Short sentences with the word very

Synonym: exceedingly, extremely, greatly, intensely, much, pretty, quite. Similar words: every, slavery, everyone, recovery, every bit, every other, delivery, every time. Meaning: [‘verɪ]  adj. 1. precisely as stated 2. being the exact same one; not any other:. adv. 1. used as intensifiers; `real’ is sometimes used informally for `really’; `rattling’ is informal 2. precisely so. 

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1. Pigs may fly, but they are very unlikely birds. 

2. He that is full of himself is very empty. 

3. To deceive oneself is very easy. 

4. He that is full of himself is very [quite] empty. 

5. When angry, count ten before you speak; if very angry, count a hundred. 

6. Betraying a trust is a very quick and painful way to terminate a friendship. 

7. Whe angry, count ten before you speak; if very angry, a hundred. 

8. Very close and trusted friends share confidences candidly. They feel secure that they will not be ridiculed of derided,and their confidences will be honored. 

9. The very remembrance of my former misfortune proves a new one to me. 

9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

10. A little credulity helps one on through life very smoothly. 

11. Nothing for nothing and very little for a half penny. 

12. We find advertising on the radio very effective.

13. I’ve never been very good at arithmetic.

14. I felt very inferior among all those academics.

15. She’s very conventional in her views.

16. I’m very optimistic about our chances of success.

17. Very few students learn Latin now.

18. She comes from a very artistic family.

19. They’ve got a very blinkered view of life.

20. ‘Are you busy?’ ‘Not very.’

21. She took it very well ,[] all things considered.

22. The play was a very great success.

23. I shall miss you very much.

24. His plots are always very ingenious.

25. These cakes are very quick and easy to make.

26. When the weasel and the cat make a marriage, it is a very ill presage. 

27. Poverty is an abnormality to rich people. It is very difficult to make out why people who want dinner do not ring the bell. 

28. He who laughs at crooked men should need walk very straight. 

29. To be angry with a weak man is a proof that you are not very strong yourself. 

30. All good things are cheap, all bad things are very dear. 

More similar words: every, slavery, everyone, recovery, every bit, every other, delivery, every time, in every way, everything, economic recovery, over and over, gallery, battery, surgery, imagery, grocery, drudgery, cemetery, ever, over, cover, fever, liver, never, however, be over, oversee, verbal, overall. 

Sentences starting with very

  • Very well, thank you, Mrs. Pindar. [9]
  • Very well, then you know what to say to Sir William. [11]
  • Very well; five years ago, when the troubles concerning the frontier line arose between Great Britain and Siam, it was presently manifest that Siam had been in the wrong. [5]
  • Very often a wounded animal, hearing a rustle, rushes straight at the hunter’s gun, runs forward and back again, and hastens its own end. [2]
  • Very often she would wander off by day, always without a companion, bringing home with her a nest, a flower, or even a more questionable trophy of her ramble, such as showed that there was no place where she was afraid to venture. [6]
  • Very well, she would return in the morning. [11]
  • Very likely nothing would come of all this espionage; but, at any rate, the first thing to be done with a man you want to have in your power is to learn his habits. [6]
  • Very slender limbs, with bends like a grasshopper’s; sits a great deal, I presume; looks as if he might straighten them out all of a sudden, and jump instead of walking. [6]
  • Very likely they will have the sense to recall him. [10]
  • Very well; I will be very watchful now, and if any day-before-yesterdays happen I will make a note of it. [5]

Sentences ending with very

  • C. No—well, not very. [5]
  • You are a stranger here you say; you have run away from your master—and you are young, very young and very. [10]
  • I call him old, but he ain’t so very. [8]

Short sentences using very

  • She is very young. [12]
  • Boston’s very narrow, you know. [5]
  • Was she very worldly? [4]
  • Them’s the very words. [5]
  • This is very wonderful. [5]
  • He was very white. [5]
  • He did very well. [11]
  • Their very imagination was dead. [5]
  • It was very warm. [5]
  • But he was very, young. [9]

