Sentences with word whatever

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


They kept eating whatever it produced.

Они были вынуждены употреблять в пищу всё, что только удавалось раздобыть.

They are liable for whatever they submit.

Ведь они несут материальную ответственность за все, что находится в их владение.

The implementation language can be whatever.

Что же касается языка исполнения, то она может быть любой.

You can use whatever small eggplants that are available to you.

Но вы можете взять любой мелкий лук, который будет в вашем распоряжении.

You can use whatever vegetable is in season.

Разумеется, вы можете использовать любые сырые овощи по сезону.

I should have taken whatever help I could get.

Я бы использовал любую помощь, которую смог бы получить!».

We are always here whatever question or problem you may encounter.

Мы всегда готовы ответить на любые вопросы или проблемы, которые могут возникнуть у вас.

It could be a website or whatever else.

Например, это может быть сайт ШЕВ или любой другой.

Now you get whatever resources, whatever personnel you need to make that happen.

Сейчас вы получаете все ресурсы, независимо от профессии, которые вам нужны для того, чтобы это осуществить.

We can now glimpse with optimism the conclusion of a treaty prohibiting all nuclear tests, of whatever nature, in whatever environment and of whatever magnitude.

Теперь мы уже можем оптимистично рассматривать перспективу заключения договора, который запретил бы все ядерные испытания — любого характера, в любой среде и любой магнитуды.

We are firmly against the US engaging in any official contact with Taiwan in whatever form and under whatever pretext.

Сказал Лу «Мы категорически против того, чтобы США вступали в какие-либо официальные контакты с Тайванем в любой форме и под любым предлогом.

This means doing whatever is necessary to oppose Communism.

В этой связи предлагалось использовать все силы для борьбы с коммунизмом.

Fill in whatever details you know.

Расскажите, что знаете, во всех подробностях, которые вам известны.

None of that produced any results whatever.

Но ничто из этого не привело к каким бы то ни было результатам.

Airbrushed or whatever they do nowadays.

Они будут патрулировать или что бы они ни делали в настоящее время.

And get them whatever they need period.

За этот промежуток времени они успевают сделать все, что от них требуется.

Whenever possible, finish whatever you start.

Каждый раз, когда это возможно, старайтесь закончить то, что вы начали.

Be honest about whatever is worrying you.

Старайтесь быть честным по отношению к тем вещам, которые действительно беспокоят вас.

We welcoming everyone whatever their motives.

He deserves whatever comes his way…

Он принимает все, что встречается на пути, по которому его ведет…

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whatever — перевод на русский


But I don’t know anything about this crime or whatever you call it.

Но я ничего не знаю о самом преступлении или как там вы это называете.

Luz has gone on to Hollywood with Lola, whatever the name was.

Лаз уехала в Голливуд с Лолой или как там её?

Lorimer, or whatever his name was.

Лоримера, или как там его звали

Hey, Molotov, or whatever your name is. Okay.

Эй, Молотов, или как там тебя.

Your Bedouin Army, or whatever it calls itself would be a sideshow of a sideshow.

Ваша бедуинская армия, или как там они себя называют – просто бродячий цирк.

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You can do whatever you want!

Ты можешь делать что угодно.

Oh it’s tremendous, a woman who drives, someone who can do whatever she wants.

Как чудесно, когда рулит девушка! Можно делать, что угодно!

I don’t know what kind of apparition you are, but it’s an embarrassment to me to let you do whatever you want in my territory!

Я не знаю, что ты за призрак,.. …но я не могу позволять тебе творить что угодно на моей территории!

I will offer you an entire night in exchange for my shirt to do with me whatever you like.

Дарю вам целую ночь в оплату за рубашку. — Будете делать со мной, что угодно.

I don’t know. Whatever she wants.

— Не знаю, что угодно.

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Whatever you think of that car, she’d fetch a 100 pounds tomorrow.

Независимо от того, что ты думаешь об этой машине, она получить завтра 100 фунтов.

Whatever the reason, I have two tickets for tonight.

Независимо от причины, у меня 2 билета на сегодня.

Whatever your Earth term may be… the principle is ancient and very simple.

Независимо от Вашей земной терминологии этот принцип довольно древен и очень прост.

Whatever the differences in skill, for a samurai to have his topknot taken is the same as having his head stricken off.

Независимо от мастерства, для самурая потеря пучка волос в поединке равносильна потере головы.

Whatever it is, it has avoided detection by the powerful video scopes scanning the skies.

Независимо от того, чем он окажется ему удалось избежать обнаружения мощными видеоскопами Которые сканируют небеса

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I suppose it doesn’t matter to you that she was probably forced to do whatever she did to protect herself.

Не думаю, что что-то измениться, если скажу, что она была вынуждена это делать для своей защиты.

Can I do whatever I want now?

— А можно я теперь буду делать, что хочу?

Could you marry someone ? And never do whatever it is ?

Можно жениться на ком-нибудь и никогда этого не делать?

We, women, can do whatever we like with men. That’s just something!

Мы, женщины, можем делать с мужчинами все что хотим.

Do whatever you have to do to make it work, Spock.

Делайте, что считаете нужным, чтобы он заработал, Спок.

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They can say whatever they want.


I don’t care anything about whatever is happened before.

Что бы ни случилось раньше — для меня неважно.

Whatever they wear, Lady, they’ll bless your name.

Неважно, в чём они останутся, ваше имя будет благословенно.

Oh Serge, if the faintest suspicion of a serious threat to you arises, just the faintest, from whatever source… the entire police and constabulary of Guellen are ready to protect you.

Серж, если возникнет хоть малейшее подозрение или серьезная угроза, неважно, от кого она исходит, вся полиция Геллена будет готова защитить тебя.

When I make a movie, whatever it’s based on, I always want to run it through my own filter.

Если я стану делать фильм, неважно, на каком материале, который мне нравится, я пропущу его через себя.

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Okay, whatever, listen.

Ладно, как скажешь, слушай.

Whatever you say.

Как скажешь. Все в сборе.

Whatever you want, dear.

Как скажешь, милый.

Whatever, but I like her.

Как скажешь. Но мне эта больше нравится.

Whatever you want.

Как скажешь.

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They’re worth… well… Whatever you can afford to pay for them.

Он стоит… ну сколько вы можете заплатить.

Whatever you want.

— На сколько захотите.

Mrs. Herbert… whatever is the price you must pay… to capture this general who leads the wheat by the ear.

Миссис Герберт, сколько же вы, должно быть, заплатили, чтобы залучить к себе этого генерала, у которого все ходят по струнке.

Whatever ya got stranger.

Сколько предложишь, чужак.

I have it in my power to inflict pain on you at any time… and in whatever degree I choose.

В моей власти усилить боль в любое время… на столько, на сколько я захочу.

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Whatever comes, I’ll love you… just as I do now, until I die.

Что бы ни случилось, я буду любить тебя я буду любить тебя до самой смерти.

So we can inform the Führer at 16:00. Whatever the result.

Итак, наше донесение — к 16 часам, что бы ни случилось.

I don’t know if we’re gonna make 15 miles or 5 but whatever we do… we’ll do it right.

Не знаю, пройдем ли мы 15 миль или 5, но что бы ни случилось, действовать надо правильно.

And whatever comes, guys, I’ll always be with you.

И что бы ни случилось, братцы, я всегда с вами.

Son, whatever you do, don’t sell that cow.»

«Сынок, что бы ни случилось, не продавай эту корову»!

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I will do whatever is necessary.

Я сделаю все, что необходимо.

Whatever is in my power, I shall do.

Я сделаю всё, что в моих силах.

And I will do whatever logically needs to be done.

И я сделаю все, чего требует логика.

I’ll do whatever you ask me.

Я сделаю всё, о чём ты попросишь.

Whatever makes you happy.

Я сделаю все, что ты хочешь.

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For that one plant and permissión to go, I’ll give your people whatever they want, money, cattle, guns, anything.

Дайте хоть один цветок, и я сразу уеду, а вашему народу я дам всё, что только пожелаете: деньги, скот, ружья, всё что угодно.

Whatever you like.

Как пожелаете.

But of course, you come when you like Take whatever you like.

Конечно, приходите, когда пожелаете, и возьмите.

Whatever you want, you got it,

Я сделаю всё, что Вы пожелаете!

Whatever you want, OK?

— —колько пожелаете, хорошо?

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Whatever is a slang term meaning «whatever you say» , «I don’t care what you say» or «what will be will be». (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Somehow they made it through or went on to further «whatevers» in the next world so I take heart in that.


I tried to explain to the nice person at the registration table that I actually didn’t want to be a delegate because I wasn’t protesting the hegemonic patriarchal whatevers they were there to stand against.


A university should be an open environment for people of all walks and whatevers to exchange ideas… and I don’t believe anyone has a right to be close minded in any university.


Lately I’ve added egg scrambles (egg + whatevers in the fridge!)


And because instinctively she believes it, she can celebrate the «whatevers» — however small.


We are going through that with my mom in law (who is now on hospice) and it’s so weird to carry on in your real life and have things like blog posts and whatevers.


An authentic Christianity will be glad to recognize God’s incognitos, whatever they may be, wherever they may be; it will claim only that whatever tends to bring true fulfillment, integrating humans through some overmastering concern that grasps them, is the work of God; such «whatevers» are places and points where the divine action is known and something of the divine nature is made transparent to us, however we may name it.


Then if I mess up or it is not for me I am not pitching out 10 funky whatevers.


любой, какой бы ни, что бы ни, какой-либо, все равно


- какой бы ни

Whatever project he works on is always successful. — Над каким бы проектом он ни работал, это всегда успех.
Whatever orders he may give they must be obeyed. — Какие бы распоряжения он ни отдавал, их надо выполнять.

- любой; какой угодно

She will buy the painting at whatever price. — Она купит эту картину по любой цене.
Give me whatever peaches you don’t want. — Дайте мне любые персики, какие не жалко.
whatever its size — какого угодно размера
every treaty of whatever character — все договоры какого угодно характера

- какой бы то ни было

Do you have whatever food? — У вас есть хоть какая-нибудь еда?

- какой-то; неизвестный

For whatever reason, he refused to speak to us. — По какой-то причине он отказался с нами разговаривать.


- что бы ни; что угодно

Whatever you do, don’t press that button! — Что угодно делайте, только не нажимайте на эту кнопку!
Whatever he says, they won’t believe him. — Что бы он ни говорил, они ему не поверят.
Whatever happens, he is safe. — Что бы ни произошло, он в безопасности.

- любой; всё, что

Take whatever you want. — Возьмите всё, что хотите.
Take whatever you like. — Берите любой, какой понравится.

- эмоц-усил., разг. что же?

Whatever do you mean by that? — Что это вы имеете в виду?
Whatever can you want to emigrate for? — Что же может вас заставить покинуть страну?

- разг. что-нибудь в этом роде; что-то подобное; всё такое

Use chopped herbs, nuts, garlic, or whatever. — Возьмите измельчённую зелень, орехи, чеснок, или что-то в этом роде.


- вообще; абсолютно

- без разницы; как угодно; неважно

‘Her name is Jane, not Jean!’ ‘Whatever.’ — — Её зовут Джейн, а не Джин! — Неважно.
‘They say we all have to come in for the meeting on Saturday.’ ‘Whatever.’ — — Говорят, что мы все должны прийти на собрание в субботу. — Пофиг.
‘I’ll call you later.’ I shrugged. ‘Whatever.’ — — Я тебе потом позвоню. — Как хочешь, — пожал плечами я.

- разг. в любом случае

We told him we’d back him whatever. — Мы сказали ему, что поддержим его в любом случае.

Мои примеры


buffalo or rhinoceros or whatever — бизон или носорог или что-нибудь ещё в этом роде  
whatever sense perceives or thought divines — то, что воспринимается чувством или постигается мыслью  
there is no doubt whatever that — нет никакого сомнения в том, что  
whatever he says is of no importance — его слова не имеют никакого веса  
whatever ambition moves him — какими бы мотивами он ни руководствовался; что бы ни побуждало его  
whatever the reason — каковы бы ни были причины  
whatever sun should be received from him… — какая бы сумма от него не поступила…  
whatever you may say — что ни говори; как ни говори  
whatever floats your boat — как вам угодно; как пожелаете; как изволите  

Примеры с переводом

Money, in whatever hands, will confer power.

Деньги, попавшие в чьи угодно руки, приносят власть.

Whatever the reviews say, I still think it was a great play.

Неважно, что пишут в рецензиях, — я всё равно думаю, что спектакль был отличный.

Возможные однокоренные слова

ever  — когда-либо, всегда, только
every  — каждый, все, всякий, полный, абсолютный, каждый, любой
everybody  — все, каждый, всякий
everyone  — все, каждый, всякий
everything  — все, все самое важное, куча, масса
everywhere  — везде, всюду, повсюду
forever  — навсегда, навечно, постоянно, вечность
however  — однако, как, как бы ни, каким образом, однако, тем не менее, впрочем, как бы ни
never  — никогда, ни разу, вовек, конечно, нет, не может быть
somewhat  — отчасти, до некоторой степени, что-то, кое-что, некоторая часть

1 Whatever I do, I will do in my power. 

2 Whatever man has done man may do. 

3 We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing-grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets,( we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender. 

4 Whatever you do, do with your might; Things done by halves are never done right. 

5 Politics, as a pracitice, whatever its professions, has always been the systematic organization of hatreds. 

6 Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well. 

