Sentences with word upset

upset — перевод на русский


— I’m not upset, I’m out of my fucking mind!

Я не расстроен, я в бешенстве!


Мне очень жаль, но дело в том, что я крайне расстроен.

Naturally, you’re upset.

Конечно, ты расстроен.

Forgive me, Mrs. Charles, but I’ve been so upset.

Простите меня, миссис Чарльз, но я был так расстроен.

I am sorry, Señorita Cunningham, if I seemed abrupt, but I am somewhat upset.

Простите, сеньорита Каннингхэм, если выгляжу грубым, просто я очень расстроен.

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Oh, now you’re upset.

Ну вот, ты расстроился.

— Oh, now you’re upset.

Ну вот, теперь ты расстроился.

She kept snatching at it… and he finally became very upset and started to cry.

Старалась сорвать её… В итоге он очень расстроился и заплакал.

Cliff, why are you so upset?

Клифф, почему ты расстроился?

Hanouma said you were upset when I pushed you.

Ханума сказала, что ты расстроился, когда я тебя толкнул. Ты прости.

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Did I upset your plans?

Я расстроил ваши планы?

Sorry if I’ve upset your theories about me, which must be more elaborate, but…

Жаль, что я расстроил ваши теории обо мне, их следует доработать, но…

I, uh, hope I didn’t upset Phillip.

Надеюсь, я не расстроил Филиппа.

You’re not upset.

Ты меня не расстроил.

That fellow Throstle’s been upsetting you.

Этот малый, Трастл, расстроил вас.

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Leave him to his dreams without upsetting him.

Оставь ему его сны, не расстраивайся.

Gladdie, you’re getting yourself all upset, darling.

Глэдди, не расстраивайся, дорогая.

Don’t be upset, David.

Не расстраивайся, Дэвид.

Please don’t look so upset.

Не расстраивайся.

You don’t have to be upset about what such an idiot says, it doesn’t matter to you.

Да не расстраивайся ты из-за того, что ляпнул какой-то дурак. Какая тебе разница!

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I do not want to upset him.

Я не хочу его расстраивать.

I didn’t want to upset him.

Не хотелось его расстраивать.

Sir, I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t upset Vicky so much.

Сэр, я бы попросил не расстраивать Вики.

I know nothing about any murder and stop upsetting my prima donna.

Я не знаю ни о каком убийстве и хватит расстраивать мою примадонну.

I don’t mean to upset you, Emperor, but I don’t think you’ll see the new year.

— Я не хочу расстраивать вас, Императора, но я не думаю, что вы встретите Новый Год.

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I don’t blame you for being upset, but I can explain everything.

Я понимаю, ты сердишься, но я могу все объяснить.

But, why are you getting so upset now?

Но почему ты сейчас сердишься?

Are you upset?

Вы сердишься?

Are you upset?

Ты сердишься?

You’re just a bit upset

— Ты это говоришь, так как сердишься.

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— But I didn’t want to upset you.

Но я не хотел тебя огорчать…

I never wanted to upset her …even if she was mad at me.

Я никогда не хотел её огорчать даже если бы она злилась на меня.

— We can’t upset him or it could be fatal.

— Мы не можем огорчать его, это будет фатально.

You mustn’t let Norman upset you, Billy.

Ты не должен позволять Норману огорчать тебя, Билли.

I don’t want to upset you.

Я не хотел тебя огорчать…

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I was just dreadfully shocked and upset.

Просто я был ошеломлен и огорчен.

The freighter people are furious and Mr. Lampson himself is terribly upset. Of course he is.

Владельцы грузовых суден жутко злятся, а сам мистер Лэмпсон страшно огорчён.

I am very upset too…

Я тоже очень огорчен.

No, no. I’m just as upset as you are.

Нет, милая, я тоже огорчен.

An old pal and an old partner, who wants you to know, number one that he’s ever so upset about all this aggravation you got.

От старого приятеля и старого партнера, который хочет, чтобы вы знали, что, во-первых, он очень огорчен теми неприятностями, в которые вы попали.

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He was doing his residency at Saint Julian’s in the emergency room, upset ’cause he was gonna be a few minutes late for his 9 a.m. shift.

Он ехал на ночное дежурство в больницу Св.Джулиана. В отделение реанимации. Переживал, что не успеет вовремя принять смену.

Son, I know you’re upset because you thought you saw us on TV… saying we didn’t want you in our family…

Сынок: я знаю: ты переживал потому что видел по ТВ, будто мы не хотели твоего возвращения.

I was upset about you!

Я страшно переживал за тебя.

You’d have been upset. You’d have been unhappy, but would have said anything.

Ты бы переживал, но сказал бы кому-нибудь?

Well/// when you left us, I was very upset, and mother too/

В общем… когда ты нас бросил, я очень переживал, и мама.

