She was as good as her word

as good as (one’s) word

Reliable; truthful. Said of one who typically follows through on one’s promises. Tom is as good as his word—if he promised to help you move, then he’ll be here.

See also: good, word

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

as good as one’s word

obedient to one’s promise; dependable in keeping one’s promises. He was as good as his word. He lent me the books as he said he would. She said she would babysit and she was as good as her word.

See also: good, word

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

See also:

  • as good as word
  • be as good as (one’s) word
  • be as good as your word
  • be as honest as the day is long
  • honest as the day is long
  • (as) honest as the day is long
  • a man of his word
  • man of his word
  • of word
  • (from) top to toe
as good as one’s word
держать слово

He said he would lend me the money if I needed it, and was as good as his word.

Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов.

Смотреть что такое «as good as one’s word» в других словарях:

  • good as one’s word — • as good as one s word • good as one s word adj. phr. trustworthy; sure to keep your promise. The coach said he would give the players a day off if they won, and he was as good as his word. We knew she was always good as her word, so we trusted… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • good as one’s word — See: AS GOOD AS ONE S WORD …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • good as one’s word — See: AS GOOD AS ONE S WORD …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • as good as one’s word — • as good as one s word • good as one s word adj. phr. trustworthy; sure to keep your promise. The coach said he would give the players a day off if they won, and he was as good as his word. We knew she was always good as her word, so we trusted… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • as good as one’s word — or[good as one s word] {adj. phr.} Trustworthy; sure to keep your promise. * /The coach said he would give the players a day off if they won, and he was as good as his word./ * /We knew she was always good as her word, so we trusted her./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • as good as one’s word — or[good as one s word] {adj. phr.} Trustworthy; sure to keep your promise. * /The coach said he would give the players a day off if they won, and he was as good as his word./ * /We knew she was always good as her word, so we trusted her./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • As good as one’s word — as as ([a^]z), adv. & conj. [OE. as, als, alse, also, al swa, AS. eal sw[=a], lit. all so; hence, quite so, quite as: cf. G. als as, than, also so, then. See {Also}.] 1. Denoting equality or likeness in kind, degree, or manner; like; similar to;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • be as good as one’s word — To fulfil one s promise • • • Main Entry: ↑good be as good as one s word To keep one s promise • • • Main Entry: ↑word * * * do what one has promised to do …   Useful english dictionary

  • be as good as one’s word — ► be as good as one s word do what one has promised. Main Entry: ↑word …   English terms dictionary

  • be as good as one’s word — idi be as good as one s word, to do what one has promised …   From formal English to slang

  • as good as one’s word — keep one s promises, keep one s word …   English contemporary dictionary

Идиома: as good as one’s word

Перевод: держать свое слово


My friend is as good as his word. You can always trust him.
Мой друг держит свое слово. Ему всегда можно довериться.

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God knows

goodness knows

heaven knows

heaven only knows

Lord knows

Maybe God knows but I don’t know and no one else knows. Often used with only.

Do you know where Susan is? God only knows!

Surely; certainly.

Goodness knows, the poor man needs the money.

Heaven only knows, I have tried hard enough.

all good things must come to an end

Все хорошее когда-нибудь заканчивается.

All good things must come to an end and we soon had to return home from our holiday.

Все хорошее когда-нибудь заканчивается и нам вскоре пришлось вернуться домой из отпуска.

all in good time

Some time soon, when the time is ripe for an event to take place.

«I want to get married, Dad,» Mike said. «All in good time, Son,» answered his father.

as good as gold

Очень послушный и воспитанный.

Your children are always as good as gold when I look after them.

Ваши дети всегда такие паиньки, когда я за ними присматриваю.

His son is as good as gold!

У него не сын, а золото!

as good as one’s word

as good as one’s promise

Trustworthy; sure to keep your promise.

Заслуживающий доверия, надёжный.

The coach said he would give the players a day off if they won, and he was as good as his word.

We knew she was always good as her word, so we trusted her.

My friend is as good as his word. You can always trust him.

