Sentences with word theirs

When we use their or theirs? What is the difference between their and theirs? Give Theirs in a sentence? what are some their theirs exercises ? In this post, we will learn about the main uses of their and theirs. We will also depict the difference between their and theirs. Sentence examples of their theirs will be listed. So, what is the difference between their and theirs?

As a general rule, “Their” is a possessive adjective. It is also known as a possessive determiner. Their is used to describe and qualify a noun. For Instance:

  • Anna and Jimmy have a car. It’s their car.

So, a possessive pronoun tells to whom or to what something belongs.

Theirs, on the other hand, is different. Theirs is a pronoun, more specifically it is a possessive pronoun. It replaces the possessive adjective and a noun when the noun is understood. For example:

  • Anna and Jimmy have a car. This is their car. The car is theirs.

Theirs” replaces a noun phrase and answers the question Whose? For more clarification, let’s consider this table:

Subject pronoun Possessive adjective Possessive pronoun
I my mine
you (singular) your yours
he, she, it his, her, it his, hers, its
we our ours
you (plural) your yours
they their theirs
who whose whose
What is the difference between their and theirs?

More examples are listed below:

  • This is my dress. The dress is mine.
  • It is your cat. The cat is yours.
  • This is his money. The money is his.
  • Her cat is smart. Hers is smart.
  • This is our laptop. The laptop is ours.
  • These are your friends. The friends are yours.
  • Their daughter is an engineer. Theirs is an engineer.
What is the difference between their and theirs?

When We Use Their Or Theirs?

Note: Remember that:

  • Their” comes before a noun phrase.
  • Theirs” replaces a noun phrase and answer the question Whose?


Your house. Yours.

Their and Theirs in a Sentence:

Their kids, their car, their house; all is theirs.
Helen and Zack have got bikes. The bikes are theirs.
These two rabbits are theirs.
It wasn’t Natalie’s fault. it was theirs.
It’s a favorite book of theirs.
Karen’s wedding ceremony will be held after theirs.
Actually, My sister needs your advise, not theirs.
Theirs are the children by the swimming pool.
Which is their novel?
Theirs was a smart plan that offered a better solution to the problem.

Their Theirs Exercises:

Exercise 1:

Underline the correct word as in the example:

  • Dolly is ( their, theirs ) sister.
  1. This big house is ( their, theirs ).
  2. It’s Tim and Suzy’s cat. It’s ( their, theirs ) cat.
  3. These white flowers are ( their, theirs ).
  4. This is ( their, theirs ) garden. It’s ( their, theirs ).
  5. This is my parents’ car. It’s ( their, theirs ).
  6. Mr Robbin is ( their, theirs ) father.

Exercise 2:

Change the possessive adjective to a possessive pronoun and remove the noun. For example:

  • Helary has my phone. She has mine
  1. The red car on the street corner is their car. ____________________________
  2. Was this your dress? _________________________________
  3. Did Carmen find her keyring? __________________________
  4. His boss is unfair with everyone. ____________________________
  5. These problems are completely his problems. __________________________
  6. Our family have lived in Mexico for a long time. _______________________________
  7. I need your advice. _________________________
  8. Their quarrel about money made no sense. ________________________

Exercise 3:

Circle the correct word that best completes each sentence.

  1. Her son met his/her/their wife in Ohio.
  2. Did you leave yours/mine/your keys on the table?
  3. This encyclopedia is our/his/her, and that one belongs to Samantha.
  4. I think I forgot mine/her/my again.
  5. My sister gave mine/her/its bag to me.
  6. Where did they buy theirs/skirt/its?
  7. We found your tickets, but where are my/her/ours?
  8. Hers/Theirs/His uncle is coming to U.S. to live.
  9. The racoon hurt its/hers/front foot in a trap.
  10. May I have hers/my/mine lunch now?

Possessive pronouns are often confused among most people, especially those trying to learn the fundamental rules of the English language. They don’t always follow the typical rules that you’d expect of them, and a little extra thought needs to be taken. “Their” is no exception.

The correct possessive of “their” is “theirs” and is the only form you can use. “Their’s” is an incorrect way of using the possessive of “their” and should not be used. Possessive pronouns don’t follow the same rules as a possessive noun (which often use apostrophes when showing ownership of something).

