She learning a new word

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Finally, it was 20 years ago that the Palestinians as


people stood up to the occupation,


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Наконец, 20 лет назад палестинцы как народ восстали против оккупации,


For example, if you learned a new word yesterday, then you need to repeat today,

preferably at the beginning of the day.


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Например если вы узнали новое слово вчера, то повторить необходимо сегодня, и желательно в начале дня.


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By the way, whenever you learn a new word, don’t forget to build it into the whole construction set you have.

Do not leave it aside, or it may get lost!

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Кстати, когда вы узнаете новое слово, не забывайте встроить его в ваш конструктор, не оставляйте этот

новый« кубик» лежать отдельно, он может потеряться!

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a new word today, from Pryce, of all people.

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Я вручила новое слово сегодня- от Прайса, из всех людей.

Next Door’s problems with her daughter and how Dudley had


a new word(«Won’t!»).

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When you


a new word, write the sentence you heard it in and the situation in which it was used.


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Вместе с новым словом выписывайте предложение, ситуацию, в которой оно было употреблено.


You will also

get to speak fluently as you will have

learned a

634 new word vocabulary.

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К тому же

ты сможешь сделать большой шаг вперед, ведь твой словарь пополнят 634 новых слова.

Word Connect is


app designed to train your brain and learn new words, all while having


great time.


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And it will respond differently because Furby-


real honors and is able to learn new words.


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А отвечать он будет по-разному, потому что Ферби- настоящий отличник и умеет учить новые слова.


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Why not setyourself


challenge and learn two new words


day- you will beamazed by how quickly

you can pick it up!

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Почему не setyourself вызов и выучить два новых слов в день- вы beamazed, как быстро вы можете забрать его!

Easily look up and learn new words and phrases, sync your progress across devices.


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Ищите в словарях и учите новые слова и фразы, синхронизируйте свой прогресс на всех устройствах.


Results: 105,
Time: 0.1563





На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

выучить новое слово

запомнить новое слово

учите новые слова

учите новое слово

узнаете новое слово

учить новое слово

выучиваю новое слово

Good to see you guys could learn a new word today… compromise.

The easiest way to learn a new word is to hear it used in context.

Research suggests you can learn a new word in 14 minutes if you repeat it 160 times.

When you learn a new word don’t forget to learn its spelling.

Do crossword puzzles, learn a new word every day, and read constantly.

The fastest way to learn a new word is to write a sentence using that word in an appropriate context after looking for its definition in a dictionary.

Самый быстрый способ выучить новое слово — написать фразу, используя ее в соответствующем контексте, после поиска ее определения в словаре.

The best way to learn a new word is to see it, hear it, write it and speak it, so combine those activities as much as you can.

Лучший способ выучить новое слово — увидеть его, услышать, написать и произнести, так что комбинируйте эти действия настолько, насколько это возможно.

By the end of the day, if you cannot identify something new you have learned during the day, take out a dictionary and learn a new word.

А вечером можете прокрутить в голове всё то новое, что вы узнали за прошедший день, достать словарь и выучить новое слово.

«Madame Milner, do you want to learn a new word

What does it mean to learn a new word?

He or she may learn a new word for a test in school, and quickly begin using it appropriately in conversation.

Он может увидеть новое слово в контрольной работе в школе и начать правильно использовать его в речи.

Well, my goal was to learn a new word every single day.

I think it’s time to learn a new word: kairos.

As soon as you learn a new word, start using it.

Anytime you learn a new word or concept, make a flashcard for it.

Three times a week the children learn a new word and its meaning.

An average kid can learn a new word once in two hours.

Suppose you learn a new word.

When you learn a new word and then you start seeing it everywhere.

Three times a week the children learn a new word and its meaning.

Данное приложение будет каждый день предлагать учащимся узнать новое слово и его значение.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 45. Точных совпадений: 45. Затраченное время: 137 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

У всех этих глаголов есть одно общее для всех значение — учить. Но учить можно что-то или кого-то чему-то, а это уже разные вещи. Также можно учить уроки, а можно учить (запоминать) стих. Здесь тоже есть определенная разница.