7 To do whatever needs to be done to preserve this last and greatest bastion of freedom. 

8 He has got no ballast whatever.

9 We shall never leave you, whatever befalls.

10 We will accept ultimate responsibility for whatever happens.

11 Whatever you do, try your best.

12 I’ll try to do whatever is right.

13 Whatever happens tomorrow, we’ve had today.

14 They eat whatever they can find.

15 I can do whatever I want.

16 I will do whatever you wish.

17 Whatever your colour scheme, there’s a fabric to match.

18 Whatever you go, go with all your heart.

19 Whatever you do, just don’t make any rash decisions.

20 I’ll be there whatever happens.

21 I’ll refuse, for whatever reason.

22 There must be fair play whatever the competition is.

23 Help yourself to whatever you want.

24 Whatever you do, don’t lose your sense of humour.

25 Remember: Whatever happens,happens for a reason.

26 Take whatever action is needed.

27 The talent of success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a thought of fame. 

28 The brotherly spirit of science, which unites into one family all its votaries of whatever grade,and however widely dispersed throughout the different quarters of the globe. 

29 The talent of success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a thought of time. 

30 It is not shame for a man to learn that which he knows not, whatever be his age. 

Sentences with the word Whatever?



  • «give me any peaches you don’t want»; «not any milk is left»; «any child would know that»; «pick any card»; «any day now»; «cars can be rented at almost any airport»; «at twilight or any other time»; «beyond any doubt»; «need any help we can get»; «give me whatever peaches you don’t want»; «no milk whatsoever is left»
  • «whatever my fortune may be»; «deserved a better fate»; «has a happy lot»; «the luck of the Irish»; «a victim of circumstances»; «success that was her portion»
  • «the impregnation, whatever it was, had turned the rock blue»
  • «liberty of opinion»; «liberty of worship»; «liberty—perfect liberty—to think or feel or do just as one pleases»; «at liberty to choose whatever occupation one wishes»
  • «a neutral personality that made no impression whatever«
  • «the announcement of the election recount caused a lot of noise»; «whatever it was he didn’t like it and he was going to let them know by making as loud a noise as he could»
  • «I have learned that whatever state I am, therewith to be content»- Phil.4:11
  • «the story is true»; «it is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatever for supposing it true»- B. Russell; «the true meaning of the statement»

How to use whatever in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «whatever» and check conjugation/comparative form for «whatever«. Mastering all the usages of «whatever» from sentence examples published by news publications.

