Sentences with word to compose

compose — перевод на русский


«Listen to the song I composed while mourning your death.»

— Послушай песню, которую я сочинил, оплакивая твою смерть

Now I will read a poem that 51 composed at the age of 17 for a certain Jacqueline.

А теперь я прочитаю вам начало поэмы,.. …которую в 17 лет 51-й сочинил для своей невесты Жаклин.

But one day, hearing a piece on the radio that he had composed, I realized that his music, full of quality and light, was the right one to accompany the memory of all my dead.

Но однажды, услышав по радио пьесу, которую он сочинил, я понял, что его музыка, полная солнечного света, была единственной, сопутствующей воспоминаниям обо всех моих мертвых.

You know, I composed some variations on a melody of yours.

Я даже сочинил вариации на некоторые ваши мелодии.

Oh, yes, he composed it.

Да, это он сочинил.

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I can’t even compose anymore.

Я даже больше сочинять не могу.

You’ll compose a symphony ?

ты будешь сочинять симфонии?

It was my dream to compose and play my own music

Моей мечтой было сочинять и исполнять собственную музыку.

Made it impossible for him to compose for years?

Тот, по чьей вине он годами не мог сочинять?

Baltasar, or Baltsu as we called him — might not have been able to compose music like Mozart.

Бальтазар,или Бальтзу как мы его называли может не мог сочинять музыку как Моцарт.

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The barrier we must penetrate is composed of negative energy.

Этот барьер состоит из отрицательной энергии.

Alien life force onboard is composed of pure energy, type unknown.

Инопланетный организм состоит из чистой неизвестной энергии.

Zoe, I’d say it’s a safe bet that that machine is composed of tellurium.

Зоэ, я бы держал пари, что та машина состоит из теллура.

It has an atmosphere denser than that of Mars and a thick layer of red clouds which are probably composed of complex organic molecules produced by solar ultraviolet light and other energy sources from the methane-rich air.

Его атмосфера плотнее, чем у Марса, а плотный слой красных облаков, вероятно, состоит из сложных органических молекул, возникших при воздействии ультрафиолетовых солнечных лучей и других источников энергии на воздух, насыщенный метаном.

— Aye, sir. Sir, the core is composed of nitrium and chrondite.

Сэр, ядро состоит из нитриума и хрондита.

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If it weren’t for that he might never have composed the music you’re about to hear now.

Если бы этого не случилось Он бы никогда не написал музыки, которую вы слышите сейчас.

You had composed it for me.

Ты написал ее для меня.

I don’t know about other places, Karla, but… it was here in Guellen that Brahms composed a quartet.

Я не знаю о других городах, Карла. Но именно в Геллене Брамс написал свой квартет.

To mark this auspicious occasion we have invited one of our greatest brads. Despite an attack of the sniffles and the handicap of a mane of unruly air… composed a laudatory epic:

ѕо такому случаю мы пригласили одного из известных в стране поэтов который несмотр€ на мигрень и нечЄсанные волосы написал вчера ночью поздравительную кантату.

Herr Salieri composed this little march for you.

Господин Сальери написал этот приветственный марш для вас.

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These clouds are near the top of a great ocean of air about 100 kilometers thick, composed mainly of carbon dioxide.

Эти облака покрывают огромный воздушный океан, около 100 километров толщиной, состоящий, в основном, из углекислого газа.

Composed of Federation, Klingon and Romulan ships.

Состоящий из кораблей Федерации, клингонов и ромуланцев.

Composed of crushed quartz, sand, calcite, lime, and alkalis.

Состоящий из дробленого кварца, песка, кальцита, извести и щелочей.

But deep inside the atom hidden far beneath the outer electron cloud is the nucleus, composed chiefly of protons and neutrons.

Но глубоко внутри атома, далеко скрытое под облаком электронов, находится ядро, состоящее в основном из протонов и нейтронов.

Well, most of yesterday consisted of eviscerating my personal life and every lesson is a rant composed of your dated theories.

