Sentences with word therefore

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Agricultural technology companies should therefore immediately remove the restriction on research from their end-user agreements.

Сельскохозяйственные агротехнологические предприятия поэтому должны немедленно снять ограничения на проведение исследований, а не ссылаться на подписанные соглашения с пользователем.

She believed, therefore she was.

Она верила в это, поэтому и была такой.

Awareness measures and training were therefore crucial.

Следовательно, огромное значение имеют меры по улучшению информированности и по профессиональной подготовке.

It therefore deserves its own provocative label.

Следовательно, для его обозначения необходим собственный автономный знак.

The two volumes must therefore be used together.

Эти два тома должны, таким образом, использоваться вместе.

Overall demand would therefore decline with lower prices, instead of increasing.

Средний спрос таким образом будет снижаться с понижением цены, вместо того, чтобы подниматься.

Further consultations on availability might therefore be useful.

Таким образом, было бы полезно провести дальнейшие консультации по поводу возможности присутствия на заседаниях.

It therefore supplements and updates that report.

Таким образом, оно дополняет и обновляет информацию, содержащуюся в этом докладе.

We can therefore eliminate this hypothesis.

Таким образом, мы, вероятно, можем сбросить со счетов эту гипотезу.

Those salaries therefore constitute a saved expense.

Таким образом, затраты на эту заработную плату представляют собой экономию на расходах.

The total costs therefore are $95 million.

Таким образом, общая сумма затрат составит 95 миллионов долларов.

The lines have gradations, therefore they represent things.

Линии имеют градации: поэтому они представляют вещи {86,352].

These therefore tend to reduce the potential energy.

Таким образом, потенциальная сила всегда направлена в сторону уменьшения потенциальной энергии.

A heroin overdose therefore often suppresses breathing.

Таким образом, передозировки героином часто приводят к остановке дыхания.

Coming out, therefore, is a powerful weapon against homophobia.

Таким образом, «выход из чулана» является мощнейшим оружием в борьбе с гомонегативизмом.

Common workplace injustices can therefore go unnoticed.

Таким образом, несправедливость на работе может остаться незамеченной.

We therefore respectfully disagree with the view expressed by the President.

Вот поэтому здесь я, в общем, не согласна с той позицией, которая была сформулирована президентом.

The Government therefore stated that their position remained unchanged and maintained their previous submissions.

Власти Австрии, таким образом, подтвердили неизменность своей позиции и не отказались от своих прежних заявлений.

The right to use those guidelines as European Assessment Documents should therefore be ensured.

Право на использование этих руководящих принципов, таких как Европейские документы для оценки, должно поэтому быть гарантировано.

Boris Johnson was therefore quite wrong.

Поэтому по сути Борис Джонсон, конечно, не прав.

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поэтому, следовательно, потому


- по этой причине; вследствие этого; поэтому, следовательно

they lost the bet, therefore they must pay — они проиграли спор и поэтому должны отдавать деньги /расплачиваться/
I think, therefore I am — я мыслю, следовательно, я существую

Мои примеры


exuberant and therefore restless population — избыточное и потому беспокойное население  
therefore sign — знак «поэтому» или «отсюда»  
therefore must his choice be circumscribed — поэтому он не волен выбирать  
and therefore — поэтому  
rule 124 could therefore not apply — поэтому правило 124 неприменимо  

Примеры с переводом

Their car was bigger and therefore more comfortable.

Их автомобиль был больше, и поэтому более комфортным.

They all became healthier men therefore.

Поэтому все они стали более здоровыми людьми.

Payment was received two weeks after it was due; therefore, you will be charged a late fee.

Платёж был получен на две недели позже положенного, поэтому с вас возьмут пеню за просрочку.

The cell phone is thin and light and therefore very convenient to carry around.

Данный сотовый телефон — тонкий и лёгкий, и поэтому его очень удобно носить с собой.

Progress so far has been very good. We are, therefore, confident that the work will be completed on time.

