Sentences with word upon

на, по, после, в, о, за, об, относительно, во время, из, у, в течение, касательно


- после глаголов to count, to depend, to look, to be, to stand, to stay и др. и после прилагательного confident:

- при употреблении предлога в конце предложения:

he is not to be relied upon — на него нельзя положиться
he had nothing to live upon — ему не на что было жить
what does he insist upon? — на чём он настаивает?

- в выражениях, указывающих на интенсивность действия или повторения за

to write letter upon letter [petition upon petition] — писать письмо за письмом [прошение за прошением]
loss upon loss — потеря за потерей

- указывает на движение наверх или нахождение наверху (заменяет up on):

upon a mountain — на горе
to get upon a roof — взобраться на крышу
he jumped upon the horse — он вскочил на коня

- в некоторых географических названиях на:

Мои примеры


an assault upon traditional values — нападки на традиционные ценности  
binding upon both parties — обязательный для обеих сторон  
to call upon — предоставлять слово  
to do smth. under / upon compulsion — сделать что-л. по принуждению  
count upon a statute — ссылка на закон  
on / upon demobilization — после демобилизации  
to depend upon smb. for advice — зависеть от чьего-л. мнения, совета  
to be upon the die — быть поставленным на карту  
to dilate on / upon smth. — пространно говорить о чём-л.  
to have a disadvantageous effect upon smb. — оказывать неблагоприятное воздействие на кого-л.  
to throw discredit upon smth. — подвергать что-л. сомнению  

Примеры с переводом

Winter is almost upon us.

Зима уже совсем близко.

She was seated upon a throne.

Её посадили на трон.

We are completely dependent upon your help.

Мы полностью зависим от вашей помощи.

Kingston upon Thames


He carefully placed the vase upon the table.

Он осторожно поставил вазу на стол.

Burton upon Trent


Brandon threw him upon the ground.

Брэндон швырнул его на землю.

That kind of behavior is frowned upon.

Такого рода поведение не одобряется.

She was admitted to his office immediately upon her arrival.

Её пустили к нему в кабинет, как только она пришла.

They built their city upon a cliff overlooking the sea.

Они построили свой город на отвесной скале, возвышающейся над морем.

upon — перевод на русский


And finally when you take LSD it is a drug more than any other that I know which is dependent upon your own expectations of it and the setting that you’re in when you take it

зависит от собственных ожиданий и окружающей обстановки, в которой вы находитесь, когда принимаете его. 1968-му году, предположительно около миллиона американцев пробовали Ћ—ƒ.

Everything depends upon news from Manchester.

Да. Всё зависит от того, что скажут в Манчестере.

It all depends upon what you’re asking, boys.

Зависит от того,сколько вы заломите.

I’m not giving an order, reverent lady But you have to understand that the fate of the country depends upon you.

Я не приказываю, ясновельможная пани. Но Вы должны понять, что судьба страны зависит от Вас.

Our success depends upon the precision with which each man carries out his assignment.

Наш успех зависит от точности, с которой каждый выполняет свои задания.

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It has been sworn before you as truth .. That upon one occasion, the defendant cried aloud in a public square:

Свидетели показали под присягой, что однажды подсудимый выкрикнул на площади…

Once upon a time, hundreds of years ago,

Однажды, сотни лет назад,

You see, once upon a time, in a different age… in a different age and such a different world…

Однажды, в другое время, в другом мире я любил.

If the assassination could trammel up the consequence, and catch with his surcease success, that but this blow might be the be-all and the end-all here, but here, upon this bank and shoal of time, we’ld jump the life to come.

Могло, учтя все следствия, поймать Один успех, когда бы мой удар Однажды навсегда решал бы всё — Хоть только здесь, на берегу времён,— О будущей бы жизни я не думал.

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I’ve brought hundreds of those little fellas into the world once upon a time.

Я сотни таких принимал. Когда-то.

I believe we were rich once upon atime… because my grandfather was a carpet merchant.

Думаю, когда-то мы были богаты, потому что мой дедушка торговал коврами.

He had the gift too, once upon a time.

У него тоже когда-то был дар.

Once upon a time there was a lumberjack a poor lumberjack living with his family in the deep of the woods.

Был когда-то лесоруб. Бедный дровосек жил со своей семьёй в глубине леса.

— Yes, once upon a time.

— Да, когда-то очень давно.

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Now, why don’t you start your story with, «Once upon a time…»

Почему бы Вам не начать историю так, «Давным-давно…»

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a tiny kingdom,

Когда-то давным-давно…

Once upon a time there was a little boy.

