She texts me one word answers

Not sure why your girlfriend is giving you one word answers? One word answers are the worst thing that can happen in a relationship. No one likes it when their partner isn’t responding to them. It’s like you’re trying to have a conversation, but she’s not really saying much to you. You can tell that something is wrong, but you’re not sure exactly what the problem is.

It’s also very hard to have a conversation when she’s just giving you one word answers and isn’t showing you that she’s engaged in the conversation or has anything to say. This can be very annoying an infuriating. However, I’m sure that there’s a reason why she’s not saying much to you.

The most logical reason for this is that she’s probably mad at you or sad about something that you did. Oftentimes, you probably said something that offended her, even if it wasn’t intentional. You can never know how someone is going to react to what you say, even if that person is your girlfriend.

You are not perfect and neither is anyone. You are going to make mistakes and say things that will offend or hurt your girlfriend. If you know exactly what you said or did, you should talk to her and apologize.

Even if you don’t think you did anything wrong, it’s best to just say that you’re sorry. You don’t want to argue with your girlfriend because you’re not going to win. Also, it seems as if a woman is always right. If you want to be happy and have some peace in your life, then just talk to her and let her know that you didn’t mean to hurt or offend her.

Lastly, even if you didn’t do anything wrong and it’s not because of you. You should still try and encourage your girlfriend in any way that you can. You can do something as simple as give her a kiss or hug her and hold her. Perhaps, all she wants is your love and comfort. Either way, you should be there by her side until she stops giving you one word answers and is back to being the way that she usually is.

What does it mean when a girl gives one word answers?

 One word comments usually mean the subject is getting boring. You can prepare some sensible subjects to discuss with her. Don’t be hesitant to ask her what she likes. With a good sense of humour, make people laugh and relax.

What do you do when a girl replies with one word answers?

 So, here are some conversation starters.

Say less.

Don’t keep pinging till she responds.

If she doesn’t want to talk to you, give her some time.

Let her talk more.

Mention your pals and good times.

Mention your jobs to prove you’re responsible.

What does it mean when someone only gives you one word answers?

 One word answers frequently imply discontent and avoiding dialogue. It often means he doesn’t want to talk and thinks fast answering your question will get you to leave. That guy isn’t always communicative.

What do 1 word texts mean?

 What does it indicate when people just text one word replies? Text messages lack emotion. Either the individual is busy but wants to respond to you to avoid hurting feelings. Or he or she is not interested in continuing the conversation.

Are one word responses rude?

 One-word answers are deemed disrespectful because they generally reject the person or the question. “Did you have fun today?” A yes or no is not enough.

What is dry Texter?

 Dry texting is when someone gives you short, non-engaging text replies. This style of texting can be draining because when your crush isn’t contributing to the conversation, you may feel obligated to keep continuing.

What to do if a girl is being dry?

 So, here are some conversation starters.

Say less.Don’t keep pinging till she responds.

If she doesn’t want to talk to you, give her some time.

Let her talk more.Mention your pals and good times.

Mention your jobs to prove you’re responsible.

Why does my girlfriend send short texts?

 You’re stupid. After a while, girlfriends tend to send short texts or replies to boyfriends. It saves time typing and allows them to inquire or speak more. Not to mention their romanticism.

How do you respond to a dry text?

 How to Respond to a Guy’s Dry Text

1 Define his dry texting.

Start the conversation with his interests.

A fun query can break a text-rut.

4 Remind him of your bond with a fun memory.

a photo to help you communicate more.

Why do guys respond with one word answers?

 If you’re getting one-word answers, he’s probably multitasking. You can always ask him to chat. Say no and try again later. “It appears you’re occupied right now.

What are one word replies called?

 Children’s single word utterances are called ‘holophrases’, while adults’ are called’sentence words’. Context is vital in both kid and adult sentence word usage.

Is it good if a girl responds fast?

 If she responds promptly to your SMS, she is on her phone and thus physically able to do so. It might suggest she favors you over everything else (a “yes”) or she answers swiftly to everyone.

How do you become a cold Texter?

 How To Cold Text Sales Leads

Keep it Simple Stupid:

Keep Texts Clean, Simple, and Concise: The whole point of texting is to reach prospects faster.

What does it mean when a guy responds right away?

 He likes you if he responds quickly.

