На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
который обозначает
что расшифровывается как
которая выступает за
который выступает за
которая расшифровывается как
которая обозначает
который расшифровывается как
что означает
который означает
которая означает
которое означает
который представляет
These meanings are set off by using the gray «metallic», which stands for progress, speed, professionalism and adaptability.
Эти смыслы оттеняются при помощи серого «металлика», который обозначает прогресс, скорость, профессионализм и технологичность.
In the rough, a symbol is defined as a sign which stands for something.
You see, some of the devices are what I call a TDM, which stands for…
Another is called ART, which stands for Android RunTime.
In any case, the part of the Kazakh political elite, which stands for ethnic nationalism clearly has the upper hand.
Во всяком случае та часть казахстанской политической элиты, которая выступает за этнический национализм явно берет верх.
The project is called RADAR, which stands for Reporters and Data and Robots.
Инициатива получила название Radar, что расшифровывается как Reporters And Data And Robots — «репортёры, данные и роботы».
The new party is RUNA, which stands for Movement, Reforms and Revolution of Ukrainian people.
Название новой партии — РУНА, что расшифровывается как Движение, Реформы, Революция украинского народа.
Most of them have played in the NBA, which stands for National Basketball Association.
Большинство из них играли и играют в НБА, что расшифровывается как Национальная Баскетбольная Ассоциация.
First of all this is possible due to lack of time traffic (airtime), which stands for hakazchikov advertising.
В первую очередь такое возможно благодаря отсутствию временного траффика (эфирного времени), который выделяется для заказчиков рекламы.
Low wage growth will constrain the demand for consumer loans, which stands for 16% of total credit stock in economy.
Низкий рост зарплат будет сдерживать спрос на потребительское кредитование, которое составляет 16% от кредитов экономике.
The which stands for identified business solutions that will best meet the needs of your market.
The который стенды для определенных бизнес-решений, которые наилучшим образом отвечают потребностям вашего рынка.
Avoid the term «open source» which stands for rejection of our ideals.
Избегайте выражения «открытый исходный текст», которое означает отказ от наших идеалов.
Commands like these are called s-expressions, which stands for symbolic expressions.
Команды, подобные этим, называются s-выражениями, где s указывает на символьное выражение.
There is also green which stands for healing and regeneration.
Зеленый также поддерживает исцеление и регенерацию.
Just imagine that there’s no ‘8’ which stands for glasses.
Each nation has its own special traditional clothing which stands for its social status and cultural value.
Каждая страна имеет свою уникальную традиционную одежду, которая представляет ее культурный и социальный статус.
Lots of exported jewels were marked with an acronym Zr, which stands for the same-named chemical element.
Ведь многие экспортируемые ювелирные украшения имели просто аббревиатуру «Zr» по названию одноимённого химического элемента.
The organization PETA, which stands for protection of animal rights, chose the most beautiful representatives of show-business among vegans.
Организация, которая выступает в защиту прав животных, выбрала самых красивых представителей шоу-бизнеса среди веганов.
They call this experiment is EPR paradox, which stands for 3 first letters of the three authors.
Мы называем этот эксперимент парадоксом ЭПР (от первых букв фамилий трех его авторов).
They often refer to such licenses by the term rand, which stands for reasonable and non-discriminatory.
Часто они указывают на такие лицензии, пользуясь выражением «RAND», что означает «обоснованный и недискриминационный».