Sentences containing very two or more times

  • It had no Zulu clicks in it; and it seemed to have no angles or corners, no roughness, no vile s’s or other hissing sounds, but was very, very mellow and rounded and flowing. [5]
  • He was a young man, very spare and very burned, with bright red hair and blue eyes that had a kind of laughter in them, and yet were sober. [9]
  • I can show you his very room, and the very bed he slept in. [5]
  • You behold before you a very, very old man. [5]
  • For many a year, you know as well as I do, ships have been coming from France to Ireland with the very best wines and liquors, and taking back the very best wool- -smuggled, of course. [11]
  • Fancy-dress on her would be gilding the gold; for, though she isn’t surpassingly beautiful, she is very fine, very fine indeed. [11]
  • Such a fire will keep all night, with very little replenishing; and it makes a very sociable camp-fire, and one around which the most impossible reminiscences sound plausible, instructive, and profoundly entertaining. [5]
  • All the gentlemen were very pigeon-breasted and very blue about the beards; and all the ladies were miraculous figures; and all the ladies and all the gentlemen were looking intensely nowhere, and staring with extraordinary earnestness at nothing. [12]
  • The Nebraska men were very confident of the election of Matteson, though denying that he was a candidate, and we very much believing also that they would elect him. [7]
  • Very grave fears were for a time entertained of my recovery, but happily the malady is gone, though leaving me very, very weak. [5]