Сегодня мы рассмотрим основные английские глаголы, связанные с обучением, и попробуем разобраться, чем они отличаются и в каком случае употреблять каждый из них.

Чтобы получить общее представление, для начала посмотрим на небольшую сравнительную схемку:

Разница между learn, teach, study и memorize

Learn и study путают чаще всего, потому что на русский язык они могут переводиться совершенно одинаково. Потому что в русском в разных ситуациях используются одинаковые глаголы. Например, «Я учу французский» может означать как то, что я учу язык самостоятельно, занимаюсь им не регулярно, осваиваю на практике во время путешествия, так и то, что я учу язык в каком-то учебном заведении. В английском глаголы, связанные с учебой, используются по-другому, но обо всем по порядку.

Употребление learn

Глагол learn имеет более широкое употребление. Он обозначает получение знаний любым способом и о чем-угодно. К примеру, вы впервые путешествуете по Италии. Каждый день, находясь здесь, вы узнаете что-то новое. В конце путешествия вы можете сказать «I learned so much about Italy!» (Я так много узнал об Италии!). Или более конкретно: «I learned about the culture of Italy.» (Я узнал о культуре Италии»).

То есть learn используется также, когда речь идет об осведомленности о чем-либо:

He is learning a lot about patient care in his nursing classes. — Он много узнаёт об уходе за пациентами (=учится ухаживать за пациентами) на уроках медсестер.

She was shocked to learn of the death of her neighbor. — Она была потрясена, узнав о смерти своей соседки.

I have learned that feeling empty sometimes is okay. — Я понял (=обнаружил, усвоил), что иногда нормально чувствовать себя опустошенным.

Обратите внимание, что после learn может употребляться that. Также часто встретить how.

You can learn how to play the guitar. — Ты можешь научиться (как) играть на гитаре.

She learned how to do her job very quickly. — Она научилась выполнять свою работу быстро.

Когда мы говорим об обучении, которое подразумевает обязательную практику, используется именно learn:

He had to learn how to speak in public. — Ему нужно было научиться разговаривать на публике.

I‘m learning how to drive. — Я учусь водить.

Learn употребляется с прямым дополнениям, когда мы говорим о получении знаний или конкретного навыка, особенно когда вас кто-то обучает или тренирует. Самые частые дополнения — существительные skill (навык), technique (техника), craft (мастерство), language (язык) и непосредственно сами названия языков.

The course provides an opportunity to learn new skills. — Курс дает возможность получить новые навыки.

Ireland is a popular destination for those interested in learning English. — Ирландия — популярное направление путешествий для тех, кто заинтересован в изучении английского.

Также learn может употребляться в значении «запомнить»:

I’ve just learned a new song in a foreign language. — Я только что выучил песню на иностранном языке.

Еще несколько разных примеров употребления learn для закрепления:

Примеры употребления learn в предложениях

I’ve learned a lot about machines from my father. — Я многое узнал о машинах от своего отца.

A smart person learns from his/her mistakes. — Умный человек учится на своих ошибках.

All children must learn their parents are fallible, not perfect. — Все дети должны узнать, что их родители совершают ошибки, что они не идеальны.

How many words can a parrot learn? — Cколько слов может выучить попугай?

As a child I learned lots of poems by heart. — В детстве я учил наизусть множество стихов.

I learned how to fix computers in prison. — В тюрьме я научился взламывать компьютеры.

He learned to make this dish to impress me when we were first dating. — Он научился готовить это блюдо, чтобы произвести на меня впечатление в первые месяцы нашего знакомства.

Употребление study

Глагол study подразумевает сам процесс получения знаний (когда вы что-то читаете, запоминаете, исследуете и пр.). Если студент/ученик сидит за столом, окруженный горой книг, что-то ищет и выписывает, про него скажут: he is studying.

study: пример употребления

In order to learn English, I had to study really hard. — Чтобы освоить английкий, мне пришлось учиться очень усердно.

