She more beautiful than the word

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

You will leave life even more beautiful… than you entered it.

more beautiful… than one hundred roses.

A place more beautiful… than any garden Adam and Eve could offer.

I have never seen anything more beautiful… than the look on your face… when you first saw her.

я никогда не видел ничего красивее выражения твоего лица, когда ты увидела её впервые.

Другие результаты

I do not mean to say that Mrs Brown is more beautiful than…

There is nothing more beautiful than…

I realize that in the world there are many people smarter, more talented, more beautiful than…

There is nothing more beautiful than the

There can be few panoramas more beautiful than this

You were exactly like you’ve always been… more beautiful than this world deserves.

When the boy returned the next morning… he found yet another magnificent horse… more beautiful than the last.

Когда юноша вернулся на следующее утро, он нашел еще одну великолепную лошадь.

If one of you has a wife more beautiful than mine and I know that’s not possible…

Даже если у кого то из вас жена красивей моей а я знаю, что это невозможно…

I know of no more charming and more beautiful place than Biarritz

Виктор Гюго: «Я не знаю места более очаровательного и прекрасного, чем Биарриц»

You’re even more… beautiful than your picture.

No, not beautiful… more than beautiful, her beauty takes his breath away.

But nowhere have I seen more… beautiful girls than here in… beautiful London.

Dreams, dreams, more What can be more beautiful than dreaming

Are not these things… more beautiful than the purest beauty itself?

Josh, is this really a healthy relationship, or are you just trying to make it work ’cause she’s… more beautiful than any other girl you’ve ever dated?

Джош, а это здоровые отношения, или ты лишь пытаешься сохранить их из-за того… что она намного красивее остальных твоих девушек.

You know what will make you more beautiful…

Вы должны есть то, что будет делать вас красивее,…

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

more beautiful than — перевод на русский

Ask Claudia, she’s so much more beautiful than me.

Скажи это Клаудии. Она намного красивее меня.

But none more beautiful than you.

Но они не были красивее тебя.

Well, Santa was more beautiful than the two of them and her mother put together.

Так вот Санта была красивее их двоих вместе с мачехой разом.

What could be more beautiful than a working person?

Что может быть красивее трудящегося человека?

I’m sure she’s not more beautiful than you are.

Я уверен, что ты красивее ее.

Показать ещё примеры для «красивее»…

My little wife. You’re more beautiful than an angel tonight.

Моя женушка, в этот вечер ты прекраснее ангела.

There is nothing more beautiful than music.

Нет ничего прекраснее музыки.

There’s nothing more beautiful than Shukaku.

Нет на земле ничего прекраснее храма Сюкаку.

There was nothing more beautiful than his authority

Не было ничего прекраснее его власти.

The Earth is a place to our eyes more beautiful than any other that we know.

Для наших глаз нет ничего прекраснее Земли.

Показать ещё примеры для «прекраснее»…

Wow. You look even more beautiful than you did yesterday.

Вау, ты выглядишь еще красивее, чем вчера.

Except… you’re more beautiful than he let on.

Только… ты ещё красивее, чем он говорил.

Go and make yourself look more beautiful than you already are.

Постарайся сделать себя еще красивее.

You’re even more beautiful than Philip described.

Ты еще красивее, чем Филип рассказывал.

It’s even more beautiful than I imagined.

Тут еще красивее, чем я представляла.

Показать ещё примеры для «ещё красивее»…

It’s even more beautiful than I thought.

Здесь еще прекраснее, чем я думал.

Is more beautiful than ever before

Еще прекраснее, чем раньше.

It’s more beautiful than I ever imagined.

Это еще прекраснее, чем я думал.

Stuart, do me a favor. And tell her she looks even more beautiful than she did last night.

Стюарт, сделай одолжение и скажи ей, что она еще прекраснее, чем вчера.

It’s more beautiful than legend.

Он еще прекраснее, чем в легенде.

Показать ещё примеры для «ещё прекраснее»…

And the world was more beautiful than I ever dreamed and also more dangerous than I ever imagined.

Тот мир оказался намного прекраснее, чем я думал, но также и намного опаснее.

And you look even more beautiful than in my dreams.

И ты выглядишь даже намного прекраснее, чем в моих мечтах.

You are more beautiful than the dancer.

Что вы намного прекраснее той танцовщицы.

You’re more beautiful than ever when you get angry.

Ты намного прекраснее, чем когда либо, когда ты сердишься.

You are more beautiful than a hot dog and a beer at Wrigley Field on opening day.

Вы намного прекраснее, чем хот-дог и пивко на дне открытия в Ригли-Филд.