Мой друг хозяин своего слова. Ты всегда можешь ему доверять.

as good as

Nearly the same as; almost. Often used without the first as before adjectives.

She claimed that he as good as promised to marry her.

He as good as called me a liar.

We’ll get to school on time, we’re as good as there now.

The man who had been shot was as good as dead.

When the car was repaired, it looked good as new.

be a good hand at

To be talented, gifted, or skilled in some activity.

Florian is a good hand at both gardening and building.

be up to no good

up to no good

To be plotting and conniving to commit some illegal act or crime.

«Let’s hurry!» Susan said to her husband. «It’s dark here and those hoodlums obviously are up to no good

Intending to do something bad; perpetrating an illicit act.

We could tell from the look on Dennis the Menace’s face that he was once again up to no good.

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by S. Maugham

800x442_5301_CI could never understand why Louise bothered with me. She disliked me and I knew that behind my back she seldom lost the opportunity of saying a disagreeable thing about me. She had too much delicacy ever to make a direct statement, but with a hint and a sigh and a little gesture of her beautiful hands she was able to make her meaning plain. It was true that we had known one another almost intimately for five and twenty years, but it was impossible for me to believe that this fact meant much to her. She thought me a brutal, cynical and vulgar fellow. I was puzzled at her not leaving me alone. She did nothing of the kind; indeed, she was constantly asking me to lunch and dine with her and once or twice a year invited me to spend a week-end at her house in the country. Perhaps she knew that I alone saw her face behind the mask and she hoped that sooner or later I too should take the mask for the face.
I knew Louise before she married. She was then a frail, delicate girl with large and melancholy eyes. Her father and mother adored and worshipped her, for some illness, scarlet fever I think, had left her with a weak heart and she had to take the greatest care of herself. When Tom Maitland proposed to her they were dismayed, for they were convinced that she was much too delicate for marriage. But they were not too well off and Tom Maitland was rich. He promised to do everything in the world for Louise and finally they entrusted her to him. Tom Maitland was a big strong fellow, very good-looking and a fine athlete. He adored Louise. With her weak heart he could not hope to keep her with him long and he made up his mind to do everything he could to make her few years on earth happy. He gave up the games he played excellently, not because she wished him to, but because it so happened that she always had a heart attack whenever he was going to leave her for a day. If they had a difference of opinion she gave in to him at once for she was the most gentle wife a man could have, but her heart failed her and she would stay in bed, sweet and uncomplaining, for a week. He could not be such a brute as to cross her.
On one occasion seeing her walk eight miles on an expedition that she especially wanted to make, I remarked to Tom Maitland that she was stronger than one would have thought. He shook his head and sighed.
«No, no, she’s dreadfully delicate. She’s been to all the best heart specialists in the world and they all say that her life hangs on a thread. But she has a wonderfully strong spirit.» He told her that I had remarked on her endurance.
«I shall pay for it tomorrow,» she said to me in her melancholy way. «I shall be at death’s door.»
«I sometimes think that you’re quite strong enough to do the things you want to,» I murmured.
I had noticed that if a party was amusing she could dance till five in the morning, but if it was dull she felt very poorly and Tom had to take her home early. I am afraid she did not like my reply, for though she gave me a sad little smile I saw no amusement in her large blue eyes.
«You can’t expect me to fall down dead just to please you,» she answered.
Louise outlived her husband. He caught his death of cold one day when they were sailing and Louise needed all the rugs there were to keep her warm. He left
her a comfortable fortune and a daughter. Louise was inconsolable. It was wonderful that she managed to survive the shock. Her friends expected her speedily to follow poor Tom Maitland to the grave. Indeed they already felt dreadfully sorry for Iris, her daughter, who would be left an orphan. They redoubled their attentions towards Louise. They would not let her stir a finger; they insisted on doing everything in the world to save her trouble. They had to, because if it was necessary for her to do anything tiresome or unpleasant her heart failed her and she was at death’s door. She was quite lost without a man to take care of her, she said, and she did not know how, with her delicate health, she was going to bring up her dear Iris. Her friends asked her why she did not marry again. Oh, with her heart it was out of the question, she answered.
A year after Tom’s death, however, she allowed George Hobhouse to lead her to the altar. He was a fine fellow and he was not at all badly off. I never saw anyone so grateful as he for the privilege of being allowed to take care of this frail little thing.
«I shan’t live to trouble you long,» she said.
He was a soldier and an ambitious one, but he threw up his career. Louise’s health forced her to spend the winter at Monte Carlo and the summer at Deauville. He prepared to make his wife’s last few years as happy as he could.
«It can’t be very long now,» she said. «I’ll try not to be troublesome.»
