Sentences with word wood

дерево, древесина, лес, дрова, деревянный, лесной, сажать лес


- часто лес; роща

a wood of beech-trees — буковая роща
a house in the middle of a wood — дом, окружённый лесом
a clearing in the wood(s) — лесная прогалина /поляна/
to go riding through the wood(s) — ехать через лес

- древесина; дерево (материал); лесоматериал

soft wood — хвойная древесина
hard /leaf/ wood — лиственная древесина
a table made of wood — деревянный стол

- дрова; древесное топливо

small wood — ветки, сучья, хворост

- (the wood) винная бочка; бочонок для вина

wine [beer] from the wood — разливное вино [пиво]

- изделие из дерева

ещё 4 варианта


- предназначенный для обработки дерева

wood saw — пила по дереву

- находящийся в лесу; лесной, дикий

wood trails — лесные тропы
wood pigeon — лесной /дикий/ голубь
wood folk — фольк. лесной народец (феи, эльфы)

- древесный

wood tar — древесная смола, дёготь

- дровяной

wood fire — костёр, горящие дрова

- сумасшедший


- редк. засаживать деревьями, озеленять (участок); сажать лес
- запасаться дровами
- снабжать дровами
- нагружать (судно) лесом

Мои примеры


the pale wood of the table — светлое дерево стола  
a table made of blond wood — стол из светлого дерева  
the wood splintered — древесина раскололась  
chip of wood — щепка  
wood chips — опилки  
wood-polymer composite — древесно-полимерный композиционный материал  
to compress wood — уплотнять древесину  
compressed wood — прессованная древесина  
kindling wood for cupola — дрова для розжига вагранки  
wood takes a finish — древесина поддаётся отделке  
two fixed pieces of wood — два неподвижно закреплённых куска дерева  
wood frog — древесная лягушка  

Примеры с переводом

Her house was made of wood.

Её дом был деревянным.

Pine is a soft wood.

У сосны мягкая древесина. / Сосна — дерево мягкое.

Maple wood burns well.

Древесина клёна хорошо горит.

Put some more wood on the fire.

Подложи/подбрось ещё немного дров в огонь.

Heap on more wood.

Подложи ещё дров.

Pine wood saws easily.

Сосновая древесина хорошо пилится.

Some baseball bats are made out of wood.

Некоторые бейсбольные биты сделаны из дерева.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The wood shop is down the hall.

She hit a wood off the tee.

The grubs tunnel into the wood.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

underwood  — подлесок, поросль
wooded  — лесистый
wooden  — деревянный, безжизненный, топорный
woodless  — безлесный
woodward  — лесничий, в сторону леса
wooder  — крепильщик
woodiness  — безжизненность, скованность, лесистость, деревянность

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): wood
мн. ч.(plural): woods

Sentences with the word Wood?



  • «the carpenter jointed two pieces of wood«
  • «cleared the mess away»; «the rotted wood had to be cut away»
  • «axe wood«
  • «bare wood«; «unfinished furniture»
  • «Maple wood burns well»
  • «a row of burned houses»; «a charred bit of burnt wood«; «a burned-over site in the forest»; «barricaded the street with burnt-out cars»
  • «a quick and certain remedy»; «a sure way to distinguish the two»; «wood dust is a sure sign of termites»
  • «Chop wood«; «chop meat»
  • «coarse-grained wood«; «large-grained sand»
  • «cramp the wood«
  • «creosoted wood«
  • «Do my room in blue»; «I did this piece in wood to express my love for the forest»
  • «wood with a fine grain»; «fine powdery snow»; «fine rain»; «batiste is a cotton fabric with a fine weave»; «covered with a fine film of dust»
  • «fissile crystals»; «fissile wood«
  • «a fixed piece of wood«; «a fixed resistor»
  • «Get rid of these old shoes!»; «The company got rid of all the dead wood«
  • «unripe fruit»; «fried green tomatoes»; «green wood«
  • «the impregnation of wood with preservative»; «the saturation of cotton with ether»
  • «the wood petrified with time»
  • «the lightness of balsa wood«
  • «a lightweight fabric»; «lightweight wood«
  • «wood makes good furniture»
  • «a numinous wood«; «the most numinous moment in the Mass»
  • «panel the walls with wood«
  • «whittle a piece of wood«
  • «the phosphorescent glow of decaying wood«
  • «The machine shaved off fine layers from the piece of wood«
  • «pulp fruit»; «pulp wood«
  • «raft wood down a river»
  • «raw wood«
  • «recess the piece of wood«
  • «sappy maple trees»; «sappy kindling wood«
  • «saw wood for the fireplace»
  • «seasoned wood«
  • «a land of silver (or silvern) rivers where the salmon leap»; «repeated scrubbings have given the wood a silvery sheen»
  • «sliver wood«
  • «The wood splintered»
  • «smooth the surface of the wood«
  • «a solid block of wood«
  • «Square the circle»; «square the wood with a file»
  • «strip wood«
  • «The water swells the wood«
  • «an uneven color»; «uneven ground»; «uneven margins»; «wood with an uneven grain»
  • «a solvent unsuitable for use on wood surfaces»