There are no exceptions to this rule, either, so “their’s” can never be used in any situation. If you find yourself using the possessive form of “their” before an object in a sentence, then you simply drop the “s” entirely. This is where it gets a little bit confusing, but we’ll look at two brief examples to show you the only two acceptable variations of the possessive form “their.”

Example 1: The dog is theirs.

Example 2: This is their dog.

In both cases, the dog is the object owned by the “their” in the sentence. However, the possessive “theirs” is where we’ll spend most of our focus today. We thought it was important for you to see how the possessive changes when the object comes after.

How To Remember If The Correct Possessive Form Of “Their” Is Theirs Or Their’s

There is a simple way to remember whether you should include the apostrophe or not in the possessive form of “their.” Most of the time, apostrophes are used in possessive nouns to show ownership, and the object of the sentence directly follows them. For example, “the dog’s bone” or “the child’s food” show a possessive noun and the object owned.

With “theirs,” you will never see an object come after the word. You will only use the word “theirs” to show ownership of an object already mentioned. For example, “the dog is theirs” or “the food was theirs” are good ways of showing you how the possessive form changes when you use the pronoun “their.”

If you’re still a little confused, don’t worry, the more practice you get in, the easier it will become. You just have to get used to not using an apostrophe at the end. If you’re ever using a pronoun, whether it be “he,” “she,” “it,” “their,” or anything else, you will never use an apostrophe “s” to show the possessive. Remember, the possessive of “he” is “his” and “she” is “hers,” so “their” follows the same irregular pattern.

The Reason Why People Often Get Confused About Their’s Or Theirs

If you have read through this and found yourself making the mistake of including an apostrophe, don’t worry! You’re not alone in this, and it’s actually quite common. There are a few reasons people get confused about theirs or their’s because they sound the same when spoken. Sometimes, when you add an “s” to the end of the word in speaking, people assume that you add that “s” with an apostrophe when written down.

Similarly, we often use an apostrophe “s” to show the possessive form when we’re writing things. However, you must remember now that possessive nouns (John’s, dog’s, dad’s, etc.) are different from possessive pronouns (theirs, his, hers, etc.) Most possessive words use the apostrophe as a rule in the language, with very few exceptions. Remember that pronouns are the exception to this rule, and you’ll be set.

Examples Of Theirs And Their’s

Let’s finish by looking at a few examples of “theirs” and “their’s” in a sentence. We’ll include both correct and incorrect variations of the word so you can see how it would look with an apostrophe. We’re trying to drill the fact that apostrophes are wrong in this sense, so make sure you pay attention. We encourage you not to look at which sentence is correct or incorrect until after you’ve guessed for yourself.

Correct:The dog isn’t mine; it’s theirs.

Incorrect:You can’t eat that; it’s their’s.

Correct:That book isn’t yours; it’s theirs.

Incorrect:That’s their’s!

Correct:We can’t take that because it’s theirs.

Incorrect:Please, take their’s!

You may also like: Todays or Today’s? Here’s The Correct Possessive (Helpful Examples)

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Английские притяжательные местоимения — базовая тема для изучающих язык. Они во многом похожи на соответствующие местоимения в русском, однако имеют свои особенности. Какие — расскажем в этой статье.

Одно из отличий английского языка от русского заключается в том, что притяжательные местоимения имеют два вида: простую и абсолютную форму. Разберемся, в чем заключаются это отличие и как не запутаться в разных формах.

Притяжательные местоимения

Притяжательные местоимения указывают на принадлежность предмета. Они используются, когда мы хотим сказать, что этот предмет мой, твой или, например, его.

Притяжательные местоимения образуются от личных. Личные формы заменяют существительные и стоят в позиции подлежащего. Они изменяются по лицам, числам и роду. Вспомним, как выглядят личные местоимения в английском:


Для каждого личного местоимения существует форма притяжательного местоимения в английском:


Приведенные формы называются относительными притяжательными или простыми притяжательными. Они могут замещать существительные с показателем ’s или конструкцию с предлогом of для передачи идеи принадлежности.