Whatever your religion, whatever your race, whatever region you come in.
Why have the second cheapest «silver plan benchmark» of whatever, whatever, whatever?
» [and then you] talk about whatever drama, whatever thing, whatever gossip, and then, «Action!
Whatever people think of the New York Times or whatever, the liberal media or whatever.
It is whatever it is that interests the participants, whatever they value, whatever goals they pursue.
How is it differentiated from TANF or whatever, whatever program people are using, SNAP or whatever?
MS: Well, whatever-, whatever-, whatever the-, whatever the issue is, Geoff, we’ll discuss it, and thanks for not giving me the death slot at 6:15.
It’s really just whatever you feel comfortable with and whatever works for you and whatever you’re superstitious with.
I’m going to use whatever wealth I have, whatever influence I have and whatever platform I have to tell that story.
So whatever they say, whatever they write, whatever they do legally, if they haven’t broken your bones yet, you keep going.
But whatever is harmful, whatever brings pain, whatever takes away the dreams of our girls — let’s just do away with that.
I’m JaVale McGee, the basketball player, funny guy, whatever, whatever.
You can do whatever you want, be whatever you want.
Whatever makes you feel comfortable, whatever makes you feel confident.
One way of the other, from whatever or from whatever.
Whatever happens, whatever choices are made, they’re up to him.
Whatever happened, whatever went on, you can’t dwell on that.
It is little solace to say that whatever becomes of this horrible leap into the abyss—whatever happens to immigrant and Muslim and black communities; whatever happens to LGBT and women’s rights; whatever happens to our economy; whatever happens to global stability—Republicans did this to us.
Whatever is around it, whatever is in the past and whatever the future might hold—these are things that you can’t obsess about.
Whatever you decide — or whatever you think you have decided, whatever your child ends up doing, younger or older, keep those eyes safe.
Any attack on the innocent, whatever the location, whatever the time, and whatever the ideology it serves, offends us to our very souls.
You can get whatever suspension parts you want, whatever duct pieces.
They can build whatever they want and be whatever they want.
We can do whatever we want, choose whatever fabric we want.
Whatever higher power, whatever force made it happen I’m very thankful.
I did whatever I needed to do: catalog stuff, file, whatever.
Take confidence in whatever your plan is, whatever your goals are.
Whatever the risks, whatever the attacks, I will do my work.
You can make whatever you want about literally whatever you want.
Whatever work I did, whatever money I had, I bought stock.
Just look at whatever we’re calling whatever Kendall Jenner is wearing here.
Say whatever you have to say, do whatever you have to say.
Whatever she’s doing and whatever she looks like I think is phenomenal.
Whatever existed before was bad, and whatever comes next couldn’t be worse.
I’m really looking forward to embracing whatever happens; whatever comes my way.
I’m really looking forward to embracing whatever happens, whatever comes my way.
«It’s whatever in their hearts, whatever will make them happy,» Martyn said.
That’s the way it is in most churches, whatever denomination, whatever Sunday.
«I’m comfortable with whatever happens and whatever way it goes,» Mattingly said.
The easiest gauge is whatever we like, whatever we think is cool.
They will watch whatever they wish, play whatever games appeal to them.
Reid’s preferences, whatever they may be, and for whatever reason they are.
And AOL, whatever, you make money from dial-up or whatever. Right.
Whatever China has done, for whatever reasons, it seems to have worked.
Whatever process, whatever your experience, whatever next thing that comes, it is the same, and the way things are going, it is unlikely to change.
«Whatever you’ve been working on, whatever tools you managed to create, whatever technology you’ve managed to construct, whatever buildings or infrastructure you’ve left in the world, remain after your death for other people to make use of,» Rohrer says.
Whatever rhetorical contortions were necessary, whatever procedural formalities must be endured, whatever must be done to put Brett Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court would be done.
They used whatever tools they had — whatever God gave them — and whatever life in America provided — and built better lives and better futures for their kids.
Whatever your politics, whatever your background, whatever your news sources, it seems fair to say that not many people saw the 2016 election ending this way.
They used whatever tools they had — whatever God gave them — and whatever life in America provided — and built better lives and better futures for their kids.
They used whatever tools they had – whatever God gave them – and whatever life in America provided – and built better lives and better futures for their kids.
They used whatever tools they had — whatever God gave them — and whatever life in America provided — and built better lives and better futures for their kids.
Whatever names it’s been called, whatever iterations it’s been through, whatever you want to label the genre it belongs to, The Life of Pablo is incredible.
Instead, accept whatever emotions you are feeling and whatever thoughts you are thinking.
She becomes the character of whatever she’s doing and whatever is inspiring her.
I am going to do whatever I can in whatever capacity to help.
You’re part of the circle, at this point, I would say. Whatever. Whatever.
Whatever my collection is, like men’s wear, resort or whatever, I’m never late.
Whatever you do, whatever you think, there’s no right way in doing anything.
At whatever age we are, we can choose to adapt to whatever happens.
Whatever he built carried his name, and whatever he touched was the best.
«They can do whatever they want and I can do whatever I want.»
He knew that whatever people are interested in, whatever niche, there’s common ground.
He can listen to whatever music he likes, he can like whatever color he wants and we let him be passionate about whatever his little heart desires.
I mean, yes, I had to do email for work or whatever, whatever, but it’s kind of cabining off uses, no games, no social media or whatever.
But you can set them to whatever you want in whatever order you want.
You can see and hear and listen to whatever, or read whatever you want.
It could be clothes, it could be whatever, or alcohol, it could be whatever.
Next year, we’ll be in whatever it is, GP2, F1, IndyCar – whatever comes up.
«Whatever it is, whatever the market is doing, they’re following different rules,» he said.
Chinese companies come to America and can do whatever they want, whatever they want.
And you&aposve Michael Steinbach and John Giacalone, or whatever, whatever his name is.
«Whatever he does, whatever he says, we support him,» gushes a group of students.
Like, sorry am not a dragon or whatever or whatever is on those games.
I just go along with whatever happens, be it friendship or hookups or whatever.
«Whatever (Baker) wants to do, whatever he says goes,» Harper said of hitting fourth.
I do whatever I think is right, whatever I like and want to do.
Whatever I’m playing, whatever style I’m on, I know there will be a Quest?
They’re making the best of what they have, whatever fruit it is, whatever still.
«Whatever we do behind closed doors or whatever, that’s between us,» he told Pratt.
«Joshua added: «He knows his mistakes, whatever they were, or whatever they&aposre excuses.
«Whatever their job was or whatever they were doing, they’re human beings,» Rodriguez said.
Whatever it was, it had clearly been given carte blanche to do whatever, whenever.
«They told me that whatever I wished for—whatever I wanted—» «Exactly,» Tompkins said.
I assume you want the more intelligent stuff to come out, whatever topic, if it’s on kombucha or it’s on tennis or whatever it is, whatever the topic.
Like you can literally choose to watch whatever you want to watch based on whatever mood that you’re in or whatever storyline you want to immerse yourself in.
Whatever the concern, whatever the criticism, whatever the offensive thing he said, or the scandal he provoked, Trump just washes it off and waits for it to air dry.
«At the end of the day, whatever you think about me; whatever happens or whatever I become in the future, I’ll still always be Jordan’s mom,» Ms. McBath said.
» «These missiles, whatever they were, whatever you want to call them, they were very small.
Whatever it takes, every player, 1 to 15, whatever it takes, that’s what we’re doing.
«Whatever relief package we have, whatever impact we have, we are U.S. citizens,» Rossello said.
And for dessert, you can have whatever you want and I mean, whatever you want.
The thing is, whatever I guess won’t be as crazy as whatever Euphoria does next.
Now it’s like, whatever state I’m in, whatever shape my body’s in [works for me].
Whatever side you believe, whatever side you come out on that one, it’s so familiar.
She says Academy voters can conclude whatever they want based on whatever evidence they believe.
It’s important to feel that everybody is connected, whatever your race, gender identity, seuality, whatever.
I tell them I am going to do whatever I want—whatever they are against.
I could choose whatever issues I wanted to work on, whatever I was interested in.
«You can draw whatever inferences you want for whatever purposes you so choose,» Pompeo added.
But whatever form it takes, soft collusion looks like the floor for whatever he’s found.
A lot of people just listen to whatever, watch whatever, and it didn’t affect them.
She told me whatever grown-ups tell a child to calm her down: whatever works.
I’m still going to get whatever coach I need to bring whatever character to life.
It’s just whatever is going on at the moment, whatever your friends decide to share.
Whatever scheme you were prepared to hatch, whatever careful conversation you wanted to whisper, whatever reality you needed to escape—this remnant of old New York could be your harbor.
Whatever the result and whatever the caliber of opponent and whatever the constraints of the match-up, the other guy hit back, and Idris Elba didn’t shrink from the moment.
One: you can sign up, it’s free, use it like a Tumblr / SoundCloud / YouTube, whatever whatever.
He’s transactional; he’ll do whatever is gonna … [whatever] he needs to do to get himself elected.
Free to do (or not do) whatever they want because of whatever motivation is inside them.
There’s no reason to believe his narrative on whatever is happening now or whatever happens next.
He makes his tamales with whatever ingredients he wants, or whatever he finds in his refrigerator.
Whatever standards they’ve set for their health care plan, whatever promises they made before, don’t matter.
And the subject — whatever it is, although lately it’s been whatever — is too third-rail dangerous.
And whatever they say is right is right and whatever they say is wrong is wrong.
«I told her whatever consequence comes down, she gets whatever the group gets,» he tells PEOPLE.
Whatever came out of that, whatever she said by that – she’s inclusive and tolerant, it’s unfortunate.
But whatever the truth, and through whatever means, Comey needs to tell us what he knows.
It’s just what looks good on you, whatever you’re comfortable with, and whatever you can rock.
Whatever the case, the S1 and S1R are sure to make a splash, whatever their prices.
«Whatever the board accepts, whatever they do, I will accept and I will support,» he said.
We didn’t ship a thing—whatever we took on the plane was whatever we would have.
It was like, whatever happened to me happened to me, I’m on the streets until whatever.
But I’m about using whatever leverage and whatever power I have to help make it happen.
Whatever the case and whatever you do, just channel the spirit of Popcaan and be strong.
«We recycle everything, whatever falls on the floor and whatever our employees bring in,» said Martin.
«Whatever he wants, whatever he needs — if he envisions it happening, it will,» writes the Times.
Trump can watch whatever channel or wear whatever clothes she wants does not make her great.
Whatever charity it is or whatever country it is, so people can see what is actually happening.
And so, whatever you do, whatever you hear going on in there, don&apost go down there.
I was allowed to wear whatever I want, get whatever toys I want, play with race cars.
Whatever comes from it, whatever rewards come from it, that’s great, but I don’t think about it.
In their milieu, whatever a man says goes, and whatever a woman says is usually an afterthought.
«People are going to believe whatever they want to or whatever they’re ready to believe,» he said.
I work whatever amount of time is needed and take off whatever amount of time is needed.
Whatever happens is meant to happen and I just kind of go with whatever His plan is.
Just to reiterate: You can watch or not watch whatever you want, for whatever reason, including politics.
He’ll bring the readiness or the good vibes—whatever they want to call it, whatever they need.
«Whatever you claim, whatever opinion you have, you can find confirmation on the Worldwide Web,» Vetter said.
Whatever it is you’re doing, I’m down with that, do whatever you want but show me something.
His commitment in whatever it was – he was someone who threw himself into whatever he was doing.
Magic can become whatever it is that that magician, or whatever that performer, wants it to be.
«We will use whatever pause we have to do whatever we can,» the spokesman, Stephane Dujarric, said.
And I’ll pay whatever taxes are asked of me, and I’ll do whatever I have to do.
Whatever that is, wherever the soul or spirit molecule or whatever it is lies inside of it.
Finns showed up in whatever they were wearing, with whatever weapons they had, men and women alike.
The algorithm gives us whatever pleases us, and we, in turn, give the algorithm whatever pleases it.
I use whatever is at hand — oil, watercolors, gouache or whatever — but I express myself through drawing.
Create a new Python file with whatever name you like and using whatever text editor you like.
I think if they had Bluetooth, whatever, it’s a Bluetooth speaker, you can do whatever you want.
«At the end of the day, as I’ve said before, whatever Kevin decides, whatever Klay decides to do, whatever who decides to do, we had great years together and I support everybody wholeheartedly.»
I was still at the Disney Store, still thrilled to find the sled set, still ready and willing to pass as mother by whatever means necessary, whatever reindeer necessary, whatever soft-serve necessary.
A few weeks later, she unraveled the most significant lesson she got out of group therapy: «Whatever we’re healing from, whatever we’re worried about, and whatever troubles us — it’s all valid,» she said.
A Europe-of-nations is whatever the good guys want and whatever the bad ones do not want.
«I want to publicly apologize for whatever I did, whatever I said, however you felt,» she told Morton.
Like, whatever this Universe is and whatever rules it follows, we puny humans still struggle to understand it.
Whatever the reason, it’s no stretch to see why it’s «rabbit rabbit» and not «possum possum,» or whatever.
Whatever you’re capable of, whatever’s comfortable, whatever gear you already have, the XAC is meant to enable it.
Whatever that is — if it’s anger at the character, frustration, whatever — I just want you to feel something.
For whatever reason—chemistry, whatever the fuck—you’re like, «Yes I really like this,» but then it’s over.
So whatever story … I don’t mean to start stuff, but whatever story that was, I had that card.
For Maroon 5’s identity is whatever they want it to be, whatever is cool and therefore profitable.
Stepping away can be anything; it’s just whatever you can get away with and whatever works for you.
WHatever we are seeing is that the net lets you find whatever you want no matter how esoteric.
What we’ll have in this case is people simply believing whatever they want, whatever their gut tells them.
«Whatever they want, whatever they want, the cocaine, the money, the hottest girls you’ve ever seen,» she explains.
But whatever you may think, and whatever baggage you may bring to this place, you should see this.
What’s left and lauded is the ability to immediately influence public opinion, in whatever way, for whatever purpose.
Because I knew that whatever our differences were, just as whatever our differences are between me and Sen.
Of course you could root for whatever team is closest to you, or whatever team your mom likes.
«We are here for you, whatever you need, whatever we can do to ease your pain,» he said.
I’ve always tried to go with whatever I feel comfortable in and whatever I feel I look like.
Everyone here is listening to podcasts, generally can listen to them through whatever device, whatever software they want.
But whatever hopes there were for Kelly, or whatever aspirations Kelly had for himself, appear to have dissipated.
«They can say whatever they want, and they can put whatever they want on the label,» she says.
We maybe don’t need to find out whatever a «sperm blob» is but, honestly, we’ll watch whatever regardless.
Or whatever else they’ve been … whatever other meme has been propped up in the last few months. Right?
I really gave myself over to whatever he wanted — whatever instructions, whatever he had to share, however he wanted to guide me — because I felt like it was an opportunity to learn something every day.
And whatever kind of moves that you need to make, you make them – whether it’s scheme, rotation or whatever.
«Whatever I have to offer, and whatever experience I have gone through, is yours to learn from,» she says.
«I choose to let the press say whatever they want and let people say whatever they want,» Knowles added.
Is that something that would … Trump: They have to do whatever they do, and I’ll do whatever I do.
I think that if you have something special and unique, people will pay, whatever their demographic, whatever their cohort.
I’m not one to judge bands reforming or whatever, I think people do whatever they want with their careers.
And whatever pain, whatever problems she’s had in the past, remains in the past and she keeps moving forward.
Whatever you lacked, whatever I haven’t been able to give you, you have always been loved, deeply, kibble, absolutely.
Tom: With the first album, it was just whatever we could play, whatever came out—that was the sound.
If we don’t stop it or somehow put a flag in the … Whatever, whatever you do to stop them.
Whatever the law is – whatever our system, our values are – becomes reality when a police officer acts it out.
Let people do whatever the fuck they want and look however they please and post whatever makes them happy.
Whatever your interests, whatever your level of experience with games, I guarantee there’s something out there you would enjoy.
His is a politics of transaction — he will be whatever he needs to be to get whatever he wants.
Whatever they asked and whatever he said, it somehow was reported that the markets might have to be halted.
Under Brooks’ logic, Trump can say or do whatever he wants as long as it «works» — whatever that means.
So right now Apple had whatever it did at the quarter 223,22,21970,25 shares or 211 million, whatever it was.
«Developers are going to flock to whatever gives the richest experience for whatever thing they’ve dreamed up,» he said.
Whatever your party, whatever your beliefs, the people we elect should work for our interests and not their own.
The Trump Doctrine is to say whatever makes you feel good and do whatever makes you the most money.
«I can only hope that, for whatever reason, whatever mechanism, that will change in the United States,» he said.
We would be asked to do whatever we were best suited to do and would achieve whatever was necessary.
Other people expect that you will legitimize whatever they think or whatever they think the person did or was.
Bret: Whatever Trump decides — and whatever she decides — she’s clearly setting herself up for a presidential run in 2024.
Whoever comes, what tribe, whatever tribe you are from, I give you … Whatever region, I give you a chance.
«We will spend whatever is needed to tackle this problem, whatever the review recommends we will honor,» he said.
We want each school to spend those 17 minutes doing whatever they feel comfortable with and whatever they think is going help them heal most and whatever they think is going to make the most impact.
Because a lot of our responsibility is to put a file on disk that is really flexible and useful to whatever editor, whatever platform, whatever device, or display, or screen is going to see it next.
You’d want some news on blank, whatever you … sports, or whatever you liked, and it would push it at you.
Whatever money coming out of the song’s use would also have to get filtered through whatever record deal Glitter has.