wood — перевод на русский


«Oh, I saw a tiger in the woods…»

«О-о, я увидел тигра в лесу…»

— Fire in the woods, man.

— Пожар в лесу,чувак.

They wrapped my shirt around some food, hid it in the woods.

Они обернули еду в мою рубашку и спрятали в лесу.

Johnny’s gonna just stay out in the woods.

Джонни собирается просто остаться в лесу.

The first night in the woods by myself was pretty awesome, actually.

Первая ночь в лесу в одиночку была довольно крутой на самом деле.

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Each grave is indicated by a cross. Or by a piece of wood.

На каждом могиле стоит крест или, хотя бы, кусок дерева.

The most fantastic clocks you ever laid your eyes on, and all carved out of wood.

И все из дерева.

On this tiny little, insignificant ball we will construct for you a pyramid, not of wood, not of stone…

На этом крохотном, малюсеньком мячике мы построим пирамиду. Не из камня, не из дерева…

We’re playing husband and wife, and my piece of wood is a knife.

— Мы играем в мужа и жену, и мой кусок дерева нож.

Dear sir, We are very surprised we did not receive your answer about the 10,000 tons of wood.

Дорогой сэр, мы очень удивлены, что вы не ответили насчёт 10000 тонн дерева.

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Will you lend me an egg and some wood, neighbour?

Соседка, не одолжите мне яйца и дрова?

— There’s wood in the tender.

— Есть ещё дрова в тендере. Хорошо.

And the wood brought in?

Дрова привезены?

The simple things are all that counts, Johnny— some seed for good ground, rain and sun to bring them up, wood for a fire when the snow comes, a night like this, some good neighbors, of course— just plain people with common decency, loyalty, honesty.

Важна одна простая вещь, Джонни — немного семян на добрую почву, дождь и солнце, чтобы их вырастить, дрова для огня, когда приходит снег, ночь, как эта, конечно, несколько хороших соседей — все это наполнит сердца людей вежливостью, верностью, честностью.

But just staying here in this monastery where I still sort of feel I’m at home chopping wood polishing the brass seeing nobody.

Но я останусь в монастыре… Здесь я чувству себя почти как дома. Буду колоть дрова.

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Why don’t you say Lulu painted them… but say her name is Clara Wood.

Скажи, что их нарисовала Лулу, но зовут её Клара Вуд.

Who is Clara Wood?

Кто такая Клара Вуд?

But I handle all of Mrs. Wood’s business.

Но я веду все дела миссис Вуд.

Maybe I could help this Clara Wood of yours.

Возможно, я смогу помочь этой вашей Кларе Вуд.

Not to you, but Mrs. Wood is becoming very famous abroad.

Не для вас, но миссис Вуд становится знаменитой за океаном.

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Was it iron or wood?

— Сейф деревянный или железный?

It’s very big, all in wood, with enormous beds.

У нас есть дом, деревянный, огромный с большими кроватями.

But you’re made of wood!

Ты — деревянный!

I’m not made of wood anymore.

Я больше не деревянный.

He’s made of wood!

Он — деревянный!

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I’m not, Woods, I’m not strong.

Я не такой, Вудс. Я не сильный.

Woods, let’s not do it, yeah?

Вудс, может, не надо?

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It’s usually wood or pigs.

Обычно это древесина или свиньи.

Now an egg is not a stone. It is not made of wood. It is a living thing with a heart.

Яйцо — это не камень и не древесина, оно живое, у него есть сердце!

They’re called ‘Arocariae’. Their wood is rich in resin.

Их древесина очень смолистая и хорошо горит.

Better wood before the war, but still…

Перед войной древесина была лучше, но всё же…

Even wood gets tired.

Даже древесина устаёт.

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— Fix the rotting wood.

— «бери испорченные доски.

What’s that wood?

Что это за доски?

We’ll use wood.

У нас будут только доски.

It can carry lots of wood.