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Just a drunk in Las Palmas. Nothing to get upset about.

Просто какой-то пьяница в Лас Пальмас, не стоит волноваться.

Veta shouldn’t be upset about me. I get along fine.

Вита не нужно волноваться за меня.

Yes, you can. Otherwise I’ll get upset.

— Ешь, иначе я буду волноваться.

And the Nonsmoker forbid me to get upset.

А Некурящий сказал, мне нельзя волноваться.

— Now, now, petite Do not upset yourself.

Успокойтесь, на надо так волноваться.

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Отправить комментарий

расстройство, осадка, нарушать, расстраивать, расстроенный, опрокинутый


- опрокидывание
- падение
- беспорядок
- крушение (планов и т. п.)
- ссора, размолвка

a bit of an upset with his father — небольшая размолвка с отцом

ещё 6 вариантов


- опрокидывать

to upset a boat — опрокинуть лодку

- опрокидываться

if you don’t sit still, the boat will upset — если вы не будете сидеть спокойно, лодка перевернётся

- расстраивать, нарушать (порядок и т. п.)

to upset everything in the house — перевернуть всё в доме
to upset smb.’s plans — расстроить чьи-л. планы

- полит. подрывать, дестабилизировать
- выводить из душевного равновесия; огорчать

the bad news completely upset him — плохие новости совсем его расстроили

- расстраивать здоровье (особ. желудок)

he ate something that upset him — у него от чего-то расстроился желудок

- нанести неожиданное поражение (в соревнованиях, на выборах и т. п.)

to upset the government — нанести поражение правительству

- тех. обжимать, осаживать


- опрокинутый
- расстроенный; встревоженный

she is upset about her brother going away — она расстроена из-за отъезда своего брата

- ком. установленный, твёрдый

upset price — низшая отправная цена (ниже которой продавец не согласен продавать товар на аукционе)

Мои примеры


to overturn / swamp / upset a boat — перевернуться на лодке  
to upset smb.’s equanimity — расстроить кого-л.  
to upset equilibrium — нарушить равновесие  
to disturb / upset smb.’s metabolism — нарушить обмен веществ  
to upset a rivet — осаживать заклёпку  
to upset smb.’s apple cart — расстраивать чьи-л. планы  
to upset smb.’s stomach — расстраивать чей-л. желудок  
mental upset — психическое расстройство  
upset table — опрокинутый стол  
emotional upset — нервное потрясение  

Примеры с переводом

Don’t get upset.

Не надо расстраиваться.

I’m sorry if I upset you.

Прости, если я тебя расстроил.

This book upset me

Эта книга меня расстроила.

He upset a bowl of soup.

Он опрокинул миску с супом.

He was upset but never let it show.

Он был расстроен, но не показывал виду.

I didn’t mean to upset you.

Я не хотел тебя расстраивать.

Don’t get upset. I was only teasing.

Не расстраивайся. Я просто пошутил.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Don’t do anything that would upset him.

Her victory in the election was a big upset.

It upsets him that he can do nothing to help.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: upset
he/she/it: upsets
ing ф. (present participle): upsetting
2-я ф. (past tense): upset
3-я ф. (past participle): upset

ед. ч.(singular): upset
мн. ч.(plural): upsets

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Look, I’m not trying to Upset you.

Я не пытаюсь… вас расстроить, хочу лишь…

Upset was all they could give us.

«Расстроена» — это всё, что они нам могут сказать.

Upset, yes, but i think that is natural.

Upset from perceived favouritism appears to be long-lasting.

Расстройство от воспринимаемого фаворитизма кажется долгосрочным.

Upset, she fled in tears.

Upset by images of graphic prisoner abuse, protestors demanded justice and promised to continue their protests.

Возмущенные изображениями жестокого обращения с заключенными, протестующие потребовали справедливости и пообещали продолжить свои протесты.

Upset is getting your plane shot out from under you.

Upset wlth this set back, our hero went to get some fresh air.

Расстроенный этим препятствием, наш герой отправился подышать свежим воздухом.

Upset a few characters, though.

She’d been off the last couple of days. Upset.

Upset is only the beginning if you say nothing.

Расстройство может быть только первым этапом, если вы промолчите.

Upset by this, naturally, he decides to do his bit and fight the good fight.

Нарушение этого, естественно, он решает сделать свой бит и бороться с хорошей борьбой.

Upset, she left and as a consequence was kidnapped.

Расстроенная, она уехала и как следствие была похищена.

Upset about being treated like a circus animal?

Неприятие того, что с вами обращаются, как с цирковыми животными?

Upset about what came first, the young woman broke down crying in an interview.

Расстроенная из-за того, что не пришла первой, молодая женщина разрыдалась, давая интервью.

Upset when your friend gets a promotion?

Вы даже злитесь, когда ваш друг получает поощрение.

