Shoes with the word wears

wear shoes — перевод на русский

— Huh? — We would never wear shoes.

Никогда не будем носить обувь.

She didn’t wear a bra, didn’t like wearing shoes.

Не надевала бюстгалтер, не любила носить обувь, вообще не любила одежду.

Can I even wear shoes in here?

Здесь вообще можно носить обувь?

I’m runnin’ away ’cause people want me to wear shoes and comb my hair.

Я убегаю, потому что люди заставляют меня носить обувь и причесываться.

Why don’t you wear shoes?

А почему ты не носишь обувь?

Показать ещё примеры для «носить обувь»…

And the feet, too, are quite unmarked, which is very strange as she was not wearing shoes or stockings when she was found.

И ноги тоже абсолютно чистые, что странно, потому что ее подобрали без обуви и без чулок.

You should wear shoes at the wedding.

На свадьбе нужно быть в обуви.

We have to make sure we wear shoes, because they might start throwing glass.

Мы должны убедиться, что ходим в обуви, потому что они могут начать подбрасывать стекло.

That’s why I wear shoes to bed.

И поэтому сплю в обуви.

You’ve got people using power tools without goggles, and you’re not even wearing shoes.

Люди пользуются электрическими приборами без защитных очков. И на вас даже нет обуви.

Показать ещё примеры для «обуви»…

— She’ll be wearing shoes.

— Надеюсь она будет в туфлях,да.

Are you wearing shoes?

Ты в туфлях?

Why aren’t you wearing shoes?

Почему ты не в туфлях?

I’m already wearing shoes.

Но я уже в туфлях.

Glad you’re wearing shoes.

Хорошо, что ты в туфлях.

Показать ещё примеры для «в туфлях»…

Your mother made you wear shoes, didn’t she?

Она заставляла тебя носить туфли, разве нет?

So are you telling me that I’m not allowed to wear shoes in front of your daughter?

То есть ты говоришь, что мне нельзя носить туфли перед вашей дочерью?

Or wearing shoes like that.

Или носить туфли типа этих.

You know, I wear these shoes all the time.

Я постоянно ношу эти туфли.

The man was wearing shoes like yours.

Мужчина носил туфли, как у вас.

Показать ещё примеры для «носить туфли»…

You should wear shoes on your feet

Ботинки носят на ногах.

Exactly. A nutcase! Normal people wear shoes.

Нормальные люди ботинки носят.

I’ve been to America and I definitely remember wearing shoes.

Я был в Америке, и точно помню, что носил ботинки.

Yeah. Maybe Jesus did wear shoes.

Возможно, Иисус носил ботинки.

Oh, cricket bugs don’t wear shoes.

Ох, сверчки не носят ботинки.

Показать ещё примеры для «ботинки носят»…

Better wear shoes with this mess.

Надо надеть туфли, чтобы не порезаться.

you want to go to the dance, you gotta wear the shoes.

Хочешь идти на танцы — придется надеть туфли.

Sadly not nice enough to wear shoes, I’m afraid.

К сожалению, недостаточно приятно, чтобы надеть туфли.

I shouldn’t have worn these shoes.

Если бы я знала, что мы сюда придем, я бы не надела эти туфли.

My only rule would be you’d have to wear the shoes of my choice.

Моим единственным правилом будет ты наденешь туфли по моему выбору.

Показать ещё примеры для «надеть туфли»…

If you went for a funeral, you’d have to wear shoes then.

Если бы ты пошел на похороны, пришлось бы надеть ботинки.

You might want to wear shoes.

Придется тебе надеть ботинки.

It’s coincidental that people who’ve never seen a dime now have a dollar and barefooted kids wear shoes and have their faces washed.

У людей, которые прежде не видели и цента, появятся доллары, а босоногие ребятишки наденут ботинки и умоются!

— Axl’s not wearing shoes.

— Аксель не надел ботинок.

You could’ve worn shoes, though.

Ты бы хоть ботинки надел.

Отправить комментарий

износ, одежда, ношение, изнашивание, платье, носиться, носить, одевать, изнашиваться



- быть одетым (во что-л.); носить (одежду и т. п.)

- держать, носить

to wear one’s head high — высоко держать голову
to wear a famous name — носить громкое имя
to wear smb., smth. in one’s heart — быть преданным кому-л., чему-л.

- иметь вид

to wear a troubled look — иметь встревоженный вид
the house wore a neglected look — дом выглядел заброшенным
to wear a sad smile — печально улыбаться
to wear a face of joy — сиять от радости

- изнашивать; протирать; пробивать; размывать

to wear a hole in the rug — протереть дыру в ковре
to wear a path across a field — протоптать тропинку через поле
to wear ruts in a road — проложить колею на дороге

- изнашиваться; протираться; размываться

ещё 15 вариантов

Мои примеры


a badge worn by police officers — значок, который носят полицейские  
a new line of evening wear — новая линия вечерней одежды  
a dress too schoolgirlish for office wear — платье, слишком подростковое, чтобы носить его на работу  
to wear the brand of a traitor — носить клеймо предателя  
to wear a charm against evil spirits — носить амулет, защищающий от злых духов  
wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve — не (уметь) скрывать своих чувств  
to wear / carry a gun on one’s hip — носить пистолет на бедре (на боку)  
to wear one’s socks into holes — доносить носки до дыр  
to assume / put on / wear a mask — притворяться, скрывать свои истинные намерения  
to wear motley — носить шутовскую одежду / быть шутом  
to wear a parachute — надевать парашют  
to wear a ring on one’s finger — носить кольцо на пальце  

Примеры с переводом

What size do you wear?

Какой размер вы носите?

He doesn’t wear a watch.

Он не носит часы.

What should I wear today?

Что мне сегодня надеть?

He wears me out.

Он меня утомляет.

She was wearing yellow that day

В тот день она была вся в жёлтом (на ней была одежда жёлтого цвета)

The rope has worn out.

Верёвка износилась.

His jeans have worn thin at the knees.

Его джинсы износились в коленях.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She wears her hair in a ponytail.

She was too prissy to wear jeans.

The carpet is showing signs of wear.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

wear away — стирать, стираться, медленно тянуться
wear down — изнашивать, изнашиваться, стирать, стираться, утомлять, опровергать, преодолевать
wear off — стирать, стираться, смягчаться, проходить, облезть
wear on — медленно тянуться
wear out — изнашивать, изнашиваться, износить, состарить, затрахать, истощаться, истощать

Возможные однокоренные слова

underwear  — нижнее белье, нижняя одежда
wearer  — владелец, тот, на ком надето платье
weariness  — усталость, утомленность, скука, утомительность
wearing  — ношение, утомительный, скучный, нудный
wearied  — утомленный
overwear  — изнашивать, изнурять тяжелым трудом, изнурять, тяжелым трудом
wearable  — пригодный для ношения, предмет одежды
wearily  — утомительно, скучно, устало

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: wear
he/she/it: wears
ing ф. (present participle): wearing
2-я ф. (past tense): wore
3-я ф. (past participle): worn

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

носить обувь

носить туфли

надевать обувь

носить ботинки

надеть туфли

носят обуви

Women have different goals for why they choose to wear shoes.

Женщины имеют различные цели, о том, почему они предпочитают носить обувь.

Remember, no matter what happens, people will always wear shoes.

Помните, что бы ни происходило, люди всегда будут носить обувь.

You’re forbidden to wear shoes after dark…

Always wear shoes and socks, even in your home.

Всегда носите туфли или тапочки, даже если вы находитесь дома.

I insist you never wear shoes or a proper necktie again.

Я настаиваю, чтобы вы никогда не носите обувь или надлежащим галстук снова.

Some are barefoot, while others wear shoes.

Некоторые люди предпочитают ходить босиком, в то время как другие носят обувь.

Women like my mother don’t wear shoes.

Как и большинство членов своей семьи она не носит обувь.

Guyanese people do not wear shoes in their homes and expect visitors to do the same.

При этом многие не носят обувь дома и ожидают этого же от посетителей.

Guyanese people do not wear shoes in their homes and expect visitors to do the same.

Гайанцы не носят обувь в своих домах и ожидают, что посетители будут делать то же самое.

It is interesting that this disease almost never occurs in cultures that do not wear shoes.

Интересно, что это заболевание почти никогда не встречается в культурах, которые не носят обувь.

However, with time, the babies need to wear shoes which protect their feet and give them a shape.

Однако со временем, дети должны носить обувь, которая защищает их ножки и придают им форму.

We wear shoes almost every day of our lives.

Мы носим обувь почти каждый день нашей жизни.

She, like most of her family, does not wear shoes.

Как и большинство членов своей семьи она не носит обувь.

Indians will often wear shoes inside their homes, such as when going to the bathroom.

Индейцы часто носить обувь внутри своих домов, например, когда иду в ванную.

I don’t wear shoes that might squeak.

The little girl doesn’t like to wear shoes.

I don’t like to wear shoes without socks.

Tom asked us not to wear shoes in his house.

I never wear shoes I can’t run in.

Я никогда не ношу обувь, в которой нельзя убежать.

I never wear shoes because they make me fall down.

Я никогда не ношу обувь потому что я из-за неё падаю.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 509. Точных совпадений: 509. Затраченное время: 63 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

слова по теме обувь на английском

Pumps, kitten heels, brogues... Как правильно перевести название обуви на английский. Задача – не такая простая, как может показаться на первый взгляд.

Эта статья будет полезна как изучающим английский язык, так и тем, кто интересуется модной обувью и ее историей: как правильно и почему так называется.

Если вы смотрели фильм «Kingsman. The Secret Service«, то, наверное, помните сцену из фильма, где утонченный и безупречный герой Колина Фёрта произносит фразу «Oxfords. Not brogues«. Понимаете ли вы значение этого комментария? Если нет, наша статья поможет вам в этом разобраться.

Данные знания пригодятся вам для поиска обуви как в интернет-магазинах, так и для общения в магазине обуви во время выездного шоппинг-тура за границу. И как показывает пример выше, для лучшего понимания фильмов и книг на англ.языке.

Для наглядности приведем много иллюстраций. A picture is worth a thousand words. Названия видов обуви — актуальные. Мы подобрали для вас слова на английском языке по теме «Обувь», взяв за основу лексику, которую используют в своих статьях и обзорах ведущие fashion-бренды и журнал Vogue.

В целом, о том, как говорить об одежде in English можно прочитать в этой статье (жми на ссылку).

Основные слова по теме: boots (сапоги, ботинки), shoes (туфли), slippers (тапки). Но это лишь — вершина айсберга.

Остановимся на названиях поподробнее. В конце статьи мы также приведем слова (и их русский перевод) — из каких материалов изготавливается обувь, и основные элементы обуви.

Как в целом назвать обувь по-английски (общее понятие)? Есть слово footwear. Но в обзорах обуви Vogue, например, использует просто слово “shoes”. Пример:

The best shoes as seen on the fall/winter 2022 runways. — Лучшая обувь, как мы ее увидели на показах осень/зима 2022.

The Vogue Essentials Guide: the Very Best Shoes for Women.- Гайд от Vogue по основным трендам: самая лучшая обувь для женщин.

По своему назначению обувь делится на:

  • smart shoes (нарядная обувь) for formal occasions
  • casual shoes (повседневная обувь) for casual wear

При этом в обзорах рассказывается и про туфли, и про сапоги, и про другие виды обуви.

Сапоги, ботинки и другие

Высокие сапоги

Сапоги на английском называются по-разному. Надо сказать, что носители языка используют гораздо более длинный словарик (glossary) для наименования обуви, чем это делаем мы, на русском языке. Здесь я не говорю о стилистах, вокабуляр которых очень богат.

Все сапоги, в целом, не углубляясь в их модель, материал, высоту и т.п., переводятся на англ.яз. как: boots |ˈbuːts|

Начнем с самых высоких сапог – ботфорты. Название таких сапог на английском звучит совсем по-другому.

(Под фотографиями мы разместили названия обуви так, как они называются в современных статьях о модной обуви.)

сапоги на английском

Knee boots   
сапоги по английски
Bandon Maxwel. Over the knee suede boots
ботфорты на английском
Givenchy mile high boots
Mile-high boots ботфорты (экстримально высокие)
Over-the-knee boots ботфорты (сапоги выше колена)
Knee-high boots, или


Knee boots

сапоги по колено
Boots сапоги
Footwear обувь (в целом)

резиновые сапоги на английском языке

rubber boots
резиновые сапоги перевод на английский язык
Roger Vivier crystal buckle waterproof rain boot
резиновая обувь на английском
Diemme suede rain boots
Rubber boots Резиновые сапоги
Rain boots Сапоги/ботинки для дождя.

Именно такое определение непромокаемых сапог мы встретили у Vogue. Причем, это могут быть и высокие сапоги, и даже ботинки на шнуровке, если их нижняя часть прорезинена и защищает от влаги.

Ankle boots — короткие сапоги. сапожки на английскомКлючевое здесь высота – по щиколотку. На русский язык могут переводиться по-разному, в зависимости от фасона.

Ankle boot – a short boot that covers only the foot and ankle. (Определение Oxford Dictionary).

Ankle boots Ботильоны (женские модельные короткие сапожки или высокие ботинки), или

любые высокие ботинки или короткие сапоги, женские или мужские.

Ankle щиколотка, лодыжка

Высокие ботинки, полусапожки

ботинки челси на английскомБотинки Челси

Chelsea (Челси) — часть Лондона, где модники часто появлялись в подобных ботинках.

Широкую популярность челси получили благодаря The Beatles. Участники группы отдавали ей предпочтение, а их фанаты им вторили.

(Если вы читаете статью со смартфона, и у вас не видна часть таблицы справа, пододвиньте таблицу влево, или переведите телефон в горизонтальный режим.)

Chelsea boots ботинки Челси (характерной особенностью таких ботинок является вшитая встая по бокам резинка)

Описание модели на английском: close-fitting, ankle-high boots with an elastic inserts (panels) either side. They often have a loop or tab of fabric on the back of the boot to make them easy to pull on and off.

