Sex word in english

If you’re anything like me, your earliest sex vocab lessons probably came from one of three sources: kids at school, Urban Dictionary, and/or sitting in on your older cousins’ game of Cards Against Humanity at Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, as you’ve probably figured out, those resources are maybe not the most reliable in terms of um, actually educating you on the incredibly nuanced world of sex and the language we use to talk about it. The good news? Now you have us—and this comprehensive, no-BS list of all the must-know sex words that belong in your sexual vocabulary.

And yes, we know that you’re probably a lot older and wiser now than back in the day when you rushed home from middle school to google, “What does eating out mean?” Chances are you’ve probably already figured out what a lot of these things mean just by being an adult who doesn’t happen to live under an actual rock.

But when it comes to sex words and terms, there’s always something new to learn. Language, like pretty much everything else, evolves—and so do the lived realities of sex-having humans and the way we understand and relate to those realities. Thus, new words are constantly being coined to describe those experiences and identities. Naturally, this means there are more terms, sex acts, slang words, and sexual orientations to add to your lexicon in order to stay relevant at best, and straight up non-problematic at least.

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That’s where our handy sex word glossary comes in. Some of these words are slang, some are sexualities, some are positions and sex acts, and some are kinks or fetishes. (There’s a lot of sex stuff to know about!) What they all have in common is that they’re all important to know for exploration and representation. Not only that, but some words and labels that used to be «cool» (or at least non-offensive) are now very much not cool, and some umbrella terms have now been expanded upon to better represent different communities. Don’t worry—we’ll explain it all! (It’s kind of our job, and we kind of—read: totally—love it.)

Also! As you’re reading, it may be helpful to know that many of these sex word definitions are actually abbreviated descriptions from their own stand-alone page in our Sexopedia section. So if you come across something you want to know more about, just click on the word to dive deeper. Whether you’re totally new to the world of sex words or you have a sexual vocabulary so robust you’re pretty sure you could write a sex dictionary of your own, we can almost guarantee there’s something new on this list for everyone to learn. Now go forth and educate thyself!

Your List of Sex Words, Right This Way…

Abrosexual: A sexual orientation that describes someone whose sexual preferences and/or attraction changes over time. This could look like someone who has once said they are bisexual later coming out as asexual.

Aegosexual: Part of the asexual spectrum (more on that below) aegosexuality is generally defined as a disconnect between the self and the object or experience of one’s sexual arousal. While aegosexual people have the ability to experience sexual attraction, arousal, and desire in response to sexual stimuli, they likely lack any inclination to participate in those scenarios or even to imagine themselves in them.

AFAB: Assigned female at birth.

Allosexual: A sexual orientation that describes someone who experiences any type of sexual attraction to someone or something.

AMAB: Assigned male at birth.

Amazon (position): An advanced sex position that’s a combination between missionary and cowgirl. The bottom partner lies down on their back with their knees bent up in the air, and the top partner gets between their legs and slowly lowers down onto their partner. Both parties are intertwined, and the top partner uses their knees and hands for balance.

Anal Sex: Most commonly refers to anal penetration, typically with a penis but could also be with a strap-on.

Anorgasmia: The inability to have an orgasm.

Apothisexual: Used interchangeably with the term “sex-repulsed,” apothisexual people fall on the asexual spectrum and are repulsed by the idea of sex that involves them. However, they are typically fine with others engaging in sex or sexual activities that don’t involve them.

Asexual: A person who doesn’t experience sexual desire. They can be attracted to someone but don’t feel the need to get physically intimate with them.

Asexual Spectrum: The asexual spectrum, commonly abbreviated as “ace-spec” or “a-spec,” refers to sexual identities and orientations that fall under the asexual umbrella. Just as there are many different ways to experience sexuality, there are a variety of ways people might experience asexuality, and there are a number of different asexual identities that describe that diverse array of asexual experiences.

A-Spot: A protrusion of the cervix into the vagina that creates a little «pleasure pocket.» Sometimes referred to as the female degenerated prostate.

Autosexual: Someone who feels a sexual attraction toward themselves.

Bareback: Having sex without a condom. This is risky and kind of dangerous, as it increases your chances of STIs and/or pregnancy.

BDSM: An acronym that stands for any or all of the following: bondage and discipline; dominance and submission; sadism and masochism.

Bisexual: Defined by GLAAD as someone who “has the potential to be physically, romantically, and/or emotionally attracted to people of more than one gender, not necessarily at the same time, in the same way, or to the same degree.”

