Shitted is not a word

  • #1

Hello, again! I have also found the word «shat», but don’t know if it’s a typing mistake or an euphemism for another word meaning «soil your pants». It’s used in the frase «I very nearly shat myself», said by someone who has a knife at his throar, when de knife is withdrawn. Thank you again for your attention.

  • Gordonedi

    • #2

    The word «shat» is sometimes used as the past tense of the verb «shit».


    • #3

    In AE «I just about shit myself» is the gold standard of scatalogical expressions in the past tense. Shat is a variant a lot of people use in a mock-formal tone, to be funny. I think in general it is a pretty funny word.

    «Who shat the bed?» At the very least it calls attention to itself.

    Oh by the way, it is the original correct past-tense form. I think in AE we use shit by analogy with hit and bit and fit. But it’s really in the same class with sit/sat.

    • #4

    In AE «I just about shit myself» is the gold standard of scatalogical expressions in the past tense. Shat is a variant a lot of people use in a mock-formal tone, to be funny. I think in general it is a pretty funny word.

    «Who shat the bed?» At the very least it calls attention to itself.

    Oh by the way, it is the original correct past-tense form. I think in AE we use shit by analogy with hit and bit and fit. But it’s really in the same class with sit/sat.

    I have a feeling that a lot of people use ‘shat’ so they don’t feel they’ve really used a form of ‘shit’.


    • #6

    Sharted is another way of saying — I did shit.
    But it is not proper grammar, it is just something you may hear.

    • #7

    Sharted is another way of saying — I did shit.
    But it is not proper grammar, it is just something you may hear.

    Are you talking about American Englsih? I’m not familiar with this term, but I learn something new here every day.


    • #8

    Sharted is another way of saying — I did shit.
    But it is not proper grammar, it is just something you may hear.

    Actually, I honestly think this word was introduced in what some might consider a funny scene in a recent film. The character says that he «sharted». The other character asks what that means. He says, «You know.. it’s when you let loose with a fart but more comes out…» Ugh. According to Google, the film is «Along Came Polly.»

    If anyone can provide a reference to the word prior to this movie’s release, I’d be surprised.

    • #9

    Hi, everyone. Have I missed something? My Collins says «shitted», «shit», or «shat». I don’t find it odd at all. Let’s see if other Brits support me.

    • #10

    Actually, I honestly think this word was introduced in what some might consider a funny scene in a recent film. The character says that he «sharted». The other character asks what that means. He says, «You know.. it’s when you let loose with a fart but more comes out…» Ugh. According to Google, the film is «Along Came Polly.»

    If anyone can provide a reference to the word prior to this movie’s release, I’d be surprised.

    It seems to me that sharted is a combination of the two words you mentioned. I don’t think it’s the past tense of the original verb. (Sorry if I’m a little vague, :eek: but you can read between the lines, right?;) )

    • #11

    Us English speakers have made the word shat our past tense of shit!!

    I shat myself means I was very very scared!

    I shit myself (present), I shat myself!!! (past)


    • #12

    Actually, I honestly think this word was introduced in what some might consider a funny scene in a recent film. The character says that he «sharted». The other character asks what that means. He says, «You know.. it’s when you let loose with a fart but more comes out…» Ugh. According to Google, the film is «Along Came Polly.»

    If anyone can provide a reference to the word prior to this movie’s release, I’d be surprised.

    I do hope that you have an appropriate expression of wide-eyed wonder.
    The word has been around and well used since I was a baby filling my nappies.


    • #13

    I couldn’t agree with you more

    except that when I was a baby such an expression was never used by the middle class. It was considered extremely offensive. Nowadays you can say practically anything, which reminds me of an incident at the BBC in the 50s when a comedian, whose name I can’t recall at this moment, closed his show with the following rhyme and was banned from broadcasting for ten years:

    When roses are red, they are ready for plucking.
    When girls are sixteen, they are ready for .. good night, everyone.

    He never even voiced the missing word!

    • #14

    I couldn’t agree with you more

    except that when I was a baby such an expression was never used by the middle class. It was considered extremely offensive. Nowadays you can say practically anything, which reminds me of an incident at the BBC in the 50s when a comedian, whose name I can’t recall at this moment, closed his show with the following rhyme and was banned from broadcasting for ten years:

    When roses are red, they are ready for plucking.
    When girls are sixteen, they are ready for .. good night, everyone.

    He never even voiced the missing word!

    You are quite right. Shat sits very comfortably in my Collins Dictionary and in my opinion is a word that is clear and consise in usage and meaning.
    Offence is in the ear of the listener.
    We had a very funny bloke banned from television for imitating a crow call.



    • #15

    It seems to me that sharted is a combination of the two words you mentioned. I don’t think it’s the past tense of the original verb. (Sorry if I’m a little vague, :eek: but you can read between the lines, right?;) )

    Allow me to clarify that if it seemed a little vague. Shart = sh*t + Fart.
    Perhaps neither one but a bit of both.



    • #16

    Shat is a live and well in Australia.

    I’m sure that I would be shat upon from a great height if I used it in a formal essay.

    • #17

    Allow me to clarify that if it seemed a little vague. Shart = sh*t + Fart.
    Perhaps neither one but a bit of both.


    Yes, you said exactly what I meant!;)


    • #18

    Yes, you said exactly what I meant!;)

    I realise ;-). I just said it out loud for two reasons;
    i) SO that it would be crystal clear to everyone,
    ii) So that you wouldn’t have to… go into more detail about such a crude and unlady-like idea.


    • #19

    I realise ;-). I just said it out loud for two reasons;
    i) SO that it would be crystal clear to everyone,
    ii) So that you wouldn’t have to… go into more detail about such a crude and unlady-like idea.


    Thanks, I appreciate it! ;)

    • #20

    Sharted is another way of saying — I did shit.
    But it is not proper grammar, it is just something you may hear.

    What is that like?

    A mix of shit and fart…?

    • #21

    Shat isn’t just shit + fart..

    It, plainly, is the acting of having a shit, completed, done all over with.

    «Who shat the bed?»
    «… and she shat her pants»

    etc… I also know people who would say…

    «I got so drunk last night, I drank shat loads»..
    It’s very common in NW of England to hear «shit loads» to mean «a lot», it is extremely common, and some people who don’t understand grammar would say, because it is in the past, they’d use «shat loads» as an adjective.

    • #22

    Sharted is another way of saying — I did shit.
    But it is not proper grammar, it is just something you may hear.

    If I heard sharted, I truly wouldn’t know what they were talking about.

    • #23

    Sharted is something that I’ve also never heard before. If I had heard it in context I wouldn’t think about it being a variation of shat, though.

    • #24

    I didn’t mean the word shat alone, but sharted, which i have never come across, but sounds logical and funny.