Давным-давно был маленький мальчик.

Once upon a time… a long, long time ago… there was a mystical city, Tar.

Давным-давно … В стародавние времена… Был на свете таинственный город, Тар.

Once upon a time in southern Lombardy where Tuscan is spoken there was a convent famous for its chastity and piety…

Давным-давно в Ломбардии, в краю, где говорят на тосканском наречии, был монастырь, знаменитый целомудрием и набожностью.

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— I insist upon Flanders!

— Я настаиваю на Фландрии!

It’s classified, I’m afraid, sir. — Then I insist upon staying.

— Тогда я тем более настаиваю на том, чтобы остаться!

Commander, as a precautionary measure, I insist upon restraint.

Командер,я настаиваю на сдержанности.

You seem to forget that you are not in a position to insist upon anything.

Вы забываете, что находитесь не в том положении, чтобы настаивать на чем-то.

I shall write to him and insist upon his coming down here.

Я напишу ему письмо в котором буду настаивать на его приезде сюда.

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Once upon a time there was a school teacher of song a kind and gentle soul was he.

font color-«#e1e1e1″Жил да был учитель font color-«#e1e1e1″школьный пения— font color-«#e1e1e1″Добрую и благородную душу он имел.

Once upon a time there was an old man… whose treasure… nine sons, fair and sturdy…

Жил когда-то старик… и было у него… девять сыновей, пригожих да выносливых… его семя…

…Once upon a time there was and old man whose treasure nine sons, fair and sturdy…

…Жил когда-то старик, и было у него девять сыновей, пригожих да выносливых…

Once upon a time… there was a person called Harry or SteppenWolf that was his name.

Жил некогда некто по имени Гарри, по прозвищу Степной волк.

Once upon a time, there lived a good king. He had two daughters.


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But I give you my personal guarantee that as long as I walk upon this Earth, no harm will come to any of my citizens.

Но я лично вам гарантирую, что пока я хожу по этой Земле, никому из моих граждан не будет причинён вред.

I could have been running around like a bloody chicken… — with my head bouncing upon the ground in front of me-

И я бы бегал вокруг как цыпленок… С оторванной головой, скачущей по земле у меня перед ногами

No grave upon the earth shall clip in it A pair so famous.

И на земле не будет другой такой могилы, где бы покоилась столь славная чета.

This creature walks upon the Earth.

Это существо и сейчас бродит по Земле.

Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl upon the Earth!

Сатану… и всех злых духов, которые бродят по Земле!

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My dear, during the eight years when I’ve been you concubine… ah, please! when we’ve been living our great love, I’ve seen you eating, drinking, sleeping, snoring, but never thinking, upon my word!

Дорогой мой, в течение восьми лет нашего совместного проживания, ах, прошу вас,— дорогой наш, я видела, что вы едите, пьете, спите, храпите, но что думаете — никогда; клянусь.

And, upon my life, fast asleep.

И, клянусь жизнью, она в глубочайшем сне.

Upon my honor, passion flower.

Клянусь честью, любовь моя.

Upon my life, she finds, although I cannot… myself to be a marvelous proper man.

Клянусь, хоть это мне и непонятно, я для нее мужчина хоть куда.

Aye, on my life… and hopes to find you forward upon his party for the gain thereof.

Клянусь, что да. Он думает, что сразу вы станете сторонником его, и потому вам добрую шлёт весть:

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Once upon a time, there was a horse.

Однажды жила-была лошадь.

Once upon a time, there was a little lady stockholder…

Давным-давно, жила-была неприметная леди-акционер…

Once upon a time there was a fairy princess named Lisa. And she had two very good friends, who shall remain nameless.

Жила-была принцесса по имени Лиза, и у неё было два очень хороших друга, имена которых называть мы не будем.

Once upon a time there was a sweet, innocent girl named Red—

Однажды жила-была милая, невинная девочка по имени Красная…

Once upon a time there was a land which had as capital Belgrado.

Жила-была одна земля, и столица ее была Белград.

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I now call upon you to kneel in sign of fealty.

Я призываю вас преклонить колени в знак верности мне.

In the name of France, I call upon all able-bodied natives… of the masculine sex… wishing to volunteer to support France for the duration of hostilities.

От имени Франции я призываю всех здоровых туземцев мужского пола чтобы поддержать Францию во время военных действий.

I call upon you in the name of Father Lankester Merrin.