Blow Job: When someone puts their partner’s penis into their mouth and proceeds to suck and lick it for the penis-haver’s pleasure. Also called oral sex, fellatio, or “going down on” someone. The female version is called cunnilingus.

Blue Balls: As a slang term (aka not a medical term), “blue balls” refer to the pain someone feels in their scrotum from prolonged sexual arousal without ejaculation. Blue balls are not dangerous, not actually a medical condition, and don’t cause any long-term damage, nor do the balls turn a blue shade.

Bulge: The visible outline of a penis through someone’s pants.

Butt Plug: An anal sex toy shaped like a teardrop meant to be placed or “plugged” into one’s butthole.

Ceterosexual: Someone who’s attracted to a person who is non-binary, transgender, and in some cases, anyone who isn’t cisgender. You may hear people use the term «skoliosexual» also, but this is no longer appropriate since “skolio” means “crooked” in Latin.

Circumcision: The removal of the foreskin of the penis to reveal the head. The procedure typically happens when the person is a baby, although it can sometimes be performed during adulthood for medical reasons, religious reasons, or just because a person wants it.

Cishet: A broad term used to describe someone who is both cisgender and heterosexual.

Comphet: Stands for «compulsory heterosexuality,» and is the harmful notion that heterosexuality is the only valid sexuality and that everyone should be/is expected to be straight. This feeling is a result of heteronormativity.

Cosplay: Short for “costume play” and refers to dressing up as one of your favorite characters from pop culture and taking on the persona of that character.

Cowgirl: A sex position where you have your legs on the outside of your partner’s hips and face them.

Creampie: The non-dessert definition is when semen visibly drips out of a vagina or anus after ejaculation during sex.

Cum Shot: A term used in pornography referring to the moment someone with a penis ejaculates, usually on their partner, where the semen can easily be seen.

Cunnilingus: A fancy word that means oral sex when performed on someone with a vagina. The giver uses their lips and tongue to concentrate on the person’s vulva and clitoris.

Cupiosexual: A word that falls under the larger asexual spectrum that describes someone who still desires a sexual relationship, despite feeling little to no attraction.

Deep Throating: A blow job technique where the giver puts as much of the penis into their mouth as they can (sometimes the whole penis), which can sometimes cause gagging or even vomiting.

Demisexual: A sexual orientation that defines a person who needs to feel a strong emotional connection with someone in order to feel any sexual attraction to them. In other words, demisexual people are capable of sexual attraction but only in specific circumstances.

Diaphragm: A contraceptive device that sits at the opening of the cervix to block sperm.

Dirty Sanchez: An act where someone puts their finger into their partner’s ass, then wipes any fecal matter that may transfer onto their finger over that person’s lip, resulting in a poop mustache. FWIW, it’s generally accepted that this act is more urban legend than something you’d actually encounter in the bedroom.

Dirty Talk: Talking about sex acts with your partner in an explicit, arousing way before or while engaging in sex acts.

Doggy-Style: A sex position where the receiver is on their hands and knees while their partner enters them from behind.

DTR: An acronym that stands for «define the relationship.» It’s an initiated conversation with your partner(s) to agree on what type of relationship you want together.

Edge Play: Extreme sexual activity that falls under the BDSM umbrella. It involves trying riskier activities and oftentimes consensual physical or psychological pain for pleasure, arousal, and stimulation.

Edging: Refers to delaying an orgasm for as long as possible with the goal of having an ultimately more intense climax.

Erogenous Zones: Areas of the body such as the neck and ears that experience heightened sensitivity to touch and generate a sexual response.

Erotic Hypnosis: Also known as «hypno sex,» erotic hypnosis is a form of hypnosis that increases sexual desire, sexual feelings, and sexual responses.

Ethical Non-Monogamy: Know also as «ENM,» it’s the practice of having multiple sexual and/or romantic relationships with the knowledge, consent, and agreement of all parties involved.

Face-Sitting: When someone dangles their genitals over their partner’s mouth to receive oral sex.

Facial: When referring to the sex definition of a facial, it’s when a penis-haver ejaculates semen onto their partner’s face.

Fingering: When someone uses their fingers to stimulate their partner’s clitoris and/or vagina in order to bring them to orgasm or give them pleasure.

Fluid Bonding: A conscious decision made between/among sexual partners to forgo barrier methods (like condoms) during sex and share bodily fluids.

Foot Fetish: A sexual interest in feet. A person with a foot fetish may be aroused by touching, licking, rubbing, kissing, sucking, and massaging of feet.

Foot Job: Similar to hand jobs, but involves using feet rather than hands to rub and stimulate a partner’s genitals.