ботинки на английском языкеБотинки Челси

Chelsea (Челси) — часть Лондона, где модники часто появлялись в подобных ботинках.

Широкую популярность челси получили благодаря The Beatles. Участники группы отдавали ей предпочтение, а их фанаты им вторили.

(Если вы читаете статью со смартфона, и у вас не видна часть таблицы справа, пододвиньте таблицу влево, или переведите телефон в горизонтальный режим.)

Chelsea boots ботинки Челси (характерной особенностью таких ботинок является вшитая встая по бокам резинка)

Описание модели на английском: close-fitting, ankle-high boots with an elastic inserts (panels) either side. They often have a loop or tab of fabric on the back of the boot to make them easy to pull on and off.

Примеры предложений:

New walkers should invest in a pair of good hiking boots and a backpack. – Туристам-новичкам следует приобрести пару хороших туристических ботинок и рюкзак.

The trails can be muddy, so hiking boots or rubber boots are recommended. – Туристические тропы могут быть грязными, поэтому мы рекомендуем туристические ботинки или резиновые сапоги.

Ботинки-туфли оксфорды, дерби, броги

То, что мы называем по-русски «полуботинки», в английском языке называются «туфли» — shoes. Модники и педанты, англичане имеют специальные названия для каждого вида обуви. Многие из этих названий даже были заимствованы в другие язык, в т.ч. в русский.

Oxfords, oxford shoes Оксфорды – классические мужские туфли с закрытым типом шнуровки.
Derby |ˈdɑːrbɪ|, derby shoes Дерби. Ботинки / туфли дерби.

Oxfords — самый формальный вид мужской обуви. оксфорды ботинки на английском перевод

Derby — это туфли с открытой шнуровкой. Берцы (боковые детали с отверстиями для шнуровки) пришиты поверх передней части. Благодаря шнуровке их удобнее надевать, чем классические мужские туфли (oxfords), так как вход в ботинок благодаря берцам-«крыльям» значительно шире.

Своим названием туфли Derby обязаны 14-му графу Дерби (конец 19-го века), который обладал тучным телосложением, из-за чего надевать классические узкие ботинки (оксфорды) было затруднительно. Обратите внимание на то, как произносится это название ботинок на английском.

ботинки оксфорды на английском

Дерби читаются менее официальной обувью, чем оксфорды. Дерби бывают с перфорацией и без. Перфорация на ботинках называется — broguing. Это и дало название обуви с подобной перфорацией — brogues / броги.

Т.е. брогами могут быть и оксфорды и дерби.

ботинки броги на английском языке

Brogues, brogue shoes Броги – туфли (полуботиники) классического фасона, например оксфорды или дерби, на которых есть декоративная перфорация. Считаются обувью стиля casual.
Broguing Перфорация на обуви

Немного истории: В наши дни перфорация носит исключительно декоративный характер. Но изначально, эти отверстия были сквозными. Слово пришло в английский язык из Ирландии, где и сейчас «брогами» называют любые ботинки. Ирландские и шотландские фермеры, которые жили в болотистой местности, специально делали отверстия в обуви, чтобы вода не задерживалась в ботинках. В наши дни отверстия не сквозные и делаются «для красоты».

ботинки перевод на английский

Martin boots

Сейчас броги считаются классической обувью (если сравнивать с мартинсами, например), но до 30х годов прошлого века они считались повседневной обувью для пригорода. Полуботинки броги обычно делаются более массивными, чем туфли оксфорды и дерби.

После рассказа об особенностях обуви фраза «Oxfords, not brogues» из фильма «Kingsman: Секретная служба», о которой мы говорили вначале статьи, стала понятнее. Не так ли? Она подразумевает, что настоящий джентльмен должен носить только оксфорды.

названия обуви на английском

Вернемся к менее классическим видам мужской обуви.


Изначально, loafers / лоферы – это мужская обувь, как и многие туфли и ботинки, которые в наши дни стали unisex.

По-английски loafer – бездельник.  Лоферы вошли в обиход благодаря британским морякам. Туфли такого кроя, без застежек, были частью морского обмундирования. Моряки, сходя на берег, предавались всем радостям жизни, щеголяя удобной форменной обувью, которые не нужно было даже зашнуровывать.

Изучив историю лоферов, можно сказать, что подобный тип обуви появился в разных странах (США и Англия) и исползовались для разных целей.

Лоферы (loafers), родившиеся в США — ботинки без шнурков на широком каблуке и жёсткой подошве. По форме напоминают мокасины, традиционную обувь индейцев. Задуманная изначально как домашняя обувь, лоферы стали широко использоваться как обычная, предназначенная для уличных прогулок обувь.

ботинки лоферы на английском

Лоферы бывают разных видов. Расцвет лоферов приходится на 60-е годы прошлого века, когда модный дом Gucci немного изменил модель, добавил фирменную пряжку, которая используется и в наши дни и является фирменным знаком известного бренда.

пенни лоферы почему так называются на английскомБывают лоферы с кисточками (with tassels), а бывают пенни-лоферы:

В 1950-х годах американские студенты вставляли в ромбовидную прорезь своих лоферов монету «на счастье» (penny), из-за чего этот тип лоферов стал известен как пенни лоферы (penny loafers).

Loafers лоферы
Penny loafers пенни-лоферы.

Другие виды ботинок

Desert boots Дезерты

Desert |ˈdezərt| – пустыня (не путайте произношение с английским словом «дессерт».

Настоящие дезерты изготавливаются из замши. ботинки на английском языкеХарактерные особенности:

  • именно 2 отверстия для шнурка
  • высота ботинок до лодыжки
  • креповая подошва
  • мягкая замша

Креп (от англ. Plantational crepe) – это предварительно разогретая и прокатанная через стальные валики резина или каучук. Пришли в модный обиход, после того, как они приглянулись британским военным, служивших в песчаных пустынных регионах.

Спортивная обувь

Данный вид обуви (athletic shoes) все чаще используется не только для спорта (который, надо сказать, становится все популярнее), но и в повседневной жизни. Поэтому их названия часто используются в разговорной речи. Спортивная одежда и обувь стали так популярны, что в мире моды появилось новое направление: Luxe Athleisure (athleisure = athletic + leisure).

Кроссовки и кеды. Надо сказать, что граница — достаточно размытая. В целом, sneakers – это более спортивная и массивная обувь, чем trainers.

кроссовки на английском языке

кеды на английском языке
Sneakers кроссовки
Trainers кеды

Чтобы легче запомнить слово sneakers (кроссовки), если вы его раньше не знали, используем мнемотехнику:кроссовки на английском языке

Она ела слишком много шоколадок Snikers, и в конце концов, ей пришлось надеть кроссовки sneakers и идти в зал заниматься.

Running shoes Кроссовки для бега
Hi shoes

Hi trainers

Высокие ботинки (обычно, спортивные), например, высокие кеды или кроссовки

Высокие кроссовки / кеды

Skate shoes Ботинки для скейта

Сюда же хотелось бы добавить и такой вид спортивно-повседневной обуви, которые по-русски называются как «вансы», «венсы» и «конверсы». Что это такое?

Эти два названия происходят от названия торговых марок.

Американская компания Converse была основана в 1908 году и известна прежде всего как производитель кед для баскетбола Chuck Taylor All-Star. Контролируется компанией Nike. В период ее расцвета большинство профессиональных игроков NBA играли в обуви, произведенной именно этой компанией.

Вторая компания Vans — основанная двумя братьями Paul и James Van Doren в середине 1960-х годов, и ее название является частью их фамилии. Отличительной чертой этой обуви стало то, что лёгкий парусиновый верх классических моделей спортивной обуви сочетается с толстой подошвой. В дальнейшем это стало отличительной чертой обуви Vans. Надо сказать, что в нынешнем сезоне такая обувь особенно актуальна.

вансы конверсы это

Она ела слишком много шоколадок Snikers, и в конце концов, ей пришлось надеть кроссовки sneakers и идти в зал заниматься.

Running shoes Кроссовки для бега
Hi shoes

Hi trainers

Высокие ботинки (обычно, спортивные), например, высокие кеды или кроссовки

Высокие кроссовки / кеды

Skate shoes Ботинки для скейта

Сюда же хотелось бы добавить и такой вид спортивно-повседневной обуви, которые по-русски называются как «вансы», «венсы» и «конверсы». Что это такое?

Эти два названия происходят от названия торговых марок.

Американская компания Converse была основана в 1908 году и известна прежде всего как производитель кед для баскетбола Chuck Taylor All-Star. Контролируется компанией Nike. В период ее расцвета большинство профессиональных игроков NBA играли в обуви, произведенной именно этой компанией.

Вторая компания Vans — основанная двумя братьями Paul и James Van Doren в середине 1960-х годов, и ее название является частью их фамилии. Отличительной чертой этой обуви стало то, что лёгкий парусиновый верх классических моделей спортивной обуви сочетается с толстой подошвой. В дальнейшем это стало отличительной чертой обуви Vans. Надо сказать, что в нынешнем сезоне такая обувь особенно актуальна.

По-английски эту обувь называют Vans shoes или просто Vans и, соответственно, Converse shoes, или Converse. 

Обратите внимание на то, что Converse (как пара обуви) стоит с глаголом во множественном числе. А если мы говорим о Converse / Vans как о торговой марке, то в единственном числе. Примеры:

Are Converse still in style?

Converse, the iconic American brand is still fashionable.

Женская обувь (туфли, босоножки, мули и т.п.)

Вернемся от ботинок и кроссовок к женской обуви.  Хотя, в целом, женская обувь более разнообразна, чем мужская, названия моделей более логичны, и не привязаны к именам знаменитых людей и районам Англии. Поэтому разобраться в названиях обуви и их англ.переводом будет гораздо проще, чем с мужскими дерби, лоферами и оксфордами.

Туфли «лодочки»

Как же назвать женские туфли на английском? Если не вдаваться в подробности, то это – shoes. Если мы говорим о т.н. туфлях-«лодочках», то есть два варианта (см.таблицу ниже):

туфли лодочки на английском


a pair of shoes

Туфли, мужские или женские

пара обуви

Court shoes Женские туфли без шнуровки, с глубоким вырезом (в нашем понимании, то, что мы называем классические туфли на каблуке, или туфли-«лодочки»). Несколько устаревшее название, более присуще британскому английскому.
Pumps Женские открытые туфли. Именно это английское слово — pumps — использует Vogue при описании подобного рода обуви в своих статья.

Примеры предложений и их перевод на русский язык:

Red, cream and nude court shoes are easy to pair with most jeans. – Красные, кремовые и пудровые лодочки легко сочетаются со многими типами джинсов.

Pumps, also known as court shoes, are one of the most popular styles of women’s shoes. Many pumps feature open toes, peep toes, pointed toes, rounded toes, ankle straps. Many pumps feature peep toes. — Туфли (также известные как court shoes) — один из наиболее популярных видов женской обуви. Многие модели туфель имеют открытые носы, носы с вырезом, острые носы, скругленные носы, завязки вокруг лодыжки.

Другие разновидности женской обуви

босоножки на английском языке

Mach & Mach satin mules
босоножки перевод на английский
Paris Texas Platform Sandals
шлепки на английском языке
Bottega Veneta quilted slides
Mules |mjuːlz| Мули, туфли/босоножки без задника, без пятки
Sandals Босоножки (открыты и носок и пятка), верхняя часть часто выполнена из тонких полосок/завязок .

Sandals – a light shoe, especially worn in warm weather, consisting of a bottom part held onto the foot by straps. (определение Oxford Dictionary)

A pair of sandals Пара сандалей
Slides Босоножки-шлепки
Flip-flops Шлепки (часто с перемычкой между пальцев)
Slippers Домашние тапочки, часто без задника (в т.ч.мужские)

шлепки перевод на английский

тапочки на английском
Porte & Paire velvet slippers

Потренироваться в использовании лексики по теме «Обувь» можно, почивав данный текст о выборе самой лучшей пары обуви для вечеринки. После английского текста приводим русский перевод.

Виды каблуков

Здесь же поговорим о каблуках, потому что при одинаковом типе верха, каблук может быть разным, и каблук может определять название обуви. Как же будут называться каблуки на английском.

Каблук «шпилька»

Stiletto heels
Heel Каблук, пятка
Stiletto Каблук-шпилька, туфли на таком каблуке, обычно высоком
     Stiletto Стилет, узкий кинжал
Stiletto shoes Туфли на каблуке-шпилька, “шпильки»
Kitten heel Каблук-шпилька, высотой менее 5 см
High heels Туфли на высоком каблуке
High heel pumps Туфли на высоком каблуке
High-heeled shoes/boots Туфли / сапоги на высоком каблуке.

Block heel
Прямой широкий каблук

Примеры предложений с переводом на русский:

She wore trousers and high-heeled boots. – Она носила брюки и сапоги на высоком каблуке.

The sandals are high-heeled and not really suitable for the beach. – Босоножки – на высоком каблуке и не очень подходят для пляжа.

Обувь на платформе, танкетка

туфли на платформе перевод на английский язык

Versace platform pumps summer 2022
туфли на платформе на английском языке
Valentino platform pumps summer 2022
босоножки на платформе перевод на английский
Platform mules
Platform Платформа
Platform pumps Туфли на платформе
Platform sandals Босоножки на платформе
Platfrom ankle boots Ботильоны на платформе

танкетка на английском языке

Wedge sandals
эспадрильи на английском языке
Chanel espadrilles
обувь на танкетке на английском
Wedge shoes Туфли/ обувь на танкетке
   Wedge Клин (узкий кусок треугольной формы, который вставляется между двумя предметами)

Эспадрильи — лёгкая летняя обувь, напоминающая тапочки с задником/пяткой, которая крепится завязками вокруг голени, или застежкой. Отличительная особенность – декорирование подошвы или каблука-танкетки, иногда платформы, текстильным материалом, джутовой веревкой.

Эспадрильи надеваются на босу ногу (barefoot) и являются неформальной летней обувью. Их носят и мужчины, и женщины.