Philip’s house / house of Philip — дом Филиппа → His house — Его дом

Форма английского притяжательного местоимения определяется через род, число и лицо человека, которому принадлежит предмет. Число объектов, о которых идет речь, не влияет на форму местоимения: местоимение не согласуется по числу с объектом. Продемонстрируем примерами:

my / your / his / her books — мои / твои / его книги

our / your / their book — наша / ваша / их книга

Значение притяжательных местоимений — передать связь между предметом и лицом, кому принадлежит предмет. Когда мы говорим «мой» или «наш», то указываем, к кому относится объект. Но отсылка к существительному не означает прямое владение предметом, как например, в словосочетаниях my house (мой дом), his book (его книга). Значение принадлежности может быть косвенным и лишь указывать, на кого мы ссылаемся в таких конструкциях:

his passion for drawing — его страсть к рисованию

my homework — мое домашнее задание

Такие местоимения могут относиться и к одушевленным лицам:

your grandmother — твоя бабушка

his child — его ребенок

Типичное употребление притяжательных местоимений в английском языке — указание на части тела:

my arm — моя рука

his head — его голова

He took my hand — Он взял меня за руку

Притяжательные местоимения могут добавляться в конструкцию с полным существительным:

my husband’s house / house of my husband — дом моего мужа

Употребление в предложении

Простые притяжательные местоимения в английском располагаются перед существительными и без него не употребляются.

Функция таких местоимений — это функция прилагательного. Они отвечают на вопрос «чей?» и характеризуют последующий за ними объект: my room (моя комната) / our son (наш сын) / his game (его игра).

В сочетании с существительным притяжательные местоимения могут занимать различные позиции в предложении. Например, выступать в роли определения подлежащего:

My pen is on the table — Моя ручка на столе

Their car looks like a new one — Их машина выглядит как новая

Your grandmother is such a nice person — Твоя бабушка такой приятный человек

Существительное с притяжательным местоимением может занимать позицию прямого объекта:

I can’t find my pen — Я не могу найти свою ручку

We have just seen his car — Мы только что видели его машину

She invited my wife — Она пригласила мою жену

Или стоять в позиции косвенного объекта:

I will be in their house this Sunday — Я буду в их доме в это воскресенье

I was there with your father — Я был там с твоим отцом

He wants to talk to our son — Он хочет поговорить с нашим сыном

При притяжательном местоимении использование артикля невозможно. Само местоимение в предложениях заменяет артикль:

We have just seen a car — Мы только что видели машину

We have just seen his car — Мы только что видели его машину

The book is on the table — Книга на столе

Your book is on the table — Твоя книга на столе

Также не могут употребляться вместе притяжательные и указательные местоимения в английском языке.

We have just seen that car — Мы только что видели ту машину

We have just seen his car — Мы только что видели его машину

This book is on the table — Эта книга на столе

Your book is on the table — Твоя книга на столе

В конструкции с притяжательными местоимениями могут добавляться прилагательные. Такие определения относятся к предмету, о принадлежности которого сообщается во фразе. Позиция прилагательного в таком случае — между притяжательным местоимением и существительным, к которому оно относится:

We have just seen his new car — Мы только что видели его новую машину

Your blue pen is on the table — Твоя синяя ручка на столе

I will see their wonderful house this Sunday — Я увижу их потрясающий дом в это воскресенье

Абсолютные притяжательные

Абсолютные притяжательные местоимения в английском языке отличаются по форме от относительных. Для них форма первого лица единственного числа из my превращается в mine, а в других лицах и числах добавляется окончание -s. Поскольку простая притяжательная форма от местоимения he уже оканчивается на -s (his), то здесь дополнительный показатель не добавляется и абсолютная форма совпадает с простой.

Формы абсолютных притяжательных местоимений:

  • mine — мой
  • yours — твой
  • his — его
  • hers — ее
  • ours — наш
  • yours — ваш
  • theirs — их

Добавим абсолютные формы к уже знакомой нам таблице личных и притяжательных местоимений в английском языке:


Обратите внимание, что от неодушевленного it абсолютная притяжательная форма не образуется, и местоимение its не употребляется в этом качестве. В таких случаях возможно использовать только простую форму местоимения с существительным:

The cat plays with its toy — Кошка играет со своей игрушкой

Образование абсолютной формы будет неправильным:

The cat plays with its toy and the dog with its → The cat plays with its toy and the dog with its ball — Кошка играет со своей игрушкой, а собака со своим мячом

Употребление абсолютных притяжательных в предложении

Отличие абсолютной формы притяжательных местоимений заключается в том, что они не примыкают к соответствующим существительным, а используются самостоятельно. Их функция в предложении — это функция существительного, а не прилагательного. Поэтому иногда такие местоимения называются самостоятельными.