Foreplay: Everything you do before intercourse, like making out, holding each other while spooning, cute lil neck smooches, fingering, oral sex, spanking, humping, dirty talk, or even just sending a sext prior to pants coming off.

Fraysexuality: A sexual identity associated with losing sexual attraction to a person once an emotional bond is formed.

Golden Shower: Also called “water sports” and refers to a sex act involving urine. This can mean peeing on your partner, in front of your partner, near your partner, or having your partner pee on/near/in front of you.

Greysexual: Also called graysexual, grey-ace, or gray-ace, greysexuality falls within the asexual spectrum and defines individuals who experience sexual attraction and sexual feelings very rarely—anywhere from a few times in their whole life to anything more frequently.

Hand Fetish: Also known as quirofilia and cheirophilia, a hand fetish is a sexual interest in hands. The interest can be in the whole hand itself or specific parts like the palms, fingers, or nails.

Hand Job: Using your hand to stimulate someone’s penis until orgasm.

Heteroflexible: Someone who is typically attracted to the opposite gender but also open to having same-sex experiences and/or is occasionally attracted to their own gender.

Heteronormativity: The problematic worldview that makes it (wrongly) seem like all relationships are between cisgender, heterosexual people. This detrimentally promotes heterosexuality as the «normal» or default sexual orientation.

Hickey: Also known as a “love bite.” A hickey is caused by one person sucking the other’s skin (usually on their neck) until small blood vessels burst, creating a patch of discoloration, aka a bruise.

Hypergamy: Dating or marrying someone you think is more successful and/or secure than you, whether consciously or subconsciously.

Jelqing: The practice of stroking the penis when erect in a particular way to increase its size. This is a similar concept to using a penis pump.

Kitchen Table Polyamory: When all members of a polycule have or are expected to have a friend-like relationship, enough so that everyone could, in theory, sit around to share a meal together.

Masturbation: The act of touching or manipulating one’s own genitals for pleasure, which can result in an orgasm.

Metamours: Your lover’s lover in a non-monogamous relationship—aka your wife’s boyfriend, your girlfriend’s girlfriend, and/or your boyfriend’s casual hookup buddy.

Mile-High Club: Refers collectively to anyone who has ever had sex on a plane.

MILF: An acronym that stands for “Mom I’d Like to Fuck.”

Missionary: A sex position where one person lies down on their back, while their partner gets on top and thrusts and grinds on them.

Motorboating: The act of putting your face in between someone’s breasts and moving your head back and forth quickly while making a raspberry sound with your tongue and lips (like the sound of a motorboat).

Non-binary: Someone who does not identify exclusively as a man or a woman.

Nylon Fetish: The sexual interest in various facets of nylons. Someone with a nylon fetish might like wearing, touching, smelling, or simply looking at nylons.

Omnisexual: A sexual orientation that describes someone who’s attracted to all people, regardless of their gender.

Open Relationship: When one or both partners of a core relationship are consensually able to explore sexual intimacy with others.

Orbiting: When your ex continues to interact with all your Instagram Stories and social media, letting you know they’re still around.

Orgy: Group sex with several partners in a party-like scenario.

Pangender: Generally refers to someone who identifies with all or multiple gender identities. A pangender person might identify as a multitude of genders all at once, or they might identify more with certain genders at certain times.

Pansexual: The sexual, romantic, emotional, physical, or spiritual attraction to people regardless of their specific gender identity or sexual expression. Pansexuality falls under the bisexuality umbrella but goes beyond being attracted to both men and women.

Pearl Necklace: When someone with a penis ejaculates onto their partner’s neck or chest. The term comes from the drops of semen that are said to look like the individual pearls on a strand of beads.

Pegging: When someone without a penis performs anal intercourse on their partner with the help of a strap-on dildo.

Period Sex: Having sex while you menstruate.

Pillow Princess: Someone who likes to lie back and let their partner do most of the physical work during sex.

Polyamory: A form of consensual non-monogamy that emphasizes emotional—and oftentimes sexual—connection among multiple partners.

Polycule: A broad term used to describe all the interconnected partners in the same polyamorous network.

Polysexual: Someone who’s attracted to many genders and identities.

Pompoir: Using vaginal muscles in different ways to stimulate the penis during intercourse.

Postcoital Dysphoria: When a person experiences feelings of sadness, depression, anxiety or agitation after consensual sex—even if that sex was loving, satisfying, or enjoyable.

Pregnant Sex: Sex while pregnant.

Quickie: Speedy, rushed sex, often without foreplay or cuddling.