Результатов: 824. Точных совпадений: 824. Затраченное время: 259 мс
Корпоративные решения
Справка и о нас
Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Перевод по словам
— for [preposition]
preposition: для, на, за, в, к, в течение, ради, от, вместо, по причине
conjunction: ибо, ввиду того, что
- one for all and all for one — один за всех и все за одного
- contention for — раздора для
- division for — деление на
- theme for — тема для
- for pollution — за загрязнение окружающей среды
- disastrous for — губительные для
- substantiation for — обоснование
- deliverables for — ожидаемые результаты для
- packed for — упаковано для
- for those looking for — для тех, кто ищет
— which [pronoun]
pronoun: какой, который, что, каковой, кто
adjective: который
- instrument which — инструмент, который
- which induces — который индуцирует
- managers which — менеджеры которые
- notification which — уведомление, в котором
- which prohibits — который запрещает
- situations which — ситуации, которые
- which compromises — которые компромиссы
- panel which — панель, которая
- which will support — который будет поддерживать
- which has jurisdiction — который обладает юрисдикцией
— it [pronoun]
pronoun: это, он, него, она, оно, этого
noun: последнее слово, идеал, верх совершенства, тот, кто водит
- getting it — получать его
- it forms — он образует
- repair it — отремонтировать его
- it contravenes — это противоречит
- it benefits — это выгодно
- demand it — требовать его
- it corroborates — это подкрепляет
- it entrusts — он вверяет
- jack it — ДЖЕК
- it wipes — он вытирает
— stands [noun]
noun: стенд, подставка, стойка, позиция, киоск, трибуна, штатив, клеть, тумба, место
verb: стоять, баллотироваться, постоять, терпеть, устоять, находиться, выдерживать, вынести, вставать, держаться
- the hair stands on end — волосы становятся дыбом
- stands once again — стоит еще раз
- fans in the stands — болельщики на трибунах
- stands out above all — выделяется прежде всего
- stands with — стоит с
- stands outside — стоит вне
- dense stands — плотные стенды
- stands amid — стоит среди
- it stands out against — она выступает против
- stands for itself — стоит для себя
Предложения с «for which it stands»
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. |
Все: я клянусь в верности флагу Соединённых Штатов Америки и республике, которую он символизирует, одной нации под Богом, неделимой, со свободой и справедливостью для всех. |
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States ofAmerica and to the republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. |
Клянусь хранить верность флагу Соединенных Штатов Америки и Республике, которую он олицетворяет единой нации перед Богом неделимой, свободной и справедливой ко всем. |
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. |
Я клянусь в верности флагу Соединённых Штатов Америки и республике, которую он символизирует, одной нации под богом, неделимой, со свободой и справедливостью для всех. |
I respectfully submit that when we display the flag as Mr. Winston has, it flies in the face of the very freedoms for which it stands. |
Я с уважением признаю что когда мы вывешиваем флаг, как это сделал мистер Уинстон он развевается, символизируя наши драгоценные свободы. |
So back in November 2016, during the election last year, the only image that we could publish was this, which was on the stand on the week that everybody voted. |
Возвращаясь к ноябрю 2016 года, во время прошлогодних выборов единственная обложка, которую мы могли опубликовать, была такой: она передавала атмосферу той недели, когда шло голосование. |
But the phonetic approach is also absent today, because when, in the 18th century, we decided how we would standardize our writing, there was another approach which guided a good part of the decisions. |
В то же время это не поддерживается, потому что когда в XVIII веке было решено стандартизировать письмо, появился другой подход, где было много других определений. |
In the African-American communities from which I come, we have a long-standing multi-generational joke about what we call CP time, or colored people’s time. |
В афроамериканских сообществах, откуда я родом, уже многие поколения существует шутка о так называемом времени ЦЛ, или времени цветных людей. |
We create social risks for one another, even in schools which are supposed to be all about learning, and I’m not talking about standardized tests. |
Мы сами давим друг на друга, даже в школе, где, казалось бы, самое важное — это учёба, и я говорю не о стандартных тестах. |
Worse than that, all of the other known forces of nature are perfectly described by this thing we call the Standard Model, which is our current best description of nature at its smallest scales, and quite frankly, one of the most successful achievements of humankind — except for gravity, which is absent from the Standard Model. |