Балетки, обувь без каблука

Балетки на английском языке

Larroude Lee ballet flats 2022
Ballet flats Балетки, туфли-балетки
Flats Обувь на плоской подошве
Flat mules Мули на плоском каблуке
Sole подошва
Flat sole Плоская подошва

Названия частей обуви

Toe Нос обуви
Open-toe shoes Туфли с открытым носом
Rubber toe cap Резиновый носок
Point-Toe Остроносый, point-toe pumps – остроносые туфли
Sole подошва
Heel Каблук, пятка
Ankle-strap pumps Туфли  ремешком вокруг лодыжки

ankle перевод с английского на русский язык

Stella McCartney ankle-strap pumps 
Crossover straps Завязки крест-накрест
Sling Ремень, завязка
Slingback shoes, slingbacks Туфли с ремешком сзади (над пяткой)

Часто наличие той или иной детали в обуви определяют ее название. Это могут быть и балетки и шпильки, но если у них есть характерная особенность:  тонкий (или не очень) ремешок поперек подъема, — то такие туфли будут называться:

Mary Janes — туфли Мэри Джейн.  Подробнее об истории появления этих туфель, почему они так называются, и какие именно Mary Jane shoes будут актуальны в этом сезоне, мы рассказываем в этой статье: Что такое Мэри Джейн? (переходи по ссылке).

Alaïa flats перевод балетки

Alaïa flats (балетки), 2023


Laces, shoelaces, boot lace Обувной шнурок, шнурки
Lace-up boots Ботинки (или сапоги) на шнуровке
Lace-up front На шнуровке спереди
To do / tie up shoelaces Завязать шнурки
My shoelaces came undone / untied Мои шнурки развязались.

Материалы, из которых делается обувь

Genuine leather Натуральная кожа
Patent leather Лакированная кожа
Suede |sweɪd| Замша
Real fur Натуральный мех
Faux fur Искусственный мех
Canvas Парусина, хлопковая ткань
Velvet бархат
Mesh Гепюр, кружево
Satin Атлас
Jelly Прозрачный мягкий пластик
rubber Резина
Rubber sole, rubber cap Резиновая подошва, резиновая накладка на нос

Чтобы закрепить полученные знания по изученной теме, переходите по данной ссылке, читайте и переводите текст .

Пословицы и идиомы про обувь

shoes идиомы со словом обувь на английском

That’s another pair of shoes Это – совсем другое дело
To be in sb’s shoes быть на чьем-то месте (оказаться в ситуации)
Common as an old shoe развязный, фамильярный. «простой, как валенок»
Be waiting for the other shoe to drop ожидание связанного объявления или события вслед за первоначальным
To shoe the goose делать бесполезную/бессмысленную работу

Если вам интересны английские идиомы, то рекомендуем вам почитать соответствующие разделы статей:

Английские идиомы с названиями цвета

Традиции и суеверия англичан, связанные с днями недели. Идиомы

Shoes are an important part of our everyday lives, and there are many different types of shoes available to suit different occasions and needs. Learning the vocabulary for different types of shoes in English can help you to communicate effectively when shopping for shoes or talking about them with others.

In this guide, we will explore the different types of shoes available in English, and provide you with the vocabulary you need to describe them accurately. We will also provide example sentences to help you understand how the words are used in context.

Whether you’re a language learner, a fashion enthusiast, or just someone who wants to improve their vocabulary, this guide will provide you with the tools you need to talk about shoes in English with confidence.

List of Types of Shoes

Learn Types of Shoes Vocabulary in English.

  • Booties – A shoe that resembles a boot in style but is not as high.
  • Boots – Footwear which covers the entire foot and extends to the height of the anklebone or up to the thigh.
  • Brogue – A heavy oxford-style shoe featuring perforated detailing.
  • Canvas – A closely woven, heavy cloth of cotton, hemp, or linen.
  • Circumference -The measurement around the shaft of a boot/bootie taken at the widest part near the top of the boot/bootie shaft.
  • Clog – A closed toe, open back shoe with a platform sole. Traditionally with a wood heel
  • Clutch – A narrow, handheld bag with no strap.
  • High Heels– are shoes where the heels are much higher than the toes.
  • Combat boots – Lace up multipurpose boots originally designed for the military
  • Oxfords– A low shoe with laces over the instep.
  • Patent– Various materials can be used to create a varnished hard and glossy finish.
  • Peep toe– A shoe that has an opened toe in the front.
  • Platforms– A shoe with thick sole under the front part of the foot, and high heel.
  • Pumps– Classically a high, medium, or low heeled, totally enclosed shoe. Variations include an open toe or ornament.
  • Riding boots– A boot designed specifically for riding horses. Usually knee-high and with a low heel. The term can also refer to fashion boots that are designed to resemble riding boots.
  • Sandals– An open toe and open back shoe with leather or fabric straps across the foot.

Example Sentences

  • “I need a new pair of dress shoes for my upcoming wedding.”
  • “I can’t run in these flip-flops, I need to wear my running shoes.”
  • “These boots are perfect for hiking in the mountains.”
  • “I love wearing my comfortable sneakers on the weekends.”
  • “I’m thinking of buying a pair of loafers for work.”
  • “My little sister got a new pair of sparkly ballet flats for her recital.”
  • “I wore my high heels for the party, but my feet were killing me by the end of the night.”
  • “I always wear my sandals to the beach.”
  • “I’m going to wear my oxfords for the job interview.”
  • “I think I need a new pair of running shoes with more support.”
  • “I love my new pair of stilettos, they make my legs look so long!”
  • “I need to buy some new sneakers for the gym.”
  • “I always wear loafers to work, they’re so comfortable.”
  • “I can’t wait to wear my new sandals to the beach this summer.”
  • “I need a new pair of boots for the winter, my old ones are worn out.”
  • “I wear flip-flops when I’m just running errands around town.”
  • “I don’t own any high heels, I prefer comfortable flats.”
  • “I love my new oxford shoes, they add a touch of elegance to any outfit.”
  • “I always wear clogs when I’m working in the garden.”
  • “I have a special pair of moccasins for when I go camping.”

Shoes Vocabulary | Image

Types of Shoes Vocabulary in English: 50+ items Illustrated

Types of Shoes Vocabulary in English: 50+ items Illustrated 1

Types of Shoes Vocabulary in English: 50+ items Illustrated 2

Types of Shoes Vocabulary in English: 50+ items Illustrated 3

Types of Shoes Vocabulary in English: 50+ items Illustrated 4

Types of Shoes and Boots - Vocabulary Word List 1

March 25, 2021

Types of shoes! The following is a list of common types of shoes and boots in English.

Types of Shoes and Boots in English

List of Shoes and Boots Names

Words That Start With A

ankle boot

army boots

athletic shoes

Words That Start With B

ballet shoes

beach shoes

boat shoes


bowling shoes


Words That Start With C


climbing shoes


court shoes

cowboy boots

cycling shoes

Words That Start With D

deck shoes

dress shoes

Words That Start With E

elevator shoes


Words That Start With F

figure skates


Words That Start With G


golf shoes


Words That Start With H


high heels

high-top sneakers

hiking boots

Words That Start With I

ice skates

inline skates

Words That Start With J


jump boots

Words That Start With K


Words That Start With L


Words That Start With M

Mary Janes




Words That Start With O

Open-toe shoes


Words That Start With P

penny loafers

platform shoes

pointe shoes


Words That Start With R

rain boots

riding boots

roller skates


running shoes

Words That Start With S

saddle shoes



skate shoes


ski boots





steel-toe boots

stiletto heels

swim fins

Words That Start With T

tap shoes

tennis shoes

toe shoes

track shoes

Words That Start With V


Words That Start With W


wedge shoes

Wellington boots

wingtip shoes

work boots

Words That Start With Z


List of Shoes and Boots with Examples

  • This hybrid pump and ankle boot is this season’s hottest rage.
  • He wore erratically laced army boots, and olive-green fatigues, and a heavy-knit dun brown sweater.
  • So when did you hang up your boxing gloves/golfclubs/ballet shoes?
  • I think I got athlete’s foot from those bowling shoes.
  • I have a pair of brown suede brogues that are really worn and I prefer them in their frazzled state!
  • And we had to wear boots rather than rock climbing shoes.
  • Those cowboy boots sure look like the genuine article.
  • A major advantage of deck shoes is their price – you can easily pick up a pair for a fiver.
  • Using the same dress collocation of tie – in and different styles of dress shoes, shoe joker sex.
  • The girls were wearing them along with fat clunky shoes that looked like malformed elevator shoes from the seventies.
  • My espadrilles toed together on the carpet.
  • All I’ve got for myself is flip-flops.
  • Some of us are wearing stylish golf shoes and some are wearing the high-priced sneakers of Tiger Woods’ favorite shoe company.
  • Her legs were elongated by the very high heels which she wore.
  • My hiking boots are too heavy.
  • I have bought ice skates to learn to figure skate.
  • He levers his feet into a pair of highly polished black calf Oxfords.
  • If your child wears yellow rain boots on sunny days, have one of the princes do the same.
  • He always wears sandals in the summer.
  • And black patent leather tap shoes covered her most famous toes, which nobody realized yet were famous.
  • In the winter she wears thick socks, Wellington boots and gloves.

Shoes and Boots Names | Infographic

Infographic 1

Types of Shoes and Boots - Vocabulary Word List 2

      Infographic 2

Types of Shoes and Boots - Vocabulary Word List 3

         Infographic 3

Types of Shoes and Boots - Vocabulary Word List 4

Epic list of all the different types of unisex shoes and footwear options for women and men. We include unisex list and then separate lists for women and men.

Pairs of unisex footwear.

When it comes to footwear, it is not just a necessity, but also a way to showcase your personal identity. Your choice in footwear tells a lot about your personality – are you fun or funky? Are you adventurous or safe? Whether you are a man or a woman, shoes are something that you can’t live without. A good pair of shoes is not only comfortable but also durable. They make you feel confident and smart.

Are you planning to buy some new footwear? There are so many choices that it is easy to get confused and overwhelmed. Worry not, because we are here to solve that problem for you.

Explore the different types of footwear for both men and women to find which styles suit you best.

There are some shoes that look perfect on both men and women. No matter what your gender is, these shoes don’t pick any sides! These are the types of footwear that every woman and man should have in their closet.

Chart: Top 10 Unisex Shoes

By Gender

=> Women: See all the types of shoes and footwear specifically for women

=> Men: See the different types of shoes and footwear specifically for men

All Types of Unisex Shoes

1. Sneakers


Sneakers for Men | Sneakers for Women

Sneakers are like the comfort food we all crave. This lightweight and simple sports shoe are a must-have for everyone. Sneakers are not only comfortable but also go with every look. There are so many colors and patterns available that you can find a match for your every outfit. If you are planning on exploring the city and looking for a comfortable shoe, then sneakers are the appropriate footwear.

Are you planning a lazy weekend? Sneakers will help you achieve that.


There are few footwear types that are as epic and iconic as sneakers. These shoes have pretty much been worn by everyone, from the most royal royals to athletes in all disciplines to the biggest A-list stars to politicians to the trendsetters across all walks of fashion. And while they look and feel super modern, sneakers were actually invented way back in the 1700s.

Plimsolls were the first sneakers. These rubber-soled shoes were invented in the late 18th century. The design was hardly refined. In this early version of sneakers, there was no difference in the right or left foot.

The U.S. Rubber Company invented more comfortable and functional sneakers in 1892. This design still had rubbers soles but now the uppers were made of canvas. These were the first modern sneakers. They were called Keds.

Sneakers were mass-produced in 1917 and soon evolved. It was in this same year that the first basketball shoes were invented, an offshoot of the sneaker. These were the now-famous Converse All-Stars. They became known as Chuck Taylor All-Stars in 1923.

To this day, Chuck Taylor All-Stars are the best-selling basketball shoes of all time. In 1924, a German man created his own sneaker. His name was Adi Dassler, so he named his shoes Adidas. The brand soon became the most popular athletic shoe in the entire world, according to FactMonster.

In the 1950s, sneakers went from the athletic scene to the fashion scene when people began wearing these shoes as everyday wear for the first time. Sneakers are now a fashion staple. You probably have more than one pair in your closet.


There are many types of sneakers these days.

Sneakers are low-cut shoes with rubber soles. Within this basic design, sneakers can be anything. There are found in lace-up designs, Velcro closure designs, and may have all sorts of bells and whistles. They are made in any color or pattern you can imagine and with every material that shoes can be made with, everything from real leather to recycle plastic to every type of cloth and hide in-between.


Sneakers are also called athletic shoesjoggerstrainers, and tennis shoes.

=> High-top sneakers combine classic with comfort. These sneakers are often called athletic shoes as many professional players, especially basketball players, wear them.

=> Plimsoll sneakers happen to be the most common type of sneakers and the most famous ones, too. They can be easily teamed up with all sorts of outfits whether it is casual or party wear. To rock a retro style, always go for classic white plimsolls, as they will make your otherwise plain tee and jeans cooler.

=> Running shoes are a must-have for every athlete, runner, or sports enthusiast. These shoes provide lightweight support, shock absorption, and cushioning to allow runners to maintain stability. Running shoes are a great walking shoe choice, too.


Cross country running began as a game practiced by school children in England in the early 1800s. The game was known as paper chasing or hate and hounds. It was an imitation of the sport of hunting, with some children playing foxes and some hounds. The foxes, or hares, would run ahead of the others, leaving a trail of papers. The hounds would follow, chasing the other runners.

One of the oldest running shoe designs dates to 1865 in Northampton, England. They were oxford shoes with nails hammered through the soles to provide grip and traction.

When rubber roles were introduced in 1917, they were a game-changer for shoes. The first pair of Nike shoes went on sale on June 18, 1971. The sponge rubber midsole made Nike running shoe impact-absorbing, which was then-cutting edge technology. Nike helped established the tech and style of running shoes, pacing the way for modern designs we wear today.

=> Slip-on sneakers are lace-less sneakers that are easy to wear, an ideal choice for those looking for utmost comfort and simplicity. Available in plenty of colors and styles, slip-on sneakers are minimalist yet extremely trendy.