Upset stomach is one of the side-effects which must be watched for.

Инфекция является одним из побочных эффектов, за которыми нужно следить.

Upset I missed an opportunity to see my friend.

Я чувствую раздражение, если упускаю возможность встретиться с друзьями.

Upset stomach and vomiting that can be earned in the process of abuse, simply will not allow you to eat a lethal dose.

Расстройство желудка и рвота, которые можно заработать в процессе злоупотребления, просто не позволят съесть летальную дозу.

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Now, if rice water can tame an upset tummy in babies, it should work the same way to your dogs, right?


Another primary upset occurred in upstate New York in Albany County.


but i am now over it and know that it was no good to be upset and depressed over not being able to breast feed because my son is extreamly healthy and is thriving on formula.


She was a bit upset that it didn’t feel like Christmas after getting some holiday decor up.


But what are you supposed to do if you don’t have a lot of floor space for your baby to play on his tummy or if your baby seems to be upset every time you put her on the floor?


I will be VERY upset If something happenes to my dog.


Also the Church never got this upset over their peadophile priests but are now outraged over this silly Church rule.


Philadelphia is coming off a 17-16 win that hardly felt like a victory, as they narrowly escaped an upset at the hands of the Cleveland Browns.


But if this balance is upset and you get more free radicals than antioxidant activity, the result is oxidative stress, which ultimately leads to dis-ease.


DS is 5 mos and I started late and we have been at it for 2 weeks and I was getting so upset that I wasn’t even close to a working schedule and DH was getting so aggrivated with my new baby schedule obsession.


No parent is perfect, and we all say things that we don’t mean when we’re upset or angry.


M very upset because my mother suffering from decease which is still could not diagnosed by the doctors from last 6 months at start 6 months before she compliant that she could not pass the food from there esophagus easily.


Here are 15 ways Smallville upset real fans!


While you may think that your cat is misbehaving because she’s upset or spiteful toward you, this is usually not the case.


Also, teach her anger management skills so she can learn how to calm herself down when she’s upset.


Every since we put our girls on Purina Pro Pan Sensitive Stomach we have not had any issues with their skin, or upset stomachs.


Milan fans were understandably very upset with Montolivo and Borini starting after this summer’s spending spree, and them starting on the same side of the field made things a lot worse.


So I know you are upset right now but go ahead and make the payment.


Maryland’s upset victory and subsequent blowout loss typified play during the first two days of the tournament.


Financial analysts and wealth managers warned of an uncertain investment environment after Donald J. Trump’s upset win of the presidential election.


Like a parent whispers in the ear of an upset child, God whispers into our hearts.


I was really upset because my baby (almost 5 months old) hasn’t been sleeping all that well and we had hosted a big play date on Saturday where my older daughter (almost 3 years old) was a bit um, challenging, and I just felt like a failure as a mom.


At the very least, too much human food may give your pet an upset stomach, so it’s best avoided.


The body isn’t meant to digest food while in fight-or-flight mode, so eating junk food while stressed can lead to digestive upset including gas, bloating, stomach pain and constipation.


I immediately became upset and accused Michael of pulling a bait and switch.


I am upset that Curry is hurt though because assuming the conference finals is Spurs vs. Warriors I wanted to see a series for the ages.


The publishers were upset because Amazon seems to control a lot of the ebook market.


Finally I can enjoy pizza without worry of an upset tummy!


So don’t feel upset that your rabbit isn’t telling you anything.


I still think there’s a 1 % chance of a big big upset if we just lace our boots that day.


Patients often experience GI upset if they overdo them… but small amounts should be okay — in occasional treats.


There are no more upset stomachs, itchy skin and they actually want to eat now!


She has never fought fair; she interrupts and talks over me a lot, and when I have gotten or get upset, than it becomes all about my reaction, and never about what she said that I reacted to.


But your refusal to follow the rules gives me a feeling that you are upset, disappointed or angry about something or things that are happening at school or outside and I worry about that.


Native Americans also boiled dandelion in water and took it to treat kidney disease, swelling, skin problems, heartburn, and upset stomach.


Our salesperson was very upset to date on all the different models which made my pick of 500L very quick and easy.


When his toddlers start crying and fussing, sometimes he gets upset, too.


Boston College pulled the upset over NC State yesterday.


For example, a high dose of vitamin C is immediately available for cellular use when you infuse it directly into the veins whereas if you took the same high dose orally, your G.I. system would be extremely upset and there would be a delay between consumption and absorption.


After a meal at a Mexican restaurant, I will typically feel very bloated where eating the same meal prepared at home where I soaked the beans properly before cooking results in no digestive upset whatsoever.


If they do, they will probably wind up with an upset stomach.


Two years ago, Buffalo businessman Carl Paladino cruised to an upset victory over former Rep. Rick Lazio to win the GOP nomination for governor.