На данный момент мы добились очень хорошего прогресса. Поэтому мы уверены, что работа будет завершена в срок.


adverb наречие




  1. по этой причине

  2. потому

  3. в этой связи

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений therefore на 1 миллион слов: 88.

Примеры предложений

It rhymes, therefore it is true!
Рифмуется — значит, верно!

They don’t think therefore they aren’t.
Они не мыслят, следовательно, не существуют.

What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
Итак, что Бог сочетал, того человек да не разлучает.

He has a beard, and therefore he doesn’t need to shave.
Он носит бороду, поэтому ему не нужно бриться.

There are sentences whose translation into certain languages doesn’t make sense and, therefore, should be avoided.
Бывают предложения, переводить которые на некоторые языки бессмысленно, и этого надо потому избегать.

Therefore don’t be anxious for tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Each day’s own evil is sufficient.
Итак не заботьтесь о завтрашнем дне, ибо завтрашний сам будет заботиться о своем: довольно для каждого дня своей заботы.

The sun is shining, the temperature is 6 degrees C, therefore cycling is possible.
Светит солнце, температура — шесть градусов по Цельсию, следовательно, на велосипеде кататься можно.

I translate, therefore I am.
Я перевожу — следовательно, я существую.

All men are mortal, all Greeks are men, therefore all Greeks are mortal.
Все люди смертны, все греки — люди, следовательно, все греки смертны.

Paper is, therefore, a veritable miracle created by man.
Бумага, таким образом, — истинное чудо, созданное человеком.

Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, they have their reward.
Итак, когда творишь милостыню, не труби перед собою, как делают лицемеры в синагогах и на улицах, чтобы прославляли их люди. Истинно говорю вам: они уже получают награду свою.

The sun is shining, and the temperature is 6 degrees Celsius, therefore you can go cycling.
Светит солнце, температура — шесть градусов по Цельсию, следовательно, на велосипеде кататься можно.

All is in the hands of man. Therefore wash them often.
Всё в руках человека, поэтому мойте их чаще.

A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite. And to act so is immoral.
Человек может жить и быть здоровым без употребления животных в пищу; поэтому, если он ест мясо, он отнимает жизнь просто по прихоти своего аппетита. Поступать так — аморально.

In a game of chess, when the same position is repeated three times, the game ends without a winner. The result is therefore a tie.
В шахматной игре, когда одна и та же позиция повторяется три раза, игра заканчивается без победителя. Таким образом, результат — ничья.

I think, therefore I am.
Я мыслю — следовательно, я существую.

I no longer love you; therefore, I am sad.
Я больше не люблю тебя, поэтому мне грустно.

I dislike cruelty, even cruelty to other people, and should therefore like to see all cruel people exterminated.
Я не люблю жестокость, даже и к другим людям, и потому был бы не против всех жестоких людей уничтожить.

Blind chess is a type of chess in which a chess player makes his moves without seeing the board and without making any written record. Therefore, he has to keep all the positions of the game exclusively in his memory.
Слепые шахматы — это тип шахмат, в которых шахматист делает свои ходы, не видя доски и не делая никаких письменных записей. Поэтому он должен хранить все позиции игры исключительно в своей памяти.

All men are mortal, and Socrates is a man, therefore Socrates is mortal.
Все люди смертны, а Сократ — человек, следовательно, Сократ смертен.

They no longer loved each other, therefore, they split up.
Они больше не любили друг друга, поэтому расстались.

It is dull for me, grandmother, to sit idly hour by hour. My hands want work to do. Go, therefore, and buy me some flax, the best and finest to be found anywhere, and at least I can spin.
Скучно мне, бабушка, час за часом без дела сидеть. Моим рукам работа нужна. Так что сходи купи мне кудели, самой лучшей и самой тонкой, что только можно сыскать, я хотя бы прясть смогу.

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Итак идите, научите все народы, крестя их во имя Отца и Сына и Святого Духа.