=> Wedge sneakers debuted on the fashion scene in spring 2012. Designer Isabel Marant has been credited with creating a distinct style. They were certainly inspired by elevator shoes, a style originally invented for men.

2. Boots (Women and Men)

A group of women wearing different boots.

Discover 70 Types of Boots Here

Discover all the different types of boots for women and men. Casual, dress, functional, outdoor, rugged, stylish, heels, no heels and more.

Epic list!

3. Clogs

Sanita Manuella Clogs

Clogs and Crocs are cousins of a sort. Just like its cousin, clogs are very comfortable to wear and are perfect for people who have demanding jobs that require a lot of standing and walking. Clogs are often worn among nurses and doctors, as they are easily removable.

Clogs come in many different colors and patterns.


Clog shoes are known for being made of wood. They traditionally served as protective footwear for mines, factories and agricultural activities. Even though they are considered as folkloric footwear, certain types of clogs have found huge popularity on the runway.

In simplest terms, traditional clothes are wooden shoes. Each shoe is carved from a single piece of wood. And yes, this is pretty uncomfortable footwear. But oddly enough, many cultures around the world have created their own style of clogs, which are also known as klompen.

The oldest clogs ever found in the Netherlands date to the year 1230. Dutch clogs are perhaps the most recognizable of all wooden clog styles. These shoes are distinctive for their simple shape. Usually, these clogs are made with rounded or pointed toes in a mule-like style with an open or partially open heel.


=> Cantabrian albarcas are traditional footwear in the northern region of Spain. These wooden shoes have tree thick pegs on the bottom that provide support and lift the wearer up to get them up and out of the mud and snow. Since these shoes are worn in rural areas, the elevated design also keeps you out of manure. Typically, these shoes are made from walnut, beech or birch wood.

=> Another type of clog shoe is the Japanese geta, which is a combination of clogs and flip-flops and is typically worn under the yukata dress. They have two blocks of elevated wood attached underneath them with a fabric strap on the toe.

=> Traskor, the Swedish clog, is either made from pine, alder or birch. The upper of the traskor is made of leather, while the soles are made from wood. They are usually vibrantly painted with floral designs.

And yet another type of clog are the synthetic clogs made famous by Crocs.

4. Crocs

Crocs Work Bistro Unisex

Crocs got famous with their “rubber” clogs. It’s not really rubber, it’s actually a proprietary synthetic material…but you get the point.


A lot of people believe Crocs to be indoor shoes. The truth is, you can wear them outdoors, too. This footwear is very popular among travel enthusiasts, as they need comfy shoes during their hectic days.

Crocs come in different colors and patterns, making it easy for you to match them to your outfit. The Crocs brand is known for its amazing quality. And let’s face it, crocs are a classic and deserve a space in everyone’s closet.

5. Earth Shoes

Earth Scenic Valiant Cream Pink Fly Knit 7.5 B (M)

Unless you were around back then or you have a ton of interest in vintage fashion, you’ve probably never heard of Earth shoes. These shoes were a strong fad in the 1970s and they have an extremely distinct sole profile that was designed to enhance posture, reduce back pain and even encourage deep breathing.


Eleanor Jacobs was on vacation in Copenhagen in 1969 when she found an early version of the Earth shoe design that would soon change her life. She was impressed with how comfortable the shoes were and how much her back pain improved. She shared the story of Earth shoes with the Wall Street Journal.

The shoes Elanor tried on that day had slanting heels with somewhat thicker and taller midsoles and sloping toes. This created an almost boat-like profile for the soles of the shoes. This design was created by a former yoga teacher who lived in Denmark. She felt that this design maintained the foot’s natural position more than other, more standard shoe styles.

Eleanor and her husband called the shoe designer to ask her if they could sell the shoes in the U.S. In 1970, the couple opened up a Manhattan shoe store. The day was April 22, 1970, and Eleanor was a little disheartened to see lots of young people flocking through the streets but none stopping into her shop.

She flagged down one young man and asked him what was going on. He told her it was Earth Day. This is a commonplace event now, but 1970 was the first year that Earth Day was ever celebrated, amid a growing movement to honor and preserve the environment.

Eleanor grabbed a piece of white cardboard and wrote “Earth shoes” on it. For the rest of the day, the young environmentalists came in and out of the shop to take a better look.

A few years later, the shoes were on shelves and in display windows at more than 130 stores all across the U.S.

Like all fads, Earth shoes fell out of fashion. In 1977, the couple had to declare bankruptcy and liquidate their short-lived shoe empire. Eleanor saved enough Earth shoes to wear them for the rest of her life.

6. Flip-Flops

Vionic Unisex Wave Toe-Post Sandal - Flip-Flop with Concealed Orthotic Arch Support Black/Black Men's 8 Medium US/Women's 9 Medium US

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when we say the beach? Yes, it’s flip flops! They are the perfect beach accessory that you can ask for. Flip flops are comfy, stylish, and available in every color and pattern. Flip flops are also called thongs.


Flip flops are the ultimate footwear for the summer season and a popular choice of footwear for men, women and children alike.

Flip flops are the ultimate summer footwear and are especially worn for pool parties, beaches and hot hangouts. They’re generally made with an extremely comfortable foam sole and sturdy plastic toe support that helps keep your feet together. If you’ve recently gotten a pedicure, flip flops are the best footwear to flaunt your feet while also keeping them intact.

Heading to the beach or running a few errands, flip-flops make for an easy and comfortable shoe option. These are the most casual sandals out there, easy to slip on and slip off. Other than being casual and comfortable, flip flops happen to be cheap as well.

7. Galoshes

SWIMS Mobster Galosh

Galoshes, also called gumshoes, are technically boots that go over other footwear. A galosh boot is waterproof and it was designed for both men and women, so they could protect their feet and their footwear from rain and mud.


The word galosh dates to the medieval era, a style of boots worn in France called gallicae, or Gaulish shoes. Gaul is the ancient name for France. These shoes had leather uppers and wooden soles.

However, this style of boots is actually much older than even ancient France. Galoshes-style boots date to 13,000 B.C.E., when leggings were wrapped around the lower legs just above moccasins to extend the shoes and add more weather protection.

It was the Egyptians who were the first to make galoshes out of rubber, according to After the Egyptian empire fell, rubber technology largely faded from popular use. it wasn’t until Charles Macintosh discovered a new way to waterproof materials using liquid rubber that the material became popular again.


Traditional galoshes are still made with liquid rubber or sheet rubber. Sometimes, galoshes are lined with fabric.

8. Huaraches

Nike Air Huarache "All Black"

There are two very different types of shoes that are called huaraches, which makes things pretty confusing. Either you’re talking about truly historic footwear that’s been worn through the centuries….or you’re talking about a sort of strange shoe design from Nike. You might even be talking about a type of street food. Yeah, huaraches definitely have an interesting story.


Handmade, woven sandals were made in Mexico before Columbus ever sailed across the ocean in 1492. These shoes were widely worn by farmworkers in Mexico and became popular with the hippie culture of the 1960s.

The huarache shoes became even more popular throughout Mexico and the U.S. in the following decades. Now, they’re part of mainstream fashion.

The Other Huarache Shoes

Nike created athletic shoes called huaraches that were distinct for their bright color combinations. This style evolved over time and now Nike huaraches are styled in all sorts of colors, including basic black.

Huarache is also a Mexican street food that’s very popular. It’s a large tortilla with beans, potato, meat, cilantro, cheese, onions, and salsa. Huaraches are named after the Mexican sandals because their shape somewhat resembles the footwear, according to Culture Trip.

9. Jika-tabi Shoes

Marugo Tabi Boots Ninja Shoes Jikatabi (Outdoor tabi) MANNEN Nuitsuke (Sewn Rubber Outsole) 12 hock 26.0cm Black

Jika-tabi shoes, also known as jikatabi or just tabi shoes, are traditional Japanese footwear that is still worn today. These shoes are distinctive for the split design. Tabi shoes have a split between the big toe and the rest of the toes.


Tabi shoes started out as leather socks, footwear that caught on and became popular throughout Japan. Modern tabi shoes were created in 1919 with the use of rubber manufacturing.

10. Moccasins

UGG Dakota Moccasins

Made from soft leather, notably suede, moccasins are a soft, comfortable pair of shoes. They are often mistaken for loafers but they are entirely different from them. One of the main distinguishing factors is that moccasins have laces, while loafers don’t. That being said, moccasins offer the same slip-on quality as loafers.

Moccasin shoes are one of the earliest shoe styles ever worn by humankind. They are strongly associated with Native American culture, but it’s likely that these shoes came to the continent some 30,000 years ago with the very first settlers from Asia.


When early humans walked across the ice on the Bering Sea from Asia, they were likely wearing moccasins. The style was adapted and updated over the years. The word moccasin comes from the Algonquian language. Their word “makasin” means shoe.

The Algonquin tribes were the first Native Americans that European settlers met in North America in the early 1600s. The word and the shoe were brought back across the ocean, according to Gentleman’s Gazette.


Often embellished with beads, tassels, and artistic designs, moccasins are fit for runway fashion.  Besides soft-sole moccasins, you can also find these super fashionable shoes with hard, sturdy soles. The level of stiffness hard-soled moccasins provides is ideal for those looking for more character.

Moccasins are, by definition, shoes made with soft leather that have no heel. They are put together with a U-shaped piece of leather that is stitched to the soles, the sides of which rise up to meet the uppers.

These shoes are still worn today and they’ve now made in a huge variety of colors and designs. Moccasins are one of the most enduring footwear styles and they’ve been worn by humans since humans existed.


Driving moc shoes were created specifically because other types of shoes were too stiff-soled to comfortably drive a car for long periods of time and standard moccasins were too casual for a trip out to the country after a long drive.

Driving mocs became the perfect solution: a classic slip-on moccasin made of leather with rubber pads in the soles. The design kept feet flexible but still provided traction while driving, according to He Spoke Style. Driving mocs are also called Tod’s after a brand that popularized the style.

11. Riding Boots

Riding boots

In a way, riding boots are the grandfather of many modern boot styles. Riding boot styles were probably developed even before the first military boots, which makes these a truly enduring icon of both men’s and women’s fashion.


The riding boot was created out of necessity. As people learned to tame and use horses, it became obvious that humans needed to protect their legs while riding. High boots made sense. A cave painting in Spain suggests that riding boots, a tall boot that wrapped around the lower leg, was worn sometime between 12,000 and 15,000 B.C.E., according to the Maryland Equestrian.

The look of tall riding boots certainly inspired the first military boots, as soldiers also rode horses into battle. In the 1700s, riding boots became more refined. They were made with softer leathers and designed to fit more closely around the leg. The more modern style became known as jockey style boots.


Modern riding boots have all sorts of features that make them comfortable, practical and stylish. Modern riding boots are typically close-fitting around the legs and end just below the knee. They have short heels that are usually less than one inch in height. The heels help feet stay in the stirrups while riding.

Riding boots have stiff toes meant to provide protection should the rider’s foot get stepped on by a horse. The tall shaft of the boot protects the legs from the saddle. But since riding boots are associated with equestrian activities and hunting, they have come to represent a distinct brand of luxury style that is also worn for the sake of fashion.


Riding boots are traditionally made with leather. Field boot styles have laces. These are more commonly seen in riding events that involve jumping. This gives the ankles more flexibility. Dress boots, which are more commonly used in dressage and formal foxhunts, do not have laces at the ankle. Hunt boots, also known as top boots, look like dress boot styles that have a cuff at the top. These are the traditional boots worn in fox hunting.

Paddock boots are also known as Jodhpur boots. These are shorter than standard riding boots, rising up just above the ankle. These are worn for everyday riding and they’re commonly worn by children and juvenile riders who have not yet reached adulthood.

12. Russian Boots

Pajar Canada Russian boots

More properly known as valenki but usually called Russian boots, this style is a staple of Russian fashion and a perfect companion in cold weather.


Valenki is traditional winter footwear in Russia that are made of wool in simple designs that keep the feet and lower legs warm. These boots are worn everywhere in Russia and they’re seen in winter looks around the world.


These boots probably have ancient origins. They were most likely invented by nomads who used felt wool for their clothing and housing structures. They wore boots known as pimy that were mostly made of fur. The woolen boots are known as valenki probably adapted from this earlier style.

Valenki has no differentiation between the left and right feet when brand-new. Through wear, they will begin to conform to the shape of the owner’s foot. This is because the wool shrinks slightly, but only slightly. Valenki boots will last 10 years or longer when well-made.

13. Slide Sandals

Birkenstock Arizona Soft Footbed slides

Known as slides or pool slidesslide sandals started out their life being called shower shoes. They were later rebranded as slides to make them sound a little bit more suitable for daily wear. But these shoes were specifically requested and designed for wear in the shower. Adidas just did so well with the design that soon, people started wearing them everywhere…and they still do.


A German football team, a soccer team to U.S. audiences, asked Adidas for a little help in the 160s. They needed a shoe they could wear in the locker room and in the showers. Adidas developed the Adilette, the world’s first shower shoes.

Shower shoes exploded on the fashion scene in the 1990s. Soon, they could be seen everywhere. They were a necessity for college campus dorms, they were a favorite with athletes in all disciplines and they even made it into the corporate world as a favorite footwear choice for Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, according to Stylecaster.


Slides are so named because you can just slide your feet into them. They are a simple design that can be embellished with colors and patterns consisting of a single flat sole with a wide band attached to the sole horizontally that covers the top of the foot. The toes are left exposed. Sometimes, slides have a flip flop-style thong between the big toe and second toe. In some designs, the upper band is the only thing holding the shoe in place.

14. Sandals

Birkenstock Milano - Leather Sandals

Another popular form of footwear among both men and women in sandals. They are not only stylish but also very comfortable. Not to mention they go with just about everything casual. Whether you are wearing jeans or shorts, a maxi dress or tailored trousers, sandals look gorgeous on everything.

Sandals are perfect for the summer season, as they let your feet breathe. They also make great vacation footwear, as they are comfortable and easy to slip on and off. Sandals come in different colors and styles for both men and women.


