Short two word phrases

In spoken English, we often use two-word phrases, such as “bye-bye”. Here are 15 of the most common two word phrases, with more in the quiz below.

so-so = OK: “How was the meeting?” “So-so – it was nice to see everyone, but we didn’t get anything decided.”

on-off = not constant: “They have a very on-off relationship.”

love-hate = having feelings for someone / something which swing from love to hate: “I have a bit of a love-hate relationship with my car.”

mish-mash = when things are combined together and so appear untidy: “The new policy is a bit of a mish-mash of the last two policies we’ve had.”

riff-raff = quite a ‘snobby’ expression to describe people you think are lower in class than you: “Lets send out invitations for the party. We don’t want the town’s riff-raff turning up and eating all the food.”

chit-chat = small talk or unimportant conversation: “He asked us to stop our chit-chat and get on with our work.”

knick-knack = an ornament: “She’s got a lot of knick-knacks – I’m always afraid I’m going to break one.”

ship-shape = everything in its right place: “I want to leave the place ship-shape when we go on holiday.”

zig-zag = diagonally: “He lost control of the car and it zig-zagged across the road.”

ding-dong = an argument: “They’ve had a bit of a ding-dong and they’re not talking to each other at the moment.”

higgledy-piggledy = in a mess: “That bookshelf is all higgledy-piggledy!”

wishy-washy = weak opinion, argument or person: “His argument is a bit wishy-washy – I don’t get the impression that he really knows what he wants to think.”

easy-peasey = something that children often say to emphasise how easy something is: “This program is easy-peasey – I understood it in half an hour!”

flip-flops = rubber sandals with a thong that goes between your big and second toe: “I lived in my flip-flops when I was staying on the beach.”

see-saw = something that goes up and down (like the piece of wood in a playground – a child sits on each end and these ends go up an down): “The English pound has see-sawed against the American dollar for the last two weeks.”

Two-Word Phrases

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powerful one word quotesAre you feeling hopeless and bleak? To be honest, feeling discouraging is the worst feeling ever. To heal those wounds, two-word quotes can be a perfect fix. These words can be powerful, inspirational, enigmatic or ruthless. But, words are magical. They can easily convince or persuade someone. Short word quotes can be used in several ways. Sometimes, two word quotes are enough to express yourself and get your message out there. These powerful short two word phrases can be used as printable, daily reminders, quotes, and design tattoos.

Motivational short word quotes are much sought after, but the power of these words is unparalleled. These words are just not meaningful but are also motivating. Think of those unmotivated days when you need someone around you. Imagine yourself in a fantasy where everything looks so surreal. Think of spending a personal quality time with yourself. Surprisingly, short magic words give you all the motivation to dream, act, imagine, fascinate, and live.

Look at the huge collection of two word quotes. Give a minute to read the one-line sentence written next to the word. You can be creative and use these words in different ways. Print out these words and keep a beautiful frame on the side table next to your bed. Write down these words in a cellphone note and set a daily reminder and read them. Send these words to someone close and make them feel rejuvenating. Importantly, bookmark this to motivate yourself every day.

Here is an awesome collection of two word quotes for inspiration seeking individuals.

  1. Just me – At this point, don’t care about anything else. Don’t try to fit in with anybody.
  2. True love – True love is all about knowing the faults of the other person and loving them even more.
  3. Friends Forever – Best friends are the one’s who are always there : whenever, whatever and importantly, forever!
  4. Dream bird – Any heart without dreams is more like a bird without feathers. Be a dream bird and fly high.
  5. No boundaries – Talent knows no boundaries. It overcomes all barriers that hinder the way to success.
  6. no boundries two word quotes

  7. Food passion – Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion, even food.
  8. Be yourself – Stop letting other people describe you. Be yourself and show it to the world.
  9. be-yourself-two-word-quotes