The professional political class says and does whatever they need to do to win, and then does whatever they please.
Whatever data you brought from Facebook, whatever data, you’re taking these personality quizzes and you’re inputting new data in there.
To make them feel as though whatever they have, whatever they’ve achieved, no matter how grand or meager, was unearned.
They have the right to do whatever they want, say whatever they want, First Amendment, cool, more speech is better.
Top your bowl off with whatever you have in your fridge: kimchi, scallions, corn, pea shoots, a poached egg—whatever.
Whatever I am feeling that day, whatever goes with the outfit that makes me feel a little more confident works.
«Campaigns can say whatever they want, that’s fine, but I mean, we get involved with whatever we want,» Dworkin said.
Most of all, the West needs an education system that works for everyone, of whatever social background and whatever age.
«Whatever the result, whatever the margin, we all have a duty to unite, cherish and build our movement,» he said.
He «could not stand the abuse of power wherever he saw it, in whatever form, in whatever country,» Biden said.
«Whatever you want to call it, unethical or whatever, it didn’t do our organization any good,» Mr. Taub said afterward.
To ignore whatever hardships we’ve endured, whatever loneliness or pain we feel in the new worlds we’re sent off to.
But whatever scrutiny they received, and whatever pressure they felt, pale next to the withering spotlight of a presidential bid.
They get the leaders who make it through whatever obstacle course — and thrive in whatever atmosphere — their media has created.
Whatever happens today, whatever joy or misery, misstep or hilarity, try to practice radical acceptance of the situation at hand.
We will put this commitment aside by whatever amount we feel like, by whatever amount is our necessity, our need.
It’s true that our president’s refusal to become «presidential,» as the pundits are fond of saying, is amplifying what is, but what is — whatever the tweets, whatever his state of mind, whatever his ultimate agenda — remains what was.
The enemy is not our neighbor, whatever her religion, whatever his color, nationality, political party affiliation, economic status or sexual orientation.
More important, she wants kids to see they can be strong in whatever they are and whatever they hope to be.
The robot arms dance in this beautiful synchronized symphony, deftly twisting whatever needs to be twisted to spring whatever needs springing.
From slicked-back strands to super smoky eyes, there’s a look for whatever mood you’re in or whatever way you’re celebrating.
«We want to make it impossible for insiders to get this kind of access for whatever reasons, whatever motivation,» Mayrhofer said.
«I think it’s important to try to pass on whatever information, whatever knowledge I have to the next generation,» Bryant said.
They all stayed in whatever device I was using at the time or whatever desktop I was on at the time.
For whatever reason, the pair drew comparisons to the creepy twins from The Shining, along with whatever the hell this is.
He just says whatever comes to mind in that pursuit, grabs whatever talking point bubbles up from his Fox-informed subconscious.
«Whatever their problems are, whatever their stresses are, they can literally leave reality and have a different emotional pulse,» Denis said.
«For whatever reason, I’ve heard, they love each other, whatever, but there’s also such a thing as remaining single,» she said.
«We’re realizing more and more that whatever happens, whatever benefits that we get, there’s always a ‘but’ to it,» he said.
And so whatever falls into a black hole just adds its own gravity to whatever was there in the first place.
And whatever the impact may be, it seems certain to dwarf whatever a few dozen Russians with Facebook accounts could accomplish.
No, no, it was the day I think healthcare went down, or maybe the first time it went down. Whatever. Whatever.
People will say whatever they can to get whatever they want; don’t fall for any of it—trust your gut, Scorpio!
«Whatever is making those colors, whatever is making those stripes, is still existing pretty far down into Jupiter,» Dr. Bolton said.
Whatever else he is, and whatever his passport says, Bradley is not cast from the same mold as Martínez and Rodgers.
Just be prepared for the likelihood that he’ll see whatever you write, and will say whatever he can to discredit you.
Whatever you think of our oeuvre, or whatever you think of the U23 group, we’re still attempting to get beyond ourselves.
«Whatever is happening to Mr. Subrata Roy, and whatever is happening to myself, it hasn’t affected our financial resources,» Mallya said.
So they are coming whatever the politicians said in Brussels; whatever was agreed about sending people back to Turkey from Greece.
Whatever their path to suicidal violence, whatever their political motives, the Manchester bomber and the three London attackers shared, as Mrs.
«I don’t quit, whatever the static, whatever the incoming is, and that’s what I’ll do for the American people,» she said.
Whatever charisma is I don’t have it … Whatever glamour may be, I don’t think anyone could ever associate me with it.
I’m skeptical about its long-term promise, though, because whatever premise, whatever mystery, whatever saga a show tries to create still rests on the viability of its characters, on how much they seem like people worth spending time with.
Limp likens his vision for voice assistants to browsers: you can use whatever browser you want to go to whatever website you want, so why can’t you use whatever speaker you want to talk to any assistant you want?
Science fiction, horror, and fantasy have so much room for psychological analysis of whatever has gone into making whatever work it is.
The Camera button launches the Camera app, straight into whatever the last mode was you were using (Photo, Video, Square, or whatever).
In many ways, this mirrors the mainstream entertainment industry: People are cast as whatever you need and whatever they can conceivably play.
Everything about their being is going towards whatever their mission statement is — like, making sure people have good accounting practices, or whatever.
You have fifteen seconds at your disposal to exploit, fifteen seconds with which to do whatever you can, whatever you so please.
They seem to think they have no choice but to pass this tax bill, whatever its imperfections and whatever process it takes.
That way, they can ride whatever cheap rocket to whatever generic spot and then just wave goodbye when the space tug arrives.
We may have different opinions but whatever we propose, whatever we assess, we’re going to have the facts to show for that.
Whatever the Trump administration does — whatever the latest crisis, manufactured or otherwise — will immediately be placed on the laps of GOP lawmakers.
Whatever we think about the war, whatever we call it — Afghanistan or Iraq — we owe our military men and women unconditional support.
Some will read this article and say that I am attacking the young people marching in whatever city and at whatever time.
«His sexual needs were his sexual needs, coming from whatever childhood he has or whatever DNA he has,» Streisand told The Times.
Play to the masses, play to whatever the popular opinion is a little bit there, you know, whatever the mass consensus is.
«Whatever you’re stopping yourself from doing, whatever you’re holding yourself back from, you have to start talking to that thing,» Graham said.
Whatever the department or whatever the role, Friedman seeks a curious candidate, she told CNBC in an episode of Life Hacks Live.
«‘Whatever it takes’ might be the mantra, but the current form of ‘whatever‘ is not having as quick an impact as expected.»
«Whatever is desired and cannot be obtained, whatever is dreamt because it cannot exist—in this is my kingdom null,» he says.
You know, bake your own cookies, roll them out in whatever shape suits you, and call them whatever the fuck you want.
A lot of that is just a credit to his ability to acclimate himself to whatever environment he’s in, with whatever team.
Whatever it is that comes in, whatever it is that we have that we’re playing with, and we’ll just do something special.
Students are determined to close universities, whatever the consequences; in many cases, administrators are determined to keep them open, whatever the consequences.
Or this recipe for cod cakes, which is great with whatever fish you can find but best with whatever fish you’ve caught.
It was kind of like drinking whatever I can get my hands on so if it was beer, liquor, mixed drinks, whatever.
What’s more important, according to Mayfield, is backing up whatever tagline you use or whatever you say about yourself and your services.
Bereft of goals, she is a teenager grasping onto whatever hoist she can find, clambering towards whatever looks or feels like freedom.
Whatever Trump himself is saying, and whatever his voters endorsed, the new Republican regime will vigorously prosecute the so-called culture wars.
Once the editors had settled on whatever batshit theme they wanted, you would cook your story to be whatever your boss desired.
Whatever passion drove people to the arena, whatever faith united them, they tended to spill a lot of crap on the floor.
Whatever claims Trump makes about other countries’ misbehavior, whatever demands he makes on a particular day, they’re all in evident bad faith.
So whatever you want it to be, whatever direction you want it to go in, you can put it in that direction.
In the meantime, I wish the president well from whatever he’s recovering from and whatever caused him to go to the hospital.
He is the embodiment of something sexual, so whatever that is in a person, whatever their deepest desire is, he’ll draw out.
I believe I share the opinions of a lot of people, whatever labels you want to use: the left, liberals, progressives, whatever.
Whatever he did, whatever anybody was or is, he was all those things, just to the power of a gazillion, I’d say.
Whatever the faults of Nicolás Maduro (which are many), whatever the shortcomings of Venezuela’s elections (which are almost as many), and whatever the state of Venezuela itself (parlous), military coups supported by hostile foreign powers are not instruments of democracy.
I’m the one that’s out there facing white supremacists, you’re the one that’s trying to take away my ability to be whatever kind of woman in whatever kind of dress in whatever kind of sexual orientation I want to have.
But whatever the minutiae of the trials themselves—whatever errors the prosecution might have made, whatever the relevant statutes in play—the message being conveyed is clear: If Gray’s death was a crime, it was a crime without a perpetrator.
You’d fire up the whatever-kilobaud modem and start the pay-per-minute meter running and read about politics on Salon or whatever.
You’ll also have the energy required to gather whatever information you’re looking for, and to conquer whatever paperwork has been holding you down.
I said training workers for whatever skills are necessary, whether it&aposs artificial intelligence, robotics, carpenters, plumbers, welders, electricians, whatever skills are needed.
Whatever Trump’s «ultimate deal» may offer — and whatever Israeli, Palestinian, and Arab leaders may offer in exchange — it likely won’t represent his reality.
That conflict was another reminder whatever the cause, whatever our intentions, war inflicts a terrible toll, especially on innocent men, women and children.
Ultimately, whatever the timeline and whatever his motivation, Emperor Akihito has signaled it is time for a debate about imperial tradition in Japan.
Nancy: It’s this idea that, whatever the sector is—transportation, healthcare, whatever—health itself is not necessarily on the forefront of people’s thinking.
The way the groups work is simple: You offer to trade whatever spare seeds you have for whatever seeds you’re looking to plant.
Whatever kind of weird, mythic power is imbued in these eyes—and whatever pain lies behind them—I do not want to know.
I cried because the people that walked in through those doors, whatever became of them, or whatever their future, they came through here.
I want to always stay informed and stay involved and be involved in whatever way I can throw whatever weight this is around.
But whatever it is, Jordan Peele telling fictionalized Simon Wiesenthal stories or whatever is destined for brilliance—and some massive network bidding wars.
First, workers are free to speak out in whatever way they like on whatever topics they choose outside of the collective-bargaining process.
They can write whatever they want, they can say whatever they want and I can address it the way that I want to.
«In my art, I get to break many walls and do whatever the fuck I want, and say whatever I think,» she explains.
It just seems like every day there’s something and for whatever nefarious reason or whatever political reason or financial reason, it’s just increased.
«Trump’s impulses are to please whatever crowd he is in front of and to meld to whatever audience he’s speaking to,» she says.
Whatever the scandal, whatever the latest account of refugee children attempting suicide or detainees setting themselves on fire, it’s all anyone need say.
» He added, «Whatever charisma is I don’t have it, whatever glamour may be I don’t think anyone could ever associate me with it.
Whatever terms we use, whatever the specific nature of their origins and progress, our so-called mental illnesses are themselves traumatic and stigmatizing.
Batalon: Ultimately, whatever we come up with, it just gets destroyed or whatever by what [director] Jon Watts and the creative team want.
Today is done with, whatever mistakes you’ve made or whatever you’re doing wrong that you just told me about, tomorrow’s a new day.
But it’s an easy bet that whatever direction he takes, for whatever reason, will be captivating to think about and look really good.
He’s in thrall to his own mind; he rolls along with whatever it throws up at whatever pace it decides to do so.
So I’m setting up the foundations and with the foundations we will be able to withstand whatever earthquake or whatever calamity we have.
Whatever brand Ms. Trump ends up wearing on Friday, and whatever the reaction, it’s going to be a fertile four years for fashion.
Furthermore, other countries will do whatever it takes to have a successful relationship with the United States, whatever their version of «successful» means.
We started off with uncharacteristically low energy for whatever reason, and then didn’t really respond well early in the game for whatever reason.
«Harvey, whatever those four seconds were—whatever that place is—that’s the place that I want you to go back to,» Braun said.
Whatever the specifics of your time-bending holiday experience is, take a moment (whatever a «moment» feels like) to appreciate its utter strangeness.
The women, you know, I had grown up hearing that I could do whatever I want, that I could be whatever I want.
«Whatever lessons we learn from this tragedy, I will be more than pleased and not have one hesitation to propose whatever legislation might be necessary, to propose whatever executive order might be necessary, to propose whatever collaboration with the federal government, to do by any means necessary to improve train safety more than it was two days ago,» he said.
» «When we start allowing national security advisers to just go up and say whatever they want to say, we can’t do that,» he continued, adding: «People can’t go up and say whatever my thoughts are, whatever your thoughts are about us, countries, views.
Whatever the truth of the matter, and whatever the future holds, the one thing you can’t take away from Anderson Silva is his streak.
With it all being digital, developers can essentially do whatever they want, and Edgar somehow finds a way to do whatever he wants, too.
And if she’s not, OB/GYNs need to be there to reassure mothers that whatever they’re feeling—whatever ‘bad’ thoughts they’re having—are normal.
There’s just two of us, so we can pretty much add whatever, or take away whatever, and we could still call it The Body.
Whatever your thoughts are, at least this much is true: whatever is recorded in your Timeline is what’s authentic and it’s what truly happened.
I want women and girls who read the book to know that they can do whatever they want to do, whatever they’re passionate about.
This is exposure to say hey, you can wear whatever the fuck you want, do whatever you want, and you’re still black and beautiful.
For most of us, «workout underwear» is whatever we grab while packing a gym bag or whatever underwear we were wearing during the day.
In theory, the president of the United States can pardon whomever he wants, for whatever federal crimes he wants, in whatever numbers he wants.
Head Wound City can be whatever you want to call it; a hardcore super-group, five radical friends, a whopping 6.9 via Pitchfork… whatever.
I get inspired by whatever comes to me from my forager or the farmers market, or whatever is in season at, like, the peak.
He was working for Blackwater (or Academi or whatever they’re calling themselves these days) and lying about being at an ashram or whatever. Fine.
Michele Mercure: When I put out Dreamplay—for whatever reason, whatever was going on in my psyche—I was dreaming a lot of music.
Whatever Trump will end up doing, and whatever impact this will have on companies doing business with the government, investors don’t seem especially scared.
» Agent Gaad got the last word, telling Stan, «Whatever comes up — feelings, sympathy, friendship, whatever — you can’t lose sight of who these people are.
That conflict was another reminder that, whatever the cause, whatever our intentions, war inflicts a wrenching toll, especially on innocent men, women and children.
«Whatever troops we have in Iraq, whatever troops are committed to this effort, are at the request of the government of Iraq,» he said.
«Whatever you’ve read and whatever you’ve heard about the president being really, really mad that Sessions recused himself is true times two,» Limbaugh said.
I will continue to do whatever I can to help MSU prosper in the future as a Spartan in whatever role I may play.
They’re not the cigarette companies, but I have to say, whatever it is — Twitter, whatever — there are addictive qualities to it that they encourage.
Whatever intangibles indie was going to deliver, whatever it symbolized, it was not — it turns out — really going to be about money and sales.
But here it was understood that work, in whatever fashion and on whatever schedule you managed to produce it, took precedence over everything else.
«Whatever you demand others do, you should first do yourself; whatever you forbid others to do, you should firmly forbid to yourself,» it said.
When you’re on the road and sometimes you have to make a quick decision, it’ll go with whatever jeans I’m wearing and whatever jacket.
The right of free speech protects whatever Colin Kaepernick has to say and whatever he intended to communicate by kneeling during the national anthem.
We must do whatever it takes and spend whatever it takes to deliver relief for our families and ensure the stability of our economy.
«It echoes the idea that we can all get into this fight, at whatever place in our lives, at whatever age,» Ms. Akil said.
«At the end of the day I want them to do whatever is necessary to help us win, whatever that may be,» Gray said.
You’re in a fucking Strogg meat factory or whatever the fuck, whatever they are, but it’s very classic Id design of industry torture devices.
So it’s the poor people—whatever the state legislation may be, whatever the court may do—it is only poor women who will suffer.
«He probably helped prepare you for — whatever comes,» she replied, thinking, for just a few more minutes, that «whatever» meant life in Mother Russia.
They’re going to have to do their therapy, do their thinking, do whatever they need to do — cry together, whatever the [expletive] it takes.
I don’t remember whatever I could have said to him in return, whatever I must have stammered to save myself and calm him down.
Whatever the administration’s objectives were, and whatever intelligence they had used to justify the strike, it was not being shared in any conventional fashion.
«David Bowie transformed whatever space he was in, whatever medium he was using, and that night for me, he transformed live television,» Armisen said.
» The big picture: The BBC notes the Pope «alluded to the clerical abuse» and «financial scandals» when he said: «Whatever goes wrong in our lives, whatever doesn’t work in the Church, whatever problems there are in the world, will no longer serve as an excuse .
Gettysburg remains a beacon of a beautiful dream of the common struggle for good in the face of evil, and Lincoln’s words of inspiration and responsibility continue to call us to be our better selves, whatever the odds, whatever the risks and whatever the cost.
But whatever was going on with this specific event, it seems to have been a very curious use of someone’s dollars, or rubles, or whatever.