Я призываю вас от имени Ланкастора Меррина.

I call upon the ancient power

Я призываю древнюю силу,

I call upon Cardassians everywhere.

Я призываю всех кардассианцев.

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Those recommendations were being acted upon.

В настоящее время эти рекомендации рассматриваются на предмет принятия по ним решения.

Because then salvation still depends upon your performance.

Потому что, в таком случае, спасение всё ещё зависит от Ваших дел.

Letters upon divers subjects concerning religion and metaphysics.

Ч. I. Содержащая в себе письма о разных предметах Метафизики и Религии.

This making depends as much upon ‘touch’ as upon stored knowledge.

Этот процесс настолько же зависит от прикосновения, насколько и от собранного знания.

But when the invasion is distant and extensive territories intervene, its success will depend more upon diplomacy than upon strategy.

Но когда вторжение происходит в отдаленном месте и интервенции подвергаются обширные территории, успех будет больше зависеть от дипломатии, чем от стратегии.

The masters of this world and their guard dogs impose their terms upon my life, forcing predetermined associations upon me.

Хозяева этого мира и их сторожевые собаки навязывают мне свои условия жизни, навязывая мне заранее определённые связи.

In raising these questions we look upon restriction of production as we look upon taxes.

The basic tenets enumerated above draw upon discussions in various forums and upon norms already accepted although not always respected.

Базовые принципы, перечисленные выше, основываются на результатах обсуждений на различных форумах и на уже принятых, но не всегда соблюдаемых нормах.

I have touched upon only a limited part of the efforts focusing upon human security.

Я коснулся лишь ограниченного круга усилий, сосредоточенных на безопасности человека.

No such limitation is enjoined upon the allocation of funds for the performance of the tasks incumbent upon government activities.

На распределение средств для выполнения задач, возникающих в ходе деятельности правительства, таких ограничений не накладывается.

Our enmity is transient, depending upon our masters; but your merit has stamped upon my heart the greatest admiration for yourself.

Вражда наша временна и зависит от воли наших хозяев; но достоинство ваше запечатлено в моем сердце величайшим восхищением.

They only replicate and expand upon an existing idea or build upon it, for instance, franchise business.

Они только повторить и расширить существующую идею или построить на нем, например, франшизы бизнес.

How dare you bring this upon my house, upon my grandson.

Как вы смели явиться в мой дом… Впутать моего внука.

This depends upon the symptomatology of the the morphology of the structure and is a subject that can be predicated upon speculation or rhetoric.

Это зависит от симптоматики морфологии структуры и является предметом, который может основываться на спекуляции или риторике.

In principle, RBP controls upon privatized firms should be the same as those upon any other firm.

В принципе, контроль за ОДП приватизированных фирм должен быть таким же, как и в случае любой другой фирмы.

When the Athenians established the new political system, founded upon territory and upon property, the government was a pure democracy.

Когда афиняне учредили новую политическую систему, основанную на территории и собственности, правление было чисто демократическим.

We recall the tragedy of the Second World War and the unprecedented suffering it inflicted upon various peoples and upon all of humanity.

Мы вспоминаем трагедию второй мировой войны, неслыханные страдания, причиненные ею различным народам и всему человечеству.

The IMF loan is contingent upon the enforcement of deep cuts to crucial gas subsidies depended upon by millions of Ukrainians.

Кредит МВФ будет выдан после вступления в силу глубоких сокращений важнейших газовых субсидий, от которых зависят миллионы украинцев.

That was an assassination attempt. either upon you or upon the queen.

Это была попытка покушения на вас или вашу Королеву.

If requested, adult learners are picked up upon arrival to Ireland and/or dropped off upon their return.

При необходимости, взрослые учащиеся подбирают по прибытии в Ирландию и/ или высадили после их возвращения.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат upon

Результатов: 182175. Точных совпадений: 182175. Затраченное время: 247 мс


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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200


He carefully placed the vase upon the table.

They built their city upon a cliff overlooking the sea.

She was seated upon a throne.

an assault upon traditional values

She was admitted to his office immediately upon her arrival.

That kind of behavior is frowned upon.

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Recent Examples on the Web

Scott carved out a role in Auburn’s secondary, playing predominantly in the slot at nickel while becoming one of the Tigers’ most replied-upon and productive defensive backs.

Tom Green |, al, 20 Mar. 2023

These are insights that companies can then act upon accordingly.

