Sentences with word treasure

Synonym: abundance, accumulation, adore, appreciate, assets, cherish, collection, fortune, idolize, prize, store, wealth, worship. Similar words: treasurer, pleasure, measured, measure up, measure out, measurement, measure up to, embrasure. Meaning: [‘treʒə(r)]  n. 1. accumulated wealth in the form of money or jewels etc. 2. art highly prized for its beauty or perfection 3. any possession that is highly valued by its owner 4. a collection of precious things. v. 1. hold dear 2. be fond of; be attached to. 

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1. Health is a jewel [treasure].

2. By gambling we lose both time and treasure, two things most precious to the life of man. 

3. Knowledge is a Treasure,(Sentence dictionary) but Practice is the key to it. 

4. Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it. Lao Tzu 

5. A father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both. 

6. Knowledge is the most precious treasure of all things, because it can never be given away, nor stolen nor consumed. 

7. Measure is treasure.

8. The dictionary is a vast treasure trove of information.

9. He went to the island looking for treasure.

10. The Book of Kells is Trinity College’s greatest treasure.

11. They’re diving for sunken treasure.

12. A letter from home is a priceless treasure.

13. It was an experience I will treasure for the rest of my life.

14. This book is a treasure house of information on Arctic birds.

15. When we learn to treasure simple happiness[], we will be winners in life.

16. Time waits for no one. Treasure every moment you have.

17. You’re wonderful friend,and I treasure you more with every year.

18. For youth,for happiness,let’s bless each other,treasure the friendship between you and me.

19. The treasure dug out of the earth was a box of gold coins.

20. Books are treasure banks storing wisdom passed down from generation to generation.

21. Don’t forget the things you once you owned. Treasure the things you can’t get. Don’t give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory.

22. I treasure your friendship.

23. Don’t forget the things you once owned. Treasure the things you can’t get. Don’t give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory.

24. Avid Bob Dylan fans treasure bootlegged recordings.

25. Stories about pirates often include a search for buried treasure.

26. The victorious army despoil the city of all its treasure.

27. A Roman soldier’s pay, found by a metal detector enthusiast in Norfolk, has been declared treasure trove at an inquest in Diss.

28. A FRIEND is a ‘gift’ if of our heart treasures. Thank you forbeing the treasure in my heart.

29. When you finally get your own happiness, you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better hold and cherish the one you love.

30. One may fall in love with many people during the lifetime. When you finally get your own happiness, you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherish the people you love.

More similar words: treasurer, pleasure, measured, measure up, measure out, measurement, measure up to, embrasure, treason, reassuring, sure, surety, assure, ensure, for sure, tread, treat, leisure, stream, treaty, streak, composure, make sure, exposure, to be sure, pressure, get ready, outreach, retreat, entreat. 

сокровище, хранить, хранить как сокровище


- собир. сокровища

buried treasure — захороненные сокровища, клад
treasure island — остров сокровищ
treasure hunt — поиски сокровищ
a ship full of treasure — корабль, полный сокровищ
to dig for buried treasure — искать клад

- драгоценность; сокровище (тж. перен. о человеке); ценный предмет

art treasures, treasures of art — сокровища искусства
to lay up treasures in heaven — копить сокровища на небесах; не думать о земных благах
My treasure! — Мой драгоценный!, Мое сокровище!
my maid is a treasure — моя горничная — настоящий клад
the manuscript is a real treasure — эта рукопись — подлинное сокровище

- деньги, богатство

the war cost the country great sacrifices in blood and treasure — война стоила стране больших человеческих и материальных жертв

- pl. фин. краткосрочные казначейские векселя


- собирать и хранить (сокровища и т. п.; тж. treasure up)

to treasure (up) money — копить деньги
boys often treasure (up) postage stamps — мальчики часто коллекционируют марки

- хранить как сокровище

to treasure smb.’s memory, to treasure smb. in one’s memory — бережно хранить память о ком-л.
to treasure (up) in one’s heart the recollection of former days — хранить в сердце память о прошлом

- высоко ценить

he treasures the watch his mother gave him — он очень дорожит часами, которые подарила ему мать
to treasure smb.’s friendship — высоко ценить чью-л. дружбу

Мои примеры


a legend about the pirates’ buried treasure — легенда об этом пиратском кладе  
to bury treasure — закапывать сокровища  
as the miser hugs his treasure — как скупец сжимает своё богатство  
pirate treasure — пиратское сокровище  
art treasure — сокровища искусства  
priceless treasure — бесценное сокровище  
real treasure — настоящее, подлинное сокровище  
sunken treasure — затонувшие, затопленные сокровища  
to find (a) buried treasure — найти захороненные сокровища  
to raise sunken treasure from the bottom of the sea — поднять затопленные сокровища со дна моря  
to treasure up in one’s heart the recollection of former days — хранить в сердце память о прошлых днях  

Примеры с переводом

My treasure!