Relationship Anarchy: Also called «RA,» is a relationship style in which there are no rules or expectations other than the ones the people in the relationship decide upon.

Reverse-Cowgirl: A sex position that’s basically regular cowgirl (someone facing their partner and straddling them with knees on either side of their hips), but backward, so they’re facing their partner’s feet instead.

Rimming: Also called a rim job, tossed salad, and analingus; refers to oral sex involving mouth-to-anus contact.

Roaching: When someone you’re dating hides the fact they are also dating other people at the same time, and when confronted about it, claim they didn’t realize it was a monogamous relationship.

Rough Sex: Basically the opposite of “making love.” Refers to any sort of S&M (sadistic and masochistic) sexual activity. The definition of “rough” varies from person to person, so there’s no hard and fast rule here. Talk to your partner about how they define “rough” if you’re going to experiment with consensual rough sex.

Rusty Trombone: The act of performing a simultaneous rim job and hand job.

Sapiosexual: A controversial term that refers to a person who is attracted, primarily or exclusively, to people they find intelligent with less or no importance placed on the person’s appearance, gender, or identity.

Sex-Repulsed: Most commonly used within the asexual community, «sex-repulsed» is a way of experiencing one’s sexuality, but it’s not a sexuality in and of itself. Sex repulsion can mean someone finds sex disgusting or revolting and in general, would not want to look at, hear about, talk about, or think about sex or any sexual activity.

Sexual Frustration: A broad term used to describe feelings of dissatisfaction, depression, anxiety, and anger due to unmet sexual needs.

Shocker: A sex act when someone sticks their pointer and middle finger inside their partner’s vagina while also inserting their pinkie finger in the anus. It’s traditionally a sexist, non-consensual term because the anal penetration is meant to «shock» the receiver. Not cool.

Shrimping: The act of sucking on your partner’s toes.

Situationship: A catch-all term for relationships sitting at the intersection of “hooking up” and “in a relationship.”

Sixty-Nine (69): A sex position where two people simultaneously give each other oral sex.

Snowballing: A sexual act where a penis-haver ejaculates into their partner’s mouth, then open-mouth kisses their partner, passing the semen back and forth into each other’s mouths.

Spooning: When two people lie side-by-side, butt-to-back. The small spoon is the person on the inside, and the big spoon is on the outside.

Squirting: When fluid comes out of someone’s vagina, often accompanying orgasm.

Strap-On: A two-piece sex toy that includes a dildo and a harness, which attaches to the hips of the person wearing it. Strap-ons are often used for penetrative vaginal or anal sex.

Submarining: When an ex pops back into your life and then acts like nothing happened during the period you weren’t together.

Tantric Sex: Sex that lasts for hours and hours and involves study, meditation, breath-work, eye contact, and intimacy with your partner.

Teabagging: When a penis-haver places their scrotum into the mouth or onto the face or forehead of another person, usually while standing or kneeling over that person.

Temperature Play: An erotic form of consensual sensation play that’s often carried out by people who engage in BDSM play or kink. The goal of temperature play is to use the elements of heat and cold to heighten the senses.

Thigh Job: A sexual act where someone’s genitals are stimulated by a partner’s thighs. A thigh job can be done with clothes or bare thighs, thighs in latex, pantyhose, thigh highs, lubed up, or without lube.

Threesome: When three people have sex with each other simultaneously.

Venus Butterfly (technique): A sex act that involves both oral stimulation of the genitalia (cunnilingus) and manual stimulation (fingering) at the same time.

Vibrator: A sex toy that vibrates. While it can be used externally on the clitoris or penis, it can also be used internally in the vagina or anus, depending on its shape, design, and directions for use.

Yoni: «Vagina» in Sanskrit.

Yoni Massage: A tantric practice used to increase sensitivity in the vagina and vulva.

Headshot of Carina Hsieh

Sex & Relationships Editor

Carina Hsieh lives in NYC with her French Bulldog Bao Bao — follow her on Instagram and Twitter • Candace Bushnell once called her the Samantha Jones of Tinder • She enjoys hanging out in the candle aisle of TJ Maxx and getting lost in Amazon spirals. 

Headshot of Rachel Varina

Rachel Varina is a full-time freelance writer covering everything from the best vibrators (the Lelo Sona) to the best TV shows (The Vampire Diaries). She has over 10 years of editorial experience with bylines at Women’s Health, Elite Daily, Betches, and more. She lives in Tampa, Florida, but did not feed her husband to tigers. When she’s not testing out new sex toys (100+ and counting so far!), she’s likely chilling with her dogs or eating buffalo chicken dip. Ideally at the same time. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter. 

