Sentences with word thumb

The spinal cord is about 18 inches long and is the thickness of your thumb.


There’s no rule of thumb in terms of how many credit cards you should have.


Even if your green thumb record involves previously managing to somehow cause succulents to perish, it’s a cinch to begin growing your own catnip or wheatgrass.


If this is your first baby, you have no idea how fast your labor will progress, so being safe rather than sorry is the best rule of thumb.


Consequently, the only way to make it work is to either contort your finger or thumb or simply switch to portrait.


This layout apparently makes it user to use the keyboard for typing purely from your thumb.


I’m a big guy with large hands, so reaching over that 20 percent portion of screen with my thumb is easy.


The general rule of thumb about how companion parrots age is this that the larger the bird, the longer the lifespan.


The controls were fine with the thumb stick and since I tend to hold the button down to shoot the A button worked ok.


(but as an honest blogger I should tell you that at one point I was cussing like a sailor and my thumb was the size of my head)


I find a good rule of thumb is: fuller skirts need to be longer on me (from just above the knee to just below) but straight or A-line skirts often look better if they are short.


Yep, big thumb s up — I love this look, and your little dogs are winners!


Many new cars have the option to connect your phone to the vehicle using Bluetooth, so that calls can be made or answered without pulling out the phone, but CarPlay takes that a step further by letting users dictate their text messages and send or receive them without having to attempt to «thumb type» while driving.


My Googling Gyno gave me the thumbs up afterwards.


We enjoyed this immensely and it got thumbs up from participating diners.


The Android buttons are odly placed if you use the Tablet right-handed and horizontally: your thumb lands right where the buttons are and it’s actually easier to simply rotate it by 180 degrees and hold it from the opposite side.


Garrett, sitting there on the stretcher, watching Headrick laugh and talk as if a compound fracture of the thumb were no worse than a hangnail, was impressed.


Their findings suggest a rule of thumb that a 1-degree-Celsius rise in temperature above the norm during the growing season lowers wheat, rice, and corn yields by 10 percent.


There is no guarantee these funds will outperform, but if I had to choose the three funds most likely to do so, these funds would get my thumbs up.


Big thumbs up for me, and I will be adding this to my weekly rotation!


Right now they stick out like a sore thumb.


Lite and lean is the general rule of thumb until about 2 years old.


Here is why babies suck their thumb and what you can do if it bothers you.


The standards, which will be written in plain English, will be accompanied by useful guidance and examples of menus that have been given the thumbs up by cooks, caterers and of course pupils!


You then hold the bar in place by pressing the thumb side of your fists against the bar for support.


And on the Torch 9860 in landscape I find the keyboard to be just a little too big — to the point where my thumbs are traveling further than I want them to.


On the other hand, we have increasing costs at a time when clients can least afford it, and more clients facing the reality that just because it’s a little case doesn’t mean that the contents of their servers, smart phones, thumb drives, Gmail accounts and so on are less important to the resolution of the case.


I wouldn’t say they would look exactly human, still very unhuman like in fact, but at least walks on two legs, has opposable thumbs…, I like where your heads at on the whole warm-blooded vs. cold-blooded thing, but who knows how their biology works, perhaps they could be both, or neither.


Based on CBO rules of thumb, we estimate that a just 1 percentage point annual increase in interest rates above CBO’s projection would increase interest costs by $ 2 trillion (to $ 8.8 trillion) over a decade and by $ 325 billion (to $ 1.3 trillion) in 2028.


A good rule of thumb is to have a drink of water each time you breastfeed your baby.


By contrast, he estimates, owners of single-family homes collectively «earned» about $ 25 billion in 2015 simply by «twiddling their thumbs» and watching the value of their drywall soar.


After writing the parts of prostitute Dinah, pimp Chester, and Sin-Dee’s john and cab driver Razmik for Mickey O’Hagan, James Ransone, and Armenian actor Karren Karagulian, respectively, Baker cast the rest of his film employing the same rule of thumb he used to shoot it: accessibility.


By running your fingers and thumb over the pad, you can use it like a mouse.


With any luck you picked up a few over Christmas and can give the thumbs a rest until normal service resumes.


Being mindful of your neck, shift your gaze to your top thumb if that arm is extended.


And the power button and volume rocker sits on the right-hand edge — right where you instinctually want to place your thumb when trying to remove it.


A good rule of thumb is to choose a weight that will make you want to die on those last few.


So when its cost explodes relative to normal inflation, every financial rule of thumb goes out the window.