The gel can be administered during times of stress in order to ease digestive upset and restore gut health.


«Some dogs can be very sensitive to people’s moods, and they will respond if they know their owner is upset or angry,» Peter L. Borchelt, PhD, a New York — based certified animal behaviorist, tells Health.


This movie did stink; however, becoming this upset about someone questioning whether or not you may have been biased is childish and disgusting for any normal adult.


The judge who will rule on the matter, state Supreme Court Judge Lisa Fisher — who was elected in a 2014 upset running as a Republican — noted at one point that there is «a thin line on whether the court can hear this case.»


A poll finds New Yorkers are upset about recent corruption scandals in Albany, and think that Gov. Andrew Cuomo should take the lead to clean things up.


I have always had an easy to upset stomach.


Simon got butter pecan, his favorite, which their father called the geriatric flavor, but he felt wrong to enjoy it with his sister so upset.


So if you are angry or upset at Him, tell him so.


Synonym: agitate, bother, capsize, confuse, defeat, disturb, fluster, overthrow, overturn, overwhelm, perturb, revolution, ruffle, shake, tip over, trouble, unnerve, unsettle. Similar words: upstairs, glimpse, collapse, set, set off, set out, set up, asset. Meaning: [ʌp’set]  n. 1. an unhappy and worried mental state 2. the act of disturbing the mind or body 3. condition in which there is a disturbance of normal functioning 4. a tool used to thicken or spread metal (the end of a bar or a rivet etc.) by forging or hammering or swaging 5. the act of upsetting something 6. an improbable and unexpected victory. v. 1. disturb the balance or stability of 2. cause to lose one’s composure 3. move deeply 4. cause to overturn from an upright or normal position 5. form metals with a swage 6. defeat suddenly and unexpectedly. adj. 1. afflicted with or marked by anxious uneasiness or trouble or grief 2. thrown into a state of disarray or confusion 3. used of an unexpected defeat of a team favored to win 4. mildly physically distressed 5. having been turned so that the bottom is no longer the bottom. 

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1) Don’t upset the apple-cart.

2) My baby gets upset when I leave the room.

3) Naturally, I get upset when things go wrong.

4) I upset the soup all over the table.

5) He was too upset to be rational.

6) Don’t get so upset about it!

7) After she died I felt very,( very upset.

8) A flurry of wind upset the small boat.

9) A large wave upset the boat.

10) Nothing ever seems to upset him.

11) I have a right to be upset.

12) Don’t let her upset you.

13) I’ve upset a cup of coffee on my shirt.

14) Try not to let him upset you.

15) The last thing I wanted was to upset you.

16) John’s departure had upset their daily routine .

17) The violent motion of the ship upset his stomach.

18) He was deliberately trying to upset her.

19) Argentina’s erratic inflation rate threatens to upset the plans.

20) Don’t be upset;I was only joking.

21) She’s been off work with an upset stomach.

22) She was upset that her husband had not come back.

23) This decision is likely to upset a lot of people.

24) He wasn’t really upset — his behaviour was just a charade.

25) My best friend tells me that I am silly to be upset about this.

26) Oops, I think I made a boo-boo there — I hope she’s not too upset.

27) The mere presence of children in the room is enough to upset him.

28) A steady growth in the popularity of two smaller parties may upset the polls.

29) He went very quiet so I knew he was upset.

30) If you feel extraordinary work not happy, then unemployed flavor will make you more upset; if you think a quiet life is not comfortable, then the pain will make you more pain.

More similar words: upstairs, glimpse, collapse, set, set off, set out, set up, asset, settle, closet, set down, setting, set free, set forth, set back, set about, settle for, set aside, set apart, settle down, set fire to, give rise to, settlement, unsettling. 

Sentences with the word Upset?



  • «troops fleeing in broken ranks»; «a confused mass of papers on the desk»; «the small disordered room»; «with everything so upset«
  • «he used sarcasm to upset his opponent»; «irony is wasted on the stupid»; «Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholders do generally discover everybody’s face but their own»—Jonathan Swift
  • «she could not come because she was too upset«
  • «an editor’s deletions frequently upset young authors»; «both parties agreed on the excision of the proposed clause»
  • «his carelessness could have caused an ecological upset«; «she was unprepared for this sudden overthrow of their normal way of living»
  • «too upset to say anything»; «spent many disquieted moments»; «distressed about her son’s leaving home»; «lapsed into disturbed sleep»; «worried parents»; «a worried frown»; «one last worried check of the sleeping children»
  • «This book upset me»; «A troubling thought»
  • «the term `distress’ connotes some degree of perturbation and emotional upset«; «he looked around for the source of the disturbance»; «there was a disturbance of neural function»
  • «there was too much anger and disturbance»; «she didn’t realize the upset she caused me»
  • «the fixedness of his gaze upset her»
  • «saying `I was not a little upset‘ when you mean `I was very upset‘ is an example of litotes»
  • «These news will only make you more upset«
  • «he was badly bruised by the upset of his sled at a high speed»
  • «the biggest upset since David beat Goliath»
  • «an overturned car»; «the upset pitcher of milk»; «sat on an upturned bucket»
  • «the Bills’ upset victory over the Houston Oilers»
  • «an upset stomach»
  • «The hostile talks upset the peaceful relations between the two countries»
  • «The foreign team upset the local team»
  • «he was visibly upset«

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word upset, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use upset in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «upset».