Кроме того, все другие известные силы природы прекрасно характеризует так называемая Стандартная модель, которая сейчас является лучшим описанием мельчайших объектов природы, и, честно говоря, одним из самых успешных достижений человечества — всё портит гравитация, которая отсутствует в Стандартной модели. |
Recently I was in Paris, and a friend of mine took me to Nuit Debout, which stands for up all night, the self-organized protest movement that had formed in response to the proposed labor laws in France. |
Недавно я был в Париже, и мы с другом посетили Nuit Debout, что значит ночь без сна, самоорганизованное протестное движение, сформировавшееся во Франции в ответ на возможную трудовую реформу. |
But there are 22 countries that speak Arabic, and they use modern standard Arabic, which is the Arabic that is used across the whole region in newspapers and broadcasts, but of course, then from one country to the next in day to day language and use it varies — dialect, colloquialisms, etc. |
22 страны говорят на арабском языке, на арабском литературном языке, который используется по всему региону в газетах и радио — и телевещании, но, конечно, в разных странах повседневный язык отличается от литературного: диалекты, разговорные выражения и так далее. |
I especially liked hot dogs, those sausages between bread rolls, which you can buy at snack bars and from hot dog stands on street corners. |
Мне особенно понравились хот — доги, сосиски между кусочками хлеба, которые можно купить в закусочных или у стоек на углах улиц. |
They are impressed by Kyiv-Pechersky Monastery which stands on the green hill above the Dnieper and its sparkling gold domes can be seen from outside the capital. |
На них производит впечатление Киево — Печерский монастырь , который стоит на зеленом холме над Днепром , а его сверкающие золотые купола видны за пределами столицы. |
This was not just a facelift to the building, the interior and technical equipment were brought up to the highest standards of quality, which is as it should be, since it contains so many treasures of Russian art. |
Это был не только косметический ремонт здания, качество интерьера и технического оборудования доведено до высочайшего уровня мировых стандартов, что само собой разумеется, т.к в здании хранятся бесценные сокровища русского искусства. |
There is a sofa in the corner of the room and next to it a beautiful old standard lamp, which is on the carpet. |
В углу комнаты — диван, а рядом красивый старый торшер, который находится на ковре. |
Now every Christmas British people are sent a huge fir tree from Norway which stands in Trafalgar Square, in the centre of London, shining down on all the people who gather on Christmas Eve. |
Теперь каждым Рождественским британским людям посылают огромную ель из Норвегии, которая стоит в Квадрате Trafalgar, в центре Лондона, сияя вниз на всех людях, которые собираются в Сочельник. |
People decorate their houses and usually have a fir-tree which stands in the corner of the room. |
Люди украшают свои дома и, как правило, ставят ель, которая стоит в углу комнаты. |
It has 13 horizontal stripes,7 red and 6 white which stand for the original 13 states. |
На нем 13 горизонтальных полосок, из которых 7 — красные, а 6 — белые, которые представляют 13 первоначальных штатов. |
A word only stands for the ways in which things or happenings of the same general kind are like one another. |
Слово выражает только то, чем вещи или события похожи друг на друга. |
Which means we will maintain the highest standards of neatness, promptness, orderliness, and military bearing at all times! |
Это означает, что мы поддерживаем наивысшие стандарты чистоты, сноровки, порядка и военной выправки постоянно! |
It had a judicial system which kept the average citizen safe on the streets, and was even reasonably fair by modern standards. |
Судебная система королевства поддерживала безопасность среднего подданного и была даже относительно справедливой по современным стандартам. |
He was standing directly in front of the construct, which moved almost uneasily before his intense gaze. |
Он стоял напротив конструкции, а та двигалась под его пристальным взглядом, двигалась так, будто стеснялась. |
We have installed interfaces which should make the archive interoperable with standard syntax queries from the Net. |
Нами установлены интерфейсы, которые должны обеспечить взаимодействие архива с запросами стандартного синтаксиса Сети. |
Tanelorn was the haven to which all weary people could come, to rest, to stand outside the wars of men and gods. |
Танелорн был гаванью усталых путников, дарившей отдых тем, кто изнемог в сражениях людей и богов. |
The Mother stands in the doorway like a fat cook, ruthlessly choosing which lamb to slaughter. |
На пороге появляется Мамаша, похожая на жирную повариху, которая отбирает овцу на заклание. |
The spectators arose and remained standing while Judge Markham strode to the judicial chair and the bailiff intoned the formula which convened the session of court. |