=> Fisherman sandals are a distinct, open design with high sides, two upper straps, and a heel band that buckles in the back. The style is centuries old and was worn by numerous ancient cultures, according to Wisegeek.

=> Kolhapuri chappal is an ancient sandal design dating to the 1200s in India. These sandals are handcrafted and colored with vegetable dyes.

=> Geta shoes have a lot in common with clogs because they’re made of wood, but the style more closely resembles sandals. These shoes are the traditional footwear of Japan and they are still worn today. Geta shoes are worn with Kimono. The bottom part of geta shoes is made of wood, with a flat platform for the foot to sit up. A supporting piece of wood lifts the platform up and provides additional support. Straps keep the shoes on the feet. According to the Kyoto Project, geta styles date to at least 300 B.C.E.

=> Peshawari Chappal Sandals

If you happen to keep up with fashion controversies and scandals, you may already be familiar with the peshawari chappal sandal. But many people, especially though in western society, are not familiar with this traditional Middle Eastern shoe design.


Peshawari chappel sandals are part of the traditional dress of people in the Pashtun culture, an indo-European group who live primarily in southeastern Afghanistan and northern and southwestern Pakistan.


This traditional sandal has a distinct look that is created by two wide strips that are joined directly to the sole to create a semi-open sandal design. The style is suitable for both warm and cold weather.

Modern designers have drawn inspiration from this traditional footwear. Designer Paul Smith made headlines when he released a couture sandal strongly resembling the peshawari chappal that retailed for over $500 USD. The design drew a lot of criticism for cultural appropriation, sparking online protests, and public outcry.

Either way, the style has made its way into mainstream fashion. You can now shop for sandals in this design on Amazon.

15. Slippers

Haflinger classic slippers

Everyone needs a pair of comfy slippers to roam around in when you are in the house. Actually, you need two pairs, one for the summer and one for winter.

The summer ones could be furry, adorable and comfy. While the winter one should have padding to keep your feet warm and cozy when you get out of your warm and comfy bed.

There are leather slippers available as well if you’re looking for something more luxurious.

16. Snow Boots

Sorel Snow boots

Snow boots, also called winter boots, are a necessity for winter activities of all types. These boots are heavier and thicker than rain boots and made with insulation to keep the feet and lower legs warm. Typically, snow boots are higher than the ankle and may go all the way up to the knee.

17. Ugg Boots

Ugg Classic Short II Boots

Ugg boots, also spelled ug, are really much older than people think. Ugg is a brand-name that has become synonymous with a specific type of boot but Ugg didn’t invent the style. Warm, sheepskin boots have been popular since the late 1800s. They originated in Australia, where shepherds used leather straps to keep warm sheepskin around their legs and feet. Many manufacturers made sheepskin boots in the 1930s. There were worn by Australian pilots in WWI, who may have been the first to call them “ug” boots, short for “ugly.”

Surfers in Australia in the 1970s often wore sheepskin boots on the chilly beaches between catching waves. One such surfer trademarked “ugh-boot” and then sold the rights to another surfer in California, who started selling Ugg boots. The rest, as they say, is fashion history.

18. Oxfords

Dr. Martens Women's 1461 W Oxford,Black Patent,5 UK/7 M US

Oxfords are traditional footwear that lends you an elegant academic look. They look neat because of their closed lacing under the vamp. Yes, these shoes are linked to the University of Oxford itself. However, there’s more to their history.

Many records claim that the oxford shoes were originally made in Scotland and named balmorals. Nonetheless, oxfords are flat-heeled, foot-friendly, and look extremely sophisticated.

19. Saddle Shoes

Eastland Women's Sadie Oxford, Black/White, 7 M US

When you see saddle shoes, you probably think of poodle skirts, classic cars, and Olivia Newton-John in “Grease.” These black and white shoes are strongly linked to preppy 1950s fashion. But actually, saddle shoes have a much longer history. It took a long, long time for these shoes to become popular. And when they did, they really became popular.


Saddle shoes were actually invented in the 1920s, having evolved from a style of golf shoes that were fashionable in the 1910s. The style was originally made for men, but saddle shoes caught on with women who liked the sporty look of the two-tone design.

It was teenage girls in the 1940s who made saddle shoes the must-have style for youth of the day. By 1949, saddle shoes were the number one shoe worn by teen girls. Saddle shoes were extremely popular until styles changed drastically in the 1960s, though they were still a standard part of many school cheerleading uniforms well into the 1980s, according to History Daily.


Saddle shoes haven’t really made a comeback as a popular everyday shoe. They’re typically only worn as part of a costume meant to resemble 1950s looks. This iconic shoe is clearly overdue for a new surge of fashion popularity.

20. Cleats

Hawkwell Men's Outdoor Firm Ground Soccer Cleats, Black PU, 9 M US

If you enjoy playing sports, especially soccer, then you need to invest in some cleats. A lot of people wear their sneakers or joggers, but that is not right. Sure, they provide your feet with comfort, but cleats go one step further than that. It not only gives your feet the comfort it needs, but it also provides you with stability and speed. There will be no missed goals when you are playing soccer wearing your brand-new cleats. Cleats give you the much-needed traction on the soccer ground and will help you get the MVP award.

There are different brands that offer different colors for cleats. You can go for something funky that will make you stand out in the pitch.

21. Calf Boots

DREAM PAIRS Women's BLVD Black Knee High Pull On Fall Weather Boots Wide Calf Size 9.5 M US

Calf boots may actually be the oldest style of footwear. Like, ever. The oldest image ever discovered of footwear dates to a cave painting in Spain that was created sometime between 12,000 and 15,000 B.C.E. This image shows a man and a woman wearing calf boots.


Boots have been found in Egyptian tombs. The ancient Persians depicted boots on their funerary jars. And according to the Greeks, the Scythians wore boots in 1000 B.C.E. These were simple boots that were lashed to the leg with a leather thong.

Footwear played a major role in ancient style. Boots often represented military and ruling power. Kings, generals and emperors wore ornate boots, while the lower class population usually wore no shoes at all, according to LoveToKnow.


Calf boots have never really gone out of style and there is ample evidence to suggest that they have pretty much always been worn by people since footwear began. They can be made in just about any style or heel height. Cowboy boot designs, Wellington boots and many other styles are all calf boot designs

Boots are not only classy but stylish as well. They portray a regal style that suits everyone. No matter what you are wearing (tailored trousers, a denim skirt or jeans), boots go with every look.

22. Barefoot Shoes

Vibram Men's KSO EVO Cross Training Shoe,Black,47 EU/12-12.5 M US

Mass-marketed barefoot shoes are a relatively new phenomenon. However, the concept of running barefoot is not. Many foot experts say that bare feet are already perfectly designed for all the running and walking humans need to do. Marathons and even Olympic medals have been won by barefoot runners. Barefoot shoes are also called toe shoes because of the articulated design.


Barefoot shoes are designed to be as lightweight as possible. They are not padded. Barefoot shoes come in a huge range of styles in both men’s and women’s designs. Walking barefoot isn’t always safe but you can get the same effect with these shoes.

The First Shoe in History

You’ll be surprised to find out that the oldest shoe in the world was actually just deerskin glued together with a stuffing of hay.

Ancient Footwear

There are other historical pieces of evidence that have brought out another type of shoe. These are known as bast shoes and are stitched from tree barks. Incredible, isn’t it? Bast shoes date back to the Neolithic period and were found to be worn by people from the Russian countryside.

The first prototype of modern sandals appeared during the time of the Egyptians. These sandals were made with raw leather and palm leaves. Although they looked extremely unrefined, the Egyptians were the true pioneers of modern-day shoes.

Moving into the Antiquity Age, the famous Grecian gladiator sandals remained the most famous footwear for the aristocrats. They were typically worn by Greek men when they walked and inspected the cities. Now they’re a trending shoe style for women.

Changing Times

The Middle Ages emerged with a new wave of footwear that was entirely different from their previous prototypes. They were pointed and richly dark in color.

Fast forward to the Renaissance and the funkiest shoes you’ve ever seen came into existence. Typically made in bright, vibrant colors like sparkling purple, lime green, light blue and lemon yellow, the shoes of the Renaissance era truly stood out.

Shoes have evolved from simply stitching together animal skin to more elaborate, refined and beautifully jeweled footwear. Let us now break into the modern world of footwear. With this definitive list, we will take a closer look at the different styles and types of shoes for women these days.

Shoe FAQ

Do you still have questions about footwear? Get the answers to some of the most common questions about footwear and satisfy all your burning curiosity about the most important part of your wardrobe.

What shoes should a man own?

It’s a common stereotype that women own a lot of shoes. Perhaps that’s because there are so many different types of footwear for women. However, there are tons of options in men’s shoes, too. So it’s not unusual to feel overwhelmed and for men to have trouble knowing which basic pairs of shoes they should even own. After all, how many dress shoes does a man need?

According to Esquire, men’s style magazine, an adult man should have a couple of pairs of sneakers, a pair of slide sandals, a comfortable pair of slippers, a pair of dress boots like chukkas, a pair of tough winter boots, a pair of work boots, a pair of oxfords and a comfortable loafer. You should have all your style bases covered with this!

What shoes should a woman own?

Do you have lots of pairs of shoes but never the right pair for what you want to wear? it’s an age-old adage that you can have a closet full of options and never find anything to wear. According to Harper’s Bazaar, women can rely on a few different shoe styles and be ready for every outfit and social occasion that life throws their way.

They suggest that every woman own a pair of black pumps, a pair of stylish flat sandals, a strappy heeled sandal, a pair of statement heels, a pair of sneakers, a pair of all-weather hiking boots, a pair of mules, a pair of loafers and a pair of knee-high boots.   Related article – high heels vs pumps.

What are shoe soles made from?

The first shoe soles were made from natural materials, such as leather and bark. In the modern era, there’s a much wider variety of materials available for shoe-making. Shoe and boot soles are most commonly made with rubber, polyurethane (PU), leather, thermoplastic rubber (TPR), plastic or fabric. Some soles are even made with straw or rope. 

What is the difference between a shoe and a boot?

The debate over whether a type of footwear is a shoe or a boot isn’t a new one. The root of the word shoe comes from the word for a metal plate that was put on a horse’s hoof. The root word for boot referred to a covering for the foot and lower leg. A distinction between the two words emerged as early as the 1400s, according to Etymology Online. 

The basic definition of a shoe is that it is not tall enough to cover the wearer’s ankle. A footwear design that covers the ankle is a boot. However, even within these parameters, there are some distinctions. High-top sneakers, for example, cover the ankle but are still considered to be shoes. Hiking shoes in the same style as high-top sneakers, however, might be called hiking boots. In some modern designs, the two words are used interchangeably.

What types of shoes do nurses wear?

There are no specific shoe styles that are “nurse shoes.” However, there are many types of shoes that are marketed to nurses, restaurant professionals and others who spend a lot of time working on their feet. Typically, nurses look for shoes that are slip-resistant, easy to clean, comfortable to wear and tough enough to protect feet from needles and other workplace hazards, according to

Nurses often wear sneakers, sandals, clogs, loafers and orthopedic shoes, among other styles, as long as they fit the main criteria of keeping feet comfortable and safe. 

Which types of shoes are best for dancing?

The type of dancing shoes you wear has everything to do with the type of dancing you’re going to perform, according to the Independent. If you’re going to be doing energetic hip hop dancing, pop and lock or any type of street dancing, sneakers are going to give you the support you need. 

If you’re doing ballroom dancing, including salsa, you don’t want rubber-soled shoes. Ballroom dancing shoes have soft suede soles that allow your feet to move and flex. Ballerina flats are a good choice for ballroom dancing. 

Some women wear high heels while ballroom dancing for the aesthetics. If you choose heels, choose a low heel height and choose a pair of comfortable, supportive heels that firmly fit your feet. 

Which type of shoes are most comfortable for working women?

It can be tough for women to find the right work shoes. Obviously, sneakers are always comfortable but they aren’t always appropriate for some work environments. 

When you need a shoe that looks professional but doesn’t kill your feet, try simple flats like Mary Janes, mules or clogs. A pair of loafers looks great anywhere. Low-heeled pumps are always a perfect professional look, too.

What is considered a dress shoe?

What’s considered to be a dress shoe differs on where you are in the world. In the U.S., a dress shoe is really any type of footwear that is not a sneaker or certain types of boots. Combat boots, hiking boots and work boots definitely aren’t dress shoes, but there are boot styles that are considered to be dressy enough for anything. Chukkas, for example, are perfectly fine as formal boots. 

In Europe, however, a dress shoe is a strictly formal shoe that would be suited to a black-tie event. A shiny oxford shoe, for example, would be acceptable, according to Fashion Beans.

What types of shoes should men wear in an office?

They say that shoes make the man. And in office environments, that’s true. You want to dress for success. So when you’re in an office environment, slip into a pair of loafers, oxford shoes, derby shoes, chukka boots or monk strap shoes. According to the Trend Spotter, these are all stylish, smart choices for office wear.

Which shoes pair well with any outfit?

Travel + Leisure recommends a simple ankle boot for anything you wear. A sleek ankle boot in brown or black will look great with dresses, skirts, blue jeans, shorts or a pantsuit. You can’t go wrong with a classic loafer, either. They can be casual or a little bit dressy, sensible and stylish all at the same time.

A pair of pretty flats in basic black can go anywhere and be worn with anything, from a sexy cocktail dress to a pair of khaki pants to some trendy skinny jeans

What are the highest quality shoes?

The cost of a shoe doesn’t necessarily reflect the quality of the shoe. Neither does the brand name. Even the highly expensive, well-known brand names can be poor-quality footwear. Remember that shoemaking is such an art form, it was once all done completely by hand. 

Pay attention to the quality of the materials used to make the shoe and the way the shoe is made. Look carefully at the specifications of the shoe and how it’s put together inside and out. Look for stitching around the sole, which can indicate how well the shoe is put together. Look at the sole of the sole and the uppers of the shoe. What are they made from? 

Look also at the features of the shoe. Are they waterproof? Insulated? Do they have arch support and insole padding? Look at all the little details and you’ll know whether you’re looking at something high quality and well made or something much poorer in quality, according to ShoePassion.