    • #25

    I think «shatted» (not in the tired sense) is funnier:p

    • #26

    Thank you very much, everybody! You’ve been very helpfull and I have learned much more than I was hoping for.


    • #27

    I know this is silly, but I just read a thread where someone used the word «Shat.» It made me curious if this is a commonly used word in Europe. I know I never use it and personally it makes me giggle (little girl at heart;) ).

    But it seems that I’ve always used the word Shit for all tenses, of course excepting for the gerund.

    For example:]

    Oh No!! The dog shit on the floor!!
    I hope the dog doesn’t shit on the floor while we’re gone.

    • #28


    I personally think shit/shat are interchangeable for past tense of defecate. In UK, you hear «shat» more often tho


    • #29

    Using «shat» is just a way of making the expression a little more «palatable» (read: less offensive).

    • #30


    I personally think shit/shat are interchangeable for past tense of defecate. In UK, you hear «shat» more often tho


    Interesting — I don’t know anyone here in the U.S. that would say «shat». To me «shat» sounds archaic or pseudo-sophisticated and would be used humorously.

    • #31

    In British English, we use «shat» as the past simple and past participle of the verb «to shit» hehe.

    For example, we could use the pleasant term «to shit oneself» which means «to be scared (shitless)»:

    She shits herself every time the boss calls her into his office.
    I am shitting myself! The boss has just called me into his office.
    I shat myself when the boss said he wanted to see me.
    He has shat himself many times at work …

    It can also have a literal meaning but I would rather not go down that path :p


    • #32

    «Shat» is an acceptable past tense according to Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary. In the US it’s more commonly heard in the Northeast than elsewhere, but it is used sometimes. It’s pretty hard to be sophisticated, pseudo or not, with that word! :D

    And «shitted» is not a word. The past tense is either «shit» or «shat.»


    • #33

    It would have been useful to search this forum before asking, again, about shat. Relevant threads have now been merged.


    • #34

    Hello, again! I have also found the word «shat», but don’t know if it’s a typing mistake or an euphemism for another word meaning «soil your pants». It’s used in the


    phrase «I very nearly shat myself», said by someone who has a knife at his throar, when de knife is withdrawn. Thank you again for your attention.

    I expect you know that this is an expression that is not acceptable in many places — use with great caution. OK in a pub full of men (probably) — not in a drawing-room!

    • #36

    The first entry the OED has for «shat» is from 1929. But it has a little more to say on the matter:

    The past tense and past participle form shat (not attested before the 19th cent.) probably arose from present tense shit , by analogy with sit , sat

    So it would seem that «shat» is a 19th-century invention, at least according to the OED’s lexicologists.

    Do you have an example from Shakespeare, Stanley? That would be interesting! Also, welcome to the forum.


    • #37

    Last edited: Feb 17, 2021

    • #38

    As you can imagine, this triple-threat of tidings has caused the bed of some commentators to be completely shat.

    I don’t understand what ‘shat’ means in that sentence (is it an abbreviation of ‘shattered’?). ‘Shat’ as the past tense of ‘shit’ is quite common in this part of the world.


    • #39

    Shat is alive and well in the UK.

    Ms. Hyde is using the word in what seems to me an unusual and self-conscious manner, which suggests that she doesn’t ordinarily use it. What she’s saying is that those three pieces of news have caused commentators to shit their beds. I’m not sure why they would do that, or why she would think that* :confused:

    * I can’t be bothered to read the article.


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    • Английский (американский вариант)

    Shit noun — feces or
    a worthless person

    Shit verb — expel feces from the body or trying to tease or deceive (someone)
    «I shit you not»

    Shit exclamation — an exclamation of disgust, anger, or annoyance

    Shat — past tense of shit
    Shat is not a word generally used by Americans.

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    В чем разница между shit - shat - shat и shit - shit - shit и shit - shitted - shitted ?

    • В чем разница между piece of shit и sack of shit ?


      No difference. Both very offensive, so be careful how you use them.

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      Bunch of nonsense/bullshit things

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    {Two guys at a local ice hockey rink}

    (Guy 1): Where’s Donald?

    (Guy 2): He called me on his cell a little while ago. Said that he douched out on the ice on the way here and shat himself, and that he had to run home and change his pants because he didn’t want to smell like shit.

    {From a phoney-bologna Christmas song I came up with in late-2011}

    …Then how the reindeer hated him,

    As they shat themselves with fear (again!)

    Rudolph the fucking reindeer,

    Have a real fucked-up new year!!!

    Get the shat mug.

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  • 1


    intransitive verb

    , tt-, shitted or shit or shat scheißen



    tt-, shitted or shit or shat sich (


    ) in die Hose[n] scheißen





    have — or

    2) Scheißkerl, der; Scheiß, der

    I don’t give a shit [about it] — das ist mir scheißegal

    be up shit creek [without a paddle] — bis zum Hals in der Scheiße stecken

    * * *


    die Scheiße



    * * *



    I. n

    dog shit Hundescheiße f derb, Hundekacke f fam

    a load of shit ein einziger Mist derb, ein Haufen m Scheiße derb

    Nicky gets a lot of shit from his parents Nicky muss sich von seinen Eltern ganz schön was anhören fam

    Jackie doesn’t take any shit from anyone Jackie lässt sich von niemandem was gefallen fam

    he doesn’t know shit about what’s going on er hat keinen blassen Schimmer, was los ist fam

    quit doing that shit hör auf, so einen Quatsch zu machen fam

    little shit kleines Arschloch


    to beat [or kick] [or knock] the shit out of sb jdn zu Hackfleisch machen derb, jdm die Eier polieren derb

    big shit! scheißegal! derb

    to be up shit[s] creek [without a paddle] [tief] in der Scheiße stecken derb

    eat shit! AM leck mich am Arsch! derb

    go eat shit! verpiss dich! derb

    [the] shit flies [or hits the fan] es gibt Ärger

    if Dad finds out how much money you’ve spent, the shit will really hit the fan wenn Papa rausfindet, wie viel Geld du ausgegeben hast, dann kannst du dich auf was gefasst machen fam

    to frighten [or scare] the shit out of sb jdn zu Tode erschrecken

    to get one’s shit together esp AM (fam!) besser werden, sich akk zusammenreißen

    to give sb the shits AUS jdn ärgern

    to not give a shit about sth/sb sich akk einen Dreck um etw/jdn scheren derb

    I couldn’t give a shit [about] what happens to her now es ist mir scheißegal, was jetzt mit ihr passiert derb

    to have shit for brains nur Stroh im Kopf haben fam

    to have one’s shit together esp AM ( approv) etw zustande bringen

    no shit! tatsächlich? a. iron

    to shoot the shit AM plaudern

    III. vi

    to need to shit dringend müssen fam

    to shit on sb esp AM ( fig sl) jdn wie Dreck behandeln fam

    IV. vt

    to shit bricks [or a brick] zu Tode erschrocken sein, sich dat vor Angst in die Hosen machen fam

    to shit oneself sich dat in die Hosen machen fam

    to shit sb jdn verarschen derb

    to be shit out of luck (fam!) ein Scheißpech haben derb

    * * *

    I [ʃɪt]






    shat (sl)

    to have/take a shit — scheißen

    that film/idea/singer is shit — dieser Film/diese Idee/dieser Sänger ist Scheiße




    , Muffensausen

    to have/get the shits — Schiss or Muffensausen haben/kriegen


    Scheiß- , beschissen





    * * *

    A s

    1. vulg Scheiße f (Kloake):

    if …, then the shit will (really) hit the fan fig wenn …, dann ist die Kacke am Dampfen