I also learned to admire these chess players: Smyslov, Spassky, Karpov, Kasparov, Keres, and Carlsen. There are, therefore, twelve great chess players of my choice.
Я также научился восхищаться этими шахматистами: Смысловым, Спасским, Карповым, Каспаровым, Кересом и Карлсеном. Итак, на мой выбор двенадцать великих шахматистов.

I overslept this morning, therefore I haven’t had my breakfast.
Сегодня утром я проспал, поэтому не завтракал.

All men are mortal. Socrates was mortal. Therefore, all men are Socrates.
Все люди смертны. Сократ был смертен. Следовательно, все люди — Сократы.

This trial is guilty of wasting my time; the verdict is therefore guilty.
Эта тяжба виновна в трате моего времени, а потому вердикт — виновен.

The white stone was placed at a point where it would have no liberty if the neighboring black stone were not removed. But by playing that move White captured the black stone, which will have to be removed from the board. Therefore the move was legal.
Белый камень был помещен в точку, где у него не было бы свободы, если бы соседний черный камень не был удален. Но, сделав этот ход, белые захватили черный камень, который придется убрать с доски. Следовательно, переезд был законным.

Any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
Смерть каждого человека умаляет меня, ведь я есть часть всего Человечества, а потому не посылай никогда узнать, по ком звонит колокол: он звонит по тебе.

All men are mortal. Tom is a man. Therefore, Tom is mortal.
Все люди смертны. Том — человек. Следовательно, Том смертен.

therefore — перевод на русский


=Therefore, my courage and strength,=

=Поэтому моё оружие и сила… -=

Therefore I’ll prove everything.

Поэтому я докажу им.

I did visit the world known to mystics and some mentally sick people. And, therefore, to that extend, I’d say it is valid.

» поэтому, € бы сказал, мой опыт имеет значение.

Therefore based on the testimony of a prisoner of war

Поэтому основываясь на показаниях военнопленного

We want this people not to become soft… but to become hard and, therefore… you must steel yourselves for this in your youth.

Мы хотим чтобы этот народ не стал слабым… но стал крепким и поэтому… вы должны закалять себя для этого в вашей юности.

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They are inferior and therefore enemies of the state.

Это низшие существа, а, значит, враги государства.

Therefore when he sees reason of fears, as we do, his fears, without doubt, be of the same relish as ours are.

Значит, если у него, как и у нас, есть причины для опасений, то его страх ничем не отличается от нашего.

— We can therefore assume he visits her.

Значит, можно предположить, что он ходит к ней.

Therefore, you either are her lover or her boyfriend.

Ага…но, значит, можно иметь связь? Очень трудно.

And the quickest way to do this is by boat ; it will therefore take the boat.

Самый быстрый способ туда добраться — на судне, значит он возьмет судно.

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Therefore, between us was a certain je-ne-sais-quoi… I couldn’t name and which we both lacked… but occurred only when our 2 wills were combined.

Таким образом, между этой женщиной и мной было что-то необъяснимое что происходило, когда наши желания объединялись.

Therefore, the finding of this court — martial is that the accused is guilty as charged. »

Таким образом, суд постановил, что подсудимый виновен во всех предъявленных ему обвинениях.

Therefore you killed her on the evening of the 11th?

Таким образом, вы убили её вечером 11-ого?

Therefore, the roads of heaven must be the roads of fraternity and peace.

Таким образом, небесные пути должны быть путями братства и мира.

We would therefore prevail… and suffer only modest and acceptable civilian casualties… from their remaining force which would be badly damaged and uncoordinated.

Таким образом в результате мы понесли бы скромные и приемлемые жертвы среди гражданского населения в результате применения русскими остатков их ядерного арсенала.

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Therefore with frank and with uncurbed plainness tell us the Dauphin’s mind.

А потому без страха передайте Нам речь дофина.

Shizu, tell therefore your big brother…

Скажи, Сидзу, не потому ли твой старший брат…

I don’t remember therefore her appearance, but I know, that being from Kyoto, she served the prince in the palace.