Rebecca Perrault, Forbes, 16 Mar. 2023

And programmatic, which in its earliest days was something looked upon with disdain by big media companies because it was sold by an outside party, is now seen as more necessary than ever.

Brian Steinberg, Variety, 1 Mar. 2023

Robinson movingly described the strength Champagne-Hachey drew upon.

John Hilliard,, 21 Feb. 2023

Surveillance video of his treatment in the Henrico County jail and at Central State Hospital shows Otieno partially naked at points, punched at and finally piled upon by sheriff’s deputies and hospital workers for 11 minutes.

Salvador Rizzo, Washington Post, 25 Mar. 2023

The five-year extension of New START that President Biden and Mr. Putin agreed upon in the first month of the Biden presidency is the only one permitted under the agreement, which was negotiated during Mr. Obama’s tenure.

David E. Sanger, New York Times, 21 Feb. 2023

The Prize has evolved over the past few years, many of its changes brought upon by the pandemic.

José Criales-unzueta, Vogue, 16 Feb. 2023

Agreed-upon plans were formed as the city sought to shut down its COVID-19 era mass care operations for the homeless, including Sullivan Arena.

Emily Goodykoontz, Anchorage Daily News, 13 Aug. 2022

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘upon.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

The study of the differentiation of protoplasm was at that time seldom undertaken, and no particular attention was paid either to fixing it, to enable staining methods to be accurately applied to it, or to studying the action of chemical reagents upon it.

Yet this very aristocracy, whose claim to consideration was based not upon its own achievements but upon the length of its pedigrees, insisted upon an amplification of its privileges which endangered the economical and political interests of the state and the nation.

The supply of some of the most valuable, such as sable, silver and natural black fox, sea otter and ermine, which are all taken from animals of a more or less shy nature, does very gradually decrease with persistent hunting and the encroachment of man upon the districts where they live, but the climate of these vast regions is so cold and inhospitable that the probabilities of man ever permanently inhabiting them in numbers sufficient to scare away or exterminate the fur-bearing wild animals is unlikely.

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But the insistence of idealist writers upon the relation of the world of nature to conscious intelligence, and especially to a universal consciousness realizing itself throughout the history of individuals, rendered it alike impossible to deny altogether some influence of environment upon character, and to regard the history of individual willing selves as consisting in isolated and unconnected acts of.

If the nuisance arises from the absence or defective construction of any structural convenience, or if there is no occupier of the premises, the notice must be served upon the owner.

His mother’s brother, William Ayscough, the rector of Burton Coggles, the next parish, was a graduate of Trinity College, Cambridge, and when he found that Newton’s mind was wholly devoted to mechanical and mathematical problems, he urged upon Mrs Smith the desirability of sending her son to his own college.

Potassium nitrate was used at one time in many different diseased conditions, but it is now never administered internally, as its extremely depressant action upon the heart is not compensated for by any useful properties which are not possessed by many other drugs.

From the beginning of his reign he had been accumulating money, mainly for his own security against intrigues and conspiracies, and avarice had grown upon him with success.

We can account for this only by emphasizing the fact that the form of Caesar’s government became as time went on more undisguised in its absolutism, while the honours conferred upon him seemed designed to raise him above the rest of humanity.

A benefice is avoided or vacated — (1) by death; (2) by resignation, if the bishop is willing to accept the resignation: by the In cumbents’ Resignation Act 1871, Amendment Act 188 7, any clergyman who has been an incumbent of one benefice continuously for seven years, and is incapacitated by permanent mental or bodily infirmities from fulfilling his duties, may, if the bishop thinks fit, have a commission appointed to consider the fitness of his resigning; and if the commission report in favour of his resigning, he may, with the consent of the patron (or, if that is refused, with the consent of the archbishop) resign the cure of souls into the bishop’s hands, and have assigned to him, out of the benefice, a retiring-pension not exceeding one-third of its annual value, which is recoverable as a debt from his successor; (3) by cession, upon the clerk being instituted to another benefice or some other preferment incompatible with it; (4) by deprivation and sentence of an ecclesiastical court; under the Clergy Discipline Act 1892, an incumbent who has been convicted of offences against the law of bastardy, or against whom judgment has been given in a divorce or matrimonial cause, is deprived, and on being found guilty in the consistory court of immorality or ecclesiastical offences (not in respect of doctrine or ritual), he may be deprived or suspended or declared incapable of preferment; (5) by act of law in consequence of simony; (6) by default of the clerk in neglecting to read publicly in the church the Book of Common Prayer, and to declare his assent thereto within two months after his induction, pursuant to an act of 1662.