Показать ещё примеры для «намного прекраснее»…

He’s even more beautiful than I thought.

Я очарована. Он еще более красив, чем я могла представить.

It’s even more beautiful than they say.

Он даже более красив, чем все говорят.

«My book is more beautiful than yours.»

«Моя книга более красива, чем твоя.»

Write thus: «My father was more beautiful than me.»

Напиши так: «Мой отец был более красивым, чем я.»

A simple drawing… can be more beautiful than an elaborate painting.

Простой рисунок может быть более красивым чем тщательно продуманная живопись.

Показать ещё примеры для «более красив»…

Oh, I have never seen her more beautiful than on that day.

Я никогда не видел её более прекрасной, чем в тот день.

I already suggested that he devote his heart to another muse one more beautiful than I.

Я уже предложила ему отдать свое сердце другой музе, более прекрасной, нежели я.

But we have something more beautiful than Lady Gaga. Democracy.

Но у нас есть кое что более прекрасное, чем Леди Гага.

You destroyed a creature more beautiful than you could ever comprehend.

Ты уничтожил создание более прекрасное, чем ты можешь представить.

Console yourself because nothing is more beautiful than being together.

Утешь себя, потому что нет ничего более прекрасного, чем быть вместе.

Показать ещё примеры для «более прекрасной»…

There is nothing more beautiful than a submarine and a sailboat.

Нет ничего лучше подводной лодки… и парусника.

He must have seemed to you better and more beautiful than you.

Вы наверняка думали, что он лучше вас во всём.

For what lady could live up to it close to… when her eyes and lips and voice may be no more beautiful than mine.

Разве найдётся та, что достойна таких восхвалений, когда её губы, глаза, тотже голос -ничуть не лучше моих?

Of course, you are more beautiful than before.

Юн Пхиль Чжу куда лучше Токко Чжина.

All I’ll say is that I have taken it now four times and every experience was more beautiful than the last.

Все что хочу сказать это то что я принимала это уже четыре раза И каждый новый опыт был лучше предыдущего.

Показать ещё примеры для «лучше»…

More beautiful than they said. — Who said that?

Мне это говорили, но ты еще более красива.

More beautiful than ever.

Еще более красива, чем всегда.

You’re more beautiful than I imagined.

Ты еще более красива, чем я представлял.

But then I got to know you, and I realized that you’re even more beautiful than I could see.

Но когда я узнал тебя, я понял, что ты ещё более красива, чем видно глазу.

You will leave life even more beautiful than you entered it.

Вы оставите жизнь еще более красивой, чем Вы вошли в нее.

Отправить комментарий

Разобраться в том, как следует использовать прилагательные в сравнительной степени на английском, вам поможет удобная таблица с примерами:

Типы прилагательных Положительная степень Сравнительная степень Превосходная степень
Состоящие из одного слога или двух слогов с окончаниями -y, -er short
(the) shortest
(the) dirtiest
(the) cleverest
Состоящие из трех и более слогов beautiful
more beautiful
more interesting
(the) most beautiful
(the) most interesting
Особые случаи (исключения) good
(the) best
(the) worst
(the) least

Обратите внимание на правописание окончаний простых форм степеней сравнения:

  • одна согласная после краткой гласной удваивается

big — bigger — the biggest
fat — fatter — the fattest

  • после согласной буква -y меняется на -i

happy — happier — the happiest

  • буква -e на конце выпадает

large — larger — the largest

Упражнения на употребление степеней сравнения прилагательных

Выберите в скобках и запишите нужную форму прилагательного.

  1. June is usually a (hot / hottest) month.
  2. July is (hotter / hottest) than May.
  3. Summer is the (hotter / hottest) season.
  4. Kittens are very (funny / funnier).
  5. The white cat is (funny / funnier) than the grey cat.
  6. Monkeys are the (funny / funniest) animals of all.
  7. Tom is a very (good / better) dancer.
  8. Who is the (good / best) runner in your whole class?
  9. The car is (good / better) than the bike.
  10. Don’t eat this salad, it is really (worst / bad).
  11. Jack is the (worse / worst) pupil in the class.
  12. It is one of the (more interesting / most interesting) stories.
  13. The weather is (cold / coldest) today.
  14. This spring is (cold / colder) than last spring.


Открыть ключ

  1. hot
  2. hotter
  3. hottest
  4. funny
  5. funnier
  6. funniest
  7. good
  8. best
  9. better
  10. bad
  11. worst
  12. most interesting
  13. cold
  14. colder

Поставьте прилагательные в скобках в правильную степень.

