She hardly a word since they the harbour

Использование определенного артикля в английском языке.
Определенный артикль ‘the’ употребляется перед существительными в единственном и множественном числе для указания на то, что речь идет об определенном или известном ранее из контекста о лице или предмете.
1. Определенный артикль переводится прилагательными (выступает в функции определения): текущий, нынешний, (ныне) существующий, действующий, а также указательными местоимениями: тот, тот самый, этот, эти, те, все, всё и другими словами в зависимости от контекста.
2. Часто определенный артикль приходится передавать до¬полнительными или уточняющими значение словами. Так, например, существительное Victorians с определенным артиклем означает человек Викторианской эпохи, тот, кто жил во времена правления королевы Виктории (т. е. для англоязычного читателя будет понятно, а при переводе для русского и любого другого читателя необходимо дать разъяснение).

Упражнение из Голиковой Ж.А. 1. Переведите следующие предложения с английского на русский, обращая внимание на перевод артикля .
1. Inventions and discoveries have led to the mechanization of industry. Изобретения и открытия повлекли текущую автоматизацию отрасти.

2. Modern art reflects all the uncertainty and instability of modern life. Современное искусство отображает все текущие неопределенности и непостоянности современной жизни.

3. All power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Всякая власть развращает, а абсолютная власть развращает безмерно.

4. The discovery of the New World brought undreamt of wealth to the Europe of the sixteenth century. Открытие континента Америки Христофором Колумбом в 16-ом веке принесло неслыханное богатство европейским странам.

5. Society today is probably more tolerant of the weak and the unfortunate than ever before. Возможно, общество относится толерантно в наши дни, ко всем слабым и злополучным гражданам, чем когда-либо прежде.

6. Politics is the art of the possible. Политика – одна из возможностей искусства.

7. For the first time in history mankind has the power to destroy itself. В настоящее время человечество обладает достаточной силой для самоуничтожения.

8. The last Monday in August is a national holiday in England. Августовский день отдыха (August Bank Holiday), который проходит каждый последний понедельник августа – это национальный праздник в Англии, день считается официальным выходным, местное население старается провести его с семьей на природе.

Неопределенный артикль.
Неопределенный артикль ‘а / an’ употребляется для обозначения 1) лица или предмета данного класса в отличие от лица или предмета другого класса и 2) лица или предмета, упоминаемого впервые, неизвестного читателю или слушателю.
1. Неопределенный артикль часто переводится словами один из, один, некий, какой-либо, какой-то, новый, такой, известный, определенный, любой, каждый и др.
2.Когда неопределенный артикль выполняет функцию маркера центра высказывания (информации), на русском языке это значение часто приходится передавать синтаксическим способом, т.е. изменением порядка слов, так как в русской письменной речи центр высказывания обычно находится в конце предложения.

Упражнение из Голиковой Ж.А. Переведите следующие предложения с английского на русский, обращая внимание на перевод артикля

1. There was a time when the government leaders were well aware of this. Было такое время, когда государственные деятели хорошо осознавали это.

2. It is time for a decision: without it, in the end, there will be no possible solution. Самое время для принятия какого-то решения, без него, в конечном итоге, не возможно будет решать что-либо.

3. Few other international problems have such a complex structure or such wide repercussions. Лишь немногие международные проблемы имеют такую сложную структуру и далеко идущие последствия.

4. On this particular morning he sat facing a new client, a Mr. Reginald Wade. На этой важной утренней встрече он сидел и смотрел на нового клиента, некого господина Реджинальда Вайда.

5. He hadn’t answered the one letter she had written to him. Он не ответил на то единственное письмо, которое она направила.

6. I was beginning to mix with people of a kind I’d never mixed before. Я стал общаться с людьми такого уровня и достатка, с которыми я прежде никогда не общался.

7. I don’t believe he is a Newton, though he is undoubtedly an extremely talented physicist. Не думаю что он гений, но без сомнения, он потрясающе одаренный физик.