Потому я не помню, как она выглядела, но знаю, что, будучи родом из Киото, она прислуживала принцу во дворце.

— And therefore is he idle?

И потому сорняк он?

I trust in the Lord… and our Lord himself dictated our rule… therefore it should be obeyed literally without interpretation.

Я верю в Господа… А Господь сам продиктовал наш устав потому и соблюдать его следует буквально, без всяких интерпретаций!

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Therefore, with the power conferred on me… by statute number 85-E… and other statutes thereunto appertaining’… I do hereby appoint to the post of sheriff… that paragon of courage… that credit to his community… the pride of Bottleneck… Mr Washington Dimsdale.

А посему властью, данной мне статьёй 85-ой, пункт «и» и другими статьями я назначаю на пост шерифа человека с отличной репутацией являющегося образцом мужества гордостью нашего общества, мистера Уошингтона Димздейла.

Therefore, to catch him, we must watch her place.

Посему, чтобы схватить его, нужно следить за ее домом.

And taste is not the same as appetite… and therefore not a question of morals, is it?

Вкус и аппетит — две разные вещи… а посему — не вопрос морали, не так ли?

We must therefore pay attention to that which we have in common, in other words, the universal.

Посему мы должны обращаться к тому, что есть в нас общего, другими словами, к разумению.

Therefore, I won’t comment on the disaster.

Посему, я промолчу о катастрофе

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Therefore, why did you two participate in the WOC?

Тогда почему вы участвуете в МВЧ?

Therefore it must be an alloy.

Тогда, это какой-то сплав.

Therefore, Send to another home.

Тогда отправь его в другой дом.

— Well I therefore admit.

— Хорошо, я тогда признаюсь.

We must therefore conclude that this alien is that often unaccountable rarity, a mutation, one of a kind.

Тогда мы приходим к выводу, что этот инопланетянин — неучтенный раритет, единственный в своем роде мутант.

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I’m, therefore, going to ask him to tell you something… — It’s about time too.

Я прошу его выступить перед вами…

I cannot bear the responsibility for a such a decision by myself and I therefore ask you to appear before your family council… the day after tomorrow at 2 in the afternoon.

Я не могу брать ответственность за такое решение на себя одного. Прошу тебя присутствовать на семейном совете послезавтра, во второй половине дня.

Therefore, I shall ask both litigants and their attorneys to meet with me in my chambers.

Я прошу стороны и их адвокатов собраться в моем кабинете.

Therefore, for God’s sake, entertain good comfort… and cheer His Grace… with quick and merry words.

Прошу вас, ради Бога, успокойтесь; его живым весельем развлеките.

Golan citizens, I therefore ask all citizens to assemble. It is up to you to prove that our Guellen never forgets its own!

Жители Геллена, я прошу всех вас собраться и показать, что наш город никогда ее не забывал.

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You must therefore be content to slubber the gloss of your new fortunes with this more stubborn and boisterous expedition.

Вот почему вам придется омрачить недавно обретенные радости этим трудным и беспокойным походом. Сенат высокий!

Therefore, it is now turning.

Вот почему это происходит.

Therefore his wife did not tolerate what it was stopping the restoration of the house.

Вот почему Вы вышли из себя, когда Ваша жена приостановила реставрационные работы.

Therefore, my family may be a little bit different from normal families.

Вот почему моя семья немного отличается от других.

Therefore I cannot leave what does Herbert kill.

Вот почему я не могу позволить тебе убить Герберта.

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And, indeed, we rob chance itself, therefore of the element of chance which, if you see what I mean must seem a solution of quite impregnable logic.

И наоборот, отвергая саму случайность, в связи с этим элемент случайности, как вы понимаете, должен казаться основанным на неопровержимой логике.

Therefore, I am making a citizen’s arrest.

В связи с чем, я арестовываю вас по праву гражданина США.

By taking this class, we’ve made an offer to you that you’ve accepted based on our facility of intelligence, therefore setting the value at a standard worth your time and our money.