Зрители встали и оставались стоять, пока судья Маркхам не занял свое место. |
Which one stands out in your mind as the auto parts store? |
Какой из магазинов авто запчастей в том районе у вас первым всплывает в памяти? |
And the next year was a little red wagon, which I made a lemonade stand, which was great. |
На следующий год мне подарили красный вагончик который я переделала в подставку для лимонада. |
Each stands for a world, the study of which led eventually to the making of the Ways. |
Каждый символ обозначает мир, исследование которого в конце концов привело к созданию Путей. |
Dulled eyes stared at his legs which were still standing above him, twitching spastically as they slowly buckled. |
Тускнеющие глаза уставились на спазматически подергивающиеся, подгибающиеся, но все еще стоящие ноги. |
In the Teynkirche stands the worm-eaten pulpit from which preached John Huss. |
В Теинской церкви стоит изъеденная червями кафедра, с которой проповедывал Ян Гус. |
Which would make it very difficult for the victim to stand and nearly impossible for him to escape. |
Что могло крайне затруднить для жертвы возможность стоять и практически исключало вероятность сбежать. |
There are very serious and legitimate questions being raised about the murder of which my client stands accused. |
Это влечет за собой серьезные обоснованные вопросы об убийстве, в котором обвиняется моя клиентка. |
Each of these standard types has only one plot, which is varied endlessly and tiringly. |
Каждый из этих стандартов имеет только один сюжет, который бесконечно и утомительно варьируется. |
I think of prisoners standing on the brink of the trench into which their bodies will tumble. |
Я думаю о пленных, стоящих на краю рва, куда скатятся их тела. |
It may have been driven from the stars by a stronger force against which it could not stand. |
Может, его выгнала со звезд более мощная сила, с которой оно не могло бороться. |
The tents were made of camouflage material, which only made them stand out more among the dull red rocks. |
Палатки были сшиты из камуфляжной материи, отчего особенно выделялись на фоне тускло — красных камней. |
We were given gifts by the Source, gifts which enable us to stand against the Brotherhood. |
Мы одарены Истоком, что позволяет нам выступить против Черного Братства. |
The lake is spread out between the mountain and our hut which stands on considerable height too. |
Между нашей хижиной, а она тоже стоит на порядочной высоте, и пиком — гигантом раскинулось озеро. |
The Inter-Agency Standing Committee should be able to develop a standard guidelines which will be applicable by all humanitarian agencies. |
Межучрежденческому постоянному комитету следует разработать стандартные руководящие принципы, которые применялись бы всеми гуманитарными учреждениями. |
There’s a elegant master-bedroom and a separate bathroom which has a stand up shower. |
Также там есть элегантная главная спальня и разделенная ванная комната с душем. |
Each of the supports comprises a stand with a foot, and a crosspiece which is rigidly fastened to the opposite end of the stand. |
Каждая из опор включает стойку с пяткой и траверсу, жестко закрепленную на противоположном от пятки конце стойки. |
Very roomy bathroom with high wooden ceiling, in which is a double jacuzzi facing the panorama and also a stand up jet shower jacuzzi. |
В очень просторной ванной комнате с высоким деревянным потолком есть двойная джакуззи с панорамным видом и еще одна джакуззи с душем. |
Rural women work almost 16 hours a day, which is twice as much as the physiologically acceptable work standard. |
Сельская женщина работает почти 16 часов в сутки, что в два раза превышает физиологически допустимые нормы трудовой деятельности. |
It’s very easy to see how air has been leaking from one part to another part, which is difficult to do in a normal, standard, physical autopsy. |
Хорошо видно, как воздух перетекал из одной части в другую, это очень сложно увидеть в нормальной, стандартной, физической аутопсии. |
The responsibilities and procedures which would be applicable to an investigation under this article are set out in detail in the Force Standing Instructions. |
В действующих полицейских инструкциях подробно излагаются функции и процедуры, применимые при расследовании уголовных преступлений в соответствии с настоящей статьей. |
In July 2001, the Standing Committee of the Pension Board requested a study, which was arranged for only at the end of 2002. |
В июле 2001 года Постоянный комитет Правления Пенсионного фонда предложил провести исследование, которое было организовано лишь в конце 2002 года. |
Very small and very difficult to detect, which means that if you’re to stand any chance of finding one, you need to be somewhere very quiet indeed. |
Которые слишком малы и трудны для обнаружения, это значит, что если вы захотите найти эти частицы, вам понадобится очень спокойное место. |