Longer texts, compliments, personal tales, and queries indicate he wants to keep talking, whereas shorter messages indicate he doesn’t. This shows he is interested and reacts promptly to your communications.

How do you respond to a rude text from a guy?

 3 Rude Person Responses

Time to relax and reflect. Consider why individuals are rude. …

Express how you felt after their harsh comment. …

Set limits and enforce them.

How do I respond to my boyfriends texts?

 Make him feel valued by starting your response with “you”.

“Your texts always flush me.”

“You make me feel like the luckiest man alive.”

“Thank you!”

What should I reply to ok?

 They mean the same thing, it’s just an other spelling. This is a grammatical issue, not etiquette. If you want to be formal, don’t say OK. Say “Yes” or “I agree” as appropriate.

How do you respond to yeah from a guy?

 Yes, Om, OK, Great, I see, Aha, Usually, when someone replies ‘Yeah” It could signify OK. Agreed. I see.

How do you respond to a cold message?

 What Should You Do When You Get an Interested Reply to Your Cold Email?

Recognize Your Prospect’s Goals.

Quickly respond.

Make It All About Them.


Don’t overload them with data.

Resolve All Issues

Never Make Them Buy.

Expect the email to not sell.

What is a cold Texter?

 Cold calling or emailing a customer is common in sales and business. Cold text messaging is similar to cold calling and emailing in this regard. Cold texting includes texting a customer without their consent.

What should be the first text to a guy?

 How to Text a Guy for the First Time (Examples)

1 “Well, I have your number. …

“Describe yourself in three emojis!”

2“My fave meme! …

3 “I need a new TV show!” …

4 “I saw your dog on your profile.

5 “So, we both adore humor. …

6 “Your eyes pop in this photo!

How do I get a girl to respond to my text?

 “Everything alright?” So she knows you observed her silence but also care about her. If she doesn’t react after a week, send a casual text stating that you are a cool person with a busy schedule. “Hi, Tonya.

What’s the 3 day rule?

 The three-day rule is a dating method that advocates not calling your date for three days. Waiting three days makes you appear less eager and/or desperate, and gives your date time to realize how much they enjoyed you.

What make a girl fall for you?

 Getting a girl to like you takes effort and patience. If you treat a girl well and show her what makes you a great guy, she may grow to love you. Remember that there must be some attraction between you two.

How do you vibe a girl over text?

 Check whether you’re offending her.

Make flirty banter. Have as much fun as you can.

Push it. Texting allows for easy sex and flirting.

Don’t be vague. Use terms that truly describe your message.

Keep it upbeat.

Know when to act.

Is it OK to date others while dating?

 But online dating guru Benjamin Daly says you should date around as long as you’re safe. Not compatible by the second date? You’ve wasted time and must start over. That wastes time.”

Is it a relationship or dating?

 The primary distinction between dating and being in a relationship is that both parties are committed to one other. You and the person you’re with have agreed, either formally or informally, that you’re in a partnership.

What are the 5 stages of dating?

 Whether you’re just starting out or have been dating for years, every relationship passes through the same five stages. On reaches these levels through engaging in a conversation.

How long should you date before asking her to be your girlfriend?

 Two months is a good rule of thumb. But, since every relationship is unique, go for it. If that doesn’t feel right, there are measures you may do to prepare for the conversation.

How do you know if you are together?

 You trust them implicitly.

You expect weekend visits.

You know their friends.

You think about them constantly.

You two discuss about going away.

You don’t want sex with anyone else.

What are the hardest months in a relationship?

 The first and second month tend to be the most difficult. Whatever dating advise you seek, getting to know someone is difficult. The first few months can be difficult for those with trust concerns.

How long do relationships last by age?

 20-year-olds have more durable partnerships. Relationships can endure up to four years. Relationships benefit from maturity. 20+ year olds are still figuring out their social roles, job paths, and aren’t ready to settle down.

When should you stop trying in a relationship?

If your partner doesn’t want to talk about it or make any adjustments, it’s time to think about quitting the relationship. When it comes to long-term relationships, sex is a key way to feel connected and appreciated.

If you look at your chat, you see her messages.

But then you notice…

“She never texts me first!”

That’s why this article will give you everything you need to make her addicted to your texts so she never stops messaging you.