    2. vulg Scheißen n:

    have (go for) a shit scheißen (gehen);

    3. the shits pl auch als sg konstruiert) vulg die Scheißerei, Dünnschiss m (Durchfall):

    4. fig sl Scheiße f:

    shit! Scheiße!;

    5. fig sl Scheiß m (Unsinn):

    6. fig sl pej Arschloch n:

    you big shit! du blöde Sau!

    7. sl Shit n (Haschisch)

    B v/i prät und pperf shit, shitted, shat [ʃæt] vulg scheißen:

    a) auf jemanden, etwas scheißen,

    b) jemanden an-, zusammenscheißen,

    (either) shit or get off the pot! fig entweder — oder!

    C v/t vulg vollscheißen, scheißen in (akk):

    shit o.s.

    a) sich vollscheißen,

    b) fig sich vor Angst in die Hose(


    ) scheißen;»>brick A 1

    * * *


    intransitive verb

    , tt-, shitted or shit or shat scheißen



    tt-, shitted or shit or shat sich (


    ) in die Hose[n] scheißen





    have — or

    2) Scheißkerl, der; Scheiß, der

    I don’t give a shit [about it] — das ist mir scheißegal

    be up shit creek [without a paddle] — bis zum Hals in der Scheiße stecken

    * * *


    scheißen v.

    English-german dictionary > shit

  • 2


    (fam!) n

    dog shit Hundescheiße f ( derb), Hundekacke f ( fam)

    a load of shit ein einziger Mist ( derb), ein Haufen m Scheiße ( derb)

    Nicky gets a lot of shit from his parents Nicky muss sich von seinen Eltern ganz schön was anhören ( fam)

    Jackie doesn’t take any shit from anyone Jackie lässt sich von niemandem was gefallen ( fam)

    he doesn’t know shit about what’s going on er hat keinen blassen Schimmer, was los ist ( fam)

    quit doing that shit hör auf, so einen Quatsch zu machen ( fam)

    little shit kleines Arschloch


    to have shit for brains nur Stroh im Kopf haben ( fam)

    to be up shit[s] creek [without a paddle] [tief] in der Scheiße stecken ( derb)

    big shit! scheißegal! ( derb)

    to get one’s shit together ( esp Am) (fam!) besser werden, sich akk zusammenreißen;

    to have one’s shit together ( esp Am) ( approv) etw zustande bringen;

    to beat [or kick] [or knock] the shit out of sb jdn zu Hackfleisch machen ( derb), jdm die Eier polieren ( derb)

    eat shit! (Am) leck mich am Arsch! ( derb)

    go eat shit! verpiss dich! ( derb)

    [the] shit flies [or hits the fan] es gibt Ärger;

    if Dad finds out how much money you’ve spent, the shit will really hit the fan wenn Papa rausfindet, wie viel Geld du ausgegeben hast, dann kannst du dich auf was gefasst machen ( fam)

    to frighten [or scare] the shit out of sb jdn zu Tode erschrecken;

    to give sb the shits ( Aus) jdn ärgern;

    to not give a shit about sth/sb sich akk einen Dreck um etw/jdn scheren ( derb)

    I couldn’t give a shit [about] what happens to her now es ist mir scheißegal, was jetzt mit ihr passiert ( derb)

    to shoot the shit (Am) plaudern;

    no shit! tatsächlich? (a. iron) interj Scheiße ( derb) vi <-tt-, shit or shitted or (Brit a.) shat, shit> or shitted or (Brit a.) shat> scheißen ( derb)

    to need to shit dringend müssen ( fam)

    to shit on sb ( esp Am) ( fig) (sl) jdn wie Dreck behandeln ( fam) vt <-tt-, shit> or shitted or (Brit a.) shat> , shit> or shitted or (Brit a.) shat>

    to shit bricks [or a brick] zu Tode erschrocken sein, sich dat vor Angst in die Hosen machen ( fam)

    to shit oneself sich dat in die Hosen machen ( fam)

    to shit sb jdn verarschen ( derb) adv

    to be shit out of luck (fam!) ein Scheißpech haben ( derb)

    English-German students dictionary > shit

  • 3


    skitt, dritt, lort


    skite, drite








    /ʃɪt/ eller shite

    1) (vulgært, hverdagslig, også overført) dritt, skitt, lort

    I don’t give a shit!

    2) skittprat, sludder, tull

    3) ( slang) narkotika (især marihuana og hasj)

    not know/tell shit from Shinola (amer.) ikke ha peiling, ikke vite hva som er hva, ikke kunne se forskjellen på skitt og kanel

    he really doesn’t know shit from Shinola, but nobody seems to give a damn

    han har virkelig ikke peiling, men alle ser ut til å gi blanke

    oh, shit! pokker også!, faen også!


    1) ( vulgært) drite, skite, gjøre på seg

    if she finds out you’re shittin’ her, you’re dead meat, honey

    hvis hun finner ut at du lurer henne, er du så godt som død, min kjære


    ( vulgært) drit-, skit-, jævla

    be up shit creek ligge dårlig an, sitte til halsen i dritten, være ille ute, være i trøbbel



    /ʃɪt/ eller shite

    English-Norwegian dictionary > shit

  • 4








    I ʃɪt




    ( feces) mierda





    to beat the shit out of somebody — moler* a alguien a palos (fam), sacarle* la mugre a alguien (AmL fam), hacer* mierda a alguien (Méx vulg), cagar* a alguien a golpes (RPl vulg)

    b) ( act) (no pl)

    to take o (BrE) have a shit — cagar* (vulg)

    he/I got the shits — le/me dio cagalera or (CS tb) cagadera (vulg)




    ( nonsense) imbecilidades


    , gilipolleces



    Esp vulg

    ), pendejadas



    AmL exc CS vulg

    ), huevadas (



    Ven vulg

    ), boludeces




    , RPl





    (lies, exaggeration)