My frustration is that Kyle is making it known that he can do whatever he wants, but he won’t let me do whatever I want.
I would stay on and take this to the next level whatever that looks like, potentially an IPO, whatever the best future is for us.
Look at all the other pop stars: They just did whatever it took to be a pop star, whatever it is you have to do.
One individual was talked to, and it was explained that whatever he was trying to put out, whatever his message is, that’s not our concern.
I love that in New York you can wear whatever you want, do whatever you want, and, most importantly, be whomever you want to be.
I belong to a generation that has learned that whatever the question, despair is not an answer; whatever the experience, indifference is not an option.
«That conflict was another reminder that whatever the cause, whatever our intentions, war inflicts terrible toll, especially on innocent men, women and children,» Obama said.
«So whatever to you and your little review like it was some great exposure, and whatever to you dude,» her rebuttal to Tyler H. concluded.
He’s just really, really shown me far beyond whatever I thought I was capable of doing, whatever I though my legs were cable of doing.
Whatever the case, tonight’s first head-to-head showdown between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is certain to be a spectacle, whatever shape it takes.
For whatever you want the most, right now (which is also none of my business) — I hope that whatever it is, it comes your way.
Free speech means that writers can write whatever they want, and those who’ve read their work can say whatever they want to say about it.
Whatever you are, I am a singer or a ranter or a talker or whatever you might say, but I’m also a small business owner.
But it&aposs as if the markets have confidence these guys have the wherewithal, whatever, to do what they got to do, whatever it is.
You can do whatever you want to with whatever sexual you are, but don’t name it because that destroys the unity of our whole existence.
I don’t think we should all do whatever we want all the time, but I think we should all do whatever we want right now.
As invasive as the FBI’s proposal is, the NSA alternative is near anarchy, simply breaking whatever can be broken and grabbing whatever can be grabbed.
«Don’t just get to the day and be like, I’m going do whatever I want and eat whatever I want,» the 27-year-old says.
If my «right» only means my freedom to do whatever the law allows, then my freedom consists in doing what is permitted, whatever it is.
We’re able to sacrifice our body, our integrity, whatever it is — we put it all aside and do whatever it takes to make them laugh.
You’ll have a rough idea of whatever department you’re working in, whether it’s research or derivatives or or FC or sales, whatever it might be.
«Whatever that job is and whatever the requirements are, whoever can do it best is going to be able to have that job,» said Wingard.
It was whatever I remembered from my own high school teachers and whatever I could glean from veteran teachers who took me under their wing.
No, we by definition, whatever comes up from the media — and this is a valuable role the media plays — whatever comes up we look at.
I’m going to do whatever the hell I want, wear whatever the hell I want, and when you’re in Norway, it’s not really that scary.
«You have to know that whatever you’re giving them can be used by them in whatever way, and then you can make your own decisions.»
Elene’s scratchy voice surged with emotion: Go be yourself Do what makes you happy Be whatever you Be whatever you want Yeah this is me!
It’s almost like visiting a gastropub, but instead of splitting fries and sipping whatever beer’s on tap, you can smoke whatever flower is in season.
The idea is you can play whatever games you want on whatever device you want (as long as you have a strong, stable internet connection).
I look forward (though perhaps with a wince) to whatever Mr. Trump has to say about whatever is said about him on this country’s stages.
» «I think whatever they do, whatever they say,» said Wit, «it’s going to be supportive of what the South Korean government is trying to achieve.
Here is what I did this weekend, and then here is the latest review on whatever wearable or action camera or whatever is out there.
«I’ll be whatever you need me to be / I’ll sing whatever you want me to sing / Take my love and run,» she sings in a verse.
He wants to his take on whatever issue is on his mind beamed out to the public — and he uses whatever means are available to him.
One I like is a «Goal Tracking» option, which in theory is supposed to be for checking how many glasses of whatever you’ve drank (or whatever).
The basic move of direct action is to create a crisis for decision makers, whoever they are and whatever case and whatever circumstance you’re dealing with.
Chinese users often choose app stores by picking whatever is the most convenient, meaning that often times, they will use whatever comes preinstalled on their phones.
So whatever you see in the pictures, I think you will probably find we will be upgrading to whatever we want to have in due course.
«We’ve been on lockdown before, there have been rumors, there have been police in our hallways searching for whatever kid that made whatever threat,» Maring said.
I read or listen or watch whatever their latest thing is and do my best to get a sense of whatever they’ve done in the past.
«[The market] deals with whatever is right in front of it, and it seems to have become calloused to whatever you throw at it,» Grasso said.
Whatever the comments are telling me they want to watch, whatever the trends are online, I’ve always catered my content to what’s popular on the internet.
» As for the punishment, Paisley says he’ll support whatever suspension the NFL eventually dishes out — «He needs to serve that time, whatever they decide that is.
Every day brings a new low, with the president exposing himself as a deliberate liar who will say whatever he pleases to get whatever he wants.
«I’ve let him travel wherever he wanted to go to speak, to be accompanied by whatever organization and to advance whatever point-of-view,» Jackson said.
«Like I’ve told you guys many times before, good or bad nights, I do whatever I can, whatever my team needs at the time,» Westbrook said.
«Sunday is a significant day for most families in America — still, in whatever way with their families, or faith or whatever it may be,» Lankford said.
The best motivators are seeing something compelling, working with whatever life gives me, and knowing that someone will see whatever I do, other than just me.
That maybe set the tone for the rest of the record, which was whatever we felt like playing regardless of whatever genre it might fall into.
Whatever you think of Syria, military intervention on the basis of whatever crisis has captured the media’s capricious eye is likely not the best policy. 14.
Whatever uncertainties investors faced, in whatever corner of the world, the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index ended June at 2,21985, up 2500 percent for the quarter.
True freedom of speech is being able to say whatever you want, and being able to tell other people whatever you want about what they said.
«But I did it because he was just, every single day, telling me I was too heavy and too fat and whatever and whatever,» she said.
If I can dial back to whatever my breath is doing, then I can be more and more present or less and less — whatever I need!
Vote for a party that tells people that they have the right to elect whatever government they like, but they cannot elect whatever truth they like.
All my businesses are part of the culture, so I have to stay true to whatever I’m feeling at the time, whatever direction I’m heading in.
Whatever loose adherence to a reality-based world the Fox worldview once possessed, whatever guardrails on truth the network might have once installed, are now gone.
She also covers moments in history from other places, too, and has a knack for fitting whatever she’s learning into whatever the latest TikTok meme is.
That process makes us think that whatever the current thing is, it’s similar to some terrible thing — it catastrophizes our view of whatever this thing is.
Whatever drills we do, whatever conditioning, I always tell them, ‘Don’t tell me you can’t do it,’ because it’s something I did myself as a player.
«Catholics» like Paul Ryan provide a paradigm for another, more insidious type of Catholicism in which one can live in whatever way they choose, speak in whatever way they choose, and act towards others in whatever way they choose while maintaining the façade of Catholic identity.
The scope of Ocean’s listening is broad, seemingly more representative of a voracious appetite for whatever sounds good to him than whatever is cool to everyone else.
It’s okay for us to step out of the box and do whatever it take to tell the story and whatever it takes to make the change.
«They think hit men are guys who get whatever they want, that they can seduce the girl they want and buy whatever car they want,» Guevara said.
Whatever he said, and whatever he did, conservatives clung on to the tiger’s tail, convinced Trump would deliver them a Supreme Court pick they could get behind.
We’ll copy whatever we want, be as broad and unsubtle as we want, and skip ahead at random, to whatever part of the story interests us most.
To every parent, teacher and child who is hurting so badly, we are here for you, whatever you need, whatever we can do to ease your pain.
I think ultimately people are going to cherry pick whatever they want from the report, and whatever they believe now they&aposll try to bolster that argument.
Each afternoon in high school, I’d come home, plop into my La-Z-Boy, and watch whatever was on TLC at that hour — and I mean whatever.
To every parent, teacher and child who is hurting so badly, we are here for you, whatever you need, whatever we can do, to ease your pain.
So, whatever the data are, who got killed and when and why, we should want to understand that and then be motivated by whatever the facts are.
With silicone, the translucency is already in the material, and it’s just a matter of casting it in whatever skin tone, whatever density of color you like.
You will walk out of that salon looking either like whatever your hairdresser has decided you should look like, or whatever their skills are capable of producing.
Instead, they have pasted whatever bad output their Fibonacci sequence generator (or whatever) spit back at them as it exited with with a return value of 1.
We can only wait for organizers Brian Whatever (of WHATEVER 21) and Mackswell Sherman (of Moves Concept Store) to put on another edition in the near future.
I think we did a story basically saying this, right, that prosecuting people for obtaining undercover recordings that probably do violate California’s one-party consent whatever, whatever.
And so they used whatever rhetoric was effective, and whatever political and procedural tools were available, to try to stop Democrats from passing universal health insurance plans.
This year, actually, the Delta on China, whatever it grows at, whether it’s 2, 4, 6, whatever, will probably be the biggest in the world economy, still.
Whatever you need to do to feel free, whatever gestures of personal freedom you need to perform, do it—just be sure you think through things first.
Whatever race you are, whatever religion, your gender, anything — we as Americans need to join together and understand liberty, understand it well, and start fighting for it.
Whatever you need, whatever we can do to ease your pain … We are all joined together as one American family and your suffering is our burden also.
Say whatever you have to say, lie as long as you can get away with it and do whatever you need to do to get re-elected.
I guess you can only have «Whatever You Like» if «Whatever You Like» doesn’t include privacy, basic respect, and having a dad who isn’t a goddamn creep.
I know whatever you decide to do they better watch out… you are a sweet soul that can and will do whatever you set your heart on!
If you do trust your neighbors and you do trust the platform, then you will ask your neighbors for whatever you need, whatever service provider you need.
According to a text accompanying Ms. Luster’s photographs, some 90 percent of inmates who enter Angola, at whatever age, for whatever crime, are expected to die there.
But whatever you cook, whatever tricks or treats you get up to this evening, do think about knocking out this recipe for pan pizza dough before bed.
To every parent, teacher, and child who is hurting so badly, we are here for you — whatever you need, whatever we can do, to ease your pain.
Anything that isn’t wonderful seems less interesting than whatever I’m writing, and anything that’s wonderful makes whatever I’m writing seem hopelessly shabby by comparison, triggering impostor syndrome.
When dinner is done, you can dish it up in whatever order works, with whatever wine, and guarantee a good time for the cook and the company.
Whatever the case, whatever the tactic, these books aren’t as new as they strain to be; they’re variations on the familiar — fresh haircuts on faces we know.
But you should eat well while doing whatever you’re going to be doing this weekend, and the football playbook provides good eating whatever the entertainment you choose.
«We should, as spaces available and open to the public, do whatever we can to resist and overcome whatever abominations are about to confront us,» she continued.
» We’re going to complain about Muslims, we’re going to complain about transgender, we’re going to complain about the net, the privacy stuff, whatever, whatever encryption or whatever it happens to be, and some of the more social stuff, but they’re like, «We can’t … Planned Parenthood, can we do that?
Yeah, they’re our counselors, they’re all board certified, but we’ve trained them specifically around … To go through the guidelines or whatever it was, whatever they happen to be.
Whatever we do, we shouldn’t hold Holzhauer responsible for any of our own mixed or turbulent feelings about his Secretariat-like run to whatever finish line awaits him.
So in five years, if I’m still inspired to be working on whatever I’m working on, and happy and having fun doing something I love doing, then whatever.
Whatever energy or whatever spirit [that] wants to come out and express itself, if I suppress, it enrages, it gets angry, it gets upset because it’s being ignored.
Whatever the hell it is—it’s been called liturgical power electronics, operatic brutalism, beautified death industrial, ‘Girl Swans,’ whatever —I’m grateful that people respond to it at all.
Now, you can say well, oh but if only had a smarter slogan, if you only had a better whatever whatever– I think it’s just not a slogan.
Of taxing anything over, let’s say, $50 million, or say anything over $100 billion or whatever it may be—or over $1 billion or whatever it may be.
«Whatever the payload, whatever the orbit, getting your satellite into space will soon be as easy as booking an airline flight,» said Stratolaunch CEO Jean Floyd in 2018.
It’s also the kind of decision that speaks very poorly to Cruz’s judgment: He’ll do whatever it takes to win politically today, whatever the cost may be tomorrow.
«BBQ here [in Brooklyn] can be whatever you want it to be and your BBQ place can look like whatever you want it to look like,» says Mylan.
The instant he could navigate the river safely, he would leave Grace and Caroline alone to—to recuperate from whatever this was, in whatever ways they needed to.
«I’ll say whatever I feel like saying, he can say whatever he feels like saying, after we punch each others’ faces in we can shake hands after that.»
«He taught me to work so hard that whatever you’re aiming for, whatever goal you had, it’ll come true, it’ll materialize if you just keep pushing,» he added.
» In the ensuing song, «Make Your Own Art,» Elmo and company sing: «Whatever is in your head/whatever is in your heart/you can make your own art.
Let— JOE KERNEN: Get to do whatever— get to do— BECKY QUICK: Let’s— JOE KERNEN: —whatever you want like buying Flying J because you like their truck stops.
And our job now is to make sure that whatever processes we have whatever process, our regulator has that those processes never allow for this to happen again.
Whatever failures he has faced on Capitol Hill and whatever the approval ratings say, one thing is for sure — the audiences are huge and the nation is mesmerized.
«You give a campaign contribution to Ted Cruz and he gives you whatever the hell you want, okay, whatever you want,» he said as some people began booing.
Ideas are built from a person’s curiosity and commitment to finding a solution to whatever problem they’ve come across, whatever problem they have a true passion to solve.
There’s a reason people love Spotify, Netflix, and all the other streaming services—they make it easy to see whatever you want or listen to whatever you want.
But the political upside to companies in regulated industries saying that whatever bonuses they are paying for whatever reason were due to the tax law is pretty clear.
CW: Yeah, at Newsweek at the time, had the story and there was whatever sort of behind, editor machinations, whatever, and Drudge broke it … Drudge brought it out.
«The goal was that when I stopped playing, whatever I made on the court would be replaced by whatever I built while I was still playing,» he said.
Whatever the odds, whatever the hardship, there are enough soccer success stories to feed the hopes of young boys and families who have little else to aspire to.
«I read whatever is going on with businesses that I’m interested in, general news, market news, just really whatever I find interesting and catches my eye,» she added.
«I once went to the supermarket and there were five brands of milk, and I could buy everything I wanted — whatever you wanted, whatever you could,» she said.
«Generally speaking, China is basically saying, please talk — talk whatever you want, in whatever way you like, as long as you guys could reach some consensus,» he said.
Whatever brutality Trump’s autocrat-friends inflict on human beings, whatever contempt they have for a free press or the rule of law, is no longer an American concern.
First and foremost was the symbolic message, saying that whatever you are, whatever color your skin is, you don’t have to be a white man to be president.
Whatever the case, and perhaps even at a major cost to Boeing, Chilton said the company would do whatever it takes to fly astronauts — including another uncrewed test.
«If you put a gold frame around a Rembrandt, whatever is in the painting goes five meters to the back, and whatever is gold becomes yellowish,» he said.
Johnson is black and Samoan, and comes off as ethnically ambiguous, a blank slate upon which anyone can project whatever they see — or whatever they want to see.
No person — in whatever job, in whatever industry — should have to forfeit professional aspirations and the right to earn a living to the abusive whims of the powerful.
No. You don’t get to get away with it, and you don’t have time to be so fucked up about whatever you’re doing on social media or whatever.
Are there any big ideas you’ve wanted to go for with any of your projects that, for whatever reason, financial limitations or whatever, that you weren’t able to do?
Whatever resentment or point of anger that you may have, if he can get into it, whether it’s race or sex or xenophobia or anti … Islamophobia, whatever it is.
This idea that you can do whatever you want at whatever time, it’s not true in terms of work and it’s not true in terms of having a family.
Nor can members of Congress see whatever they want in the midst of a criminal investigation, particularly if they might share whatever they see with the person being investigated.
I always say San Francisco is «assisted living for millennials,» because they get whatever they want, whether it’s dry cleaning or cleaning or Cheetos in two hours or whatever.
«The detectives can say whatever they want, they can think whatever they want,» he said, «but I’m just going to keep doing what I’ve been doing since day one.»
I can take my time and casually look around my surroundings playing with whatever I see fit to, turning or not turning my head towards whatever I want to.
Dolce Vita is a popular hangout since it serves something for everyone: booze, gelato, coffee (for whatever reason, the terminally hip employees can be real fucking dicks, but whatever).
He’s more than earned his right to resume shoe cobbling, play golf on whatever remote island fellow retiree Gene Hackman’s escaped to, or whatever it is he has planned.
Whatever people wanted to shout about, whatever shit they carried from their daily lives to the ballpark—there were words for it, and a place to shout it out.
RECIPE: Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream Then you can add whatever want to the mix, and create whatever kind of ice cream you want: cookies n’cream, s’mores, stone-cold sundaes.