Когда абсолютная форма английского притяжательного местоимения стоит в позиции подлежащего, это значит, что в речи существительное уже употреблялось. Поскольку существительное при таких формах отсутствует, то его появление раньше в тексте необходимо, чтобы определить, о каком объекте идет речь.

Where is your book? Mine is on the table — Где твоя книга? Моя на столе

Такие местоимения могут выступать в предложениях как часть сказуемого:

This pen is mine — Это моя ручка

The whole world is yours — Весь мир твой

Еще одно использование самостоятельных притяжательных местоимений — конструкции с предлогом of для указания на принадлежность объекта.

John is my friend → John is a friend of mine — Джон мой друг

Абсолютные формы притяжательных местоимений могут появляться в различных позициях в предложении. Например, в качестве подлежащего:

My husband prefers to stay at home and yours adores travelling — Мой муж предпочитает сидеть дома, а твой обожает путешествовать

Или в позиции прямого объекта:

I cannot find my book, I only see yours — Я не могу найти свою книгу, я вижу только твою

Самостоятельные притяжательные используются и на месте косвенного объекта:

He always spends time with their children and never with ours — Он всегда проводит время с их детьми и никогда с нашими

Как и в случае с простыми формами притяжательных местоимений, абсолютные не могут употребляться вместе с артиклями. Также невозможно употребить вместе притяжательное и указательное местоимение в английском языке. Такие предложения будут неправильными.

Ошибка: We have just seen the his car. But the hers looks more fashionable.

Правильно: We have just seen his car. But hers looks more fashionable — Мы только что видели его машину. Но ее машина выглядит более стильно.

Ошибка: I can’t find that book but this yours is on the table.

Правильно: I can’t find that book but yours is on the table — Я не могу найти ту книгу, а твоя на столе.

В отличие от простых форм притяжательных местоимений, самостоятельные не допускают при себе использование прилагательных. Поскольку такие слова не употребляются с существительными, то и прилагательное, которое к существительному присоединяется, в таких конструкциях невозможно. Если говорящий хочет использовать прилагательное, то абсолютную форму нужно заменить на сочетание простого притяжательного с существительным.

Ошибка: We have just seen his car. But hers new looks more fashionable.

Правильно: We have just seen his car. But her new car looks more fashionable — Мы только что видели его машину. Но ее новая машина выглядит более стильно.

Ошибка: I can’t find my pen but yours red is on the table.

Правильно: I can’t find my pen but your red pen is on the table — Я не могу найти мою ручку, а твоя красная ручка на столе.

Использование самостоятельных притяжательных местоимений в английском позволяет избавиться от ненужного повтора слов. Из употребления таких местоимений уже ясно, о каком объекте идет речь, поэтому повторное использование существительного избыточно. Сравните следующие предложения:

This pen is my pen → This pen is mine (Это моя ручка)

Where is your book? My book is on the table → Where is your book? Mine is on the table (Где твоя книга? Моя на столе)

My husband prefers to stay at home and your husband adores travelling → My husband prefers to stay at home and yours adores travelling (Мой муж предпочитает сидеть дома, а твой обожает путешествовать)

I cannot find my pen, I only see your pen → I cannot find my pen, I only see yours (Я не могу найти свою ручку, я вижу только твою)

He always spends time with their children and never with our children → He always spends time with their children and never with ours (Он всегда проводит время с их детьми и никогда с нашими)

Часто самостоятельные формы английских притяжательных местоимений используются как возможность противопоставить один предмет другому:

We have just seen his car. But hers looks more fashionable — Мы только что видели его машину. Но ее машина выглядит более стильно.

I can’t find my book but yours is on the table — Я не могу найти свою книгу, а твоя на столе.

Как мы видим, у простых и абсолютных форм в английском языке много различий. Два вида притяжательных местоимений отличаются по форме и по употреблению в предложениях. Но несмотря на это, значение двух типов местоимений при переводе на русский язык совпадает.

Example Sentences with There Their and They're-mPin

There, their and they’re the three words that can cause a headache for English language learners. Here are some examples of sentences with there, their and they’re.