  • 1. Study her level of investment
  • 2. Be warm without being desperate
  • 3. See if she’s fun
  • 4. Always add value
  • 5. Pay attention to the relationship
  • 6. Give her room to text you
  • 7. Go fast first, slow later
  • 8. Create the right texting pattern
  • 9. Get her to text first again
  • 10. Use the power of clickbait.

Important: Quickly letting you know I found the best opener EVER. Its psychologically irresistible to ignore. I made a video explaining how to use it and it’s ‘clickbait-principle’ with screenshot examples. Check it out here.

By the end of this article, she’ll be blowing up your phone with texts.

1. Study her level of investment

Here comes a little secret to ease your mind:

Her never initiating the conversation may not be as big of a deal as you think.


Because there are TONS of other ways that show she’s into you. Texting first is just one way to show interest.

Here’s how to find out how much she likes you.

Answer the next set of questions with a rating from 0 to 10.

Here come the questions:

  1. When she responds, does she write long or short texts? Answer 0 for a one-word text, 10 for America’s Greatest Novel.
  2. When you reach out, how quickly or slowly does she reply? Answer 0 for 3+ days, 10 for an instant reaction.
  3. When you ask her a question, does she answer the bare minimum, or does she go into great detail and fire back a question of her own? Answer 0 for… you know the drill.

Tally up your numbers and divide the answer by 3.

Did you get 7.5 or higher? Greenlight. She likes you.

6 to 7.5? Orange, proceed with caution.

6 or lower? Redlight. Do not ask her out until she’s more receptive.

Don’t worry. We’ll show you how to get her interested.

2. Be warm without being desperate

Here’s a problem I bet you don’t know the answer too:

How do you show interest without showing that you want them?

A very important question because liking someone too quickly is generally a big turn-off.

So how do you express interest without scaring her away?

By being chill with uncertainty.

If she goes quiet for a few days or never texts you first, relax. Focus on other things in your life.

Don’t make a person you barely know your priority in life.

3. See if she’s fun

Let’s be honest, if she was super into you she’d be texting you first.

So what went wrong?

She doesn’t feel any chemistry between you.


Well, in some cases it just isn’t meant to be. But if she even found you mildly attractive, you probably turned her off and killed ALL the attraction.

One of the biggest attraction killers is trying too hard.

Like being too funny that you end up being a clown. Or that you’re so set on showing you’re cool, that you won’t stop talking about yourself.

If you ever catch yourself thirsting for someone, do this:

See if she’s fun.

Being curious will keep you from going too fast.

4. Always add value

If you ever feel that girls on dating apps are boring, this is for you.

But first an example text.

Check out my boy Blue’s conversation.

Can you spot anything off here?

Blue is accusing her of being boring, but it’s actually HIM who’s putting everyone to sleep.

What is he failing to do?

To provide value!

And the easiest way to do that is by writing texts that stimulate her emotions. Or by using one of my 10 Texts That Always Work.

That’s not a joke. These 10 texts are a compilation of the most successful texts that I’ve used over the years. Download ’em here for free.

5. Pay attention to the relationship

Whether she texts first or not is hugely influenced by…

…your relationship!

And they come in all shapes and sizes. Today, we’ll focus on the big three:

New relationships (fresh Tinder match or girl you just met), platonic relationships (co-worker, classmate or friend), and intimate relationships (girlfriend or friend with benefits).

  • Why would a girl you just met never text you first? She doesn’t like you enough or you’re never giving her a chance to invest. Solution: shut the fugg up once in a while, my lovely reader.
  • Why would a friend not reach out first? She doesn’t feel that close to you or she doesn’t want to lead you on (because texting first is a sign of interest). Solution: stay warm and match her level of investment while you focus your attention on someone else.
  • Why would a girlfriend stop texting you first? Probably because she’s going through some stuff or she’s upset with you. Solution: don’t make it about you, ask her if she’s doing okay.

6. Give her room to text you

This is the classic texting problem.

You like someone and you feel them slipping away. Rather than giving your attention to someone more deserving, you double down and try to catch their attention again.

So you shoot off texts like you’re hunting the Predator.

You text too fast and your messages are too long.

That way you leave little room for her to invest.

When SHE overtexts.

If you want her to send longer texts, check out this article of mine:

  • When do you text a girl too much?