She spent an hour every night studying her new vocabulary words. — Она тратит по часу каждую ночь на изучение новых слов.

I was studying for my test all night. — Я готовился к тесту всю ночь.

The rehearsals make it difficult for him to study for law school exams. — Репетиции мешают ему готовиться к экзаменам в юридическую школу.

В перечисленных примерах говорится о подготовке к экзаменам — это как раз тот процесс, когда человек сидит с книгами или учебными материалами, внимательно читает и изучает, пытается понять и запомнить информацию. Поэтому в этом случае используется именно study.

Study используется, когда процесс обучения проходит в учебных заведениях:

Liza studied medicine in London. — Лиза изучала медицину в Лондоне.

My brother’s studying to be an accountant. — Мой брат учится на бухгалтера.

Также часто study употребляется, когда речь идет об изучении чего-либо внимательно.

I haven’t had time to study the proposals yet. — У меня пока не было времени изучить предложение.

The lawyer wanted time to study the contract. — Адвокат потребовал время, чтобы изучить контракт.

She studied his face. — Она изучала его лицо.

Еще одна важная деталь? чтобы понять разницу между learn и study.

«I studied English» может означать, что вы посещали занятия по английскому. Или, например, обучались сами через приложение, уроки на YouTube или специализированные сайты.

Но при этом могло получиться так, что у вас возникли определенные трудности при изучении, и вы так и не смогли освоить язык, научиться на нем разговаривать. В таком случае вы уже не можете сказать «I learned English», потому что это значило бы, что вы научились использовать язык, применять его на практике.

Вот еще одна хорошая для понимания фраза:

I studied but I did not learn anything. — Я учился, но ничему не научился.

Возвращаясь к первому примеру (I learned so much about Italy!), в данном случае вы не могли бы использовать studied, потому что не читали книги, не изучали и запоминали факты, не проходили учебные курсы по теме и т. д.

Таким образом, study — это лишь один из способов получения знаний (learning), но не единственный.

Разница между learn и study: примеры употребления


Следующий глагол — memorize. Он обозначает «учить» в смысле «заучивать», «запоминать»:

In school we had to memorize Rudyard Kipling’s poem If. — В школе мы должны были выучить стихотворение Редьярда Киплинга «Если…».

I have memorized all students’ names and photos. — Я запомнил лица и имена всех учеников.

They were memorizing entire poems in just a few minutes. — Они за несколько минут заучивали целые стихотворения.

Don’t write your password down, memorize it. — Не записывай свой пароль, запомни его.

Memorizing one quote does not make you a renaissance man. — Заучивание одной цитаты не делает тебя человеком эпохи Возрождения.

There’s no way I can memorize all these formulas before the test. — Для меня нереально запомнить все эти формулы перед тестом.

I study the flowers, try to memorize them. — Я изучаю цветы, пытаюсь их запомнить.

Memorize является синонимом learn, когда речь идет о запомнинании. Есть также выражение learn by heart (уччить наизусть).


Teach — это уже совершенно другой глагол. Вы не учитесь сами, а обучаете других. Это можно делать как официально (в школе/колледже/университете), так и неофициально.

My mother is currently teaching Mathematics at public school. — Моя мама в данный момент преподает математику в частной школе.

She has taught for 34 years. — Она преподает 34 года.

He is teaching Spanish to the children. — Он обучает детей испанскому языку.

She is teaching me to be a better person. — Она учит меня, как стать лучше.

Who taught you to cook? — Кто научил тебя готовить?

The graduates from this educational establishment could teach any subject. — Студент, который заканчивал это учебное заведение, мог преподавать любой предмет.

Если вы не уверены, что усвоили разницу между learn, study и memorize, посмотрите ролик по теме. Там вы найдете другие примеры употребления всех этих глаголов.

