Sentences with word unable

If Chrome window is maximized, the video frame will be cut in half making the reader unable to watch the video in full frame.


Consequently, as toxins accumulate, cells are unable to function properly resulting in various metabolic and infectious problems.


Staff at many schools feel defensive and demoralized as a result of being unable to meet standards that they


I see Jesus weeping for the poor, lonely single mother who is unable to provide for her children.


Egg Donation is an effective treatment not only for women unable to conceive with their own eggs but also for Single Men and Gay male couples.


Equally, Real Madrid have been unable to build on from last season’s success, as the team has been dropping far too many points.


In addition to this, many companies that issue cryptocurrencies are still unable to provide a means for their token holders to actually use their tokens.


Expert scientific opinion has repeatedly reaffirmed that the presence of antibiotic resistance genes in GM foods is unable to change the level of antibiotic resistance present in gut bacteria (Bennett PM and others 2004, EFSA 2004, Salyers A (n.d.), van den Eede and others 2004).


For example, teachers said that many students were unable to analyze what they read, did not like to write, responded to questions with incomplete answers, and had difficulty learning vocabulary.


Out-of-the-body gene therapy has already been used to treat severe combined immunodeficiency — also referred to as SCID or boy-in-the-bubble syndrome — where patients are unable to fight infection and die in childhood.


In this relatively common condition, a person is unable to digest milk and dairy products, and if a child ate yogurt,…


Built for the PSVR Move controllers, you are unable to turn less than 180 degrees,


They were unable to conduct further research as the entire focus had to be given to the Manhattan project during the World War 2 for making nuclear weapons and other radioactive materials [1].


Cole and his mother are unable to talk to each other.


P.S. I was unable to respond to your comment on my post today since you’re a no-reply blogger * tear *, but thanks for the compliment on my dress!


We reserve the right to ask a child to be picked up from camp for the day or for the remainder of the week if they are unable to meet these expectations.


Tadic, who hadn’t scored since grabbing the winner against Manchester United two months ago, nearly saw his effort saved by Thibaut Courtois, but the Belgian was ultimately unable to keep it out.


Ok, so there seems to be some very quick nasty assumptions here… Ones with the idea of if you hate your animals you should never reproduce because in their opinion you will be unable to feel affection for the creature you give birth to… Well, I would just like to say, I am an animal lover, I always have been.


Since the underlying index value and IIV are not calculated or widely disseminated during extended hours trading sessions, an investor who is unable to calculate implied values for certain derivative securities products in those sessions may be at a disadvantage to market professionals.


The protesters were unable to get into the normal Buffalo Board of Education meeting room, located on the eighth floor of Buffalo City Hall because the room was filled to capacity.


By 2010, Mensch was able to take the seat off Hope, although even then — with Labour’s popularity at rock bottom under Gordon Brown — she was unable to win the type of landslide New Labour secured in 1997.


It left him unable to drive for long periods of time, so the cab company he was working for moved him to a desk job at head office — a job he still holds today.


We were very pleased to see that all of the profiles we saw appeared to be genuine and we were unable to spot any signs otherwise.


With the future of the funding situation at CSIC being uncertain, Fernández adds, researchers are unable to plan their work more than a couple of months out.


Just because they are not able to fully understand a concept in the way that an adult might, it doesn’t mean that they are unable to understand that very same concept when put in terms that they can relate to.


Having been very sick for a very long time and unable to walk and move independently following my surgeries for extended rehab periods, I know how it feels to have this freedom taken away.


Is that nation «unwilling or unable» to prosecute?


After listening to arguments of counsel, Justice Idris ruled that he was unable to place any value on the application to stay proceedings because the copy presented to the court by Ecobank’s counsel was not a certified-true-copy.


But on an emotional level, it pains me to think that God himself declared some untouchable or defective or unable to approach the holiest of places.


It also failed to solve labour and skill shortages, as Sweden remained unable to draw fully on the talents and education of half its population: the female sex.


«I throw away any cards from individuals who I was unable to connect with (keep your CRM clean).