  10. Accept yourself – The day you accept yourself you become confident.
  11. Have faith – No matter how worst your situation is, there’s always a sign of hope if you have faith.
  12. Good job – Pat your shoulder and give yourself a treat. Good Job, Man!
  13. Have patience – Life always take tests, but you need to have patience.
  14. Keep calm – Keep calm and be 100% fabulous.
  15. Move on – Move on! It’s not the ending. Just turn the page.
  16. Inhale Exhale – Inhale love, exhale hate. Inhale positivity, exhale negativity.
  17. Don’t care – There comes a point in life when it’s not that you don’t care anymore. You just can’t!
  18. dont care quote

  19. Stay strong – Every single day is a battle to stay strong.
  20. Stay true – Stay true to you and you’ll be incredibly awesome!
  21. Just believe – Believing in yourself will make you unstoppable.
  22. Shit happens – It’s okay, shit happens!
  23. Stay beautiful – Stay beautiful, you are worth it.
  24. Thank you – Busy to say a thank you? You will get fewer and fewer chances to say it.
  25. Work hard – When you live a life for a strong purpose, hard work isn’t a choice. It’s a necessity.
  26. Think first – Be sure you think about your words before you spit them out.
  27. Start living – Never be scared to start living a life you have always thought of.
  28. start living two word quotes

  29. Try again – Failure doesn’t mean the game is over, it actually means try again with a new experience.
  30. Love you – Loving you has been my favorite adventure so far.
  31. Don’t stop – set your goals high and don’t stop until you get there
  32. Trust me – Trusting you is my decision. Proving me right is your choice.

  33. Call me – Take that bone out of your nose and call me back!
  34. Shut up – You need to shut up and let me live my life.
  35. Forget this – The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest and the first to forget is the happiest.
  36. Come back – They always come back. Especially when you move on.
  37. Respect me – I respect a person who respects me when I am not around.
  38. Baby steps – Even baby steps can take you a long way over time. Don’t stand still.
  39. Be honest – Everybody wants the truth but nobody wants to be honest.
  40. Enjoy life – You only live once, enjoy life.
  41. I can – Only I can change my life story. No one can do it for me.
  42. I can quote

  43. Forever Free – Once you learn to live, you will be forever free.
  44. Hakuna Matata – It means no worries.
  45. Look up – If you fall, fall on your back. If you can look up you can get high.
  46. Be fearless – be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire.
  47. Be fearless two word quotes

  48. Let go – Maturity is when you learn to let go.
  49. Game on – Play every game as if it’s your last one.
  50. Think twice – Think twice before you say something.
  51. think twice quote two word

  52. Be limitless – Limits only exist in the mind. So, be limitless.
  53. You can – Only you can make it happen.
  54. Watch me – Win with me or watch me win.
  55. Stay focused – Stay focused and extra sparkly
  56. Be Kind – You will never regret being kind.
  57. Get it – You deserve love, and you will get it!

It’s easy to find inspiring words for every situation but you hardly know what else you can do with these power boosters. Words are powerful. They can either break or make the relationship. They can either motivate or demotivate you. They can even hit the bull’s eye, without even making extra efforts. Before you get swarmed with best two word quotes, let me clear few things. Every word in this list can tell a different story and an unfathomable twist to it. You’ve to take these words as per your situation or things that are happening in your favorite’s life. Possibilities are that you’re caught in a situation where only words can heal your wounds. Chances are that you get demotivated when you wake up early in the morning and got nothing to seek motivation. Maybe, you’re broken inside and don’t know what to do next. Your situation can be anything from pleasantly happy to heartbroken or sad.

Surprisingly amazed by the master collection of two word quotes? Now, you don’t have to look for any other pairing words. These short quote words are enough to change someone’s mood. I’m not sure if this list has the two word quote you were looking for. But, this list definitely has some other cool words that you can share or get motivated. In times of self-doubt, these words can be the must-needed quotes that get you back on the track. Whether you’re feeling demotivated, or heartbroken, these words will help you get moving. Life is all that and we need to move on.

The idea is to get motivated and inspired when you feel low. So, if you’ve liked few of these quotes then make them stick to your desktop, fitness machine, bed or work desk. What’s next? Enjoy these quotes too.