Sentences with There

  1. There is no such thing as a perfect relationship.
  2. There are many things you should know about saving money.
  3. There should be equal rights for everyone.
  4. There are many different ways of making money.
  5. There is a boat in the harbor.
  6. There was a storm last night.
  7. Are you sure there is no meat in this sauce?
  8. Is there a television remote lying on the desk?
  9. There are so many people in this store!
  10. The storm was so bad that there was damage to the roof of my house.
  11. There were cars parked outside the plaza.
  12. There is a toilet near the entrance.
  13. There is an egg on the floor.
  14. There is a hair in my soup.
  15. There was a spider in the room.
  16. Barbra was there at the party.
  17. There are 20 people outside my house.
  18. There was nothing for me to do but take it to the shop.
  19. There isn’t a lot of choice in this area.
  20. There are times when you just have to give up.
  21. There is no backup system for this sort of situation.
  22. There‘s nothing quite like a good old-fashioned car chase.
  23. There have been a lot of changes there.
  24. There is a food truck festival tomorrow.
  25. I went there on my lunch break yesterday.
  26. There are only 5 things you need to start a blog.
  27. There are thousands of video sites, but not all of them are worthwhile.
  28. There is no point in trying to make minor changes to your website and there is no guarantee that the changes will work for you.
  29. If money is involved in any form, then there will be complaints.
  30. There was a woman here earlier.
  31. There are two people in my family.
  32. There are three reasons for my success.
  33. There are many things that you have done wrong.
  34. There has been a slight delay in getting the product to market at this point.
  35. There is one thing I would like to mention.
  36. There were a lot of people at the party.
  37. The food was there every night.
  38. Mary said that there were no cookies left.
  39. I can’t find my keys – are they there?
  40. There was a jaguar behind the tree.
  41. There will be no school tomorrow.
  42. There are four main varieties of art that are practiced in the modern world.
  43. There was a man who just stood there with his mouth open.
  44. There is a beautiful statue made out of marble.
  45. There were two children on the playground who were playing together.
  46. There have been many attempts to build cars that are powered by electricity instead of gasoline.
  47. There is more and more rain in the forecast for this coming weekend.
  48. There was a time when people would not wear shorts to work, but now it is normal.
  49. There will be a party on Saturday night.

Sentences with Their

  1. Their sandwiches are pretty good.
  2. Let’s hope they achieve their target quickly.
  3. The reason for their anger is not clear.
  4. I added their name to the list.
  5. They were upset when they found their offer had been refused.
  6. He checked all the things lying on their desk.
  7. It’s a myth that you can tell a lot about someone by their name. However, some names do seem to fit people very well.
  8.  If you keep a watchful eye their tricks will not fool you.
  9. Their website teaches children how to spell simple English words.
  10. Their company sells traditional food and products.
  11. They own a small organic farm in the forest behind their house.
  12. Their work has been featured in print and online publications.
  13. Bob and Jack were trying to inspire their teacher.
  14. Their trademark red hats are a herringbone pattern.
  15. Their business is based in the town, but they have a cottage on the coast.
  16. Their online course teaches people a new skill every month for 2 years.
  17. They created their product themselves and sell it all over.
  18. He was their next victim.
  19. The others are here, their time comes later.
  20. Here lies their secret.
  21. He had their respect and affection.
  22. He felt good to have their confidence.
  23. They left their luggage at the train station while they went out for dinner.
  24. They were busy trying to fix their problems and didn’t seem to be interested in ours.
  25. He informed everyone that their boss would not be attending the meeting.
  26. They were eating their dinner.
  27. Let’s try their special today.
  28. We need to ask their permission.
  29. Their behavior was very rude.
  30. I will consider their request.
  31. It was their idea in the first place.
  32. We are happy that their teacher is helping us.
  33. Their next album was released this past March.
  34. Their old house was quite small.
  35. Their high school does not promote sports teams.
  36. Their interest in art was obvious.
  37. Their daughters were pretty alike.
  38. Her children get along very well with their neighbors, who have no children of their own.
  39. Their favorite place to shop is in the local market on Friday afternoons.
  40. Jenny and Jess have their styles.
  41. Your guests are their priority.
  42. Jack was also a hermit and enjoyed the solitude of their mountain cabin.
  43. Their quilt smelled like newly mown hay.
  44. The boys were sure their team would win, even though their supporters were few.
  45. They are devoted environmentalists and their food comes from locally grown sources.
  46. They denounced it at first, but eventually, they had to change their minds.
  47. Their favorite type of sweets is gummy bears.