  1. Father’s car is (old) than uncle’s car.
  2. What is the (long) river in Europe?
  3. The red dress is (beautiful) than the blue dress.
  4. The red dress is (beautiful) in this shop.
  5. The cake is (tasty) than bread.
  6. Your story is (good) than my story.
  7. This shop is (bad) than that shop.
  8. Who was the (bad) runner in this competition?
  9. This is the (interesting) cartoon.
  10. Brown dog is (fat) than the white dog.
  11. Is Bob (lazy) than his brother?
  12. This is the (good) stamp in my collection.
  13. Who is the (accurate) pupil in your class?
  14. What is the (big) house in Moscow?


Открыть ключ

  1. older
  2. longest
  3. more beautiful
  4. the most beautiful
  5. tastier
  6. better
  7. worse
  8. worst
  9. most interesting
  10. fatter
  11. lazier
  12. best
  13. most accurate
  14. biggest

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the adjective or adverb, comparative or superlative of the words provided.

1. This is (the fanciest) dress I own.

2. In my opinion, a deer moves (the most gracefully) of all the animals.

3. The politician spoke (louder) than was necessary.

4. When we travel, my suitcase is always (heavier) than my husband’s.

5. January is the (coldest) month of the year.

6. Mrs. Pedrido speaks (more fluently) than her husband, but her daughter speaks

(the most fluently) of the whole family.

7. December 21 is the (shortest) day of the year. It is (shorter) than any other.

8. Andrew is (the fastest) runner on the team.

9. This apartment is (the most convenient) of all the apartments I have seen.

10. Annie usually gets up (earlier) than her sister.

11. Max finished the homework (faster) than anyone else in the class.

12. A turtle moves (slower) than a rabbit.

13. Bonnie works (the hardest) of all the employees in the office.

14. This book is more (interesting) than the one I read last week.

15. Daniel drives (more carefully) than his father.

16. Judy goes to the library (more often) than I do.

17. That gold necklace is (the most expensive) one in the whole store.

18. This is (worst) movie I have ever seen.

19. Shaun sings even more (beautifully) than her mother, who is a famous opera star. In fact, she has the most (beautiful) voice I’ve ever heard.

Помогите пожалуйста! Если будет правильный ответ, сделаю пять звезд, подпишусь. Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative).

1.     My house is (big)   than yours.

2.     This flower is (beautiful)  than that one.

3.     This is the (interesting)  book I have ever read.

4.     Non-smokers usually live (long)  than smokers.

5.     Which is the (dangerous)  animal in the world?

6.     A holiday by the sea is (good)  than a holiday in the mountains.

7.     It is strange but often a coke is (expensive)  than a beer.

8.     Who is the (rich)  woman on earth?

9.     The weather this summer is even (bad)  than last summer.

10.  He was the (clever)  thief of all.

11.  My sister thinks she’s(intelligent) than me, but I don’t agree!

12.  Avatar is probably(bad) film I’ve seen!

13.  What is(wet) month of the year in England?

14.  Do you think the Harry Potter films are(good) than the books?

15.  Who is(powerful) person in your country?

16.  I think Men in Black 1 was(funny) than Men in Black 3.

17.  Is Angelina Jolie(old) than Sandra Bullock?

18.  John is (nice) person that I know.


Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующуюся форму прилагательного.
8. We should eat (healthy) food.
9. Today the streets aren’t as (clean) as they used to be.
10. It’s the (bad) mistake he has ever made.
11. This man is (tall) than that one.
12. Asia is (large) than Australia.
13. Chinese is (difficult) than English.
14. Which building is the (high) in Ukraine?
15. Mary is a (good) student than Lucy.
16. The Alps are (high) than the Urals.
17. This garden is the (beautiful) in our town.
18. She speaks Italian (good) than French.
19. Is the word “newspaper” (long) than the word “book”?
20. The Thames is (short) than the Volga.
21. Today the weather is (cold) than it was yesterday.
22. This book is (interesting) of all I have read this year.
23. January is the (cold) month of the year.
24. My sister speaks English (bad) than I do.
25. Which is the (hot) month of the year?
26. Which is the (beautiful) place in this part of the country?
27. This good-looking girl is the (good) student in our group.
28. She is not so (busy) as I am.
29. It is as (cold) today as it was yesterday.
30. She is not so (fond) of sports as my brother.


Односложные и двусложные прилагательные

Положительная   степень

Сравнительная степень               

Превосходная степень



the smallest



the largest



the biggest



the happiest

Запомните особые случаи образования степеней сравнения

Положительная степень

Сравнительная степень

Превосходная степень


elder older

the eldest
the oldest



the farthest



the best



the worst

Многосложные прилагательные

Положительная степень

Сравнительная степень

Превосходная степень


тоrе interesting

the most interesting


more beautiful

the most beautiful

Упр. 1. Образуйте сравнительную и превос­ходную степень
следующих прилагательных.