Headshot of Kayla Kibbe

Associate Sex & Relationships Editor

Kayla Kibbe (she/her) is the Associate Sex and Relationships Editor at Cosmopolitan, where she covers all things sex, love, dating, and relationships • She lives in Astoria, Queens and probably won’t stop talking about how great it is if you bring it up • Follow her on Twitter and Instagram. 

British Slang Sex Words


Have you ever wondered which are the sex-linked words only the British use? Here we go!

Disclaimer! Some of these words are also extremely filthy. This list is for educational purposes, only.


male genitalia, penis, british slang


This can be also used as an insult:




Which may be quite disgraceful for those named William, as they are likely to be nicknamed Will or Willy


The end of the penis

















Rhyming slang



Cockney – Because it has only one eye, which does not see!


Penis and testicles



Used by the British as a coarse word (OH BOLLOCKS!) in replacement to (OH S*IT!) but it can have also a positive connotation: DOG’S BOLLOCKS means GREAT!


Testicles (Vulgar)








Male or female genitals


female genitalia, vagina, british slang





“He’s a right fanny

Implying a guy is scared like a girl.








Male or female genitalia


erection - british slang






have sex - british slang




(Going to bed/sex)



(Doing it standing up)










Copulate before marriage






“It’s good to have a little bit of  HOW’S YOUR FATHER now and then!”






(From male point of view)


(From male point of view)



(From male point of view)


Jim’s not coming out tonight, I think he’s staying at home riding that fat bird from the pub”


“Your end” meaning your “bell end”


Nicer way of saying get fucked, you want to say get fucked but there’s children in the room


The act of having sex in public parks while people watch


cruising British slang


“John’s going out on the pull tonight, ain’t ya mate? *wink wink*”

Basically it means picking up drunk girls for sex


Hunt members of the opposite sex, with copulation in mind


The gay version of out on the pull


Trying to pick someone up in a bar or elsewhere




Snog: make out; French kiss:

I had a couple too many beers and ended up snogging the bouncer”.






“I just noticed Ian’s ex getting off with his brother!”

(Making  out or heavy petting)


British slang: hot girl


It means…SEXUALLY DESIRABLE. “He/She is fit as fuck”

*Sees picture of David Beckham* “FIT AS FUCK!!!!!!”


Attractive, of a woman


Attractive members of the opposite sex, usually female


Sexually attractive; Also a word for nude, sometimes used loosely to describe the act of sex e.g.

“We were buffin’ for hours!”



prostitute, british slang









tits - british slang


















British slang condom

Image copyright:  Xmas2Flickr








screenshot-2016-12-27-15-10-56Today we have a smoking hot English lesson for you. That’s right, today we’re going to talk about sex.

WARNING: Although not the intention of this article, it may be OFFENSIVE to some readers. We understand that sex is a delicate topic for many people, and this article is meant to be more of a resource rather than an English lesson. 

This is real life English, and sex is a topic that is quite popular to talk about among friends, whether in a funny, sarcastic way, or in serious conversation when talking about one’s relationship.

Learning about idioms, slang, and collocations for sex will really help your understanding of everyday English, as sex is a topic that often comes up in popular culture (music, TV), and more often than not, we use sexual innuendos [suggestive terms] rather than the more literal terms that you might already know.

This article will start with the most formal, literal terms for sex and move to the naughtier [more inappropriate] language that you need to be more careful with.

Each section will start with the most common terms, and end with those that you won’t hear very often. So, by the time you finish this article, you’ll know exactly what sex term to use, and when!

Are you ready? Then…

Let’s talk about SEX

FREE Present: A Revolutionary Guide to Connecting Your English to Your Life

screenshot-2016-12-27-14-55-58FORMAL Ways to Say “Have Sex” 

If you need to talk about sex, these terms can be used with pretty much anyone.

1. Have sex is by far the most common and appropriate term to use.

2. Make love is also a common term, but is usually used when you are in a relationship (that is, to have sex with a girlfriend/boyfriend or wife/husband).

3. Sleep with is a very appropriate term because it is so ambiguous. It doesn’t necessarily mean that two people have sex, but most people will assume that if you say you slept with someone there wasn’t actually much sleeping.


I can’t believe Monica slept with Chandler in that episode of Friends!

4. Have an affair is another synonym for sex that usually implies that it is outside of your relationship (that is, you are in a relationship and you have sex with someone other than your partner).

