Short sentences with the word read

read — перевод на русский


Can you read and write?

Умеешь читать и писать?

You assured me that you could read.

Вы заверили меня, что умеете читать.

It’s useless to read it so many times, he’ll come today.

Бесполезно читать это много раз, он придет сегодня.

And I’ll read you last month’s newspaper til you’re drousy.

И я буду читать тебе последние газеты, пока ты не станешь засыпать.

It’s kind of like a Morse code, only the dots are raised, and you read it with your fingers. Watch.

ќн вроде азбуки ћорзе, только состоит из выпуклых точек, и можно читать с помощью пальцев. —мотрите.

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As for the schedule, you just need to read it carefully—

вам нужно тщательно прочитать…

Well, I can’t read it.

Не смогу ее прочитать.

You don’t want to read it for them?

Ты не хочешь прочитать его для них?

Conductress, you’d better read this aloud.

Кондукторша, вам бы надо прочитать это вслух.

Fluent reading isn’t enough.

Недостаточно просто быстро прочитать.

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I have it here, and I’m going to read it to you.

я принесла ее и собираюсь прочесть вам.

Oh, I can read it, all right. But you’ve gotta write it with scissors.

ќ, прочесть его € не смогу, но вы можете написать его с помощью ножниц.

Don’t you think I can read your thoughts, you trull?

Ты думаешь, шлюха, что я не могу прочесть твои мысли?

Will you be good enough to read the introduction?

Могу я попросить вас прочесть введение?

You’ve only got to read this note to understand.

Чтобы все понять, тебе нужно прочесть эту записку.

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I wanna read.

Я хочу почитать.

– I was going to read it on the journey

– Вот эта? Взяла почитать в дорогу

Let me read in peace.

Дай мне спокойно почитать.

Can’t a man smoke and read a paper on the Sabbath?

Может человек в выходной день покурить и почитать газету?

— I’m gonna read medicine with him.

— Хочу почитать у него кое-что по медицине.

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The clinical picture is atypical, in that encephalogram readings are opposite to expected findings.

Клиническая картина нетипична, потому, что показания энцефалограммы противоположны ожидаемому выводы.

Monsieur zhyussё, Commissioner Maurois wrote your first reading.

Мсье Жюссьё, комиссар Моруа записал ваши первые показания.

Safe? Huh, well the readings don’t always tell us everything, you know!

Безопасно… вы знаете, иногда показания могут ошибаться!

All blue readings, take off…

Все показания синие, стартуем…

All Continuum readings are perfect.

Все показания Континиума в порядке.

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If you read me, you are ordered to reply.

Если вы меня слышите, приказываю ответить.

Do you read Gamma 1?

Вы нас слышите Гамма 1?

Do you read me or not?

Вы слышите меня или нет?

Magivers, Werner, if you read, answer.

Магайверс, Вернер Если вы слышите, ответьте.

Do you read me, Enterprise?

Вы слышите меня, «Энтерпрайз»?

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Catching up on your reading?

Углубились в чтение?

It wasn’t a reading, it was a performance. Brilliant, vivid, something made of music and fire.

Это было не чтение, это была игра — блестящая, живая, смесь музыки и огня.

Next, we will read the minutes of the last meeting.

Далее у нас по плану чтение протокола прошлого собрания.

The next order of business is reading the last meeting’s minutes.

Далее, у нас по плану — чтение протокола прошлого собрания.

We will dispense with reading of the minutes.

Мы опускаем чтение протокола.

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Owens, get back and check deflector readings.

Оунес, возвращайся и проверь показатели дефлектора,

The reading’s levelling.

Показатели выравниваются.

Much greater energy reading.

Значительно большие энергетические показатели.

If our measurements and readings are an illusion also, one could find oneself materialized inside solid rock.

Если наши измерения и показатели являются лишь иллюзией, кто-то может оказаться внутри горы.

Readings are getting weaker, captain.

Показатели слабеют, капитан.

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I shall read to the committee a prepared statement which I have brought with me, and then refuse to answer questions.

Господин председатель, я должен зачитать подготовленное заявление. Я отказываюсь отвечать на последующие вопросы.

Perhaps, Mr. Chairman, you would allow Mr. Rice and my staff… to read his summary of the figures.

Может быть, господин председатель, вы позволите мистеру Райсу и моей команде зачитать сводные цифры ?

With the court’s permission, I’ll read citations for bravery that he’s already earned on two occasions.

Позвольте зачитать две записи, сделанные… в полковом журнале почета. Во-первых, поощрение…

I have here a statement I would like to read into the testimony.

У меня есть заявление, которое я хотел бы зачитать в показаниях.

That statement that you wanted to read out in court today, did it contain the facts of Captain Taggart’s death?

Это заявление, которое вы хотели зачитать в суде сегодня в нем содержатся и факты о смерти капитана Таггарта?

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I wished you didn’t do it but you done what you had to do and I can’t read no fault in you.

Конечно, хотелось бы, чтобы ты этого не делал, но ты поступил, как счел нужным. Я в этом не вижу ничего зазорного.

Larry darling, I only pretended to read the future.

Ларри, я только притворялась, что вижу будущее.

I read dust and debris.

Я вижу лишь пыль и обломки.

I read no life forms aboard.

Я не вижу никаких форм жизни на борту.