Mitigate: When a supplier has ongoing performance issues and is unable to improve, it will require implementation of the exit strategy.


ICC reports that many Christians displaced by the violence have been unable to return to their home villages due to threats and a lack of government assistance.


If he believes that district hiring officials are unwilling or unable to gauge ability, then we have identified a need for much more fundamental change in educational administration.


«Many patients are unable to use a conventional defibrillator due to medical reasons.


Besides being unable to take your hands off each other and thinking about each other constantly, you most likely were engaged in a mutual admiration society — he’d tell you how beautiful you looked in that dress, she’d tell him that she loves the way his eyes turn from bluish to greenish on cloudy days.


Jeffery also says a lack of response by Kenney is the reason he has been unable to arrange a meeting to discuss education issues with the new UCP leader.


Just 7000 years ago, Europeans were unable to digest milk, according to a new analysis of fossilised bone samples — nowadays more than 90 % of this population can.


For instance, foreigners who are unable to use their reading and writing skills where they live, can be seen as functionally illiterate, so can native people who might read some simple words such as «tree» and «street», but are incapable of reading and comprehending newspaper articles, medical prescriptions, etc..


When they try to get a job, they’re unable to — and get stuck in an unfair Catch-22,» Reznik says.


If you look at youtube and the world cup game against Argentina, Ospina was awesome and definately affected the outcome of the match, argentina were unable to beat him.


Yet McLoughlin still found himself unable to disconnect.


So I am, sadly, unable to tell you exactly how I made them, but I do remember used lots of dark chocolate as well as white chocolate and I only made six of each.


Nine tries and seven conversions took London Welsh to another convincing league victory and, with Wasps unable to score anything in response, it is now over 220 minutes since the 1st XV have conceded a point.


This ultimately comes back to haunt him as he is unable to kill a human critter that his father catches in a trap for stealing their corn.


While I was unable to attend the event this year I am excited to share the beach chic vignette that Aisle Society bloggers created.


«And if we are unable to restore a fair measure of integrity into our dealings, then the blood of many would have been shared in vain.


This doesn’t mean, of course, that the Department of Education and the administration are unable to exert influence, but it appears they are planning to do so through cutbacks rather than new initiatives.


James Arbuthnot, the committee’s Tory chairman, said these were pressing questions which the committee had been unable to properly answer because the Scottish government’s published plans were vague and incomplete.


I am unable to get wheat gluten where I live and tried bread flour in place of it… It Worked!


like an unable phoenix in hot ashes — как беспомощный феникс в горячем пепле  
a woman who has been unable to conceive — женщина, которая не в состоянии зачать  
facts that we are unable to pigeonhole — факты, которые мы не способны классифицировать  
unable — неспособный  
to be unable — быть не в состоянии  
be unable — быть не в состоянии  
unable to organise a fuck in a brothel — не умеющий организовать самое простое дело  
be unable to express oneself — не уметь выразить свои мысли; не уметь высказаться  
unable to fight a bag of shit — не умеющий драться  
unable juror — присяжный, не имеющий возможности исполнять свои обязанности  
permanently unable to work — нетрудоспособный  
unable to sport — неспособный к спорту  

She is unable to work today.

Она не может работать сегодня.

I shall be unable to go there.

Я не смогу пойти туда.

I was unable to afford the trip.

Я был не в состоянии позволить себе поездку.

She is unable to bear.

Она не может иметь детей.

She was unable to move her legs.

Она не могла двигать ногами.

She was unable to stanch her tears.

Она не могла сдержать слёз.

What would become of the system in unable hands?

Что произойдет с системой, если она попадет в неумелые руки?

ещё 23 примера свернуть

He was starkly unable to achieve coherence

She admitted that she was unable to compromise.

He was unable to repay his debts to the moneylender.

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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


And it’s the least agile of insects in the air, ponderous and unable easily to bank and swerve.

Из насекомых он наименее проворен в воздухе, тяжелый и неспособный легко управлять креном и отклонениями.

In spite of the downside, many countries have been unable or unwilling to deal with serious inflationary pressures.