Выбирая этот курс, мы делаем Вам предложение которое Вы принимаете, исходя из наших интеллектуальных способностей. И, устанавливая, в связи с этим, среднюю ценность, Вашего времени и наших денег.

I am, therefore, forced to acknowledge the following:

В связи с чем я вынужден констатировать следующее:

The force of gravity makes the black holes so heavy that they rip the thread of space, and therefore, time.

В чёрных дырах настолько огромная сила гравитации, что они разрушают связи в пространстве, а потому — и во времени.

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Here you are therefore!

Ах, вот вы где!

Therefore, I’m pleased, in the grand tradition of this holy time, to bestow clemency on a prisoner.

Вот, например, говорят, что вы проносили сигареты, а Росс их продавал.

Obviously… therefore, in absence of that, the criminal case stands closed.

Вот, явно… Поэтому дело закрыто за отсутвием состава преступления.

Therefore they are called crows?

Понятно. Вот почему их называют Воронами!

Therefore I will put it on

Вот я сегодня и пришла.

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1. Two ears to one tongue, therefore hear twice as much as you speak. 

2. Their car was bigger and therefore more comfortable.

3. They therefore can do nothing good of themselves.

4. He was busy, therefore he could not come.

5. I was ill, and therefore could not come.

6. I think, therefore I am.

7. Therefore, if you desire love, try to realize that the only way to get love is by giving love, that the more you give, the more you get.

8. Therefore, he went to work in an architect’s office in order to learn how to design buildings.

9. God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers.

10. The horse is running out, therefore is to fight out.

11. The Chinese Christians, therefore, practically excommunicate themselves from their own clan.

12. This view is subjective and therefore open to disagreement.

13. The pharaohs were considered gods and therefore immortal.

14. He’s only 17 and therefore not eligible to vote.

15. He lost his health, and therefore his difficulties increased.

16. His power is undefined, and therefore unlimited.

17. He was the only candidate; therefore, he was elected.

17. try its best to collect and make good sentences.

18. He was the boss’s husband and therefore untouchable.

19. They had seen him trawling and therefore knew that there were fish.

20. The defendant was depressed and therefore not fully responsible for her own actions.

21. The lime water has turned cloudy, therefore carbon dioxide has been produced during the experiment.

22. The laws of Nature, that is to say the laws of God, plainly made every human being a law unto himself, we must steadfastly refuse to obey those laws, and we must as steadfastly stand by the conventions which ignore them, since the statutes furnish us peace, fairly good government and stability, and therefore are better for us than the laws of God, which would soon plunge us into confusion and disorder and anarchy if we should adopt them. 

23. For me the different religions are beautiful flowers from the same garden, or they are branches of the same majestic tree. Therefore they are equally true, though being received and interpreted through human instruments equally imperfect. 

24. The reasonble man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself, Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. 

25. Every girl was once an angel without tears. When she meets the beloved boy, she gets the tears. And after she cries, she falls into the earth. Therefore, every boy shall be nice to his girl, coz she once gave up the whole heaven for the boy.

26. It’s our hope that we will play an increasingly greater role in the marketplace and, therefore, supply more jobs.

27. The boat races during the Dragon Boat Festival are traditional customs to attempts to rescue the patriotic poet Chu Yuan. Chu Yuan drowned on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in 277 B.C. Chinese citizens now throw bamboo leaves filled with cooked rice into the water. Therefore the fish could eat the rice rather than the hero poet. This later on turned into the custom of eating tzungtzu and rice dumplings.

28. Doctors are short of time to listen and are therefore keen to dish out drugs whenever they can.

29. Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound.

30. The stewards’ badges are made so they do not unstick from a car and therefore cannot be passed around.

The adverb «therefore» can be quite tricky to use in texts. Since it can be used to conjoin two sentences, it often gets misconstrued for a coordinating conjunction – which it is not. So, how and when to use «therefore» in a sentence?

