, no abbreviations are used, all months should be spelled out in full. Both months and days of the week should start with capital letters and end with a period.

1.   January – Jan. 2.  February – Feb.
3.   March – Mar. 4.   April – Apr.
5.   May – May 6.   June – Jun.
7.   July – Jul. 8.   August – Aug.
9.   September – Sep. or Sept. 10.  October – Oct.
11.  November – Nov. 12.  December – Dec.

See also:

  • Abbreviations of the Names of the Months from Yale University Library.

Seasons of the Year (Typically in North America)

spring – March, April, May
summer – June, July, August
autumn or fall – September, October, November
winter – December, January, February

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See also:

  • The Seasons on Earth from Department of Astronomy, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
  • Earth’s Seasons. Seasons are the result of the tilt of the Earth’s axis, from Enchanted Learning.

Abbreviations of Days of the Week

1. Sunday – Sun. 2. Monday – Mon.
3. Tuesday – Tu., Tue., or Tues. 4. Wednesday – Wed.
5. Thursday – Th., Thu., Thur., or Thurs. 6. Friday – Fri.
7. Saturday – Sat.

See also:

  • Symbols for Days of the Week – Historical symbols for the days of the week, by D. Glenn Arthur, Jr., Baltimore, MD.
  • Day of the Week – Find out what day of the week did a certain date fall on, by Stephen C. Phillips, University of Southampton, UK.
  • Books of the Bible Abbreviations – Helpful hints.

Other Abbreviations of Time

second – sec. minute – min.
hour – hr. (sometimes h.) week – wk.
ante meridiem (before noon) – a.m. post meridiem (after noon) – p.m.
midnight – 12:00 a.m. noon – 12:00 p.m.
month – mo. year – yr.
century – cent. before Christ – BC or B.C. (e.g. 30 BC)
anno Domini (in the year of our Lord) after birth of Christ – AD or A.D.
(e.g. AD 2005)
before common era – BCE or B.C.E. (same as BC) (e.g. 30 BCE) common era – CE or C.E. (Christian Era, same as AD)
(e.g. 2005 CE)

You may write A.M. and P.M. using all capital letters or all lower case letters. However, a style you have chosen must be followed consistently throughout the entire document. You should not confuse the two styles.


  • “Common Abbreviations.” The New Lexicon Webster’s Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language. Canadian ed. New York: Lexicon, 1988, CA1-8.
    (Above reference out of print. Closest match currently available: Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language, 1996 ed.)
  • Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 6th ed. New York: MLA, 2003, 263.
  • Useful content concerning Common Abbreviations.

Wondering how you abbreviate months of the year or simply the word “month?” You’ve come to the right place to learn.

What Are the Months of the Year

You probably came to this page to learn what the months are in order so here you go:

List of Months in Order

In English-speaking countries, here is a list of months of the year in order:


Comma Separated List of Months in Order

We used our comma separator tool to create this list:

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December


How Many Days Are in Each Month

  1. January – 31 days
  2. February – 28 days (29 days during leap years)
  3. March – 31 days
  4. April – 30 days
  5. May – 31 days
  6. June – 30 days
  7. July – 31 days
  8. August – 31 days
  9. September – 30 days
  10. October – 31 days
  11. November – 30 days
  12. December – 31 days

How Do You Abbreviate Months of the Year

However, when it comes to the individual months they each have their own abbreviation and they are far more prevalent in day-to-day use. The abbreviations of the twelve months are listed as follows:

Month List 3-Letter Abbreviation 2-Letter Abbreviation
January Jan. JA (JY & JN could be confused with June/July)
February Feb. FE
March Mar. MR
April Apr. AP
May May MY
June Jun. JN
July Jul. JL
August Aug. AU
September Sep. or Sept. SE
October Oct. OC
November Nov. NV
December Dec. DE

Month AbbreviationsThe general rule to abbreviate each month is simply to take the first three letters in each one, which makes it easy to remember and to put into practice.

Two exceptions technically exist, the first being May which is only three letters long and as such arguably has no abbreviation. And then there is September, which can be abbreviated as Sep, but is also abbreviated often as Sept. which has four letters instead.

All in all, the three-letter rule works perfectly fine for all months and should be kept in mind.