7. Go fast first, slow later

Most guys get texting all wrong.

They put in more and more effort as the conversation continues. Regardless if she follows suit or not.

Sensing their eagerness, she loses interest and pulls back. Which leads to guys taking it up yet another notch.

And her losing even more interest.


This is the golden rule of texting:

Over-invest to get the convo moving and once it’s running, mirror her level of investment.

“But Louis, what if she keeps barely responding?”

Simple, move on.

Don’t invest in people you like, invest in people who you like AND invest in you.

8. Create the right texting pattern

Her habit to reply to your texts may 1337% be your fault.

How so?

Because of your texting pattern.

And that pattern not only exists between you and your crush, but also between you and your friends.

Actually, you have a pattern for every person you ever texted.

Think about it.

You speak to some people daily. Some weekly. And others monthly, or perhaps just at the holidays.

Without your friends being aware of it, you’ve set an expectation. A texting pattern.

What does that mean for you?

Your crush expects you to text her first.

You never gave her a reason to think otherwise.

So if she waits long enough, she can safely assume you will reach out again.

It’s your job to break that expectation.

And to show her that she can’t take your attention for granted.


Cut off her subscription to Cool Dude Inc. and hope she liked you enough to breathe life into a dead conversation.

And if she doesn’t revive the convo, check in on the conversation a week later or so.

9. Get her to text first again

When all else has failed, get her to text you back with the next message.

Why don’t you reply to me, m’lady?

(Please don’t send that.)

Complete 3 more steps and turn into the MegaVirgin.

After you’ve given her room to text you, your best line of action is to send her a value text.

A text that doesn’t ask anything of her. It just gives value.

That cheery text can be:

  • A short but witty anecdote.
  • A funny clip.
  • A super relevant meme.
  • Or an inside joke.

Just make sure it’s a text you know she’ll enjoy AND that is likely to lead to more than “haha”.

Hint: Any joke or roleplay that involves BOTH OF YOU greatly improves the odds of getting a good response.

If you did your homework right, she’ll reply with something good.

After you splooge your pants, try to keep the momentum up by responding right away.

Now she has her phone in her hands, she’s the most likely to answer.

Use this moment to have a mini conversation and build a stronger connection.

10. Use the power of clickbait.

Get the easiest and most effective way to grab her attention, using the next trick.

I’ll admit, this impressive trick took me way too long to discover.

Or actually rediscover.

Because it’s widely used across many fields, especially in the dating industry:

  • How an ordinary 30-year-old seduced 27 Playmates with one simple technique.
  • The ultimate guide to sleeping with 15 women in 7 days.
  • 3 Secrets to getting a woman so excited she goes home with you.

Yeah… right…

But let me click on the links just in case it’s true huehuehue.

You can use the same principles of clickbait when texting.

Let me give an example, to show you what I mean:

You know what I like about you?

Few women can resist to chomp down on the bait.

Want to master the clickbait line?

Hit the link and watch my video on how to hook her on every word.

The video also shows you two follow-ups (with screenshots) and my own analysis.

That marks the end of She Never Texts First.

Enjoy the clickbait opener, brochacho.

Louis Farfields

And don’t forget your download below ;)

Relationships and Friendship are integral parts of human life. Typically, to get in a relationship, men have to make more effort than women. They have to get women into the conversation. But, many men/boys complain that ‘she never texts me first but always replies.’ 

Read Also: How to Text a Girl You Like and Keep the Conversation Going

You surely had listened to this line from either of your male friends. It is a common problem. But why does this happen? Why does she never text you first but replies to you fast? 

There can be several reasons behind that:

  1. It may be possible that she doesn’t want to be in a relationship with you if your conversation revolves around that!
  2. It may be possible that she’s busy.
  3. It may be possible that she’s not a texting person!
  4. It may be possible that she doesn’t know how to start a conversation. 

Why does she not text you first and still replies?

As already explained in the above paragraph, there are several reasons behind her not texting first. But we will try to explain the reasons in detail. Here are those reasons behind her not texting first!

  • She’s not interested in a relationship
  • She doesn’t like texting first or initiating conversation 
  • She’s remained busy
  • She is used to you texting her first. 
  • Because you don’t offer good conversation.
  • She may think she is wasting her time. 
  • She may not want to hurt you; that’s why she only replies. 

