Shopping in japanese word

Hi everyone! Hope you all enjoyed Thanksgiving Holiday if you are in a country where people celebrate Thanksgiving. We had a nice long break from school and work this past week. Kids are not too crazy about going back to school tomorrow.

Has anyone enjoyed after Thanksgiving Holiday shopping? Here in U.S. shopping is popular after Thanksgiving. Now these days Thanksgiving sale starts in the evening of Thanksgiving.

I am not normally a big fan of shopping around this time of the year, but this year, I decided to go out for a shopping with some of my friends on Friday in a busy traffic.

For those of you who would like to learn shopping related words in Japanese, here are some that you might want to know.

Shopping (買い物、かいもの、kaimono)

Mall (モール、もーる、mo-ru)

Store (お店、おみせ、omise)


Discount (割引、わりびき、waribiki)

Go shopping (買い物へ 行く、かいものへ いく、kaimono e iku)

Enjoy shopping (買い物を 楽しむ、かいものを たのしむ、kaimono o tanoshimu)

Crowded (混んでいる、こんでいる, kondeiru)

Way too many people (すごい 数の人、すごい かずの ひと、sugoi kazuno hito)

Wait in a line (並ぶ、ならぶ、narabu)

Look around (見て回る、みてまわる、mite mawaru)

Original Price (定価、ていか、teika)

Expensive (高い、たかい、takai)

Inexpensive (高く無い、たかくない、takaku nai)

Cheap (安い、やすい、yasui)

Receipt (レシート、れしーと、reshi-to)

Traffic (渋滞、じゅうたい、ju-tai)

Total Price (合計 金額、 ごうけい きんがく、gokei kingaku)

I would like to buy this. (これ 買いたいです。 これ かいたいです。Kore kaitai desu.)

I don’t want to buy this. (これは、買いたくないです。これは かいたくないです。Kore wa kaitaku arimasen)

It’s too expensive for me.(私には、高すぎます。わたしには、たかすぎます。Watashi ni wa taka sugi masu)

Please buy me this necklace. (この ネックレス 私に 買って ください。この ねっくれす わたしに かって ください。Kono neckresu watashi ni katte kudasai.)

I want to buy you this chocolate. (あなたに この チョコレート 買って あげたい。あなたに この ちょこれーと かって あげたい。Anata ni kono chocore-to katte agetai.)

I don’t have enough money. (お金が 足りない、おかねが たりない、okanega tarinai)

I have enough to buy the jacket.(その ジャケットを 買う お金は あります。 その じゃけっとを かう おかねは あります。Sono jacket o kau okanewa arimasu.)

If you know all these phrases and vocabulary, you have no problem shopping in Japan. 🙂

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I also enjoyed eating out and shopping from the evening.

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We go out shopping and traveling together.

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Obviously we went shopping together but, you know.

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This morning we went to Stanford Shopping Center.

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For fall 2014, he built a Chanel shopping center….

Available at convenience stores and shopping centers with this mark.

The shopping fun starts even before departure:

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Shoppers will enjoy close proximity to shopping outlets and outlet stores.

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Nice bag for shopping, clothing, gift, promotion…;

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Online shopping at the completion of the order will be sent to the e-mail.

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Results: 22105,
Time: 0.2183





Japanese Vocabulary – Shopping


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store, shop



common ending of compound words meaning store, shop (same as みせ but this reading, which comes from Chinese is used often in compound words, often written as a sequence of Chinese characters only)


another common ending meaning store or shop



clothes shop



clothes (western style)



shoe store


convenience store





shopping mall



department store (older word 百貨店 (ひゃっかてん))



pharmacy (chemist)



pharmacy (an older word)



open-air market



stationery store



food (more officially 食料 (しょくりょう))













return (sth you’ve bought)

Shopping in Japanese – example sentences

このシャツは小(ちい)さすぎます。 This shirt is too small.

このブラジャーは大(おお)きすぎます。 This bra is too big.

お金(かね)が足(た)りません。 I don’t have enough money.

高(たか)いですね。 That’s expensive, isn’t it?

安(やす)いです。 It’s cheap.

これはいくらですか? How much is this?

一万(いちまん)円(えん)です。 It’s ¥10,000.

赤(あか)いのありますか? Do you have a red one?