    ( person) mierda






    (pres p shitting; past & past p shit or shat) (vulg) intransitive verb cagar* (vulg)


    v refl






    ) (as intensifier)







    shit or shat)

    to have or take a shit — cagar ***

    shit! — ¡mierda! ***, ¡joder! ***, ¡carajo! (esp LAm) ***

    — beat the shit out of sb



    4) mierdas


    , historias


    , cosas



    to shit o.s. — cagarse ***

    — shit bricks

    * * *

    I [ʃɪt]




    ( feces) mierda





    to beat the shit out of somebody — moler* a alguien a palos (fam), sacarle* la mugre a alguien (AmL fam), hacer* mierda a alguien (Méx vulg), cagar* a alguien a golpes (RPl vulg)

    b) ( act) (no pl)

    to take o (BrE) have a shit — cagar* (vulg)

    he/I got the shits — le/me dio cagalera or (CS tb) cagadera (vulg)




    ( nonsense) imbecilidades


    , gilipolleces



    Esp vulg

    ), pendejadas



    AmL exc CS vulg

    ), huevadas (



    Ven vulg

    ), boludeces




    , RPl





    (lies, exaggeration)




    ( person) mierda






    (pres p shitting; past & past p shit or shat) (vulg) intransitive verb cagar* (vulg)


    v refl






    ) (as intensifier)

    English-spanish dictionary > shit

  • 5

    n. 1. баас, ялгадас. 2. баах. v. (-tt-; shitted or shat) 1. баах. 2. чацга алдатлаа айх.

    English-Mongolian dictionary > shit

  • 6

    interj. stront! (uitdruk van walging, i.h. Nederlands «bah!», spreektaal)


    n. poep; stront; uitwerpsel; gezeur, gezwam, domme praat


    v. poepen, drukken



    1   you shit! klootzak!


    IV 〈meervoud; the〉




    schijten op/in




    English-Dutch dictionary > shit

  • 7
    ♦ shit

    ♦ shit /ʃɪt/ (



    1 [u] merda, cacca (



    3 [u] (


    ) roba; faccenda; stronzate

    4 [u] stronzate, cazzate (


    ); fesserie; balle: to be full of shit, dire un sacco di stronzate

    5 (


    ) stronzo, (pezzo di) merda (


    ): You are a shit!, sei uno stronzo!

    6 [u] (


    ) marijuana; hashish; eroina; merda (



    8 (


    ) the shits, la cacarella; la diarrea

    shit-face, faccia di merda (o da culo;


    ); idiota, cretino □ shit-faced, ubriaco; sbronzo □ ( USA) shit-fit, incazzatura (


    ) □ ( USA) shit fuck, inculata, inchiappettata (


    ) □ shit-hot, straordinario; fortissimo; fichissimo (


    ) □ (


    ) Shit happens, succede; capita ( riferito a eventi spiacevoli) □ shit-house, cesso; (


    ) posto schifoso □ shit-stirrer, rompiballe, rompicoglioni (


    ) □ to be in deep shit, essere nella merda fino al collo (


    ) □ to be in the shit, essere nei guai; essere nella merda (


    ) □ to beat (o to kick, to knock) the shit out of


    , ammazzare


    di botte; picchiare


    a sangue □ ( USA) to give


    shit, raccontare balle, cazzate a


    ; cercare di fregare


    ; insultare


    to give


    the shits, fare schifo a


    ; stare sulle palle a


    ; fare incazzare


    not to give a shit, fottersene (


    ); fregarsene, sbattersene (


    ): I don’t give a shit about it, me ne fotto; I don’t give a shit who did it, me ne sbatto di chi è stato □ ( USA) to have shit for brains, essere una testa di cazzo (


    ) □ to scare (o to frighten) the shit out of


    , farla fare sotto a


    dalla paura (


    ) □ to take shit from


    , sopportare qualsiasi cosa da


    ; farsi prendere a pesci in faccia da


    The shit hit the fan, è scoppiato il casino □ ( USA) No shit!, cazzo!; ma va?, davvero?; ( anche) non è una balla! □ Tough shit!, cazzi neri!; cazzi tuoi (suoi, ecc.)! (


    ); cavoli tuoi (suoi, ecc.)!; cavoli neri! (



    (to) shit /ʃɪt/

    2 immerdare, smerdare

    ● ( USA) to shit all over


    , smerdare, svergognare, strigliare


    □ (


    ) to shit bricks, cagarsi sotto; essere nervoso □ (


    ) to shit on


    , trattare male


    ; trattare


    di merda □ ( anche


    ) to shit oneself, cacarsi sotto; farsela addosso, farsela sotto ( anche,


    , per la paura) □ ( USA) Go shit in your hat!, va a cacare! (


    ) □ (


    ) Do bears shit in the woods?, occorre chiederlo?; che domanda! □ (


    , USA) Shit or get off the pot!, deciditi!; datti una mossa!

    English-Italian dictionary > ♦ shit

  • 8


    qué mierda, carajo, mierda, qué vaina, no la chingues, qué cagada, cojones.


    1 mierda, excremento humano, popó.

    2 marijuana.


    participio pasado del verbo SHIT.


    pretérito del verbo SHIT.


    1 defecar, cagar, hacer del dos, zurrar.

    2 molestar, entrometerse con.

    (pt & pp shit o shat o shitted)

    Nuevo Diccionario Inglés-Español > shit

  • shit

     (shĭt) Vulgar Slang

    v. shit also shat (shăt), shit·ting, shits

    1. To defecate in (one’s clothes or bed).

    2. To tease or try to deceive.


    1. Excrement.

    2. The act or an instance of defecating.

    3. shits Diarrhea. Used with the.


    a. Something considered disgusting, of poor quality, foolish, or otherwise totally unacceptable.

    b. A mean or contemptible person.

    5. A narcotic or intoxicant, such as marijuana or heroin.

    6. Things; items.

    7. Foolish, deceitful, or boastful language.

    8. Insolent talk or behavior.

    9. Trouble or difficulty.

    10. A small or worthless amount: He doesn’t know shit.

    11. Used for intensive effect in idioms such as scare the shit out of (someone) for scare (someone) very much.


    Used to express surprise, anger, or extreme displeasure.

    Phrasal Verb:

    shit on

    To treat with malice or extreme disrespect.


    be the shit

    To be excellent or impressive.

    get (one’s) shit together

    To get organized; put one’s affairs or possessions in order.

    give a shit

    To care the least bit.

    no shit

    1. Used to express disbelief.

    2. Used to express contemptuous acknowledgment of the obvious.

    shit bricks/a brick

    To become extremely worried or frightened.

    up shit creek (without a paddle)

    In dire circumstances with no hope of help.

    when the shit hits the fan

    When the situation goes awry; when trouble starts.