Мой драгоценный!, Мое сокровище!

I shall treasure it always.

Я буду хранить это вечно.

He searched for treasure on the ocean bed

Он искал сокровища на дне океана.

Our housekeeper is a real treasure.

Наша домработница — настоящее сокровище.

It now becomes not only just a memory, but a treasure to my soul.

Теперь это уже не просто воспоминание, а сокровище для души.

Grandmother’s nurse has been a real treasure.

Медсестра бабушки была настоящим сокровищем.

She dared not trust such a treasure to mortal.

Она не осмелилась доверить такое сокровище человеку.

ещё 18 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…reports of great treasure in the Indies inflamed the cupidity of Columbus’s crew…

…the tale about pirates and their buried treasure had completely spellbound the children…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

treasurer  — казначей, хранитель, хранитель ценностей
treasury  — казна, сокровищница, казначейский

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: treasure
he/she/it: treasures
ing ф. (present participle): treasuring
2-я ф. (past tense): treasured
3-я ф. (past participle): treasured

ед. ч.(singular): treasure
мн. ч.(plural): treasures

Treasure (from Latin thesaurus from Greek θησαυρός thēsauros, «treasure store») is a concentration of riches — often those that originate from ancient history — that is considered lost and/or forgotten until rediscovered. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

An expired listing I uncluttered recently was beautiful but crammed to the rafters with collectibles, floral arrangements, antiques, tapestries, and other treasures.


Play hostess for a swapping party of making one Everygirl’s trash into another’s treasure!


The only country in Africa never to have been colonised by Europeans, Ethiopia is a land of jaw-droppingly dramatic landscapes, extraordinary historical treasures and more than 80 different ethnic groups and tribes.


Your course has lots of free treasures all over the place and this entry tick is one such.


The kids got into some pretend play once all the treasure had been found, and I bet they would’ve liked a little longer with that.


I can sympathize with your daughters… I used to hate it when my mom did the same thing, spying treasure in someone else’s trash.


Create a treasure hunt in five easy steps and go for gold!


Bali is famous as a tropical island paradise, but it also has a wonderfully diverse collection of dive sites around its coastline that yield many hidden treasures.


And, it is filled with so many little treasures and life lessons if you take the time to look around and explore.


A 2012 survey by Barclays Wealth and Investment Management and Ledbury Research showed that 21 percent of wealthy collectors invest in such treasures or financial security if conventional investments fail, and 18 percent said they are purely an investment.


You’ll find one of his treasures hidden somewhere.


Itâ $ ™ s a race of treasure heisting, a ballet of gnome flicking and an all-out natural disaster of very unbecoming behavior.


Hockney’s work often seems so familiar and iconic, but this exhibition features some previously unseen treasures, and it’s extensive reach demonstrates the artist’s ability to nail so many different styles and make them his own.


It is the hint of a wilder and wider world than the domestic, from which the bolder of us might bring treasures if we can avoid its perils; a reminder of a world unconstrained by any of our familiar values, and threatening therefore to alienate us from our own; the dream of a world where everything can speak and everything contribute its own beauty to the growing whole.


A hidden treasure, this property consists of 75 acres with approximately 1/4 mile of beach frontage along its east coast, and another 1/4 mile of Sea frontage along the Bay of New Haven — an ideal Natural Harbor.


With wit, heart and research Alyson provides a treasure chest of parent-friendly solutions to common, everyday parenting dilemmas.


From tasty treasures to sweet sips, check out these fabulous and creative favor ideas from WTE mamas.


Your guests will treasure these sweet, nutty treats in any setting.


I remember meetings where we discussed, «Do we open the treasure chest on the island or do you take them back?»


This time around, Persona takes a look at one of my favorite online games of all time, Sega’s Phantasy Star Online, with a particular eye to the treasures like the super-spectacular weapons that may (or may not!)


A beautiful gift that will become a treasure can be personalized with monograms or the child’s name.


Despite the loss, Talib’s career was revitalized and he became another shining example of the Patriots turning other teams» trash into their own treasure.


Whether hunting treasure in far-off lands or building realms of your own, it’s never been this good to be square!


National treasure and leading demographer Bernard Salt will share his vision of the real estate market in Queensland for the next 30 years.