Contrary to standard practice, at the start of the project there was no comprehensive budget with which actual expenditure could be compared. |
Вопреки обычной практике проект был начат при отсутствии комплексного бюджета, с которым можно было бы сравнить фактические расходы. |
The text has been drawn up on the basis of standard rules applicable to Conferences which are held under the auspices of the United Nations. |
Их текст составлен на основе стандартных правил, применяющихся на конференциях, которые проводятся под эгидой Организации Объединенных Наций. |
It was unclear if the proposed law would conform to international standards for the protection of refugees, which the authorities continued to violate. |
Поэтому осталось неясным, будет ли планируемый закон соответствовать международным стандартам защиты беженцев, которые власти по — прежнему нарушали. |
Authorities shall not send messages which do not comply with published standards. |
Администрации не должны направлять сообщения, которые не соответствуют опубликованным стандартам. |
He spurred China’s historic economic reform programme, which greatly improved living standards in China and modernized much of the nation. |
Г — н Дэн Сяопин был инициатором исторической программы экономических реформ, осуществление которой привело к существенному повышению жизненного уровня в Китае и модернизации значительной части страны. |
You represent a country with which France maintains long-standing and very close relations of friendship and cooperation. |
Вы представляете страну, с которой Франция имеет давние и очень тесные узы дружбы и сотрудничества. |
In 1998 Hungary aligned its environmental standards with those of the EU, which resulted in a ban on imports of some Russian oil products. |
В 1998 году Венгрия привела свои природоохранные нормы в соответствие с нормами ЕС, в результате чего был запрещен импорт некоторых российских нефтепродуктов. |
Other standards identify circumstances or conditions in which no children may be employed. |
Другие нормы определяют обстоятельства или условия, при которых не должен использоваться детский труд. |
All those which fail to meet the energy efficiency standard will be rejected. |
Все те, кто не сможет соответствовать стандарту энергетической эффективности не будут допущены к продаже. |
These agreements are useful in that they set standards for the functioning of these industries which may facilitate international trade in services. |
Функционирование этих соглашений полезно тем, что они устанавливают стандарты деятельности данных отраслей, облегчающие международную торговлю услугами. |
The Guards set standards against which every other regiment measure themselves. |
Гвардейцы устанавливают стандарты, на которые равняется любой другой полк. |
The Board looks forward to the issue of the policy document, which will set standards for capacity assessments. |
Комиссия ожидает выпуска стратегического документа, который установит нормы для оценки потенциала. |
stand verb
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases
stand verb
I can’t stand her voice.
Our tent won’t stand another storm like the last one.
Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examples
More examplesFewer examples
- Personally, I can’t stand her.
- I can’t even stand the smell.
- I can’t stand being cold.
- He can’t stand the sight of her.
- I can’t stand the thought of waiting so long.
stand verb
C2 [ I ] UK (US also UK run)
stand verb
stand verb
I couldn’t get to the bank, so could you stand me lunch?
stand verb
stand verb
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases
Phrasal verbs
stand noun
dmitry_7/iStock/Getty Images Plus/GettyImages
stand noun
stand noun
[ C ] US (UK witness box)
stand noun
stand noun
SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases
stand noun
Environmental groups are making a stand against the new road through the valley.
stand noun
The Orioles will be in town for a three-game stand.
stand noun
(Definition of stand from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
stand | American Dictionary
stand verb
stand on your hands (also head)
stand verb
stand verb
stand verb
Our tent won’t stand another storm like the last one.
stand verb
Phrasal verbs
stand noun [C]
stand noun [C]
stand noun [C]
stand noun [C]
stand noun [C]
(Definition of stand from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
stand | Business English
stand a chance (of doing sth)
stand to do sth
stand to gain/lose/win Our firm stands to lose a lot of money if the deal doesn’t go through.
Phrasal verbs
[ C ]
a stand against/for sth Mr Williams said his organization’s stand against the new development would not change.
See also
(Definition of stand from the Cambridge Business English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)
Examples of stand
The abolitionist was, constitutionally speaking, neither officer nor prisoner and as a consequence may stand for the ordinary citizen — «society,» the people at large.