Sentences with They’re

  1. They’re not my priority right now.
  2. They’re a great team players.
  3. They’re perfect for each other.
  4. Jealousy is not a good emotion but they’re feeling we have to learn to control it.
  5. They’re coming over tonight.
  6. They’re better than you think.
  7. They’re really nice neighbors.
  8. They’re giving us a lift to the train station.
  9. They’re helping us move house this weekend.
  10. They’re going to be so helpful.
  11. I’m starting to think that they’re going to fail.
  12. What they’re offering seems pretty expensive.
  13. Based on what we’ve done, they’re clearly the best choice.
  14. They’re already late for their next meeting.
  15. It’s a good thing that they’re not going to need very much help from us.
  16. They’re preparing for the interview.
  17. They’re doing it for themselves and not for others.
  18. They’re deciding which one will suit them best.
  19. They’re respecting your decisions and wishes.
  20. They’re putting together your new house.
  21. They’re saying all white is out this year.
  22. If you don’t arrive on time, they’re not going.
  23. Jenny says they’re scared of the dark.
  24. They’re very nice people.
  25. They’re in the backyard again.
  26. They’re going to the beach every weekend.
  27. They’re always travelling around Asia with their parents. It’ll be fun to see them later tonight.
  28. They’re going to take a picture of the statue later today.
  29. They’re currently studying the history of the Second World War.
  30. They’re all looking at their notes.
  31. They’re going to end up with a good grade on this test, even if they miss a few questions.
  32. They’re also studying how the war affected America.
  33. They’re getting ready for the test on Monday afternoon.
  34. They’re all proud of their participation in the war effort.
  35. They’re leaving an hour later.
  36. I’m going to find the book they’re talking about.
  37. I didn’t know they’re going on vacation.
  38. Let’s see what they’re up to tonight.
  39. Do you know what they’re thinking?
  40. They’re amazing. Aren’t they?
  41. They’re getting quite big now.
  42. They’re not going to believe it!
  43. They’re great at keeping secrets!
  44. They’re so clever and talented!
  45. They’re my favorite singers, do you know them?
  46. They’re growing really fast!
  47. They’re going on a big trip.
  48. They’re waking up early tomorrow.
  49. They’re the main stars of the show.
  50. They’re looking for a good time.
  51. They’re sleeping inside their houses tonight.
  52. They’re never going to find you.
  53. They’re turning into monsters overnight.
  54. They’re also supposed to be quite comfortable to complete the task.

Sentences with There Their and They'rePin

Sentences with There Their and They’re

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Надеюсь, Вы уже ознакомились с правилами употребления притяжательных местоимений, и готовы приступить к упражнениям. Все упражнения на Possesive Pronouns идут с возрастанием сложности, поэтому первые из них подойдут даже для детей. Ответы к упражнениям найдете, по традиции, в конце статьи.

Упражнение 1. Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box.

His    Their    Her

  1. This is my mum. _________ name’s Jess.
  2. These are my sisters. ________ names are Mary and Dina.
  3. These are my parents. _________ names are Tanya and Bob
  4. This is my cousin. _________ name’s Helen.
  5. This is my cousin. ______ name’s Fred
  6. These are my sisters. _______ names are Tina and Nina.
  7. This is my aunt. _______ name’s Pam.

Упражнение 2. What is Molly Adamauer saying? Add my, your, his, her, our or their.

_____ first name is Molly. _____family name is Adamauer. What about you? What’s _____  first name? And what’s ______ family name? I’m married. You can see _____ husband in the picture. ______ name is Aisek. We’ve got one son and one daughter. ______ son is 21.  _____ name is Nickolas. _______ daughter is 24. ______ name is Emy. Emy is married.  _____ husband’s name is Bred. Emy and Bred have got two children. ______ names are Kevin and Evi.

Упражнение 3. Circle the correct word.

possesive pronouns

This is Michael. This is his/her family. These are my / his parents. This is her / their house. This is your / their pet. This is her / its ball.

Absolute possessive pronouns exercises.

Упражнение 4. Insert absolute possessive pronouns.

Jason: Whose sunglasses are these?

Kate They’re Amy’s, I think. Yes, they’re (1) _______.

Paul: Whose baseball cap is this?

Amy: That’s (2) ______  too! Thanks.

Kate: Ugh!  Whose dirty towel is this?

Jason: Ask Paul. I think it’s (3) __________ .