  • One Word Quotes
  • Two Word Quotes
  • Three Word Quotes
  • Four Word Quotes
  • Five Word Quotes
  • Six Word Quotes


Two Word Quotes (36 Sayings)

Take a moment and think of the catchy lines you see every day that make memorable advertising slogans. Nike’s “Just Do It”, KFC’s “Finger Lickin’ Good”, Apple’s “Think Different” to name a few. These taglines are extraordinarily powerful. They convey a message with minimum words and syllables that, when spoken, are melodic and rhythmic. Melody and rhythm are time-tested elements. “It’s about making every word matter.” (1)

Why are they relatable? Many of the famous short quotes tend to reflect our deepest needs. Our needs taper like a pyramid where the basic needs (like food and safety) are at the base, psychological needs (like belongingness and esteem) at the middle, and self-fulfillment needs (self-actualization and creativity) at the peak according to Abraham Maslow in his Theory of Human Motivation. (1)

Two-word quotes are similarly powerful. They are striking because they are of few words that resonate with many of us. They appeal because they are easy to remember, stimulating, and on point. They are often timeless, meaning people from across generations will be able to relate to them.

Inspirational Two Word Quotes

We don’t need lots of words to express our thoughts or desires. Just two words can do the trick. Here are two-worders for some inspiration:


“Just me.”


“Be yourself.”


“Trust me.”


“Have faith.”


“Enjoy life.”


“True love.”

Best Ideas for 2 Word Quotes for Tattoos

A tattoo with quotes are popular around the world. Two words on your body may have their own intriguing story. Take a moment to read these powerful two-word phrases and express yourself through a tattoo:


“True Love”


“Beautiful Disaster”


“Friends Forever”


“Don’t Care”


“Forever Free”


“Dream bird”


“Beautiful chaos”


“Beautiful disaster”


“Be you”


“Crazy beautiful”


“Carpe diem”


“Imperfectly perfect”


“Infinite possibilities”


“Love endures”


“No boundaries”


“Unconditional love”


“God’s masterpiece”


“Wild things”


“Under construction”


“Cruelty free”

You may recognize some of our two-word quotes. Go ahead and use them. They are proven.


“Love you.”


*“Be happy.”


“You’re welcome.”


“Shut up.”


“Kiss me.”


“Have faith.”


“Aim high”


“Everything counts”


“Fear not”


“Game on”


“Give thanks”


“Good job”


“Good vibes”


“Keep calm”


“Limited edition”


“Stay tuned”


“You matter”

Funny Two Word Phrases

Something as simple as a few words can bring a bit of happiness. Use them and expect a smile in return.


“I’m blushing.”


“Oh, Lord.”


“Eat me.”




“God speed.”


“Hakuna Matata.”


“Couch potato.”


“Fully empty.”


“Exact estimate.”

Two Word Sayings that Can Change Life

Sometimes we are face-to-face with difficult choices that end up being for the best. Consider these cool two-word phrases below to discover what these words mean personally to you. Let them change your mood for the better!


“Marry me.”


“I can.”


“Move On.”


“Divorce me.”


“Dream Big.”


“Be fearless.”


“Accept yourself.”


“Be spontaneous.”


“Dance today.”


“Never forget.”


“Be mine.”


“Hello gorgeous!”


“Why not?”


“Time heals.”


“Let God.”


“Love fiercely.”


“Miracle happens.”


“Start living.”


“You can.”


“Rock on.”


“Never settle.”

Common Two Word Phrases

Our communication is impossible without words. Have you ever noticed words you say or write may create a lasting memory? Here are some of the most common two-word phrases to use:


“Believe me.”


“Let go.”


“Call me.”


“I see.”


“Miss you.”


“Think twice.”


“Be still.”


“Let’s chill.”


“Come back.”


“Follow through.”


“For life”


“Hold on.”


“Just because”


“Not yet.”


“Not today.”


“Thank you.”