Vocabulary Builder

Vocabulary Builder

If improving vocabulary is one of your resolutions for 2019, you are in the right place. Bookmark our site to read and learn a new word every day with this vocabulary builder series

For the latest vocabulary May Series: Vocabulary Daily- May Series – Learn a new word every day




Meaning: feeling and admitting the guilt or wrong committed by self.

Usage: She was contrite for her behavior yesterday. She admitted her mistake and rendered an apology letter.

Vocabulary Builder Contrite: Feeling and Admitting the guilt or wrong committed by self.

Vocabulary Builder
Contrite: Feeling and Admitting the guilt or wrong committed by self.

That’s all we have for the month of April. Hope you enjoyed the learning experience with these posts. We will be posting the may series for the same on our website. For your convenience, we’ll drop a link here – Enjoyed reading the daily updates? Please share and inspire the people around you.




Meaning: Someone who is inexperienced and has little knowledge, or skill of something; A beginner, trainee or a newbie.

Usage: Tim was a tryo in vocabulary and grammar a few months ago, but his dedication and zeal to learn made him an expert in the English language.

Tyro: Someone who is inexperienced and has little knowledge or skill of something; A beginner, trainee or a newbie.
Tyro: Someone who is inexperienced and has little knowledge or skill of something; A beginner, trainee or a newbie.




Meaning: Taste or smell that is sharp, strong, spicy or acidic.

Usage: Since the restaurant has an open kitchen, many guests complained about the pungent smell in the atmosphere.

Vocabulary Builder Pungent: Taste or smell that is sharp, strong, spicy or acidic.
Vocabulary Builder
Pungent: Taste or smell that is sharp, strong, spicy or acidic.




Meaning: Unable to think properly; Confused; Puzzled

Usage: Tony stood bemused at the parking area unable to find his Car.

Vocabulary Builder Bemused: Unable to think properly; Confused; Puzzled.
Vocabulary Builder
Bemused: Unable to think properly; Confused; Puzzled.




Meaning: Someone from the low social position suddenly acquires wealth, position and power.

Usage: When the parvenu won the lottery, he had joined social clubs, took partnership in businesses and took every possible measure to portray himself as the wealthiest businessman.

Vocabulary Builder Parvenu: Someone from the low social position suddenly acquires wealth, position and power.
Vocabulary Builder
Parvenu: Someone from the low social position suddenly acquires wealth, position and power.




Meaning: To refrain from expressing an opinion or taking a decision; being cautious and careful about what you say because you are frightened or uncertain.

Usage: When you participate in group discussions and debates, you don’t pussyfoot. You just express your ideas and opinions frankly.

Vocabulary Builder Pussyfoot: To refrain from expressing an opinion or taking a decision; Being cautious and careful about what you say because you are frightened or uncertain.
Vocabulary Builder
Pussyfoot: To refrain from expressing an opinion or taking a decision; Being cautious and careful about what you say because you are frightened or uncertain.




Meaning: Amazing, Magnificent, Wonderful.

Usage:Awe, What a frabjous day it is !’ All of us finally agreed to sort out the differences amongst us’

Vocabulary Builder Frabjous: Amazing, Magnificent, Wonderful
Vocabulary Builder
Frabjous: Amazing, Magnificent, Wonderful




Meaning: total agreement between/among two or more people; accord or consent among the members.

Usage: The decision to elect the vice-president of the Party by means of voting was unanimous.

Vocabulary Builder Unanimous: Total agreement between/among two or more people; Accord or consent among the members.
Vocabulary Builder
Unanimous: Total agreement between/among two or more people; Accord or consent among the members.




Meaning: A standard or a base for judging and deciding something.

Usage: In choosing a skilled cook, the right criterion is creativity.

Vocabulary Builder Criterion: A standard or a base for judging and deciding something.
Vocabulary Builder
Criterion: A standard or a base for judging and deciding something.




Meaning: Quick or eager to quarrel, argue or fight; expressing one’s opinion forcefully and in an aggressive manner.

Usage: Tanya’s pugnacious behavior is one reason why many of her friends avoid talking to her.