Paul: Yes, it is. Thanks. You’ve got a great T-shirt, Amy!

Kate: Thanks. I borrowed it from my big sister. So it’s (4) __________ really.

Jason: What about this umbrella?

Paul: Don’t be silly, Jason! You brought it, so it must be (5) __________.

Kate: Does this beach ball belong to us?

Jason: No, it isn’t (6) __________. Those kids over there were looking for a ball, so it’s (7) _________ probably.

Притяжательные местоимения. Mixed exercises.

Упражнение 5. Выберите из подчёркнутых слов правильные притяжательные местоимения.

  1. Is this yours / your daughter?
  2. It’s theirs / their problem, not our/ours.
  3. It’s a good idea of your / yours to go to the bar tonight.
  4. Are these her / hers shoes?
  5. We’re going swimming with some friends of our/ours.
  6. Is it yours / your article about spiders? -No, it’s not my / mine.
  7. We know their / theirs address but they don’t know our / ours.
  8. That’s not my / mine wallet. Mine / my is black.
  9. His cottage is bigger than her / hers but her / hers is nicer.
  10. My / mine parents live in Vitebsk region, and your / yours?

Упражнение 6. Вставьте нужные по смыслу выражения с (own).

  1. He really loves to have __________ car.
  2. I hope to set up _________ business one day
  3. Roman Abramovich had a comfortable plane of __________.
  4. We don’t need your tools, we’ve taken _________ drill.
  5. They invested the money of__________ in this project.
  6. She’s always smoking our cigarettes! Why doesn’t she buy __________.
  7. I have always dreamt to have a room of___________.
  8. Liza has left ____________ child in infant home!
  9. The house was built by ___________great-grandfather. We’re proud of this fact.
  10. We can believe them. _________experiment is a good proof for us.

Упражнение 7. Complete the conversation with the correct possessive pronouns.

Tim: Whose CD is that?

Jenny: The Britney Spears CD? It’s  (1) _______ . It’s (2) _______ favourite CD.

Tim: It’s (3) _________ too. Is this Kylie Minogue CD (4) ________ too?

Jenny: No, it’s (5) ________ sister’s. And those on the table are (6) ________ too.

Tim: There’s a Beatles CD on the table. Does she like The Beatles?

Jenny: No, she doesn’t. But (7) _____ parents love them. All the Beatles CDs are (8) ______.

Tim: Can I borrow this one, or is it (9) _________ sister’s?

Jenny No, it isn’t (10) _________. I’ll have to ask (11) _____ brother. That CD is (12) _______.

Упражнение 8. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate possessive pronouns.

  1. Jill and Jack write articles for ______ school newspaper.
  2. Bob nodded at ____ wife as if he wanted to say «You see?»
  3. Do you think they are losing ____ popularity?
  4. From ____ place I could watch the people eating ____ lunch.
  5. I like____ new car. I bought it yesterday.
  6. He took off ______ jacket and loosened ____ tie.
  7. My mum usually came to ____ office at 4 o’clock.
  8. They’ve got two children but I don’t remember ____
  9. We are going to invite all ____ friends to the party.
  10. We’re staying at a very nice hotel. ____ room is very comfortable.

Ответы к упражнениям на притяжательные местоимения.

Exercise 1.

1 her, 2 their, 3 their, 4 her, 5 his, 6 their, 7 her

Exercise 2.

My, my, your, your, my, his, our, his, our, her, her, their

Exercise 3.

His, his, their, their, its

Exercise 4.

1 hers, 2 mine, 3 his, 4 hers, 5 yours, 6 ours, 7 theirs

 Exercise 5.

1 your, 2 their / ours, 3 yours, 4 her, 5 ours, 6 your / mine, 7 their / ours, 8 my / mine, 9 hers / hers 10 my / yours

 Exercise 6.

1 his own, 2 my own, 3 his own, 4 our own, 5 their own, 6 her own, 7 my own, 8 her own, 9 our own, 10 their own или our own

Exercise 7.

1 mine, 2 my, 3 mine, 4 yours, 5 my, 6 hers, 7 my или our, 8 theirs, 9 your, 10 hers, 11 my, 12 his

Exercise 8.

1 – their, 2 – his, 3 – their, 4 – my/their, 5 – my, 6 – his/his, 7 – her, 8 – their, 9 – our, 10  — our

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