These domestic Fairies _kept their marriages upon the same day_ as the Human Beings; _their children were born upon the same day_; and _upon the same day they wailed for their dead. ❋ Various (N/A)

For it is of the nature of love when confronted by two alternatives one of which lays the stress upon personal advantage and the other _upon love itself_ apart from any personal advantage, whether one’s own or another’s, to choose, as the assumption upon which it shall live, the latter of these two alternatives. ❋ John Cowper Powys (1917)

“I think it depends upon yourself, ” said Siward, “upon your capacity for being, or for making people believe you to be exactly what they require. ❋ Unknown (1899)

I pass one or two points I have, because my time will very soon expire; but I must be allowed to say that Judge Douglas recurs again, as he did upon one or two other occasions, to the enormity of Lincoln, —an insignificant individual like Lincoln, —upon his ipse dixit charging a conspiracy upon a large number of members of Congress, the Supreme Court, and two Presidents, to nationalize slavery. ❋ Unknown (1897)

Its burden rests, not upon the unfortunate individual who has become tuberculous, but _upon the community_ which, by its ignorance, its selfishness, and its greed, has done much to make him so. ❋ Woods Hutchinson (1896)

In the book of Daniel the hand that traces the warning words upon the walls of Belshazzar’s palace traces them «_upon the plaster of the wall_» (DANIEL v. 5). ❋ Georges Perrot (1873)

You must either build upon Christ or fall over Him; you must either build _upon_ Christ, or be crushed to powder _under_ Him. ❋ Alexander Maclaren (1868)

The prayer of the Psalmist that this beauty may be _upon_ us conceives of it as given to us from above and as coming floating down from heaven, like that white Dove that fell upon Christ’s head, fair and meek, gentle and lovely, and resting on our anointed heads, like a diadem and an aureole of glory. ❋ Alexander Maclaren (1868)

Our Lord, however, does not merely bid us not to lay up treasure upon earth; for if he had said no more, this his commandment might be abused, and persons might find in it an encouragement for their extravagant habits, for their love of pleasure, for their habit of spending everything they have, or can obtain, _upon themselves_. ❋ George M��ller (1851)

Wishing, therefore, Lorenzo speedily to purchase a small bronze figure of him, from the celebrated large one at Rotterdam, and to place the same upon a copy of his first edition of the _Greek Testament_ printed _upon vellum_, [301] by way of ❋ Thomas Frognall Dibdin (1811)

Cleary upon the hustings at Westminster was a _forgery_; and not only sending me a copy of the New York paper, wherein he had declared this letter to be a forgery, but _authorizing_ ME, nay, _urging_ ME to pronounce it to be a forgery, which, _upon the faith of his word_, I did, at a meeting at the Crown and Anchor, where Cleary produced the letter. ❋ Henry Hunt (1804)

The district of Ongole produced annually, upon a medium of many years, 90,000 pagodas; but Lord Macartney, _upon receiving a sum of money from Ramchundry_ [73] let it out to him, in ❋ Edmund Burke (1763)

II. vii.125 (271,1) [And take upon command what help we have] It seems necessary to read, _then take upon_ demand _what help_, &c. that is, ❋ Samuel Johnson (1746)

V. iv.51 (333,7) [found the quarrel was upon the seventh cause] So all the copies; but it is apparent from the sequel that we must read, _the quarrel was_ not _upon the seventh cause_. ❋ Samuel Johnson (1746)

_Resolved_, «That the President be authorized to afford Mr. Morse such facilities as may be requisite to give his invention a proper trial upon the Washington road, provided in his opinion and in that of the engineer it can be done without injury to the road and without embarrassment to the operations of the company, and provided Mr. Morse will concede to the company the use of the telegraph upon the road without expense, and reserving to the company the right of discontinuing the use if, _upon experiment_, it should prove _in any manner injurious_.» ❋ Various (N/A)

The chief gave me very plainly to understand that the mountaineers, being dependent upon others for bread and gunpowder (the two great necessaries of martial life), could not long hold out against a power which occupied the plains and commanded the sea; but he also assured me, and that very significantly, that if this source of weakness were provided against, _the mountaineers were to be depended upon_; he told me that in ten or fifteen days the chiefs could bring together some fifty thousand fighting men. ❋ Alexander William Kinglake (1850)

[Illustration: _They threw their garments upon the ground for Jesus to ride upon_] «Hosanna to the son of David! ❋ Logan [Editor] Marshall (N/A)