8. I looked round as Carо stood up with cries of welcome. I was taken aback. Yes, it was the David Rubin I knew very well, the American physicist. Я осмотрелся, когда Каро вскочил с приветственным громким криком. Я был ошеломлен. Точно, это был тот самый Давид Рубин американский физик, которого я прекрасно знал.

9. It was a very sharp and decisive Poirot who spoke now. Когда Пуаро гороворил – это был настоящий плут, убедительный. (Два сравнения одного человека).

10. I cannot identify anyone. But I could testify that a woman came out of that particular room at that particular time. Не могу никого опознать. Но я мог бы подтвердить, что некая дама вышла из той отдельной комнаты, и в то определенное время.

11. A 50-point salary structure is proposed by the National Union of Teachers today. The new structure will be submitted to the Blackpoll annual conference in April. Национальным Советом Преподавателей сегодня предлагается 50-ти уровневая схема начисления заработной платы. Эта новая структура будет представлена на рассмотрение Ежегодной Конференции в Блекпуле в Апреле.

12. Always a moment came when we had to face the fact that no trains were coming in. В жизни каждого человека наступает такой момент, когда понимаешь, что поездов больше не будет.

13. I use the elevated word for want of a better one and by it I don’t mean learning. I mean the stamp left by blood plus bringing up, the two taken strictly together. Я употребляю эти возвышенные слова, т.к. не имею ничего лучшего, употребляя их, я не подразумеваю обучение. Я имею ввиду то, что наследуется, воспитание, а иногда и то и другое.

14. A young girl is a very interesting phenomenon, George, especially when she has brains. Каждая молодая девушка – явление интересное, Джорж, особенно, если она умна.

15. One does not just communicate, one communicates something to someone. And the something communicated is not the words used in the communication, but whatever those words represent. Каждый человек, который говорит, не просто передает информацию, он сообщает что-то слушателю. И то, что произносятся не просто слова, которые используются в разговоре, в любом случае эти слова характеризуют человека, который говорит.

16. He had hardly spoken a word since they left Riccardo’s door… Еда лишь он открыл рот, как они вышли из дома Риккардо.

17. A cold May is the usual thing in the north. На севере в мае еще холодно.

18. The May of 1945 will always rest in my memory. День победы навсегда останется в моей памяти.

 Другие заметки о грамматике в рубрике времена и грамматические комментарии. 

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However, we will talk of that another time.
I wanted to speak to you about the news from Rome.

Но об этом мы еще поговорим, а сейчас я хочу поделиться с вами вестями из Рима.

It is said that a commission is to be appointed to draw up a project for a municipal constitution.»

Ходят слухи, что предполагается назначить комиссию для выработки проекта городского самоуправления…

GEMMA and the Gadfly walked silently along the Lung’Arno.

Джемма и Овод молча шли по набережной.

His feverish talkativeness seemed to have quite spent itself; he had hardly spoken a word since they left Riccardo’s door, and Gemma was heartily glad of his silence.

Его потребность говорить, говорить без умолку, по-видимому, иссякла.
Он не сказал почти ни слова с тех пор, как они вышли от Риккардо, и Джемму радовало его молчание.

She always felt embarrassed in his company, and to-day more so than usual, for his strange behaviour at the committee meeting had greatly perplexed her.

Ей всегда было тяжело в обществе Овода, а в этот день она чувствовала себя особенно неловко, потому что его странное поведение у Риккардо смутило ее.

By the Uffizi palace he suddenly stopped and turned to her.

У дворца Уффици он остановился и спросил;

«Are you tired?»

– Вы не устали?

«Nor especially busy this evening?»

– И не очень заняты сегодня вечером?

«I want to ask a favour of you; I want you to come for a walk with me.»

– Я прошу вас оказать мне особую милость – пойдемте гулять.

«Nowhere in particular; anywhere you like.»

– Да просто так, куда вы захотите.

«But what for?»

– Что это вам вздумалось?

He hesitated.

Овод ответил не сразу.

«I—can’t tell you—at least, it’s very difficult; but please come if you can.»

– Это не так просто объяснить.
Но я вас очень прошу!

He raised his eyes suddenly from the ground, and she saw how strange their expression was.

