Sentences with word tomatoes

Мои примеры


summer’s bounty of plump tomatoes — летнее изобилие наливных помидоров  
a good growing medium for tomatoes — хорошая питательная среда для выращивания томатов  
a good time to plant tomatoes — благоприятное время для посадки помидоров  
sun-dried tomatoes — высохшие на солнце томаты  
to throw tomatoes at smb. — забрасывать кого-л. помидорами  
canned plain tomatoes — цельноконсервированные томаты  
canning tomatoes — томаты для консервирования; томаты для переработки  
crush out the juice from tomatoes — выжимать сок из помидоров  
heated tomatoes — обогреваемая культура томатов  
solid-pack tomatoes — цельноконсервированные томаты без добавления сока или томата-пюре  
unheated tomatoes — необогреваемая культура томатов  
waxed tomatoes — парафинированные томаты  

Примеры с переводом

We are fresh out of tomatoes.

У нас только что закончились помидоры.

Feed the tomatoes once a week.

Подкармливайте помидоры раз в неделю.

Cut the tops off the tomatoes.

Срежьте с помидоров верхушку.

Those tomatoes aren’t ripe yet.

Те помидоры ещё не созрели.

Tomatoes don’t freeze well.

Томаты / помидоры плохо поддаются заморозке.

We’ve planted tomatoes and carrots in the garden.

В огороде мы посадили помидоры и морковь.

Cut the tomatoes into slices.

Помидоры нарежьте ломтиками.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Vine tomatoes are in season from April to October.

Arrange the peppers, garlic and tomatoes in layers.

She staked the tomatoes to keep them from falling over.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word tomatoes, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use tomatoes in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «tomatoes».

Tomatoes in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word tomatoes in a sentence.

  1. Also included are savoury fruits such as avocados and tomatoes.

  2. Creole gumbo most often consists of seafood, tomatoes, and a thickener.

  3. The potato virus Y causes disease in potatoes and related species including tomatoes and peppers.

  4. The longest chapters are those on lettuces (13 pages), spinach and tomatoes (both 18 pages) and potatoes (24 pages).

  5. Parsnip may be used as a substitute for parsley root, and tomato paste is often used as well as or instead of fresh tomatoes.

  6. The vegetables most commonly added to borscht are beetroots, white cabbage, carrots, parsley root, potatoes, onions and tomatoes.

  7. At Joya de Cerén, a volcanic eruption preserved a record of foodstuffs stored in Maya homes, among them were chilies and tomatoes.

  8. Potatoes replaced turnips in borscht recipes, and tomatoes fresh, canned or paste took over from beet sour as the source of tartness.

  9. The same book contained a recipe for «Ochra Soup» made with okra, onions, fowl, bacon, tomatoes, and lima beans thickened with flour.

  10. Tulip bulbs, along with other new plant life like potatoes, peppers, tomatoes and other vegetables, came to Europe in the 16th century.

  11. In Ukraine, beet sour and tomatoes were both used for some time until the latter ultimately prevailed during the last third of the 19th century.

  12. Rainfall-related damage, primarily to tomatoes, cabbage, beans, and peppers, collectively resulted in a 75 percent loss of crops in the Hollywood area.

  13. In Jordan during the 1970s, where tomatoes and cucurbits (cucumbers, melons and gourds) were extensively grown, entire fields were infected with viruses.

  14. Common starlings can eat and damage fruit in orchards such as grapes, peaches, olives, currants and tomatoes or dig up newly sown grain and sprouting crops.

  15. Development efforts have successfully reduced the levels of allergens in tomato plants and fortification of plants such as tomatoes with dietary antioxidants.

  16. Add the starch and a little bit of salt, as soon as it gets hard add some milk and whisk again until it gets cream.For the filling, cut the tomatoes and the cheese.

  17. It is typically made by combining meat or bone stock with sautéed vegetables, which as well as beetroots usually include cabbage, carrots, onions, potatoes, and tomatoes.

  18. By the summer of 1943, camp gardens and farms were producing potatoes, onions, cucumbers, Chinese cabbage, watermelon, eggplant, tomatoes, aster, red radishes, and peppers.

  19. Onions, carrots, parsley root, turnip and other root vegetables are sautéed (traditionally in animal fat, especially lard or butter) and then mixed with tomatoes or tomato paste.

  20. In Shanghai’s Haipai cuisine, tomatoes are the main ingredient; beef and its broth, onions and cabbages are also added; while flour, rather than sour cream, is used for thickening.

  21. When dealing with tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum) under salt stress the concentration of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b were decreased and thus pigmentation was decreased as well.

  22. The biosynthetic pathway was elucidated by Japanese researchers and later shown to be correct through the analysis of BR biosynthesis mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana, tomatoes, and peas.

