Short sentences with the word can

Внимание! Дорогой друг, здесь мы собрали 5 предложений с Can и Can’t из разных открытых источников. Мы просматриваем все предложения, но досконально их не проверяем. Поэтому в примерах возможны ошибки, имейте это в виду. Но это маловероятно.

Набор примеров №1

  1. Guests can relax in the comfortable rooms – Гости могут расслабиться в комфортабельных номерах.
  2. They can’t question him – Они не могут его допросить.
  3. We can leave tomorrow, or we can leave right now – Можем уехать завтра, а можем прямо сейчас.
  4. They can prove it – Они могут это доказать.
  5. The house can’t be sold – Дом невозможно продать.

Запомните! На русский язык Can переводится как могу, умею.

Набор примеров №2

  1. We can sleep here tonight – Сегодня мы можем переночевать здесь.
  2. Earthquakes can cause chemical spills and fires – Землетрясения могут становиться причиной разлива химикатов и возникновения пожаров.
  3. I can’t invest in ridiculous things – Я не могу инвестировать в глупые вещи.
  4. I can drive a car – Я умею водить машину.
  5. We can talk here – Можем поговорить тут.

Запомните! После can не ставится to.

Набор примеров №3

  1. A lot of people can’t read – Есть столько людей, которые не могут читать.
  2. Everybody can transfer money to the account, but only the owner can use them – Любой человек может перевести деньги на счет, но только хозяин сможет ими воспользоваться.
  3. We can’t control what people think – Мы не можем контролировать, что думают люди.
  4. We believe that this small team can help us – По нашему мнению, эта небольшая группа может помочь нам.
  5. We can stop dancing if you want – Мы можем перестать танцевать, если хотите.
  6. You can’t sit here all day – Ты не можешь сидеть здесь целый день.

I can speak English I can’t speak English
He can run very vest You can’t run very fast
He can sit in the garden He can’t sit in the garden
She can come with us She can’t come with us
It can jump to the other side It can’t jump to the other side
We can make delicious cakes We can’t make delicious cakes
You can pass the exam You can’t pass the exam
They can draw pictures They can’t draw pictures

NOTE: Negative form of CAN is either “cannot” or “can not” and its negative contraction is “Can’t”. In British English, it is pronounced /ka:nt/ but in American English, it is /kent/.

NOTE: Negative “YES/NO QUESTIONS” are formed in two ways:

1. Can you not come today? Can he read fast?
2. Can’t you come today? Can’t he read fast?

Can Yes/No Questions and Answers Chart

Can WH Information Questions and Answers Chart


We use “CAN” to express

1. Ability

Sarven can ride a bike.
He can speak Japanese.
I can play table tennis.
We can cook.
They can eat with chop sticks.
Paul and Ingrid can ski.

2. Inability

He can’t ride a horse.
I can’t type very fast.
We can’t lift 100 kilos.
Jan can not run fast.
Alicia cannot drive a car.

3. Request

Can you help me?
Can you tell me the way to the museum?
Can you come here a minute please?

4. Permissions

Can I use your cell phone?
Can I take a day off?
Can I smoke here?
Can I go out?

Typical responses: Certainly. Yes, certainly. Of course. Of course you can. Sure (informal) … etc

5. Possibility

The florist can deliver the bouquet early.
My friend can visit me this week



is not normal used to describe future possibility in the positive form.

INCORRECT: It can rain tomorrow.

6. Inappropriateness

You can’t wear that dress! It is indecent.
You can’t smoke in this building. It is illegal.
You can’t ask for information here. This is not information desk.


1. can

1.1. Affirmative sentences with can

  • I can play football.
  • You can sing.
  • My sister can read.
  • We can speak English.
  • They can write the words.

1.2. Negative sentences with can

Long forms Contracted forms
I cannot play football. I can‘t play football.
My sister cannot read. My sister can‘t read.
We cannot speak English. We can‘t speak English.
They cannot write the words. They can‘t write the words.

1.3. Questions with can

  • Can I go to the cinema?
  • Can your budgie talk?
  • Can he play the trumpet?
  • Can they spell their names?

2. must

2.1. Affirmative sentences with must

  • I must do my homework.
  • My sister must wash the dishes.
  • We must ask Frank.
  • They must make their beds.

2.2. Negative sentences with must

Long forms Contracted forms
I must not go outside. I mustn’t play outside.
You must not sing. You mustn’t sing.
He must not watch TV. He mustn’t watch TV.
Tim and Alex must not open the window. Tim and Alex mustn’t open the window.

2.3. Questions with must

  • Must I help in the garden?
  • Must you go?
  • Must she sing in the bathroom?
  • Must we watch this film?