Он поднял на нее глаза.
Их выражение поразило Джемму.

«There is something the matter with you,» she said gently.

– С вами происходит что-то странное, – мягко сказала она.

He pulled a leaf from the flower in his button-hole, and began tearing it to pieces.

Овод выдернул цветок из своей бутоньерки в стал отрывать от него лепестки.

Who was it that he was so oddly like?

Кого он ей напоминал?

Someone who had that same trick of the fingers and hurried, nervous gesture.

Такие же нервно-торопливые движения пальцев…

«I am in trouble,» he said, looking down at his hands and speaking in a hardly audible voice.
«I —don’t want to be alone this evening.

– Мне тяжело, – сказал он едва слышно, не отводя глаз от своих рук. – Сегодня вечером я не хочу оставаться наедине с самим собой.

Will you come?»

Так пойдемте?

«Yes, certainly, unless you would rather go to my lodgings.»

– Да, конечно.
Но не лучше ли пойти ко мне?

«No; come and dine with me at a restaurant.

– Нет, пообедаем в ресторане.

There’s one on the Signoria.

Это недалеко, на площади Синьории.

Please don’t refuse, now; you’ve promised!»

Не отказывайтесь, прошу вас, вы уже обещали!

They went into a restaurant, where he ordered dinner, but hardly touched his own share, and remained obstinately silent, crumbling the bread over the cloth, and fidgeting with the fringe of his table napkin.

Они вошли в ресторан.
Овод заказал обед, но сам почти не притронулся к нему, все время упорно молчал, крошил хлеб и теребил бахрому скатерти.

1. They had hardly gone when Aunt Julia wandered slowly into the room.

2. He had hardly reached the door of his office when he encountered two young men.

3. He had scarcely taken a few steps along the street, when three men appeared from around the corner.

4. No sooner had he started to play than one string on the violin broke.

5. They had barely left the room when the chaos broke out.

6. No sooner had they arrived at Rougemont than her sister rang up from home about an accident with her little daughter.

7. No sooner had the curtains fallen than he rose to go.

8. Hardly had he asked his questions when she answered them.

9. He had scarcely taken off his coat when he began to read the letter.

10. Nell had scarcely settled herself on a little heap of straw in the corner, when she fell asleep.

11. The rain had nearly stopped when he reached his hotel.

12. He had scarcely said the first words when she interrupted him.

14. A young girl is a very interesting phenomenon, George, especially  перевод - 14. A young girl is a very interesting phenomenon, George, especially  русский как сказать

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14. A young girl is a very interesting phenomenon, George, especially when she has brains.
15. One does not just communicate, one communicates something to someone. And the something communicated is not the words used in the communication, but whatever those words represent.
16. He had hardly spoken a word since they left Riccardo’s door…
17. A cold May is the usual thing in the north.
18. The May of 1945 will always rest in my memory.


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


14. A young girl is a very interesting phenomenon, George, especially when she has brains.15. One does not just communicate, one communicates something to someone. And the something communicated is not the words used in the communication, but whatever those words represent.16. He had hardly spoken a word since they left Riccardo’s door…17. A cold May is the usual thing in the north. 18. The May of 1945 will always rest in my memory.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


14. Молодая девушка очень интересное явление, Джордж, особенно, когда она имеет мозги.
15. Один не только общаться, один передает кому-то что-то. И что-то общался не слова, используемые в коммуникации, но все, что эти слова представляют.
16. Он едва говорил слово, так как они оставили дверь Риккардо в …
17. Холодный май является обычным делом на севере.
18. Майский 1945 всегда будет отдыхать в моей памяти.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