Что ж, большая часть из вчерашнего состояла из потрошения моей личной жизни, и каждый второй урок — это пустословие, состоящее из ваших устаревших теорий.

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will that lady kindly compose herself or leave the court?

Я попрошу даму успокоиться или покинуть зал суда.

It would allow me to compose myself.

Это даст мне возможность успокоиться.

Will the women who are laughing compose themselves?

— Слишком веселых прошу успокоиться.

I have to compose myself.

Я должен успокоиться.

Now, I suggest you compose yourself and go back into theatre.

Советую успокоиться и вернуться в операционную.

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I»II compose different music.

Я буду писать другую музыку.

But I began to compose for you.

Но я уже начал писать под твой голос.

Two weeks later, he was composing his own music.

А две недели спустя… Он начал писать свою музыку.

He justifies his desire to compose prose poems, by saying, «Above all, enormous cities,

Он оправдывает свое желание писать стихотворения в прозе, говоря «Превыше всего — огромные города»

It’s instructions on how to compose her intelligence reports.

Это инструкции, как правильно писать отчеты.

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I’ll have more time for composing, learning to conduct.

У меня будет больше времени сочинять музыку, учиться дирижировать.

-Now you have something to compose on.

Ну, теперь у тебя есть что-то, на чем ты можешь сочинять музыку. Но ты же ходил с Китом проверить машину.

I talked her into driving up to her favorite composing place.

Я уговорил ее поехать туда, где она любила сочинять музыку.

I’ll start composing again.

Я буду сочинять музыку.

He composed, conducted and played jazz clarinet and the piano.

Он сочинял музыку, играл джаз на кларнете и конечно на рояле.

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If you prefer, we can compose a letter. — Tomorrow.

Мы должны составить письмо…

I was hoping you’d help me compose a response.

Я надеялась, что вы поможете мне составить ответ.

I have a letter to compose.

Мне надо составить письмо.

Jeanette Grayson and Matt Sheridan ordered me to compose, backdate, and file false reports of visits to the Ozuna apartment.

Джинетт Грейсон и Мэтт Шеридан, приказали мне составить липовые отчеты о посещениях квартиры Озуна задним числом.

Pictures that will help you compose memories that will be familiar to him.

Они помогут составить воспоминания, которые будут ему знакомы.

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Music composed by SHUNSUKE KIKUCHI

Композитор Сюнсукэ Кикути

Look, I’m composing now.

Послушайте. Я композитор.

I’m not performing, I’m composing.

Я не исполнитель, я композитор.

Although I’m on the composing track at Idyllwild, I decided to play my own piece.

Несмотря на то, что в Айдиллуайлде я как композитор, я решил исполнить свою композицию самостоятельно.

— No, I’m composing.

— Нет, я же композитор.

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Отправить комментарий

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Here, they may be accompanied by other red varieties, although Monica must compose at least 85 percent of the blend.

Здесь они могут быть сопровожденны другими красными сортами, хотя Моника должна составлять по меньшей мере 85% бленда.

Original drugs only compose 23%.

«Оригинальные лекарственные препараты составляют только 23%.

He felt that he could never compose a symphony as well as Beethoven.

Он чувствовал себя так, что он никогда не сможет сочинять симфонии также хорошо как Бетховен.

we can compose and play beautiful music.

Наша цель — сочинять и играть хорошую музыку.

Only a professional lawyer can legally compose legal documents.

Во-первых, только профессиональный юрист знает, как юридически грамотно составить процессуальные документы.

The created commission should subsequently compose rules for shipping and cargo transportation, remove obstacles for convenient patrolling of the sea territory.

Созданная комиссия должна впоследствии составить правила судоходства и транспортировки грузов, устранить препятствия для удобного патрулирования морской территории.

Usually I compose only with great difficulty and endless re-writing.

Обычно я сочиняю лишь с превеликим трудом, до бесконечности все переписывая.

They compose a daily regimen taking into account the state of health, age-related anatomical and physiological and individual characteristics of the child.

Составляют режим дня с учетом состояния здоровья, возрастных анатомо-физиологических и индивидуальных особенностей ребёнка.