5. Do it this term isn’t commonly used by anyone older than about 12. Children will usually say, “do it” instead of, “have sex.”

6. Have relations is a less common way of saying sleep with. It doesn’t always refer to sex, but it usually does.

7. Fornicate is a funny, yet formal way to say sex. It sounds biblical/sciencey, so it’s not very common, but using it in conversation can be quite comical.

8. Have coitus (rare)

9. Copulate

10. Engage in/have (sexual) intercourse is probably the term that your health or science teacher would use.

11. Mate is a term that you can use, but it usually refers to animals other than humans. You might hear it used in a biology class (Note: mate as a noun also means friend, and common collocations are roommate, flatmate, classmate, and workmate).

INFORMAL but appropriate amongst friends

These terms aren’t too literal or graphic, and can be used in most friendly situations without offending anyone. It’s best to experiment with these words because it’s not always well received to openly talk about them.

12. Get laid is probably one of the most common ambiguous terms.


Bill got laid at that party last night!

13. Hook up is something that we say all the time in the U.S, but it is very vague and doesn’t always refer to having sex

screenshot-2016-12-27-14-57-5814. Get lucky is a term recently made more popular by a Daft Punk song.

15. Get it on is an expression made popular by the Marvin Gaye song, but it sounds old-fashioned now.

16. Take (someone) to bed is a lot like “sleep with someone,” but a little more informal and obvious.

17. Get Busy

18. Be/get intimate

19. Go all the way is an expression that sounds a bit outdated; it was popular in the 1970s with this song.

20. Hit a home run is an expression that you might hear in the United States, as it is related to baseball. If you are familiar with the sport, then you might understand this sex-related terminology:

  • First base – kissing
  • Second base – touching, heavy petting, and rubbing
  • Third base – oral sex
  • Home run – intercourse

21. Hump is another term that sounds somewhat childish. Humping is the motion that you make thrusting your hips forward (like during sex).

22. Make babies is a pretty straightforward innuendo, although it isn’t always used literally (meaning that someone wants to reproduce).

Learn English with Friends TV: Ross’s Sexy Cousin

NAUGHTY (more Profane) Ways to Say “Have Sex” 

You should probably only use these terms around people your age and friends. Again, experimenting with them is key because they’re not always well received.

23. Fuck is a term you probably already know, but to learn a lot more ways to use it, remember to read this article.

24. Get some (ass/booty)

25. Fool around doesn’t always mean intercourse, but it definitely involves sexual play.

26. Get down (and dirty)

27. Shag is a British term similar to fuck. Sometimes it is used sarcastically in the U.S, but it’s not too common.

28. Root is an Australian word that’s similar to shag and fuck.

29. Sex (someone) up

30. Ravish is a less vulgar way of saying to have intense sex (for example, ripping off each others’ clothes).


I don’t know why all of these girls want to ravish Ryan Gosling

31. Score is another term derived from sports, and is kind of out dated.

32. Put your P in a V (for Men) literally means to put your penis in a vagina. It’s not commonly used, but was popularized by the film Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

OFFENSIVE ways to say “Have Sex”

These terms are pretty graphic and you should only use them around close friends or not at all.

33. Screw is literally the act of turning a screw (see picture)


Go screw yourself!

It’s obvious that you want to screw Jennifer.

34. Bang is the sound that a gun makes or to hit something hard (usually with your fists)

35. Bone is probably used because another word for erection is “boner.”


I can’t believe he boned his tutor!

36. Nail is similar to a screw, but to insert them you use a hammer.

37. Ride usually means to mount an animal… you get the picture.

38. Get nasty gives a rather dirty, vulgar image of sex.

39. Pound is similar to bang or nail; it’s a synonym for “to hit.”

40. Get a dicking is not a real word, but it makes a slang of the word “penis” into a verb. This usually refers to the female role in intercourse (NOTE: Dicking around means “to be wasting time” and is not sexual).

Understanding is important

Whether or not you think this kind of language is appropriate, Real life vocabulary like this is important to know and understand because it is commonly used. Even if you choose not to use this kind of vocabulary yourself, which might be a safer decision, it can give you an insight into local culture if you are traveling or living abroad and into popular culture.

It doesn’t matter if you like this part of the English language, if you find it offensive, or if you use it yourself because it’s how many people really talk.

So remember to try to keep an open mind. This is real life English–that is, the English that we really use.

