Sentences with word yard

The yard (abbreviation: yd) is an English unit of length, in both the British imperial and US customary systems of measurement, that comprises 3 feet or 36 inches. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

That’s 5.9 yards per play against teams normally allowing 5.9.


A German shepherd is better off in a home where there is a fenced yard for play rather than an apartment.


I could not walk 100 yards with out chest pain.


We do require most of our adopters to have securely fenced yards.


It bounced back off him from about two yards out as he slid in towards the back post.


A Northbrook resident was left with two holes in her yard after she discovered two decade-old Japanese maple trees had been dug up and stolen from her property, police said.


Also on offense, when it comes to yards per reception the figures give the eminence to the Cardinals by 1.1.


It feels weightless, and doesn’t require much fuss throughout the day (just don’t do yard work in the blazing sun).


He also had 173 rushing yards and two touchdowns when the Minutemen shut out Heritage 34-0 on Sept. 21.


That’s EXACTLY what happened on my last junkin’trip when I came across the fabulous items I used to make these Junky Chicken Wire Cloches.The last time I paid a visit to The Second Hand Rose store owner Terry took me behind the locked gate into his back yard of broken and not so nice items.


What has been politically interesting on Facebook this year to me, by contrast, is individual PEOPLE using the site for their OWN political purposes — telling their friends to support a candidate, go vote, etc., the same way they might put a bumper sticker on their car or a sign in their yard.


Plato, for example, calls the religious holiday an anapausa, a breathing spell.16 We see it in children’s play where a new space and time are set apart for the duration of the play experience — the back yard becoming a jungle or the Western prairie where the Indians and the cowboys are fighting.


Team Sternberg got about 12 yards from the endzone..


You don’t need a large yard for housetraining, but you do need to pick up feces frequently, preferably every day.


His pace over the first 10 yards is a real asset.


After spending some enjoyable time gardening in her front yard, she went inside to find that her pug, «Frankie the Brain» had escaped through the back screen door that wasn’t completely closed.


I like yard sales, flea markets, movies, good food, very romantic.


Outside, look for letters on play equipment, riding toys and yard ornaments.


She would do best in a home with another dog and a fenced yard.


Tandon Doss led the NFL in yards per punt return during the 2013 season, including an 82-yard punt return touchdown.


Among power conference freshmen in this group, Missouri’s Damarea Crockett was the only other player to top 6 highlight yards


Your 2 yard length of fabric will be just about the right size for 1 sheet.


Always read the label before using any insecticide on your pet, in your home or in your yard.


Sophomore WR Marquise Lee (60 receptions for 784 yards and 8 TD’s) has great speed and an unparalleled ability to adjust to the deep ball, which has helped Lee quickly establish himself as one of the most difficult matchups in college football.


The PUL material runs between $ 12.99 and $ 14.99 per yard, but most of the stores offer frequent coupons of at least 40 % off.


Commercial beekeeper Darren Cox stands among some of his hives in a bee yard in the rich Cache Valley north of Salt Lake City.


My sister has fennel in her back yard — note to self.


Christian, who pulled the amphiuma from a rain-flooded drainage ditch in his yard at home, knew right away what he had found — and he knew it would be welcome in Guillot’s critter-crowded classroom.


I’d welcome him I think a 6 yard nimble poacher would thrive in front of ozil and sanchez.


Near the end Akinfeev saved superbly to deny substitute Danny Welbeck, who was 6 yards out and looked certain to score.


It was some shot too, travelling a good seven or eight yards before splatting against its target.


Also consider that your baby may have a crib soother or other musical/light-up toy that could be moved to the play yard if needed, or your baby may even enjoy the sound of silence.


«Dream On Me» is printed on the bottom left-hand side outside of the product, and the model number is printed on a label attached to the play yard‘s mattress.


Three hours of afternoon outdoor pack play and pool play in our shaded play yard supervised by our professional staff of certified trainers


• Approach shot: With just under 150 yards left, Tiger sticks his second shot to about 8 feet past the hole.


Though they have a penchant for getting into trouble, with the help of Bob’s inventions and their kitten friend Hissy, Bingo and Rolly enjoy lighthearted missions from their own back yard to locations around the world.