これを二つ(ふたつ)下(くだ)さい。Two of these please.

(クレジット)カードで払(はら)えますか? Can I pay by (credit) card?

現金(げんきん)のみです。 Only cash.

お釣(つ)り change

またお越(こ)し下(くだ)さい『ませ』。 Please come again. (-ませ makes it überpolite, just like Japanese sales assistants often speak)

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shopping in japanese

Last updated:

March 21, 2023

Japan is famous world-over for its wild, over-the-top fashion sense.

Even if you don’t necessarily want to buy clothes, traveling screws with your plans—you may need to buy a new shirt or some socks in a pinch.

Don’t forget to learn some shopping vocabulary before you head to Japan!

This guide will take you through important shopping expressions in Japanese, from asking questions to paying and getting a refund.


  • Shopping Verbs in Japanese
  • Where You Go Shopping in Japanese
  • Important Japanese Payment Words
  • Discussing Shopping Items in Japanese
  • What to Expect at the Shop
  • Going to a Particular Clothes Section
  • Looking for Clothes
  • Trying On Clothes
  • Asking Questions About Clothes
  • Japanese Phrases for Paying
  • Coming Back for a Refund

This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you
can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

Shopping Verbs in Japanese

  • To go shopping: 買い物します (かいものします)
  • To buy: 買います (かいます)
  • To sell: 売ります (うります)
  • To have: あります
  • To look for: 探します (さがします)
  • To match: 合います (あいます)

Where You Go Shopping in Japanese

  • Department: 売り場  or 売場 (うりば)
  • Female clothing section: 婦人服売り場 (ふじんふくうりば)
  • Male clothing section: 紳士服売り場 (しんしふくうりば)
  • Children’s clothing section: 子供服売り場  (こどもふくうりば)

Important Japanese Payment Words

  • Money: お金  (おかね)
  • Cash: 現金 (げんきん)
  • Credit card: クレジットカード (くれじっとかーど)

Discussing Shopping Items in Japanese

  • Big, tall, large: 大きい (おおきい)
  • Small: 小さい (ちいさい)
  • Bag: 鞄 (かばん)
  • Hat: 帽子 (ぼうし)
  • Shoes: (くつ)
  • Dress: ワンピース (わんぴーす)
  • Blouse: ブラウス (ぶらうす)
  • Suit: スーツ (すーつ)
  • Shirt: シャツ (しゃつ)
  • Pants: ズボン (ずぼん)
  • T-shirt: ティーシャツ (てぃーしゃつ)
  • Jeans: ジーンズ (じーんず)
  • Jacket: ジャケット (じゃけっと)
  • Black: 黒い (くろい)
  • White: 白い (しろい)
  • Blue: 青い (あおい)
  • Red: 赤い (あかい)

To remember these vocabulary, try listening to the audio first then repeating it or even making flashcards.

For instance, FluentU’s Japanese learning program lets you create interactive flashcards for shopping words and expressions. Each flashcard comes with audio, example sentences and even Japanese video clips that show you how these words are used in context.   

The words above are used frequently, so they’re definitely worth learning—you’ll hear them over and over, whether you’re studying the language or staying in Japan!

What to Expect at the Shop

When entering any shop or place of business in Japan, you’ll often be greeted with “Welcome!” or いらっしゃいませ !

The shop assistant might also ask:

何をお探しですか? (なにをおさがしですか?)
Are you looking for anything in particular?

You can then specify what you are looking for, such as 帽子です  (hats).

Alternatively you can say:

いえ、見ているだけです。 (いえ、みているだけです。)
No, I am just looking.

Going to a Particular Clothes Section

If you’re in a department store and you’re looking for the female clothing section, you can use any of these questions:

婦人服売り場はどちらですか? (ふじんふくうりばは どちらですか?)
Where is the female clothing section? 

You can replace 婦人服売り場 with 紳士服売り場 for men’s clothing. 

In other types of stores, you can use these vocabulary for the clothes sections instead:

  • women’s section: 女性の物 (じょせいもの)
  • men’s section: 男性の物 (だんせいもの)
  • children’s section: 子供の物 (こどももの

Looking for Clothes

Once you know the size or color of clothes you want, it is relatively simple to ask for it. For example:

この服のMサイズはありますか? (このふくの えむさいずは ありますか?)
Do you have this in medium?