Send your favourite motifs to friends and give them your discovered treasure.


This 21-day cruise from Athens to Mumbai explores the trade routes of the earliest merchants across six countries from Greece to India, with discoveries of ancient treasures and fascinating legends along the way.


This week’s treasure hunt for a giant Battle Star is easy enough — follow this handy map to find the spot between a metal bridge, three billboards and a crashed bus.


If you haven’t heard already, Petit St. Vincent’s accommodations are absent of telephones, wifi and television — one of the most valued amenities our repeat guests treasure.


@Steve K. from Honolulu wow thanks for that link, what a treasure trove of info from Chris Clothier and then I went down a rabbit hole of «TK» threads.


The most unique part of architectural salvage is that you find some amazing treasures hidden within older homes.


With each room reveal, the mini map will show icons that indicate the location of treasures, special skill scrolls, and the staircase that will lead players up to the pyramid’s next floor.


Check out our Treasure Hunt blog post for different ways to use treasure hunt activities in the classroom and beyond.


Child is the biggest treasure for all parents.


It contains his personal treasure: a collection of poems, art work, scientific studies, field guides, and books created by K-12 public school students.


Thank you so much for sharing your priceless treasure with us.


The gameplay showcased gave players a glimpse into a PvP game type called Loot Hunt which tasks users with hunting for treasure on the high seas.


Do you toss it back into the ocean or keep it for a while and then toss it back or keep it and treasure it for life?


When Bayliss set up a research trip to investigate, his online discovery proved to be a real-world treasure: a 17,000-acre tract of undisturbed forest containing at least 10 animals previously unknown to scientists.


And the latest in a string of massive news leaks provided a treasure trove of financial information exposing the uber-wealthy’s offshore banking habits, unmasking anonymous transactions and opening investors worldwide to increased scrutiny.


True treasure the trudge hiccups, frequent battery existence is the greatest frequent level with android smartphones.


And like a Russian matryoshka doll, those blood cells yielded yet another prehistoric treasure, a species of blood parasite that still infects humans today.


People use double negatives and filler words like «basically» and «like» and «nome sane» so often that it’s akin to a hunt for buried treasure to find out what they are actually saying.


More than 230 rare and storied treasures created by the House of Fabergé, between 1855 and 1916, are celebrated in a new exhibition at the Peabody Essex Museum (PEM), Fabergé Revealed.


I had a hard time breastfeeding at first, and so it is even sweeter now and I treasure every moment.


With this tour, kids can learn about the Italian Renaissance in Florence with help from a scavenger hunt treasure map.


I have learned the urgency of all of what the day is offering as the value of a day not viewed as important is a day lost of value and treasure.


The bedroom is full of loveliness and treasures.


Since then, I’ve used Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone as reference and reassurance, and bandied it about as proof to my younger colleagues that, when it comes to information, books are way better than the goddamned internet… Read the rest of Bon Appétit food director Carla Lalli Music’s ode to this vegetarian «treasure trove.»


Why It Works Turn tomato skins from trash to delicious powdered treasure.


You have so many beautiful treasures and you have displayed them so beautifully around your home — LOVE it all!


Sentences with the word Treasure?



  • «we will always be friends»; «I shall treasure it always»; «I will always love you»
  • «the treasure is 2 minutes and 45 seconds south of here»
  • «he searched for treasure on the ocean bed»
  • «the pirates hid their treasure on a small island in the West Indies»
  • «a treasure hunter»
  • «the treasure found in the ancient tomb was reposited in the museum»
  • «her book was a treasure trove of new ideas»; «mother’s attic was a treasure trove when we were looking for antiques»

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


The man who found the treasure was a special man.

Считалось, что человек, который нашел такое сокровище, обладает особой добротой.

Remember that water is a treasure.

Можно сказать, что вода — это сокровище.

Buried treasure, buried treasure, buried treasure.

Зарытый клад, зарытый клад! Зарытый клад, зарытый клад! Зарытый клад, зарытый клад!

Only one leaving with that treasure is me.

Если кто и уйдет отсюда с кладом, то это буду я.

» St Mark Basilica has the treasure house that currently stores 283 items.

» В соборе Святого Марка есть сокровищница, в которой в настоящее время хранится 283 предмета.

He also has a treasure map.

Однако, кроме того, есть карта сокровищ.

Each player assumes the role of a globe-trotting treasure hunter.

Каждый игрок играет роль одного из охотника за сокровищем — ускользающим кулоном.

He carried it like a great treasure.

Он относился к ней как к самому большому сокровищу.

