Sentences with word species

In biology, a species is the basic unit of classification and a taxonomic rank, as well as a unit of biodiversity, but it has proven difficult to find a satisfactory definition. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Thom Hartmann: In the 1980s we exceeded termites as the largest single specie mass of protoplasm on earth.


Interracial dating are so common as it is also helpful in evolution by which a new specie (child) will be produced having different qualities as their parents are from two different races example, a black single is in a relationship with the white produces a child which shows the different qualities.


Because of specie differences that are non-translatable.


Norwich were often around horses, and to this day the breed retains a special affinity for the equine specie.


American statesmen who had once favored such banks, and who thought paper money inflation could be a source of economic progress, converted to hard money on the spot, and proposals for 100-percent specie banking proliferated.


» Sarcoptic Scabies, dog scabies or canine scabies, caused by the specie of mite Sarcoptes Scabiei.


The prices of some commodities like the 100 kg and 60 kg of drum specie of beans and garri on Monday recorded a slight fall at the Mile-12 Market in Lagos.


When thinking about what sort of pet to adopt, most folks consider the obvious: what specie, what size, what breed, what age.


It was also the first opportunity for some of our guests to see the Epaulette (walking) Shark, which has one specie endemic from Raja Ampat.


Seen sub specie aeternitatis, encouraging someone to believe that we don’t really know what God thinks about sexuality, and that each of us must work it out for ourselves, and anyway it doesn’t matter much as long as we do our recycling and volunteer at a homeless shelter, is as serious an error as telling them that God hates them because they have homosexual feelings.


Human beings are meant to live in pairs like every other specie on the planet.


And no, we are not the only specie with a «defective weak uterus» Birth is a very dangerous moment in the life of every single living animals, wild or domestic.


(Insolvency, transaction at undervalue, transfer of commercial property to pension scheme with in specie contribution, sections 212, 238, 239 of the Insolvency Act 1986, whether Directors» misfeasance).


As with Giardia specie, this parasite may be found at low levels in the feces of seemingly healthy hamsters.


Although I don’t have much space and time, as I’m a full time worker, I’m wondering whether there is suck specie of dogs that I can keep in my small home the whole day, and only get out the evening and early morning?


If the asset is acquired at less than market value (including no cost, such as an in specie contribution), the difference between the market value and the amount actually paid should be recorded as a contribution.


As chameleons so enjoy basking in natural sunlight, the specie to choose is best determined by the climate it will encounter.


She oversees fine art, jewelers block and general specie insurance.


Most small furry animals do better living with a partner or another animal of the same sex and same specie but this may not be true for all, especially for hamsters.


Their subject was freedom and the quality of human acts, looked at sub specie aeternitatis; could a man take any step towards his own salvation by his own action?


Second, a wolf and a dog are the same specie.


No, Tony dear, contemptus mundi means «detachment from the world,» seeing everything sub specie aeternitatis.»


Tuwo rice, also called African rice has the botanical name Oryza Glaberrima, and it is the earliest specie of rice cultivated in Africa before the arrival of Europeans.


Perhaps this is the reason management preferred the «in specie» award so that realization of the value would be treated as a capital gain.


Humans are in fact the only mammals who consume milk as adults, and we are the only specie who drinks milk from another animal.


He went on to say, however, that «fairness may require quite a different approach if the inheritance is a pecuniary legacy that accrues during the marriage than if the inheritances are landed estate that has been in one spouse’s family for generations and which has been brought into the marriage with an expectation that it will be retained in specie for future generations».


Human interaction is simply part of our specie‘s genetic makeup that will not go away — it intertwines with our Ego.


Based on this appeal, future tribunals may decide that the legislation will permit contributions to be made directly in specie without the need for binding agreements to pay monetary amounts.


That is the challenge we face today to achieve the MDGs, to which we must reply with a new awareness-identity of «Homeland-Earth», where the human being is seen as a same biological specie with the same evolution, because the future history of our biosphere will depend of the future history of knowledge we develop and how we choose to apply it.