  23. Tomatoes are traditionally found in Creole gumbo and frequently appear in New Orleans cuisine but there is a «camp» of gumbo cooks who believe that tomatoes should not be used with okra.

  24. Spanish conquistadors brought potatoes and tomatoes from the Americas to Europe in the 16th century, but these vegetables only became commonly grown and consumed in Eastern Europe in the 19th century.

  25. Pittsburgh’s hometown specialties include Primanti Brothers sandwiches, whose signature item consists of meat, cheese, hand-cut French fries, tomatoes, and coleslaw between two slices of Italian bread.

  26. Around the edges of the Karakum Desert, jackals feed on gerbils, lizards, snakes, fish, muskrats, the fruits of wild stony olives, mulberry, dried apricots, watermelons, muskmelons, tomatoes, and grapes.

  27. Among the recipes in Summer Cooking is peperonata (pimentos or sweet peppers cooked with tomatoes in olive oil and butter) which was reprinted as the title article in a later selection from David’s works.

  28. In some cases, wild species are the primary source of resistance traits; some tomato cultivars that have gained resistance to at least 19 diseases did so through crossing with wild populations of tomatoes.

  29. Savory mofo include ramanonaka ([ˌramaˈnunakə̥]), a mofo gasy salted and fried in lard, and a fritter flavored with chopped greens, onions, tomatoes and chilies called mofo sakay ([ˌmuf saˈkai̯], meaning «spicy bread»).

General information about «tomatoes» example sentences

The example sentences for the word tomatoes that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «tomatoes» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «tomatoes».

tomatoes — перевод на русский

Tomatoes and potatoes.

Помидоры и картошка!

Don’t rob the poor girl, boys. Give her back her tomatoes.

Я не хочу грабить бедняжку, вернём ей её помидоры.

Tomatoes, no!

А помидоры нет!

There are no tomatoes?

Помидоры нет? !

Just think, Miss Renie, that same moon, shining on me this very minute, is shining down on Pete’s tomatoes.

Только подумайте, Мисс Renie, луна светит на меня и в ту-же самую минуту, светит на помидоры Пита.

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— Some beans and stuff. And tomato soup. I like that.

Бобы или что-нибудь такое и томатный суп, я его люблю, возьми 4 банки.

Vodka and tomato juice.

Водка и томатный сок.

I’ll have the usual tomato juice.

Мне просто томатный. А тебе?

Sit down and have your tomato juice.

Садись и выпей томатный сок.

— No, then there are… potato pies with meat, mushrooms, etc, potato pancakes potato with mushroom sauce, tomato sauce, sour-cream sauce, etc, potato rolls potato pudding, potato braised with prunes potato braised with pepper and bay leaves

— Нет, не все, пожалуйста. — Картофельные пирожки с мясом, грибами и т.д., картофельные оладьи,… соус грибной, соус томатный, сметанный и т.д., картофельный рулет,… запеканка, картофель тушеный с черносливом,… картофель тушеный с лавровым листом и с перцем,… картофель молодой отварной с укропом, шанди…

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I used to spend my spare time down on those little islands working truck gardens so my outfit could have fresh tomatoes and green corn and all that.

На этих островках, я проводил всё своё свободное время.. ..обустраивая сады, чтобы у сослуживцев могли были свежие томаты.. ..и кукуруза, и всё остальное.

And when those tomato plants start producing, I’ll come for free samples.

И когда Ваши томаты начнут давать плоды, я заеду за бесплатными образцами.

It’s the biggest, pIumpest, reddest earIy-ripening tomato in the whole state!

Это самые большие, пухлые, красные, ранние томаты во всем штате!

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Tomatoes, radishes.

Помидорки, редис?

I’m up the night before pressing garlic and dicing whole tomatoes.

Я не спал всю ночь, выдавливая чеснок и нарезая помидорки.

— Those are, of course, tomatoes.

— Ну, это, конечно же, помидорки.

These Holy Rollers from Hell want to make me a human sacrifice so they can grow bigger tomatoes.

Эти адовы Святые Фанатики хотят принести меня в жертву, чтобы выращивать помидорки по-крупнее.

Come on, can you not imagine the horror of knowing you ate a tomato fertilized with a loved one?

Да ладно, вы не можете себе представить всего ужаса от осознания того, что ешь помидорки удобренные твоим близким?

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The Emperor’s favorite food, tomato ketchup, will be the national symbol.

Император объявляет кетчуп, Его любимую еду, национальным символом. Статья 6.

Are you making your tomato sauce?

Ты делаешь кетчуп?

Spilling tomato sauce on my couch … Bobby Long.

..и кетчуп, вылитый на моего адвоката Бобби Лонга.