Несмотря на нижнюю сторону, много стран были неспособны или не желали иметь дело с серьезными инфляционными давлениями.

But they were somehow unable or unwilling to stop it.

Но они почему-то оказались не в состоянии или не захотели остановить это столкновение.

However, the institutions have so far been unable systematically to verify reports of abuses because of continuing insecurity and other technical and logistical difficulties.

Однако до настоящего времени эти учреждения были не в состоянии на систематической основе проверять эти сообщения о злоупотреблениях в силу продолжающейся небезопасности и других технических и материальных трудностей.

They were unable, really, to participate in the new dream, from zero to hero, make your first million.

Они не смогли, действительно, участвовать в новой мечте, с нуля до героя заработать свой первый миллион.

And successive governments have been unable — I don’t know why exactly — to solve this basic problem.

Правительства, сменявшие друг друга, не смогли (я не знаю почему) решить эту первостепенную проблему.

They were unable, however, to construct a model that resulted in the existence of any such ring.

Однако они не смогли построить модель, которая привела к существованию любого такого кольца.

Adasi was able to secure the region and his successors continued his policies but were unable or unwilling to engage in expansion of the kingdom.

Адаси смог обеспечить регион, и его преемники продолжали свою политику, но не смогли или не желали участвовать в расширении королевства.

Each pup is born blind and deaf and unable maintain their own body temperatures.

Щенки рождаются слепыми и глухими, они не в состоянии регулировать температуру своего тела.

We are still unable today to enjoy the blessings of globalization and liberalization reasonably and effectively.

Глобализация и либерализация — это те блага, которыми мы сегодня не в состоянии разумно и эффективно воспользоваться.

The Whites were unable even to rally around a new ideal of statehood and also mostly fought against something.

Белые не смогли даже объединиться вокруг идеала новой государственности и сражались тоже в основном против.

Experience has shown, however, that Governments are often unable or unwilling to assume their responsibilities in this regard.

Однако, как показывает опыт, правительства нередко не в состоянии или не желают брать на себя соответствующие обязательства в данной связи.

Readiness Level 2 (R2) indicates unable but willing.

Уровень готовности 2 (R2): Сотрудник неспособен, но усерден.

Beijing gleefully paints Washington as a paper tiger unable or unwilling to defend its friends’ interests.

Пекин с ликованием описывает Вашингтон как бумажного тигра, неспособного или не желающего защищать интересы своих друзей.

Finally, this year, the West proved unable or unwilling to challenge Putin in the diplomatic arena.

Наконец, в этом году Запад не в состоянии или не желает бросить Путину вызов на дипломатической арене.

The children urge Miss Peregrine to change back into human form, but she is mysteriously unable too.

Дети призывают мисс Перегрин вернуться обратно в человеческую форму, но она таинственно неспособна также.

She seemed unable or unwilling to do this.

Those unable shall come with us.

Те, кто не в силах, отправятся с нами.

Those unable shall come with us.

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The professor was unable to comprehend what I meant.
Профессор не мог понять, о чём я говорю.

I was very tired, but I was nevertheless unable to sleep.
Я был очень уставшим, но тем не менее я не мог уснуть.

He is unable to concentrate on his academic work.
Он не может сосредоточиться на своей научной работе.

Tom was unable to hide his excitement.
Том был не в силах скрыть своё волнение.

We are sorry we are unable to accept your request.
К сожалению, мы не в состоянии принять ваш запрос.

«A fish out of water» is a metaphor for being unable to use your talents due to a change of environment.
«Рыба, вынутая из воды» — это метафора для неспособности использовать свои таланты из-за изменения внешней среды.

Without oxygen, we would be unable to breathe.
Без кислорода мы бы не смогли дышать.

I was unable to prevent this.
Я была не в силах это предотвратить.

Tom is unable to work this week.
Том не в состоянии работать на этой неделе.

Tom tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep.
Том вертелся и крутился в постели, и не мог заснуть.

Having considered your proposal, we have decided that we are unable to lower the price.
Рассмотрев ваше предложение, мы решили, что мы не можем снизить цену.