More example sentences with the word very in them

  • You ‘ll find yourself a very odd piece of property after you ‘ve been through these experiences. [6]
  • You have proved yourself a man, Richard, and there are very few macaronies would have done as you did. [9]
  • I passed through your village that very night, and was his guest till the midnight train came along. [5]
  • Handily situated, at your very elbow, is opportunity for this. [5]
  • Then you value your place in heaven very cheap, for I am sure you can, with the offer I make, get the seventy or eighty dollars for four or five months’ work. [7]
  • Tell that to your mother, little wagtail, and come again very often. [10]
  • You yourself, in your law practice, are always insisting upon the sacredness of contract as the very basis of our civilization. [9]
  • He has taken your illness very much to heart, I know, and he left some fruit and flowers for you. [9]
  • I will kiss your footprints—I will worship the very ground you walk on! [5]
  • You cannot imagine!—Does your foot hurt you very much, poor dear? [10]
  • But do beg your folks to remember that the Smithfield fires are all out, and that the cinders are very dirty and not in the least dangerous. [6]
  • You must subdue your curiosity for a few days longer, and then it may easily happen that the man whose very aspect makes you feel dirty—the bat, the toad—» «Let that pass now,» cried Polykarp. [10]
  • You boldly drive your boat right into what seems to be a solid, straight wall (you knowing very well that in reality there is a curve there), and that wall falls back and makes way for you. [5]
  • Mr. Noble—«Senator Dilworthy, your bank account shows that up to that day, and even on that very day, you conducted all your financial business through the medium of checks instead of bills, and so kept careful record of every moneyed transaction. [5]
  • If I were younger and very strong I would dearly love to spend a season in London—provided I had no work on hand, or no work more exacting than lecturing. [5]
  • You are very young: you can afford to wait. [6]
  • This is a young tree, with a future before it, if barbarians do not meddle with it, more conspicuous for its spread than its circumference, stretching not very far from a hundred feet from bough-end to bough-end. [6]
  • For we were young then, yes, we were very young. [5]
  • At last the young soldier departed, and the very same day Adam was summoned to the monastery, to mend something in the grating before the treasury. [10]
  • As for his young pupil, she has often thought of being a teacher herself, so that she is of course very glad to acquire any accomplishment that may be useful to her in that capacity. [6]
  • A very interesting young married woman, detained at home at the time by the state of her health, was bitten in the entry of her own house by a rattlesnake which had found its way down from The Mountain. [6]
  • A very interesting young man, the Deacon said, much given to the reading of pious books. [6]
  • A very handsome young lady in the store offered me a pair of blue gloves. [5]
  • He mentioned my young friend and said he was very anxious to have the $7000 now to begin his banking operations with, and could wait a while for the rest. [5]
  • He was very young for the captain of a large New Orleans packet. [9]
  • Some of them young folks is very artful,—said her mother,—and there is them that would merry Lazarus, if he’d only picked up crumbs enough. [6]
  • She was very young and pretty and accommodating, and always ready to do what she could to make things pleasant. [5]
  • I swear to you, that this very Phanes has accepted Cambyses’ gold and promised not only to be his guide to Egypt, but to open the gates of your own Greek cities to him. [10]
  • They belong to you, not to me, and this very day I will send them to the noble Julia, that she may give them to you. [10]
  • The trouble with you, Honora, is that you want something badly very badly—and you haven’t yet found out what it is. [9]
  • And there also you will see a very uncommon thing—an image of Shiva. [5]
  • If you are, you will probably soon find that we have ceased to be sectional, for we shall get votes in your section this very year. [7]
  • Now and then you will have a young man on your benches like the late Waldo Burnett,—not very often, if you lecture half a century. [3]
  • But you, Olympius, you who are the very soul of the revulsion we hope for, you must not be present at the festival. [10]
  • I will tell you what I think will be the very thing. [5]
  • I only ask you to remember, Honora, that you have not explained these reasons very clearly in your letters to your aunt and uncle. [9]
  • We all wish you to reconsider the question of resigning; not that we would wish to retain you greatly against your wish and interest, but that your decision may be at least a very well-considered one. [7]
  • Do you know—have you thought that very soon—by this time to-morrow—you will be Elizabeth Venters? [13]
  • I should tell you that this doubt has been confirmed into something very nearly approaching certainty by the best opinions we have been enabled, in this short space of time, to take upon the subject. [12]
  • But I promise you that one of these days I will present to you the very finest comedy imaginable. [11]
  • She has made you out a very wonderful person. [9]
  • We talked—I told you of my sisters, Nan and Bet—ah, yes, you remember that; and about mine old grandam—and the rough games of the lads of Offal Court—yes, you remember these things also; very well, follow me still, you shall recall everything. [5]
  • We civilians, as you know, have a very bad way of deciding whether a battle was won or lost. [2]
  • I suppose that you have done me this kindness in connection with the action of the Baltimore convention, which has recently taken place, and with which, of course, I am very well satisfied. [7]
  • He spoke of you even at the very last,» she went on, turning her eyes from Pierre to her companion with a shyness that surprised him for an instant. [2]
  • Excuse me, but you do seem a little tired, and unless you’re very anxious to get on—‘ ‘Yes, yes, we are,’ returned the old man fretfully. [12]
  • Tell me, will you do me and the princess too a very great service? [10]
  • I propose that you constantly bear in mind that the support you owe to the brave officers and soldiers in the field is of the very first importance, and we should therefore bend all our energies to that point. [7]
  • And so, sir, you are very tiresome. [9]
  • It was charming… You are very kind… Countess Apraksina…» was heard on all sides. [2]
  • The very day you and I began to know each other! [9]
  • I have given you all I could, and I have given you very nearly, if not quite, 35,000. [7]
  • I may teach you a very little directly, but I hope much more from the trains of thought I shall suggest. [3]
  • She would dance you a rigadoon or cut a pigeon’s wing for you very respectably. [6]
  • So Philippus had yielded, and had started on his journey with very mixed feelings. [10]
  • The man laughed, yet without a sound—the inward, stealthy laugh, as from a knowledge wicked in its very suggestiveness. [11]
  • Evelyn was not yet out, but she was very nearly out, and after the late notoriety Mrs. Mavick dreaded the regular Newport season. [4]
  • At 11.40 A.M. yesterday General Rosecrans telegraphed from Chattanooga: «We hold this point, and I cannot be dislodged except by very superior numbers and after a great battle. [7]
  • Now and then, yes, very often, out of some paradise, no doubt, strays into New England conditions of reticence and self-denial such a sweet spirit, to diffuse a breath of heaven in its atmosphere, and to wither like a rose ungathered. [4]
  • During those 1500 years, Satan’s influence was worth very nearly a hundred times as much to the business as was the influence of all the rest of the Holy Family put together. [5]
  • During the first years I worked almost exclusively at home, for I was permitted to go out only in very pleasant weather. [10]
  • In his earlier years he had often complained to me of those «nervous feelings connected with the respiration» referred to by this very distinguished physician. [6]
  • She had been, years before, very ill in Paris, and the apprehensions for her safety now were based upon the recollection of her peril then. [4]
  • He published, some years ago, a little volume giving an account of a trip through the Great West, and a very entertaining book it was. [4]
  • This very last year the fisherman Phabis killed with a hammer the Alexandrian clerk who had stolen into his house, and drowned his faithless wife. [10]
  • The very next year the Council formally introduced the evil which they called ecclesiastical reformation. [10]
  • The very next year he stood in the place of his father who fell at Ascalon, deeply lamented. [10]
  • He, as I wrote you before, has changed very much of late. [2]
  • Miss Clara Browne wrote home to her mother in the same terms as Miss Florence Smythe,—that the school was getting dreadful common, and they were letting in very queer folks. [6]
  • That was very wrong, and when he stretched himself out to sleep, the image of the valiant smith stood with tangible distinctness before his soul. [10]
  • As I have written you, I have been under fire very little since coming to the staff. [9]
  • The letter was written in a very lively and exceedingly familiar vein. [6]
  • He explained in writing, and was very explicit: ‘I declare upon my word of honour that I did not say the words attributed to me. [5]
  • He knew the writing very well—Jock Lawson’s. [11]
  • Mr Brass, after writhing about, in a great many strange attitudes, and often twisting his face and eyes into an expression like that which is usually produced by eating gooseberries very early in the season, was by this time awake also. [12]
  • He could not write about the sixteenth century any more than we could read about it, while the nineteenth was in the very agony and bloody sweat of its great sacrifice. [6]
  • Every letter Comyn writ me was nine parts Dolly, and the rest of his sheet usually taken up with Mr. Fox and his calamities: these had fallen upon him very thick of late. [9]
  • He surveyed the wreck which that old rioter and those two young farmers had made, and then said «This is a sad business—a very sad business. [5]
  • The freed people would surely not do more than their old proportion of it, and very probably for a time would do less, leaving an increased part to white laborers, bringing their labor into greater demand, and consequently enhancing the wages of it. [7]
  • But if you would see the very heart and home of cripples and human monsters, both, go straight to Constantinople. [5]
  • Althea’s very defects would perfect the figure of the restless, wretched weaver whom Athene transformed into the spider. [10]
  • Your brother Marcus would never have done such a thing, I am very sure! [10]
  • Many men who would make very respectable Presidents of the United States could not successfully run a retail grocery store. [4]
  • I wish he would make up his mind to come and seek me—in disguise, of course—I would—» «He is very timid, and it would not suggest to him anything so unpracticable. [10]
  • That, he knew, would make Edith happy, and to make her happy seemed now very much like a worthy object in life. [4]
  • And how gladly would I work for us both—for I am very handy and hard-working, but. [10]
  • Perhaps his diary would have something of interest with reference to the «Saturday Club,» of which he was a member, which, in fact, formed itself around him as a nucleus, and which he attended very regularly. [6]
  • Nearly any person would have said to M. Bourget: «Oh, that is very simple. [5]
  • In truth, Philip would have said that he saw very little of Evelyn, because he never saw her absolutely alone. [4]
  • Jabez Grubb, he would have learned, that, like the celebrated Little Pedlington, it was distinguished by many very remarkable advantages. [6]
  • Perhaps, however, he would have hesitated to carry his purposes to immediate conclusions, were it not that the very gods seemed to play his game with him. [11]
  • His very manservant would have cried aloud against it. [9]
  • The grand total would have been twice as large, but the streets were very narrow, and hundreds who wanted to bid could not get within a block of the stand, and could not make themselves heard. [5]
  • Whether Dudley Veneer would ever find a breathing image near enough to his ideal one, to fill the desolate chamber of his heart, or not, was very doubtful. [6]
  • I said: «It would end our adventures at the very start; and we, being without weapons, could do nothing with that armed gang. [5]
  • I wish somebody would change that subject; that is a very sore subject to me. [5]
  • No doubt it would bring him money and spread his name very widely. [4]
  • She thought it would be very nice to be rich, and to live in a great house in a city, and to go on picnics. [9]
  • If possible, I would be very glad of another movement early enough to give us some benefit from the fact of the enemy’s communication being broken; but neither for this reason nor any other do I wish anything done in desperation or rashness. [7]
  • He said he would appoint the very first day he could spare. [5]