What are the most expensive shoes?

There are a great many expensive shoes in the world because some designers are so highly in-demand. The most expensive shoes ever bought, however, are all very specific shoes that have some special history. Among the most expensive shoes in the world are the actual ruby slippers from “The Wizard of Oz,” the Air Jordans that Michael Jordan himself wore while sick with the flu when he played an amazing game, some diamond-encrusted high heels made by famous designers for fun and fortune and a pair of stiletto high heels made with gold and diamonds that cost $17 million. 

The most expensive shoes that people can actually own, however, aren’t quite as famous as Dorothy’s ruby slippers but they still have a lot to offer.

The most expensive pair of shoes that have been produced more than once are probably the Testoni shoes. They retail for about $40,000, according to Money Inc. They’re made from alligator leather and have a gold and diamond buckle. These shoes are a lace-up oxford style and they definitely do look like money. 

The most expensive casual shoes in the world that were produced multiple times are probably the Nike Air Mag Back to the Future 2016 shoes. Yes, they are a replica of the shoes shown in “Back to the Future 2.” Nike made only 89 pairs and raffled them off for $10 a ticket in 2016. Their estimated worth now is $26,000 a pair. 

If you want something a little more affordable but still ridiculously expensive, turn your gaze to Aubery Diamond shoes. These gorgeous loafers are made for luxury and they’re available in multiple leather colors for a cool $4,500 per pair.

Which types of shoes are in style?

When you want to know which footwear types are in style right now, take a look around. See what actors are wearing on TV shows and talk shows. Get on social media sites like Instagram and search for shoes to see what people are posting. 

In menswear, white low-cut sneakers, chukka boots and loafers without socks are all current hot looks, according to Trend Spotter.

Harper’s Bazaar points to heeled loafers, tall over-the-knee boots and platforms as some of the biggest current shoe trends for women.

What is the most popular shoe?

So what’s the most popular shoe of all time? Moccasins have been worn the longest. Boots may have the most practical uses. High heels completely changed fashion for everyone. But when you get right down to it, one type of footwear is more epic, more iconic, more worn and certainly more purchased than any other: sneakers.

The humble sneaker is probably history’s most popular type of footwear to date. People from all walks of life own a pair of sneakers, from the world’s greatest billionaires to the starving artists who have given up money to focus on nature. 

They are worn by men, women and children of all ages and they are worn for every imaginable activity, from Olympic-worthy athletic training to casual grocery shopping. Sneakers are the most ubiquitous footwear out there, though other types of footwear have been worn for many, many more years. 

Jump To Shoe Type

Related: Men and Women Shoe Size Conversion Charts | High Heels vs Flats


  • Apparelsearch – Types of Shoes
  • Did You Know Fashion – The History of the Modern Tennis Shoe
  • Encyclopedia – Cowboy Boots
  • FootballHistory – The evolution of football shoes
  • Garage – A Brief, Surprisingly Limber History of Celebrities in Toe Shoes
  • Heddels – The Evolution of Hiking Boots
  • IAmExpat – A brief history of clogs a.k.a. Klompen
  • Hartford Courant – Using ‘Pump’ To Mean ‘Shoe’ Dates Back To 1500s
  • Let Magazine – Rocker-bottom footwear: effects on balance, gait
  • Oddee – 10 Weird Pairs of Shoes
  • Our Everyday Life – The Difference Between Snow Boots & Rain Boots
  • Russia Beyond – 9 cool facts that will make you dream of Russian winter boots
  • Shoe Guide – Anatomy of the Shoe
  • Shoe History Facts – Types of Shoes – Man’s and Women’s
  • Simon Fraser University – Appropriation (?) of the Month: One Design with Two Labels — Peshawari Chappal vs. Robert Sandal
  • Smithsonian Magazine – Such Great Heights: The Hidden Architecture of Elevator Shoes
  • Steve Madden – Glossary of Shoe Types, Materials, and Construction
  • Sticky Rice Travel – The Adidas Kampung
  • The Victoria and Albert Museum – A History of Shoes
  • Vocabulary – Types of Shoes and Boots
  • Vogue – Shoe syllabus: seven types of flats that you need in your shoe wardrobe
  • Zappos – The History of Running Shoes

Русско-английский глоссарий по теме «Одежда»

Русское слово English word Транскрипция
атлас satin [ ˈsætɪn ]
бархат velvet [ ˈvelvɪt ]
белый white [ waɪt ]
бельё underwear [ ˈʌndəweə ]
блузка blouse [ blaʊz ]
ботинок boot [ buːt ]
браслет bracelet [ ˈbreɪslɪt ]
брюки trousers [ ˈtraʊzəz ]
булавка pin [ pɪn ]
бумажник wallet [ ˈwɒlɪt ]
воротник collar [ ˈkɒlə ]
вуаль veil [ veɪl ]
галстук tie [ taɪ ]
голубой (light/pale) blue [ laɪt peɪl bluː ]
голый naked, bare, nude [ ˈneɪkɪd ] [ beə ] [ njuːd ]
грубый coarse, rough [ kɔːs ] rʌf ]
губная помада lipstick [ ˈlɪpstɪk ]
дамское бельё lingerie, women’s underwear [ ˈlænʒəriː ] [ ˈwɪmɪnz ˈʌndəweə ]
джинсы jeans [ dʒiːnz ]
длинный long [ ˈlɒŋ ]
духи perfume, scent [ pəˈfjuːm ] [ sent ]
жёлтый yellow [ ˈjeləʊ ]
жилет waistcoat [ ˈweɪskəʊt ]
завязывать / завязать to tie, to knot [ tə taɪ ] [ tə nɒt ]
застёгивать / застегнуть to fasten, to do up, to button (up) [ tə ˈfɑːsn̩ ] [ tə də ʌp ] [ tə ˈbʌtn̩ ʌp ]
зелёный green [ ɡriːn ]
золотистый gold (in colour), golden [ ɡəʊld ɪn ˈkʌlə ] [ ˈɡəʊldən ]
золотой gold, (made) of gold [ ɡəʊld ] [ ˈmeɪd əv ɡəʊld ]
зонтик umbrella [ ʌmˈbrelə ]
игла needle [ ˈniːdl̩ ]
изнашивать / износить to wear out [ tə weər aʊt ]
карман pocket [ ˈpɒkɪt ]
кожа leather [ ˈleðə ]
колготки tights [ taɪts ]
кольцо ring [ rɪŋ ]
коричневый brown [ braʊn ]
короткий short [ ʃɔːt ]
костюм suit [ suːt ]
кошелёк purse [ pɜːs ]
красить / покрасить to dye [ tə daɪ ]
красный red [ red ]
кроссовки trainers, running shoes [ ˈtreɪnəz ] [ ˈrʌnɪŋ ʃuːz ]
купальный костюм swimming/bathing costume, swimsuit [ ˈswɪmɪŋ ˈbeɪðɪŋ kɒstju:m ] [ ˈswɪmsuːt ]
куртка jacket [ ˈdʒækɪt ]
лифчик bra [ brɑː ]
майка (на бретельках) tank top, undershirt [ tæŋk tɒp ] [ ˈəndərˌʃərt ]
мех fur [ fɜː ]
модный fashionable, stylish [ ˈfæʃnəbl̩ ] [ ˈstaɪlɪʃ ]
мягкий soft [ sɒft ]
надевать / надеть to put on [ tə ˈpʊt ɒn ]
нейлон nylon [ ˈnaɪlɒn ]
нитка thread [ θred ]
носовой платок handkerchief [ ˈhæŋkətʃɪf ]
носок sock [ ˈsɒk ]
ночная сорочка nightdress, nightie [ ˈnaɪtdres ] [ ˈnaɪti ]
обувь footwear [ ˈfʊtweə ]
одеваться / одеться to dress (oneself), to get dressed [ tə dres wʌnˈself ] [ tə ˈɡet drest ]
одежда clothes, clothing [ kləʊðz ] [ ˈkləʊðɪŋ ]
оранжевый orange [ ˈɒrɪndʒ ]
очки glasses, spectacles [ ˈɡlɑːsɪz ] [ ˈspektəkl̩z ]
пальто (over)coat [ ˈəʊvə ˈkəʊt ]
переодеваться / переодеться to change (one’s clothes), to get changed [ tə tʃeɪndʒ wʌnz kləʊðz ] [ tə ˈɡet tʃeɪndʒd ]
перчатка glove [ ɡlʌv ]
пижама (pair of) pyjamas [ peər əv pəˈdʒɑːməz ]
плавки swimming trunks [ ˈswɪmɪŋ trʌŋks ]
платье (woman’s) dress [ ˈwʊmənz dres ]
плащ raincoat, waterproof (coat) [ ˈreɪnkəʊt ] [ ˈwɔːtəpruːf ˈkəʊt ]
подкладка lining [ ˈlaɪnɪŋ ]
портфель briefcase [ ˈbriːfkeɪs ]
просторный loose, ample [ luːs ] [ ˈæmpl̩ ]
пуговица button [ ˈbʌtn̩ ]
пуловер pullover [ ˈpʊləʊvə ]
пурпурный purple [ ˈpɜːpl̩ ]
пятно stain, mark, spot [ steɪn ] [ mɑːk ] [ spɒt ]
развязывать / развязать to untie, to undo [ tu ʌnˈtaɪ ][ tu ʌnˈduː ]
раздеваться / раздеться to undress (oneself), to get undressed [ tu ʌnˈdres wʌnˈself ] [ tə ˈɡet ʌnˈdrest ]
размер size, measurement(s) [ saɪz ] [ ˈmeʒəmənt ˈes ]
расстёгивать / расстегнуть to unfasten, to undo, to unbutton [ tu ʌnˈfɑːsn̩ ] [ tu ʌnˈduː ] [ tu ʌnˈbʌtn̩ ]
рвать to tear, to rip [ tə teə ] [ tə rɪp ]
ремень strap; belt [ stræp ] [ belt ]
розовый pink [ pɪŋk ]
рубашка shirt [ ʃɜːt ]
рукав sleeve [ sliːv ]
сандалия sandal [ ˈsændl̩ ]
серебристый silver (in colour), silvery [ ˈsɪlvər ɪn ˈkʌlə ] [ ˈsɪlvəri ]
серый grey [ ɡreɪ ]
серьга earring [ ˈɪərɪŋ ]
синий blue [ bluː ]
снимать / снять to take off [ tə teɪk ɒf ]
солнцезащитные очки sunglasses [ ˈsʌnɡlæsɪz ]
спица knitting needle [ ˈnɪtɪŋ ˈniːdl̩ ]
тесный tight [ taɪt ]
ткань fabric, cloth, material [ ˈfæbrɪk ] [ klɒθ ] [ məˈtɪərɪəl ]
трусы underpants; knickers [ ˈʌndəpænts ] [ ˈnɪkəz ]
туфля shoe; slipper [ ʃuː ] [ ˈslɪpə ]
фиолетовый violet [ ˈvaɪələt ]
футболка T-shirt/tee-shirt [ ˈtiː ʃɜːt ]
хлопок cotton [ ˈkɒtn̩ ]
хорошо сидеть to fit (well), to be a good fit [ tə fɪt wel ] [ tə bi ə ɡʊd fɪt ]
цвет colour [ ˈkʌlə ]
цепочка necklace, chain [ ˈnekləs ] tʃeɪn ]
чёрный black [ blæk ]
чинить / починить to mend, to repair [ tə mend ] [ tə rɪˈpeə ]
чулок stocking [ ˈstɒkɪŋ ]
шарф scarf [ skɑːf ]
швейная машина sewing machine [ ˈsəʊɪŋ məˈʃiːn ]
шёлк silk [ sɪlk ]
шерсть wool [ wʊl ]
шить/сшить to sew [ tə səʊ ]
шляпа hat [ hæt ]
шнурок (shoe)lace [ ʃuː leɪs ]
шорты shorts [ ʃɔːts ]
шуба fur coat [ fɜː ˈkəʊt ]
элегантный elegant [ ˈelɪɡənt ]
юбка skirt [ skɜːt ]
ювелирные изделия jewellery [ ˈdʒuːəlri ]

Англо-русский глоссарий по теме «Одежда»

English Word or Phrase Транскрипция Русское название
clothes [ kləʊðz ] одежда
women’s clothes [ ˈwɪmɪnz kləʊðz ] одежда для женщин
men’s clothes [ menz kləʊðz ] одежда для мужчин
children’s clothes [ ˈtʃɪldrənz kləʊðz ] одежда для детей
baby clothes [ ˈbeɪbi kləʊðz ] детская одежда
sports clothes [ spɔːts kləʊðz ] спортивная одежда
women’s clothing [ ˈwɪmɪnz ˈkləʊðɪŋ ] женская одежда
ladies’ clothing [ ˈleɪdɪz ˈkləʊðɪŋ ] дамская одежда
men’s clothing [ menz ˈkləʊðɪŋ ] мужская одежда
children’s clothing [ ˈtʃɪldrənz ˈkləʊðɪŋ ] детская одежда
sports clothing [ spɔːts ˈkləʊðɪŋ ] спортивная одежда
winter clothes [ ˈwɪntə kləʊðz ] зимняя одежда
winter clothing [ ˈwɪntə ˈkləʊðɪŋ ] зимние вещи
summer clothes [ ˈsʌmə kləʊðz ] летняя одежда
casual clothes [ ˈkæʒʊəl kləʊðz ] повседневная одежда
formal clothes [ ˈfɔːml̩ kləʊðz ] официальная одежда
expensive clothes [ ɪkˈspensɪv kləʊðz ] дорогая одежда
cheap clothes [ tʃiːp kləʊðz ] дешевая одежда
nice clothes [ naɪs kləʊðz ] красивая (нарядная) одежда
shabby clothes [ ˈʃæbi kləʊðz ] поношенная/потрепанная одежда
designer clothes [ dɪˈzaɪnə kləʊðz ] дизайнерская одежда
tailor-made clothes [ ˈteɪlə meɪd kləʊðz ] одежда, сшитая на заказ
handmade clothes [ hændˈmeɪd kləʊðz ] одежда ручной работы
ready-made clothes [ ˈredɪ meɪd kləʊðz ] готовая одежда (купленная в магазине)
work clothes [ ˈwɜːk kləʊðz ] рабочая одежда, спецодежда
working clothes [ ˈwɜːkɪŋ kləʊðz ] рабочая форма
uniform [ ˈjuːnɪfɔːm ] униформа, рабочая форма
protective clothing [ prəˈtektɪv ˈkləʊðɪŋ ] спецодежда, защитная одежда
footwear [ ˈfʊtweə ] обувь
headgear [ ˈhedɡɪə ] головной убор
underwear [ ˈʌndəweə ] нижнее белье
sportswear [ ˈspɔːtsweə ] спортивная одежда
swimwear [ ˈswɪmweə ] купальный костюм
sleepwear [ sˈliːˌpwer ] ночное белье
clothes [ kləʊðz ] одежда
clothing [ ˈkləʊðɪŋ ] одежда, платье
garments [ ˈɡɑːmənts ] одежда, одеяние
wear [ weə ] носка (одежды), одежда
dress [ dres ] платье
outfit [ ˈaʊtfɪt ] полный комплект одежды
attire [ əˈtaɪə ] одеяние, наряд
apparel [ əˈpærəl ] одежда, предмет одежды
fashion [ ˈfæʃn̩ ] мода
style [ staɪl ] стиль
vogue [ vəʊɡ ] мода
haute couture [ ˈhot kuˈtjʊə ] высокая мода