For the next two or three years Louise managed, in spite of her weak heart, to go beautifully dressed to all the most lively parties, to gamble very heavily, to dance and even to flirt with tall slim young men. But George Hobhouse had not the strength of Louise’s first husband and he had to brace himself now and then with a drink for his day’s work as Louise’s second husband. It is possible that the habit would have grown on him, which Louise would not have liked at all, but very fortunately (for her) the war broke out. He rejoined his regiment and three months later was killed. It was a great shock to Louise. She felt, however, that in such a crisis she must not give way to a private grief; and if she had a heart attack nobody heard of it. In order to distract her mind she turned her villa at Monte Carlo into a hospital for convalescent officers. Her friends told her that she would never survive the strain.
«Of course it will kill me,» she said, «I know that. But what does it matter? I must do my bit.»
It didn’t kill her. She had the time of her life. There was no convalescent home in France that was more popular. I met her by chance in Paris. She was lunching at a restaurant with a tall and very handsome young Frenchman. She explained that she was there on business connected with the hospital. She told me that the officers were very charming to her. They knew how delicate she was and they wouldn’t let her do a single thing. They took care of her, well — as though they were all her husbands. She sighed.
«Poor George, who would ever have thought that I with my heart should survive him?»
«And poor Tom!» I said.
I don’t know why she didn’t like my saying that. She gave me her melancholy smile and her beautiful eyes filled with tears.
«You always speak as though you grudged me the few years that I can expect to live.»
«By the way, your heart’s much better, isn’t it?»
«It’ll never be better. I saw a specialist this morning and he said I must be prepared for the worst.»
«Oh, well, you’ve been prepared for that for nearly twenty years now, haven’t you?»
When the war came to an end Louise settled in London. She was now a woman of over forty, thin and frail still, with large eyes and pale cheeks, but she did not look a day more than twenty-five. Iris, who had been at school and was now grown up, came to live with her.
«She’ll take care of me,» said Louise. «Of course it’ll be hard on her to live with such a great invalid as I am, but it can only be for such a little while, I’m sure she won’t mind.»
Iris was a nice girl. She had been brought up with the knowledge that her mother’s health was very weak. As a child she had never been allowed to make a noise. She had always realized that her mother must on no account be upset. And though Louise told her now that she would not hear of her sacrificing herself for a tiresome old woman the girl simply would not listen.
With a sigh her mother let her do a great deal.
«It pleases the child to think she’s making herself useful,» she said.
«Don’t you think she ought to go out more?» I asked.
«That’s what I’m always telling her. I can’t get her to enjoy herself. Heaven knows, I never want anyone to give up their pleasures on my account.»
And Iris, when I talked to her about it, said: «Poor dear mother, she wants me to go and stay with friends and go to parties, but the moment I start off anywhere she has one other heart attacks, so I much prefer to stay at home.»
But presently she fell in love. A young friend of mine, a very good lad, asked her to marry him and she consented. I liked the child and was glad that she would be given at last the chance to lead a life of her own. But one day the young man came to me in great distress and told me that the marriage was postponed for an indefinite time. Iris felt that she could not desert her mother. Of course it was really no business of mine, but I made the opportunity to go and see Louise. She was always glad to receive her friends at teatime.
«Well, I hear that Iris isn’t going to be married,» I said after a while.
«I don’t know about that. She’s not going to be married as soon as I wished. I’ve begged her on my bended knees not to consider me, but she absolutely refuses to leave me.»
«Don’t you think it’s rather hard on her?»
«Dreadfully. Of course it can only be for a few months, but I hate the thought of anyone sacrificing themselves for me.»
«My dear Louise, you’ve buried two husbands, I can’t see why you shouldn’t bury at least two more.»
«Oh, I know, I know what you’ve always thought of me. You’ve never believed that I had anything the matter with me, have you?»
I looked at her full and square.
«Never. I think you’ve carried out a bluff for twenty-five years. I think you’re the most selfish and monstrous woman I have ever known. You ruined the lives of those two unhappy men you married and now you’re going to ruin the life of your daughter.»
I should not have been surprised if Louise had had a heart attack then. I fully expected her to fly into a passion. She only gave me a gentle smile.
«My poor friend, one of these days you’ll be so dreadfully sorry you said this to me.»
«Have you quite decided that Iris shall not marry this boy?»
«I’ve begged her to marry him. I know it’ll kill me, but I don’t mind. Nobody cares for me. I’m just a burden to everybody.»
«Did you tell her it would kill you?»
«She made me.»
«Nobody can make you do anything that you yourself don’t want to do.»
«She can marry her young man tomorrow if she likes. If it kills me, it kills me.»
«Well, let’s risk it, shall we?»
«Haven’t you got any pity for me?»
«One can’t pity anyone who amuses one as much as you amuse me,» I answered.
A spot of color appeared on Louise’s pale cheeks and though she smiled her eyes were hard and angry.
«Iris shall marry in a month’s time,» she said, «and if anything happens to me I hope you and she will be able to forgive yourselves.»
Louise was as good as her word. A date was fixed, a rich trousseau was ordered, and invitations were sent. Iris and the lad were very happy. On the wedding-day, at ten o’clock in the morning, Louise, that devilish woman, had one of her heart attacks — and died. She died gently forgiving Iris for having killed her.