When to Use the Abbreviations

Abbreviations, as a rule, are only meant to be used when it’s important to save space or avoid constant repetition. What this means is that the above abbreviations will likely see use mainly when it comes to newspaper headers, printed articles, specialized reports with extensive length and presentation cards. Any context where saving space is relevant will make a great place to use the abbreviation.

Additionally due to their importance when it comes to dates and times the abbreviation of the months can be common in calendars and any sort of displays that give the date, like those found in clocks and phones.

Additionally, certain style guides have very specific rules for abbreviating months. These rules for MLA and APA include:

  • MLA: All months are abbreviated as above, except for May, June, and July, which are spelled out in full. Abbreviations begin with a capital letter and end with a period.
  • APA: Spell out the month completely. Avoid abbreviations when possible.

Some Examples of When to Use Abbreviations

  • The company expects to see increased profits between Apr. and Jun.
  • Dec. 24th is an important date all over the world.

About the Word Month

How Do You Abbreviate the Word Month

The short form of month is usually abbreviated as MTH, however as the purpose of an abbreviation is to save on space and month itself isn’t too long of a word it’s rare to see this form used. MTH is usually relegated to small displays particularly in clocks and calendars.

The abbreviations of “month” are:

  • mth (plural mths)
  • mo/mos (MLA style)
  • m’th
  • m-th
  • mo. (plural mos.)

Definition of Month

A month is defined as a period of roughly four weeks, which makes up one of the twelve periods that form a year.

Due to the various differences in the exact amount of days each month has there isn’t a meaning based on a specific length, but the main factor in the definition is always the notion that a month makes up roughly one twelfth of the year.

Synonyms for Month

Technically speaking the word, the word month doesn’t have a synonym, and neither do the individual months of the year. This is largely because they are proper nouns, and that’s the only word required to refer to the concepts.

Based on the context it might be possible to use words such as Date, Past or Weeks as replacements for month. But in these cases it’ll be more due to the associated context of the phrase, not because they are direct synonyms of the word month.


What Are the Spanish Months? Spanish Months in Order

List of Spanish Months


Table of Spanish Months

Spanish Month English Month
enero January
febrero February
marzo March
abril April
mayo May
junio June
julio July
agosto August
septiembre September
octubre October
noviembre November
diciembre December

What Are the German Months? German Months in Order

List of German Months


Table of German Months

German Month English Month
Januar January
Februar February
März March
April April
Mai May
Juni June
Juli July
August August
September September
Oktober October
November November
Dezember December

What Are the French Months? French Months in Order

List of French Months


Table of French Months

French Month English Month
janvier January
février February
mars March
avril April
mai May
juin June
juillet July
aout August
septembre September
octobre October
novembre November
décembre December

What Are the Italian Months? Italian Months in Order

List of Italian Months


Table of Italian Months

Italian Month English Month
gennaio January
febbraio February
marzo March
aprile April
maggio May
giugno June
luglio July
agosto August
settembre September
ottobre October
novembre November
dicembre December

What Are the Arabic Months? Arabic Month List

Here is a list of Hijri, Arabic months you can copy:

Rabi I
Rabi II
Jumada I
Jumada II
Dhu al-Qidah
Dhu al-Hijjah

What Are the Hindi Months? Hindi Month List

The Hindu calendar is a multi-dimensional way of structuring time, combining information about lunar days, solar days, lunar months, and solar months.

Here is a list of the Hindu calendar months in order:

Months Name in English Months Names in Hindi
(Hindu Calendar)
Months in Devanagari
January पौष – माघ जनवरी
February माघ – फाल्गुन फरवरी
March फाल्गुन – चैत्र मार्च
April चैत्र- वैशाख अप्रैल
May वैशाख- ज्येष्ठ मई
June ज्येष्ठ – आषाढ़ जून
July आषाढ़- श्रावण जुलाई
August श्रावण – भाद्रपद अगस्त
September भाद्रपद – आश्विन सितम्बर
October आश्विन – कार्तिक अक्टूबर
November कार्तिक – मार्गशीर्ष (अगहन) नवम्बर
December मार्गशीर्ष – पौष दिसम्बर