Upset in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word upset in a sentence.

  1. I was upset about something.

  2. I knew he would be really upset.».

  3. Jan is upset about Frankie’s death.

  4. They upset the life of the people.».

  5. When Peckinpah found out, he was upset.

  6. That same year, Alabama upset Penn 9–7.

  7. You just can’t imagine how upset I was.

  8. This was the biggest upset of the tournament.

  9. Wales defeated Fiji in 21–14 in a major upset.

  10. This caused a traffic jam that further upset Rowe.

  11. This upset the white mob, which expected an apology.

  12. The upset landed the Trojans in’s Bottom 10.

  13. Waters was reportedly deeply upset by the experience.

  14. However, Finland upset the Soviets 2–1 and won silver.

  15. Cowell was upset that Beyoncé chose to record the song.

  16. Some of their names were changed because Bay was upset that they had been leaked.

  17. In what was considered a tremendous upset, the United States defeated Canada 4–1.

  18. This time, Raonic upset Federer in straight sets, winning his eighth career title.

  19. Parsons became visibly upset, and that night began experiencing severe chest pains.

  20. The Flames then upset the Presidents’ Trophy winning Detroit Red Wings in six games.

  21. When Clara was nine years old, Stroud deliberately upset a Ferris wheel car so Clara fell to her death.

  22. The closing match of the first round saw the second final frame decider, after Jones’s upset of Murphy.

  23. Baseball owners were upset with Chandler’s governance, however, and did not renew his contract in 1951.

  24. Boos were heard throughout the race, and some upset fans threw beer cans and water bottles on the track.

  25. Childress and Bowyer were both upset with the penalties and almost immediately announced plans to appeal.

  26. Four years later, Ford defeated Combs in an upset in the Democratic primary en route to the governorship.

  27. Sorabji spoke favourably of the Parsis, though his experiences with them in India in the 1930s upset him.

  28. The previous high came in 1983 when third-ranked Texas pulled off a 20–7 upset versus fifth-ranked Auburn.

  29. One of the notes he left for Milk indicated he was upset about the Anita Bryant and John Briggs campaigns.

  30. Don’t do that’.» Price reportedly became so upset with Reeves that he refused to watch the film’s dailies.

  31. I don’t know.» Gibbs explained that Almirola was frustrated after being taken out of the car: «He’s upset.

  32. McDonald denied claims from team sources that he was upset at not gaining a new role when Button was hired.

  33. Although Chrisye became upset that he could not fully express himself through covers, he continued to work.

  34. In the playoffs, they upset the Kootenay Ice, who finished 19-points ahead of Calgary in the regular season.

  35. Pierce kept quiet so as not to upset his party’s delicate unity, and allowed his allies to run the campaign.

  36. Lindsay and his fellow players were upset by the league’s refusal to let them view the books related to the pension fund.

  37. A police spokesman cited Lady Lucan’s desire not to upset the family as a reason for her non-attendance at the cremation.

  38. They get upset thinking about their spouses and discuss what they meant to them, before falling asleep in the living room.

  39. When McQueen heard this, he became upset and told Bogdanovich that he was going to get someone else to direct The Getaway.

  40. This revelation causes her to question her loyalty to the Dominion and could upset the balance of power within the galaxy.

  41. Francophones were upset Riel was hanged because they thought his execution was a symbol of Anglophone dominance of Canada.

  42. The result did not upset the developers, who felt they had already spent too much time immersed in the James Bond universe.

  43. The VM18 rating upset him, as he believed it was a result of the sexual diversity on display rather than the film’s violence.

  44. He refuses, but when Kira becomes upset, he kisses her and admits he has been thinking about her since their previous meeting.

  45. Scrooge, upset by hearing Belle’s description of the man that he has become, demands that the ghost remove him from the house.

  46. Still upset at the loss of his work, Hemingway had not written since the previous December, but he slowly wrote six new paragraphs, submitting them for the March deadline.

  47. Although she was upset by this news, she decided to continue with the tour; her diary entry for 30 January reads: «My Pappy died peacefully after flu and a slight stroke».

