Sentences with word spoiled

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Here is such a fun phone spoiled.

Вот такой вот был «забавный испорченный телефон».

Plus, how to get a compensation for a spoiled vacation.

Плюс, как получить компенсационную выплату за испорченный отдых.

A spoiled child that breaks its toys.

Вы избалованный ребёнок, который поломал все свои игрушки.

Two-thirds of parents think their own children are spoiled.

Более того, две трети родителей признают, что их дети избалованы.

But she sometimes behaves like a spoiled child.

Тем не менее, она часто ведет себя, как капризный ребенок.

I have been behaving like a spoiled, rotten child…

В общем, ведет себя, как капризный, избалованный ребенок… .

You spoiled suburban kids sure have it good.

У вас, испорченных детей из пригорода, все самое лучшее.

Vivian is spoiled, exacting… smart and ruthless.

Вивиан избалованная, требующая многого, интеллигентная, но безжалостная девушка.

Food poisoning affects only those in whose body got spoiled products.

Пищевое же отравление поражает только тех, в организм которых попала испорченная продукция.

Like spoiled kids with all our broken toys.

Как всем избалованным детям, нам хочется ломать свои игрушки.

She really acted like a spoiled brat sometimes.

Я ведь тогда действительно вела себя как избалованная стервочка порой.

Hugs can improve mood spoiled by conflict with other people.

Объятия могут улучшить настроение, испорченное в результате конфликта с другими людьми.

2.3% of ballots were spoiled.

Известно, что 2,3% бюллетеней были испорчены.

Never taste your food to check if it has spoiled.

Никогда не пробуйте еду с целью проверить, испорчена она или нет.

We mostly live off bread or spoiled vegetables from the market.

«Еда для нас — роскошь, мы, в основном, питаемся хлебом или испорченными овощами с рынка.

They’re spoiled brats who think money can buy everything.

Они избалованные дети. Думают, что всё можно купить за деньги.

Cristina is a rich, spoiled princess visiting Rome with her royal parents.

Кристина (Орнелла Мути) является богатой, испорченной принцессой, посещающей Рим со своими родителями.

And spoiled holiday — it is sometimes spoiled the mood for the whole next year.

Two girls are called Marie and they decide if the world is spoiled, then they will become spoiled.

Две девушки, обе по имени Мария, решают, что так как мир испорчен, они будут испорчены также.

Spoiled food: Several food borne infections such as Brucellosis spread through consumption of spoiled food that is already contaminated with pathogens.

Испорченная пища: Некоторые пищевые инфекции, такие как бруцеллез, распространяются в результате употребления испорченной пищи, которая уже загрязнена патогенами.

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испорченный, избалованный, балованный


- избалованный, испорченный (о человеке)


- дефектный; бракованый

Мои примеры


hopelessly spoiled by a fond mother — безнадежно избалованный любящей матерью  
the obtrusive behavior of a spoiled child — навязчивые манеры избалованного ребёнка  
be spoiled in transit — испортиться в пути  
spoiled children — избалованные дети  
silk of spoiled cocoon — шёлковые отходы из дефектных коконов  
spoiled goods — бракованная продукция; испорченные товары; попорченные товары  
to be spoiled in transit — попортиться в пути  
spoiled wine — испорченное вино  
spoiled ballot — испорченный бюллетень  
oil becomes spoiled — жир портится  
get spoiled — изгадиться; тухнуть  
grease-spoiled oil — масло, загрязнённое консистентной смазкой  

Примеры с переводом

He’s spoilt rotten.

Он вконец испорчен / избалован.

The fight spoiled the party.

Драка испортила праздник.

The camping trip was spoiled by bad weather.

Поход был испорчен плохой погодой.

Those kids were spoiled rotten by their mother.

Эти дети были до крайности избалованы матерью.

His mother spoiled him, indulging his every whim.

Мать испортила его, исполняя все его прихоти.

The whole park is spoiled by litter.

Весь парк завален мусором.

She spends her time frivolously enjoying the easy life of a rich and spoiled girl.

Она проводит время, легкомысленно наслаждаясь лёгкой жизнью богатой и избалованной девушки.

ещё 11 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He is a spoiled brat.

She’s a spoiled child who thinks only of herself.

Their children were spoiled rotten (=very spoiled).

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Возможные однокоренные слова

spoil  — портить, портиться, баловать, грабить, добыча, вынутый грунт, трофей
unspoiled  — неиспорченный
spoils  — портить, портиться, баловать, грабить, добыча, вынутый грунт, трофей
spoiler  — неожиданный победитель, помеха, третий лишний, интерцептор, прерыватель потока

Sentences with the word Spoiled?