The term «therefore», like «hence» and «thus», is used in texts as an interrupter or to connect two independent clauses. The adverb signifies «something happens due to something else». However, unlike a coordinating conjunction, it needs a semicolon preceding it to adjoin two proper sentences.

There are quite a few things to consider when incorporating «therefore» in sentences. Not adhering to even one of those rules could render a sentence grammatically wrong. Keep reading to learn more about how and when to use «therefore» in texts and everything else.

«Therefore» – Meaning

The adverb «therefore» doesn’t have a proper definition as such. But it roughly means «consequently», «for that reason», «because of that», etc.

Besides the words above, some other terms that «therefore» replaces in texts include:

  • As a result
  • Hence
  • To that end
  • Thus
  • Thereupon

All of the above words/phrases, like «therefore», introduce a statement caused by, or stemming from, what precedes immediately.

therefore dictionary

Are «Therefore» and «Therefor» the Same?

Like «therefore», «therefor» is an adverb, but it denotes «for it» or «for that».

Contrary to general perception, «therefor» is not an invalid term or the misspelling of «therefore». But because it’s seldom used in prose, it’s not as familiar as it should or could be. Not to mention, «therefore» and «therefor» cannot be interchangeably used in texts.

Here are a couple of sentences using «therefor» to help you understand the term better and its usage in texts:

  • Terrence has had multiple agreements therefor since then.
  • Since it’s a quasi-public firm, it should offer its services to everyone that applies therefor.

Incorporating «therefor» in texts can be confusing, thanks to its visual similarity with «therefore». Also, «for it» can seamlessly blend into the sentences above in place of «therefor», which further adds to the perplexity.

Using «Therefore» in Texts

«Therefore» is used in texts to connect two different thoughts that can or cannot be expressed in two individual sentences. Though the word seems to work like a conjunction, it doesn’t belong to the category of terms that «but» and «and» are a part of. It’s essentially an adverb that does conjunctive adverb duties. For example:

  • December is the month of festivities; therefore, it’s the period of gifts.

When «therefore» is used to bring together two sentences, a semicolon should always precede it – unlike coordinating conjunctions that use a comma instead. In other words, the following is an incorrect use of «therefore»:

  • The new hires were trained in a week, therefore they were put on live projects only after a week.

The above sentence can be corrected by using «and» instead.

  • The new hires were trained in a week, and they were put on live projects after a week.

The sentence could keep «therefore» and could be written as either of the following:

  • The new hires were trained in a week; therefore, they were put on live projects after a week.
  • The new hires were trained in a week. Therefore, they were put on live projects after a week.

The second sentence above also illustrates how «therefore» can be used at the beginning of a sentence.

However, using «therefore» to start a new paragraph is not considered correct or ideal since a section starts afresh and doesn’t usually need a backstory or context. When using «therefore» as the first term in a sentence, you must preface the text.

That said, some writers do use «therefore» to begin a sentence and manage to get away with that.

When used in the middle of a sentence, «therefore» concludes things, or it indicates the reason why a specific point was made. For example:

  • He was not happy with the software update situation on his phone. I, therefore, advised him to purchase a new smartphone but not from the same manufacturer.

In the passage above, if the first sentence is taken out, the reader will not understand why the subject is talking about buying a new smartphone. The original sentence offers some much-needed context.

As mentioned above, «therefore» is used in texts as a conjunctive adverb. It’s not a coordinating conjunction like some people wrongly think. Also, unlike «but» and «and», «therefore» and other conjunctive adverbs are not often used in everyday conversations. It’s used mainly in prose.

«Therefore» can be used in the middle of a sentence with or without commas or any form of punctuation. «But» and «and», on the other hand, require a «comma» or «period» before them. But when «but» or another conjunction is not used to join clauses, it doesn’t require punctuation around it. For example:

  • I like him, but I do not like his friend.
  • I like him but some of his strange habits.