  48. He is most notable for scoring one of the goals in PFC CSKA Moscow’s stunning upset victory over FC Barcelona in the qualifying round of the 1992-93 UEFA Champions League.

  49. Latvia upset Switzerland 3–1 in the qualification playoffs, also making it to the Olympic quarterfinals for the first time, where they were narrowly defeated by Canada 2–1.

  50. Controversy arose before the All-Star game when word surfaced that several veteran players, led by Isiah Thomas, were upset by the amount of attention Jordan was receiving.

Synonyms for upset

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word upset has the following synonyms: broken, confused, disordered, disorganized, disorganised, disquieted, distressed, disturbed, worried, troubled, ill, sick, overturned, upturned, turned, unexpected, derangement, overthrow, disorder, disturbance, perturbation, overturn, turnover, swage, discompose, untune, disconcert, discomfit, disturb, trouble, tip over, turn over, knock over, bowl over and tump ove.

General information about «upset» example sentences

The example sentences for the word upset that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «upset» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «upset».

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • upset [ʌpˈset] прич

    1. расстроенный


  • upset [ʌpˈset] гл

    1. расстраивать, огорчать, расстроить, огорчить, взволновать

      (frustrate, grieve, excite)

      • upset people – огорчать людей
    2. опрокидывать, осаживать, опрокинуть

      (overturn, rebuff)

    3. нарушать, нарушить

      (violate, break)

      • upset the balance – нарушать равновесие
    4. расстроиться, расстраиваться, огорчиться

      (be upset, frustrate, grieve)

    5. беспокоить, волновать


    6. раздражать


    7. обжимать


  • upset [ʌpˈset] сущ

    1. расстройствоср, нарушениеср

      (frustration, disorder)

      • upset stomach – расстройство желудка
    2. огорчениеср


    3. осадкаж


    4. высадкаж


  • upset [ʌpˈset] прил

    1. обидный


расстройство disorder, frustration, upset, disturbance, disorganization, malady
огорчение chagrin, grief, upset, pain, affliction, concern
осадка draft, upset, settlement, setting, sag, sinking
беспорядок mess, disorder, clutter, confusion, chaos, upset
высадка landing, disembarkation, debarkation, upset, debarkment
опрокидывание tilting, capsize, turnover, upset, tumbling, tripping
недомогание malaise, indisposition, ailment, distress, complaint, upset
неожиданное поражение upset
ссора quarrel, row, altercation, contention, bickering, upset
расстраивать upset, unsettle, detune, disturb, thwart, baffle
огорчать grieve, upset, afflict, distress, pain, depress
нарушать violate, break, disturb, infringe, breach, upset
опрокидываться overturn, upset, tip over, topple, tilt, keel over
опрокидывать overturn, upset, tip over, topple, tilt, keel over
осаживать upset, back, pull up, pull in
обжимать squeeze, upset
выводить из равновесия unbalance, upset, overbalance
нарушать пищеварение upset
расстроенный upset, haywire, unnerved, disconcerted, distempered, aggrieved
опрокинутый upset, inverted, capsized, overthrown

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • upset сущ

    • angry · unhappy
    • worry · bother · confuse · disconcert · mess up
    • disturbed
    • nervous
    • distressed
    • disturb · sadden · disrupt · unsettle · derail · discompose · unhinge · disarrange
    • disorder · distress · disturbance · frustration · chagrin · derangement
    • perturbed


  • complaint, disorder, ailment, illness, sickness, malady, bug
  • surprise win, shocker
  • swage
  • overturn
  • derangement, overthrow
  • disturbance, perturbation
  • disorder
  • overturn, turnover


  • distress, trouble, perturb, dismay, disturb, discompose, unsettle, disconcert, disquiet, worry, bother, agitate, fluster, throw, ruffle, unnerve, shake, hurt, sadden, grieve
  • knock over, overturn, upend, tip over, flip, topple (over), spill
  • disrupt, interfere with, disturb, throw out, throw into confusion, throw off balance, mess with/up
  • defeat, beat, topple, surprise, embarrass
  • disturb, trouble
  • swage
  • discomfit, discompose, untune, disconcert
  • overturn, knock over, bowl over, tip over, turn over


  • distressed, troubled, perturbed, dismayed, disturbed, unsettled, disconcerted, worried, bothered, anxious, agitated, flustered, ruffled, unnerved, shaken, unstrung, hurt, saddened, grieved, cut up, choked
  • disturbed, unsettled, queasy, bad, hurting, poorly
  • distressed, worried, disturbed, disquieted
  • overturned, upturned
  • confused, disordered, broken

Предложения со словом «upset»

And then when my mom noticed, she got really upset .

И потом, когда моя мама замечала, она очень огорчалась.

Most of what we write about is human beings doing things and other people getting upset about it.

В основном мы писали о том, как одни люди что — либо делают, а другие расстраиваются по этому поводу.