    [Middle English shitten, probably from Old English -sciten (as in besciten, covered with excrement), past participle of *scītan, to defecate; see skei- in Indo-European roots.]

    American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.



    vb, shits, shitting, shitted, shit or shat

    1. to defecate

    2. (usually foll by on) slang to give the worst possible treatment (to)


    3. faeces; excrement

    4. an act of defecation

    5. rubbish; nonsense

    6. an obnoxious or worthless person

    7. (Recreational Drugs) cannabis resin or heroin

    8. in the shit in trouble

    9. the shit hits the fan the real trouble begins

    10. (Pathology) the shits diarrhoea


    an exclamation expressing anger, disgust, etc

    Also (esp dialect): shite

    [Old English scite (unattested) dung, scītan to defecate, of Germanic origin; related to Old English scēadan to separate, Old Norse skīta to defecate, Middle Dutch schitte excrement]

    ˈshitty adj

    ˈshittily adv

    ˈshittiness n

    Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



    n., v. shit or shat, shit•ting,
    interj. Vulgar Slang. n.

    1. excrement; feces.

    2. an act of defecating; evacuation.

    3. the shits, diarrhea.

    4. lies, exaggeration, or nonsense.

    5. something inferior or worthless.

    6. anything at all; the least thing (usu. used in the negative): He doesn’t know shit.

    7. a mean, contemptible person.

    8. narcotic drugs, esp. heroin or marijuana.

    9. possessions; stuff.


    10. to defecate.


    11. to exaggerate or lie to.


    12. (used to express disgust, disappointment, or the like.)


    get one’s shit together, to get organized; pull oneself together.

    [before 1000; (v.) variant (with short i from past participle or n.) of earlier shite, Middle English shiten, Old English -scītan; compare Middle Low German, Middle Dutch schiten (Dutch schijten), Old High German skīzan (German scheissen); (n.) re-formation from the v., or continuation of Old English scite (in place names)]

    Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


    Past participle: shitted/shat/shit
    Gerund: shitting

    I shit
    you shit
    he/she/it shits
    we shit
    you shit
    they shit
    I shitted/shat
    you shitted/shat
    he/she/it shitted/shat
    we shitted/shat
    you shitted/shat
    they shitted/shat
    Present Continuous
    I am shitting
    you are shitting
    he/she/it is shitting
    we are shitting
    you are shitting
    they are shitting
    Present Perfect
    I have shitted/shat/shit
    you have shitted/shat/shit
    he/she/it has shitted/shat/shit
    we have shitted/shat/shit
    you have shitted/shat/shit
    they have shitted/shat/shit
    Past Continuous
    I was shitting
    you were shitting
    he/she/it was shitting
    we were shitting
    you were shitting
    they were shitting
    Past Perfect
    I had shitted/shat/shit
    you had shitted/shat/shit
    he/she/it had shitted/shat/shit
    we had shitted/shat/shit
    you had shitted/shat/shit
    they had shitted/shat/shit
    I will shit
    you will shit
    he/she/it will shit
    we will shit
    you will shit
    they will shit
    Future Perfect
    I will have shitted/shat/shit
    you will have shitted/shat/shit
    he/she/it will have shitted/shat/shit
    we will have shitted/shat/shit
    you will have shitted/shat/shit
    they will have shitted/shat/shit
    Future Continuous
    I will be shitting
    you will be shitting
    he/she/it will be shitting
    we will be shitting
    you will be shitting
    they will be shitting
    Present Perfect Continuous
    I have been shitting
    you have been shitting
    he/she/it has been shitting
    we have been shitting
    you have been shitting
    they have been shitting
    Future Perfect Continuous
    I will have been shitting
    you will have been shitting
    he/she/it will have been shitting
    we will have been shitting
    you will have been shitting
    they will have been shitting
    Past Perfect Continuous
    I had been shitting
    you had been shitting
    he/she/it had been shitting
    we had been shitting
    you had been shitting
    they had been shitting
    I would shit
    you would shit
    he/she/it would shit
    we would shit
    you would shit
    they would shit
    Past Conditional
    I would have shitted/shat/shit
    you would have shitted/shat/shit
    he/she/it would have shitted/shat/shit
    we would have shitted/shat/shit
    you would have shitted/shat/shit
    they would have shitted/shat/shit

    Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

    ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

    Noun 1. shit - obscene terms for fecesshit — obscene terms for feces    

    crap, poop, shite, turd, dirt

    dirty word, vulgarism, obscenity, smut, filth — an offensive or indecent word or phrase

    faecal matter, faeces, fecal matter, feces, ordure, BM, dejection, stool — solid excretory product evacuated from the bowels

    2. shit — obscene words for unacceptable behavior; «I put up with a lot of bullshit from that jerk»; «what he said was mostly bull»

    bullshit, dogshit, horseshit, Irish bull, crap, bull

    bunkum, guff, hogwash, buncombe, rot, bunk — unacceptable behavior (especially ludicrously false statements)

    dirty word, vulgarism, obscenity, smut, filth — an offensive or indecent word or phrase

    3. shit — a small worthless amount; «you don’t know jack»

    diddley, diddly, diddlyshit, diddly-shit, diddlysquat, diddly-squat, doodly-squat, jack, squat

    small indefinite amount, small indefinite quantity — an indefinite quantity that is below average size or magnitude

    4. shit - a coarse term for defecationshit — a coarse term for defecation; «he took a shit»


    defecation, laxation, shitting — the elimination of fecal waste through the anus

    5. shit — insulting terms of address for people who are stupid or irritating or ridiculous

    dickhead, mother fucker, motherfucker, prick, asshole, bastard, son of a bitch, whoreson, cocksucker, SOB

    dirty word, vulgarism, obscenity, smut, filth — an offensive or indecent word or phrase

    disagreeable person, unpleasant person — a person who is not pleasant or agreeable

    6. shit — something of little value; «his promise is not worth a damn»; «not worth one red cent»; «not worth shucks»

    red cent, shucks, tinker’s dam, tinker’s damn, damn, darn, hoot

    worthlessness, ineptitude — having no qualities that would render it valuable or useful; «the drill sergeant’s intent was to convince all the recruits of their worthlessness»

    Verb 1. shit - give away information about somebodyshit — give away information about somebody; «He told on his classmate who had cheated on the exam»

    tell on, snitch, stag, shop, denounce, give away, betray, grass, rat

    inform — impart knowledge of some fact, state or affairs, or event to; «I informed him of his rights»

    sell out — give information that compromises others

    2. shit — have a bowel movement; «The dog had made in the flower beds»

    ca-ca, crap, defecate, take a crap, take a shit, stool, make

    make water, micturate, pass water, pee, pee-pee, relieve oneself, spend a penny, take a leak, piss, wee, wee-wee, urinate, piddle, puddle, make — eliminate urine; «Again, the cat had made on the expensive rug»

    egest, excrete, eliminate, pass — eliminate from the body; «Pass a kidney stone»

    dung — defecate; used of animals

    Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


    (Taboo slang)


    2. rubbish, nonsense, garbage (informal), balls (taboo slang), bull (slang), rot, crap (taboo slang), bullshit (taboo slang), bollocks (Brit. taboo slang), cobblers (Brit. taboo slang), drivel, twaddle, tripe (informal), claptrap (informal), poppycock (informal), kak (S. African), pants (slang) This is a load of shit.