Susan Gibbs turned her part-time hobby into a going business when she financed her yarn company, Juniper Moon Farm, with CSA investments: Members pay $ 175 per share in return for about 1,800 yards of yarn a year.


Magnify your target between 6 and 24x and enjoy a field of view of 16 1/4 — feet at 100 yards.


Oneida County Executive, Anthony J. Picente, Jr. today announced that the Oneida County Youth Bureau and Office for the Aging have joined together in an effort to unite area youth with the elderly to help with general yard work.


But when it comes to their sprinkler system, some homeowners are more hesitant and will probably rely on either the installer to have done it correctly or the person that maintains their yard to manage it, she said.


It had been five months since injury-hit Bosnian had found net but he ended his wait on 21 minutes as he collected Silva’s exquisite lofted pass on his chest before volleying home from eight yards


All around the rural neighborhood, however, homeowners have posted signs in their yards that say «CasiNO!


If the home has a large yard, do you have the right kind of lawnmower to maintain it?


It is easy to know you» he smiled, «even when you are two yards away.


Love all the wildlife that visit our yard.


Now he has had a knee operation and is supposed to be his real self — which means he is more than capable of topping last season’s one-legged statistics: 36 completions, 335 yards rushing and a punting average of 42.5.


He averaged 344 yards passing per game.


The school yard insult came as King tried to defend Cuomo’s new top deputy, Melissa DeRosa, after Cox recently called her a «petty thug.»


Have you noticed a cat hanging around your yard or neighbourhood?


We also fenced in portion of of our yard next to the garden to accomodate five fruit trees (2 varieties of heirloom apples, 2 varieties of plums, and one nectarine) and more room for our chickens to roam.


yard — перевод на русский


You are the big boss man of the whole yard.

Ты самый главный босс во всём дворе.

Then came the scrubbing, out in the back yard.

Потом была помывка на заднем дворе.

Why don’t you stay in your own back yard.

Почему бы тебе не остаться в своем собственном заднем дворе.

You know, on my back stoop, the lot across the street, back yard.

И возле дома, и на улице, и на заднем дворе.

We’ll have the room in the yard.

В комнатке во дворе.

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Distance, 1,400 yards.

Дистанция 1400 ярдов.

Torpedo three points of starboard bow, 1,000 yards.

Торпеда справа по носу, 1,000 ярдов.

Only a few hundred yards away?

Всего в нескольких сотнях ярдов?

These figures are averages of firings at 85 yards.

Это средние значения при стрельбе с 85 ярдов.

With moving targets, average range: 90 yards.

Средняя дальность при движущейся цели: 90 ярдов.

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— Can’t you move up a couple of yards?

— Ну сдвиньтесь хоть на пару метров!

Why, she can shoot the head off a pin at 100 yards.

Она может попасть в угольное ушко со 100 метров.

I spotted your house from a distance of at least 100 yards.

Я узнал твой дом по меньшей мере со ста метров.

We’re 1,000 yards past the limit now.

Мы перешли границу на 900 метров.

— Maybe 100 more yards.

Может еще метров сто? Садись, поехали.

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The Lord was good to you, to set the swimming pool in your own front yard.

Бик, Господь был добр к тебе, установив бассейн в твоем саду!

It was the night before last. Soon after I went to bed, I heard footsteps in the yard.

Позапрошлой ночью вскоре после того, как я легла спать, я услышала шаги в саду.

I was standing in my yard when his mama come out yelling, ‘He’s killing us all.’

Я была в своем саду, когда его мама выскочила с криком: «Он убивает нас всех!»

I think we ought to stay right here in Miss Stephanie’s yard.

Я думаю, мы должны оставаться тут, в саду мисс Стефани.

There’s this old chifforobe in the yard, and I-I said,

В саду есть старый шифоньер, и я говорю,

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Scotland Yard? We thought you were thieves.


— Sound the alarm! — Call Scotland Yard!

Звони в Скотланд-Ярд!

And then I borrowed her telephone and called Scotland Yard.

Потом я воспользовался её телефоном и позвонил в Скотланд-Ярд.

Scotland Yard will continue to inform you of our further insane decisions.

Скотланд-Ярд будет держать вас в курсе наших дальнейших сумасшедших решений.