The reinforcing practices of a given culture compose what is called a language.

Такие способы подкрепления, практикуемые в определенной отдельно взятой культуре, составляют вместе то, что принято называть языком.

Probably two percent of everything I compose or draw gets into social networks.

Наверно, процента два всего того, что я сочиняю или рисую, попадает в социальные сети.

Therefore, if you compose it, conduct at least the smallest market research and internal audit.

Потому, если вы его составляете, займитесь хотя бы самыми малыми исследованиями рынка и внутреннего аудита.

The members compose a hierarchy of nine grades.

Члены составляют иерархию из девяти степеней.

They will learn to value it and discover the fauna and flora that compose it.

Они научатся ценить его и узнают фауну и флору, которые его составляют.

You can compose it in the centers of transplantology, which collaborate with clinics where donors can appear.

Составить его можно в центрах трансплантологии, которые сотрудничают с клиниками, где могут появляться доноры.

Read everything and compose your own notes, or basically your own book on the subject.

Все читать и сочинять свои собственные заметки, или в принципе свою собственную книгу на эту тему.

The 12 video formats which compose the remainder are standard definition television — not high definition.

12 видеоформатов, которые составляют оставшуюся часть, представляют собой телевидение стандартной четкости — не высокое определение.

Many just sing or compose for themselves.

Многие просто поют и сочиняют для себя.

To many young musicians, it still can look as though women don’t really compose.

Многим молодым музыкантам все еще может казаться, что женщины на самом деле не сочиняют.

The boy obeyed her and did not compose anything for the next six years.

Мальчик послушался ее и в течение следующих шести лет ничего не сочинял.

To do this, the user needs to repeat five phrases behind the assistant so that the algorithm can compose a voice model.

Для этого пользователю необходимо повторить за помощником пять фраз, чтобы алгоритм смог составить модель голоса.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

составлять, составить, сочинять, создавать, сочинять музыку, состоять, набирать


- сочинять, создавать (литературное или музыкальное произведение)
- задумать (картину и т. п.)
- составить (предложение и т. п.)
- полигр. набирать
- улаживать (ссору, разногласия)
- успокаивать

to compose one’s thoughts /one’s mind/ — собраться с мыслями
compose your features! — ≅ не хмурьтесь!
to compose oneself — успокоиться

- обыкн. pass составлять

to be composed of many ingredients — состоять из многих частей
water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen — вода состоит из водорода и кислорода

- убрать и положить (на стол), обрядить (покойника)

Мои примеры


to compose differences — улаживать разногласия  
to compose / arrange / reconcile / resolve / settle / thrash out differences — уладить, устранить, разрешить разногласия  
to compose / make up a jingle — звенеть  
to compose a march — сочинять марш  
to compose / write music — сочинять, писать музыку  
to compose an overture — сочинять увертюру  
to compose / write poetry — писать стихи  
to compose / write a song — сочинять, писать романс  
compose matrix — составная матрица  
compose a unit — формировать подразделение  

Примеры с переводом

Beethoven composed nine symphonies

Бетховен сочинил девять симфоний

He composeed himself.

Он успокоился.

It is always easier to criticize than to compose.

Всегда легче критиковать, чем сочинять.

She composed a poem.

Она сочинила стихотворение.

When asked a question, give yourself a second to compose your thoughts.

Когда тебе задают вопрос, дай себе секунду, чтобы собраться с мыслями.

Lynn took several deep breaths to compose herself.

Линн несколько раз глубоко вздохнула, чтобы успокоиться.

In the last year of his life he composed at least eight of his philosophical works.

За последний год жизни он написал не менее восьми работ по философии.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Greed and ambition composed his personality

He is in his studio composing.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

composed  — спокойный, сдержанный, владеющий собой
composer  — композитор, автор
composing  — составляющий, успокаивающий
composite  — составной, сложный, комбинированный, смесь
composure  — самообладание, спокойствие, хладнокровие
discompose  — беспокоить, расстраивать, волновать, встревожить, взволновать, тревожить
recompose  — реконструировать, утешить, пересоставить, успокаивать, пересобирать

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: compose
he/she/it: composes
ing ф. (present participle): composing
2-я ф. (past tense): composed
3-я ф. (past participle): composed

Making a dream come true is most often composed of many moving parts.


