Sentences with word spin

Sentences with the word Spin?



  • «spin a coin»
  • «a carpet of flowers»; «the larvae of some moths spin a web that resembles a carpet»
  • «he took the new car for a spin«
  • «the campaign put a favorable spin on the story»
  • «he gave the crank a spin«; «it broke off after much twisting»
  • «spin a yarn»
  • «spiders spin a fine web»
  • «spin silk»
  • «The President’s spokesmen had to spin the story to make it less embarrassing»
  • «spin out a visit»

The spins (as in having «the spins») is an adverse reaction of intoxication that causes a state of vertigo and nausea, causing one to feel as if «spinning out of control», especially when lying down. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

«When the computer detects wheel spin, it will alter all engine functions» says Denis Chevrier, head of operations at Renault F1.


«It’s not going to be Cuomo’s new idea, but he could put his spin on it,» said Ann Marcus, director of the Steinhardt Institute for Higher Education Policy at NYU.


We all know the saying, «When mama ain’t happy,…» And yet another spin on this could be, «When baby isn’t sleeping, no one is sleeping.»


According to Duda and the research he has read, the lowest arc is 33 degrees for even a hope of making a 3-point shot, but with an arc of 45 degrees, a speed of just under 20 miles per hour and two revolutions per second of spin, at 20.9 feet from the basket, the player has the makings of the perfect 3-point shot.


It was good to see Stanley had learned his lesson and did a much better job when Lawson tried his spin move.


These are all common tactics using spin, spiel and carefully written scary notes to put you off.


Put your own spin on looks with these tips:


Atlanta restaurateur Ford Fry of King + Duke puts a spin on the classic Thai spicy chile sauce, nam prik pao, by adding lemongrass, honey and fresh lime juice and infusing it with Thai basil.


Mr Cameron continued last week’s argument that the prime minister was motivated more by spin than a desire to do good for Britain.


Venus also has the slowest spin of any body in the solar system, taking 243 of our days to rotate once.


Make a few batches of this cold sesame noodle recipe, or give this 5-ingredient zucchini noodle salad a spin.


My spin on this is rather simple — the move up the economic ladder that we used to see for various demographic groups — has stopped.


Our house-made spin on the old classic mad with a flaky crust and filled with various delicious fillings


This has been a Lancia feature for years and it results in a tail-end tenacity so remarkable that the rear wheels stay glued to the ground under conditions where centrifugal force would throw most other cars into a violent spin.


Craig Oliver, Downing Street’s chief spin doctor under the David Cameron regime, tweeted: «Interesting to hear Michael Gove complaining about the distortions of social media.


Mixing history with fiction, master novelist E.L. Doctorow lends his special brand of spin to one of the Civil War’s most dramatic chapters Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman’s infamous March to the Sea.


It’s only round one in National Australia Bank’s plan to divest wealth manager MLC, but you can already hear the spin coming from equities desks.


Why: Delevingne is putting a Parisian spin on the»90s trend of low-rise pants paired with a logo waistband in a streamlined Dior look.


Avago Technologies, a chip company formed after the spin out Agilent’s chip division, is seeking to expand its business with the acquisition of another semiconductor firm and has explored deals with Xilinx, Renesas Electronics and Maxim Integrated Products, according to a story in Reuters.


I simply keep it in the fridge then give it a quick spin in microwave when I want to use it.


I’m happy their spin off ADNT initiated a dividend recently.


A lot of the good in your life comes from the way you think and your spin on that particular moment.


They look ahead to March 15 and March 16 during which science fiction fans will spend one spin of the planet together at the Drexel Theater in Bexley, Ohio, watching 24 hours of science fiction movies.


Are we seriously to believe that he never once inquired about his spin doctor’s «methods»?


I can’t wait to try more and add my spin on the recipes!


His dense philosophical style awed his contemporaries; his exhaustive knowledge of dogmatic details intimidated cardinals; and his ability to give traditional Catholic affirmations a progressive spin made him a celebrity among theology students.


This vegan spin on beef bourguignon features tender eggplant, mushrooms, and veggies simmered in a flavor-packed red wine base.


The unique and enjoyable spin on the endless runner formula will surely make genre fans have an eggstremely fun time.


Delectable pancakes with chocolate chips and shredded zucchini folded into the batter, served the traditional way with butter and maple syrup for a whole new spin on breakfast.


Others believe that the term has become so intrinsically linked to the loathed practices of spin and «command and control» as to be counterproductive.


There’s a fun spin on the traditional «boy and his dog» tale utilized here as a C story.


And guess what — you’ll hear hundreds of different «secrets» that will make your head spin.


Its correctness probably also increases as the atomic spin becomes larger.