I don’t think Scotland Yard can be anything but an interested spectator.

— Доктор, я не думаю, что Скотланд-Ярд может выступать здесь чем-либо кроме заинтересованного наблюдателя, пока…

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We’re from Scotland Yard.

— Я их не вижу. — Мы из Скотланд-Ярда.

— We stopped them on the road… posed as Scotland Yard men and searched them but they didn’t have the plans.

— Дальше, дальше. Мы остановили их на дороге, заявили, что мы из Скотланд-Ярда, обыскали их, но чертежа у них не было.

Remember what those Scotland Yard men told us about this girl?

Вы помните, что нам сообщили те двое из Скотланд-Ярда про эту девушку?

One can’t monkey about with Scotland Yard men.

Говорю вам, это люди из Скотланд-Ярда, с ними лучше не связываться, не так ли?

‘That’s their version of Scotland Yard or the American FBI.’

Это был их вариант Скотланд-Ярда или американского ФБР.

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I thought maybe that you could move it to the back yard? You know. A compromise.

Я подумала, может быть передвинешь её на задний дворик в качестве компромисса?

But no one paid the rent after 1956, so restitution didn’t apply to the front yard.

Но с 1956 года арендную плату никто не оплачивал, поэтому на крыльцо и дворик реституция уже не распространялась.

Stiney, that’s my front yard you just puked on there.

Стиней, это – мой дворик перед домом, А ты только что наблевал там.

Is that your yard?

Это твой дворик?

I know that I’m not the handiest guy, but I’m still a man. And I want to be able to look out into my yard and say…

Я знаю, что я не самый умелый парень, но я всё таки мужчина, и я хочу, чтобы у меня была возможность однажды посмотреть на мой дворик и сказать..

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How about those elves in leather harnesses in the front yard?

Как тебе эти эльфы в кожаной сбруе перед домом?

They were in the front yard.

Они были перед домом.

There are men with guns in my front yard.

Почему перед домом вооружённые люди?

I don’t like the kids being around that racist sunflower that’s growing in our yard.

Не хочу, чтобы наши дети торчали около того расиста-подсолнуха перед домом.

Jerry and Joe had let their bad feelings sit inside them for years, rotting like a pig in a front yard, and it took a fight to work everything out.

Джерри и Джо много лет не давали выхода своим чувствам, и души их грызли черви словно мертвую свинью перед домом. А ссора помогла расставить все по местам.

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A yard sale is not such a radical notion, janet.

Распродажа имущества — не сенсационное открытие, Джанет.

The boat yard sale did okay.

Распродажа с яхты идет отлично.

Don’t think of it as a yard sale.

Не думай о ней, как о распродаже.

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They’ll return from the yard soon.

Сейчас придут с верфи.

We’re gonna clear a carrier group from the Norfolk naval yard.

Просто хотел сказать что мы уберем ударные авианосцы из военной верфи в Норфолке.

The first by a waterman, the second in the dock yard.

Первое нашел лодочник, второе нашли в верфи.

I’ll come into town. I’ll meet you in the Navy Yards near «M» street, 8:00.

— Встретимся возле верфи.

Okay. Navy Yards, «M» street, 8:00.

— Хорошо, возле верфи, в 8.

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Отправить комментарий

двор, ярд, сад, парк, рей, загон, загонять


- ярд (мера длины; = 3 фута, ≈ 91,44 см)

to sell by the yard — продавать на ярды (ткань и т. п.)

- поэт. пядь

fight for every yard — отстаивать каждую пядь земли
I can’t see a yard in front of me — разг. ни зги не видно

- разг. большая длина или большое количество

yards of facts and figures — нескончаемый поток цифр и фактов
a face a yard long — ужасно длинное лицо
by the yard — в большом количестве; без конца и края
to talk by the yard — говорить без умолку
statistics by the yard — бесконечные ряды цифр

- кубический ярд
- мор. рей

man the yards! — по реям! (команда)

ещё 13 вариантов


- загонять скотину
- трелевать
- хранить на площадке или складе

to yard up wood — хранить лес на лесном складе

- спец. переходить на зимнее пастбище

the deer yard in the area — олени пасутся здесь зимой

Мои примеры


a house with a fenced-in yard — дом с двором, обнесённым изгородью  
park the car in the yard — припаркуй машину во дворе  
all over the yard — по всему двору  
poultry yard — птичий двор  
ship repair yard — судоремонтный завод  
timber yard — лесной склад  
main yard — грот-рей  
Scotland Yard — Скотланд-Ярд  
billet yard — склад заготовок  
bloom yard — склад блюмов  
main yard brace — грота-брас  
brace the yard — брасопить рей  

Примеры с переводом

The yard was railed

Двор был огражден.