  • «adoring grandparents»; «deceiving her preoccupied and doting husband with a young captain»; «hopelessly spoiled by a fond mother»
  • «responsibility turned the spoiled playboy into a driving young executive»
  • «the child was spoiled by overindulgence»
  • «extraneous light in the camera spoiled the photograph»; «relying upon an extraneous income»; «disdaining outside pressure groups»
  • «the obtrusive behavior of a spoiled child»; «equally obtrusive was the graffiti»
  • «a spoiled child»

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1. The whole park is spoiled by litter.

2. The film is spoiled by some very wooden acting.

3. Our holiday was spoiled by bad weather.

4. Her selfish behaviour completely spoiled the evening.

5. The tall buildings have spoiled the view.

6. They are financiers who spoiled widows of their money.

7. The new road has completely spoiled the character of the village.

8. You jogged my elbow and spoiled what I was drawing.

9. They spoiled their child.

10. He spoiled my enjoyment of the film by talking all the time.

11. The weather rather spoiled our trip to the seaside.

12. If we hurry the work,[] it may be spoiled.

13. His mother spoiled him indulging his every whim.

14. She was spoiled by her father.

15. Their children were spoiled rotten .

16. The fruit has spoiled in the hot sun.

17. She’s a spoiled child who thinks only of herself.

18. This spoiled an otherwise excellent piece of work.

19. She spoiled the soup with too much salt.

20. The plan was quite spoiled by the rain.

21. He really spoiled me on my birthday.

22. What you said spoiled my plan.

23. Everybody enjoys being spoiled from time to time.

24. Oh, that child. He’s so spoiled.

25. His coming spoiled everyone in the ball.

26. The metal posts spoiled the appearance of the garden.

27. The never-ending quarrel among the visitors certainly spoiled their appetite for the banquet.

28. His grandmother spoiled him.

29. I was playing with Jane, but Anne interfered and spoiled the game.

30. I apologise if your enjoyment of the movie was spoiled.

More similar words: spoil, embroiled, shop-soiled, toilet, toiletry, broiler, public toilet, soil erosion, failed, eau de toilette, unveiled, detailed, galileo galilei, oil, toil, soil, boil, roil, foil, poise, point, recoil, points, poison, turmoil, boil down, embroil, appoint, point to, point out. 

Use ‘spoiled’ in a sentence | ‘spoiled’ example sentences

1- The leaders on both sides are spoiled .

2- It is such a pretty little romance spoiled .

3- Our generation is often called lazy and spoiled .

4- It was awful food, almost spoiled .

5- These 13 stars are very, very spoiled .

6- Every user could adjust printed page look before paper is spoiled .

7- My parents have a very spoiled cat.

8- I felt very spoiled the whole time.

9- Unfortunately an ongoing marathon spoiled our view.

10- The government said natural heat and humidity spoiled the readings.

11- However anything in a perfect world eventually gets spoiled .

12- She is a spoiled child who is often mischievous.

13- Hidden stores had been dug up and spoiled .

14- Passengers have been spoiled for too long.

15- The entire station knew about his spoiled child bride.

16- It is all too often spoiled by spite.

17- Jack was surrounded by domestic servants and soon became spoiled .

18- Our spoiled guys are now used to daily treats.

19- ALL only children are spoiled and selfish ?

20- They like spoiled kids asking for ice cream .

21- Then girls entered my life and spoiled everything !

22- She is happy and healthy and spoiled rotten.

23- The hotels were excellent, we were spoiled .

24- He’s been spoiled with those silly brine shrimp.

25- He is never abused, he is borderline spoiled .

26- Yet there were nearly 1,000,000 spoiled ballots.

27- We ‘ve been spoiled the last 2 winters.

28- Note: There were five spoiled ballots.

29- Entrapments are more likely when grain is more spoiled .

30- We are going to be *so* spoiled .

31- It was quite a feat that Alan avoided being totally spoiled .

32- If the egg floats, it has spoiled .

33- Says she is spoiled catching fish like it was fishing.

34- What does it mean that a soul is spoiled ?

35- I’m spoiled rotten on about every level imaginable.

36- The fish would start biting after the bananas spoiled .

37- For example, cans of bully beef broke open and spoiled .

38- This mold can be found on spoiled food.

39- I am disgusted by the thought of spoiled human flesh.

40- Fourteen feet of the tree were spoiled in falling. I guess I’m spoiled.

41- I don’t like spoiled children.

42- She has spoiled her work by being careless.

43- Our picnic was altogether spoiled by the rain.

44- The sudden rainstorm really spoiled our picnic.

45- They were spoiled, as might have been expected.

46- The plan was altogether spoiled by the rain.

47- jakovThe argument spoiled an otherwise perfect evening.

48- Our school trip was spoiled by an unusual snowfall.

49- Our walk was spoiled by the wind and the rain.

50- HautisThis nasty weather certainly has spoiled our weekend.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 –
Related Words:
splurging – splutter – spluttered – spluttering – splutters – spoil – spoilage – spoiled – spoiler – spoilers – spoiling – spoils – spoilsport – spoilsports – spoke –

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