I feel upset .

Я сильно расстраиваюсь.

Their mother’s still alive, it would make her upset .

Их мать ещё жива, и она расстроится, узнав об этом.

Because there are a lot of upset people, not here at TEDx, I know, but in the United States, my God, after 15 months of campaigning, we should be upset .

Здесь очень много расстроенных людей, нет, не здесь на TEDx, а в США, после 15 месяцев агитации мы должны быть расстроены.

But a lot of people are upset because they say, Washington’s broken, we don’t trust the establishment, we hate the media.

Но много людей расстроены, потому что они говорят: Вашингтон пал, мы не доверяем властям, и ненавидим СМИ.

Insanely upset people could make fatal mistakes in mere minutes.

Чудовищно расстроенные люди способны совершать фатальные ошибки в считанные минуты.

I appreciate that you may be somewhat upset with me.

Я понимаю, что я тебя, наверное, расстроил.

But some people get upset at having to ask their parents for money.

Но некоторых угнетает то, что надо просить деньги у родителей.

I mean if he gets upset with people, it’s because of what’s going on on the plate or in the restaurant.

Я имею в виду, если он сердится на людей, это из — за того, что находится на тарелке или происходит в ресторане.

It didn’t seem upset so much as attentively listening.

Он был не столько взволнован, сколько внимательно слушал.

He’s still upset about the conquest of Opal.

Он все еще не пришел в себя после завоевания Опала.

That’s the fastest way to upset my investors.

Это было бы самым быстрым способом расстроить моих инвесторов.

There are lots of folks in Shanghai that upset the Japanese

Есть много людей в Шанхае, которые расстраивают японцев

You mustn’t let all the shouting upset you.

Ты не должна позволять всем этим крикам расстраивать тебя.

Their various practices didn’t upset or disturb me.

Разнообразные пытки ничуть не огорчали и не раздражали меня.

You mustn’t let Norman upset you, Billy.

Ты не должен позволять Норману огорчать тебя, Билли.

To sum up, it seems that international tourism is a good way of having a rest, but do not be upset if there are some problems with getting a visa.

В завершение, стоит отметить, что международный туризм — отличный способ для расслабления, но не расстраивайтесь, если будут проблемы с получением визы.

I felt upset that there wasn’t our football team.

Я переживал, что наша футбольная команда там не играла.

When I finish reading of a good book I always feel upset because of its fast end.

Заканчивая читать хорошую книгу, я всегда жалею, что она так быстро закончилась.

If I fail my exams I’ll be very upset , but next year I’ll try to enter the University again.

Если я не сдам мои экзамены я очень расстроюсь, но в следующем году я постараюсь поступить в университет еще раз.

I wondered why if an Englishman is upset or gloomy he does not say: I have a bad mood like Russians do but says: I feel blue.

Мне было интересно, почему когда англичанин расстроен и подавлен, он не скажет, как русские: У меня плохое настроение, а скажет: Я чувствую себя унылым.

Mommy’s just upset because some silly man played a bad joke.

Мама просто расстроена, потому что какой — то глупец нехорошо пошутил.

Astonishment had given way to anger and embarrassment, and she was so upset tears came to her eyes.

Искреннее изумление сменилось гневом и смущением Лорен так расстроилась, что на глазах выступили слезы.

It would upset our economy, and we place the comfort and security of today above the safety of tomorrow.

Относительную стабильность сегодняшней жизни мы ставим выше завтрашней безопасности.

Anything that might have upset her or caused her to change her routine?

Что — то, что могло расстроить её или заставить изменить свои планы?

Gert kept all that worry to herself, because she didn’t want to upset Tommy.

Герт держит все тревоги при себе, потому что не хочет расстраивать Томми.

I didn’t want to hurt you, and I didn’t mean to upset your father.

Я не хотела тебя обижать, и я не хотела расстраивать твоего отца.

I don’t want to lose him, but I wouldn’t upset them, either.

Я не хочу его потерять, и детей расстраивать не собираюсь.

Twice we were saved from total disaster only by timely intervention by our spotters when she started to get particularly upset .

Дважды только своевременное вмешательство наших наблюдателей спасло нас от полной катастрофы, когда она особенно расстраивалась.

I hope that the Daleks will not suffer any more setbacks which could upset the plans for our conquest of the universe.

Я надеюсь, что Далеки больше не допустят провалов, которые сорвали бы планы нашего завоевания вселенной.

I could see she was getting upset , tried to push him away.

Я видел, что она расстроилась, пыталась оттолкнуть его.

She didn’t care about them a bit, and it upset them terribly.

Она относилась к ним с полнейшим безразличием, и это их ужасно огорчало.

But you’re just upset about Stuart and your mom and all their HBOs.

Ты просто огорчен из — за Стюарда с мамой и их сериальчиков.