«My battalion motto in the Marines was ‘whatever it takes,’ and I’m going to do whatever it takes to help win back the House in 2018,» Moulton told CNN.
The thing is … something we’ve been playing with over the seasons [is], no matter where we go, whatever timeline or whatever Earth, Iris is this fixed point for Barry.
Whatever the reason and whatever conversations people have, for now, Xanax use isn’t going anywhere—and you only have to talk to the drug’s users to find out why.
Whatever the reason, however, the fact is that whatever they may claim, today’s Republicans hate the idea of poor and working-class Americans getting the health care they need.
He’s always been a creature of whatever moment he happens to be in, and he tends to do and say whatever he thinks might get him the most airtime.
Whatever he asks you to do — and whatever you finally decide to do — you’ll have taken seriously your responsibilities to him and let him see that you’ve done so.
Like I’m her servant, like the ones like when they have, whatever, in the Raj or whatever — they would have the house servant who was sort of your confidant.
Instead, Calloway told me that she had wanted me to read out loud to everyone all along, and tailored whatever «number was in her head» to whatever I said.
» As he matured, he discovered, he said, «how to get good at learning whatever you need to be down, to be accepted, whatever it is that gets you in.
The guy and whatever he gave it to. . . .
The possible … CM: Part of whatever … We’ll see.
Now, I wear whatever I want to the beach: whatever cute suit I feel like putting on my body that manages to keep everything in place as I see fit.
There’s nothing stopping people from taking that printed nerve decal or whatever and plastering it on the walls of their house so that now they feel whatever the wall feels.
But if you&aposre confronted, pick up whatever you have, do whatever you can, because you&aposre in a situation where you&aposre — you have to fight for your life.
Everyone has the right to do whatever they want for whatever reason, and hopefully your food makes you happy because it’s one of our few pleasures in this shitty world.
«She told me, ‘Wear whatever you want, do whatever you want, it doesn’t matter, that’s just your body and that’s who you are so it’s not your issue,'» recalled Ratajkowski.
«Just give it a new code and upload it,» Kevin Casini, Entertainment Law Professor at the Quinnipiac School of Law, tells The Verge: Whatever you input is whatever they have.
Whatever your politics, and whatever your proclivities toward or against suggestive or violent imagery, the reality is that there is simply no obviously «right» answer in many of these cases.
Then the style section in the Washington Post would send out young party reporters to go to whatever — the agriculture association’s party or John McLaughlin had a party or whatever.
Whatever strain you decide on, and for whatever reason, Manta says a major key to making cannabis and sex work for you and your partner(s) is a little introspection.
Whatever it is, we hope people gather and do whatever feels right; whether it’s 20 minutes, a half-hour, multiple hours, a minute, it will all resonate as a collective.
It’s a way to whisk away any incipient decay, to make it perfectly fine to be whatever age you are — since who the heck actually looks whatever age they are?
Whatever the arguments about by-the-numbers bouts, whatever the comparisons between past and present, there isn’t a sheer, classical Muay Thai stylist doing the rounds like Saenchai right now.
To people who feel battered by the world, for whatever reason, that Wolverine glare that says «I can beat whatever you can throw at me» can be inspiring and relieving.
Over wistful, building synths, he adopts the voice of the man he met: «Age is just a number, just like any other / We can do whatever, do whatever you want».
«The way the deputy responds, for whatever occurred, whatever type of verbal dialogue was going on, it makes no sense and wasn’t necessary,» Broward County Sheriff Gregory Tony told NBC.
He has created a political movement where his followers will believe whatever he says, no matter how patently false, and disbelieve whatever his opponents say, no matter how objectively true.
«We want to improve on whatever we launched in 2017 and also launch and plug whatever we think are the big use cases where we are not present,» he said.
The slogan Trump has pushed is «America First,» but the strategy seems to be along the lines of whatever existed is bad and whatever can be blown apart is good.
«That relationship is strong, and whatever happens terrestrially, we’ve always been able to keep space exploration and discovery and science separate from whatever terrestrial disputes there may be,» Bridenstine said.
Whatever his worth, Finkelstein said, Cruz would like whatever money isn’t used on his defense donated to a cause that promotes healing and education in the community, the attorney said.
«He can say whatever the hell he wants to say to him about whatever topic that he wants,» an Axios source said, confirming an earlier report by The Daily Beast.
To put it another way: Whatever the conclusions, whatever the effectiveness, of challenging facts, the idea that we have to debate the necessity of doing so strikes me as absurd.
It’s like real traditional style sushi—it’s called like a «trust me» menu, where the chef serves you whatever he thinks is the best catch of the day or whatever.
Every once in awhile, the movie will cut from whatever is happening at the Lodges’ house to whatever madness is going on outside the home of their new black neighbors.
Whatever happens — whatever the story is going to be — it’s going to be really interesting and relevant, and we have a close-up view of it because we live here.
Whatever else is happening outside my windows, whatever struggles are still ahead, just the sight of that golden disk of buttery goodness can make me feel a tiny bit better.
Namely, women may feel less pressured to be polite, but more pressured to do «whatever it takes» to strike a hard bargain — even if «whatever it takes» involves unethical behavior.
Since no supply ships could get into Ilulissat’s harbor, for six months a year residents had to live off whatever provisions the stores had laid in, plus whatever they caught.
Polkinghorn says the problem with cancer treatment is that patients are limited by whatever diagnoses and treatment options are presented to them at whatever hospital they choose to go to.
And then you realize, whatever, if you’re gonna do some amateur psychology, that whatever propels them to pull this stuff off, there’s probably some insecurity there at the same time.
From my first year of college to the weeks in which, as editor in chief, I closed my final edition of the paper, I came to a realization: Whatever conservatism told me it was intellectually — whatever ideas we discussed, whatever policy papers I read — could never compete with what conservatism was in practice.
Disney+ might end up being built around Hulu, but Hulu will be central to whatever Disney+ becomes in the way that HBO will be central to whatever WarnerMedia’s streaming service becomes.
Where are our cyber defenses and in 21983, Obama saying no insightful person whatever are things serious person, whatever a thing that anybody could hack into anything or impact our elections.
«To every parent, teacher, and child who is hurting so badly, we are here for you, whatever you need, whatever we can do, to ease your pain,» Trump said Thursday morning.
The app running on whatever device is connected to your TV then connects to your computer over your home wifi network and streams whatever you want to see (or listen to).
In my opinion, women can have it all — whatever they want to have, that is: a career, babies, no babies, friendships, marriage, polyamory in lieu of marriage, girls-only orgies, whatever.
» Then, this on Monday: «‘A glass of water could’ve [beat a 20-yr incumbt]’ ‘The Green Dream or whatever‘ ‘Their public whatever‘ Those aren’t quotes from me; they’re from the Speaker.
«Whatever your feelings are about Jason Van Dyke, whatever you believe about his actions, that’s different than what these men did and what these men wrote,» James McKay, March’s attorney, said.
That’s when I first understood the power of sexual representation online: the power of recognizing that whatever you like, whatever your identity, you are not weird and you are not alone.
The queen’s name, pronounced «Whatever I wanna be,» is an open announcement that Bianca is playing without limits, embracing whatever whim strikes her fancy, and shifting form to fit the moment.
They come from a system that encourages students to reinvent art for themselves and to figure out whatever skills they need to convey with maximal efficiency whatever they have in mind.
We expect that Roberts will be the queen bee of whatever mental ward they’ve landed in, with the Chanels going up against the doctors as well as whatever murderer stalks them.
» Sza continues, «but I think part of the truth is that whatever makes you comfortable, whatever makes you feel good, even if its a brown sack, will translate to the outerworld.
If not, then, whatever the fiction, how can the Constitution authorize the Government to imprison arbitrarily those who, whatever we might pretend, are in reality right here in the United States?
The math suggests that whatever happened there, perhaps women in the upper-middle class suburbs staying home, whatever happened there, is going to lean heavily on the remaining competitive Republican districts.
We have such an incredible tool, social media, to educate our youth, to keep up with worldly issue or politics, or whatever is special to you, or whatever makes you happy.
«I do believe [geocachers] will come in [to town] and possibly get their drinks, get their snacks… get whatever souvenir [or] whatever they may want from the general store,» he said.
Whatever his proclaimed noble intentions, and whatever justification he might seek to invoke in terms of other individuals who were punished and/or prosecuted, Snowden was never deserving of a pardon.
Whatever his motives, whatever his intentions, this is how it ends: nose pressed against the cold metal of a tray, frothing a pool of warm piss into bubbles with every exhalation.
Whatever that number happens to be, you may find they need to put away 60% of their net income, whatever the number is, and the rest of it is excess capital.
Whatever blend of politically ecumenical anti-authoritarianism, high-minded altruism and harmless neurosis may underlie the preparedness, and whatever medical, mechanical or other misfortunes it anticipates, it looks good on everyone.
For the incredible, unconditional love that you have given me every day of my life, the knowledge that whatever I might do, whatever I might say that my mother loves me.
Either way, get whatever tracks you want into a playlist (or several separate ones — you do you), and grab your phone/tablet/whatever device you want to save those tracks on.
So here’s my basic philosophy: Make your — whatever you’re earning, comfortable to take care of whatever you need to take care of, those are your basic things, not the luxuries. Okay?
Whatever is left over at the end of the month — I don’t make myself stick to the exact same percentages or categories every month — I spend it on whatever I want.
Depression is like a Rorschach test: People see in it whatever they like, in order to make whatever point they like, about what they perceive to be the ills of society.
For whatever reason, PlanetQuake, even though it was about Quake, which was just a standard first-person shooter where you kill demons or whatever, had a huge element of goofing off.
WINNER: «Whatever It Takes» – Imagine Dragons Choice Breakout Artist
» And I was like «that’s cool, whatever you think.
That’s not their business — your gender, your sexuality, whatever.
» He added: «Whatever you do is okay with us.
So just make — whatever it takes to get it.
NW: Well, even without hiring private detectives … KS: Whatever.
» Ernst later replied, «I can say ‘yay, nay whatever‘.
I don’t care if they’re brown, yellow, orange — whatever.
Nashville — or whatever city they’re visiting — becomes their playground.
Acknowledge and celebrate your small victory — whatever it is!
I wanted to talk about politics — whatever that meant.
» She added, «Whatever policy they have is not effective.
Whatever makes you feel happy — pour it into yourself.
She needed that … whatever it is, I love it.
Did we really need him doing … whatever this is?
«He’s just like, ‘Do whatever you want,’ » Meghan says.
Then will come the referendum — and whatever follows that.
Whatever your Halloween style — fashion girl or Gilmore girl?
» Maybe it was «Whatever, dude, I still got Titanic.
No lights or whatever – it just felt like sleep.
I am assuming whatever — you know what it is?
» He added, «I am not American, whatever that is.
The plan — whatever the plan is — has never changed.
But please — whatever you do, get your math right.
Whatever the case … bygones are definitely bygones by now.
«For Casey, it was like, ‘whatever,’ » the source says.
Whatever way you look at it … John and co.
Whatever you like — the internet is all about sharing!
Look, I get nervous anywhere — on any show, whatever.
That’s — whatever he said in the campaign is irrelevant?
It’s personal — whatever you have to do to win.
Pharmaceutical companies simply charge whatever they want — or can.
AND FINALLY … Whatever it takes Dozens of real cops.
» Later, he asks, cautiously, «Whatever happened to that friendship?
Do whatever works best for you — but keep reading!
Donald Trump: — no, I — call it whatever you want.
» He offered to help «in whatever way I can.
I don’t have a Twitter thing or – handle, whatever.
» Whatever political conflict there might be «never really surfaces.
Whatever you imagine a flying car to be — stop.
It could have been stopped with the right — whatever.
» And I — I said, «Whatever works for you, sir.
Give them confidence — to pursue whatever they’re passionate about.
» He added, «They can express whatever opinion they like.
» He claims he corrected her, but she replied, «Whatever.
Not take the people that have aids , and whatever.
You might like a certain musician, app, game — whatever.
» Singer responded «Whatever you want to do I’m fine.
» He also pledged to «use whatever leverage we can.
Faulkner: — and you didn’t quite catch it, or whatever.
I can talk to your mother — whatever you want!
Whatever the case … you know Kodak’s really into her.
» Whatever it is, «We’re going to suck them up.
Whatever the case … Al looks great, Lucila does too.
Whatever … point is, she hooked ’em up big time.
Their home … they have whatever their device is. Yeah.
Whatever it is … it’s ‘Star Wars’ and it’s awesome!
«They’re doing the same pattern again: to do whatever they can in private to shut down conversations and stop progress, and do whatever they can in public to save face,» they said.
The latest app to join the squad is Peach, a Twitter-like network for sharing whatever life updates you feel like sharing with whatever friends you happen to find on the app.
They did this with a pixel-reading technology that matched pixels on customer TVs to pixels of whatever show was in their database — live shows, shows recorded for future watching, movies, whatever.
While a couple of big titles have gotten some halfway-decent ports to VR, for the most part VR users are confined to whatever indies can build or whatever Oculus can fund.
Whatever your budget and whatever you decide to get for your favorite person, remember that all that really matters is that you tell your partner you appreciate them for all they do.
Whatever dirt lands on Kushner in the end — from whatever it is, exactly, that Comey was looking into to the decision to fire him — can hardly avoid landing on the president himself.
So I want to use whatever skills I have, whatever notoriety I have, to be effective in opposing things that are, at the end of the day, just bad for the country.
So I never feel disappointed that somebody who made a great movie or whatever did something, because the movie or album or whatever doesn’t know anything about the person that made it.
«Her role, whatever it was and whatever you think of torture, her role in it is not as deep or not as horrific as Democrats are describing it,» the GOP source said.
It meant that I went along with whatever was happening or whatever my friends were doing as long as I had alcohol, even if I wasn’t actually interested in what was happening.
Whatever his failings as a human, he is an offensive savant who, as SB Nation’s Bill Connelly notes rather comprehensively, reliably salvages whatever program will have him and does so in style.
Somebody speaking about how she wants to drain the swamp while at the same time appointing whatever fat cat she needs to get to whatever she needs, and line her own pockets.
What they want to do is have users get from point A to point B. Like a subway or whatever that you can pay for the subway that way, or whatever. Exactly.
Including all of the stuff with the — and then whatever happened to the Pakistani guy, that had the two, you know, whatever happened to this Pakistani guy who worked with the D.N.C.?
Whatever direction the wind blows, or whatever Sirens may call, a constitution will be the proverbial binding that tethers Odysseus to the mast and ensures that the ship continues to sail true.
«I definitely hope to achieve whatever I can at A.B.T., but if for whatever reason A.B.T. is not able to give me those things, then I’m open to going elsewhere,» she said.
Whatever the errors of policy, and whatever the occasional flaring of terrible religious violence as in Gujarat in 2002, the nation’s basic alchemy is good — with or without large-denomination bank notes.
He used to give Kenny extra tickets to whatever show he was producing or whatever screening, and the next time he saw him Kenny would give him feedback with studied, professional effort.
«Whatever happens, whatever conflicts they have, if you see your name beautifully written on a placard, your nation’s flag on a menu, you can’t help to soften up a bit,» he said.
«Whatever sanctions will be decided, whatever statement would come from the United States, we have purchased S-400s and right now we are talking about when they will be delivered,» Cavusoglu said.
But Lax’s poetry, at once fast and slow, shallow and deep, eventually teaches you, if you stick with it — at whatever pace and whatever depth — how to relax and enjoy the ride.
You cannot just do whatever you want, and in exchange, you don’t have to wake up every day and worry that you’ll be harmed because someone else is doing whatever they want.
We have already achieved some results with this, we have reduced the dependence and balanced the budget from the basis of an oil price $100 per barrel to $60, and we have to continue with this trend, so that our commitments are sustainable whatever the external conditions may be, whatever the price of oil, whatever the regime of sanctions.
He held my gaze without speaking, and I knew that if he gave any sign I would do whatever he wanted, or rather whatever he would let me do, I would go into one of the stalls with him or leave the club, walk out without a word to N., I didn’t care, whatever he wanted I would do.
You would think that even the DOJ and the FBI want to make sure that whatever tainting has happened, whatever reception the public has about what took place in 2016 is cleaned up.
Those 1977 models (which included entries from Commodore and Tandy) are also the forebears of the Web, Facebook, Google and pretty much whatever else you’re using on whatever digital device is at hand.
Those 1977 models (which included entries from Commodore and Tandy) are also the forebears of the web, Facebook, Google, and pretty much whatever else you’re using on whatever digital device is at hand.
But the intervening time has demonstrated how little can hold its own against the din of whatever Trump tweeted most recently, or whatever chaos is emerging from the White House and its orbit.
It has been a good distraction to take a moment in the mid-afternoon to focus on whatever the new game is that day, and experience whatever its developers are trying to convey.
» He said, «I carry your heart / I fear no fate / I want no world / and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant / and whatever a sun will always sing is you.
I’d rather live my life and knowing that, as a unit, if we’re considered all units in this big bucket of life, then whatever I do and whatever I think and feel matters.
Chill your wine in whatever you goddamn please with this mold that allows you to create an icy tower of frozen fruit, mixers, flowers, or whatever else your imagination can come up with.
I nudged Shalane and was like, If you need anything along the way — set the pace, block the wind, whatever — I’m happy to do whatever I can while I’m still in the race.