As a rule of thumb, you don’t have to use every single piece of the formula for your resume objective.


Lathe and plaster, dated windows and lousey doors stand out like a sore thumb.


What on earth are the thumb down people on?


So basically I’m just a bad neighbor with a black thumb.


As you might expect in a lightweight car, the doors have a thin cross section and some body panels flex under thumb pressure.


A good rule of thumb is if you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it.


As a rule of thumb, one should prefer stocks with a D/E ratio of below 0.5.


This results in my having more stock assets in the portfolio than I would have if I were using the generally recommended rules of thumb.


I don’t have a garden but I, too, am no longer cursed with a black thumb AND MY PLANTS ARE ALIVE/THRIVING.


A good rule of thumb is to never buy a mutual fund that charges more than 1 % a year.


Some of the most common habits in children include sucking the thumb, biting the nails and banging the head.


Puppies are hard-wired to explore their environment, and since their paws don’t have opposable thumbs, they use the next best thing: their sharp teeth.


большой палец руки, выступ, мусолить, листать, смотреть, загрязнить


- большой палец (руки)

with his thumb and finger — большим и указательным пальцем

- большой палец перчатки
- выступ, выступающая часть (чего-л.)
- мера длины (приравниваемая к одному дюйму)


- захватать, загрязнить (особ. книгу)

the book was thumbed out of existence — книгу совершенно истрепали

- пролистать, просмотреть (тж. thumb through)

to thumb (through) a book — пролистать книгу, прочитать книгу по диагонали

- ощупывать (большим пальцем)
- неловко обращаться (с чем-л.; тж. to thumb it)

to thumb the piano — играть одним пальцем на пианино; бренчать кое-как на пианино

- уминать, разравнивать

he thumbed (down) the tobacco in his pipe — он плотно набил трубку

- амер. разг. «голосовать» (на дороге)

to thumb one’s nose — амер. показать нос
to thumb a lift — а) «голосовать» (на дороге); б) подъезжать на попутной машине

Мои примеры


a little girl sucking her thumb — девочка, которая сосёт большой палец.  
the ball at the base of the thumb — шарообразное утолщение у основания большого пальца  
to bum / hitch / thumb a ride — голосовать (на дороге)  
to thumb through a book — пролистать книгу  
thumb index — буквенный указатель  
thumb mark — след пальцев  
rule of thumb — эвристическое правило  
sore thumb — нарыв на большом пальце  
under smb.’s thumb — под башмаком  
suck thumb — ребёнок, который сосёт свой палец  
down-thumb — несогласие; вето  
of thumb — эмпирически; из опыта  

Примеры с переводом

Tom Thumb

а) мальчик с пальчик; б) карлик, лилипут; в) презр. ничтожество, пигмей

Press your thumb on this spot.

Прижмите к этому месту свой большой палец.

I thumbed a ride to school.

Я поехал в школу на попутной машине /автостопом/.

I accidentally cut my thumb.

Я случайно порезал большой палец.

Don’t suck your thumb, dear.

Родной, не надо сосать пальчик. / Милый, вынь пальчик изо рта.

He thumbed through the report.

Он пролистал отчёт.

His fingers turned to thumbs.

Его пальцы одеревенели.

ещё 17 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He hooked his thumb through a loop of his pants.

She held the coin carefully between finger and thumb.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

thumb down — отвергать, не ценить, ни в грош не ставить, обрекать на бездействие

Возможные однокоренные слова

thumbed  — захватанный, с зубьями

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: thumb
he/she/it: thumbs
ing ф. (present participle): thumbing
2-я ф. (past tense): thumbed
3-я ф. (past participle): thumbed

ед. ч.(singular): thumb
мн. ч.(plural): thumbs

Sentences with the word Thumb?



  • «the thumb is absent»; «her appetite was lacking»
  • «the ball at the base of the thumb«; «he stood on the balls of his feet»
  • «lodge a bullet in the table»; «stick your thumb in the crack»
  • «a man of distrustful nature»; «my experience…in other fields of law has made me distrustful of rules of thumb generally»- B.N.Cardozo; «vigilant and distrustful superintendence»- Thomas Jefferson
  • «He pressed down on the boards»; «press your thumb on this spot»

Examples of how to use the word “thumb” in a sentence. How to connect “thumb” with other words to make correct English sentences.

thumb (n): the short, thick finger on the side of your hand that makes it possible to hold and pick things up easily

Use “thumb” in a sentence

He accidentally hit his thumb with the hammer.
Stop sucking your thumb!
He accidentally hit his thumb with the hammer.
She still sucks her thumb when she’s worried.
Everyone, show me your thumbs.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

In characters of such importance as the structure of the hand and foot, the lower apes diverge extremely from the gorilla; thus the thumb ceases to be opposable in the American monkeys, and in the marmosets is directed forwards, and armed with a curved claw like the other digits, the great toe in these latter being insignificant in proportion.