–И доски будем класть туда.

You seem to be forgetting I’ve got bits of wood in either hand.

Если ты не заметил, у меня в руках доски.

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Good piece of wood too.

Хорошая деревяшка.

Do you like that piece of wood? .

Вам нравится эта деревяшка?

I swear by my beard, that nosy piece of wood will burn nicely!

— Клянусь бородой, эта носатая деревяшка будет неплохо гореть!

It’s a piece of wood to tap a stick with.

Это такая деревяшка, которой ударяют по палочке.

Your god is just a pile of wood, blind and deaf!

А ваш бог — простая деревяшка, слепая и глухая.

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If we saw a beautiful spot beside a brook or a mountain Lake a Lovely wood, we’d stop there and we’d be all alone.

Может, остановимся возле горного озера или на лесной полянке у ручья. Мы будем там одни.

That wood pigeon, the one you’ve been after.

Лесной голубь — за которым ты охотился.

And stole into the covert of the wood.

И скрылся от меня в лесной глуши.

Wood tick was crawling.

Лесной клещ полз по мне.

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Find a Y-shaped wood, but you can also get any wood and carve it.

Найдите У-образное дерево, но вы также можете получить любое дерево и вырезать его.

One can use hard wood or soft wood.

Может быть использован лигнин из твердой древесины или из мягкой древесины.

The ability of wood to hold metal fasteners — is a feature, explained by the wood elasticity.

Способность древесины удерживать металлические крепления — свойство, объясняемое упругостью древесины.

Peanut wood is a variety of petrified wood, where the shape and structure of the wood is pre- served when the original organic material is replaced by quartz.

Арахисовое дерево представляет собой разнообразную окаменевшую древесину, где форма и структура древесины сохраняются, когда исходный органический материал заменяется кварцем.

It helped to promote economically and environmentally sound practices in the forestry sector, and to move to an open market pricing for wood and liberalization of trade in wood and wood products.

Проект способствовал распространению экономически и экологически обоснованных методов ведения лесного хозяйства, переходу к открытому рыночному ценообразованию на древесину и либерализации торговли древесиной и изделиями из дерева.

Mahogany, oak, pine wood, teak wood are some of the most expensive and exclusive varieties of wood used for construction purposes.

Красное дерево, дуб, сосновый лес, тиковое дерево являются одними из самых дорогих и эксклюзивных сортов древесины, используемых для строительных целей.

The main argument against the construction of houses and cottages of wood is that the wood has low resistance to fire.

Главным доводом против строительства домов из дерева является то, что дерево обладает низкой огнестойкостью.

Burning wood, especially green wood, results in the accumulation of creosote, a tar-like substance, inside the chimney.

Сжигание древесины, особенно зеленый лес, приводит к накоплению креозота, дегтя внутри дымохода.

We can even invent materials that imitate wood like the «burled wood» in our cars today.

Мы можем даже изобрести материалы, имитирующие древесину, как «зажаренные древесины» в наших машинах сегодня.

Historically wood has been the main construction material in many places across the world; whole cities were built from wood.

Исторически древесина была основным строительным материалом во многих местах по всему миру; целые города были построены из дерева.

Outside of turning standard wood, you can use your turning skills using different types of wood and non-wood materials.

Вне превращения стандартного леса вы можете использовать свои навыки точения, используя различные типы дерева и недревесных материалов.

This provides you the option to buy green wood, which you can usually get for a lower cost than dry wood.

Это дает вам возможность купить зеленую древесину, которую вы обычно можете получить по более низкой цене, чем сухая древесина.

The best options are to use recycled wood or to choose wood that is certified.

Наилучшие варианты — использовать переработанную древесину или выбрать древесину, которая сертифицирована.

Nowadays, a number of creative ‘green’ alternatives to wood are available, which in many cases can replace traditional wood products.

В настоящее время существует целый ряд «зеленых» альтернатив древесине, которые во многих случаях могут заменить традиционные изделия из древесины.

Adding various chemicals to the wood can hinder or prevent attacks by organisms that damage wood.

Добавление различных химических веществ в древесину может препятствовать или предотвращать атаки организмов, которые наносят вред древесине.

Catamount doesn’t just produce its own round wood for this process; they’re buying it from other suppliers, too-local wood producers.

Catamount не просто производит свой собственный круглый лес; они также покупают его у других поставщиков — местных производителей древесины.

When discussing processed wood and lumber, it’s necessary to understand which surface of the wood is being referred to.

При обсуждении обработанной древесины и пиломатериалов необходимо понимать, про какую поверхность древесины идет речь.

