Short sentences with the word there

There is - There are Sentences - 50 ExamplesPin

Use of There is – There are in sentences.

There is – used for singular

There are – used for plural

There is - There are SentencesPin

There is – There are Sentences
  1. There are two hundred rooms in this building.
  2. There are many paintings on the wall.
  3. There are many beautiful places in Paris we can visit.
  4. There is a beautiful fish in the glass case.
  5. There are 54 countries in Africa.
  6. There are millions of stars and planets in this universe.
  7. There are many books on the table.
  8. There are red and white roses in the flower pot.
  9. There are several online courses for learning French.
  10. There are amazing swings in the park.
  11. There are a lot of people in the ground.
  12. There is a beautiful deer in the zoo.
  13. There are several departments in this university.
  14. There is an Australian parrot in the cage.
  15. There are a lot of lacunas in the report.
  16. There is too much red tape in government offices.
  17. There is only one window in this room.
  18. Don’t go out; there is a chance of rain.
  19. There are some bananas in the basket.
  20. There are 182 commercial and private universities in Tokyo.
  21. There are more than 100 candidates in the hall.
  22. There are some fruits in the fridge.
  23. There are twenty chairs and five tables in the classroom.
  24. There are only five days until his birthday.
  25. There are five elephants in the zoo.
  26. There is a variety of colors in clothing.
  27. There is a problem with loads of work in this office.
  28. Don’t lose heart; there is a better plan for you.
  29. There are seven continents in the world.
  30. There are 50 sentences in this post.
  31. There are at least one lac people in the gathering.

Negative Sentences

  1. There is no one available for your help.
  2. There is nothing to mind.
  3. There is no space for parking the car.
  4. There is no chance of rain today.
  5. There is no picture in this book.
  6. There is no news for you.
  7. There are no curtains in the room.
  8. There is no coffee in the mug.
  9. There is no value of a liar person in society.
  10. There is no college in this town.


  1. Are there 100 chairs in this hall?
  2. Is there water in the glass?
  3. Is there any letter for me?
  4. Is there tea in the kettle?
  5. Are there four people in the room?


We can use contractions with ‘there is’. Contractions are not used with ‘there are’.

  1. There’s one fan in the room.
  2. There’s one table in the hall.
  3. There’s no room for a double bed.
  4. There’s some milk in the jug.
  5. There’s no chocolate in the box.

Read also: 50 Sentences of “Is, am, are”

There is - There are SentencesPin

There is – There are Sentences

What does «there is/there are» mean?

We use the construction «there is / there are» to describe that something exists, is present, is situated, is lying or standing somewhere.

Study these examples

There are five men in the room. = Five men are present in the room.

There is a cup on the table. = A cup is standing on the table.

There are a few ways to make coffee. = People know a few ways to make coffee.

There is a good Italian restaurant nearby. = A good Italian restaurant is situated nearby.

There are a lot of trees in the park. = A lot of trees grow in the park.

There is, there are — how to form

To form this construction we use the word there and the verb to be.
«To be» changes depending on the tense and singular/plural form.

«There is/are» in the present simple:

Type of sentence Singular Plural
Positive There is … (= There’s) There are …
Negative There is not … (= There isn’t / There’s not) There are not … (= There aren’t)
Question Is there…? Are there…?

Examples of «there is»

There is a cat on the tree.

There’s some milk in the fridge.

There isn’t any news about the accident.

Is there a cash machine near here? No, there isn’t.

Is there any money in your account? Yes, there’s some.

Examples of «there are»

There are twelve months in a year.

There are a lot of sales in January.

There aren’t any skyscrapers in this city.

There aren’t any fresh T-shirts in the wardrobe.

Are there any roses in your garden?

How many cars are there in his garage?

There is/there are and quantifiers

We usually add an indication of quantity to «there is / there are»:

a lot of, many 

«Any» is used in negatives and questions with uncountable and plural nouns:


There isn’t any tea in the teapot.

Are there any ideas?

There aren’t any hotels in this district.

The word there is a commonly used word that can be difficult to classify because of its various roles in a sentence. There can be used as an adverb, pronoun, adjective, and sometimes as an interjection. But in grammatical constructions like there is or there are, there is considered an expletive. This tiny word can create a lot of confusion because the context can be so varied.

Study the following guide to help you understand how to label and classify the various roles of the word there.

The chart can help, but also pay close attention to specific grammatical constructions when there is or there are start the sentence. In these contexts, the word there is classified as an expletive. An expletive is an “extra word” not grammatically related to the rest of the sentence. Mind you, starting a sentence with these constructions will lead to wordy sentence writing, and they’re usually too passive for most written compositions. This occurs because expletives are used to postpone the subject to build a little suspense for the reader. Authors like to use it like a bit of “seasoning” to keep readers tuned in. Here’s an example sentence demonstrating these structures:

There are explosives hidden under the railway bridge! (Delayed Subject — explosives)


Explosives are hidden under the railway bridge! (There is omitted to get to the point.)

You can tell the first example expresses more drama, right? Used sparingly, expletive constructions with there is or there are can be titillating. Just be careful!