Outer garments [ ˈaʊtə ˈɡɑːmənts ] Верхняя одежда
warm coat [ wɔːm ˈkəʊt ] теплое пальто
fur coat [ fɜː ˈkəʊt ] шуба
sheepskin coat [ ˈʃiːpskɪn ˈkəʊt ] (пальто-)дубленка
storm coat [ stɔːm ˈkəʊt ] плащ на теплой подкладке
parka [ ˈpɑːkə ] парка (длинная куртка с капюшоном)
snowsuit [ ˈsnəʊ suːt ] детский зимний комбинезон
coat [ ˈkəʊt ] пальто
topcoat [ ˈtɒpkəʊt ] пальто
overcoat [ ˈəʊvəkəʊt ] пальто, шинель
trench coat [ trentʃ ˈkəʊt ] длинное непромокаемое пальто
raincoat [ ˈreɪnkəʊt ] плащ, дождевик
waterproof coat [ ˈwɔːtəpruːf ˈkəʊt ] водонепроницаемое пальто, дождевик
slicker [ ˈslɪkə ] непромокаемый плащ, макинтош
leather jacket [ ˈleðə ˈdʒækɪt ] кожаный жакет, кожанка
bomber jacket [ ˈbɒmə ˈdʒækɪt ] короткая куртка
car coat [ kɑː ˈkəʊt ] полупальто
windbreaker [ ˈwɪndbreɪkə ] ветровка
windcheater [ ˈwɪndtʃiːtə ] ветровка
sports jacket [ spɔːts ˈdʒækɪt ] спортивная куртка
Women’s clothes [ ˈwɪmɪnz kləʊðz ] Женская одежда
casual dress [ ˈkæʒʊəl dres ] повседневная одежда (платье)
formal dress [ ˈfɔːml̩ dres ] длинное вечернее платье
summer dress [ ˈsʌmə dres ] летнее платье
woolen dress [ ˈwʊlən dres ] шерстяное платье
cocktail dress [ ˈkɒkteɪl dres ] вечернее платье
low-cut dress [ ləʊ kʌt dres ] платье с глубоким вырезом
evening dress [ ˈiːvn̩ɪŋ dres ] вечернее платье
evening gown [ ˈiːvn̩ɪŋ ɡaʊn ] вечернее платье
business suit [ ˈbɪznəs suːt ] деловой костюм
pants suit (pant suit) [ pænts suːt ] [ pænt suːt ] женский брючный костюм
uniform [ ˈjuːnɪfɔːm ] (рабочая) форма
button-through dress [ ˈbʌtn̩ θruː dres ] платье-халат
pinafore dress [ ˈpɪnəfɔː dres ] сарафан
house dress [ ˈhaʊs dres ] домашнее платье
maternity wear [ məˈtɜːnɪti weə ] одежда для беременных
maternity dress [ məˈtɜːnɪti dres ] платье для беременных
sweater [ ˈswetə ] свитер
jersey [ ˈdʒɜːzi ] свитер, вязаная кофта
cardigan [ ˈkɑːdɪɡən ] кардиган
jacket [ ˈdʒækɪt ] куртка, пиджак
vest [ vest ] жилет
blouse [ blaʊz ] блузка
shirt [ ʃɜːt ] рубашка
tunic [ ˈtjuːnɪk ] туника, блузка или жакет (обычно с поясом)
T-shirt [ ˈtiː ʃɜːt ] футболка
tank top [ tæŋk tɒp ] вязаный жилет, майка на лямках (амер.)
halter top [ ˈhɔːltə tɒp ] короткий топ
skirt [ skɜːt ] юбка
miniskirt [ ˈmɪniskɜːt ] мини-юбка
long skirt [ ˈlɒŋ skɜːt ] длинная юбка
pleated skirt [ ˈpliːtɪd skɜːt ] плиссированная юбка
black skirt [ blæk skɜːt ] черная юбка
pants [ pænts ] брюки, трусы
slacks [ slæks ] широкие брюки (мужские или женские)
trousers [ ˈtraʊzəz ] брюки
jeans [ dʒiːnz ] джинсы
denims [ ˈdenɪmz ] джинсы
shorts [ ʃɔːts ] шорты
swimsuit [ ˈswɪmsuːt ] купальный костюм
swimming suit [ ˈswɪmɪŋ suːt ] купальный костюм
bathing suit [ ˈbeɪðɪŋ suːt ] купальный костюм
bikini [ bɪˈkiːni ] бикини
jumpsuit [ ˈdʒʌmpsuːt ] спортивный костюм
warm-up suit [ ˈwɔːˌməp suːt ] тренировочный костюм
training suit [ ˈtreɪnɪŋ suːt ] тренировочный (спортивный) костюм
Men’s clothes [ menz kləʊðz ] Мужская одежда
business suit [ ˈbɪznəs suːt ] деловой костюм
three-piece suit [ ˈθriː piːs suːt ] костюм «тройка»
tuxedo [ tʌkˈsiːdəʊ ] смокинг
tail coat [ teɪl ˈkəʊt ] фрак
tails [ teɪlz ] фрак
black tie [ blæk taɪ ] черный галстук-бабочка
white tie [ waɪt taɪ ] белый галстук-бабочка
trousers [ ˈtraʊzəz ] брюки
slacks [ slæks ] широкие брюки
jeans [ dʒiːnz ] джинсы
denims [ ˈdenɪmz ] джинсы
shorts [ ʃɔːts ] шорты
jacket [ ˈdʒækɪt ] пиджак, куртка
blazer [ ˈbleɪzə ] блейзер, спортивная куртка
vest [ vest ] жилет
sweater [ ˈswetə ] свитер
turtleneck sweater [ ˈtɜːtlnek ˈswetə ] водолазка
pullover [ ˈpʊləʊvə ] пуловер, свитер
jumper [ ˈdʒʌmpə ] джемпер, толстовка
sweatshirt [ ˈswetʃɜːt ] толстовка, тренировочная рубашка
shirt [ ʃɜːt ] рубашка
polo shirt [ ˈpəʊləʊ ʃɜːt ] рубашка-поло
T-shirt [ ˈtiː ʃɜːt ] футболка
tank top [ tæŋk tɒp ] вязаный жилет, майка на лямках (амер.)
warm-up suit [ ˈwɔːˌməp suːt ] тренировочный костюм
training suit [ ˈtreɪnɪŋ suːt ] спортивный (тренировочный) костюм
trunks [ trʌŋks ] трусы
bathing trunks [ ˈbɑːθɪŋ trʌŋks ] плавки
swimming trunks [ ˈswɪmɪŋ trʌŋks ] плавки
swim trunks [ swɪm trʌŋks ] плавки
swim briefs [ swɪm briːfs ] плавки
uniform [ ˈjuːnɪfɔːm ] рабочая форма
work clothes [ ˈwɜːk kləʊðz ] рабочая одежда
overalls [ ˈəʊvərɔːlz ] рабочие брюки, комбинезон
Underwear [ ˈʌndəweə ] Нижнее белье
hosiery [ ˈhəʊzɪəri ] трикотажное белье
sleepwear [ sˈliːˌpwer ] одежда для сна
robe [ rəʊb ] халат
underwear [ ˈʌndəweə ] нижнее белье
lingerie [ ˈlænʒəriː ] дамское белье
panties [ ˈpæntɪz ] трусики
bra [ brɑː ] бюстгальтер, лифчик
slip [ slɪp ] комбинация (белье)
half slip [ hɑːf slɪp ] нижняя юбка
briefs [ briːfs ] короткие трусы или подштанники
underpants [ ˈʌndəpænts ] кальсоны; трусы (мужские)
T-shirt [ ˈtiː ʃɜːt ] тенниска
undershirt [ ˈəndərˌʃərt ] майка
pantyhose [ ˈpæntiˌhoz ] колготки
tights [ taɪts ] колготки
leggings [ ˈleɡɪŋz ] леггинсы, лосины
stockings [ ˈstɒkɪŋz ] чулки
socks [ ˈsɒks ] носки
slouch socks [ slaʊtʃ ˈsɒks ] гольфы
knee-high socks [ niː ˈhaɪ ˈsɒks ] гольфы
pajamas (BrE: pyjamas) [ pəˈdʒɑːməz ] пижама
nightgown [ ˈnaɪtɡaʊn ] длинная ночная рубашка
sleepshirt [ ˈsliːpʃɜːt ] ночная рубашка
housecoat [ ˈhaʊskəʊt ] женский халат
robe [ rəʊb ] халат
bathrobe [ ˈbɑːθrəʊb ] купальный халат
terry-cloth robe [ ˈterɪklɒθ rəʊb ] махровый халат
Parts of clothes and their types [ pɑːts əv kləʊðz ənd ðeə taɪps ] Детали одежды и их виды
collar [ ˈkɒlə ] воротник
turtleneck collar [ ˈtɜːtlnek ˈkɒlə ] высокий, облегающий шею воротник
shawl collar [ ʃɔːl ˈkɒlə ] воротник-шаль
stand-up collar [ ˈstænd ʌp ˈkɒlə ] стоячий воротник
V-neck [ ˈviːnek ] вырез мысом, в форме буквы
crew neck [ kruː nek ] круглый вырез
collarless [ ˈkɒlələs ] без воротника
sleeve [ sliːv ] рукава
long sleeve [ ˈlɒŋ sliːv ] длинные рукава
short sleeve [ ʃɔːt sliːv ] короткие рукава
sleeveless [ ˈsliːvləs ] без рукавов
with long sleeves [ wɪð ˈlɒŋ sliːvz ] с длинными рукавами
with short sleeves [ wɪð ʃɔːt sliːvz ] с короткими рукавами
long-sleeved blouse [ ˈlɒŋsliːvd blaʊz ] блузка с длинными рукавами
short-sleeved dress [ ˈʃɔːtsliːvd dres ] платье с короткими рукавами
padded shoulders [ ˈpædɪd ˈʃəʊldəz ] плечики
cuffs [ kʌfs ] манжеты
pocket [ ˈpɒkɪt ] карман
front pocket [ frʌnt ˈpɒkɪt ] передний карман
back pocket [ ˈbæk ˈpɒkɪt ] задний карман
side pocket [ saɪd ˈpɒkɪt ] боковой карман
patch pocket [ pætʃ ˈpɒkɪt ] накладной карман
slash pocket [ slæʃ ˈpɒkɪt ] прорезной карман
inside pocket [ ɪnˈsaɪd ˈpɒkɪt ] внутренний карман
Fabric and material [ ˈfæbrɪk ənd məˈtɪərɪəl ] Ткань и материал
fabric [ ˈfæbrɪk ] ткань, материал
cloth [ klɒθ ] ткань, полотно
material [ məˈtɪərɪəl ] материал
textile [ ˈtekstaɪl ] текстиль, ткань
cotton [ ˈkɒtn̩ ] хлопок
linen [ ˈlɪnɪn ] лен
silk [ sɪlk ] шелк
wool [ wʊl ] шерсть
mohair [ ˈməʊheə ] мохер
velvet [ ˈvelvɪt ] бархат
corduroy [ ˈkɔːdəroɪ ] вельвет
denim [ ˈdenɪm ] джинсовая ткань
suede [ sweɪd ] замша
leather [ ˈleðə ] кожа
synthetics [ sɪnˈθetɪks ] синтетика
nylon [ ˈnaɪlɒn ] нейлон
polyester [ ˌpɒliˈestə ] полиэстер
lycra [ ˈlaɪkrə ] лайкра
spandex [ ˈspændəks ] спандекс
artificial fur [ ˌɑːtɪˈfɪʃl̩ fɜː ] искусственный мех
natural fur [ ˈnætʃrəl fɜː ] натуральный мех
mink [ mɪŋk ] норковый мех, норка
fox [ fɒks ] лисий мех
sable [ ˈseɪbl̩ ] соболий мех
chinchilla [ tʃɪnˈtʃɪlə ] шиншилловый мех
beaver [ ˈbiːvə ] бобровый мех
rabbit [ ˈræbɪt ] кроличий мех; кроличья шкурка
astrakhan [ ˌæstrəˈkæn ] каракулевая шкурка
sheepskin [ ˈʃiːpskɪn ] овчина
knitted garments [ ˈnɪtɪd ˈɡɑːmənts ] вязаная одежда
knitwear [ ˈnɪtweə ] вязаные вещи, трикотаж
knitted cap (socks, sweater, etc.) [ ˈnɪtɪd kæp ] [ ˈsɒks ] [ ˈswetə ] вязаная шапка (носки, свитер и т.д.)
embroidery [ ɪmˈbroɪdəri ] вышитое изделие
embroidered dress (blouse, shirt, etc.) [ ɪmˈbroɪdəd dres] [ blaʊz ] [ ʃɜːt ] вышитое плате (блузка, рубашка и т.д.)
Patterns and colors [ ˈpætn̩z ənd ˈkʌlərz ] Узоры и цвета
floral pattern [ ˈflɔːrəl ˈpætn̩ ] цветочный узор
floral print [ ˈflɔːrəl prɪnt ] набивная ткань с цветочным рисунком
flower pattern [ ˈflaʊə ˈpætn̩ ] цветочный узор
flower print [ ˈflaʊə prɪnt ] цветочный узор
paisley print [ ˈpeɪzli prɪnt ] узор «пейсли»
animal print [ ˈænɪml̩ prɪnt ] животный принт