The children were playing in the yard.

Дети играли во дворе.

The dog ran loose in the yard.

Собака свободно бегала по двору.

The kids built a snowman in the front yard.

Дети слепили снеговика во дворе перед домом.

My garage backs their yard.

Мой гараж сзади примыкает к их двору.

Bend a sail to its yard.

Привяжи парус к рее.

Can you still buy cloth by the yard in Britain?

В Англии все еще мерят ткани на ярды?

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

I heard yaps coming from the yard.

The moles dug tunnels in the yard.

The railroad yard was a desert now.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

yardage  — площадь, объем, длина

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): yard
мн. ч.(plural): yards

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


There is a special place for smoking in the inner yard.

В нашем хостеле есть внутренний двор, в котором есть специальное место для курения.

On how well you clean my yard.

От того, как хорошо ты почистишь мой двор.

Certainly cheaper than going to the local wood yard.

Конечно, это все равно дороже, чем посещать муниципальный сад.

Finally, consider planting a few new trees in your yard.

Пришла пора задуматься над тем, чтобы посадить несколько новых деревьев в свой сад.

Morrow won the 1955 AAU 100 yard title.

Морроу выиграл в 1955 году титул AAU на 100 ярдов.

Coordinators are active people who live in every yard.

Координаторы — это активные люди, которые есть в каждом дворе.

The vacant lot next to your yard.

Да, на свободном участке рядом с твоим двором.

Or maybe a little yard work.

Или, возможно, за небольшую работу по саду.

All because an unexpected bear wandered into someone’s yard.

И все потому, что какой-то нежданный медведь забрел в чей-то двор.

However, pets can bring infected ticks into your home or yard.

Тем не менее, домашние животные могут принести зараженных клещей в ваш дом или двор.

Nobody wants one in their back yard.

Никто не хочет ее иметь на своем заднем дворе.

Look no further than your own back yard.

Смотрите дальше, а не просто на ваш задний двор.

I’m having major issues with fire ants in my yard.

Мои родители, кажется, есть большие проблемы с огненными муравьями в их дворе.

Check your yard and house for hazards.

Проверьте свой дом и двор на наличие опасных предметов.

Only in 2017 were upgraded 293 yard in 32 settlements.

Всего в 2017 г. было благоустроено 293 двора в 32 населённых пунктах.

I have magnolia trees in my yard.

У меня есть массивное дерево магнолии в моем дворе.

Be prepared for some holes in your yard.

Будьте готовы к некоторым «дырам» в вашем дворе.

Safer than growing it in your yard.

И это не труднее, чем выращивание их в саду.

Learn how to utilize them in your yard and garden.

И мы расскажем вам, как ее использовать в своем саду и огороде.

It has not really spread in our yard.

Так что в наших садах он не получил широкого распространения.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат yard

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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«The kids are playing in the front yard.«
(front, back)

«They have a big yard for their dog.«
(big, huge, large, fenced)

«Their yard is too small for a swimming pool.«
(small, tiny)

«We need a fenced yard for the dogs.«

Used with verbs:

«They enter their yard through the side of the house.«
(enter, leave)

«We need to water our yard.«
(water, mow, rake, landscape, decorate)

«We had to fence our yard because our dog kept escaping.«
(to fence)

«Our yard was covered with snow during Christmas.«
(be + covered, be + blanketed)

«The yard is surrounded by a tall fence.«
(be + surrounded, be + enclosed)

Used with prepositions:

«She is standing in her yard.«

Used with nouns:

«He bought a chair at the yard sale.«

«She puts up yard signs during election season.«

Table of Contents

  1. Is it in the yard or on the yard?
  2. How do you spell in my backyard?
  3. Is it front yard or front yard?
  4. Why is front yard 2 words?
  5. What defines a front yard?
  6. Why do Americans have front yards?
  7. Why are front yards a thing?
  8. What is another word for front yard?
  9. What is another word for yard?
  10. What is the yard?
  11. What is yard used for?
  12. What is the meaning of 15 yards?
  13. Is a yard 36 inches by 36 inches?
  14. How many feet does 36 yards equal?
  15. What percent of a yard is an inch?
  16. How many cm make a yard?
  17. How many inches does a yard have?
  18. What percent is 1 foot of a yard?
  19. Which is more 1 yard or 6 foot?
  20. What fraction of a yard is equal to 1 foot?
  21. How many feet does it take to make a yard?
  22. What is the difference between yard and feet?
  23. Which is longer 100m or 100 yards?
  24. Is 2 yards bigger than 5 feet?
  25. Which is greater yard or feet?

English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word “Yard” in Example Sentences Page 2

Is it in the yard or on the yard?

If you are standing in the yard, you can use “in”: I’m in the back yard right now. Do you want me to walk around to the front? If you need to emphasize the idea that you are on the surface of the yard, it’s possible to use “on the yard”: I’m rolling around on the front yard.

  1. [S] [T] My neighbor is planting new grass in his yard. (
  2. [S] [T] The boys are throwing a ball in the back yard. (
  3. [S] [T] I found my dog lying under the tree in our yard. (

How do you spell in my backyard?

Backyard and back yard are two variants of a term that means the rear part of a property and can be used as an adjective or a noun.

  1. Both spellings are acceptable.
  2. Backyard is preferred in all contexts.

Is it front yard or front yard?

Note that front yard is always written as two words, while backyard is usually written as a single word.

Why is front yard 2 words?

The evolution of the phrases are probably at different stages of becoming individual words. ‘Backyard’ goes back to the 1650s and ‘front yard’ dates back only to the mid 1700s. Given more time, ‘front yard’ may become a single word too, though spell checking has fossilized conventions a bit.

What defines a front yard?

On a residential block of land, a front yard (United States, Canada, Australia) or front garden (United Kingdom, Europe) is the portion of land between the street and the front of the house. The area behind the house, usually more private, is the back yard or back garden.

Why do Americans have front yards?

“It’s a way to connect with people while still socially distancing,” said Los Angeles architect Barbara Bestor, who has spent recent evenings on a friend’s turn-of-the-century portico. Los Angeles landscape designer Kathleen Ferguson recalls creating a front space for a family in Studio City, Calif., on a cul-de-sac.

Why are front yards a thing?

Being set back more from the street visually emphasizes the privacy of the home, and the typical lawns in the front yard look less “urban” and raise property values. You can see people approaching conspicuously, which is kind of a thing for the semi-paranoid mentality of the suburbs.

What is another word for front yard?

Alternate Synonyms for “front yard”: yard; grounds; curtilage.

What is another word for yard?

What is another word for yard?

garden lawn
nursery oasis
parkland garth
estate greenery
gardens common

What is the yard?

The yard (symbol: yd) is an English unit of length, in both the British imperial and US customary systems of measurement, that comprises 3 feet or 36 inches. Since 1959 it is by international agreement standardized as exactly 0.9144 meters. 1,760 yards is equal to 1 mile.

What is yard used for?

Yard, Unit of length equal to 36 inches, or 3 feet (see foot), in the U.S. Customary System or 0.9144 metre in the International System of Units. A cloth yard, used to measure cloth, is 37 in. long; it was also the standard length for arrows.

What is the meaning of 15 yards?

The 15 yard rule applies to throw-ins. The rule is very simple – all receiving players must start at least 15 yards away from the throw-in taker. This opens space around the throw-in taker for players to make movements to receive the throw.

Is a yard 36 inches by 36 inches?

The yard is a unit of length measurement equal to 3 feet or 36 inches.

How many feet does 36 yards equal?

Convert 36 Inches to Feet

36 Inches (in) 3.000000 Feet (ft)
1 in = 0.083333 ft 1 ft = 12.000 in

What percent of a yard is an inch?

1 Inch is equal to 0.02777777777 yard. To convert inches to yards, multiply the inch value by 0.02777777777 or divide by 36.