Vocabulary Builder: Pugnacious: Quick or eager to quarrel, argue or fight; expressing one's opinion forcefully and in an aggressive manner.
Vocabulary Builder: Pugnacious: Quick or eager to quarrel, argue or fight; expressing one’s opinion forcefully and in an aggressive manner.




Meaning: An idea or belief that seems to be true but is actually false and misleading.

Usage: It is a common fallacy that only women are good at cooking.

Vocabulary Builder Fallacy: An idea or belief that seems to be true but is actually false and misleading.
Vocabulary Builder
Fallacy: An idea or belief that seems to be true but is actually false and misleading.




Meaning: Praising someone too much or displaying exaggerated affection especially with an intention to gain some favor.

Usage: Since John wanted a promotion, he spends most of his time fawning over his higher officials.

Vocabulary Builder: Fawning: Praising someone too much or displaying exaggerated affection especially with an intention to gain some favor.
Vocabulary Builder: Fawning: Praising someone too much or displaying exaggerated affection especially with an intention to gain some favor.




Meaning: A young child who is extremely talented and shows exceptional skills and abilities.

Usage: Peter is considered a prodigy ever since he won the National level chess championship.

Vocabulary Builder: Prodigy: A young child who is extremely talented and shows exceptional skills and  abilities
Vocabulary Builder: Prodigy: A young child who is extremely talented and shows exceptional skills and abilities




Meaning: Characterized by mixed Feelings about someone or something; Uncertain and Indecisive about someone or something.

Usage: Patricia was ambivalent about her weekend vacation because she had many things pending on her to-do list.

Vocabulary Builder Ambivalent: Characterized by mixed feelings about someone or something; Uncertain and indecisive about someone or something.
Vocabulary Builder
Ambivalent: Characterized by mixed feelings about someone or something; Uncertain and indecisive about someone or something.




Meaning: Indicating favorable results or showing great chances of success.

Usage: Since the circumstances were propitious, the political party had decided to give the ticket to a young eligible and a popular figure.

Vocabulary Builder Propitious: Indicating favorable results; showing great chances of success.
Vocabulary Builder
Propitious: Indicating favorable results; showing great chances of success.




Meaning: Attractive and flashy in appearance but poor and cheap in quality.

Example: Though the wedding gown was fabulous, the jewellery that she wore was a bit tawdry.

Vocabulary Builder Tawdry: Attractive and flashy in appearance but poor and cheap in quality.
Vocabulary Builder
Tawdry: Attractive and flashy in appearance but poor and cheap in quality.




Meaning: Someone who is bad-tempered, and difficult to deal; Argumentative, Uncooperative and Irritating.

Usage: Keith often complains that his sales manager is mean, biased and cantankerous.

Vocabulary Builder:  Cantankerous: Someone who is bad-tempered, and difficult to deal; Argumentative, Uncooperative and irritating.
Vocabulary Builder:
Cantankerous: Someone who is bad-tempered, and difficult to deal; Argumentative, Uncooperative and irritating.




Meaning: To advocate or to support a particular belief, cause or ideology.

Usage: Swami Vivekananda espoused the ideology of spiritual enlightenment for the youth of India.

Vocabulary Builder Espouse: To advocate or support a particular, belief, cause or ideology.
Vocabulary Builder
Espouse: To advocate or support a particular, belief, cause or ideology.




Meaning: To be in a harmonious agreement; to Confirm to the agreement or requirement of a situation.

Usage: Congruous in their decision to buy a home, their only battle is to choose between an independent home and an apartment.

congruence: To be in a harmonious agreement;  to Confirm to the agreement or requirement of a situation.
congruence: To be in a harmonious agreement; to Confirm to the agreement or requirement of a situation.




Meaning: Not likely to harm, offend or upset anyone; Harmless and not offensive.

Usage: Tanya took offense at Tim’s innocuous comment about her spicy meal.