bright print [ braɪt prɪnt ] яркий «принт», рисунок
all-over print [ ɔːl ˈəʊvə prɪnt ] «принт», рисунок на все изделие
print skirt [ prɪnt skɜːt ] узорчатая юбка
print shirt [ prɪnt ʃɜːt ] узорчатая рубашка
printed top [ ˈprɪntɪd tɒp ] узорчатый топ
printed sleeves [ ˈprɪntɪd sliːvz ] узорчатые рукава
striped [ straɪpt ] полосатый
checked [ tʃekt ] клетчатый
checkered [ ˈtʃekəd ] клетчатый, в клетку
plaid [ plæd ] клетчатый, в клетку
polka dot [ ˈpɒlkə dɒt ] узор в горошек
paisley [ ˈpeɪzli ] пейсли (разноцветный орнамент)
bright colors (BrE: colours) [ braɪt ˈkʌlərz ] [ ˈkʌləz ] яркие цвета
colorful [ ˈkələrfəl ] красочный
pastel colors [ ˈpæstl̩ ˈkʌlərz ] пастельные цвета
soft colors [ sɒft ˈkʌlərz ] мягкие (неяркие) цвета
light-blue [ laɪt bluː ] светло-голубой
dark-green [ dɑːk ɡriːn ] темно-зеленый
bright-red [ braɪt red ] ярко-красный
black-and-white [ blæk ənd waɪt ] черно-белый
black [ blæk ] черный
blue [ bluː ] голубой, синий
brown [ braʊn ] коричневый
gray (BrE: grey) [ ɡreɪ ] серый
green [ ɡriːn ] зеленый
navy [ ˈneɪvi ] темно-синий
orange [ ˈɒrɪndʒ ] оранжевый
pink [ pɪŋk ] розовый
purple [ ˈpɜːpl̩ ] сиреневый
red [ red ] красный
violet [ ˈvaɪələt ] фиолетовый
white [ waɪt ] белый
yellow [ ˈjeləʊ ] желтый
Accessories [ əkˈsesəriz ] Аксессуары
bag [ bæɡ ] сумка
handbag [ ˈhændbæɡ ] дамская сумочка
purse [ pɜːs ] кошелек
clutch [ klʌtʃ ] клатч, ридикюль
briefcase [ ˈbriːfkeɪs ] портфель
attache case [ əˈtæʃeɪ keɪs ] дипломат
wallet [ ˈwɒlɪt ] бумажник, портмоне
pocketbook [ ˈpɒkɪtbʊk ] кошелек, бумажник
billfold [ ˈbɪlfəʊld ] (небольшой) бумажник
purse [ pɜːs ] кошелек (для монет)
coin purse [ kɔɪn pɜːs ] кошелек (для монет)
make-up kit [ ˈmeɪkʌp kɪt ] косметичка
cosmetic case [ kɒzˈmetɪk keɪs ] косметичка
shaving kit [ ˈʃeɪvɪŋ kɪt ] набор для бритья
travel kit [ ˈtrævl̩ kɪt ] дорожный набор
travel bag [ ˈtrævl̩ bæɡ ] (дорожный) несессер
duffel bag [ ˈdʌfl̩ bæɡ ] вещевой мешок
sports bag [ spɔːts bæɡ ] спортивная сумка
backpack [ ˈbækpæk ] рюкзак (туристический)
rucksack [ ˈrʌksæk ] рюкзак (школьный)
tote bag [ təʊt bæɡ ] большая сумка
hand luggage [ hænd ˈlʌɡɪdʒ ] ручная кладь
hand baggage [ hænd ˈbæɡɪdʒ ] ручная кладь
cabin bag [ ˈkæbɪn bæɡ ] ручная кладь
carry-on bag [ ˈkæri ɒn bæɡ ] ручная кладь, ручной багаж
flight bag [ flaɪt bæɡ ] сумка или чемодан для авиапутешествий
suitcase [ ˈsuːtkeɪs ] небольшой чемодан
garment bag [ ˈɡɑːmənt bæɡ ] складной саквояж
Pullman bag [ ˈpʊlmən bæɡ ] спальный мешок
trunk [ trʌŋk ] дорожный сундук, кофр, чемодан
belt [ belt ] пояс, ремень
suspenders [ səˈspendəz ] подтяжки
straps [ stræps ] накладки
umbrella [ ʌmˈbrelə ] зонт
button [ ˈbʌtn̩ ] пуговица
zipper [ ˈzɪpə ] застежка-молния
buckle [ ˈbʌkl̩ ] пряжка
clasp [ klɑːsp ] пряжка, запор, застежка
Velcro [ ˈvelkrəʊ ] застежка «липучка»
hat [ hæt ] шляпа, головной убор
fur hat [ fɜː hæt ] меховая шапка
beret [ ˈbereɪ ] берет
cap [ kæp ] кепка
baseball cap [ ˈbeɪsbɔːl kæp ] бейсболка
hood [ hʊd ] капюшон
headband [ ˈhedbænd ] головная повязка (как украшение)
helmet [ ˈhelmɪt ] защитный головной убор каска, шлем
scarf [ skɑːf ] шарф
kerchief [ ˈkɜːtʃɪf ] косынка
silk scarf [ sɪlk skɑːf ] шелковый шарф
woolen scarf [ ˈwʊlən skɑːf ] шерстяной шкаф
knitted scarf [ ˈnɪtɪd skɑːf ] вязаный шарф
muffler [ ˈmʌflə ] кашне
shawl [ ʃɔːl ] платок, шаль
gloves [ ɡlʌvz ] перчатки
mittens [ ˈmɪtn̩z ] рукавицы
earmuffs [ ˈɪrˌməfs ] наушники для защиты от холода или шума
handkerchief [ ˈhæŋkətʃɪf ] носовой платок, косынка
sunglasses [ ˈsʌnɡlæsɪz ] солнцезащитные очки
glasses [ ˈɡlɑːsɪz ] очки
contact lenses [ ˈkɒntækt ˈlenzɪz ] контактные линзы
necktie [ ˈnektaɪ ] галстук, шейный платок
tie [ taɪ ] галстук
silk tie [ sɪlk taɪ ] шелковый галстук
bow tie [ baʊ taɪ ] галстук-бабочка
Shoes [ ʃuːz ] Обувь
winter boots [ ˈwɪntə buːts ] зимние сапоги
ladies’ boots [ ˈleɪdɪz buːts ] женские сапоги
hiking boots [ ˈhaɪkɪŋ buːts ] треккинговые ботинки
rubber boots [ ˈrʌbə buːts ] резиновые сапоги
walking shoes [ ˈwɔːkɪŋ ʃuːz ] обувь для ходьбы (на низком каблуке)
Oxfords [ ˈɑːksfərdz ] полуботинки
loafers [ ˈləʊfəz ] легкие кожаные туфли типа мокасин
moccasin [ ˈmɒkəsɪn ] мокасины
pumps [ pʌmps ] туфли-лодочки (на высоком каблуке)
evening shoes [ ˈiːvn̩ɪŋ ʃuːz ] вечерние туфли
patent leather shoes [ ˈpeɪtnt ˈleðə ʃuːz ] лакированные туфли
suede shoes [ sweɪd ʃuːz ] замшевые туфли
high-heel shoes [ haɪ hiːl ʃuːz ] туфли на высоком каблуке
low-heel shoes [ ləʊ hiːl ʃuːz ] туфли на низком каблуке
flat-heel shoes [ flæt hiːl ʃuːz ] туфли на сплошной подошве
sandals [ ˈsændl̩z ] сандалии, босоножки
open-toe shoes [ ˈəʊpən təʊ ʃuːz ] туфли с открытым носом
slippers [ ˈslɪpəz ] тапочки
mules [ mjuːlz ] шлепанцы
rubber thongs [ ˈrʌbə θɒŋz ] резиновые сланцы
tennis shoes [ ˈtenɪs ʃuːz ] теннисные туфли
running shoes [ ˈrʌnɪŋ ʃuːz ] кроссовки
sneakers [ ˈsniːkəz ] кроссовки
training shoes [ ˈtreɪnɪŋ ʃuːz ] кроссовки
trainers [ ˈtreɪnəz ] кроссовки
athletic shoes [ æθˈletɪk ʃuːz ] кроссовки
sole [ səʊl ] подошва
insole [ ˈɪnsəʊl ] стелька
lining [ ˈlaɪnɪŋ ] подкладка
cushioning [ ˈkʊʃn̩ɪŋ ] мягкая стелька
heel [ hiːl ] каблук
tongue [ tʌŋ ] язычок (на обуви)
buckle [ ˈbʌkl̩ ] пряжка
shoe laces [ ʃuː ˈleɪsɪz ] шнурки
Jewelry [ ˈdʒuːəlri ] Ювелирные изделия
gold ring [ ɡəʊld rɪŋ ] золотое кольцо
diamond ring [ ˈdaɪəmənd rɪŋ ] кольцо с бриллиантом
engagement ring [ ɪnˈɡeɪdʒmənt rɪŋ ] кольцо, подаренное в честь помолвки
wedding ring [ ˈwedɪŋ rɪŋ ] обручальное кольцо
necklace [ ˈnekləs ] ожерелье
bracelet [ ˈbreɪslɪt ] браслет
brooch [ brəʊtʃ ] брошь
earrings [ ˈɪərɪŋz ] серьги
chain [ tʃeɪn ] цепочка
pendant [ ˈpendənt ] подвеска
charms [ tʃɑːmz ] амулет, брелок
cuff links [ kʌf lɪŋks ] запонки
tie tack [ taɪ tæk ] зажим для галстука
tie pin [ taɪ pɪn ] булавка для галстука
watch [ wɒtʃ ] часы
wristwatch [ ˈrɪstwɒtʃ ] наручные часы
jewelry (BrE: jewellery) [ ˈdʒuːəlri ] драгоценности
precious stone [ ˈpreʃəs stəʊn ] драгоценный камень
semiprecious stone [ ˌsemiˈpreʃəs stəʊn ] полудрагоценный камень, самоцвет
jewel [ ˈdʒuːəl ] драгоценный камень
gem [ dʒem ] драгоценный камень, самоцвет
gemstone [ dʒem ] драгоценный камень
diamond [ ˈdaɪəmənd ] алмаз, бриллиант
ruby [ ˈruːbi ] рубин
sapphire [ ˈsæfaɪə ] сапфир
emerald [ ˈemərəld ] изумруд
alexandrite [ ˌæleɡˈzændraɪt ] александрит
opal [ ˈəʊpl̩ ] опал
topaz [ ˈtəʊpæz ] топаз
pearl [ pɜːl ] жемчуг
Articles of clothing [ ˈɑːtɪkl̩z əv ˈkləʊðɪŋ ] Предметы одежды
a piece of clothing [ ə piːs əv ˈkləʊðɪŋ ] предмет одежды
an article of clothing [ ən ˈɑːtɪkl̩ əv ˈkləʊðɪŋ ] предмет одежды
an item of clothing [ ən ˈaɪtəm əv ˈkləʊðɪŋ ] предмет одежды
several articles / items / pieces of clothing [ ˈsevrəl ˈɑːtɪkl̩z ] [ ˈaɪtəmz ] [ ˈpiːsɪz əv ˈkləʊðɪŋ ] различные предметы одежды
a set of clothes [ ə set əv kləʊðz ] комплект одежды
a change of clothes [ ə tʃeɪndʒ əv kləʊðz ] смена белья
a pair of trousers [ ə peər əv ˈtraʊzəz ] пара брюк
a pair of jeans [ ə peər əv dʒiːnz ] пара джинсов
a pair of pants [ ə peər əv pænts ] пара трусов
a pair of shorts [ ə peər əv ʃɔːts ] пара шорт
a pair of gloves [ ə peər əv ɡlʌvz ] пара перчаток
a pair of mittens [ ə peər əv ˈmɪtn̩z ] пара рукавиц
a pair of socks [ ə peər əv ˈsɒks ] пара носков
a pair of shoes [ ə peər əv ʃuːz ] пара обуви
a pair of boots [ ə peər əv buːts ] пара сапог
a pair of slippers [ ə peər əv ˈslɪpəz ] пара тапочек
Verbs [ vɜːbz ] Глаголы
to wear [ tə weə ] носить
to put on [ tə ˈpʊt ɒn ] надевать
to take off [ tə teɪk ɒf ] снимать
to dress [ tə dres ] одевать(ся), наряжать(ся)
to undress [ tu ʌnˈdres ] раздевать(ся)
to be dressed in a new suit [ tə bi drest ɪn ə njuː suːt ] быть одетым в новый костюм
to button [ tə ˈbʌtn̩ ] пришивать пуговицу, застегиваться
to unbutton [ tu ʌnˈbʌtn̩ ] расстегиваться
to zip [ tə zɪp ] застегивать (на молнию)
to unzip [ tu ˌʌnˈzɪp ] расстегивать
to tie [ tə taɪ ] завязывать
to untie [ tu ʌnˈtaɪ ] развязывать
to lace [ tə leɪs ] шнуровать, зашнуровывать
to unlace [ tu ʌnˈleɪs ] расшнуровывать
to buckle [ tə ˈbʌkl̩ ] застегивать пряжку
to unbuckle [ tu ˌʌnˈbʌkl̩ ] расстегивать пряжку, застежку

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