How many cm make a yard?

91.44 Centimeters

How many inches does a yard have?

36 inches

33.3% of a yard because there is 3 feet in a yard What percent of a yard is a foot?

Performing the inverse calculation of the relationship between units, we obtain that 1 yard is 0.5 times 6 feet.

The foot is a unit of linear length measure equal to 12 inches or 1/3 of a yard. Because the international yard is legally defined to be equal to exactly 0.9144 meters, one foot is equal to 0.3048 meters.

How many feet does it take to make a yard?

3 feet

What is the difference between yard and feet?

A yard is equal to 3 feet. Yards are usually measured by a yardstick, which equals 1 yard. One yard is the approximate length of a baseball bat.

Which is longer 100m or 100 yards?

100 yards is the same as 300 feet, which is the same as 3600 inches. Since 1 inch equals . 0254 meters, 3600 inches equals 91.44 meters….Conversion from yards to meters.

Yard distance Conversion factor (equivalent meter distance)
100 yards 91.44 meters
110 yards 100.584 meters
220 yards 201.168 meters
330 yards 301.752 meters

Is 2 yards bigger than 5 feet?

Hey there! The correct answer to your question is yes. 2 yards is greater. Hope this helps you.

Which is greater yard or feet?

Since a yard is longer than a foot, there will be fewer yards. 7 feet equals yards.

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Swinhoe obtained no fewer than 65 different kinds of timber from a large yard in Taiwanfu; and his specimens are now to be seen in the museum at Kew.

Their conversation was interrupted by the cries of several voices at the gate and by Morel, who came to say that some Wurttemberg hussars had come and wanted to put up their horses in the yard where the captain’s horses were.

His adjutants galloped into the yard before him.

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He was promoted to commodore in 1898, to rear-admiral on the 3rd of March 1899, and was made commandant of the Boston (Charlestown) Navy Yard in October of the same year.

They are used on a very large scale in the vicinity of oil mills in southern cities like Memphis, New Orleans, Houston, and Little Rock, from Soo to s000 cattle being often collected in a single yard for this purpose.

It roared on the tin roof and plunged off the eves, where the wind caught it and drove it across the yard in horizontal sheets.

Thus, if a railway contractor has to make a tunnel through a hill of gravel., and if one cubic yard of the gravel is so like another cubic yard that for the purposes of the contract they may be taken as equivalent, then, in estimating the work required to remove the gravel from the tunnel, he may, without fear of error, make his calculations as if the gravel were a continuous substance.

Giddon had barely left the yard on Diablo and Lisa instantly recognized it as a chance to investigate the building.

He fought until the yard was lit only by the castle.s outer lighting, then onward to dawn, free after so long restraining himself around the Immortals and humans.

Soldiers were continually rushing backwards and forwards near it, and he saw two of them and a man in a frieze coat dragging burning beams into another yard across the street, while others carried bundles of hay.

  • Use the word YARD in a sentences

Sentence Examples

A woman’s torso audaciously left at the site of New Scotland yard.

I need a yard for the baby.

I’ll hang the rest on the yard!

Do you expect the entire machinary of Scotland yard to be held up to please you?

You and your Scotland yard

Still it’s about Scotland yard!

I, uh, I want to get on to Scotland yard.

A pal of yours at the yard, said he thought you might be here.

Also rather unfortunate, that Scotland yard, are at present looking for that man.

I suppose we’ll soon have lady detectives up in the yard, eh.

«If we can’t find an agrement, «5 mn after I leave, your yard and your rocket «will be only… a heap of ruins…»

Just when I had her on the 5-yard line.

I’m Captain Scotland of Spaulding yard.

Spaulding, Scotland yard.

Captain yard of Scotland Spaulding always gets his women, or paintings.

In Scotland yard they teach you never to arrest an innocent man.

If he don’t, we’re going to bump off every screw in here and throw them out in the yard.

With New Scotland yard to telephone Victoria 7000 or with any police station.

The lordlings of the poultry yard,

And this is the men’s yard.

You know, I thought you looked a little bit worried out there in the yard.

Mrs. Reilly… can Judy and I go in the yard and take a walk?

We’ll look for work, even if it’s on a yard.