Vocabulary Builder Innocuous: Not likely to harm, offend or upset anyone; Harmless and not offensive
Vocabulary Builder
Innocuous: Not likely to harm, offend or upset anyone; Harmless and not offensive




Meaning: Seeming to be believable, reasonable and is likely to be accepted as truth.

Usage: The principal of the school goes on to test the plausibility of a fuel-free vehicle designed by the students.

Vocabulary Builder: Plausibility: Seeming to be believable, reasonable and is likely to be accepted as truth.




Meaning: A speech or a piece of writing which makes no sense and is utterly foolish.

Usage: Although, all the tickets were sold, the majority of the audience left in the middle of the show when the comedian started talking gibberish.

Gibberish: A speech or a piece of writing which makes no sense and is utterly foolish.
Gibberish: A speech or a piece of writing which makes no sense and is utterly foolish.




Meaning: 1. A Musical entertainer based on funny stories and jokes for children. 2. A drama or a play that involves an expression of body, face, gesture along with music

Usage: While the Children enjoyed watching pantomimes at the fair we went shopping for groceries.

Vocabulary builder Pantomime:    1. A Musical entertainer based on funny stories and jokes for children. 2. A drama or a play that involves an expression of body, face, gesture along with music
Vocabulary builder: Pantomime: 1. A Musical entertainer based on funny stories and jokes for children. 2. A drama or a play that involves an expression of body, face, gesture along with music




Meaning: The practice of granting undue favor to one’s own relatives and friends in jobs, businesses, sports, entertainment, etc; Favoritism; Partiality

Usage: Kangana Ranaut (a Bollywood Actress) takes a dig at Karan Johar by calling him the flag bearer of Nepotism on the show Coffee With Karan.

Vocabulary Builder Nepotism: The practice of granting undue favour to one's own relatives and friends in jobs, businesses, sports, entertainment etc. Favoritism, Partiality.
Vocabulary Builder
Nepotism: The practice of granting undue favour to one’s own relatives and friends in jobs, businesses, sports, entertainment etc. Favoritism, Partiality.




Meaning: Powerful, Strong and capable of influencing.

Usage: The Vice-chancellor appreciated the gold medallist and said that he would become a puissant man.

Vocabulary Builder: 06-04-2019  Puissant : Powerful, Strong and Capable of influencing.
Vocabulary Builder: 06-04-2019
Puissant : Powerful, Strong and Capable of influencing.




Meaning: Being or appearing to be excessively friendly or intimate.

Usage: Tim kept a close eye on his son because he was getting palsy-walsy with the street goons.

Palsy-Walsy: Being or appearing to be excessively intimate or friendly.
Vocabulary Builder 05-04-2019
Palsy-Walsy: Being or appearing to be excessively intimate or friendly.




Meaning: Intelligent, clever or skillful in thinking or moving.

Usage: The teacher was adroit at asking questions and dealing with mischievous children.

Adroit:  Intelligent, clever or skillful in thinking or moving.
Vocabulary Builder 04-04-2019
Adroit: Intelligent, clever or skillful in thinking or moving.




Meaning: An exclusive narrow group of people united to pursue a common interest or to fulfill a common objective.

Usage: The Chess team in the school is a real clique; they all work together, move together and eat together.

Vocabulary Builder: Clique: An exclusive narrow group of people united to pursue a common interest or to fulfill a common objective.
Clique: An exclusive narrow group of people united to pursue a common interest or to fulfill a common objective.




Meaning: To laugh in such a manner that completely shows the teeth

Usage: The Children at the park were grinning when the joker presented the gifts in a funny manner.

Grinning: To laugh in such a manner that completely shows the teeth.
Grinning: To laugh in such a manner that completely shows the teeth

Comeback tomorrow on the same page to learn a new word every day.




Meaning: Growing and developing vigorously and successfully

Example: Impact of Globalization and the growth of FDI has created many flourishing opportunities for young entrepreneurs.

Flourishing: Growing and developing vigorously and successfully.
Flourishing: Growing and developing vigorously and successfully.