We often used have to instead of must.

Write sentences with can or can’t and use the verbs in brackets

Model : 1 — say it again (hear) — I can’t hear you

мои вопросы

2 — Please help me (open) .

3 — call him again(see).

4 — Don’t eat her sandwiches (cook)

5 — Don’t help me(do).

6 — Don’t worry (swim).

На странице вопроса Write sentences with can or can’t and use the verbs in bracketsModel : 1 — say it again (hear) — I can’t hear youмои вопросы2 — Please help me (open) ? из категории Английский язык вы найдете
ответ для уровня учащихся 5 — 9 классов. Если полученный ответ не
устраивает и нужно расшить круг поиска, используйте удобную поисковую
систему сайта. Можно также ознакомиться с похожими вопросами и ответами
других пользователей в этой же категории или создать новый вопрос. Возможно,
вам будет полезной информация, оставленная пользователями в комментариях, где
можно обсудить тему с помощью обратной связи.

Сегодня мы поработаем над модальными глаголами и, в частности над глаголом can. Вначале мы рассмотрим употребление can и выполним can упражнения для детей, а затем перейдем к более сложным аспектам – употребление can и could для выражения вероятности, а также отработаем употребление конструкции be able to вместо can.

Can упражнения для детей. Can exercises.

Упражнение 1. Write in can or can’t.

  1. I _______ draw.
  2. I _______  
  3. My friends_______ roller-skate.
  4. My granddad _______sing.
  5. I_______ ride a bike.
  6. My mum _______ski.
  7. My dad _______skate.
  8. My pet _______play football.

Упражнение 2. Answer the questions.

  1. Can you roller-skate?
  2. Can your mum dance tango?
  3. Can your dad draw very well?
  4. Can your friends play tennis?
  5. Can your granny speak English?
  6. Can you sing very well?

Упражнение 3. Постарайся составить как можно больше вопросов. Три из них напиши.




the horse

the hare

see that elephant?

take those bears?

play with these toys?



Упражнение 4. What can or can’t you do in these places? Make sentence.  Use You can / You can’t

buy flowers

buy bread and cakes

buy medicine

wash your clothes

buy meat






Упражнения на can и could.

Помните, could – это прошедшее время от can!

Упражнение 5. Underline the correct option.

  1. Can/Could Sally learn a long poem by heart when she was four?
  2. When Mrs. Rover was a teenager she couldn’t/can’t play the piano.
  3. John says he could/can speak French perfectly well.
  4. What can/could Melody do when she was nine?
  5. Yesterday Molly couldn’t/can’t borrow a book from the local library because she hadn’t returned another one.
  6. Rita said she couldn’t/can’t learn that because she was busy.

Упражнение 6.  Fill in can / can’t/ could/ couldn’t.

1) You don’t need to shout. I ______ hear you perfectly well. 2) We______ go to safari because the trip was too expensive. 3) He eats in restaurants because he ______ cook. 4) I had an aisle seat on the plane, so I ______see the landscape below. 5) When we used to live in China, I______ speak some Chinese, but now I______ say a word. 6) ______ you play the piano at the age of six? 7) He______ speak English so fast that I______understand him (now). 8) I’m afraid, Nickolas ______talk to you now.  He has to arrive at school in time. 9) I______get a good mark in Literature because I didn’t know the theme. 10) I______retell my friend the whole story because I had read it.

Упражнение 7. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

  1. Mark / seven / by / could / speak / foreign / of / age / fifteen / languages / well / the / perfectly.
  2. phone / use /mobile / a / you / when / you / were / four / Could?
  3. my / girl / mum / swim / was / little / a / well / When / she / could.
  4. age / the / is / three / Nobody / to / climb / trees / at / of / able.

Упражнения на can, could и be able to.

Упражнение 8. Вставьте will be able или won’t be able + to

  1. When her sight is better, Melody ________ play the guitar again.
  2. Max _________ eat sugar when the GP allows him.
  3. The couple _________ catch the morning bus if they don’t get up much earlier.
  4. Sally _________ go out to discos until she is 16.
  5. Andy _________ hear better if he sits in the front row.

Упражнение. 9

A) can B) could D) couldn’t E) be able to C) can’t

  1. Mark stepped aside so that Molly _________ go in.
  2. Peter and Greg ________ catch fish as they had fish hooks.
  3. Sandy used to _________ speak Norwegian well.
  4. Megan ________lie comfortably as the raft was small.
  5. Meredith _________ wash her hair as she hadn’t bought shampoo.
  6. Mary _________ stop crying then.
  7. When Megan was an infant, she_________only cry.
  8. In a year, Melody will_________ speak Chinese.
  9. The information _________ be true! I don’t believe Nickolas.
  10. Jane ________read any of the books she’d borrowed from Greg.
  11. Melody’s brother__________ understand her ambitions.
  12. Why don’t you ask Sally? Sally might _________ help you.
  13. Benny ________walk because of sharp pain in his left foot, that’s why he got a taxi.
  14. Bob wasn’t ________ make his decision yesterday.