Imagine an economist who has some following but is, for whatever reason, not in the nomenklatura of policy wonks who typically get called upon to advise officials, give speeches at financial conferences, whatever.
Whatever cat or dick doodle then serves as the input, and the algorithm uses the form to fill in the blanks with whatever pieces of cat makes the most sense in that location.
If you pay for Business Class you should be able to travel in whatever you feel comfortable in — whatever footwear you choose to wear is not going to ruin other passengers travel experience!
I mean my song «Blonde» is about people who are in the business of seeking fame just to seek fame, and just doing whatever it takes, by whatever means necessary to project that.
«Back up from whatever computer screen you’re next to that’s upsetting you, or back up from whatever it is that may be a toxic [element] in your life altering your emotions,» she advises.
Whatever ends up working for you, it’s important to remind ourselves that constant connectedness doesn’t need to be the norm and that everyone is entitled to their breaks whatever their reason may be.
However, it seems very feasible that you’ll soon be able to pay a monthly fee and enjoy iCloud, Apple Music, Apple News Plus (or whatever it’s called), and Apple TV Max (or whatever).
Somewhere in the frosty air hangs the suggestion that whatever selection we end up with will be uniquely «us»—along with an idea that, whatever everyone else gets, all options are uniquely good.
Whatever had taken place there—whatever had caused him to flee home at age 16, to cut all ties with his family, to throw away his very name—remained too painful to confront.
But, that’s what ritual’s for: mediating people and groups via, LET’S SEE: makeup, dressing, social graces, food, words, parties, meetings, whateverwhatever, between realities and selves, achievements, failures, beginnings, ends, losses, days, years.
«The President called me this morning at 6:30 and said I just want you to know that whatever you need, whatever the state of Texas needs, we’re there for you,» said Cornyn.
I’ll have a day where I’m eating junk food and pigging out doing whatever I’m doing, partying whatever you want to call it, and I’ll wake up and I’ll train the next day.
Set out a notepad in a common area and encourage people to write their name, phone number, apartment/house number, and whatever specific thing they need—Tylenol, shampoo, some chickpeas, whatever—to it.
Whatever the reason behind misnaming—sex-induced fugue state, standard confusion among similar semantic categories, whatever—your reaction to the utterance of an incorrect name is arguably more telling than the act itself.
If you just want to listen to the latest hits on your iPhone, with the ear pods or whatever, then Apple Music or Spotify or whatever, at 256 megabits streaming, is perfectly adequate.
Whatever happens during the tax debate and whatever the outcome, Americans do agree that something needs to be done, and that we can no longer continue to listen to the sound of silence.
Trump himself doesn’t really know why he does anything, and every decision that he makes—personally, politically, aesthetically, whatever—ultimately resolves to him servicing whatever rude personal want is currently making itself felt.
» More recently, Toobin said, he’s covered the Ukraine scandal «with the Hillary story in mind» given «that there is nothing comparable in magnitude between whatever Hunter Biden did and whatever Donald Trump did.
Martin: Well we’ve had you know when I first when I first started in the business the UK government bond was yielding 18 percent and it’s now probably yielding whatever one or whatever.
Whatever the dynamic of the global oil markets, Trump is sending a clear and unabashed signal to the Saudis: Do whatever you want, as long as you’re with me in my political priorities.
Probably the greatest asset as far as writing gigs go was the only real rule was write about whatever you want, do whatever you want, you’re not fired as long as it’s funny.
And probably whatever new messaging app Google releases this year.
Oh, Tottenham, whatever are we going to do with you?
It’s just whatever goes with her outfit, moment, and vibe.
Your $303 billion is in this deal for whatever happens?
Adele really can’t dance Beyoncé, but whatever, she’ll try anyway.
We discussed, I assume, whatever teenagers talked about in 1995.
People can and should wear whatever the hell they want.
Whatever amount of time you’re spending communicating, it’s never enough.
Whatever your age, you should stay as fit as possible.
Whatever a «blade runner» does, it has to be cool.
She can make people see whatever she wants them to.
MR. PADILLA: W, w, w, whatever, drama bookshop dot com.
How significant and damaging was whatever fight or alienation happened?
Whatever, heroin made me happier than they ever did anyway.
Whatever it is, you have to argue about them. Right.
If your jacket gets torn or whatever, we’ll repair it.
We let Patagonia people do whatever they want to do.
That’s seven people, and we can do whatever we wanted.
But whatever way the system goes, the future looks good.
Whatever humorous one you choose, they’re mostly the same design.
We just didn’t come with the energy, for whatever reason.
You can pin whatever you find to the notification center.
This is something that, for whatever reason, has afflicted them.
Her goal is accumulating enough money to meet whatever happens.
People still voted their conscience based on whatever they believed.
But whatever is going to happen is going to happen.
I saw squalid bedrooms and whatever the fuck this was.
You can write whatever you want — I won’t do it.
Whether it was sweat or just washing your hands, whatever.
Whatever the reason, Trump’s Republican opponents failed to define him.
Also, one of the founders of WWE, Worldwide Wrestling whatever.
Whatever standard we accept now will become the new norm.
It’s a lot of darkness around us politically and whatever.
PERINO: And it should be on a teleprompter or whatever.
Whatever you had going for you, that is over now.
The evaluators are whatever the hell they want to be.
It wasn’t like I was doing photo shoots or whatever.
Whatever vehicle it was, we just hope pets were allowed.
Whatever you are going to do is OK with us.
Whatever we wanna be in this world, we can be.
As for whatever is or was going on with Siri?
Whatever their exact significance, the wings are an empowering image.
Because what it’s built on is saying whatever you want.
Whatever the answer is, data will help us get there.
Whatever the case, it’s resulted in some seriously amazing television.
Whatever is going on between us will stay between us!
Whatever it takes to stop the nomination of Donald Trump.
Whatever it was, something about Darlene spoke to queer women.
Whatever the case, Google eventually convinced the City to help.
A beach read is whatever you want it to be.
They’re like, ‘Business is first and get the bitches, whatever.
Whatever happens, this is an experience I will never forget.
We used branches, palm leaves, and whatever rope we found.
They subsisted on whatever they could find in the forest.
«I’m just trying to do whatever possible to strengthen it.»
Bonus: whatever happens to prices, you can always drink it.
They’ll have group outings or go get tacos or whatever.
For whatever reason, the video card was dead on arrival.
Someone I love just got engaged, married, pregnant, or whatever.
People will say whatever they want to get their way.
Or whatever the Kim regime is calling Americans these days.
Whatever the truth, Reed, 27, will not discuss it publicly.
«Whatever they cut, they didn’t cut enough,» quipped the host.
Just have your name and whatever your title is underneath.
And I’ll do whatever I can to help reverse it.
Regardless, whatever data Twitter shared with reporters was not complete.
He can manipulate that energy into whatever direction he wants.
Whatever happens, Trump’s comments sent ripples through America’s aviation industry.
Everybody can share what they know, what they’re thinking, whatever.
Whatever their industry, these are the people at the forefront.
Do whatever you can to look as immaculate as Rihanna.
Whatever the outcome, expect other city leaders to be watching.
Whatever you feel like writing, you just pick a topic?
So that doesn’t change at all, whatever the titles are.
And you can distribute through YouTube or whatever you like.
That doesn’t mean that whatever we do is worthless, though.
Whatever the queen’s plans, we’re sure they will be flawless.
Kids should be whatever they want to be for Halloween.
Whatever personality traits I have, I brought to the table.
There is no difference whatever, the results are the same.
Anyone can say whatever they want, it’s freedom of speech.
I just want to have confidence in whatever I do.
Rather than just shovel whatever the hell in their mouth.
I’m happy to have taken that, uh, baton or whatever.
Whatever, I guess Instagram was good this week or something.
You do whatever you have to do and impeach Trump.
Whatever she needs … it sounds like Postmates has Kylie’s back.
Once there, it implants whatever virus the hacker has uploaded.
Whatever your gender, he says, you can embrace Harley’s spirit.
Whatever happened to starting things off nice and slow, huh?
Whatever mental hiccup I was obsessing over before becomes irrelevant.
Yeah, some people say Medicis, whether you’re Italian or whatever.
The format can be a little bit whatever you want.
But whatever happens, it looks like Zuma’s days are numbered.
I still like going there, because there’s memories or whatever.
The plan is to keep herself open to whatever comes.
Whatever it is, it’s not Six Flags or Disney World.
«Not when you just do whatever you want,» she responded.
They were doing whatever it was during the Obama administration.
Then he’ll have to face whatever penalties his employer imposes.
«Nilsa, usually, could probably get whatever she wants,» he speculates.
For whatever reason that day, I was in a mood.
«Whatever your circumstances, you will never be alone,» I said.
Whatever holiday you celebrate has come early, thanks to Beyoncé.
Whatever happens … we know one thing … we wanna see it.
It was for chatting with people, for sports, for whatever.
«Whatever his lawyer is saying, Rudy doesn’t disagree,» he says.
We accept whatever people give us and cremate everybody respectfully.
Finally, grab whatever items you need and leave the store.
It is chosen and listened to, for whatever that’s worth.
For whatever reason, you’re going to see things like this. lets you design whatever flavor of LaCroix you like.
I’m here to support whatever they want to do, absolutely.
Trump will continue to tweet whatever he wants to tweet.
His main goal will be stopping whatever the Republicans want.
«Whatever the Fed says could move the market,» Tuz added.
It also uploaded a bunch to Pinterest, whatever that is.
BARTIROMO: We could have whatever FBI Director he wants, right?
Anyone can take out whatever meaning they feel from it.
But, whatever the truth, China is not Greece or Italy.
I know some people will complain about it, but whatever.
They are having a hearing or whatever in the House.
I will support you through whatever life throws your way!
Jessica: As long as you don’t mess with me, whatever.
«Whatever you’re doing, it works,» Zachow recalls her mom saying.
It can do whatever the wearer wants it to do.
If it doesn’t, we’ll address whatever is a high priority.
He said whatever he felt on ‘Two Birds, One Stone.
Interest rate stimulus has lost whatever kick it once had.
«People can read whatever they want into it,» Reed says.
Whatever it was she saw in him was incredibly productive.
But for whatever reason we talk about everybody but Bernie.
Whatever else, Mr Trump has demonstrated his capacity to surprise.
There’s no clear timeline for whatever Pai is planning, either.
Because the people there maybe can’t leave for whatever reason.
Feels tired for all its attempts at whatever it’s attempting.
He’s a dog being wagged by whatever he sees online.
Then when I was 18, I was [like] eh, whatever.
Whatever these larger consequences, Mr Musk achieved a minor feat.
It’s a free county, everyone can believe whatever they want.
Whatever you do, don’t take «Amazon’s Choice» at face value.
In AA, god is the solution: Whatever the problem, pray.
How happy he is, or if he’s stressed or whatever.
Whatever the reason, that delay could help the virus spread.
But Trump can revise that pledge to whatever he likes.
People are set on capturing whatever territory they can seize.
I never had a glass of alcohol … For whatever reason.
For whatever reason, older people seem to enjoy … spontaneous boners?
She must be willing to help in whatever way possible.
Apparently, the plan got lost in the rough or whatever.
But whatever the criticisms are, WW’s new image is working.
You can do whatever you want and call it pop.
Booze, and whatever, that happened, but the Ambien was tough.
I just post whatever I feel like I want to.
Fox, whatever you think of its content, has real power.
KS: Masters, investors, whatever, they own a lot of us.
But I got a lot of publicity for whatever reason.
So let’s deal with the bad behaviour from whatever source.
Whatever the company plans to announce, we’ll be covering it.
So it’s like, whatever, I’m gonna do my own thing.
Whatever the case may be, Jenner is, arguably, quite cool.
For whatever reason, we didn’t read this episode at table.
«Whatever there is not to be ashamed of,» he added.
They are encouraged to create whatever they like as well.
Whatever else they are, AI systems are systems of classification.
The caravan propels itself forward using whatever way it can.
Whatever the hell is going on, though, we’re into it.
The narcos can use whatever kind of weapons against them.
Whatever the case, this thing is all over the place.
But whatever you do, don’t call this storm a nor’easter.
Whatever is to come, Arnault will be ready, said Wintour.
«I mean, people can do whatever they want,» Portman said.
Whatever they need, I have to give it to them.
You have to protect the Constitution, whatever the political consequences.
«You keep on doing you, sister, whatever that looks like.»
And whatever the hell is going on with these dopes.
It ain’t really about whatever the f— reason they say.
Girls should be able to have this freedom or whatever.
And my job is to get to whatever it is.
You feel more confident, more sexy, more peaceful, more whatever.
Whatever they’re doing, know this: Regular headphones don’t do that.
His loneliness required that he take whatever he could get.
Whatever happens, roads in and around Dover will be gridlocked.
Whatever fix is required, the buck clearly stops with him.
Whatever was said, it worked — to an extent at least.
Mr. Trump says he will «beat China,» whatever that means.
Whatever it is, it’s about to land in your feed.
We will do whatever they need to help them succeed.
Whatever happened before Porsha doesn’t matter to me at all.
Whatever the outcome, the row suggests munificence can win influence.
Pick whatever you like — even your pet if you want.
Whatever shift you were on was what you were doing.
Everyone’s much more excited about salmon, or cod, or whatever.
Each player came through and did whatever they were told.
Whatever you do, do not call Bumble a hookup app.
For whatever reason, however, that’s the choice Danny Ainge made.
Whatever the grand total is there, it won’t come cheap.
Whatever the truth, Argentines will not soon wave ultramarine flags.
Whatever the logic, a touchy public makes for jumpy politicians.
Whatever his philosophy and methods, his guesses sometimes proved out.
They just post it with whatever fitting gif they decide.
«Whatever he cooked, he cooked enough for everybody, «Wilson said.
Read whatever you want, and read a lot of it.
Everybody that stole money, or conned the boss or whatever.
Whatever you think it is, it is much, much worse.
Or, you know, whatever it is kids do these days.
«»He says whatever comes into his head at the moment.
Colin, I hope we’ve scratched whatever intellectual itch you had.
And we need to look at whatever [we can do].
Do whatever you can that’s positive and within your ability.
Whatever it ends up looking like, it’s thrilling for researchers.
Whatever you do, do not use email to settle things.
So this guy, Trent or whatever, is basically named Ron.
KS: Pre, oh whatever, prequel, something like that. Precogs. Yes.
Whatever the case is, he’s walking with the angels now.
«You can do whatever you want with Pepe,» @pepeclothing said.
It’s apparently okay with whatever John Wick wants to do.
Whatever you decide, having a plan is key, McCabe said.
His ravings overshadowed whatever point he was attempting to make.
They’re stuck in this situation until whatever caused it resolves.
Whatever you did today, do a little bit more tomorrow.
A man who delves deep into whatever captures his interest.
And whatever Gabsee’s fate, that trend appears likely to continue.
But whatever I was hoping to find, it wasn’t there.
Whatever track he’s going to be on will be fire.
«I thought the apologies were whatever,» the NL MVP said.
A part of whatever story you were trying to tell.
Or maybe he was like, a transfer student or whatever.
Whatever that may be, something personally or important to you.
If you make an out, whatever happens, it doesn’t matter.
And people do that through music or clothes or whatever.
It’s always sad when we lose people, for whatever reason.
The script is whatever happens in the world that day.
«I eat whatever I want,» she told Harper’s Bazaar Australia.
Whatever happens, the threat of another election would also loom.
Whatever people can do to support the strike, they should.
Whatever was ahead of us I wanted to face it.
Whatever you’re expecting, there are decent odds it’ll be worse.
Whatever spare money we have goes to paying down debt.
Whatever perfume smell I might have had, was officially gone.
Whatever the case, it was Serhant’s entry into central Brooklyn.
And so we’re all dealing, in whatever ways we can.
Whatever happens with Yahoo, we all deserve better than that.
Whatever the plot of this movie is, we’re very intrigued.
I think whatever I would pitch would be very weird.
«According to Brown, whatever happens, «it’s going to be incredible.
Right now, 90 – whatever the hell it is right now.
Then do whatever it takes to get them to vote.
Whatever it is, I cannot endorse it in good faith.
They have more free time to do whatever they want.
Whatever the reasoning, it’s not their wackiest of style efforts.
Whatever the case, we’ll be sorry to see him go.
I believe in lasers and fillers, whatever makes you happy.
Because whatever that point is, Facebook long ago passed it.
We just hope whatever happens next, they don’t wash it.
Caila: No, you can tell him whatever you’ve been hearing.
First of all, customers can buy whatever hardware they want.
Whatever the reason … good to see her back and smiling.
It’s not ‘our way or no way’ it’s ‘whatever works’.
Whatever you decide, do your damnedest not to overdo it.
They will do whatever it takes and make it work.
Whatever it is, you should want the mainstream participating. Exactly.
For others, it’s photography or gaming or Excel or whatever.
I understand the lines around the state, whatever that means.
«For whatever reason, we didn’t start on time,» Capuano said.
I mean go with whatever line you think is better.
Whatever you do, do not try this at home. Seriously.
Or whatever the heck dance my son is doing. pic.twitter.
Whatever the reason, last night’s showdown was a lacklustre affair.
Whatever happened, she doesn’t seem to broken up about it.
Whatever you end up doing, be safe and have fun!
I kind of help them with whatever they need, really.
Wishing you all health & happiness, in whatever form suits you.
Then you stick solos and whatever on top of that.
I feel I can say whatever I want that way.
Whatever the mission is, it always requires the ultimate sacrifice.
I go to work wearing whatever Isabella Rossellini would wear.
Whatever files they’ve lost, that’s the lifeblood of their company.
Whatever decision making they’re doing, they’re the only ones deciding.
Just whatever you do, please don’t dip them in milk.
«Whatever it was, nobody described it as harm,» she said.
Whatever the outcome, it is a win for all women.
«The moon landing, I think, yes, definitely, vaccines» or whatever.
That’s why whatever we do, it will never be enough.
Space and whatever always came easily to me, you see.
Everyone has a right to talk about whatever they want.
You can own their IP or whatever deal you make.
And then — whatever — the people that are on the campaign.
We’re always choking on bits of whatever is laying about.
Whatever the demand is, we’ll be able to meet it.
You can write whatever you want, I won’t do it.
For whatever reason, it’s just a not a good incentive.
Whatever the Party holds to be truth is the truth.
So whatever comes with that, being in the public eye.
Or, maybe you autopilot to whatever you’re most familiar with.
Whatever the intent, that appears to be the practical effect.
They are kind of pro whatever is authentic to you.