What Are the Solar Months in Astrology

Solar Month Dates in Gregorian Calendar
Libra September 23 – October 22
Scorpio October 23 – November 21
Sagittarius November 22 – December 21
Capricorn December 22 – January 19
Aquarius January 20 – February 18
Pisces February 19 – March 20
Aries March 21 – April 19
Taurus April 20 – May 20
Gemini May 21 – June 20
Cancer June 21 – July 22
Leo July 23 – August 22
Virgo August 23 – September 22



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See also: Days of the Week and their Abbreviations


No. Month Abbreviation Translation
1 January Jan. Январь
2 February Feb. Февраль
3 March Mar. Март
4 April Apr. Апрель
5 May May Май
6 June June Июнь
7 July July Июль
8 August Aug. Август
9 September Sept. Сентябрь
10 October Oct. Октябрь
11 November Nov. Ноябрь
12 December Dec. Декабрь


No. Month Abbreviation Translation
1 janvier janv. January
2 février févr. February
3 mars mars March
4 avril avril April
5 mai mai May
6 juin juin June
7 juillet juil. July
8 août août August
9 septembre sept. September
10 octobre oct. October
11 novembre nov. November
12 décembre déc. December


No. Month Abbreviation Translation
1 Januar Jan. January
2 Februar Feb. February
3 März März March
4 April Apr. April
5 Mai Mai May
6 Juni Juni June
7 Juli Juli July
8 August Aug. August
9 September Sept. September
10 Oktober Okt. October
11 November Nov. November
12 Dezember Dez. December


No. Month Abbreviation Translation
1 gennaio genn. January
2 febbraio febbr. February
3 marzo mar. March
4 aprile apr. April
5 maggio magg. May
6 giugno giugno June
7 luglio luglio July
8 agosto ag. August
9 settembre sett. September
10 ottobre ott. October
11 novembre nov. November
12 dicembre dic. December


No. Month Abbreviation Translation
1 Январь Янв. January
2 Февраль Фев. February
3 Март Мар. March
4 Апрель Апр. April
5 Май May May
6 Июнь Июн. June
7 Июль Июл. July
8 Август Авг. August
9 Сентябрь Сен. September
10 Октябрь Окт. October
11 Ноябрь Ноя. November
12 Декабрь Дек. December


No. Month Abbreviation Translation
1 Јануар Јан. January
2 Фебруар Фебр. February
3 Март Март March
4 Април Април April
5 Мај Мај May
6 Јун(и) Јун June
7 Јул(и) Јул July
8 Август Авг. August
9 Септембар Септ. September
10 Октобар Окт. October
11 Новембар Нов. November
12 Децембар Дец. December


No. Month Abbreviation Translation
1 enero enero January
2 febrero feb. February
3 marzo marzo March
4 abril abr. April
5 mayo mayo May
6 junio jun. June
7 julio jul. July
8 agosto agosto August
9 septiembre sept. (set.) September
10 octubre oct. October
11 noviembre nov. November
12 diciembre dic. December


No. Month Abbreviation Translation
1 Січень Сiч. January
2 Лютий Лют. February
3 Березень Бер. March
4 Квітень Квiт. April
5 Травень Трав. May
6 Червень Черв. June
7 Липень Лип. July
8 Серпень Серп. August
9 Вересень Вер. September
10 Жовтень Жовт. October
11 Листопад Лист. November
12 Грудень Груд. December

English Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Belorusian studz. liut. sak./mar. kras. trav. cherv. lip. zhniven’ veras. kastr. list. snezh.
Bosnian jan. feb. mart april maj juni juli aug. sept. okt. nov. dec. 
Bulgarian ian. fevr. mart april mai iuni iuli avg. sept. okt. noem. dek.
Croatian sijec. velj. ozuj. trav. svib. lip. srp. kol. ruj. list. stud. pros.
Czech led. ún. brez. dub. kvet. cerv. cerven. srp. zár. ríj. list. pros.
Danish jan. febr. marts april maj juni juli aug. sept. okt. nov. dec.
Dutch jan. feb. maart apr. mei juni juli aug. sept. oct./okt. nov. dec.
Estonian jaan. veebr. märts apr. mai juuni juuli aug. sept. okt. nov. dets.
French janv. févr. mars avril mai juin juil. août sept. oct. nov. déc.
German Jan./Jän. Feb. März Apr. Mai Juni Juli Aug. Sept. Okt. Nov. Dez.
Greek, Modern Ian. Phevr. Mart. Apr. Maios Ioun. Ioul. Aug. Sept. Okt. Noem. Dek.
Hungarian jan. feb. márc. ápr. máj. jun. jul. aug. szept. okt. nov. dec.
Indonesian Jan./Djan.  Peb. Mrt. Apr. Mei/Mai Juni/Djuni Juli/Djuli Ag. Sept. Okt. Nop. Des.
Italian genn. febbr. mar. apr. magg. giugno luglio ag. sett. ott. nov. dic.
Latin Ian. Febr. Mart. Apr Mai. Iun. Iul. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Latvian jan. feb. marts apr. maijs junijs julijs aug. sept. okt. nov. dec.
Lithuanian Saus. vas. kovas bal. geg. birz liepa rugp. rugs. spalis lapkr. gr.
Malaysian Jan. Feb. Mac Apr. Mei Jun Julai Og Sept. Okt. Nov. Dis.
Norwegian jan. febr. mars april mai juni juli aug. sept. okt. nov. des.
Polish stycz. luty mar. kwiec. maj czerw. lip. sierp. wrzes. pazdz. listop. grudz.
Portuguese jan. fev. março abril maio junho julho agosto set. out. nov. dez.
Romanian Ian. Feb. Mar. Apr. Mai Iunie Iulie Aug. Sept. Oct. Noiem. Dec.
Russian ianv. fevr. mart apr. mai iiun’ iiul’ avg. sent. okt. noiabr’ dek.
Serbian jan. febr.


april maj juni juli avg. sept. okt. nov. dec.
Slovak l’ad./jan. ún./feb. brez./mar. dub./apr. kvet/máj cerv./jún cerven./júl srp./aug. zári./sept. ruj./okt. list./nov. pros./dec.
Slovenian jan./pros. feb./svec. mar./sus. apr./mali traven maj./veliki traven jun./roz. jul./mali srpan avg./veliki srpan sept./kim. okt./vino. nov./list. dec./gr.
Spanish enero feb. marzo abr. mayo jun. jul. agosto sept./set. oct. nov. dic.
Swedish jan. febr. mars april maj juni juli aug. sept. okt. nov. dec.
Turkish Ocak Subat mart Nisan Mayis Haziran Temmuz Agustos Eylul Ekim Kasim Aralik
Ukranian sich. liut. ber. kvit. trav. cher. lyp. serp. ver. zhovt. lyst. hrud.
Welsh Ion. Chwef. Maw. Ebr. Mai Meh. Gorff. Awst Medi Hyd. Tach. Rhag.

Last modified: 

Tuesday, May 1, 2018 — 4:50pm

How do you abbreviate months? There is one common way to abbreviate months.

It is,

  • mos.

For example,

  • 3 mos.

The singular abbreviation of months is mo.

When to Use This Abbreviation

This is a very common abbreviation that is used in shorthand writing, note taking, meeting minutes, etc. It is also common to see it in headlines or newspaper titles where space is a concern.

Outside of these kinds of situations, months would be spelled out in general prose.

What Does Months Mean?

definition of mosDefinition of Months: Months is defined as each of the twelve named periods into which a year is divide.

For example,

  • The first year runs from the months of April 1 through May 30th

The word months functions as a noun in the sentence.

Outside Examples of Months

  • abbreviation of months abbreviationAll polls are completely fictional: Of course, all the polls are all wrong because polling is completely made up, and the conspiracy runs so deep that even Breitbart has been on it. –USA Today
  • Since Britain’s vote in June to quit the European Union its government has promise to repeatedly to make a success of withdrawal, known as Brexit. More than two months later, however, it still cannot say how. –New York Times

Summary: Months Abbreviation

There is one common abbreviation of months: mos. The singular abbreviation is mo.


  • 1 When to Use This Abbreviation
  • 2 What Does Months Mean?
  • 3 Outside Examples of Months
  • 4 Summary: Months Abbreviation

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