At length, as I leaned with my elbow on the bench one day, it ran up my clothes, and along my sleeve, and round and round the paper which held my dinner, while I kept the latter close, and dodged and played at bopeep with it; and when at last I held still a piece of cheese between my thumb and finger, it came and nibbled it, sitting in my hand, and afterward cleaned its face and paws, like a fly, and walked away.

Brady motioned her towards the door and hung back, pressing his thumb to a keypad on the wall.

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The lower end of the cylinder is opened, in the case of small and thin cylinders, by the blower holding his thumb over the mouthpiece of the pipe and simultaneously warming the end of the cylinder in the furnace, the expansion of the imprisoned air and the softening of the glass causing the end of the cylinder to burst open.

His eyes twinkled and he jabbed a thumb at the dining room.

The Wizard reached out, caught the wee creature in his hand, and holding its head between one thumb and finger and its tail between the other thumb and finger he pulled it apart, each of the two parts becoming a whole and separate piglet in an instant.

He made no move to bite her or kiss her, simply studied her, his thumb stroking the pulse in her neck.

Jonathan lifted his hand, thumb toward Alex and fingers curled down and rocked it forward and back.

One of the doctors came out of the tent in a bloodstained apron, holding a cigar between the thumb and little finger of one of his small bloodstained hands, so as not to smear it.

Pressing her thumb to her door, she realized there was light lining the windows of the condo beside hers.

  • Use the word THUMB in a sentences

Sentence Examples

«and ‘twixt his finger and his thumb

My photographs were, you know, given to the corner drugstore and they came back, you know, thumb marks, smudged and out of focus.

She fought like a wildcat. It took two bulls to hold her, and she almost bit the thumb off of one of them.

The whole aim and sense of it is to have a man here, under your thumb.

Only way to make that wound… use thumb on trigger.

«His thumb to his nose he put up with a sneer

It’s all in that old thumb, see?

But that old thumb never fails.

Keep your eye on that thumb, baby, and see what happens.

I still got my eye on the thumb.

I’ll stop a car and I won’t use my thumb.

I proved once and for all that the limb is mightier than the thumb.

Why, I met one of the most charming people I ever knew right in the thumb.

What will happen to my film ? Director, an actress once hurt her thumb and wasn’t able to work…

He’s sort of under Mother’s thumb.

If anyone else had been in my place during the last few years he’d have had Mr. Wickfield under his thumb.

Do you realize that not many years ago, a fleeing kidnapper or bank robber could take one step across a state line and thumb his nose at us?

Can’t you find your thumb?

You merely hold it suspended between finger and thumb 6 inches above the saucepan, and gently waft it back and forth like this.

A rope no wider than my thumb.

Why do you do it with your thumb?

So you’re the guy who ran his thumb down my back.

Well, it belongs to a guy with a scar on his thumb.

A man with a scar on his thumb should never have his nails manicured.

Very easy to read mind… when clue like, uh, rag on sore thumb.


Let’s have coffee. Don’t stick your thumb in it.

Haven’t you got a thumb? — Yeah.

All you got to do is to thumb a passing car and ride away.

After I told him I had passes, he nearly cut his thumb off.

Get me a new thumb, will you?

Then, close the paper of your bullet between your thumb and your forefinger.

Strikes at the very heart of the government’s do-nothing, thumb-twiddling policy.

And don’t pick your teeth with your thumb.

You know, under the thumb.

Put quinine on her thumb and she’ll stop sucking it quick enough.

My thumb get lost in the holes.


Hardly a thumb mark on it either. No, sir.

When he busted his thumb on your head?

What’s the matter, thumb in the eye?

That’s what I been doing but he stuck his thumb in my eye.

The world will be under your thumb.

Hey, Tom thumb, you lost your army.



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∙ 14y ago

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Here are a couple of examples I was hammering in a few nails
when I missed and hit my thumb. Boy does it throb. On each hand I
have four fingers and a thumb. As a rule of thumb I always add an
extra tea bag when making a big pot of tea

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