Similar is the tale with «therefore»—more on the usage of commas or punctuations with «therefore» below.

punctuation faces

Using Punctuation with «Therefore»

The term «therefore» usually has a comma(s) in its immediate vicinity – whether the word is at a sentence’s beginning or somewhere in the middle. For example:

  • Therefore, it makes a lot more sense not to invest in a particular stock.
  • It could, therefore, mean hoping a lot from a single transaction.

It’s also acceptable to use «therefore» without parenthetical commas. The meaning or the structure of the sentence won’t be affected due to the lack of commas. For example:

  • You should therefore clarify things with her now.
  • This would foster competition and therefore much better deals for the end consumer.

Such usage, however, is usually relegated to casual or friendly correspondences. Or when «therefore» is not meant to serve as some kind of an interrupter.

As briefly discussed earlier, if «therefore» brings together two independent clauses or «therefore» is used as a conjunctive adverb, it’s preceded with a semicolon (;). For example:

  • She reached the place late; therefore, she had to wait.
  • He worked ward throughout the year; therefore, he received the promotion.
  • She is my teacher; therefore, I respect her, even if I do not agree with some of her views.

Some people may choose to replace the semicolon with a colon in the sentences above, which is undoubtedly incorrect.

Using «Therefore» in Oral Conversations and Punctuations

The use of parenthetical commas may look correct on paper or in written texts. But if it were to be analyzed from the «oral speech» perspective, the two commas may seem one too many or unnecessarily interruptive.

In other words, when «therefore» has two punctuation marks on its sides (be it a semicolon and a comma, or a couple of commas), it denotes two distinct pauses. When reading the sentence aloud or using «therefore» in regular oral communications, however, the two verbal delays do not exist. There’s only a brief breather before «therefore», which may also not get emphasized at times.

Commas warrant a minor but noticeable pause in delivery. In public, trying to read a sentence containing «therefore» with its customary commas will sound awkward and even affectatious.

The pause is okay to employ when you’re in a courtroom or on a stage. But if you use those audibly discernible pauses when talking to your colleague or at the grocery counter, the other person is sure to give you the «what’s wrong with you?» look.

Long story short, punctuations flanking «therefore» on both sides are fine in texts if they do not intend to represent or reflect «normal» dialogue accurately.

how to mom

Example Sentences with the Term «Therefore»

The following are sentences incorporating the word «therefore». Though some of them may require context, the sentences are grammatically correct, nonetheless.

  • His narrative, therefore, was considered incomplete.
  • Ingesting vitamin D3 supplements, therefore, can help with muscle building and overall good health.
  • Those were just figures taken from a small population. The actual number could, therefore, be significantly higher.
  • Therefore, he was not too keen on the offer.
  • The best defense, therefore, is offense.
  • Greek yogurt has higher protein content compared to regular yogurt. It, therefore, tends to be a bit more filling.
  • You, therefore, should be wary of where you buy your supplements.
  • This makes her feel healthy and, therefore, more energetic at work.
  • The decision to appoint him as a trustee, therefore, makes sense.
  • Therefore, a lot more houses should be built.
  • She can, therefore, now afford to be a lot more philosophical about the defeat that hurt her big time then.
  • He, therefore, doesn’t qualify to talk about the benefits of temperance.
  • It’s, therefore, imperative to move on to the next task at hand right away.
  • She is down with fever and, therefore, will not be playing tomorrow.
  • She worked on the piece for six hours at a stretch; therefore, she could finish it before the deadline.
  • The rebels killed all the tourists that were coming through the particular road during the last few weeks. She, therefore, urged us not to take that route and even abort the travel if there was no alternate path.


To conclude, «therefore» can be quite complex to incorporate in sentences – that is, if you don’t know what the adverb means or represents.

Though the meaning is relatively easy to learn and imbibe, things become quite tricky when punctuations, particularly commas, have to be accounted for. Since it’s okay not to use commas when there usually should have been a pair, quite a few writers find themselves stranded, unsure of using commas.

As mentioned above, don’t skimp on the punctuation if it’s a formal text. Some amount of slack is, however, acceptable if the scenario is more casual or friendly.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

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