Pre-reading Tasks

1. Practice the pronunciation of the words from the story. 

Louise, disagreeable, delicacy, cynical, brutal, mask, melancholy, worship, dismay, endurance, murmur, inconsolable, orphan, altar, privilege, ambitious, career, Monte Carlo, crisis, convalescent, invalid, desert, trousseau, sacrifice.

[lu’iːz], [ˌdɪsə’griːəbl], [‘delɪkəsɪ], [‘sɪnɪk(ə)l], [‘bruːtl], [mɑːsk], [‘melənk(ə)lɪ ], [‘wɜːʃɪp], [dɪs’meɪ], [ɪn’djuər(ə)n(t)s], [‘mɜːmə], [ˌɪnkən’səuləbl], [‘ɔːf(ə)n], [‘ɔːltə], [‘prɪv(ə)lɪʤ], [æm’bɪʃəs], [kə’rɪə], [ˌmɔntɪ’kɑːləu], [‘kraɪsɪs], [ˌkɔnvə’les(ə)nt], [‘ɪnvəlɪd], [‘dezət]/[dɪ’zɜːt], [‘truːsəu], [‘sækrɪfaɪs]

Vocabulary and Grammar Tasks

1. Find in the story the English for:

за чьей-либо спиной, оставить в покое, принимать за что-либо, обожать, заботиться о ком-либо, сделать предложение кому-либо, быть убежденным, быть состоятельным, уступать кому-либо, пережить кого-либо, пальцем не пошевелить, воспитывать, об этом не может быть и речи, поддаваться горю, превратить что-либо в, наслаждаться жизнью, быть несправедливым по отношению к кому-либо, жертвовать (собой), бывать в обществе, иметь личную жизнь, отложить на неопределенное время, хоронить, жалость к, жалеть кого-либо, сдержать слово, назначить день, сердечный приступ.