    1. dash it, damn (informal), fuck (taboo slang), bugger (taboo slang) I said, `Oh, shit!’ and threw something, then walked off-stage.

    not give a shit not care, not mind, not be interested, not be concerned, not be bothered, not give a damn (informal), not give a monkey’s (informal) I don’t give a shit what others think.

    Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



    بِراز، خُراجيُبْرِز، يُخْرِج











    skítaskíturskítur, saurkúka











    پا خانههگناٹٹى



    [ʃɪt] (shit or shat (vb: pt, pp))

    A. N

    2. (= trouble) to be in the shitestar bien jodido(s)
    he landed us in the shitnos dejó bien jodidos

    3. (= nonsense) → gilipolleces fpl
    no shit? (= seriously?) → ¡no (me) jodas!, ¿de verdad?

    5. (= person) → mierda mf

    C. VTcagar
    to shit o.scagarse
    to shit bricks (from fear) → cagarse de miedo

    Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005




    (= excrement) → merde f
    to have a shit → chier
    to have the shits (= diarrhoea) → avoir la chiasse
    to kick the shit out of sb → démolir qn à coups de pied
    to beat the shit out of sb → défoncer la gueule à qn
    the shit hit the fan → ça a chié
    I don’t give a shit → j’en ai rien à foutre
    tough shit! (= hard luck) → c’est comme ça!
    to be in the shit → être dans la merde
    to be in deep shit → être dans la merde jusqu’au cou
    to be up shit creek, to be up shit creek without a paddle → être dans la merde jusqu’au cou

    (= rubbish) → merde f
    This is a load of shit → C’est de la merde.

    (= person) → salaud (salope)m/f

    adj [book, film, joke] → de merde

    to shit o.s. (lit)chier dans son froc (fig) (= be frightened) → chier dans son froc

    Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005




    adj (sl) (with alcohol) → stockbesoffen (inf); (with drugs) → high (inf)


    n (sl)Scheißkerl m (inf), → Scheißtyp m (inf)


    adj (Brit sl: = very good) → geil (sl), → krass (sl)


    n (sl: = lavatory) → Scheißhaus nt (sl); this shit of a countrydieses Scheißland (inf)


    n (US sl) → Menge f; to be in a shit of troubleeinen Haufen Ärger haben (inf)


    1 vb: pret, ptp <shat> (sl)

    vt you’re shitting me (US) → erzähl mir keinen Scheiß (inf); to shit bricks or a bricksich (dat)(vor Angst) in die Hosen scheißen (vulg)

    vr to shit oneselfsich vollscheißen (vulg); (with fear) → sich (dat)vor Angst in die Hosen scheißen (vulg)



    n (sl: = drugs) → Shit m (sl)

    Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


    [ʃɪt] (fam!)

    1. exclmerda (fam!)

    2. n (excrement) → merda (fam!); (rubbish) → porcheria; (worthless person) → pezzo di merda (fam!)
    to be in the shit (fig) → essere nella merda (fam!)

    Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


    (ʃit) noun

    an impolite or offensive word for the solid waste material that is passed out of the body.

    verbpresent participle ˈshitting: past tense, past participles shit, ~shat

    to pass waste matter from the body.

    Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.

    shited | shitted |

    As verbs the difference between shited and shitted

    is that shited is past tense of shite while shitted is past tense of shit.




    Etymology 1

    From the (etyl) . More at shit.


    (en noun)

  • (British, Irish, vulgar) Shit, trash, rubbish.
  • (British, Irish, pejorative) A foolish or deceitful person.
    He’s a useless shite .
  • Derived terms

    * talk shite


    (en adjective)

  • (British, Irish, vulgar) Bad, awful, shit.
    The film was shite .
  • Interjection

    (en interjection)

  • (UK, Irish, vulgar)
    Shite , I left my wallet at home.
  • Etymology 2

    From (etyl) schiten, from (etyl) .


  • (UK, vulgar, chiefly, Scotland, Ireland) To defecate.
  • * 2004 , Robert Morgan, Brave enemies (page 38)
    …it still softened my heart to see a man hurt so badly he sobbed and shited on himself.
  • * 2007 , Talonie Starr, Growth Manifesto (page 173)
    He would probably have a head full of locks. Who has time to be pretty when people are hurting? Crying. Shiting on themselves trying to beat heroin.
  • shitted



    Etymology 1

    From (etyl) . Compare shite.



  • (uncountable, colloquial, vulgar) Solid excretory product evacuated from the bowels; feces.
  • * 2011 , «Cholera and the super-loo», The Economist , 30 Jul 2011:
    The practice in most African and some Asian cities is for private lorries to suck up human waste and dump it in rivers. […] In tackling the shit problem, economics could well be a clincher.
  • (countable, colloquial, vulgar, in the plural, definite) (the shits ) diarrhea.
    He had the shits for three days.
  • (countable, colloquial, vulgar) An instance of defecation.
    Can’t a guy take a shit in peace?
  • (uncountable, vulgar, colloquial) Rubbish; worthless matter.
    Throw that shit out!
  • (uncountable, vulgar, colloquial) Stuff, things.
    I want your shit out of my garage by tomorrow.
  • (uncountable, colloquial, vulgar, definite) (the shit ) The best of its kind.
    These grapes are the shit !
  • (uncountable, vulgar, colloquial) Nonsense; bullshit.
    Everything he says is a load of shit .
  • (countable, vulgar, colloquial) A nasty, despicable person, used particularly of men.
    Her son has been a real shit to her.
  • (uncountable, vulgar, colloquial) (in negations ) Anything.
    His opinion is not worth shit . = His opinion is not worth anything.
    We don’t have shit to live on. = We don’t have anything to live on.
    John can’t sing for shit . = John can’t sing for anything. = John can’t sing at all.
  • (uncountable, vulgar, colloquial) A problem or difficult situation.
    I’m in some serious shit .
    Some shit went down at the nightclub last night .
  • (uncountable, vulgar, colloquial) A strong rebuke.
    I gave him shit for being three hours late twice in one week.
  • (uncountable, vulgar, colloquial) any recreational drug, usually cannabis.
  • Synonyms

    * (solid excretory product evacuated from the bowels) crap, dirt, dung, excrement, fecal matter, feces, ordure, poop, shite, scat, stool, turd
    * See also , , .