Hamilton would like to believe the uprising against a conference that has propped up an all-white Senate Republican majority — one composed chiefly of suburban and rural lawmakers who do the bidding of the real estate industry and hedge funders — is attacking only minority lawmakers now enjoying new perks.


Painting with a renewed sense of observation, intensity and joie-de-vivre, Hockney embarked upon creating paintings composed in a classical still life format.


Fats (and oils) are composed of fatty acids, sometimes referred to as vitamin F. Fatty acids are found in both animal and plant sources.


More grounded rivalry in today’s occupation business sector makes it additionally difficult to compose a viable resume that makes a decent impression and transcends others going after the same position.


Governed by a strict professional standard composed of requirements and measurements, the BSAAP is positioned to become a widely recognized seal of approval that brings national recognition to background screening organizations — which are also referred to as Consumer Reporting Agencies (CRAs).


The Balkans remained a tinderbox and, indeed, the entire Austro-Hungarian Empire seemed an improbable thing to hold together indefinitely, composed as it was of a tension-ridden mix of languages, peoples, religions, and ethnic allegiances.


Mucin is now known as hyaluronan and is a polysaccharide composed of repeating disaccharides of glucuronic acid and N-acetylglucosamine.


Yes, even though all of that listing down, you continue to have to sit and compose a full response, the same way you’d write any essay.


David Wise (who also composed the music for the DKC games on SNES) has crafted an amazing soundtrack for the game.


How Students Learn: What Works, What Doesn’t Work A strong accountability system composed of annual testing keyed to rigorous academic standards and a challenging curriculum taught in the school provides the sort of information needed to determine what works, what doesn’t, how well students are achieving, and what to do to help those who need help.


His deeply moving images of the war, composed with an artist’s eye for maximum visual impact, still resonate today.


This is a real portfolio: It is composed of the combined portfolios of François Rochon and Nicolas L’Écuyer, two Giverny Capital directors.


The juice is composed mostly of water which is hydrogen and oxygen gas.


Incredible 3D graphics in HD and amazing Original Soundtrack composed by Mateo Pascual, to make the game experience more epic!


The cylinder box packaging used in food packaging tend to be simply composed of thin sheets of cardboard as opposed to corrugated cardboard.


Another important subject covered during the session was the return on equity (ROE), which is composed of profit margin, total asset turnover and financial leverage.


They suppose a brilliant article composing organizations to convey quality exposition at moderate expense.


Long boards and splinters of wood scavenged along the shores of Cape Cod and rivers of Vermont compose the abstract sculptures of Paul Bowen.


Reviews: * Strong V6 engine, composed ride and handling, high-quality interior materials, slick infotainment interface, available all-wheel drive.


Moreover, each of these papers is composed by guidelines you give making it one of a kind and unoriginality free.


On top of the well-animated and beautiful graphics, the sound is top-notch with delightful jungle rhythms by industry veteran David Wise (who also composed music for Battletoads, Donkey Kong Country, Yooka-Laylee, and most fittingly of all, Snake Rattle»n’ Roll).


Although a few of Earth’s largest islands, such as Greenland, are composed of the same continental crust as the mainland, most islands are made of a denser, chemically distinct oceanic crust, created midocean by magma welling up beneath separating tectonic plates.


Portfolio B is composed exclusively of equities, which over time experienced high risk and high growth.


What a joy to see an Academy product in the team and looking as composed and steady as those around him… if not more so at times.


Entries are scored by a panel of distinguished judges, composed of prominent astronomers and scientific visualization artists, who are chosen jointly by NSF, Astronomy magazine, and Discover magazine.


Oppenheim’s photographs and videos are composed of images and materials from the recent and not-so-recent past that she re-processes and transforms through various historical and contemporary techniques.