2. Fill each gap with one of the words or word combinations in an appropriate form.

to give in
to turn smth into
to sacrifice
to be convinced
to survive
to lead a life of one’s own
to bury
to take smth for
to bring smth up
to go out

1. She hoped that sooner or later I should __________ the mask __________ the face.
2. Her parents __________ that she was much too delicate for marriage.
3. If they had a difference of opinion she __________ to him.
4. It was wonderful that she managed to __________ the shock.
5. She didn’t know how, with her delicate health, she was going to __________ her dear Iris.
6. In order to distract her mind she __________ her villa at Monte Carlo __________ a hospital.
7. Don’t you think she ought __________ more?
8. I was glad that she would be given at last the chance __________.
9. I hate the thought of anyone __________ themselves for me.
10. My dear Louse, you __________ two husbands, I can’t see why you shouldn’t __________ at least two more.

3. Replace the italicized words and word combinations with a synonym in an appropriate form.

to worship
to leave smb alone
to have the time of one’s life
behind smb’s back
to be as good as one’s word
to postpone
to be well off
to take care of

1. She never said a disagreeable thing straight to my face.
2. I was puzzled at her not leaving me in peace.
3. Tom adored Louise.
4. He was a fine fellow and he was well-to-do.
5. It didn’t kill her. She enjoyed her life.
6. But one day the young man came to me in great distress and told me that the marriage was put off for an indefinite time.
7. She was quite lost without a man to look after her.
8. Louise kept her word.

4. A In which of the following sentences is would used to express:
a) a repeated action in the past?
b) insistence?

1. Louise wouldn’t leave him alone.
2. Her heart failed her and she would stay in bed for a week.
3. They would not let her stir a finger.
4. She would spend the winter in Monte Carlo.

B Say what Louise would do and what Iris would not do. Make use of the prompts below.
To ask smb for lunch; to go out; to listen to; to say a disagreeable thing about smb behind smb’s back; to desert; to have a heart attack; to go to all the most lively parties; to marry.

5. A Say which of the italicized verbs is followed by:
a) the full infinitive?
b) the bare infinitive?

Fill the gaps. 

1. They wouldn’t let her ____ do a single thing.
2. She wants me ____ go and stay with friends.
3. I can’t get her ____ enjoy herself.
4. I saw her ____ walk eight miles on an expedition that she especially wanted to make.
5. Her friends expected her ____ speedily follow poor Tom.
6. Nobody can make you ____ do anything that you yourself don’t want to.

B Make the sentences complete using the complex objects from the list below.
Flirt with tall slim young men; do a great deal; tell her; fall down dead; do a single thing; give up their pleasures; marry the young man; spend the winter; fill with tears; fly into a passion. 

1. You can’t expect me _______ just please you.
2. Louise’s health made her _______ at Monte Carlo.
3. He saw her _______ at the parties.
4. The officers were charming. They wouldn’t let her _______.
5. He saw her beautiful eyes _______.
6. With a sigh her mother let her _______.
7. I don’t want anyone _______ on my account.
8. I fully expected her _______.
9. She made me _______ it would kill her.
10. I’ll get her _______ tomorrow.

Reading Comprehension and Discussion Tasks

1. Answer the following questions:

1. How long had the author known Louise?
2. What was her attitude to him?
3. What was she like when he first knew her?
4. Why did she have to take the greatest care of herself?
5. Why did her parents agree to her marrying Tom Maitland?
6. What kind of husband did Tom make? What kind of wife did Louise make?
7. What made the author think that Louise was stronger than one would have thought?
8. How did Tom catch his death? What did he leave Louise?
9. Why did Louise’s friends redouble their attention toward her?
10. What was her second husband like?
11. How did Louise spend the two or three years after her second marriage?
12. Where did George find his death?
13. How did Louise try to distract her mind?
14. What did she do when the war came to an end?
15. Why did her daughter Iris come to stay with her in London?
16. How had Iris been brought up?
17. Why did she prefer to stay at home rather than go out?
18. Why was her marriage postponed for an indefinite time? 
19. How did the author manage to make Louise agree to Iris’s marriage?
20. What happened on the wedding-day? 