14.девочка очень интересное явление, джордж, особенно в тех случаях, когда у неё мозги.
15.не просто общаться, сообщает, что — то кому — то.и что — то общался не словами, используемыми в сообщении, но то, что эти слова представляют.
16.он почти не разговаривал ни слова с тех пор, как они покинули риккардо дверь.
17.холодный, возможно, это обычная вещь на севере.
18.в мае 1945 года всегда будет лежать в моей памяти.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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  • Я на все готова что хочешь делай со мной
  • до
  • прогноз врача
  • поперечная головка
  • It’s a normal American expression… May
  • где свадьба будет
  • Мы бы хотели въехать в квартиру немедлен
  • Природа не имеет плохой погоды -Природа
  • Как ты себя чувсвуешь
  • етилового спирту
  • De causa belli TroiāniErant nuptiae Pele
  • Mud in lobos duos impares dividutur: lob
  • Хотя у меня еще ночь
  • взросление
  • Incisura cardiaca
  • можно вопрос
  • Страх
  • Так приятно, когда в паспорте стоит мног
  • сейчас я буду спать и думать о тебе
  • it’s got to have something to do.
  • Tarafların İşbu maddeye ilişkin ortak am
  • It’s possible for all the partners excep
  • панзинорм-форте
  • прости меня милый прости прошу тебя….

Complete the sentences.
1.…have you lived there?-For two years
A. How much B. How many C. Whose
D. How long
2….brothers do you have?-Two.
A. How much B. How many C. Whose
D. Which
3….do you play tennis?-About once a week.
A. How much B. How many C. How
often D. How long
4….you see that I’m not well today?
A. Haven’t B. Aren’t C. Can’t
D. Didn’t
5….it …..raining yet?
A. Has… stopped B. Does…stopped
C. Did stop D. Is stopping
6. Jane didn’t like the film,….?
A. did she B. didn’t she? C. didn’t
Jane D. did Jane
7. Bob has never seen her before,…?
A. hasn’t Bob B. Didn’t Bob C.did he
D. has he
8. Ann had to go to school,….?
A. did she B. had she C. hadn’t
she D. didn’t she
9.Не will call when he….in the office.
A. was B. will be C. is
D. be
10. Jane will leave before we….
A. come B. will come C. came
D. had come
11. When Ann …., get in touch with her.
A. will come back B. come back C.
will be coming back D. comes back
12. Charlie didn’t know what Ann….doing.
A. is B. has C. was
13. His parents were worried because they
….from him for a long time.
A. didn’t hear b. don’t hear C. haven’t
heard D. hadn’t heard
14. I asked him to tell me where….
A. is my book B. my book C. was my
book D. my book was
15. My friend wanted….him as soon as I came
A. that I call B. that I called C. me to
call. D. I called
16. His money …in his pocket.
A. is B. are C. have
been D. were
17. The news of the election
A. is B. are C. has D. have
18…books belong to me….book belongs to
A. This, That B. That, This C. These,
That D. That, These
19. It’s not your mistake, it’s…..
A. her B. their C. our
D. theirs
20. Don’t listen to Jane. You need to think for
….., Jane. It’s …
A. yourself, yours B. yourselves, your C.
yourself, your D. yourselves, yours
21. There is…milk in the fridge.
A. any B. some C. nothing D.
22. She never talks to….
A. anyone B. nobody C. somebody
D. no one
23. I’m looking for my hat. I can’t find it …..
A. Anywhere B. somewhere C.
nowhere D. everywhere
24. The film is….than that one
A. interesting B. most interesting С.the
most interesting D. much more interesting
25. John works twice as ….as you.
A. hard B. harder C. hardly D. the
26. I talked to Bob for a long time….., he
listened carefully to every word.
A. and B. because of C. although D. or
27. You will not do it….you try harder.
A. unless B. in case C. otherwise D.
28….. bad weather they had a wonderful
A. Although B. Despite C. However D.
Even though
29. The sky was cloudy. …., we went to the
A. Consequently B. Nevertheless C. In
spite of D. Even though
30. Neither Ann….Pete could answer my
A. nor B. not C. or D. either
31. Did you enjoy….tennis yesterday?
A. to play B. play C. played D.
32. I’m not ….. in politics.
A. interesting B. an interest C. to
interest D. interested
33. We went to …. south of ….. Russia last
A. the, the B. a, the C. the, — D.
-, —
34. Kerry ….work harder if she wants to pass
the exam
A. may B. can C. should D.
35. You …go to bed so late-I’m not surprised
you’re tired.
A. don’t have to B. shouldn’t C. can
D. may
36 Do you have to….play the guitar to be in
the group?
A be able B. can C. should D.
be able to
37. It was raining yesterday, so we …. cancel
the picnic.
A. had to B. shouldn’t C. have to
D. didn’t have to
38. It was nice to hear …. you.
A. to B. from C. by D. for
39. Don’t …your time doing the lottery. You’ll
never win.
A. waste B. lose C. give
40. After a long discussion, the professor….his
A. made up B. added up C. summed up
41. When Roger inherited some money he
decided to…….his own business.
A. take up B. set up C. put up
42. The bank ….took place at 1 o’clock in the
A. robbery B. mug C. theft
43. The student was ….for possession of drugs.
A. appealed B. arrested C. sentenced
44. That fish …..horrible. I’d better open the
A. feels B. smells C. tastes