Dietary fats are molecules composed of individual carbon atoms linked into chains ranging from 2 to 22 carbon atoms in length.


Working at the Roastery encouraged him to push boundaries, experimenting with drinks like the Shakerato, composed of espresso shaken over ice with a hint of vanilla syrup.


Hurry before your neighbor gets here to claim this enormous value!Reviews: * Strong V6 engine; composed ride and handling; high-quality interior materials; slick infotainment interface; available all-wheel drive.


It’d allow gas, a polluting fossil fuel mainly composed of methane, to flow from Azerbaijan into Europe.


The film starts with an extravagant musical number composed by Alan Menken, the celebrated songwriter behind «The Little Mermaid,» «The Hunchback of Notre Dame,» and «Beauty and the Beast,» about how various supermarket foods can not wait to get to the «Great Beyond.»


Your core is composed of many different abdominal muscle groups and most are not visible from the front of your body, and the true purpose of your core is to make sure you can stabilize and transfer force from your feet up to your hands and vice versa.


The music sounds straight off of a Broadway stage and are some of the best tunes he has ever composed.


Barium-oxygen-calcium, or BaOCa +, is the first molecule ever observed by scientists that is composed of an oxygen atom bonded to two different metal atoms.


This is directed by Andrew Dosunmu and features cinematography by the Academy Award-nominated Bradford Young, and music composed by Philip Young.


I’d like to see a «church» whose congregation is composed not only of Christians, but also of Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Taoists, Hindus, agnostics and even atheists.


They are essentially short videos that are composed of images, sound and video clips that show a general summary of what the book is about.


In 1914/1915 she painted The Swan, composed of circular forms on a red ground.


Cease points out 50 % of Boeing and Airbus’s 8,000-plane backlog is composed of orders from developing nations, with 35 % of the total coming from Asia.


The eight vertical sections are composed of blocks of color which, reading left to right mirror one another without exactly matching, section by section.


It can accommodate until 10 persons, it is composed of 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, a large living room with a central fireplace and a fully fitted kitchen.


New essayists can get essential direction for their coursework pursuing so as to compose undertakings said procedure.


We are proud to have a dating site that is composed of singles from all manner of backgrounds, and for many of our members, dating a millionaire is very much a reality…


Several millions of these galaxies have already been counted (each, we must remember, composed of millions upon millions of stars), separated from one another by an average distance of 2 million light-years, and all of approximately the same size!


The exhibition, which examines the European reaction to the Aztecs and compares empire-building in both cultures, includes part of the Florentine Codex, a 16th-century encyclopedia of Aztec civilization composed by Friar Bernardino de Sahagíºn.


In the words of Michael Ghil (2013) the «global climate system is composed of a number of subsystems — atmosphere, biosphere, cryosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere — each of which has distinct characteristic times, from days and weeks to centuries and millennia.


The product is a round «knit» tube composed of millions of carbon nanotubes twisted together.


I already pointed out the list was composed of nothing but non-scientist quacks commenting on areas OUTSIDE their expertise, liars, or men who said something that was taken badly out of context to imply they supported a view which they clearly did not.


This rating system is composed of ten categories, taking into account both experiential and objective criteria.


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word compose, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use compose in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «compose».

Compose in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word compose in a sentence.