    Derived terms

    * apeshit
    * batshit
    * bearshit
    * birdshit
    * bullshit
    * catshit
    * chickenshit
    * cowshit
    * dipped in shit
    * dogshit
    * donkeyshit
    * don’t shit where you eat
    * dumbshit
    * full of shit
    * give a shit
    * give someone the shits
    * give someone shit
    * goat shit
    * good shit
    * happy as a pig in shit
    * have a shit
    * horseshit
    * jack shit
    * like shit
    * pack shit
    * piece of shit
    * pigshit
    * pile of shit
    * ratshit
    * rocking horse shit
    * rocking-horse shit
    * sheepshit
    * shitbag
    * shitbird
    * shitcan
    * shiteater
    * shitfaced
    * shit happens
    * shit heel
    * shithole
    * shit factory
    * shit fit
    * shit-for-brains
    * shithead
    * shithouse
    * shitless
    * shitload
    * Shitmas
    * shitpile
    * shits
    * shit sandwich
    * shit soup
    * shit stain
    * shitstorm
    * shitting
    * shitty
    * shoot the shit
    * take a shit
    * the shit
    * the shits
    * tough shit
    * whaleshit
    * wormshit



  • (vulgar, colloquial) Of poor quality; worthless.
    What a shit film that was!
  • (vulgar, colloquial) Nasty; despicable.
    That was a shit thing to do to him.
  • Derived terms

    * shit hot
    * shittastic



    Etymology 2

    From (etyl) shiten, from (etyl) ). More at (l).


  • (intransitive, vulgar, colloquial) To defecate.
  • (transitive, vulgar, colloquial) To excrete (something) through the anus.
  • (transitive, vulgar, colloquial) To fool or try to fool someone; to be deceitful.
    Twelve hundred dollars!? Are you shitting me!?
  • (transitive, vulgar, colloquial, Australia) To annoy.
    That ad shits me to tears.
  • Quotations

    * ‘>citation
    * ‘>citation


    * (defecate) see also
    * (try to fool) shit with

    Derived terms

    * don’t shit where you eat
    * shit a brick
    * shit oneself
    * shit or get off the pot
    * shitter
    * shit the bed
    * shitton
    * think one’s shit doesn’t stink


    (en interjection)

  • (vulgar) Expression of worry, failure, shock, etc., often at something seen for the first time or remembered immediately before using this term.
    Shit! I think that I forgot to pack my sleeping bag last night!
    Holy shit !
    Oh, shit !
  • (vulgar) To show displeasure or surprise.
    «Oh, shit . I left my worksheet at home,» she said to the language arts teacher, which got her in trouble.
  • Derived terms

    * holy shit
    * shit yeah

    So I was watching The Simpsons just before, the episode being «Fraudcast News». At the end of the episode many Springfield residents follow in Lisa’s footsteps and start to print their own newspapers. Willie says that he reviews all the new tractors in his, ‘and they’re all shite!’ Curiously, «shite» wasn’t bleeped or edited out, which made me wonder, is «shite» really a swear word?

    (For the record, the epsiode was a recording from FOX, just in case they have their own «swear word hierarchy».)

    Andrew Leach's user avatar

    Andrew Leach

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    asked Jan 28, 2016 at 10:26

    Dog Lover's user avatar


    It is a vulgar, possibly offensive term:


    • colloquial modern alternative spelling of shit (n.), preserving the original vowel of the Old English verb. (Etymonline)

    Shite ‎(plural shites)

    • (Britain, Ireland, vulgar) Shit, trash, rubbish.
    • (Britain, Ireland, pejorative) A foolish or deceitful person.
      He’s a useless shite. (Wiktionary)

    From Not One-Off Britishisms, Shite:

    • Excrement; shit. I have always thought of this word as having a strong Irish association, though the OED is silent on the subject. In the U.S., it is used exclusively metaphorically, that is, to mean that something is worthless, offensive or contemptible. One definition on Urban Dictionary recognizes shite‘s slightly euphemistic quality, calling it “the best way to say ‘shit’ without getting told off, as you can simply say that you were trying out being Irish for the day. ”

    • And [former New York Times Editor Howell] Raines all but comes out and writes that his predecessor, Joseph Lelyveld, produced shite. (Jack Shafer, Slate, March 24, 2004)/“We’re getting hammered by everything right now,” says Bert the Bug Man (a.k.a. Bert Bertrand, a licensed exterminator). “Smoky brown tree roaches are coming out of the sewer lines to hang in people’s foliage because people are trying to keep their plants alive.” So we’re not producing enough shite in this drought?? (Houston Post, blog post, June 21, 2011)


    Community's user avatar

    answered Jan 28, 2016 at 10:32

    Shite‘ is Scots or Irish slang for the obvious equivalent, although its usage is pretty widespread all over Britain and Ireland, not just by those of Scots or Irish origin. Pronounced like kite would be in whatever British or Irish accent you speak with and used just as the ordinary word is (oh shite, that’s a shite situation, this job is a pile of shite, etc.). But I think it’s only used as a swear word rather than normal vulgarity; I’ve never heard anyone say I need to take a shite, for instance.

    answered Jan 28, 2016 at 10:39

    Charl E's user avatar

    Charl ECharl E

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    Bryan Cranston used the word recently (July 2017) during a live interview on U.K. Morning television. He was I think actually trying to be polite and using an American public alternative to the word without an «e». It is necessary these days for Americans to be excessively polite in their use of language to highlight the contrast with their politicians in the White House.

    answered Jul 30, 2017 at 2:01

    Steve McConnell's user avatar

    Примеры из текстов

    «Yer-bugger, Tia still pisses herself one day out of every six, and can be counted on to shit herself once a moon, as well,» Jaffords said.

    — Тиа до сих пор писается где-то раз в шесть дней, а раз месяц обделывается, — вставил Тиан Джеффоррдс.

    King, Stephen / Wolves of the CallaКинг, Стивен / Волки Кэллы

    Волки Кэллы

    Кинг, Стивен

    © Stephen King, 2003

    © Перевод В.А.Вебер, 2004

    © ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2004

    Wolves of the Calla

    King, Stephen

    And shite was what he’d called it, not shit but shite, that was one word he picked up from her, could you believe it.

    И свои покупки он назвал берьмом, не дерьмом, а берьмом, единственным словом, которому научился от неё, можете вы в это поверить?