The latter response is reinforced in us by our obligation to stand in solidarity with victims of wrongdoing against those who have wronged them.
Thus, the passive walker reported here can stand still.
This former self, we learn, stood before two paths, one leading to a hill, the other to a meadow.
In the end, we have only neutered rhetorical forms to stand as theories, and random design novelties to stand as practice.
Flies were considered recovered when able to stand up.
The timber was necessarily burned where it stood or fell, since this then provided ash for fertilizing the subsequent crop.
But for both groups, might not these specific symptoms also be standing for something deeper?
These figures may stand out in a regional context, but have not been achieved through structural change.
Large-sized pioneer species dominating early successional stands suffered greater damage and mortality, but these same species were observed as seedlings in newly formed canopy gaps.
Each year the real number of trees per plot (stand) was recorded.
Most of these logic trees can be used as stand-alone tools, depending upon the nature of the questions under consideration.
Walls stand to 700 mm, varying degrees of intactness.
Effects of climate and stand age on annual tree dynamics in tropical second-growth rain forests.
Second, the present analysis as it stands cannot predict another possible reading of (27).
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023 stood /stʊd/USA pronunciation
WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023 stood (stŏŏd),USA pronunciation v.
Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: stood /stʊd/ vb
WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023 stand /stænd/USA pronunciation
n. [countable]
stand•er, n. [countable]See -stan-. WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023 stand (stand),USA pronunciation v.i.
Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: stand /stænd/ vb (stands, standing, stood)(mainly intr)
ˈstander n ‘stood‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations): ‘Stood’ and ‘was standing’ in the same sentence Look up «stood» at Merriam-Webster In other languages: Spanish | French | Italian | Portuguese | Romanian | German | Dutch | Swedish | Russian | Polish | Czech | Greek | Turkish | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | Arabic |
Потому что мы говорим не словами, а устойчивыми фразами, раз за разом используя привычные словосочетания. Именно построение фразы выдаёт иностранца, говорящего так, словно он читает газету. У носителя же языка готовые словесные обороты выскакивают сами собой.
Фактрум публикует самые важные английские идиомы с переводами и примерами их употребления.
Word Formation
Word Forms
Put each of the following words into its correct place in the sentences.
E.g. decide
(a) We must come to a ………. very soon.
(b) We beat them ………. We won 7:0.
(c) He can never make up his mind. He’s very ……….
(a) decision (b) decisively (c) indecisive
1. beauty
(a) She is very ……….
(b) She’s training to be a ……….
(c) They’re going to ………. the town with more trees and parks.
2. pay
(a) To buy this car I made a monthly ………. of £280 for two years.
(b) Please make your cheque ………. to John Watson.
(c) The person a cheque is made out to is called the ……….
3. receive
(a) She works as a ………. at a hotel in Scotland.
(b) Ask for a ………. when you buy something, in case you need to return it.
(c) I made several suggestions to improve production, but the management was not very ………. to my ideas.
4. hero
(a) He received a medal for his ……….
(b) They fought ………. in the war.
(c) She was described as a ……….
5. produce
(a) ………. of the new sports car has been halted by a strike.
(b) China is one of the world’s leading ………. of rice.
(c) I’m afraid the talks were totally ………. We didn’t reach agreement on anything.
6. explain
(a) An ………. leaflet is given to all purchasers of the machine.
(b) His disappearance is very strange, in fact quite ……….
(c) I think you owe me an ………. for your behaviour.
7. compare
(a) This is ………. better than that. In fact, there is really no ……….
(b) Scientists have made ………. tests on the new drugs.
8. advise
(a) Until the situation has settled down, it is ………. to travel to that country.
(b) The government set up an ………. body on the use of drugs in sport.
(c) I doubt the ………. of drinking alcohol while undergoing that medical treatment
9. admire
(a) She was a pleasant, attractive girl, always surrounded by ……….
(b) I am full of ………. for what she has achieved.
(c) I approve of him wholeheartedly. He is an ………. man.
10. stable
(a) To ………. the boat in rough sea, we redistributed the weight.
(b) Between 1860 and 1900 the country had a number of revolutions and uprisings. It was a time of great ……….