This landmark corporate exercise comprised of an internal restructuring, distribution in specie of shares to shareholders of Sime Darby Berhad and the listing of both SD Plantation and SD Property.


Dragon fruits with red flesh taste much better than the white flesh specie, try them if they are available!


The loss of the gray owls would represent a major reduction in the specie‘s gene pool, making it more vulnerable to environmental changes in the future.


Bankers urged Chase to stop issuing greenbacks, which were driving their notes out of circulation and draining their specie.


The Bank of England — the forerunner of the modern central bank — itself had to suspend specie payment numerous times between the time of its founding in 1694 to the enactment of the Peel Act in 1844.


Reorganisation involving distribution in specie and company law advice on transfer of assets at book value


Ideas are certainly a coin of the internet business realm, if not the only specie, and so it’s natural that makers and marketers want to claim and protect them.


Marques and colleagues wrote: «We can not know for sure that the Lake Constance sticklebacks will continue evolving until they become two non-interbreeding specie.


1785 Spanish galleon lost on the northeastern tip of Turneffe carrying $ 800,000 in specie (unverified reports indicate the remains of an old ship in this area).


Welbeck is a new specie of striker called Defensive striker…….


Endowment Policy Introduction: — A Endowment policy is a specie of Life Insurance Contract.


There is no doubt, however, that the exotic specie that has most significantly impacted the island ecosystem is the human being.


This disease when stands alone is not that harmful to the pet but in case it occurs with other intestinal issues, it can prove to be fatal for the specie if not treated properly.


It is a specie of abuse of judicial process.


This often involves microscopy to visualize and identify the causative specie.


A distant relative of the Wahoo it’s known for its blistering runs so no wonder fishermen consider this a highly prized specie.


Wether you are researching cash dividends (most common), stock dividends or Scrip dividends (common) or property dividends or dividends in specie (Latin for «in kind»)(rare), we are committed to providing our readers with top notch information.


I am looking for the paper but I believe it was a recent paper by Juha Poyry that reported most of the specie that Parmesan had reported being pushed northward in Great Britain had been retracting southward in Finland since the 1940s.


The first specie ever created was 700,000 years ago didn’t start to wear clothes.


It’s a nod to our essence, a visit to our specie‘s alma mater — nostalgically rewarding — a thought as unbounded as our capacity to explore it.


In the next two years there will likely be a couple in the specie and color I was looking for.


Sentences with Species, Sentences about Species in English

1. You’re an interesting species.

2. Here is the endangered species list.

3. Nature is indifferent to the survival of the human species, including Americans.

4. We are not an endangered species ourselves yet, but this is not for lack of trying.

5. They say nothing lasts forever and I’m writing you in the voice of an endangered species.

6. Life is a ?ght, but not everyone’s a ?ghter. Otherwise, bullies would be an endangered species.

7. Men and women belong to different species and communications between them is still in its infancy.

8. It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.

9. Our wretched species is so made that those who walk on the well-trodden path always throw stones at those who are showing a new road.

10. If it’s true that our species is alone in the universe, then I’d have to say the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little.

11. For a moment, I pretended. Not that we weren’t two different species, because I didn’t see him that way, but that we actually liked each other.

12. There will come a time when all of us are dead. All of us. There will come a time when there are no human beings remaining to remember that anyone ever existed or that our species ever did anything…

About The Author

Synonym: class, group, kind, sort, type, variety. Similar words: specify, special, specific, specialty, especially, specialize, specialist, specifically. Meaning: [‘spɪːʃɪːz ,-s-]  n. 1. (biology) taxonomic group whose members can interbreed 2. a specific kind of something. 

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1. The human species, according to the best theory I can form of it, is composed of two distinct races, the man who borrows, and the man who lends. 

