Short sentences with word many

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What’s the difference between much, many and a lot?

Much, many, and a lot are quantifiers that all mean ‘a large amount of’. The main difference between these words is that we can use much with uncountable nouns, many with plural countable nouns, and a lot with both types of nouns. However, these words are often mixed up by English learners. Read the examples below to master the difference, then put your knowledge to the test in the free exercises.


Louis and his family are on holiday in Madrid.

In the Plaza Mayor, there were so many people that Louis got lost.

He can’t ask for help because he can’t speak much Spanish.

He doesn’t know many words, and wouldn’t understand the people.

He doesn’t have much money either so he can’t take a taxi to the hotel.

What is he going to do?

Much and Many

In Negative Sentences and Questions

We mostly use much and many in negative sentences and questions.

  • We use much with uncountable nouns.
How much money do you have?
Louis can’t speak much Spanish.
  • We use many with countable plural nouns.
How many children do they have?
Louis doesn’t know many Spanish words.

In Positive Sentences

We can use much and many in positive sentences after words like so, too, and as. (A lot is not possible after so, too, and as).

As usual she has made too many cakes.
Take as much time as you need.
We had so much fun at the party.
They had so a lot of fun in Spain.

Much and many can stand alone in positive sentences, but only in a formal style. Be careful! This is not typical in everyday English, and can sound strange in informal contexts.

Much has been said about …
Many politicians believe …

A lot

A lot and lots of are the most flexible quantifiers in English: we can use them in positive sentences with countable and uncountable nouns. They have the same meaning, but a lot of is more common.

They have met lots of people.
They have a lot of friends.
I have a lot of money.
I have a lot of time.

Although it is possible to use a lot/lots of in negative sentences and questions, it is more common to use much and many.

Do you know many people in your neighbourhood? ↔ Do you know lots of people in your neighbourhood?

Other ways to say ‘a lot’

English has several different words and expressions that have the same meaning as a lot:

plenty, a great/considerable number, a large/fair amount, numerous, a great deal
loads, a pile/piles, stacks, tons, mountains, more … than you can poke a stick at

Learn more about much and many, or discover more English quantifiers.

1. I haven’t got much money, I cannot buy a car. – У меня нет много денег, я не могу купить машину.
2. There are many mistakes in the essay, your mark is very low. – В эссе много ошибок, твоя оценка очень низкая.
3. He drinks little milk, he does not like it very much. — Он пьет мало молока, он не очень любит его.
4. I’ve got few apples and oranges, enough for the day. — У меня есть несколько яблок и апельсинов, достаточно на день.
5. The salad will taste better if you add a little oil in it. — Салат будет вкуснее, если добавить немного масла в него.
6. Few people want to have a low-paid job. – Немного людей хотят иметь низкооплачиваемую работу.
7. We don’t have much time to discuss it now. — У нас не много времени, чтобы обсуждать это сейчас.
8. How many apples should I buy? — Сколько яблок мне следует купить?
9. How much milk is there in the fridge? — Сколько молока есть в холодильнике?
10. He isn’t popular. He has few friends. — Он не пользуется популярностью. У него мало друзей.
11. Do you know many people? — Вы знаете многих людей?


Помогите!!! Даю 20 баллов!!!!
Complete the sentences with the right word: many, much, little, a little, few, a few. When I studied at school, I had to work hard. I did not have (1)_____ talents and had to spend all my time on studies. I knew (2)_____ about maths or physics but was naturally talented in spelling. (3) _____ pupils in my class were as good as I was at writing dictations. One day I said to myself: «If I get As in maths and physics, I’ll come top of the class». To reach the goal I began to work even harder. I spent (4) _____ hours reading and doing exercises. «You should give yourself (5) _____ rest» , — my mother used to say: «you will end up in hospital if you do not go out for a walk once in a while». But I said to myself «Knowledge is power, and I want to be powerful». In (6) _____ months I made so (7) _____ progress that all the teachers agreed I should be awarded «Top of the Class» badge.

1 ответ:



1 — many

2 — a little

3 — Few

4 — many

5 — little

6 — a few

7 — much

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Главная » Английский язык » Make Sentences by putting the words in order. 1) many, there, How, every, are, everyday, lectures, in, time-table, your? 2) Chinese, the, Many, people, is, world’s, language, think, difficult, that, most.

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