«Today we are still revealing the important role that the spin of the initial cloud of gas plays in galaxy formation,» Glazebrook said.


It was the warmest its been in weeks here, so I finally took these gorgeous lace up sandals out of their box and gave them a spin.


From a refreshing spin on fudge to a new take on cheesecake, there’s something here for everyone — including a few seasonal sweets you’ll want to make all fall long.


I’ve been going to a personal trainer three times a week and a spin class and working out like never before and falling a macro diet.


Seriously, though, I was super excited to go coat-less on this occasion, and even more so to give this Anthropologie jacket a spin.


Give your next tailgate a fresh spin with Guy Fieri’s Turkey Pic-a-nic Sandwiches, featuring juicy roasted turkey, a sweet-savory cranberry onion jam and two kinds of cheese on pretzel buns.


It’s a fabulous way to give an otherwise dull capris a spin.


If you feel it’s cramping your style you can select ESP Sport, which allows limited spin and slip, or, if you’re a journalist, you can switch it off entirely.


I think it’s time I bring them out for a spin.


Stylist and creative visionary Karla Welch teamed up with Levi’s to put her own creative spin on the iconic 501 jeans and a number of Levi’s classics.


Today on q, hosted by Tom Power: (1) Greta Gerwig’s directing career takes flight with debut, Lady Bird; (2) Mimi Valdes explains why creative risks are so important; (3) The Hockey Sweater gets a musical spin in new stage production; (4) Mary McCartney’s «slightly voyeuristic, slightly personal» photography; (5) Thundercat, Little Big Town and more: music from today’s episode.


Corned Beef, cabbage, carrots, and potatoes mix for a new spin on the traditional St. Patricks» Day meal!


You really do have to love those who think they are the true christians when every single one of them puts their own spin on what each individual scripture apparently means.


Then, put a personal spin on it and write a blog post.


One more spin comes with your choice concerning an infant stroller.


X-Files without the supernatural spin, players follow the exploits of two gritty detectives who investigate cold cases by searching for clues and interrogating perps.


Last year, we discussed Pentair’s (PNR) spin off of nVent (NVT) and commented on how much the strange capitalization was likely to add to the value.


спин, вращение, штопор, кружение, верчение, крутиться, крутить, прясть, вертеться


- кружение, верчение, вращение

a spin of a top — вращение волчка
to give a coin a spin — крутануть монету
to put a lot of spin on a ball — сильно «закрутить» мяч (теннис)

- вращение (фигурное катание)

airplane spin — а) вращение в положении «ласточка»; б) «либела»
combined /double/ spin — парное вращение
cross-foot spin — вращение «винт» /«штопор»/
one foot spin — пируэт
sit spin — «волчок», нижнее вращение

- разг. замешательство, волнение

flat spin — паника

- ав. штопор

spin recovery — выход из штопора
to go into a spin — войти в штопор

- резкое, угрожающее падение

steel prices went into a spin — цены на сталь резко упали /всё время снижаются/

ещё 6 вариантов


- прясть, сучить; скручивать (нитки)

wool spun by hand [at home] — шерсть ручного [домашнего] прядения
cotton is spun into thread, thread is spun out of cotton — нитки прядутся из хлопка

- прясть, плести (о пауке, шелковичном черве и т. п.)

to spin a cocoon — заплести /спрясть/ кокон

- составлять, стряпать (тж. spin out)

to spin intrigues — плести интриги
to spin stories /a yarn/, сл. to spin a cuffer /a diffy/ — плести /сочинять/ небылицы, рассказывать невероятные истории

- крутить, вертеть, кружить

to spin a top — (за)пускать волчок
to spin a coin on the table — крутануть монету на столе
to spin the prop — ав. разг. запустить двигатель
to spin the ball — «закрутить» мяч

- крутиться, вертеться, кружиться; описывать круги

to send one spinning — отбросить кого-л. ударом
my head spins — у меня голова кругом идёт
the room seemed to spin round — комната поплыла у меня перед глазами
he spun upon his heel and went out — он повернулся на каблуке и вышел

ещё 7 вариантов

Мои примеры


the direction of the Earth’s spin — направление вращения Земли  
he took the new car for a spin — он взял новую машину чтобы покататься  
the spin of the Earth on its axis — вращение Земли вокруг своей оси  
to spin fibers — прясть волокно  
to spin gyro — приводить гироскоп в действие  
to spin the silk — прясть шёлк  
to spin like a top — кружиться как волчок  
to spin fast / quickly / rapidly — быстро крутиться  
to spin (around) on one’s heels — повернуться на каблуках  
to spin a story / yarn — плести небылицы  
to impart some spin to a ball — придать мячу вращение, «закрутить» мяч  
to go for a spin — отправиться на прогулку  

Примеры с переводом

My head is spinning.