— I read no evidence of malfunction.

— Я не вижу следов поломки.

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Get 30 CVC word sentences organized by short vowels for focused phonics practice. We also include 5 printable read and match worksheets, each with 6 decodable sentences to match to the accompanying bright pictures.

Graphic with five CVC word spelling worksheets on a yellow background.

📖 Decodable Sentences

All the words used within these sentences follow predictable CVC patterns and include high-frequency words.

Decodable sentences need to make sense, but many resources focus solely on phonics. But when the focus is only on the phonics features or spelling concepts, meaning sometimes gets left by the wayside.

Don’t get me wrong, using nonsense words is very important; I use them all the time in isolation! But sentences cannot be nonsense; they must make sense! That’s the whole point of reading, right? And the more CVC work students can do, the better!

👉 Want more decodable sentences? Get 60+ pages of decodable worksheets for multiple levels!

Short A CVC Sentences

  • The can has ham on it.
  • Dan sees a fat bat.
  • The cat can pat a rat.
  • A cab can be a van.
  • Pam had a cap and a bag.
  • Sam sat on his dad’s lap.

Short E CVC Sentences

  • A vet sees the red hen.
  • Ned went to bed.
  • Ben and Jen wed.
  • Jeb has a wet leg.
  • I look at the red bell.
  • Ten men get on the jet.

Short I CVC Sentences

  • Mix up the dip a bit.
  • Tim hid in the bin.
  • Jill bit her lip.
  • Did the pig dig?
  • Kim quit the gig.
  • Nick hit his rib and hip.

Short O CVC Sentences

  • Pop the top of the can.
  • The cop got a dog.
  • It is a hot pot.
  • Did Bob hop on the log?
  • Rob took a jog and got hot.
  • A fox can not have a job.

Short U CVC Sentences

  • We had fun in the sun.
  • Bud got a hug from Gus.
  • Is it a cup or a mug?
  • A cub can play in the mud.
  • Do not cut the bun.
  • The pup is a pug.

The printed CVC sentence worksheets surrounded by scissors and a glue stick.

📝 Practice Worksheets

We love these worksheets because the sentences actually make sense and carry meaning while also encouraging children to practice decoding CVC words with short vowel sounds.

The pdfs are designed so children have to read the sentences without relying on picture support. The pictures are used to encourage self-monitoring.

👉 Children must ask themselves, “Is there a picture that supports the sentence I just read?” If so, they’ll match the picture to the sentence! If not, they’ll have to re-read the sentence.

This is a great step towards building independent readers who learn to self-monitor while reading!

✂️ What You Need

Grab your scissors and a glue stick! That’s all your kiddos will need to complete this focused phonics practice.

ℹ️ Tips & Info

Age Group: These worksheets are great for kindergarten and first grade students!

  • Children need to have the skills required to complete this activity. The ability to read sentences takes more stamina than reading isolated words. Kids need to have a strong grasp on all letter sounds from a-z, as well as the ability to blend 3 phonemes.
  • Lots of explicit instruction and teacher modeling focused on blending should be done prior to using these worksheets.

How to use the worksheets: They can be used in a variety of ways – independently, in a small group, or even as a whole group activity.

  • If used for independent practice, the worksheets ensure that kids are held accountable for their work. When looking at the finished product, you’ll know instantly whether your students are able to read and make meaning from the sentences. If the pictures match the sentences, then you know your students got it. If not, they’ll need more practice with these decodable sentences in a small group or one-on-one setting.

Tip: Glue or staple the worksheets into your students’ notebooks and they can practice rereading the sentences fluently, listening for the short vowel-focused sound. These decodable sentences may be the first step on the journey to becoming fluent readers!

  • CVC Word Flashcards
  • 5 CVC Word Searches
  • 80+ CVC Words with Pictures
  • CVC Word Families Anchor Chart
  • 100 First High Frequency Words

Pinterest graphic with five CVC word spelling worksheets and the text, "CVC Sentences."

Download & Print

Are you using these worksheets? We’d love to hear about your experience!
Leave a comment below or tag us on Instagram @literacylearn.

TERMS: All resources and printables are designed for personal use only in your own home and classroom. Each person must visit this site and download their own free copy. Please do not photocopy, email, or reproduce our printable resources for other teachers, and please do not reproduce our printables on the web or save them to a shared drive. Instead, please share the resources with others by using the social share links provided or by distributing the link to the blog post itself. This allows us to keep making free resources for everyone! If you have any questions, please email us. Please see our Creative Credits page for information regarding the licensed ClipArt used in our resources. Thank you!

Найдите правильный ответ на вопрос ✅ «Read the text complete the sentences. Use the words: heavy, curly, dark, tall, short, long. 1) the Maasai are … Their hair is … and … …» по предмету 📘 Английский язык, а если вы сомневаетесь в правильности ответов или ответ отсутствует, то попробуйте воспользоваться умным поиском на сайте и найти ответы на похожие вопросы.

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Главная » Английский язык » Read the text complete the sentences. Use the words: heavy, curly, dark, tall, short, long. 1) the Maasai are … Their hair is … and … 2) Pygmy people have got … skin 3) Karen women have got very … necks 4) the dayark women have …

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  • She replied with one word
  • She reads the word
  • Short sentences with the word make
  • She only text one word