(c) The exchange rate is going up and down dramatically. It’s very ………. at the moment.
11. economy
(a) We’re spending too much. We must ……….
(b) This car uses a lot of petrol. It’s terribly ……….
(c) The Chancellor (Minister of Finance) is responsible for ………. affairs.
12. reside
(a) This is the President’s official ……….
(b) There’s no industry or entertainment here. It’s a ………. district.
(c) All ………. of the neighbouring houses were warned of the gas leak.
13. comfort
(a) In that tense situation I found the good news very ……….
(b) I felt rather ………. , so I put a soft cushion behind me.
(c) She sat in terrible ………. on the hard chair for over an hour
14. dead
(a) The increasing number of ………. in traffic accidents is alarming.
(b) Be careful! That’s a ………. poison!
(c) The doctor gave him an injection to ………. the pain.
15. demonstrate
(a) The ………. marched through the streets chanting slogans.
(b) Grandfather rarely showed the affection he felt for his family. He was a very ………. , person.
(c) What you say is ………. false. Let me show you the facts.
16. imitate
(a) The bag is made of ………. leather.
(b) Small children ,ne very ………. in their behaviour. They just copy what they see.
(c) His acting style is ………. No one can copy him.
17. argue
(a) She had an ………. . with her husband last night.
(b) He’s a very bad-tempered, ………. chap. He’s always quarrelling.
(c) She is ………. the finest pianist in the world.
18. repeat
(a) He lost his temper and used disgusting, ………. language.
(b) In this essay you’ve said the same thing several times. It’s very ……….
(c) I hope there will be no ………. of this shocking behaviour.
19. fail
(a) She is very efficient, and ………. polite to the customers.
(b) He considered himself a ………. He had succeeded in nothing.
(c) It was difficult to see much in the ………. light.
20. courage
(a) His friends tried to ………. him from attempting the dangerous climb.
(b) She ………. stood in the way of the escaping robbers.
(c) His parents gave him a lot of ………. in his studies.
21. real
(a) I chunk it’s a bit ………. to hope that world peace can be gained so easily.
(b) He spends all his time in romantic daydreams. He’s lost touch with ……….
(c) Ladies and gentlemen, I am a ………. and I think we must face facts.
22. false
(a) She was accused of ………. the financial accounts.
(b) It is a ………. to say he did it when you know he didn’t.
(c) The ………. of his argument was obvious to everyone.
23. prophesy
(a) i am not a ………. and I would not like to make a ………. on whether the world can survive this age of nuclear weapons.
(b) What he wrote in 1930 was ………. Much of what he described has come true.
24. describe
(a) The damage caused by the earthquake cannot be imagined. It was ……….
(b) The teacher asked them to write a ………. passage about their home towns.
(c) The witness was able to give a full ………. of the wanted man.
25. friend
(a) The ………. between the two soon developed into love.
(b) In London she was ………. by a rich woman who looked after her and helped her.
(c) The desert is a dangerous ………. place.
26. sense
(a) He felt a strange, painful ………. in his back.
(b) Even the most ………. person ought to appreciate the beauty of this music.
(c) What an idiotic, ………. thing to do!
27. famous
(a) The ………. of the Beatles soon spread outside Britain.
(b) The day of the massacre will go down in history as a terrible, ………. day It was a day of ……….
28. defend
(a) I just want to ask you a few ordinary questions, so why don’t you relax? Why are you so ………. ?
(b) The government’s policy on arms is shocking. It is quite ……….
(c) We must do all we can for the ………. of this nation against possible attack.
29. agree
(a) What an unpleasant, ………. old woman she is!
(b) We finally reached ………. on the matter at midnight.
(c) I liked the place. I found the people, the weather and the food very ……….
30. possess
(a) In his will he left all his money and ………. to his wife.
(b) She was a very ………. mother. She gave her son very little freedom.
(c) The actor playing the main part should be the ………. of a very good voice, good looks and a very strong physique.
31. different
(a) I’m afraid I have to ………. I don’t agree with you at all.
(b) Politeness is one thing. Real kindness is another. You must learn to ………. between the two.