  1. Santaolalla will compose the score.

  2. After 1950 Grainger virtually ceased to compose.

  3. In worsening health, Smetana continued to compose.

  4. At least two geological units compose the edifice.

  5. He continued to compose hymns throughout the decade.

  6. How can I compose a high-sounding tune for that song?

  7. Nakamura returned to compose Sonic 2’s soundtrack.

  8. Ravel and others urged Fauré to compose one of his own.

  9. These structures compose the animal’s secondary palate.

  10. This allowed him to stop taking private pupils and left him more time to compose.

  11. In the same year he accepted an invitation from the BBC to compose his first opera.

  12. Shostakovich continued to compose chamber music, notably his Second Piano Trio (Op.

  13. The special audiences and beautiful cities inspired me to compose after sound checks..

  14. DreamWorks asked the Pixies in early 2004 to compose a song for the Shrek 2 soundtrack.

  15. A child prodigy, Glazunov had begun piano studies at the age of nine and to compose at the age of 11.

  16. William’s classical education allowed him to compose Latin superior to that of many medieval writers.

  17. He brought in George «The Fat Man» Sanger and his band, along with David Hayes, to compose the score.

  18. Throughout this period he continued to compose and to give recitals in concerts and salons in Warsaw.

  19. As regarding rhythm: to compose in the sequence of the musical phrase, not in sequence of a metronome.

  20. In his seventies, Tippett continued to compose and travel, although now handicapped by health problems.

  21. Michiru Yamane returned to compose the music for the game alongside Takashi Yoshida and Soshiro Hokkai.

  22. In his first twelve months in office, Bach decided to compose new works for almost all liturgical events.

  23. Since the film would not feature any songs, the directors hired James Newton Howard to compose the score.

  24. He commissioned Geoffrey of Monmouth to compose the Prophecies of Merlin, which Geoffrey dedicated to him.

  25. But instead, all that I have learned in these 13 years allows me to compose something much more intricate.

  26. Brooks chose Hans Zimmer to compose the film’s score, as they were good friends and regular collaborators.

  27. Fincher used the Super 35 format to film Fight Club since it gave him maximum flexibility to compose shots.

  28. At Saint-Saëns’s regular prompting he continued to compose, but none of his works from this period survive.

  29. In his first twelve months in office, Bach decided to compose new works for almost all liturgical occasions.

  30. A brilliant writer, elegant, eloquent, without being able to compose a correct sentence or spell words of four syllables.

  31. In July 2012 Reznor teamed up with video game developer Treyarch to compose the theme music for Call of Duty: Black Ops II.

  32. Rice and Lloyd Webber had not worked together for many years, and the script for Evita required that they compose new music.

  33. However, in April Bizet received an offer, which originated from Count Walewski, to compose the music for a three-act opera.

  34. Her father went for a long walk to compose himself before going to visit his wife and their newborn child for the first time.

  35. In his last decade Sullivan continued to compose comic operas with various librettists and wrote other major and minor works.

  36. As part of his duties to the Gonzaga court, Monteverdi was often required to compose or arrange music for staged performances.

  37. Fauré greatly admired the music of Chopin, and was happy to compose in forms and patterns established by the earlier composer.

  38. A sound programmer at the time, Mitsuda was unhappy with his pay and threatened to leave Square if he could not compose music.

  39. Liberians compose 0.4% of the population; the city is home to one of the largest Liberian immigrant populations in the country.

  40. After the outbreak of war, Reger intended to compose a work commemorating the soldiers who had died or were mortally wounded, a choral work of «großen Stils» (in great style).

  41. According to Iizuka, the team understood that they could not compose the same style of music featured in the original game, owing to the technical revamp of Journey of Dreams.

  42. He suffered the first of many periods of depression, which affected his ability to compose, and he was devastated in January 1930 when Linossier died suddenly at the age of 32.

  43. Manson called himself «a man of few words» [on the record], opting to allow melody to be its primary focus, instead of using characters or extended metaphors to compose lyrics.

  44. He had resolved to establish himself as a top-ranking pianist before promoting himself as a composer, though he continued to compose both original works and folk-song settings.

Synonyms for compose

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word compose has the following synonyms: , compile, frame, draw up, write, pen, indite and write out.

General information about «compose» example sentences

The example sentences for the word compose that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «compose» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «compose».

Definition of Compose

to put something together, like a letter, song, poem, speech, etc.

Examples of Compose in a sentence

Mozart would compose many famous musical pieces in his lifetime.


The students in Ms. Burdette’s English class were struggling with their assignment to compose an essay about their most influential figure in their lives.


Even short poems are difficult to compose if you do not have a strong command of the language.


Lawyers usually compose and submit many documents to the court prior to beginning of a trial.


After the expert would compose a specific musical composition, the symphony conductor would begin practicing it.


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