Adjectives and Adverbs (2) (well / fast / late, hard / hardly)

Adjectives and Adverbs (2) (well / fast / late, hard / hardly)


1. I play tennis but I’m not very good.

2. Your exam results were very good.

3. You did very well in your exams.

4. The weather was very good when we were on holiday.

5. I didn’t sleep very well last night.

6. How are you? Are you well?

7. George speaks German very well.

8. George’s German is very good.

9. Our business is going very well at the moment.

10. I like your new jacket. It looks good on you.

11. I’ve met her a few times, but I don’t know her very well.


1. The children were very good. They were well-behaved.

2. I’m surprised you haven’t heard of her. She is quite well-known.

2. Our neighbours’ garden is neat and tidy. It is very well-kept.

4. You should eat different types of food. Your diet should be well-balanced.

5. Ann knows a lot about many things. She is quite well-informed.

6. His clothes are always smart. He is always well-dressed.

7. Jill has a lot of responsibility in her job but she isn’t well-paid.

8. Congratulations on passing your examinations. Well-done.


1. I’m tired because I’ve been working hard.

2. I tried hard to remember her name but I couldn’t.

3. This coat is practically unused. I’ve hardly worn it.

4. She’s a good tennis player. She hits the ball hard.

5. Don’t walk so fast. I can’t keep up with you.

6. Why are you walking so slowly? Are you tired?


1. George and Hilda have met only once before. They hardly know each other.

2. You’re speaking very quietly. I can hardly hear you.

3.I’m very tired this morning. I hardly-slept last night.

4. We were shocked when we heard the news, we could hardly speak.

5. Kate was very quiet this evening. She hardly said a word.

6. You look the same now as you looked 15 years ago. You’ve hardly changed.

7. I met Keith a few days ago. I hadn’t seen him for a long time and he looks very different now. I hardly recognized him.


1. I’ll have to go shopping. We’ve got hardly any food.

2. It was a very warm day and there was hardly any wind.

3. ‘Do you know much about computers? ‘No, hardly anything.’

4. The hotel was almost empty. There was hardly anyone staying there.

5. I listen to the radio quite often but I hardly ever watch television.

6. Our new boss is not very popular. Hardly anybody likes her.

7. It was very crowded in the room.  There was hardly anywhere to sit down.

8. We used to be good friends but we hardly ever see each other now.

9. It was nice driving this morning. There was hardly any traffic.

10. I hate this town. There’s hardly anything to do and hardly anywhere to go.

Adjectives and adverbs (1) (quick / quickly)

Unit 99 — I E G — Adjectives and adverbs (1) (quick / quickly)