But unfortunately this treasure was robbed within your kingdom.

Но, к несчастью, это сокровище было украдено в твоем царстве.

The treasure you are seeking in this tunnel is self-confidence.

Сокровище, которое вы ищете в этом туннеле, это уверенность в себе.

Or, perhaps you’ll come across some lost treasure yourself…

Или же, может быть, ты и сам наткнешься на какое-нибудь потерянное сокровище

We follow what our heart’s treasure.

То, что мы говорим, является сокровищем нашего сердца.

Who knows, maybe you’ll find your treasure.

И кто знает — возможно, вы даже наткнетесь на сокровища.

I think the treasure is found.

И вот теперь, кажется, сокровище найдено.

Establish trust and protect it like treasure.

Защищай и охраняй их, как если бы это было сокровищем.

So it becomes a treasure hunt.

Для этого он превращается в охотника за сокровищами.

So this becomes a treasure hunt.

Для этого он превращается в охотника за сокровищами.

And mules to carry the treasure.

И мулы, чтобы везти на них сокровища.

Maybe my treasure will help buy your submarine.

Когда я найду сокровища, то куплю тебе подводную лодку.

What you have to do is forget this treasure forever.

Что тебе нужно сделать, так это забыть об этом сокровище навсегда.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат treasure

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

  • Use the word Treasure in a sentences

Sentence Examples

And when we find the treasure, we’ll melt down the gold and recut the jewels.

In a landscape of wind blown dunes, steelworks and container ships, far removed from the American south, Eggleston sought out photographic treasure.

Like what the stock market is going to be like in the morning or where I can dig to find all the oil… or where are all the countless numbers of lost treasure chests buried at?

Without listening to the words of the temple guardians, Caesar profanes the temple of Saturn, and takes the treasure to provide food for his troops.

… The treasure is inviolable!

in two feet depth all that treasure sank.

Sir Arne’s treasure a winter ballad in five acts

Sir Arne’s treasure is not yet gone.»

«I happened, however, to hear three men talking and one said, ‘Drink, my brother, Sir Arne’s treasure is not yet gone.'»

The musical score for Sir Arne’s treasure is the result of a collaboration between the Swedish Film Institute and Swedish Filmindustry

Sir Arne’s treasure was restored by the Swedish Film Institute Archive in 2000.

I give my rights to the treasure city if you get me 1,000 louis.

Here»s all the treasure we wanted.

In the first part of The Spiders, millionaire adventurer Kay Hoog… thwarts the plan of the criminal Spiders organization… to steal the treasure of a lost Inca civilization…

We endured it, mostly patiently and grumbling but rarely, since the treasure of our family’s sanctity remained to us and the belief in our Madonna.

Curiously, there are still rumors about a treasure that the Turkish Emperor’s men had buried somewhere …

Master, are you certain of these rumors about the location of the treasure?

And if the treasure were in your own home?

You know, Svetelenz is going to drive me completely mad… now he will try to persuade me that the treasure is here, in this house …

He is searching … he knows where the treasure is …

It is you who should find the treasure, not him …

A treasure dating from the Turkish presence should be hidden in the foundations … because they are all that remain from that time.

We must get the stranger out of the house so we can unearth the treasure

Let them have the treasure. You have me …

The only reason I want the treasure is because I love you.

Lady … lady … What if I surrender my share of the treasure for your daughter?

You belong to me, I’ve traded the treasure for you …

Lord Hagen has robbed the Nibelungen treasure!

Hagen Tronje, where is the treasure?

I swore not to betray the location of the treasure as long as one of my kings is alive!

Now, Kriemhild, nobody knows about the treasure but God and me and God is no more discreet than I!

Siegfried became the dragon slayer The lord of the Nibelungen treasure.

How, after half a year, Siegfried’s gift to his bride, the Nibelungen treasure, arrives in Worms and how the two queens quarrel with each other.

O king, Burgundy’s glory is waning, we need the Nibelungen treasure.

Put away the armlet, Kriemhild, it guards an ugly secret. The Mistress of the Nibelungen treasure has no need for it!

The Nibelungen treasure has arrived!

Tell her that what I shall treasure most on my long journey home are the fondest memories of her.

The treasure-where is it?

Send them to distant lands to seek some rare treasure.

Who brings the rarest treasure I will wed.

The Princes will return at the seventh moon bearing treasure. The one who brings the rarest wins the Princess.

Come with me and I will set thy feet on the path that leads to treasure beyond thy dreams.

In search of rare treasure, The Persian Prince came to the bazaars of Shiraz.

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