He now knew that his human brothers could suffer intense emotion without any permanent damage, nevertheless Smith was wistfully sorry that he had been the cause of such upset in Jubal.

Смит знал, что люди легко переносят сильные чувства, тем не менее огорчение Джабла печалило его.

Afraid Mommy and Daddy at Lockhart Gardner might get upset ?

Боитесь, что мамочка и папочка из Локхард и Гарднер могут расстроиться?

You don’t wanna upset the vendor and risk your commission.

Вы не хотите расстраивать поставщика и рисковать своими комиссионными.

He said that you’re upset about the air time you’re getting.

Что вы недовольны эфирным временем, которое вам дают.

MacAllister, who had often remonstrated against the foolishness of puritanical ideals, seemed particularly upset by the arrangement.

Макаллистер, который нередко протестовал против глупости пуританских воззрений, похоже, преднамеренно толковал эту договоренность крайне превратно.

But now Mary is so convinced of your power, that she’s ready to upset the line of succession.

Но сейчас Мария так убеждена в твоей силе что готова нарушить порядок наследования.

She’s obviously upset about Dad’s complete disregard for her and her mom.

Она точно расстроилась из — за папиного безразличия по отношению к ней и её матери.

And the Yankees are very upset because so many uppity darkies have been killed recently.

А янки очень злятся, потому что в последнее время убили не одного черномазого нахала.

Allie was upset because her papa hadn’t tucked her baby under the covers just right.

Элли очень расстроилась из — за того, что папа не правильно уложил под одеяло ее ребеночка.

My sister Jill would be throwing up over the side and Dad would be upset because nobody helped.

Мою сестру Джил тошнит за борт а папа всегда расстраивается, что ему никто не помогает.

And then she gets upset because feels like a failure, and it’s like a cycle.

Она расстраивается, потому что терпит неудачу, такой замкнутый круг.

I guess I didn’t know that that would upset you because you don’t actually ever really share anything with me.

Я не знала, что ты расстроишься, потому что ты никогда мне ничего не рассказываешь.

She seemed a bit upset over the accident to the Daigle boy.

Она кажется немного расстроилась после несчастного случая с мальчиком Деиглов.

I’m concerned that his constant visits to Olivia are a source of upset for James. Your incessant need to interfere.

Меня беспокоит, что его частые визиты к Оливии огорчают Джеймса.

You’re just upset because Louis didn’t pay your ridiculous franchise fee.

Вы просто расстроены потому что Луис не заплатил ваш смешной сбор за франшизу.

We have moved her into one of the carriages in the next coach, but she is still very much upset as the result of her discovery.

Мы перевели ее в соседний вагон, но она никак не может оправиться после своей находки.

He would be really awfully upset if anything happened to me.

И он будет ужасно расстроен, если со мной что — то случится.

Your chart indicates a major cosmic shift that might upset your tummy.

Твой график показывает космические сдвиги, от которых у тебя может заболеть желудок.

My keen sense of perception is giving me the impression that you are upset .

Мое острое чувство восприятия подсказывает, что ты расстроена.

Comfortable, upset that he’s got to drive such a big behemoth.

Комфортно и грустно от того, что приходится ехать на таком большом бегемоте.

She was thinking, indeed, to purposes that would have upset him.

А она и правда была погружена в мысли, которые его сильно встревожили бы.

We just cried and screamed and we didn’t hurt him because we were afraid to get him upset .

Мы просто плакали и кричали и не сделали ему больно потому что боялись разозлить.

Don’t be upset if she seems a little stern or surly.

Не расстраивайся, если она покажется тебе немного строгой и сердитой.

He thought she was upset because he had not tried to seduce her.

Он считал причиной ее расстройства, что он не попытался ее соблазнить.

So you’re upset because a critic didn’t like the Daphne Theater Company’s revival of A Doll’s House?

Вы расстроены, потому что какому — то критику не понравилась новая версия Кукольного домика от Театра Дафни?

i’m upset ’cause that salesgirl just walked away with my sex life.

Я расстроена, потому как эта продавщица ушла и унесла с собой всю мою половую жизнь.

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Used with adverbs:

«His comments left her very upset.«
(very, extremely, really, terribly, deeply, seriously, greatly)

«He gets easily upset over everything.«

«They are clearly upset over their loss.«
(clearly, obviously, understandably, visibly)

«I am truly upset by your mean words.«
(truly, honestly)

Used with verbs:

«He sounds upset about her choice.«
(sounds, seems, appears, looks, be: is/am/are)

«Are you going to remain upset all day?«
(remain, stay)

«Why are you getting upset over this?«
(be + getting, be + becoming)

«You made her very upset.«
(made, left)

Used with prepositions:

«He is upset about not getting a promotion.«

«She is very upset with me.«
(with, at)

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