We were unable to finish our homework in time.
Мы были неспособны выполнить домашнее задание вовремя.

The teacher caned the children if they misbehaved or were unable to recite their times tables.
Учитель бил детей палкой, если они плохо себя вели или не могли повторить по памяти таблицу умножения.

The country was unable to pay its debts.
Страна была не в состоянии оплачивать свои долги.

Yoko is unable to buy a computer.
Ёко не может купить компьютер.

Tom was unable to conceal his anger.
Том был не в состоянии скрыть свой гнев.

It seems that Tom is unable to solve the problem.
Кажется, Том не может решить эту задачу.

I was unable to sleep, so I made myself some coffee.
Я не мог уснуть, поэтому я налил себе кофе.

Without your help, I would have been unable to do it.
Без вашей помощи я был бы не способен этого сделать.

Tom was unable to conceal his surprise.
Том был не в силах скрыть своё удивление.

He was unable to completely give up on his hopes of marrying her.
Он не смог полностью отказаться от своей надежды жениться на ней.

I was unable to complete the task.
Я не смог завершить задание.

He who makes noises while the ship is sailing, making people unable to hear orders, will be fined at the discretion of the captain.
Кто будет чинить шум какой, когда корабль идет на парусах, что за тем люди не могут слышать, что приказано будет, штрафован будет по разсмотрению командира.

I was unable to attend the party, nor did I want to.
Я не смог прийти на вечеринку, да и не хотел.

Tom was unable to understand anything Mary said.
Том не мог понять ничего из сказанного Мэри.

We were unable to rescue Tom.
Мы были не в состоянии спасти Тома.

Unable to prove his innocence, he was forced to leave his native town.
Будучи не в силах доказать свою невиновность, он был вынужден покинуть родной город.

Tom was unable to hide his reaction.
Том был не в силах скрыть свою реакцию.

Tom was unable to control his emotions and burst into tears.
Том был не в состоянии контролировать свои эмоции и разрыдался.

Tom was unable to hide his tears.
Том не мог скрыть слёз.

Examples of how to use the word “unable” in a sentence. How to connect “unable” with other words to make correct English sentences.

unable (adj): to not be able to do something

Use “unable” in a sentence

She is unable to cope with stress.
She is unable to cope with stress.
It seems that he is unable to swim.
I was unable to afford the trip.

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амер. [ʌnˈeɪbl]
брит. [ʌnˈeɪb(ə)l]

не в состоянии

Примеры со словом Unable

In the first minutes after the accident she was unable to speak.
В первые минуты после аварии она была не способна говорить.

The student went silent, unable to find the right words.
Студент замолчал, не в состоянии подобрать нужные слова.

Другие слова для изучения:

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Politician — Политик 

The politician made a beautiful speech.
Политик написал прекрасную речь.

April 11, 2023
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A legend of his surreptitious bestowal of dowries upon the three daughters of an impoverished citizen, who, unable to procure fit marriages for them, was on the point of giving them up to a life of shame, is said to have originated the old custom of giving presents in secret on the Eve of St Nicholas, subsequently transferred to Christmas Day.

Internally it is useful in certain forms of dyspepsia, but as some patients are quite unable to tolerate the drug, it must always be administered in very small doses at first, the quantity being slowly increased as tolerance is shown.

The succeeding margrave, Leopold II., quarrelled with Henry IV., who was unable to oust him from the mark or to prevent the succession of his son Leopold III.

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The nucleus of the army was formed of armoured horsemen, excellently practised for long-distance fighting with bow and javelin, but totally unable to venture on a hand-to-hand conflict, their tactics being rather to swarm round the enemys squadrons and overwhelm them under a hail of missiles.

Since early morning—despite an injunction not to approach the picket line—the officers had been unable to keep sight-seers away.

He effected some reforms and economies during his tenure of this office, but, unable to carry out all his wishes, became chief secretary for Ireland in March 1833.

When the legislature of Virginia gave him 150 shares of stock in companies formed for the improvement of the Potomac and James rivers, and he was unable to refuse them lest his action should be misinterpreted, he extricated himself by giving them to educational institutions.