2. Match the adjectives on the left with the nouns on the right according to the story. Say which of the characters of the story each word combination refers to.

large and melancholy

selfish and monstrous


wonderfully strong


brutal, cynical and vulgar

big, strong and good-looking

frail delicate

tall slim






young men




3. Tell the story of Louise according to the outline below.

1. Louise and the author.
2. Louise and her first husband.
3. Louise and her second husband.
4. Louise and her friends.
5. Louise and her daughter.
6. Louise: the face and the mask.

4. Discuss the following:

1. Why do you think Louise could always find a man to take care of her? Why did her two husbands give up everything to make her happy?
2. Why did her second husband have to brace himself now and then with a drink for his day’s work of Louise’s husband? What kind of work do you think it was?
3. Why do you think Louise turned her villa at Monte Carlo into a hospital? Did she really mean to distract her mind?
4. Why didn’t she look at forty a day more than twenty-five?
5. Was Louise’s health really very weak or did she ‘carry out a bluff for twenty-five years’ as the author put it? Was she ‘the most selfish and monstrous woman’?
6. Did she ‘ruin the lives of those two unhappy men she married’? Was she going to ruin the life of her daughter?
7. ‘She died gently forgiving Iris for having killed her’. What does the final sentence of the story mean? Why do you think Louise died on the wedding day?
8. What’s your personal reaction to the story?

  • #1

Hola amigos

Tengo esta gran duda. ¿Cómo se dice? He is as good as her o She is as good as he (is).

En el primer caso el sujeto de la oración es He y el objeto de la estructura adverbial seria her .. pero a mi me suena mucho mejor la segunda oración donde she es un pronombre personal del sujeto y en ese caso estariamos omitiendo el verbo to be que sería tácito. Se trata de dos parallel structures or phrases??? ¿Alguien puede aclararme cuál de las dos es la correcta?

  • cyberpedant

    • #2

    Lo correcto es la forma «She is as good as he (is),» pero lo que se escucha por todas partes es «She is as good as him.» Aunque las monjas me hubieran lavado la boca con jabón por haber dicho la última [«…as him»], hoy decir «She is as good as he» [sin «is»] sonaría «posh» entre casi todos mis amigos, aún los académicos. Pero así se escribiría.
    Otro punto: una «estructura adverbial» en inglés no tiene «objeto» si no contiene una preposición o un verbo.


    • #3

    Lo correcto es la forma «She is as good as he (is),» pero lo que se escucha por todas partes es «She is as good as him.» Aunque las monjas me hubieran lavado la boca con jabón por haber dicho la última [«…as him»], hoy decir «She is as good as he» [sin «is»] sonaría «posh» entre casi todos mis amigos, aún los académicos. Pero así se escribiría.
    Otro punto: una «estructura adverbial» en inglés no tiene «objeto» si no contiene una preposición o un verbo.

    I absolutely agree. To be grammatically correct without sounding affected, I always add the verb on the end (as good as he is). Although I am often careless and use «As good as him» in speaking, I would NEVER use it in writing.

    • #4

    Gracias por vuestra respuesta.. ahora, ¿ cómo se explica el uso del pronombre personal del sujeto en lugar del him que seria el pronombre personal del objeto? No entiendo porqué se usa he y no him…. ese segundo he es un objeto verdad??? o como dije antes son dos estructuras paralelas He is … as good as…. she is…


    • #5

    The second part of the phrase is not an object, it is the second part of a comparison. «I am as good as he is good.» «He» is the subject of the clause «he is good.»



    Senior Member

    • #6

    I agree with both of from PA’s comments. And if you do a Search, you will find previous. lengthy discussions (probably also in English Only) on this exact issue.

    No one every actually says «I am as good as she is good», but this would be the complete sentence.
    If I say, «I am as ugly as he is» it sounds normal.
    If I say, «I am as ugly as he» to some people, this will sound affected, others will respect that I am not an ignoramous.

    Why do people say «him»? In my personal cynical opinion, nothing but ignorance.

    By the way, you did not give us context. Are you asking in terms of writing a doctoral dissertation, or in terms of general conversation, or are you writing dialogue for a screenplay in which gang members are talking, or what?