She doesn’t text first but always replies enthusiastically. What should you do?

If you are saying she enthusiastically replies to you, it means she really wants to talk to you, but she may be shy for any other reason. But she’s definitely interested in you either to make you a friend or something more.

Rather than providing one-word answers, she enjoys conversing with you and keeps the conversation flowing. 

This means that you should carry on texting her first, even if she’s not texting first.

She seems interested when you text her, but she never texts first. What should You do?

How quickly does she respond to a text message, and does she carry on the conversation over time? If you can answer “yes” to that, then my response would be, “What concerns you? Does it really matter who texts first if she enjoys texting you and you have a good relationship?

So don’t take tension about her not texting you first. Instead, make more efforts to talk to her. One day she will start texting you first.

Should you keep texting her if she never texts first?

It is not recommended to keep texting if she does not answer or gives short and dry responses when you initiate texting.

People text who they really want to talk to whenever they get the opportunity; those people have bonds built already. Meeting someone new and becoming a placeholder in their life through texting alone is close to impossible.

If she gives good replies even though she never texts first, then you can carry on making efforts and initiating conversations.

Quick Link: How to Start a Conversation on Match

Should Ego come into play while Texting Her First?

This is an excellent question. Because the thing about texting her first happens with most boys. At one point in time, we all want to stop texting her first. Your Ego comes into play and tells stop texting her first. 

So what are the right things to do? Whether Should you text her first or not? 

The answer can be based on her interest in talking to you. If her texts are dry, then definitely, you should not text her first. 

If she is fully interested and giving you replies and carrying on the conversation, there is no point in listening to your Ego.

What could it mean when a shy girl never texts first but keeps the conversation going if you text her?

The shy person doubts their abilities and finds it difficult to initiate conversation. However, if they like you, they will make an effort to continue the conversation. When they are allowed to continue longer, they grow in self-confidence. So keep going on the chatting and texting first; she is interested in talking to you!

As well, it is a common characteristic of shy girls. The guy is supposed to do most of the work while they look pretty and collect your attention. 

Read: How to keep a conversation going with your crush

So the answer to this question is simple: if she texts you back every time and keeps the conversation on, you can continue texting with her, even if you have to start a conversation every time.

Bottom Line

Chatting with girls is not easy. You don’t know when they will reply, when their mood changes, when they love you. Unfortunately, very few boys are experts in pulling off the conversation with girls. 

But don’t worry, we are always here to help you. We have a lot of articles on conversation building and improving. You can surely learn something.

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Write the perfect funny or flirty text to win a reply back

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  • Texting Help
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  • Sending Flirty Texts
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  • Replying with Funny Texts
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  • Tips

We’ve all been there: you text a girl that you like and—ugh—you get a one-word message in return. How can you craft a text that’s so good, she has to reply? If someone sends you a one-word response, they might be busy, a little nervous, or not a great texter (and in that case, you’ll just have to be patient!). On the other hand, she might want to see if you can keep things exciting, even without much to go on. Ready to discover the perfect text? Read on for more.

Things You Should Know

  • Send a sweet, romantic text that’ll make her feel special (and get her to respond). For example, tell her she just popped into your head.
  • Craft a hilarious joke making fun of yourself to play it cool and pique her interest. You might mention how you clumsily tripped over your own shoelaces.
  • If she’s sending short replies, she might be pressed for time or shy. Sometimes, all you have to do is be a little patient!

Texting Help

  1. Image titled Reply to One Word Texts from Girls Step 1


    Give her a sweet compliment. Let’s face it, everyone loves being flattered. If your convo has rolled to a halt, get her to reengage by saying something super thoughtful. Mention that you love her personality, her looks, or something that she’s done. And if you can, say it in an offhand way—that way, it’ll seem more sincere, and you’ll be playing it cool, like her one-word reply didn’t phase you.[1]

    • «Oh, by the way, I meant to tell you that I loved the dress you were wearing yesterday.»
    • «I forgot to mention this earlier, but you crushed it at your basketball game yesterday. You were an all star out there.»
    • Or, put a playful, funny spin on your flirtatious compliment: «Man, this is what I love about you. With these one-word replies, you really make me work for it.»
  2. Image titled Reply to One Word Texts from Girls Step 2