Что бы ни, не важно что, любой 

Обычно мы используем Whatever перед подлежащим и сказуемым, чтобы сказать о неважности события или действия человека.


Whatever he thinks, I believe in this miracle – Не важно, что он думает, я верю в это чудо.

I would like to travel around Spain whatever they are planning – Что бы они не планировали, я бы хотел путешествовать по Испании.

Полезные фразы:

Whatever the reason – Какова не была бы причина

Whatever you may say – Что ни говори

At whatever price – По любой цене


Кто бы ни, не важно кто, любой

Мы используем Whoever в качестве подлежащего.


Whoever wants to go with me must call tomorrow – Любой, кто хочет поехать со мной, должен позвонить завтра.

We need whoever is in this room – Нужен любой из этой комнаты.

Полезные фразы:

Whoever you may be – Кто бы ты ни был

Whoever is responsible – Кто бы ни был ответственным

Whoever solves the riddle – Любой, кто решит эту загадку


Когда бы ни, не важно когда, в любое время, всякий раз когда


Call me whenever you need – Звони мне в любое время, когда тебе нужно.

Whenever I think about my girlfriend she sends me a message – Всякий раз, когда я думаю о моей девушке, она присылает мне сообщение.

Полезные фразы:

Whenever I see him – Всякий раз когда я вижу его

Whenever possible – По возможности

Whenever you like – Когда вам угодно


Куда бы ни, не важно куда, в любое место.


Wherever my friends are, they always call me and send messages – В каком бы месте не были мои друзья, они всегда мне звонят и присылают сообщения.

If you lived wherever you wanted, where would it be? – Если бы вы жили в любом месте, в котором хотели, что за место было бы?

Полезные фразы:

Wherever they are – Где бы они ни были

Wherever he goes – Куда бы он ни пошел

Wherever you are going – Куда бы вы ни собрались



В данном случае мы используем However в качестве вводного слова, которое надо выделять запятыми. Вы можете ставить However в любую часть предложения.


However, we have achieved the great success – Однако, мы достигли великолепного успеха.

This painting, however, is the most valuable in this gallery – Эта картина, однако, самая ценная в этой галереи.

Полезные фразы:

However much it may cost – Сколько бы это не стоило

However important they may be – Какими бы важными они ни были

However you want – Как ты захочешь


Какой бы ни, любой, не важно какой, в зависимости от того, что.

Мы используем Whichever, когда перед нами стоит какой-нибудь выбор из нескольких вариантов. 


Whichever book you take, you will get a bunch of impressions – Не важно какую книгу ты возьмешь, ты получишь кучу впечатлений. 

Think about any good moment of your life, whichever you want – Подумай о любом хорошем моменте из твоей жизни, о котором тебе хочется.

Полезные фразы:

Whichever comes/occurs/happens first – В зависимости от того, что происходит раньше.

Whichever is the most interesting – В зависимости от того, что самое интересное.

You can choose whichever you want – Ты можешь выбрать любое то, что ты хочешь.

Whichever you prefer – Что бы ты не предпочел

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