Plywood pallets increase wood utilization and are the main way to save wood.

Фанера может увеличить использование древесины и является основным способом сохранения древесины.

Larger more ‘chunky’ pieces of wood have less surface area than a similar weight of ‘finely divided’ wood.

Большее количество «коротких» кусков дерева имеет меньшую площадь поверхности, чем аналогичного веса «тонко разделанная» древесина.

While changing the individual parts of the wooden house it is critical to pick wood of a similar dampness content as the old wood.

При изменении отдельных частей деревянного дома очень важно выбирать древесину с таким же содержанием влаги, как и старая древесина.

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Grammar Check

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

1, Don’t halloo till you are out of the wood

2, You cannot see the wood for trees. 

3, Don’t whistle until you are out of the wood

4, It is a fairy wood that has never a withered bough in it. 

5, Old wood is best to burn, old horse to ride. 

6, Old wood is best to burn, old book to read. 

7, One has lived too near a wood to be frightened by owls. 

8, Old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read. 

9, The pond is in the middle of a wood.

10, Dry wood makes a good blaze.

11, The wood is treated with preservative to prevent decay.

12, Wood does not sink in water.

13, Green wood does not burn well.

14, This type of wood needs special treatment.

15, The chairs are made of wood.

16, William was chopping wood for fire.

17, The damp wood began to warp.

18, Words like «bag»,»dog»,»nurse»,»electricity»,( and «wood»are all nouns.

19, He buffed the wood until it shone.

20, He cleaved a block of wood in two.

21, Wood is a poor conductor of heat.

22, Put some more wood on the fire.

23, Water and other liquids can stained unprotected wood surfaces.

24, The house smelt of cedar wood and fresh polish.

25, She carves in both stone and wood.

26, Lye is leached from wood ashes.

27, A carpet overlays the wood floor.

28, He gathered some wood to build a fire.

29, The rage of a wild boar is able to spoil more than one wood

30, Do not halloo till [until] you are out of the wood(s). 

  • Use the word Wood in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Hurry with the twigs, this wood is too damp to light

In the middle of the wood, very close to the river,

He kidnaps her on his raft that transports wood and valuables for the Pharaoh’s new Treasury.

Why in this great wood do I love to wander and weep… To wander and weep?

Will you lend me an egg and a little wood, Neighbor?

wood and Iron Training German sports Association

Every year steamers from the State Trade Organisation come to them at Novaya Zemlya … with dogs … with flour … with wood … with textiles

Come and get it! Come on, Miss wood.

Excuse me, Miss wood but this young man says he never met you.

Allow me to introduce Miss wood. — Pleased to meet you.

We sure are glad to have you out here, Miss wood.

Dr. McBride, this is Miss Molly wood, our new school teacher.

Really, I’m glad to meet you Miss wood.

Howdy, Miss wood! — How do you do?

Won’t be Miss wood this time tomorrow!

Tjaden must have gone home for that wood.

They never taught us anything really useful, like how to light a cigarette in the wind or make a fire out of wet wood… or bayonet a man in the belly instead of the ribs where it gets jammed.

# I am struck by the moonshine, I often groaned like a wood cock,

Why don’t you say Lulu painted them… but say her name is Clara wood.

But I handle all of Mrs. wood‘s business.

Maybe I could help this Clara wood of yours.

Not to you, but Mrs. wood is becoming very famous abroad.

I’m sorry but Mrs. wood has signed… an exclusive 10 year contract with Mr. Wallstein.

Her cargo was wood from the West Indies.

Black wood, all golden inside, smelling of camphor and pepper.

It might be bronze It might be wood

Jungle wood‘s as heavy as iron.

The wood‘s so rotten, it’ll fall apart at a touch.

I installed a wood-burning stove in my sister’s room.

So in the mornings, I fetch wood from the garage.

Why not keep the wood in the house?

It’s wood that I cut myself in the park. It’s from rotting trees.

Each grave is indicated by a cross. Or by a piece of wood.

Knock on wood, Inspector.

I was wondering which is the best way out of this wood.

But at any rate, I’d better be leaving the wood because it’s really getting very dark.

I’ll go with you to the edge of the wood.

This is the end of the wood.

For fuel they use the mud that remains after washing coal which only burns when mixed with wood.

Since there is no money for wood shutters, fences, and floorboards are used as fuel.

And that wood nymph prologue has got no chance the way it stands.

That’s what that wood nymph prologue needs.

We used up all of our dry wood.

Take some wood and gasoline and set fire to it.