1. We didn’t go out because it was raining heavily.

2. Our team lost the game because we played very badly.

3. I had little difficult finding a place to live. I found a flat quite easily.

4. We had to wait a long time but we didn’t complain. We waited patiently.

5. Nobody knew George was coming to see us. He arrived unexpectedly.

6. Mike keeps fit by playing tennis regularly.


1. The driver of the car was seriously injured.

2. The driver of the car had serious injuries.

3. I think you behaved very selfishly.

4. Rose is terribly upset about losing her job.

5. There was a sudden change in the weather.

6. Everybody at the party was colorfully dressed.

7. Linda likes wearing colorful clothes.

8. She fell and hurt herself quite badly.

9. He says he didn’t do well at school because he was badly taught.

10. Don’t go up that ladder. It doesn’t look safe.

11. He looked at me angrily when I interrupted him.


1. Our holiday was too short. The time passed very quickly.

2. Tom doesn’t take risks when he’s driving. He’s always careful.

3. Sue works continuously. She never seems to stop.

4. Alice and Stan are very happily married.

5. Monica’s English is very fluent although she makes quite a lot of mistakes.

6. I cooked this meal specially for you, so I hope you like it.

7. Everything was very quiet. There was complete silence.

8. I tried on the shoes and they fitted me perfectly.

9. Do you usually feel nervous before examinations?

10. I’d like to buy a car but it’s financially impossible for me at the moment.


1. I thought the restaurant would be expensive but it was reasonably cheap.

2. George’s mother is seriously ill in hospital.

3. What a big house! It’s absolutely enormous.

4. It wasn’t a serious accident. The car was only slightly damaged.

5. The children are normally very lively but they’re unusually quiet.

6. When I returned home after 20 years, everything had completely changed.

7. The film was unnecessarily long. It could have been much shorter.

8. A lot went wrong during our holiday because it was badly planned.


Spoken English (Grammar) and Personality Development for students, professionals, institutions and corporate


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One Family One Tree

Every peel of fruit and vegetable should be placed at the foot of a tree, you will save a lot of garbage and «feed the tree for free.»

Next English Speaking batch commences on  

December 1, 2015 to December 20, 2015

for 20 days x 1.5 hours per day including Sundays

from 7.00 pm to 8.30 pm

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The course will be held at Don Bosco School, Borivali (W), Mumbai

Adjectives: word order ( a nice new house) Adjectives after verbs (You look tired)

Unit 98 — I E G —     Adjectives: word order ( a nice new house)

                                     Adjectives after verbs (You look tired)


1. a beautiful table (wooden / round)        A beautiful round wooden table.

2. an unusual ring (gold)                             An unusual gold ring.

3. a new pullover (nice)                               A nice new pullover.

4. a new pullover (green)                            A new green pullover.

5. an old house (beautiful)                          A beautiful old house.

6. black gloves (leather)                              Black leather gloves.

7. an American film (old)                           An old American film.

8. a long face (thin)                                     A thin long face.

9. big clouds (black)                                   Big black clouds.

10. a sunny day (lovely)                             A lovely sunny day.

11. a wide avenue (long)                            A long wide avenue.

12. a metal box (black / small)                 A small black metal box.

13. a big cat (fat / black)                           A big black fat cat.

14. a little village (old / lovely)                A lovely little old village.

15. long hair (black / beautiful)                     Beautiful long black hair.

16. an old painting (interesting / French)    An interesting old French painting.

17. an enormous umbrella (red / yellow)    An enormous red and yellow umbrella.


1. The first day and second day of the course.    The first two days of the course.

2. Next week and the week after.                          The next two weeks.

3. Yesterday and the day before yesterday.        The last two days.

4. The first week and the second week of September.

The first two weeks of September.

5. Tomorrow and a few days after that.             The next few days.

6. Questions 1, 2 and 3 of the examination.       

The first three questions of the examination.

7. Next year and the year after.                          The next two years.

8. The last day of our holiday and the two days before that.

The last three days of our holiday.


1. Ann seemed upset this morning? Do you know what was wrong?

2. I can’t eat this. I’ve just tried it and it tastes awful.

3. I wasn’t very well yesterday but I feel fine today.

4. What beautiful flowers! They  smell nice too.

5. You look wet. Have you been out in the rain?

6. Jim was telling me about his new job. It sounds quite interesting, much better than his old job.


1. This tea tastes a bit strange.

2. I always feel happy when the sun is shining.

3. The children were playing happily in the garden.

4. The man became violent when the manager of the restaurant asked him to leave.

5. You look terrible! Are you alright?

6. There’s no point in doing a job if you don’t do it properly.

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