The Ghibellines being unable to maintain their supremacy, the city came to be divided into two almost autonomous republics, the comune headed by the podestd, and the popolo headed by the capitano and militarily organized into twenty companies; the central power was represented by twelve anziani or elders.

Keith followed the enemy to Brest on their retreat, but was unable to bring them to action.

I have no doubt that some of you who read this book are unable to pay for all the dinners which you have actually eaten, or for the coats and shoes which are fast wearing or are already worn out, and have come to this page to spend borrowed or stolen time, robbing your creditors of an hour.

  • Use the word Unable in a sentences

Sentence Examples

A living will. A document that clarifies your wishes should you be unable to express them yourself.

Women looking for miracles, and men unable to give them.

As you are unable to give me a half hour each day, I’ll call you at 2.

you will be unable to get up.»

The poet of the music, who was at death’s door, got to work However, he was unable to finish.

You’re unable to get at me, what do you want?

Yet she was unable to withstand its strange fascination.

Tauberger Theater Director Champs Elysees unable to sing tonight reimburse box office from personal income Claire Lescot

unable to bear it any longer, he broke out.

unable to do more, Namie and Shinnojo prayed for his soul.

And Nana, unable to be a great actress, became a great courtesan.

Zoe was unable to sort all of her mistress’s dresses.

Edm├®e being unable to speak, suspicion rested heavily on Bernard whose fiery temper and stormy past caused tongues to wag.

Do you think God was unable to clothe him?

But I have been unable to prove it.

Liverwright, unable to afford a name performer, offered the role to the relatively unknown Hungarian expatriate actor Bela Lugosi, despite Lugosi’s shaky command of English.

«Unfortunately, I shall be unable to meet you at the station… as I have to open a cattle show.»

They would be pleased if they were unable to arrest him… because by that hour, he had left the frontiers of France behind him for all time.

I’m sorry Madame .. but I had to pack. So I was unable to go to the opera.

My good wife is quite unable to make me experience the joys of the flesh.


Although your story is very delightful and has great charm I will be unable to do it this season.

unable to put up a show, they sit around like brooding hens.

I can’t stay here! . unable to see my dying mother, and tortured every day by Mnami, my lousy husband!

Madame regrets she is unable to receive the doctor.

«Dear Miss Barrett, I am unable to restrain my impatience to meet you and have taken it upon myself to select February 15th»…

I’ve been unable to think of anything else.

I was flying. My horse was unable to keep pace —

-No, I was unable to deliver your letter.

Oh, that reminds me. I was unable to get an answer, sir.

But he was unable to speak.

An unnatural loss of blood which we’ve been unable to determine.

I, myself, unable to keep pace with his mental quirks and fearful of assault… turned down an opportunity to represent him as his attorney.

unable to throw off her intoxicating embrace, and my own curiosity,

Jean Renoir was unable to complete this filim shortly after the second World War, while Renoir was in the U.S.A…. ..other hands gathered together the footage that existed and respectfully assembled it in the form he intended

No, I’m unable to see, even if she’s yours, that a young man is morally called upon to give up a career at the law to provide his aunt with a favourable opportunity to play to bridge with.

«Sir, we are unable to give you the advance you requested.

That’s why he was unable to sell it.

I am unable to tell my gratitude for this honor, sire.

unable to enter the town, the enemy try to destroy it.

What alarms me is why our secret service is unable to find out who’s behind these robberies.

Brady and morrison are unable to meet their obligations.

We’ve been unable to find any.

He says it’ll make others think. I am unable to think.

Listen, will you tell her Mr. Andrew Hardy called and he’s unable to take her to the dance?

Since at last it is quite beyond doubt That this cot you’re unable to fill Go back to your Schnitzel and kraut

Monsieur the dauphine of France is unable to accept Count Fersen’s kind invitation to supper tonight.

Well as I am unable to leave this room until after dark and then most likely on the way that I came, we do have some time on our hands.

You stand in the way not merely of an individual but of a mighty organization, the full extent of which even you with all your cleverness have been unable to realize.

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