    King, Stephen / Lisey’s storyКинг, Стивен / История Лизи

    Lisey’s story

    King, Stephen

    «Maybe it is and maybe it isn’t,» the man said, «but they can do some very weird and powerful shit.

    — Может, правда, может, и нет, но им под силу что-то сверхъестественное и могучее.

    King, Stephen / CellКинг, Стивен / Мобильник

    I don’t want to give you some shit about me being really keen to get killed for somebody, because I’m not.

    Я не хочу вешать вам лапшу на уши – мол, я только о том и мечтаю, чтобы быть убитым вместо кого-то, потому что это вовсе не так.

    Barker, Clive / The Damnation GameБаркер, Клайв / Проклятая игра

    Проклятая игра

    Баркер, Клайв

    © copyright 1985 by Clive Barker

    © 1994, Кэдмэн

    © перевод Д. Аношина

    The Damnation Game

    Barker, Clive

    © copyright 1985 by Clive Barker

    ‘He’s shit himself,’ Azadovsky confirmed, dipping a diamond snowflake clasped in the pincers into the glue. ‘He’s so happy.

    — Обосрался, — констатировал Азадовский, окуная в клей зажатую в пинцете бриллиантовую снежинку, — это он от радости.

    Pelevin, Victor / Homo ZapiensПелевин, В. О. / Generation «П»

    Generation «П»

    Пелевин, В. О.

    © В. Пелевин, текст, 2009

    Homo Zapiens

    Pelevin, Victor

    © Victor Pelevin, 1999

    © Andrew Bromfield, 2000

    There’s too much shit still down the road that I got to deal with.

    Слишком много всякого дерьма еще впереди.

    McCarthy, Cormac / No Country For Old MenМаккарти, Кормак / Старикам тут не место

    Старикам тут не место

    Маккарти, Кормак

    © В. Минушин, перевод, 2009

    © Издательская группа «Азбука-классика», 2009

    © 2005 by M-71 Ltd

    No Country For Old Men

    McCarthy, Cormac

    “Bremer dan Gorst will be trying to beat me, you old shit!

    «Бремер дан Горст постарается победить меня, старый мешок с дерьмом!

    Abercrombie, Joe / The Blade ItselfАберкромби, Джо / Кровь и железо

    Кровь и железо

    Аберкромби, Джо

    © 2006 by Joe Abercrombie.

    © Перевод. В. Иванов, 2008

    © Издание на русском языке. ООО «Издательство «Эксмо», 2008

    The Blade Itself

    Abercrombie, Joe

    © 2007 by Joe Abercrombie

    Beats shoveling shit.”

    Все лучше, чем цемент месить.

    Sakey, Marcus / The Blade ItselfСэйки, Маркус / По лезвию ножа

    По лезвию ножа

    Сэйки, Маркус

    © 2007 by Marcus Sakey

    © Перевод. А.И.Ахмерова, 2009

    © ООО «Издательство «АСТ», 2009

    The Blade Itself

    Sakey, Marcus

    «Ar, quit that schoolgirl shit, it don’t become you.

    — Слушай, не изображай школьницу, тебе это не идет.

    King, Stephen / Wizard and GlassКинг, Стивен / Колдун и Кристалл

    Колдун и Кристалл

    Кинг, Стивен

    © Stephen King, 1997

    © Перевод, В.А. Вебер, 1998

    © ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2003

    Wizard and Glass

    King, Stephen

    © Stephen King, 1997, 2003

    All that shit in the car is yours!

    Все дерьмо в машине — твое!

    Thompson, Hunter / Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American DreamТомпсон, Хантер / Страх и отвращение в Лас-Вегасе: Дикое путешествие в Сердце Американской Мечты

    Страх и отвращение в Лас-Вегасе: Дикое путешествие в Сердце Американской Мечты

    Томпсон, Хантер

    © Перевод. А. Керви, 1995

    © ООО «Издательство «АСТ МОСКВА», 2009

    © Hunter S. Thompson, 1971

    Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream

    Thompson, Hunter

    © 1971 by Hunter S. Thompson

    The maddest shit you can imagine, including accusations — shouted at the top of my lungs — about his preference for ladies’ underwear.

    Чего я только не нёс, включая оскорбления (выкрикивал во весь голос) насчёт его пристрастий к женскому нижнему белью.

    King, Stephen / Duma KeyКинг, Стивен / Дьюма-Ки


    Кинг, Стивен

    © Перевод В.А. Вебер, 2008

    © ООО Издательство «АСТ МОСКВА», 2009

    © Stephen King, 2008

    «Because I don’t got time to sew buttons on, cook, do shit like that.»

    — Потому что у меня не хватает времени на пришивание пуговиц, готовку, стирку и всякую другую ерунду.

    Cornwell, Patricia / All That RemainsКорнуэлл, Патриция / Всё, что остаётся

    Всё, что остаётся

    Корнуэлл, Патриция

    © 1992, Патриция Корнуэлл

    © 1994, ОЛМА-ПРЕСС

    © перевод Ручкина Л., Юшицина Л.

    All That Remains

    Cornwell, Patricia

    © 1992 by Patricia D. Cornwell

    “You don’t understand jack shit.

    – Да вы в дерьме ничего понять не сможете.

    Brown, Sandra / RicochetБраун, Сандра / Рикошет


    Браун, Сандра

    © 2006 by Sandra Brown Management Ltd.

    © Перевод. С. Панина, 2010

    © Издание на русском языке. ООО «Издательство «Эксмо», 2010


    Brown, Sandra

    © 2006 by Sandra Brown Management Ltd.

    “I’ve taken enough of this shit!

    – С меня достаточно этого дерьма!

    Abercrombie, Joe / The Blade ItselfАберкромби, Джо / Кровь и железо

    Кровь и железо

    Аберкромби, Джо

    © 2006 by Joe Abercrombie.

    © Перевод. В. Иванов, 2008

    © Издание на русском языке. ООО «Издательство «Эксмо», 2008

    The Blade Itself

    Abercrombie, Joe

    © 2007 by Joe Abercrombie

    What happened just before the shit hit the fan was that Power Suit Woman had called her friend Maddy to tell her she’d gotten her hair done, and one of Pixie Light’s friends had called her.

    А случилось, перед тем как началось все это безобразие, следующее: женщина во «властном костюме» позвонила своей подруге Мэдди, чтобы сообщить, что она постриглась, а фее Светлой позвонила одна из подружек.

    King, Stephen / CellКинг, Стивен / Мобильник

    Переводы пользователей

    Пока нет переводов этого текста.
    Будьте первым, кто переведёт его!


    crap / shit into one’s pants


    go ape shit

    сорваться с цепи ( обезуметь )

    jack shit

    ни хрена (ничто, пустое место)

    Shit happens

    Всякое дерьмо бывает

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