2. The female of the species is more deadly than the male. 

3. That species disappeared in the Ice Age.

4. Many species have diverged from a single ancestor.

5. This species of bird now exists only in Africa.

6. The area is rich in different plant species.

7. The list of endangered species includes nearly 600 fishes.

8. Many species are doomed to extinction.

9. The species was presumed extinct.

10. All species will breed inter se.

11. These two species share a common set of characteristics.

12. Illegal hunting is threatening the survival of the species.

13. The species was doomed to extinction.

14. A number of features discriminate this species from others.

15. The two species have developed from a common ancestry.

16. This species of plant is becoming increasingly rare.

17. The earliest description of this species dates from 1703.

18. Mountain gorillas are an endangered species.

19. We should perpetuate the rare species.

20. The two species diverged millions of years ago.

21. This species of bird is decreasing in numbers every year.

22. The Antarctic species have few special adaptations for polar life.

23. The map shows the distribution of this species across the world.

24. The Origin of Species.

25. Seeing over a thousand species of fish is part of the fascination of the reef.

26. I ejaculated mentally (, » you deserve perpetual isolation from your species for your churlish inhospitality.

26. try its best to gather and create good sentences.

27. Modern farming methods have led to the total extinction of many species of wild flowers.

28. Botanists are not in complete accord about how many species exist.

29. This island is maintained as a sanctuary for endangered species.

30. The arrival of this South American predator threatened the survival of native species.

More similar words: specify, special, specific, specialty, especially, specialize, specialist, specifically, facies, aspect, suspect, prospect, spectrum, speculate, inspector, spectacle, perspective, inspection, introspect, speculation, spectacular, respectively, with respect to, introspection, irrespective of, priest, series, society, ancient, science. 

вид, разновидность, порода, род, класс


- род, порода

the species, our species — человеческий род
progress of the species in science — достижения человечества в области науки

- вид, разновидность

mineral species — различные виды минералов
blackmail is a species of crime — шантаж

- биол. вид

allied species — биол. родственные виды
the origin of species — биол. происхождение видов

- чувственное представление
- умственный образ
- объект мысли, рассматриваемый как подобие предмета в природе

Мои примеры


several different plant and animal species — несколько различных видов животных и растений  
the bipolar distribution of certain species — биполярное распределение некоторых видов  
to lump species — классифицировать виды без учёта мелких различий  
montane species — горный вид  
predatory species of mammals — хищные виды млекопитающих  
rare species — редкие виды  
species becomes extinct / dies out — вид вымирает  
species survives — вид выживает  
trapped species — стабилизированная частица  
species endemic to Zanzibar — эндемичные для Занзибара виды  
adaptable species — адаптирующийся вид  
species-specific antigen — видоспецифический антиген  

Примеры с переводом

They are both of one species.

Оба они относятся к одному и тому же виду.

There are approximately 8,000 species of ants.

Существует около восьми тысяч видов муравьёв.

Adult species have white dots on the wings.

У взрослых особей на крыльях имеются белые пятнышки.

The species occurs in vast numbers in this lake.

Данный вид встречается в этом озере в большом количестве.

Seven species of birds of prey have been observed.

Наблюдения проводились за семью видами хищных птиц.

Of the eagle, there are but few species.

Существует лишь несколько разновидностей орлов.

All European domestic cattle belong to the same species.

Весь домашний европейский скот относится к одному виду.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the wildlife refuge raises endangered species in captivity and then releases them into the wild…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

specie  — металлические деньги, звонкая монета
speciesism  — жестокость по отношению к животным, безразличие к страданиям животных

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): species
мн. ч.(plural): species

Definition of Species

a specific class of plants or animals

Examples of Species in a sentence

Lewis and Clark discovered many new species of plants and animals while exploring the West.


The native species is being killed off by an invasive group of fish that were brought into the gulf.


Some animals will cannibalize on its on species when no other food source is available.


Not many species of parasites will cross over between dog and humans, but a few kinds can.


Nine species of plants have gone extinct in the rainforest this year, with many more groups being endangered.


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