Comeback tomorrow on the same page to learn a new word every day.

For March Vocabulary Series: Visit: Learning English – Learn a new word every day

We would like to thank our readers for showing us their commendable support. We have received emails from our lovely readers stating that they enjoyed learning new words every day. Some of them even stated saying that they started implementing it in their daily routine. With many requests from our readers, we have decided to start the same series for this month.

Some Tips to improve vocabulary:

  1. Learn new words every day
  2. Learning new words will not be sufficient, try to include those words in your daily conversations.
  3. Keep discussing those words with someone who is interested in vocabulary.
  4. Carry a dictionary. Wait, that doesn’t mean that you carry a huge bulky dictionary, You have many apps available on both android and ios platforms. Download them.
  5. Understand the root words. This will make your job easier.
  6. Use flashcards to memorize the new words.
  7. Read everyday
  8. Make a note of word that you don’t know and refer that in a dictionary.
  9.  And you can visit us and bookmark our site: to learn a new word every day.
  10. You can also find many apps that notify you of a new word every day.

If you enjoyed reading this post, do share it. Because everyone deserves to learn.

We would like to thank our readers once again for showing us so much love. It is all your support that we always give our best to bring out the best content for all of you.

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Learning a new language is well-known to improve cognitive ability, but what about expanding vocabulary in your own native language? Many of us fall out of the habit of learning new words as it’s often synonymous with our school years meaning we don’t always actively seek out new words to improve our range of vocabulary in adult life. However, developing the habit of learning new words can be beneficial (and enjoyable) in many areas of your life.

How Learning New Words Can Make You Smarter

A recent study looked at the impact that learning new vocabulary has on different areas of the brain. The correlation between vocabulary, intelligence and real-world ability has been found to exist from a very early age right through to adulthood. It primarily stretches our working memory as well as our ability to communicate more efficiently with the world around us, subtly opening up our perspectives and ways of communication.

Our working memory can only hold so much information so learning new words actually helps our brain to create more ways of retaining information. Each new word we learn gets placed into our long-term memory. While this may seem to be counterproductive, it actually allows us to associate much more information with each word, meaning our brain doesn’t need to dredge through and reach for information in order to express ourselves better. In other words, we are able to express more easily.

The concept of increasing vocabulary can be applied to whole spheres of knowledge and experience. So in effect, a large vocabulary is a powerful coping strategy that enhances our general cognitive ability and increases intelligence.

Ways To Make Learning New Words A Habit

We may think our vocabulary range is pretty wide, but it can always be widened even further. Making a habit of finding new words and putting them into practice will go a long way to increasing your brain capacity and expanding your mind to the world around you.

1. Really notice new words: We come across new words daily whether through reading, watching TV or talking with others; it may surprise you how often we skim over the new word or just second guess what it means through context.

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Alternatively, there may be many words we think we know but when asked to give a true definition we may struggle. Making a conscious effort to look up any words we’re unsure of and understand their meaning will go towards making sure we will always use those words in the right way with confidence.

2. Read more: Reading is a great way to increase vocabulary if done in the right way. Make sure you read something interesting to you with the intent of questioning which words you don’t fully understand. Reading on a regular basis will expose you to many more words.

3. Use a dictionary: An obvious one, but more often than not a dictionary is only pulled out once in a blue moon to check a word. One habit is to pick a random word to learn each day, write it down and find ways to use it in conversation. Circle words you’ve learned and flick back through it every so often to refresh and test yourself on the highlighted words.

Recommended Resources

There are many apps and online resources to help you to develop a habit of learning a new word every day.

  • is a combined learning tool and game that helps you find new words and remember them.
  • Word A Day Widget can be downloaded on any device and gives you a new random word to learn each day.
  • Words With Friends is a great game that forces you to find unusual words to win and gets your mind reaching for those forgotten words.
  • Magoosh is great for differing levels of vocabulary and uses strategies to help you remember the new words you’ve learned.

Featured photo credit: via

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