«This coming together to-night may justify the remark that satire upon the proverbial caution of candidates in expressing an opinion _upon any subject_ was perhaps never better illustrated than in the incident now to be related. ❋ Unknown (1874)

The priest was required to dip his right finger in the oil that was in his left hand and to put it upon the tip of the right ear, upon the thumb of the right hand, and upon the great toe of the right foot of him that was to be cleansed, the oil «_upon {89} the blood of the trespass-offering_» (Lev. ❋ Unknown (1865)

«You needn’t bother with that,» was his tart response like the panda, he can be less cuddly than he looks when a Daily Telegraph interviewer thrust the label upon him a few years ago. ❋ Matthew Norman (2011)

Her [opinion] WILL be heard on anything that she [cares] about enough to [comment] upon. ❋ Laurariea Jasmine Adairra (2006)

When they had [all you can eat crab] legs at the club, [I was all] upons.
Check my new car, the ladies will be [all upons]. ❋ JaimeK (2007)

mother: Evan, please get your sit-upon off the floor, I can’t pass with [the laundry] basket; you’re in the middle of the bloody hallway.
Evan: [go back to your cave]. Can’t you see I’m playing [transformers]?. ❋ Sexydimma (2012)

1. Me and A-ron were festered upon when his grandma tossed the kitchen trash at us.
2. I was having a quiet [smokeout] when some crazy bitch festered upon me and my [homedogs] by [lecturing] us. ❋ J-Fizz (2005)

Drop that [badge] and I’ll meet [you out] front for [an agreed upon] ❋ TurboBro (2020)

after 28 [yrs] of [mis] direction i stumble upon [taoism] n it changed my life forever! ❋ Annua (2009)

I [spent] [36 hours] on Stumble Upon. ❋ MeowMixMuncher (2009)

It rained upon [the fields] until they were [flooded]. [Rain upon] mostly used in passive (rained upon)
) ❋ Aziz Iniesta (2014)

When someone has been [farted] or defecated on. [Jimmy] farted on [James’s] face James has now been Browned Upon ❋ Robo Snoopo (2019)

As [Harry] is a [skilled] [pussy-licker], his lips are often spewed upon by the subject of his sucking. ❋ Fraülein K (2012)

Definition of Upon

a formal form of the word ‘on’

Examples of Upon in a sentence

Upon receipt of this document, please give me a call to let me know it has made it to you.


Upon the king’s arrival, several of the courtyard singers burst out into song.


My mother drew upon her mother’s knowledge of cooking to create a fabulous meal.


Late at night, the police happened upon a robbery that was taking place at the local bank.


The man was someone you could depend upon and was always willing to lend a helping hand.


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1  I followed, however, with many other officers who were in the same situation as myself, and succeeded in reaching Candahar in safety, where I found my regiment, and at once entered upon my new duties.

A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan Doyle

2  Had he discovered a gold mine, greater delight could not have shone upon his features.

A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan Doyle

3  Criminal cases are continually hinging upon that one point.

A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan Doyle

4  His linen or clothes are examined, and brownish stains discovered upon them.

A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan Doyle

5  So desirable in every way were the apartments, and so moderate did the terms seem when divided between us, that the bargain was concluded upon the spot, and we at once entered into possession.

A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan Doyle

6  My health forbade me from venturing out unless the weather was exceptionally genial, and I had no friends who would call upon me and break the monotony of my daily existence.

A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan Doyle

7  He had himself, in reply to a question, confirmed Stamford’s opinion upon that point.

A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan Doyle

8  Depend upon it there comes a time when for every addition of knowledge you forget something that you knew before.

A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan Doyle

9  He said that he would acquire no knowledge which did not bear upon his object.

A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan Doyle

10  I enumerated in my own mind all the various points upon which he had shown me that he was exceptionally well-informed.

A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan Doyle

11  After walks has shown me splashes upon his trousers, and told me by their colour and consistence in what part of London he had received them.

A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan Doyle

12  I see that I have alluded above to his powers upon the violin.

A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan Doyle

13  There are marks of blood in the room, but there is no wound upon his person.

A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan Doyle

14  As for myself, I was silent, for the dull weather and the melancholy business upon which we were engaged, depressed my spirits.

A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan Doyle

15  The latter looked out with three tiers of vacant melancholy windows, which were blank and dreary, save that here and there a «To Let» card had developed like a cataract upon the bleared panes.

A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan Doyle

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