У меня кружится голова.

The propeller was spinning slowly.

Пропеллер вращался медленно.

He spun round at the sound of his name.

Он обернулся, услышав своё имя.

Give the washing another spin.

Прокрути постиранное белье еще раз (в центрифуге).

Silkworms spin cocoons.

Шелкопряды плетут коконы.

She put spin on the ball.

Она придала мячу вращение. / Она закрутила мяч.

The room started to spin.

Комната завертелась.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She spun the silk into thread.

Would you like to go for a spin?

The children were spinning a top.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

spin in — входить в штопор
spin off — выходить из штопора
spin out — затягивать, растягивать, долго и нудно рассказывать, экономить

Возможные однокоренные слова

spinal  — спинной, спинальный, спинномозговой, позвоночный
spinner  — прядильщик, обтекатель втулки, паук, пряха, прядильщица, волчок, прядильная машина
spinning  — спиннинг, прядение, прядильный
spinor  — спинор, спинорный
spinous  — колючий, колкий, остистый, шиповатый, покрытый колючками, шипами

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: spin
he/she/it: spins
ing ф. (present participle): spinning
2-я ф. (past tense): spun
3-я ф. (past participle): spun

ед. ч.(singular): spin
мн. ч.(plural): spins

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Hit spin or pull the handle.

Нажимите кнопку «спин» или потяните за рукоятку.

Electrons have properties other than charge such as spin.

Электроны обладают свойствами, отличными от заряда, например, спин.

The maximum coins you can bet per spin is 75.

Максимальная ставка, которую вы можете сделать на одно вращение, составляет 75.

If the first measurement gives an upwards spin, then the other spin is necessarily downwards.

Если первое измерение дает вращение вверх, тогда другое вращение обязательно будет вниз.

Fans of gambling are used to paying for every spin.

Любители азартных развлечений привыкли, что нужно производить оплату за каждый спин.

These particles have a property called spin.

Эти частицы обладают свойством под названием «спин».

Possibly the most common bonus game that slots feature are free spin rounds.

Возможно, самая распространенная бонусная игра, в которой используются слоты, — это бесплатные раунды вращения.

Gargantua’s ultrafast spin is scientifically possible.

Сверхбыстрая скорость вращения Гаргантюа с научной точки зрения возможна.

The Behemoth can create spin gravity.

«Бегемот» может создавать силу тяжести вращением.

These quantum effects are most pronounced at the smallest possible spin (spin value 1/2).

Эти квантовые эффекты наиболее выражены при наименьшем возможном вращении (значение вращения 1/2).

We say electrons have spin 1/2; this is the smallest non-zero rate of spin that a particle can have.

Мы говорим, что у электронов спин равен 1/2; это самая малая ненулевая скорость вращения, которой способна обладать частица.

The number generated upon a player hitting «spin» will determine whether that is a winning spin.

Число, сгенерированное после того, как игрок нажал «вращение», будет определять, является ли это выигрышным вращением.

All fermions are characterized by half-integer values of their spin, where spin corresponds to the intrinsic angular momentum of the particle.

Все фермионы характеризуются полуцелыми значениями их вращения, где вращение соответствует собственному угловому моменту частицы.

A scalar field represents spin 0, a vector field spin 1, and an appropriately projected tensor field represents spin 2.

Скалярное поле представляет спин О, векторное поле спин 1 и соответствующим образом спроектированное тензорное поле представляет спин 2.

No wonder you feel in a spin.

Неудивительно, что в душе вы чувствуете себя будто в ловушке.

The problem is that neither of the proposed spin relaxation mechanisms work.

Проблема заключается в том, что ни один из предложенных механизмов спиновой релаксации не работает.

All the rest is political theatre and of course spin.

Все остальное — это эпатаж и, по сути, политические дрязги.

High school is how you spin it.

Good-looking woman would spin his head faster than anybody’s.

Красивая женщина вскружила бы ему голову быстрее, чем кому бы то ни было.

Since then the spin has been slowing despite small x-ray flares.

С тех пор в целом скорость вращения уменьшается, несмотря на ряд небольших рентгеновских вспышек.

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Definition of Spin

to whirl or twist around in a circular motion

Examples of Spin in a sentence

The nutcracker dancers began to spin around, whirling to the beat of the music.


Being able to spin a basketball on his finger was a trick the man had learned as a young boy.


Pushing the merry-go-round in a circular motion, the children laughed as they tried to spin the ride as fast possible.


Although it may feel like we are standing still, the earth continues to spin around on its axis.


The last part of the cycle makes the clothes spin and rotate so fast that the water is taken out.


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