Hot, long, short, clever, silly, great, red, black,  white, thin,
thick, fat, nice, warm, cold, merry, small, tall, high, weak, strong, heavy,
light, green, dry, clean, dirty, wide, deep, brave.

Упр. 2.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя тре­бующуюся форму прилагательного.

1. Which is (large): the United
States or Cana­da?
What is the name of the (big)
port in the United States?
3. Moscow is the (large) city in Russia.
4. The London underground is the (old) in the
5. There is a (great) number of cars and
buses in the streets of Moscow than in any other city of Russia.
6.St. Petersburg is one of the (beau­tiful) cities in the world. 7. The rivers in America are much (big) than
those in England.
The is­land of Great
Britain is (small) than Greenland.
9. What
is the name of the (high) mountain in Asia?
10. The English Channel is (wide) than the straits of Gibraltar.
11. Russia is a very (large) country.


as — такой же … как not so …. as — не такой… как

Упр. 3. Вставьте as as или so as.

1. Mike
tall Pete. 2.
Kate is not nice Ann. 3.
My room is light this one. 4. This book is
thin that one. 5. Sergei isold Michael. 6. She is young Tom’s brother. 7. This woman is
good that one. 8. Nick’s
English is not

good his friend’s. 9.1 am not tall Pete. 10.
This woman is young that one. 12. I am thin you. 13.
Kate is lazy her brother. 14. This child
is not
. . small . . that one.

Упр. 4. Переведите следующие предложе­ния на русский язык.

1. What is your height? You are taller than me. 2. She felt as
strong as her brother. 3. We started earlier than you. 4. He was more careful
than I. 5. This student is the most attentive in our group. 6.1 need a warmer
coat. 7. He is as tired as you. 8. He was one of the most experienced workers
at the factory. 9. Better late than never.  10. She was not so attractive as
her mother. 11. His work is not so difficult as mine. 12. He was the eldest in the
family. 13. It is easier to swim in the sea than in the river. 14. This is the
smallest room in our flat.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя тре­бующуюся форму прилагательного.

1. This man is (tall) than that one. 2.
Asia is (large) than Australia. 3. The Volga is (short) than the Mississippi. 4. Which building is the (high) in Moscow? 5. Mary is a (good) student than
Lucy. 6. The Alps are (high) than the Urals. 7. This gar­den is the (beautiful)
in our town. 8. She speaks Italian (good) than English. 9. Is the word
«newspa­per» (long) than the word «book»?
10. The Thames is
(short) than the Volga. 11. The Arctic Ocean is (cold) than the Indian Ocean. 12. Chinese is (diffi­cult) than English. 13. Spanish is (easy) than Ger­man.
14. She is not so (busy) as I am. 15. It is as (cold) today as it was
yesterday. 16. She is not so (fond) of sports as my brother is. 17. Today the
weather is (cold) than it was yesterday. 18. This book is (interesting) of all
I have read this year. 19. January is the (cold) month of the year. 20. My
sister speaks English (bad) than I do. 21. Which is the (hot) month of the
year? 22. Which is the (beau­tiful) place in this part of the country? 23. This
nice-looking girl is the (good) student in our group.

Упр. 127. Раскройте скобки, употребляя тре­бующуюся форму

1. Oil is (light) than water. 2. We shall
wait for a (dry) day to go on the excursion. 3.
A bus is (fast) than a tram. 4. Take some of these sweets: they are very
(nice). They are (nice) than the sweets in that box. 5. He clearly did not like
the explanation, and as he listened to it, he became (angry) and (angry). 6. He
worked (hard) and (hard) as the end of the term came nearer. 7. The (tall)
trees in the world grow in California. 8. Please be (careful) next time and
don’t spill the milk again. 9. Bobby was a (qui­et) child. He was (quiet) than
his sister. 10. Her eyes are (grey) than mine. 11. He was the (fat) man in the
village. 12. As he went on, the box became (heavy) and (heavy). 13. My sister
is the (tall) girl in her class. 14. Who is the (attentive) student in your
group? 15. It is autumn. Every day the air becomes (cold), the leaves (yellow).
16. This is the (beautiful) view I have ever seen in my life. 17. Your
handwriting is now (good) than it was last year; but still it is not so (good)
as Nick’s handwriting. Nick has a (good) handwriting than you. And of course
Nellie has the (good) handwriting of all.

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