    Let her know that you’re thinking about her. Craft a super sweet response, and you’ll make her swoon (and refocus on your text conversation). Mention something that reminds you of her or let her know she’s on your mind. There are a couple great ways to do this—you can wait a few hours and then tell her she’s on your mind, like you’re opening a brand new chat and ditching her one-word response. Or, you can go for a casual vibe and pretend like you hardly noticed her short reply.[2]

    • If you want to wait a few hours, try a message like this: «I just saw a fudge cake at the store & it made me think of you—I know you love your chocolate»
    • Or, if you want to play it cool, try a message like this: «So random, but you just popped into my head! Wolf Alice came on the radio, so naturally I thought of you…»
    • Let her know that you think of her often in a casual way: «I was thinking about how you keep losing your house keys…have you tried Tile? Might help.»


  3. Image titled Reply to One Word Texts from Girls Step 3


    Ask her a thoughtful, open-ended question. Sometimes, when you look back at your old messages, you might realize that the message you sent was pretty bare bones. She might’ve actually thought you were the one sending a brief message, and she just followed suit. If you want to kick the convo up again, try asking her questions that require a full response. Focus on trying to really get to know her.[3]

    • Ask her about something you know she loves: «So you’re obviously an MVP tennis player, but I’ve never asked how you got into it. What’s the story?»
    • Ask her a deep question: «I just remembered you mentioning that you want to be a novelist—that’s amazing. What draws you to writing?»
    • Ask her a flirty, romantic question: «So anyway…it’s clear that I like you (I mean, what’s not to like?). But what do you usually look for romantically?»
  4. Image titled Reply to One Word Texts from Girls Step 4


    Share a beautiful song or book and tell her you think she’d like it. Not only will you get to show off your great taste, but by telling your crush that something «reminds» you of her or that it «seems like something she’d like,» you’re subtly telling her that you know her well. Pick out a pretty song, book passage, or another kind of art form, then send it her way.

    • «This song’s lyrics are so gorgeous, I thought you’d appreciate them.»
    • «Wow, I just read this line in my book, isn’t it amazing? I feel like you have an eye for this stuff, so I’d love to hear your thoughts.»
  5. Image titled Reply to One Word Texts from Girls Step 5


    Send along a photo of something in your day. Pictures are a great way to help her get to know you, help her feel engaged in the convo, and easily navigate away from a one-word response. Snap a quick shot of the niece you’re babysitting, cookies you made for friends, a nice view out your work window, or anything that shows off your sweet, intimate life. Then, just include a few words for context.

    • «On babysitting duty this afternoon. But we all know Lily’s really the boss.»
    • «Best batch I’ve made to date. Want one?»
    • «Hard to complain with a view like this.»
  6. Image titled Reply to One Word Texts from Girls Step 6


    Ask her to hang out. Sometimes, your crush might just be frustrated with the slow pace. If the two of you have been texting and texting (but you haven’t hung out in person), why not ask her when she’s free? If she’s been waiting for you to make a move, she’ll be thrilled. And if she’s not that interested, this is a great way to find out quickly. Just make sure that no matter her answer, you accept it gracefully!

    • «Hey, here’s a thought. Why don’t we see a movie this week?»
    • «If I haven’t made it embarrassingly obvious yet, I like you. Any chance you’d want to grab dinner on Friday?»
    • «Yeah, texting can be boring. Want to catch up in person instead?»
  7. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Reply to One Word Texts from Girls Step 7


    Tease her in a hilarious, flirtatious way. Showing off your silly side can make you way more attractive to her; plus, it helps diffuse any awkwardness in the conversation. She’ll probably love to see that you roll with the punches and that you aren’t pressed by her one-word response. Make her laugh, and she’ll probably decide to keep texting you back![4]

    • «Wow, my message was so interesting and profound…I’ve actually left her speechless. Amazing.»
    • «If I had a little more pride I might not reply to a one-word response, but lucky for you, I’ve got super low self-esteem!»
    • “The votes are in! You’ve won the Most Boring Text Response Ever award. Congrats!”
  2. Image titled Reply to One Word Texts from Girls Step 8


    Pique her interest with a cliff-hanger text message. Send a short, mysterious message that’ll leave her on the edge of her seat. Then, when she responds, make something silly up. She’ll love your sense of humor, and you’ll have her totally engaged in your convo in seconds.[5]