More Recommended Reads: 

  • 75 Ways to Say Beautiful
  • Romantic English Expressions
  • How to Use Swear Words in English

There’s nothing to make you feel more uncool than being around a group of friends when they use sex slang you haven’t heard of. If you ask what the word means, you often get a response of, “Wait, really? You’ve never heard of that? Wow, I’m surprised.” (It’s like, come on dude, don’t make me feel less cool than I’m already feeling!)

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of sex slang words out there, and new ones pop up every day while others go out of style. However, in an attempt to clear up at least a little confusion, we’ve rounded up 18 popular sex terms and phrases that you might have been wondering about recently. (These are terms I’ve run into and proceeded to learn in the past few years, so I know they’re actually coming up IRL.) Now, you’ll never be out to brunch and feel uncool again! (Actually, we can’t promise that. But at least you’ll be able to talk about the fine art of shrimping with the best of them.)

So without further ado, here’s your sex slang glossary, you cool kid, you.

More From Men’s Health

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1) Aftercare

Aftercare is the practice of making sure everyone feels cared for and supported after a sex session. There are tons of ways to do it.

2) Boofing

Boofing is when you or a partner insert drugs into your body through your anus. This can be done with fingers, or your partner can put the drugs on their penis and have anal sex with you.

3) Bussy

As we’ve previously defined, “Bussy is a portmanteau of the word ‘boy’ and ‘pussy’ and it’s used to refer to a man’s anus. It’s used predominantly in queer culture, particularly among more effeminate bottoms (the anal receptive partner).”

4) Doppelbanger

When you have sex with someone that looks identical to you (but isn’t actually related).

5) Facial (a.k.a. Moneyshot)

When a person with a penis cums on their partner’s face. (The term “moneyshot” comes from the prevalence of this move in porn.)

6) Facefuck

When someone (aggressively) fucks their partner’s mouth, typically while holding their head in place.

7) Felching

Felching is when you sip your cum out of your partner’s anus after having anal sex. (It’s often done with a straw, but we’ll go ahead and still consider it felching if you just lick it out.)

8) Fisting

The fine art of penetrating someone’s vagina or anus or with your entire hand. LOTS OF LUBE REQUIRED.

9) Hotline Bling

It’s just another word for a booty call. The word became popular after the Drake song, Hotline Bling.

10) Mastuwaiting

When you’re watching porn while jacking off but you have to wait because the video’s buffering.

11) Pearl Necklace

When a penis-owner shoots their semen around their partner’s neck, leaving little white circles resembling a pearl necklace.

12) Postboned

When someone runs late because of a sexual encounter. (Get it? Like «postponed?»)

13) Queening (a.k.a. Face-sitting)

This is just a word for when a vulva-owner straddles their partner’s face to get eaten out.

14) Rim job

Also known as “rimming” or the ~sciencey-sounding~ “analingus,” it’s when someone goes to town on your booty with their mouth. Read more about how to give a rim job here.

15) Shrimping

When you suck on someone’s toes sexually.

16) Simping

A term that became popular on TikTok, referring to men who bend over backward to win over women who are barely interested. We get deeper into it here.

17) Sploshing

A sexual fetish that entails bringing food into your sex life—specifically large quantities of food, so that things get messy. (Sploshing is a subset of the “wet and messy” fetish.)

18) Wet and Messy (WAM)

A sexual fetish for getting covered in a messy substance, such as food or paint.

You are here: Home / Britishness / English Language / Brit Slang: British Slang in the Bedroom – Big List of 71 British English Words Related To Sex


In this week’s ongoing series of articles on British Slang, we’re going to get personal and talk about words relating to sex and the bedroom. There are ample phrases for the male and female genitalia along with certain insults and phrases worth a giggle.

This list was a lot of fun to put together when we wrote our British Slang Dictionary last year – details on where to get it here!

Disclaimer! Some of these words are pretty PG rated but some of them are also extremely filthy. You’ve been warned! This list is for educational purposes and will certainly help frequent British TV viewers.