Meaningful 2 Word Phrases with Images

You can use the two-word phrases as images in the form of a poster. Keep them visible just to yourself or where others can see them:



  1. Gambardella, S. (2020, January 11). Slogans: How Marketers Make Words Matter – The Startup – Medium. Medium; The Startup.

Asked by: Candelario Johnson III

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Two word phrases are a group of two words expressing a concept. They can be used within a sentence as a single unit.

What is a two word phrase for a common word?

In spoken English, we often use two-word phrases, such as “bye-bye”. Here are 15 of the most common two word phrases, with more in the quiz below. so-so = OK: “How was the meeting?” “So-so – it was nice to see everyone, but we didn’t get anything decided.” on-off = not constant: “They have a very on-off relationship.”

What is a 2 word sentence?

Two-word sentences have all they need to qualify as complete sentences: a subject and a verb. Used appropriately, they can be powerful. When teaching students about complete sentences, the two-word sentence is a good starting point. «Chrysanthemum could scarcely believe her ears.

What are three word phrases?

100+ Memorable Three-Word Quotes That Are Short And Sweet

  • “I’ll be there.”
  • “I love you.”
  • “Maybe you’re right.”
  • “I trust you.”
  • “Go for it.”
  • “Got your back.”
  • “How are you?”
  • “I want you.”

How do you use multiple in a sentence?

having or involving or consisting of more than one part or entity or individual.

  1. The youth died of multiple burns.
  2. You should use dialogues for multiple purposes.
  3. A smile is the language has multiple meanings.
  4. Life can not fade , the multiple spot color can’t accommodate oneself to wonderful just now best,alive.

40 related questions found

What are two phrases examples?

Eight common types of phrases are: noun, verb, gerund, infinitive, appositive, participial, prepositional, and absolute.

Here are examples:

  • He was waiting for the rain to stop.
  • She was upset when it didn’t boil.
  • You have been sleeping for a long time.
  • You might enjoy a massage.
  • He was eager to eat dinner.

Is all done a two word phrase?

They’re learning about one new word a day. They may even put two words together, such as «Mommy, come,» «Let’s go,» or «All done.»

Can you have a two word phrase?

A phrase can be as short as two words. Phrases combine to form clauses and sentences. (Clauses include subject-verb combinations, phrases don’t.) Not only two words make a phrase, but sometimes one word makes a phrase too.

Can phrase be a single word?

In syntax and grammar, a phrase is a group of words which act together as a grammatical unit. … Phrases can consist of a single word or a complete sentence. In theoretical linguistics, phrases are often analyzed as units of syntactic structure such as a constituent.

How many words should a phrase have?

How many words should we have in a sentence? A common plain English guideline says an average of 15–20 words (Cutts, 2009; Plain English Campaign, 2015; Plain Language Association InterNational, 2015). Such sentences are clearer, less intimidating, and easier to scan (Cutts, 2009; Vincent, 2014).

How many words should a 2 year old know?

Between the ages of 2 and 3, most children: Speak in two- and three-word phrases or sentences. Use at least 200 words and as many as 1,000 words. State their first name.

What is Einstein Syndrome?

Einstein syndrome is a condition where a child experiences late onset of language, or a late language emergence, but demonstrates giftedness in other areas of analytical thinking. A child with Einstein syndrome eventually speaks with no issues, but remains ahead of the curve in other areas.

What age do toddlers put 2 words together?

By 2 years old, most toddlers will say 50 words or more, use phrases, and be able to put together two-word sentences. No matter when they say their first words, it’s a sure bet they are already understanding much of what is said to them before that.

What is phrase give 5 examples?

Noun Phrase; Friday became a cool, wet afternoon. Verb Phrase; Mary might have been waiting outside for you.. Gerund Phrase; Eating ice cream on a hot day can be a good way to cool off. Infinitive Phrase; She helped to build the roof. Prepositional Phrase; In the kitchen, you will find my mom.

What is phrase and its examples?

phrase is a group of words that work together to make meaning, but it is not a complete sentence. In other words, it does not have both a subject and a verb. … Example of phrases put together in a sentence: The brown hat was blowing away in the wind.