All Scotland yard was out and about.

Does Scotland yard have anything on me in their files?

Scotland yard has nothing on me.

Scotland yard laid a trap for him once on a bank job he pulled in London.

I’ll stay in my own back yard from now on.

Drop me off at the 40-yard line.

Crossing the yard, at night, without a light…

There’s the well in the yard.

Make yourself useful and clean the yard.

She was here this morning, and I’m sure I saw her in the yard a few minutes ago.

You could put the whole Cubs’ ballpark in the front yard.

I’ll meet you in the freight yard in 15 minutes.

You can ask the guy that owns the yard.

You duck down to the freight yard.

Now go look at the nice yard you’ve got to play in. There.

Us is gonna kill the high-steppin’est rooster in the yard.

Well, if he were living, he wouldn’t be fooling around the front yard with a goat.

Notify Scotland yard to have a plainclothesman posted… on every corner of the district.

The vacant lot in the lumber yard in Paul Street.

We were returning home from school and we went past your yard.

Give them new rags and a yard of glass and right away they give you the high nose.

But there was a noise like in a railway yard.

You’ll convince Scotland yard of your innocence like you convinced me.

You can’t do anything, I’ve been to Scotland yard.

He’s got a yellow streak down his back a yard wide.

And me in his own front yard.

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 Meanings and Examples of YARD


 n.  a piece of land next to a house, used for growing flowers, grass, and other plants

 n.  a unit of measurement equal to three feet or 91.4 centimeters

 n.  an area of land in which a particular type of work is done, such as selling goods

Classic Sentence: (210 in 15 pages)

1  When Ethan drove into Hale’s yard the builder was just getting out of his sleigh.

2  With every yard of the way some spot where they had stood, and laughed together or been silent, clutched at Ethan and dragged him back.

3  Outside, the late afternoon sun slanted down in the yard, throwing into gleaming brightness the dogwood trees that were solid masses of white blossoms against the background of new green.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER I

4  Chimney swallows were darting swiftly across the yard, and chickens, ducks and turkeys were waddling and strutting and straggling in from the fields.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER I

5  The elders of the flocks continually led stealthy advances into the front yard, lured on by the green of the grass and the luscious promise of the cape jessamine buds and the zinnia beds.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER III

6  She rose suddenly from her chair at the sound of creaking wheels in the driveway and then sank down again as they went on around the house to the back yard.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER IV

7  Then there was an excited babble of negro voices in the darkness of the yard and high-pitched negro laughter.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER IV

8  All the ladies except Mrs. Tarleton moved out of the back yard, leaving the shade of oaks and arbor to the men.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER VI

9  She nodded and he carefully handed her down the front steps and led her across the grass to the iron bench beneath the largest oak in the front yard.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER VI

10  The neat wooden-paneled fence had been newly painted white and the front yard it inclosed was yellow starred with the last jonquils of the season.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER VIII

11  Scarlett arose at five-thirty, before the servants had come in from the back yard to start breakfast, and slipped down the steps to the quiet lower floor.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER X

12  There was fear in every heart but, now that they knew the truth, now that the worst had happened, now that the war was in their front yard, a change came over the town.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XVIII

13  She noted how the leaves on the trees were still dark green but dry and heavily coated with red dust, and how withered and sad the untended flowers in the front yard looked.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XX

14  When he had finished she sent him off to the back yard to play and watched him toddle across the straggling grass to his playhouse with great relief.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXI

15  I was out in the yard and I didn’t hardly have time to get into the house.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXI

Example Sentence: (114 in 8 pages)

16  Get a bucket to swill the yard down.

17  They keep chickens in the back yard.

18  David built us a shed in the back yard.

19  The yard was fenced in to keep out wolves.

20  The children are scootering in the yard.

21  He littered the yard with bottles and cans.

22  He was chopping wood in the yard.

23  The yard was lit by three huge spotlights.

24  Each individual house has its own yard.

25  She watched the kids playing in the yard.

26  The child is playing with clay in the yard.

27  The children ran naked through the yard.

28  Here fling this meat to the dogs in the yard.

29  He was frog-marched through the kitchen and out into the yard.

30  They are shaping the yard with spades.

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