Do you have tomato sauce?

— А кетчуп? — Немного.

Welsh Greenbacks can’t stand the taste of Hunt’s tomato ketchup

Кетчуп действует на Уэлльского Зеленоспина, как репеллент — на комаров

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I have now eaten tomato.

Я бы сейчас съела помидорчик.

Isn’t she a hot tomato?

Разве она не горяченький помидорчик?

«Sorry, I got into the cooking’ sherry, and I thought it was a cherry tomato.»

«Простите, я тут варил херес и принял это за помидорчик.» Но нет!

Mm, tomato.


Well, you just have that… tomato left there, so you might want to scarf that down and get on with your day.

Ну у тебя же только… помидорчик остался, так что, может, ты его быстренько проглотишь и пойдешь, займешься чем-нибудь.

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Tomato soup

Думаю, помидорный суп,

Poopy Faced Tomato Nose.

Кака-морда Помидорный нос! Да!

What if Red Hynie Monkey and Poopy Faced Tomato Nose are trying to build a house of cards and it keeps falling down?

Ooh, что если Красная медовая обезьяна и Кака-морда Помидорный нос пытаются строить домик из карт, и он он продолжает разваливаться?

Umm … maybe Poopy Faced Tomato Nose says, uh ..

Um, Может, Кака-морда Помидорный нос говорит, uh…

OK, and this is Poopy Faced Tomato Nose.

Ok, и это Кака-морда Помидорный нос

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His name’s Sally Tomato.

Салли Томэйто.

Sally Tomato?

— Салли Томэйто?

But then he said his client was Sally Tomato.

Тогда он сказал, что его клиент Салли Томэйто.

Old Sally Tomato…

Старый Салли Томэйто…

Is it true you carried messages from Tomato in code?

— Передавали ли вы какие-нибудь кодированные сообщения от Томэйто?

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Would you like some tomato juice?

Хочешь томатный сок?

Don’t forget the tomato juice.

Не забудь томатный сок.

Come on, this is tomato sauce.

Да это просто томатный сок, шэф.

Chicken and tomato for one, and they’ve been waiting for several minutes.

Курицу и томатный сок, они ждут уже несколько минут.

They bring the tomato juice,

сок томатный.

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Vinnie was in charge of the tomato sauce.

Винни отвечaл за томатный соус.

Mmm, I’ve tomato dumplings…

Ммм, томатный соус…

Look, I auditioned for him for ***, and he made me recite my monologue in a slip, standing on one foot, pouring tomato juice all over myself.

Послушай, я пробовалась на… И он заставил меня читать мой монолог в скольжении стоя на одной ноге полностью облитой томатным соусом.

Um… Actually, just radio the cookhouse and tell them that, if they’re planning tomato pasta bake for a fifth day running, I’m bringing this bomb home for lunch.

Свяжись с кухней и скажи поварам, если они собираются приготовить запеканку из пасты в томатном соусе пятый день подряд, я им на ланч притащу эту бомбу.

In a town where Betsy Van Needles’ record-breaking tomato makes the front page,

В город где на всех афишах реклама томатного соуса Бетси Вэн.

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  1. помидоры

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений tomatoes на 1 миллион слов: 6.

Примеры предложений

Tomatoes aren’t technically vegetables.
Помидоры вообще-то не овощи.

I grew tomatoes last year and they were very good.
В прошлом году я выращивал помидоры, и они были очень вкусные.

I grow tomatoes in plastic houses.
Я выращиваю помидоры в теплицах.

It is once believed that tomatoes were poisonous.
Когда-то считалось, что помидоры ядовиты.

People used to think that tomatoes were poisonous.
Когда-то люди думали, что помидоры ядовиты.

Tom sliced the tomatoes.
Том нарезал помидоры.

This pizza recipe includes hard-boiled eggs, tomatoes and oregano.
Этот рецепт пиццы включает в себя яйца вкрутую, помидоры и орегано.

Tom grows tomatoes in his garden.
Том выращивает помидоры в своём саду.

These tomatoes are tasteless.
Эти томаты безвкусны.

We have a good crop of tomatoes this year.
В этом году помидоры уродились.

My aunt grows tomatoes in her garden.
Моя тётя выращивает помидоры у себя в огороде.

He grows tomatoes in his garden.
Он выращивает помидоры в огороде.

Give me half a kilo of tomatoes.
Дайте мне полкилограмма помидоров.

She grows tomatoes in her garden.
Она выращивает помидоры в своём огороде.

There is meat, cheese and tomatoes in my sandwich.
В моём бутерброде мясо, сыр и помидоры.

He planted tomatoes in his garden.
Он высаживал помидоры в своем саду.

There are some tomatoes in the refrigerator.
В холодильнике есть несколько помидоров.