What are the 7 types of phrase?

7 Classes and Types of Phrases

  • Absolute Phrase. …
  • Appositive Phrase. …
  • Gerund Phrase. …
  • Infinitive Phrase. …
  • Noun Phrase. …
  • Participial Phrase. …
  • Prepositional Phrase.

Should a 2 year old know colors?

2 year olds can understand the concept of color and may begin to recognize and learn about colors as early as 18 months. Learning colors can be a fun activity for you and your child to practice together. Start with one color at a time, use flashcards to show your child a color and have them say the name with you.

Are late talkers less intelligent?

To be sure, most late talking children do not have high intelligence. … The same is true for bright late-talking children: It is important to bear in mind that there is nothing wrong with people who are highly skilled in analytical abilities, even when they talk late and are less skilled with regard to language ability.

When should I worry about my toddler not talking?

If your child is over two years old, you should have your pediatrician evaluate them and refer them for speech therapy and a hearing exam if they can only imitate speech or actions but don’t produce words or phrases by themselves, they say only certain words and only those words repeatedly, they cannot follow simple …

What is the highest form of autism?

Even so, lots of people still use the term Asperger’s. The condition is what doctors call a «high-functioning» type of ASD. This means the symptoms are less severe than other kinds of autism spectrum disorders.

What is Hyperlexic?

Hyperlexia is when a child starts reading early and surprisingly beyond their expected ability. It’s often accompanied by an obsessive interest in letters and numbers, which develops as an infant.‌ Hyperlexia is often, but not always, part of the autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Are early talkers smarter?

Behavioural results. Early talkers showed a significant advantage over the on-time group in many aspects of spoken and written language, whereas late talkers performed lower on virtually all language and literacy-related tasks.

Can most 2 year olds count to 10?

Though every child is different, most toddlers will be able to count to 10 by the time they are two-years-old. … This concept is known as “rote” counting. Rote counting is when a child can say numbers in order, and is mostly learned through hearing the numbers repeatedly said out loud by others.

Does TV cause speech delay?

This study by Chonchaiya and Pruksananonda found that children who began watching tv before 12 months and who watched more than 2 hours of TV per day were six times more likely to have language delays! … That could mean late talking and/or problems with language in school later in life.

What are signs of autism in a 2-year-old?

What Are the Signs of Autism in a 2 to 3 Year-Old?

  • may not be able to speak,
  • use items differently, like lining up the toys instead of playing with them,
  • have limited speech,
  • struggle to follow simple instructions,
  • have limited inventory of sounds, words, and gestures,
  • are not interested in playing with others,

Sometimes, using Two Word Captions with the pictures of yourself can be the simple but appropriate way to go over the flow. Yes, it is! You don’t need many words to put under your selfies or profile pictures; sometimes, the two-word captions can do the magic. You can use short two-word captions and quotes with your selfies and pictures with friends and loved ones. And here are those two-word captions for you. Keep your next post short and meaningful with the following two-word captions for Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

Two Word Captions

“I’m Blessed.”

“Dame Care.”

“Perfectly Content.”

Short Two Word Captions

“My Attitude.”

“SWAG On.”

“Limited Edition.”

“I’m Blushing.”

“Game On.”

“No Rules.”

“Dream Big.”

“Tickled Pink.”

“Look Up.”

“Don’t Stop.”

“No Negativity.”

“Life Sucks.”

“Keep Going.”

“Trust Yourself.”

“Beat Me.”

“Free Yourself.”

“Define Yourself.”

“Be Honest.”

“Hakuna Matata.”

Two Word Captions for Instagram

Words are powerful enough even they are very short in length. There is magic in two-word captions for Instagram that will stimulate and inspire anyone. Here is a list, pick the one that you resonate with and post it on Instagram with your photos!

“Move On.”

“Follow Me.”

“Be Happy.”

“Why Bother.”

“Just Me.”


“Be Fearless.”

“Positive Vibes.”