    • Start with: “You’ll never guess what just happened…” Then say: “I just got a paper cut. I guess God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers.”
    • Or, say: “The craziest thing just happened at my house!” Then follow up with: “My sister actually apologized to me for once. This is groundbreaking news.”
    • Send her: “Omg, Sarah, guess what just happened!!” Then, follow up with a silly response: “A zombie just ran into my room, but I took care of it. I’m tough like that.”
  3. Image titled Reply to One Word Texts from Girls Step 9


    Make fun of yourself to make your crush giggle. When you lightly make fun of yourself, you actually come off as more confident than when you’re speaking highly of yourself. Jokingly blame her one-word reply on your texting skills and make fun of yourself for getting “rejected.” Just make sure to keep it light so that you don’t go from seeming casual and funny, to genuinely hurt.[6]

    • “Wow, a one-word reply?? Man, I must be off my game today.”
    • “Oof, a one-word response…that cuts deep. Obviously I’m going to need to strategize, make a game plan, and get back to you if I’m gonna get your attention.”
  4. Image titled Reply to One Word Texts from Girls Step 10


    Challenge her to a silly game. When the conversation has come to a crashing halt, why not start up a random game to get her engaged while making her laugh? An out-of-the-blue invitation will totally take her by surprise, which will show off your silly side. Plus, playing a game can be a great way to deepen your connection, so when you start, make sure to throw in some playful trash talk, too.

    • Download the GamePigeon app and send over a random invitation to 8 ball, checkers, 20 questions, you name it.
    • If the game is getting close, send over a hilarious, jokingly competitive text: «Better watch out. I’m definitely about to have a comeback here.»
  5. Image titled Reply to One Word Texts from Girls Step 11


    Send her a meme or funny link. So, she hit you with the one-word reply. No worries! If you wait a beat, then send over something completely hilarious without more text, you’ll make her laugh in a super casual way. Plus, you won’t have to navigate a text response to her short reply; your funny content does that for you!

    • For example, send over that hilarious TikTok you saw this morning. Bonus points if your video is super tailored to her (maybe it’s about a movie she likes, for example!).
    • Or, send over a funny news article or meme that made you laugh. Pro tip: when you come across a hilarious link, save it to your notes for times like this.
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    I like this girl but she doesn’t like me back and bullies me. Should I try these tips on her?

    Community Answer

    No. If she bullies you, then she does not respect who you are. You should not waste your time on someone who has no regard for you.

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    What topics should I start a conversation with?

    Community Answer

    If it’s a new text relationship, start with things you have in common, such as family pets, friends or school life. If it’s not brand new, dig deeper. Ask about past experiences she’s had at places, or if she’s been to a place — and if she has, ask her about it. Bring up more personal things the longer the relationship goes on.

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    How do I have a text conversation with a girl without getting confused?

    Community Answer

    If you feel confused, just ask her what she meant by what she said. This approach will eliminate confusion.

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  • If she consistently sends you one-word replies, she might not be interested. That’s okay! In that case, your time is best spent reaching out to someone who is. You deserve someone who’s excited to text you!



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Article SummaryX

To reply to one word texts from girls, ask her a question that can’t be answered in a few words, like “What is your idea of a perfect date, and why?” You can also try to liven up the conversation by asking her about something you know she’s interested in, like her favorite TV show or hobby. Alternatively, try laying the blame for her short responses on yourself to show her your funny and playful side. For example, text “Wow, I must really be off my game today. I’m not usually so boring.” Then, at the end of the text, add a smiley face to let her know you’re not mad at her but are simply poking fun at yourself. To learn how to make up ridiculous stories to get a girl to text you back, keep reading!

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Exercise 3.
Phrasal verbs. Complete using the correct form of the words in italics. You need to use one word twice.

get make put look bring fall grow Personality

Some of us seem to be infinitely kind, while others seem to 1) _________ down on everyone around them. Some of us never forget an argument, while others 2) _________ up and forgive easily. As we 3) _________ up, our personality develops and we find that we 4) _________ on with certain people more than others. Who we are seems to have a large genetic element, but is also influenced by those who 5) _________ us up. If we 6) _________ up to our parents or other family members, we may want to be like them. On the other hand, if our parents seem to 7) _________ us down all the time and we 8) _________ out with them a lot, then perhaps we will develop quite different personalities.