    • #7

    Churchll is said to have written:
    » A preposition is a word a sentence never ends with.»

    • #8

    Churchll is said to have written:
    » A preposition is a word a sentence never ends with.»

    Didn’t Churchill say:
    «Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put»?




    as good as — почти; всё равно что
    as good as pie — амер. очень хороший, симпатичный; благонравный, паинька
    as good as new — почти новый, совсем как новый
    as good as ever — не хуже, чем раньше
    as good as gold — а) послушный; б) добрый, снисходительный, благожелательный
    as good as lost — прости-прощай; прощай
    as good as good — золотой, примерный (о поведении, о нравственных качествах)
    as good as wheat — амер. очень хорошо, подходяще
    as good as a play — очень забавно /интересно/
    as good as it gets — лучше не бывает

    as good as a feast — вполне достаточно
    be as good as word — быть хозяином своего слова; сдержать слово
    as good as a circus — ≅ «цирк!»; со смеху помрёшь
    it’s as good as new — вещь почти новая
    make as good as new — обновлять
    he’s as good as gold — он прекрасно себя ведёт
    it’s as good as done — дело в шляпе
    he is as good as gold — а) он золото, а не человек; б) он золотой ребёнок
    he is as good as dead — он уже не жилец на свете
    as good as one’s word — верный своему слову
    it’s as good as settled — дело в шляпе
    give as good as one gets — отвечать тем же
    be as good as one’s word — сдержать своё слово; держать своё слово; сдержать слово
    a nod is as good as a wink — умейте понять намёк; не будьте слепы; намёк понятен
    a wink is as good as a nod — стоит лишь глазом моргнуть
    every whit as good as this — ничуть не хуже этого
    jack as good as his master — работник не хуже своего хозяина
    to give as good as one gets — не остаться в долгу
    the case is as good as lost — дело, в сущности, проиграно
    she has as good as admitted — её слова фактически являются признанием; она почти призналась

    ещё 20 примеров свернуть

    Автоматический перевод

    все равно что, фактически

    Перевод по словам

    as  — как, согласно, как, так как, когда, какой, что, который, в качестве, в виде
    good  — хороший, добрый, благой, хорошо, добро, благо, польза
    as  — как, согласно, как, так как, когда, какой, что, который, в качестве, в виде


    The summer’s as good as over.

    Лето уже считай, что закончилось.

    Your guess is as good as mine.

    Я знаю не больше вашего.

    The child was as good as gold.

    Это был просто золото, а не ребёнок. / Ребёнок вёл себя очень послушно.

    This carpet’s as good as ruined.

    Этому ковру, считай, конец.

    Brad is just as good as the others.

    Брэд так же хорош, как и другие.

    A miss is as good as a mile. посл.

    Промах есть промах.

    My memory’s not as good as it once was.

    Моя память уже не так хороша, как когда-то.

    ещё 23 примера свернуть

    Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

    Примеры, ожидающие перевода

    This violinist is as good as Juilliard-trained violinists go  

    It’s not as good as his last movie, but it comes pretty close.  

    It’s not as good a show, musically, as ‘The Most Happy Fella’.  

    Once the boat’s repaired, it’ll be as good as new (=in perfect condition).  

    Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

    Использование сравнительных конструкций as as и not as as в английском языке

    Очень часто мы сравниваем что-то/кого-то между собой:

    «Красное платье такое же красивое, как и зеленое. Она такая же умная, как ее брат. Моя машина такая же быстрая, как твоя. Этот торт не такой вкусный, как тот».

    Как вы видите, в таких предложениях мы говорим, что одна вещь (человек) обладает или не обладает такими же качествами, как и другая вещь (человек).

    Чтобы построить такие предложения на английском языке, мы используем конструкции as…as и not as…as. Про них я подробно расскажу вам в этой статье.

    Хотите заговорить на английском?
    Приходите на наш бесплатный онлайн мастер-класс «Как довести английский язык до автоматизма»

    Также Вы можете ознакомиться со всеми онлайн-курсами английского языка.