  1. All fur coat and no knickers – adj – A woman who looks good on the surface but has no substance.
  2. Antenatal – adj – Prenatal care.
  3. Arse – n – Buttocks.
  4. Aussie kiss – n – Oral sex on a woman.
  5. Axe wound – n – Vagina.
  6. Baby batter – n – Semen.
  7. Back passage – n – Anus.
  8. Bairn – n – Another word for baby, usually used in Scotland.
  9. Ball bag – n – Scrotum.
  10. Balloon Knot – n- The anus.
  11. Baps – n – Another name for a woman’s breasts.
  12. Bean – n – 1. An ecstasy pill 2. The female clitoris.
  13. Beat the bishop – v – To masturbate.
  14. Belisha Beacons – n – The yellow flashing lights at a pedestrian crossing in the UK but can also be used to refer to a women’s breasts.
  15. Bell-end – n – The end of the male genitalia. Also an insult to call someone stupid. “Don’t be such a bell-end.”
  16. Bint – n – A derogatory word for woman who is just above a prostitute.
  17. Boiler – n – An unkind term for an ugly woman.
  18. Bollocks – n – 1. Male testicles. 2. Something that is rubbish or crap.
  19. Bollocking – n – To be punished severely or told off.
  20. Buff adj – Sexually attractive; Also a word for nude, sometimes used loosely to describe the act of sex e.g. “We was buffin’ for hours.”
  21. Buggery – n – The act of anal sex.
  22. Bum – n, v – Buttocks. Not particularly rude – more acceptable in polite circles than ‘arse.’
  23. Bum cleavage – n – The area between the buttocks.
  24. Chat up – v – Trying to pick someone up in a bar or elsewhere.
  25. Clunge – n – A very very rude word for the female vagina not to be used in polite or even impolite conversation.
  26. Dangly-bits – n – Male genitalia.
  27. Dogging – v – The act of having sex in public parks while people watch.
  28. Dressing gown – n – A bathrobe.
  29. End-piece – n – End of the male genitalia – another way of saying “bell-end.”
  30. Fanny – n – A woman’s vagina. Not for use in polite conversation.
  31. Fit – adj – A word used to describe an attractive woman or male.
  32. Gagging – v – Desperate in a derogatory way. i.e. She was gagging for it.
  33. Get off – v – To make out with someone.
  34. Get your end away – v – To have sex.
  35. Growler – n – A very rude term for female genitals covered in pubic hair.
  36. John Thomas – n – Male genitalia. (It is not necessary for anyone to comment that my name is indeed Jonathan Thomas, almost every British person I meet reminds me of that!)
  37. Jubblies – n – A woman’s breasts.
  38. Kerb crawler – n – A person who solicits street prostitutes.
  39. Knackers – n – Vulgar name for testicles.
  40. Knickers – n – Women’s underwear, see pants.
  41. Knob – n – Male genitalia.
  42. Leg over – n – Sexual intercourse.
  43. Manky – adj – Dirty or filthy.
  44. Meat and two veg – n – Male external genitalia.
  45. Minge – n – Female genitalia, derogatory.
  46. Minger – adj – An ugly or filthy-minded person. There is usually an implication of poor hygiene or body odor in the usage.
  47. Naughty bits – n – A polite way to say male genitalia.
  48. On the pull – v – Out looking for sex.
  49. Pants – n – 1. Women’s underwear. 2. Something that is total crap.
  50. Pedo – n – Shorthand phrase for pedophile.
  51. Pervy – adj – Perverted.
  52. PMT – n – PMS
  53. Quim – n – Female genitalia.
  54. Randy – adj – To be sexually aroused.
  55. Rent boy – n – A male prostitute.
  56. Ring piece – n – The anus.
  57. Shag – v – To have sex.
  58. Slag – v – A whore. To call a woman a slag is a grievous insult.
  59. Snog – v – Passionate kissing, not sex.
  60. Starkers – v – To be completely naked.
  61. Stockings – n – Ladies tights.
  62. Strawberry Creams – n – A woman’s breasts.
  63. Stuffed – v – Sexual intercourse (i.e. ‘get stuffed’).
  64. Tart – n – Prostitute or loose woman.
  65. Thrupney bits – n – Woman’s breasts.
  66. Tights – n – Pantyhose.
  67. Undercarriage – n – 1. Male or female genitals. 2. The underside of your car.
  68. Up the duff – v – To be pregnant.
  69. Wank – v – To masturbate.
  70. Wanker – adj – Literally someone who enjoys to masturbate but usually used as an insult for an asshole.
  71. Y-fronts – n – Men’s undergarments.

Did we leave anything off the list? Please share it in the comments below!

Anglotopia’s Dictionary of British English 2nd Edition – Paperback

The words on this list were excerpted from Anglotopia’s Dictionary of British English: Brit Slang from A to Zed. Available now from major retailers in prints and eBook form. The book features over 1,000 British Slang words including extra sections on Australian and Kiwi Slang, Cockney Slang, London slang and more! There’s also a hilarious section on Britain’s rude place names.  Full details here.

Jonathan is a consummate Anglophile with an obsession for Britain that borders on psychosis. Anglotopia is his passionate side-gig and he’s always dreaming of his next trip to England, wishing he lived there — specifically Dorset.

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