This page helps answer: how do I use the word very in a sentence? How do you use very in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word very?
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I am very bored.

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The apple pie was very sweet.

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It’s an adverb because it modifies an adjective — adverbs modify anything that isn’t a noun. In this case, the adjective is ‘good’. Very can be used as an adjective, however, in such phrases as ‘the very soul of man’; here it lends weight to the noun.

answered May 28, 2016 at 21:10

Angelos's user avatar


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«Very» is acting as an adverb in your sentence because it is describing the adjective «good.»

An adjective describes something.

You can’t say, «Questlove is a very drummer,» so you see it cannot act as an adjective in this sentence.

A good rule of thumb is to put a noun right after the word you are wondering is an adjective. If it makes sense, it’s most likely an adjective.

Hope this helps you. =)

answered May 29, 2016 at 4:19

Texas CSR's user avatar

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Complete the sentences with the words from the list.

very/ completely/ a bit/ really/ absolutely

a. I speak _____ good Italian but my French is terrible.

b. What an ________ gorgeous skirt! Where did you buy it?

c. You should have come to the party. It was ________ fantastic.

d. Sorry. I’m _______ late, aren’t I?

e. Have you seen that film? It’s _______ amazing!

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a. I speak very good Italian but my French is terrible.

b. What an really gorgeous skirt! Where did you buy it?

c. You should have come to the party. It was absolutely fantastic.

d. Sorry. I’m a bit late, aren’t I?

e. Have you seen that film? It’s completely amazing!

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