Strictly speaking, tomatoes aren’t vegetables, but rather fruits.
Строго говоря, помидоры не овощи, а фрукты.

It was once believed that tomatoes were poisonous.
Когда-то считалось, что помидоры ядовиты.

Have you ever eaten tomatoes with sugar?
Ты когда-нибудь ел помидоры с сахаром?

How much is the kilo of tomatoes?
Сколько стоит килограмм помидоров?

I hate tomatoes.
Я ненавижу помидоры.

I like eating tomatoes.
Я люблю есть помидоры.

Growing tomatoes is very difficult.
Выращивать помидоры очень сложно.

We sliced the tomatoes.
Мы порезали помидоры.

She eats tomatoes.
Она ест помидоры.

He eats tomatoes.
Он ест помидоры.

I grow tomatoes.
Я выращиваю помидоры.

No, it’s the tomatoes.
Нет, это помидоры!

I eat tomatoes.
Я ем помидоры.

Sentences with Tomato, Sentences about Tomato

1. I love tomatoes.

2. He took a tomato and left.

3. Tomatoes are red in color.

4. We put the tomatoes in the bag.

5. Kids love pasta in tomato sauce.

6. I picked tomatoes from the garden.

7. I bought tomatoes and peppers from the market.

8. There were fewer tomatoes in the basket than we had hoped.

9. Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.

10. These days it’s cool to be ethnic and to be different, but when I was a kid, it was not cool – at all. My friends would come over and my mom would make crepes with eggs, stuffed with mozzarella cheese, tomatoes and spinach. And they’d be like, ‘What is this?’

About The Author

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Even so, she had managed to can thirty pints of green beans and twenty pints of tomatoes so far.

An uncomfortable silence surrounded them for a while as Rachel diced tomatoes and Adrienne chopped the lettuce.

There are large green-houses in and near Ashtabula, and quantities of lettuce, cucumbers and tomatoes are raised under glass and shipped to Pittsburg and other large cities.

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Cherry tomatoes have a superior taste and are great in salads.

Pears, plums; apricots, cherries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries, cabbages, onions, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers are grown in considerable quantities.

Cucumbers and tomatoes will require more than ordinary attention.

Sow tomatoes and cucumbers for a winter crop. Make up mushroom beds.

His season was passing like tomatoes still green when the frost hits, unable to fulfill what they’ve been straining to achieve through the long hot summer.

Pollinate tomatoes by hand to ensure early fruit on plants intended for outdoor culture.

Among vegetables garlic and onions take the chief place, and form an indispensable part of the diet of all Spaniards; besides these, tomatoes and Spanish pepper are the principal garden crops.

  • Use the word TOMATOES in a sentences

Sentence Examples

At home, they have more than 6000 types of seeds, 800 kinds of tomatoes for example.

Get some ice and tell Curley to open you a can of tomatoes.

Fry those tomatoes, will you, Gallagher?

But she don’t have to stand on the stage and catch those overripe tomatoes… -…if the gag don’t work. -Mr.

All you had for lunch was a can of tomatoes.

‘Ere! ‘Ere, ‘ere! Easy with my tomatoes.

Vegetable, creamed tomatoes, asparagus, split pea and oxtail.

I used to grow tomatoes as big as this on my farm.

But we made you some tomatoes, the way you like them.

What’s that? — tomatoes, of course. — tomatoes?

Give her back her tomatoes.

Yeah, with hash brown potatoes and tomatoes and apple pie…

Oh, boy, did you catch me with a load of tomatoes.

You gotta be firm with these tomatoes.

We gotta have beans and gotta have tomatoes

No, I’m not kidding. We’ll have some fresh celery, real juicy tomatoes, green onions—

In a few weeks we’ll have some nice, fresh tomatoes, lettuce, celery, onions.

And for being so rugged on the raft, you can have second choice of the tomatoes.

Stick to your tomatoes! You’ve got your answer!

Think the audience will bring their supper? They’ll bring tomatoes!

I used to spend my spare time down on those islands working truck gardens so my outfit could have fresh tomatoes and green corn and all that.

-I need to send a load of tomatoes … to my shop.

People are mad about tomatoes.

They’re crazy about tomatoes.

tomatoes contain everything.

You think tomatoes will save you?

Here, we’ll have tomatoes.

… ifheretiredtohisranch and grew tomatoes.

ÔÖ¬ No tomatoes ÔÖ¬ ÔÖ¬ Enchiladas ÔÖ¬

Go get some tomatoes for lunch.

Leuteris, go buy those tomatoes!

Leuteris, bring those tomatoes so we can eat.

When you get those fresh tomatoes

I’ve a list of fresh tomatoes Suing me now in court

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