Yes, here it is. White wood pulp.

No, madam, that’s a job for a wood turner.

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Old people did not know enough once, perchance, to fetch fresh fuel to keep the fire a-going; new people put a little dry wood under a pot, and are whirled round the globe with the speed of birds, in a way to kill old people, as the phrase is.

He nailed the wood over the window while she cleaned the rest of the glass from the counter.

If you look back across the span of time, you see wood plows being used in 4000 BC, then irrigation five hundred years later.

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Primary phloem can be recognized with certainty in favourable cases, the question of the formation of secondary phloem by the cambium is not yet fully cleared up. In the Lepidodendron fuliginosum of Williamson, shown by its leaf-bases to have been a Lepidophloios, the secondary wood is very irregular, and consists largely of parenchyma.

The figures as written down are 12510 6255 14595 1534560 Napier’s rods or bones consist of ten oblong pieces of wood or other material with square ends.

There are enough fagots and waste wood of all kinds in the forests of most of our towns to support many fires, but which at present warm none, and, some think, hinder the growth of the young wood.

Katie trailed her into the stately Georgian mansion and glanced down as the polished wood beneath her feet creaked.

That man next him looks a few shades lighter; you might say a touch of satin wood is in him.

Sibley decisively defeated Little Crow, the principal leader of the Kaposia band, at Wood Lake.

The industries mainly consist in shipbuilding, fish-curing, and the manufacture of machinery (particularly for agriculture), and the commerce in the export of corn, wood and fish.

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 Meanings and Examples of WOOD


 n.  a hard substance that forms the branches and trunks of trees and can be used as a building material

 n.  an area of land covered with a thick growth of trees

Classic Sentence: (210 in 15 pages)

1  There was still a glowing pile of wood ashes there, but it had evidently not been tended since his departure.

A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan Doyle

2  Seizing a half-consumed piece of wood from the smouldering fire, he blew it into a flame, and proceeded with its help to examine the little camp.

A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan Doyle

3  «Touch wood,» she added, tapping the table.

4  «Touch wood; touch earth; Antaeus,» he muttered, bringing the scattered bits together.

5  Pale husks had stuck in their hair, and it was easy to run a splinter of wood into the fingers.

6  Countless beetles and insects of various sorts burrowed in the dry wood.

7  It was an opening in a dark wood, where some felled trees lay, and where she would sit watching the fallen leaves of last year, as she had watched the falling ashes at home.

Hard Times By Charles Dickens
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: CHAPTER VII

8  As she sat looking straight before her, across the changing lights upon the grass into the darkness of the wood beyond, he saw in her face her application of his very distinctly uttered words.

Hard Times By Charles Dickens
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: CHAPTER VII

9  The wood floated before her, for her eyes were suffused with tears.

Hard Times By Charles Dickens
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: CHAPTER VII

10  She thought of the wood, and stole towards it, heedless of long grass and briers: of worms, snails, and slugs, and all the creeping things that be.

Hard Times By Charles Dickens
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: CHAPTER X

11  Mrs. Sparsit saw her out of the wood, and saw her enter the house.

Hard Times By Charles Dickens
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 2: CHAPTER X

12  The wood is quite fresh where it gave way.

Hard Times By Charles Dickens
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 3: CHAPTER VI

13  The remains of this extensive wood are still to be seen at the noble seats of Wentworth, of Warncliffe Park, and around Rotherham.

14  Having shut the door of his cell, he placed the torch in a candlestick made of wood, and looked around his sleeping apartment, the furniture of which was of the most simple kind.

15  He chose a new and a tough spear, lest the wood of the former might have been strained in the previous encounters he had sustained.

Example Sentence: (99 in 7 pages)

16  He was chopping wood in the yard.

17  Don’t halloo till you are out of the wood.

18  In the spring, cut out the old wood and shorten the young stems.

19  The management decided to economise by cutting the dead wood from the workforce, thus reducing the wages bill.

20  The management decided to economize by cutting the dead wood from the workforce,thus reducing the wages bill.

21  She carves in both stone and wood.

22  He gathered some wood to build a fire.

23  You can stain the wood with this special liquid to give it a pleasing color.

24  The wood is a brown color a little deeper than milk chocolate, smooth with rounded edges for aerodynamics.

25  The wood has rotted away completely.

26  Some of the wood was completely rotten.

27  The pub had dark wood panelling.

28  I shut the shed door and wedged it with a log of wood.

29  We finally opted for the wood finish.

30  The wood was so rotten you could put your finger through it.

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