Hint: If a sentence beginning with a there is or there are construction can be rewritten without the word there, you are working with the expletive form of the word.

In closing, there’s also the soothing phrase, “There, there…”, but we will save that for another time! Thanks for reading!

Для лучшего понимания правила There is — There are я подготовила предложения с этой конструкцией. Все фразы, в основном взяты из разговорного английского, которые вы можете использовать в своем общении с носителями языка. Посмотрите, как переводятся предложения, как задать вопрос или составить отрицательную фразу, используя There is — There are.

There Is — There Are — примеры

Is there life on Mars?
Есть ли жизнь на Марсе?

There is a party tonight.
Сегодня вечером будет вечеринка.

There are sixty seconds in a minute.
В минуте 60 секунд.

Is there a bank around here?
Здесь есть где-нибудь банк?

There is a dog in the garden.
В саду собака.

There are no people in the bar.
В баре никого нет.

There are four types of New York City subway tickets available.
Существует четыре типа билетов на метро в Нью-Йорке.

Are there any buses to the airport?
Есть ли в аэропорт какие-нибудь автобусы?

There is a sandwich in my lunchbox.
У меня в контейнере есть бутерброд.

Are there any questions?
Есть вопросы?

There is some money on the table.
Там на столе деньги.

There is a cat under my hat.
Там кошка под моей шапкой.

There is some sugar in the cupboard.
В шкафу есть сахар.

Is there any petrol in the car?
Есть ли бензин в машине?

There isn’t a cloud in the sky.
В небе ни облака.

How many months are there in a year?
Сколько месяцев в году?

There isn’t a place to park.
Негде припарковаться. Нет места для парковки.

There is something in my eye.
У меня что-то в глазу.

Is there a place to eat close by?
Здесь есть где поесть?

There are kids playing.
Дети играют.

There some biscuits in the cupboard.
Там есть печенье в шкафу.

Are there any flights to London?
Есть ли рейсы в Лондон?

There isn’t any sugar in this coffee.
В этом кофе нет вообще сахара.

Is there a lot of traffic?
Большие пробки?

There are no good movies on TV.
По телеку нет хороших фильмов.

Look! there are birds.
Смотри! Птицы.

Is there a doctor here?
Есть ли здесь врач?

There are four weeks in a month.
В месяце 4 недели.

There isn’t any work at the office.
В офисе нет работы.

Are there a lot of museums in Moscow?
В Москве много музеев?

There isn’t a lot of traffic.
Не такие уж большие пробки.

Are there any letters for me?
Нет ли для меня писем?

How much milk is there?
Сколько есть молока?

There are not many cars.
Мало машин.

Is there a place for me?
Есть местечко для меня?

How many minutes are there in an hour?
Сколько минут в одном часе?

Are there gas stations close to here?
Есть ли рядом автозаправка?

Is there a place to park?
Есть где припарковаться?

There is-
                                               1. Complete the sentences. Use there
or there are.

1. __________three chairs in the room.  2. ______________a red carpet on the
floor. 3. ____________ some armchairs next to the table. 4. _____________a big
tree in the yard.  5. ____________some books in the bag. 6. _____________two
balls in the box. 7. ____________ a mirror in the bedroom. 8. ______________ some
pens on the desk. 9. _____________two pictures on the wall.

2. Choose the right item.

1. There
(is, are) a carpet in my room.  2. There (is, are) three windows in my
classroom. 3. There (is, are) a sofa and four chairs in my living-room. 4.
There (is, are) a table, four chairs and two lamps in our room. 5. There (is,
are) a plate and two cups on the table. 6. There (is, are) two bedrooms and a
bathroom in my house.                                                                                                                                                      3.
Make up the questions.  Use the sentences from exercise 2.







4. Look
at the picture. Make six sentences with There is…../There are… .










5. Look
at the picture in exercise 4. Then write short answers.

1. Is there
a piano in the dining room? No, there isn’t.

2. Are there
any books in the living room?   _____________________________________________

3. Is there
a table in the living room? _______________________________________________

4. Are there
any chairs in the living  room? ________________________________________

5. Is there
a sofa in the living room ? __________________________________________

6. Is there
a lamp in the living room?  __________________________________________________

7. Are there
any armchairs in the living room? ___________________________________________

6. Put the words
in the correct order to make affirmative, interrogative and negative sentences.

1.     a market – is –
the river – there – near

2.     TV – there – a
good film – on – is

3.     any – in the sky –
there – clouds – aren’t

4.     in my coffee – is
– sugar – any – there ?

5.     sailors – are – in
the boat – five – there

7. Ask questions
with the words in brackets

are four elephants in the zoo.
(How many …?)

is a lot of snow in February.
(Is …?)

is some fish on the plate.
(What … ?)

are no cars in the car park.
(Are … ?)

are ancient walls around the city.
(What … ?)

8.  Describe an
English town using There is/There are.
Use affermative (+)  and negative  (-)
sentences. a theatre (+)  – There is a theatre in the town.

1.     two cinemas
(+)     2. a lake (-)   3.  four castles (+)    4. ten restaurants (-) 5. a zoo
(+)   6. 5-star hotels (-)   7. three banks (+)    8.  many tourists (+)

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