Exercise 4. Phrasal verbs. Write a phrasal verb in the correct form to replace the words in italics. And any other words you need.

1) The doctor said that the old woman had died ________ peacefully in her sleep.

2) I always support ________ my brother when he gets into trouble.

3) Tony seems to have really fallen in love with ________ Vanessa.

4) Mark is such a bully and treats badly ________ the younger boys at school.

5) I was surprised ________ when Michaela said I’d hurt her feelings.

6) Richard finally met the woman of his dreams and got married and started to live quietly ________ in Australia.

7) I saw Mrs Khan in the centre of town and she asked for news about ________ you.


2. Fill in the missing word. There are two words you do not need to use.

1. The heavy rain caused the driver to lose control of his car and crash into a tree.

2. What started out as a light breeze soon became a very strong wind.

3. The well-trained lifeguard was able to rescue the drowning swimmer and quickly bring him to safety.

4. The lead actor felt under the  weather and Daniel was asked to replace him in the school play.

5. The big earthquake caused many buildings to collapse and people were left homeless.

6. When the avalanche hit the area, dozens of people were snowed in for many hours.

7. Cars and factories produce toxic fumes that harm the environment.

8. A terrible flood caused by three days of continuous rain has destroyed many houses inthe small fishing village.

9. drought will occur in an area when it hasn’t rained for an unusually long period of time.

10. The terrible fire left dozens of buildings in ruins

Вопрос по английскому языку:

Помогите, пожалуйста.

Insert the required tense (Passive Voice).
1. «I don’t want to hear another word. I __ never __ so __ in my whole life, (to insult) (/. Shaw)
2. But what shall I do if you __ ? (to kill) (Shaw)
3. Godfrey waited, before he spoke again, until the ale __ and the door __ (to bring, to close) (Eliot)
4. In whatever spare time he could find, he read the current research journals, trying to understand the implications of the experiments which __ throughout the world, (to perform) (Wilson)
5. Merriman, order the dog-cart at once. Mr. Ernest __ suddenly to town, (to call back) (Wilde)
6. Upon the Doctor and the widow the eyes of both Mr. Tuprnan and his companion __ for some time, when the stranger broke silence, (to fix) (Dickens)
7. In 1834, the Houses of Parliament, with the exception of Westminster Hall __ by fire. They __ ‘. by Sir Charles Barry, (to destroy, to rebuild)
8. «I’m afraid that we’re going to have to move,» he said. «This lab won’t be big enough for us after all. But there’s a double room on the eleventh floor that __ » (to use — negative) (Wilson)
9. Lanny noticed that he __ by three white men from the coffee stall on the other side of the road, (to watch)
10. It was past eleven o’clock — a late hour for the little village of Cobham — when Mr. Pickwick retired to the bedroom which __ for his reception, (to prepare) (Dickens)
11. We __. if we __, but never mind, (to scold, to see) (Ch. Bronte)
12. The Nobel Prize __ to him in 1924 when the advent of wave mechanics had revealed the importance of his work, ten years after his famous experiment __ (to give, to perform) (Wilson)
13. The camp of peace will not allow the outbreak of a new war that __ by the imperialists. (to prepare)
14. I called… to ask if a diamond brooch of mine __ (to find) (Wilde)
15. The tea-things __ scarcely ___ when the London coach deposited Mr. Weller, senior, at the door, (to put away) (Dickens)
16. Annette’s most valuable stone was ruby, which __ to her when she was twelve by an Indian prince who was in love with her mother, (to give) (Murdoch)
17. He [Jim] put down his pail… and bent over the toe with absorbing interest while the bandage __ (to unwind) (Twain)
18. He carefully examined the contents of his case, and did not speak again until the beer __ and he had paid for it. (to bring) (Priestley)
19. The little patient — and __, and now lay composed in her crib, (to examine, to soothe) (Ch. Bronte)
20. It was an idea that __ at that moment __ by Colonel Melchett and Colonel Bantry. (to discuss) (Christie)
21. Lanny __ cruelly, heartlessly in the way Sara __ When he __, the barking of a dog __ It __ by hurried footsteps, (to beat, to beat, to beat, to hear, to follow).

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