“Perfectly Imperfect.”

“Pretty Awesome.”

“No Boundaries.”

“Brightest Star.”

“Laugh Today.”

“Keep Shining.”

“Infinite Possibilities.”

“Stay Positive.”

“Work Hard.”

Also Read: Short Instagram Captions

Two Word Captions for Selfies

It’s no wonder that there are times when your own words aren’t enough to describe your thoughts and feelings. Don’t worry; it’s okay! Not everyone is a pro to make their own selfie captions every time. If you can’t find the right words to put under your selfies, a little help from this list may be all you need.

“Just Candid.”

“Selfie Queen.”

“Fairy Dust.”

“Laughter Heals.”

“Wow Look.”

Two Word Selfie Captions

“Cute Bomb.”

“Beautiful Chaos.”

“Pink Lips.”

“Super Sweet.”

“Simply Gorgeous.”

“Imperfectly Perfect.”

“Beautiful Disaster.”

“Hello Gorgeous.”

“Just Imagine.”

“Oh, Lord.”

“Oh, Really?.”

“Keep Smiling.”

“Cherish Today.”

“Try Again.”

“Wanna Try?.”

Two Word Captions for DP

Here are some 2-word captions for your DP to express yourself and get your message out there. Whatever you call it a “Display Picture” or “Profile Picture” these are the best two-word captions for your photos.

“Nice Guy.”

“Happy Soul.”

“Cool Dude.”

“Free Yourself.”

“Sassy Girl.”

“Don’t Care.”

“Kind Hearted.”

“Fabolus Chick.”

“Forever Free.”

“Stay Strong.”

“Hot Mass.”

“Embrace Elegance.”

“Take Chances.”

“Stay Tuned.”

“Respect Me.”

“Miracle Happens.”

“I Sparkle.”

“Good Vibration.”

“Amplify Hope.”

Also Read: Caption for Profile Picture

Two Word Captions for Love

When it’s time to manifest your deep love, it’s better to include two-word love captions to make your confession of love extra special. Sometimes, a well-chosen short love caption means more than a thousand words, you say.

“One Love.”

“Life Partner.”

“Soulmate Forever.”

“Unconditional Love.”

“Endless Love.”

Romantic Two Word Captions

“How Lovely.”

“Speak Love.”

“Love Endures.”

“True Love.”

“Love Fearlessly.”

“Miss You.”

“Love You.”

“Trust Me.”

“Eat Me.”

“Marry Me.”

“Safe Place.”

“Kiss Me.”

Two Word Captions for Friend

Are you a person of few words? If so, then these two-word captions for friends will perfectly do a favor to you. Whatever it is a candid of you and your squad totally messing up the pose or a scenic group photo, these captions are perfect for friend’s photos.

“Friends Forever.”

“Pinky Swear.”

“Chill Out.”

“Slying Together.”

“Lets Go.”

“Great Spoiler.”

“Crime Partner.”

“My Squad.”

“My People.”

“Small Gang.”

“Tom Jerry.”

“Inhale. Exhale.”

“Enjoy Life.”

“Smoking Guns.”

“Adventure Beguns.”

“Thank You.”

“Just Chill.”

Read: Caption For Friends

Two Word Captions for Bio

It’s important to put a bio on your social media profile. Cause it’s the first impression, you’re giving off when someone comes across your profile. And, what if you can express a lot in just two words? Try these two-word captions!

“Risk Taker.”

“Stay Curious.”

“Shine On.”

“Fun Master.”

“Goal Oriented.”

Two Word Bio

“Be Fierce.”

“Love Guru.”

“Caffien Dependent.”

“You’re Welcome.”

“Non Alcholic.”

“Have Faith.”

“Silent Storm.”

“Be Spontaneous.”

“Enjoy Life.”

“No Boundaries.”

“Accept Yourself.”

“Start Living.”

We hope these short two-word captions will make you feel comfortable posting your pictures, selfies, group photos, and bio. So make it more enjoyable and attractive by updating your social media profile with these two-word captions!

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