(c) We get along pretty well, although of course we have our ………. from time to time.
32. active
(a) The strike was organised by a group of political ……….
(b) The fire-prevention system is ………. by any small increase in temperature
(c) It is quite safe to go near the volcano. It has been ………. for years.
33. form
(a) It is especially important for children to have love and affection in their ………. years.
(b) The slight ………. in his left hand was corrected by surgery.
(c) The police are considering the ………. of a new anti-drugs unit.
34. compel
(a) Military service is no longer ………. in South Africa.
(b) Membership of the Students’ Club is entirely voluntary. There is no ………. whatsoever.
(c) All staff should attend the meeting. Only the most ………. reasons for absence will be accepted.
35. create
(a) Ian Fleming, the ………. of James Bond, died in 1964.
(b) Although she is very able technically, she isn’t ………. enough for this kind of work.
(c) The ………. of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation took place in 1949.
36. enthusiasm
(a) They threw themselves ………. into the new project.
(b) He’s a real golf ………. He loves the game.
(c) They didn’t really ………. over my idea. In fact there was some opposition.
37. necessary
(a) We regret that the present economic difficulties will ………. a reduction in our work force
(b) I sympathise with his point of view, but I don’t always ………. agree with him
(C) He lives very simply, with just the basic ………. of life
38. destroy
(a) The control centre is deep underground and completely ………. except by a direct hit from a nuclear missile
(b) War plans include the immediate ………. of all enemy military bases
(c) His criticism of my work was entirely ………. There was nothing useful or constructive m it at all
39. manage
(a) Talks between workers and ………. have broken down and a strike now seems unavoidable
(b) The boy was very violent and his parents found him ……….
(c) To improve his qualifications he’s taking a course in ………. skills
40. believe
(a) It was an incredible story, quite ……….
(b) She is a person of very strong religious ……….
(c) His explanation was obviously false and the judge made no attempt to hide his ……….
New expressions are often created by combining parts of two words. ‘Smog’ is a combination of ‘smoke’ and ‘fog’ A film about someone’s life is sometimes called a ‘biopic’ (biographical picture). A ‘bedsit’ is a room which serves as both a bedroom and sitting room These combinations are called ‘portmanteau’ words. Can you explain the following?
Answers :
1 a) beautiful b) beautician c) beautify
2 a) payment b) payable c) payee
3 a) receptionist
b) receipt c) receptive
4 a) heroism b) heroically c) heroine
5 a) production b) producers c) unproductive
6 a) explanatory b) inexplicable c) explanation
7 a) incomparably, comparison b) comparative
8 a) inadvisable b) advisory c) advisability
9 a) admirers b) admiration c) admirable
10 a) stabilise b) instability c) unstable
11 a) economise b) uneconomical c) economic
12 a) residence b) residential c) residents
13 a) comforting b) uncomfortable c) discomfort
14 a) deaths b) deadly c) deaden
15 a) demonstrators b) undemonstrative c) demonstrably
16 a) imitation b) imitative c) inimitable
17 a) argument b) argumentative c) arguably
18 a) unrepeatable b) repetitive c) repetition
19 a) unfailingly b) failure c) failing
20 a) discourage b) courageously c) encouragement
21 a) unrealistic b) reality c) realist
22 a) falsifying b) falsehood c) falsity
23 a) prophet, prophecy b) prophetic
24 a) indescribable b) descriptive c) description
25 a) friendship b) befriended c) unfriendly
26 a) sensation b) insensitive c) senseless
27 a) fame b) infamous, infamy
28 a) defensive b) indefensible c) defence
29 a) disagreeable b) agreement c) agreeable
30 a) possessions b) possessive c) possessor
31 a) differ b) differentiate c) differences
32 a) activists b) activated c) Inactive
33 a) formative b) deformity c) formation
34 a) compulsory b) compulsion c) compelling
35 a) creator b) creative c) creation
36 a) enthusiastically b) enthusiast c) enthuse
37 a) necessitate b) necessarily c) necessities
38 a) indestructible b) destruction c) destructive
39 a) management b) unmanageable c) managerial / management
40 a) unbelievable b) beliefs c) disbelief