この色違いで、赤はありますか? (このいろちがいで、あかはありますか?)
Do you have this in red?

Sometimes our particular size or the color we want isn’t available, and the assistant will say:

申し訳ございません。ただいま売り切れております。 (もうしわけございません。ただいまうりきれております。) 
I’m really sorry, but it’s currently out of stock.

こちらの店舗では売りきれておりますが、別の近くの店舗にはございます。 (こちらのてんぽでは うりきれておりますが、べつのちかくの てんぽには ございます。)
This is out of stock in our shop, but it is still in stock at a nearby shop.

Trying On Clothes

Once you find clothes you like, you can check their fit by asking:

  • 試着してもいいですか? (しちゃくしてもいいですか?)
    May I try it (them) on? 
  • 試着室はどこですか? (しちゃくしつはどこですか?)
    Where are the changing rooms?
  • 鏡はどこですか? (かがみはどこですか?) 
    Where is a mirror?

Afterwards, the sales assistant might call out and ask you:

How is it?

サイズの方はいかがですか? (さいずのほうはいかがですか?)
How is the size?

If you need a different size you can use the sentence we already know about asking for particular sizes. The assistant will then reply:

ただいま、お持ち致します。 (ただいま、おもちいたします。)
Wait a moment and I will bring it for you.

Asking Questions About Clothes

  • この素材は何ですか? (このそざいはなんですか?)
    What material is this made from? 
  • これは洗濯できますか? (これはせんたくできますか?)
    Can this be machine washed?
  • このトップはこのズボンに合いますか? (このとっぷは このずぼんに あいますか?)
    Do you think this top matches these pants?
  • お勧めはどれですか? (おすすめはどれですか?)
    What do you recommend?

Japanese Phrases for Paying

When you take your clothes to the cashier she will scan them and give you the total amount. For example:

一万円になります。 (いちまんえんになります。)
That will be 10,000 yen please.

In reply to this you can say:

ありがとうございます。カードで払っていいですか? (ありがとうございます。かーどで はらって いいですか?)
Thank you, it is okay to pay by card?

Or alternatively:

ありがとうございます。現金で払っていいですか? (ありがとうございます。げんきんで はらって いいですか?)
Thank you, it is okay to pay by cash?

Coming Back for a Refund

  • 申し訳ありませんが、サイズが合いませんでした。 (もうしわけありませんが、さいずが あいませんでした。)
    I am sorry, but this size wasn’t right.
  • 交換をお願いします。 (こうかんをおねがいします。)
    I would like an exchange.
  • 返金をお願いします。 (へんきんをおねがいします。)
    I would like a refund.

The sales assistant will simply reply:

Okay, I understand.

Once you have been shopping a few times, and have used the guide above, you will quickly become a master at clothes shopping and will have developed your Japanese in a key area which is essential for daily life in Japan!

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RomajiDesu - Japanese Dictionary & Translator!

  1. Words
  2. Sentences

Definition of shopping

  1. (n, vs) shopping
  1. (n, adj-no) shopping; purchased goods
  1. (n) buying; shopping

    Buy cheap and waste your money.

  2. buyer
  3. purchase

Words related to shopping

  1. (n, vs) window-gazing; window-shopping
  1. (n) catalog shopping; catalogue shopping
  1. (n) shopping cart
  1. (n) shopping centre; shopping center; mall
  1. (n) shopping bag
  1. (n) shopping bag lady
  1. (n) shopping mall
  1. (n) tenant (usu. office block, shopping center, etc.)
  1. (n) television shopping
  1. (n) home shopping network
  1. (n) home shopping

Sentences containing shopping

As we entered the shopping district Haruna’s gaze darted about, just like she was a rustic from the hills, as she looked over the area.

As I didn’t have time to go shopping today, I had to make do with a sandwich for dinner.

Can you do some shopping for me?

Did you check all the items on the shopping list?

A new shopping mall opened on the edge of town.

Also, «armchair shopping» gets rid of the frustrations of crowds and traffic.

Come to that, I’d like to do some shopping too.

Could you put it in a shopping bag for me?

At the car wash next to the shopping mall.

A woman lost her driver’s license while she was shopping the other day at a department store.

© 2012-2022 RomajiDesu. Version 4.2 (2022 Jan.) by Haibuihoang


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