    Из статьи вы узнаете:

    • Использование конструкции as…as в английском языке
    • Использование конструкции not as…as в английском языке

    Использование сравнительной конструкции as…as в английском языке

    Конструкция as … as переводится на русский язык «такой же…как, так же…как». Мы используем ее, когда говорим, что два предмета/человека схожи в чем-либо.

    Эта конструкция используется при сравнении и может показывать:

    1. Что кто-то/что-то обладает такими же качествами
    Например: «Ее комната такая же большая, как и моя».                    

    Так как мы говорим, что что-то, кто-то является таким же, то чаще всего такие предложения строятся с помощью глагола to be (am, are, is, was, were, will be).

    Подробно про глагол to be в каждом из времен читайте в следующих статьях:

    • Глагол to be в настоящем времени
    • Глагол to be в прошедшем времени
    • Глагол to be в будущем времени

    В нашу конструкцию мы вставляем то качество (большой, красивый, умный, быстрый), которое является одинаковым для обоих предметов/людей.

    Мы ставим его между as и as: as big as (такой большой как), as smart as (такой умный как).

    Схема такого предложения будет следующей:

    Предмет/человек + глагол to be + as + качество + as + второй предмет/человек.


    She is as beautiful as her sister.
    Она такая же красивая, как и ее сестра.

    These apples are as tasty as those ones.
    Эти яблоки такие же вкусные, как те яблоки.

    My book was as interesting as yours.
    Моя книга была такой же интересной, как твоя.  

    2. Действие совершается таким же образом
    Например: «Он бегает так же быстро, как Том».

    Также мы можем сказать, что делаем что-то, точно так же, как делает это другой человек. В этом случае наша конструкция ставится после действия. Действие может стоять в любом времени.

    Между as и as мы ставим признак действия (быстро, хорошо, правильно).

    Схема такого предложения:       

    Действующее лицо + действие + as + признак + as + второй человек/предмет.


    She sings as well as me.
    Она поет так же хорошо, как и я.

    He swims as fast as his father.
    Он плавает так же быстро, как и его папа.

    They worked as hard as we.
    Они работали так же упорно, как и мы.

    Использование конструкции not as…as в английском языке

    Конструкция not as as переводится на русский язык «не такой … как, не так … как». Мы используем ее, когда говорим, что один предмет/человек уступает в чем-то другому предмету/человеку.

    Эта конструкция также как и предыдущая может показывать:

    1. Что кто-то/что-то не обладает такими же качествами
    Например: «Он не такой сильный, как его брат».

    В таких предложениях также чаще всего используется глагол to be. Качество, по которому сравниваются предметы/люди ставится между not as и as.

    Схема такого предложения будет:

    Предмет/человек + глагол to be + not as + качество + as + второй предмет/человек.


    My car is not as expensive as this one.
    Моя машина не такая дорогая, как эта.

    These boxes are not as heavy as those ones.
    Эти коробки не такие тяжелые, как те.

    Italy is not as big as Germany.
    Италия не такая большая, как Германия.

    2. Действие не совершается таким же образом
    Например: «Он не бегает так быстро, как я».

    Мы говорим, что кто-то делает что-то не так, как другой человек. В этом случае наша конструкция ставится после действия. Между not as и as мы ставим признак действия (быстро, хорошо, правильно).

    Схема такого предложения:       

    Действующее лицо + действие + not as + признак + as + второй человек/предмет.


    He sleeps not as long as his sister.
    Он спит не так долго, как его сестра.

    They play not as well as we.
    Они играют не так хорошо, как мы.

    Kids read not as quickly as adults.
    Дети читают не так быстро, как взрослые.

    Итак, мы разобрали теорию, а теперь давайте перейдем к практической части.

    Задание на закрепление

    Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

    1. Этот дом не такой большой, как тот.
    2. Моя чашка такая же большая, как твоя.
    3. Баскетбол не такая популярная игра, как футбол.
    4. Он не занимается так часто, как Том.
    5. Я тренируюсь так же долго, как ты.
    6. Мы шли так же быстро, как они. 

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