Упражнение 10. Вставьте can, could, be able to в нужной форме.

  1. Michael __________now speak Norwegian rather fluently.
  2. Michael used to _________ speak Norwegian rather fluently.
  3. Nick __________marry Lisa, but he__________make her love him.
  4. Sally used to__________eat a kilo of chocolate for lunch.
  5. Megan’d like to __________ surf very well.
  6. Luckily Melody __________find a taxi.
  7. Jillian __________drive when she was 12.
  8. Megan sighed. Fred __________ feel her hands shaking.
  9. The secretary ________ to type 150 words a minute.
  10. Children ________ enter this territory. It’s highly dangerous!

Упражнение 11.  Translate the words in brackets. Используйте  can или  be able в нужной форме.

  1. Children (нельзя) discuss such things.
  2. Certainly, Nick (мог) translate that article.
  3. (мог бы) Nick show me that? (polite)
  4. Molly (не могла) wait for us.
  5. You (можете) get there in 10 minutes.
  6. The swimmer (смог) reach the sea shore.
  7. Steven (мог) work fifteen hours a day before his illness

Упражнения на can / could + нужная форма инфинитива.

Упражнение 12. Find the right option.

  1. Seventeen people looked at each other and no one _________ words to say.
  2. a) could have found b) could find
  3. The wind was still blowing but Philip _____________ no sound of rain.
  4. a) could have heard b) could hear
  5. The police were quite sure that nobody __________ house before they got there.
  6. a) could leave b) could have left
  7. We ______________ anything definite out of their neighbors.
  8. a) couldn’t get b) couldn’t have got

Упражнение 13. Вставьте could + нужную форму инфинитива.

  1. If Greg had prepared all the documents, he _____________ (get) a credit.
  2. Greg ___________ (be) there tomorrow.
  3. Greg ____________ (be) there yesterday.
  4. If Molly had told us about her delay, we _________ (cancel) the meeting.
  5. Yesterday Greg _________ (crash).

Can / could для выражения вероятности.

Упражнение 14. Выразите сомнения при помощи can/could.

  1. Едва ли Салли была дома.
  2. Возможно, он навестит бывшую жену, когда приедет в Сочи.
  3. Разве Николас мог такое сказать?
  4. Разве Катерина отказалась ехать с тобой?
  5. Василий мог бы заехать завтра.
  6. Салли не могла так быстро прочесть роман.
  7. Не может быть, что Грег попал в аварию.

Ответы к упражнениям.

Exercises 1 – 4 – your own answers.

Exercise 5.

1 -> Could, 2 -> couldn’t, 3 -> can, 4 -> could, 5 -> couldn’t, 6 -> couldn’t

Exercise 6.

1 -> can, 2 -> couldn’t, 3 -> can’t 4 ->couldn’t, 5 -> could / can’t, 6 -> Could, 7 -> can / can’t, 8 -> can’t, 9 couldn’t, 10 ->could

Exercise 8.

1, 2, 5 -> will be able + to,

3, 4 -> won’t be able + to,

Exercise 9.

1b, 2b, 3e, 4d, 5d, 6d, 7b, 8e, 9c, 10a или 10с, 11d или 11с, 12e, 13d, 14e

Exercise 10.

1 can, 2  be able to, 3 can / can’t, 4 be able to, 5 be able to, 6 was able to, 7 could, 8 could, 9 is able, 10 can’t

Exercise 11.

1 –> can’t,

2 –> could,

3 –> could

4 –> couldn’t

5 –> can

6 –> was able to

7 –> could

Exercise 12.

1b, 2b, 3b, 4b

Exercise 13.

Could have got / could be / could have been или could be / could have cancelled / could have crached

Exercise 14.

  1. Sally can’t или couldn’t + have been at home.
    2. He can visit his ex-wife when he comes to Sochi.
    3. Can / could Nicholas have said this?
    4. Can / could Katerina have refused to go with you?
    5. Basil could come  tomorrow.
    6. Sally could not have read the novel so fast.
    7. Greg can’t have had a car accident.

Надеюсь, предложенные can exercises были полезными и интересными.

Также на сайте Вы можете найти хорошие упражнения на модальный глагол must и на модальный глагол may.

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