Sentences with word somebody

Synonym: individual, mortal, person, someone, soul. Similar words: body, embody, nobody, a body of, everybody, come by, come before, some. Meaning: [‘sʌmbɑdɪ /-bədɪ]  n. a human being. 

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1. Pay somebody back in his own coin. 

2. Believe somebody on his bare word. 

3. Serve somebody with the same sauce. 

4. One’s mantle falls on somebody.

5. We can’t all be heroes. Somebody has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by. 

6. Listen,somebody is beating at the door.

7. Somebody stabbed him in the stomach.

8. There’s always somebody at home in the evenings.

9. I can hear somebody moving about upstairs.

10. Somebody helped me mend the puncture.

11. That must be somebody from the Ministry of Education.

12. Somebody goofed and entered the wrong amount.

13. There’s somebody on the phone for you.

14. Somebody lopped the heads off our tulips.

15. The ownership of that house was transferred to somebody.

16. Somebody heaved a stone at us.

17. We could give the job to somebody junior.

18. Somebody has run off with my wallet.

19. There’s somebody waiting to see you.

20. Somebody was knocking on the window.

21. Somebody was beating at the door.

22. Somebody trampled all over my flowerbeds in the night!

23. If you love somebody,(sentencedict .com) don’t let them slip away.

24. They say somebody slit her throat.

25. It’s refreshing to hear somebody speaking common sense.

26. It’s hard to say somebody is good, but still nobody can replace.

27. If you were at a party and somebody was getting high, you didn’t go running to a cop.

28. Calling somebody else fat won’t make you any skinnier. Calling someone stupid doesn’t make you any smarter. All you can do in life is try to solve the problem in front of you.

29. A man can fail many times, but he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else. 

30. We must do something about that dead tree, it’s only a matter of time before it falls down and maybe injures somebody.

More similar words: body, embody, nobody, a body of, everybody, come by, come before, some, someone, handsome, sometime, somewhat, somewhere, something, sometimes, cumbersome, something of, to some extent, something else, something like, come home, notebook, debonair, for the time being, moody, bloody, custody, come, home, comet. 

Somebody (何者, Nanimono) is a 2016 Japanese drama film based on the novel by the same name by Ryo Asai. It was released in Japan by Toho on October 15, 2016. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

The bird was once somebody‘s pet, but yellowhead parrots tend to live past 50 years of age and spend their lives compensating for their slender vocabulary — one word — with amplification.


No one’s tried making those kinds of movies in years and years,» somebody will point to a bad movie about a super-heroine that tanked 15 years ago and say, «You see?»


To this scale, there has not been a significant M&A maneuver led from the creative agency side into the media side and I wasn’t going to wait around for somebody else to do it first.


Also La-Mulana, which somebody told me is like 2D Dark Souls or Spelunky-esque, is 3 bucks all week.


Even more so I have yet to see a video of somebody touching a 9700 with one finger to bring the reception from full to none like they have on the iPhone 4.


That’s all I’m looking (for), somebody I can believe in.


Women in general are terrified meeting somebody which it finishes by knowing online.


«They don’t think we need it, so, as far as knowing if anybody’s got a vested interest in a contract, or knowing if somebody is financing them, we don’t know.»


Go and see every one single member of our online dating community and find somebody special for your interesting Romanian dating.


«I thought when they bought Falcao they had to let somebody go.


As you can probably see, we’re getting down into a place where somebody would have to scroll and open up the rest of description to see it, so it’s not necessarily that people are going to go down there and read this.


Don’t bear right off that the somebody you’re gossiping with is THE ONE.


Way to make utterly unjustified as.sumptions and unconvincingly attempt to mask your as.inine desire to demean somebody and feel superior in ostensibly loving words… how textbook Christian of you!


«Nobody knew who the heck I was a year ago, and I’d love to let people discover somebody new, like they did with me,» he explains.


Buy discounted gift cards (used gift cards that somebody else is trying to unload) and use them to save on your next purchase.


Charlotte is going to have to defend against somebody at WrestleMania 33, because as much as she’s a self-obsessed glory hound looking out for No. 1 at all times, she also won’t want to avoid a chance to shine in the spotlight of the year.


1) If you are somebody that wants to know they are following a program that is tailor made for their life and situation and goals, check out our popular 1-on-1 coaching program.


«The OPG will require evidence, not just suspicion, but if there are concerns about X, and then they have a call from somebody else, they will join the dots,» she says.


A few weeks ago I was at somebody‘s house and they were making blueberry pancakes and I noticed that she separated the yolk and whites so she could beat the whites and fold them in to the batter.


I get it that every parent wants to think his or her way of parenting is best, and I get it that we wall make different choices (stay at home, work at home, or work outside of the home; stay with kids, nanny, daycare or child care; public or private school; soccer or not; fast food or not; whatever) but I don’t get criticizing somebody else for his or her parenting choice.


I’m looking to start chatting with somebody of a…


«It’s always somebody else telling the story,» she continues.


So, if there’s no history there, if they can’t look to see you owe this money and you make your payments every month, you don’t rate as highly as somebody that does.


Mail and wire fraud covers «deceptive conduct that results in somebody losing money, or gaining money, or in the campaign finance context, it has been used when money has been diverted from what donors were told it was going to be used for,» Henning said.


Whenever somebody I meet tugs my sleeve for an investment tip, that’s exactly what I offer up (in all good conscience): German residential property is a safe & compelling long term investment.


«Take somebody like David C. Anderson,» said Fairfield, referring to the president and CEO of the conservative American Anglican Council.


I am concerned about the age difference and she explicitly stated that she was looking for somebody Elder and stable.


I saw a lot of outfits that looked like somebody got dressed in the dark and forgot that those prints didn’t match.


Unfortunately, there were some cases were online daters who joined in dating sites that have been financially taken advantage of by somebody whom they had met online.


Are you an ordinary non-Realtor, perhaps a home owner concerned about the value of your largest asset or somebody interested in house prices as an important economic indicator?


Metcalf: Playing this mom, I found myself realizing how bad it was when I would pull some passive-aggressive stuff on my own children — what kind of damage that can do, what kind of confidence that can strip from somebody.


Kamna Kathuria reflects on being a teacher in India; being somebody‘s role model.


Hello, Which month do you believe is most important, so that this way if somebody wanted to do only one, that they’d be able to still get stronger and have a better body in just one month.


When a congregation and its clergy decide to grant sanctuary to somebody, it is a conspicuous act of civil disobedience.


The website was also easy to use and I went to the first four or five agents because there weren’t too many and I was able to find somebody.


One of the hardest parts of being a lesbian is that it is quite difficult to find somebody for yourself.


In contrast, the public side of creative nonfiction is mostly somebody else’s story; anybody, potentially, owns it, anybody who wants to go to the time and trouble to write about it.


The Assembly policy outlines two types of harassment, hostile work environment harassment — which is directed at somebody based on their sex, would be considered offensive by a reasonable person, and is severe or pervasive enough to interfere with one’s work environment — and quid-pro-quo harassment, the type described by victims of Weinstein, in which professional opportunities are offered in exchange for sexual favors.


In cities like Murfreesboro, men also feel lonely and need somebody to chat, spend the time and date.


Steve Pammenter, Director of Partnerships at said: «As the attitudes of people online are changing, we’re finding that more and more people want to enjoy the experience of dating as opposed to focussing on the end result of finding somebody.


Each row of seats has four armrests but only three passengers (or two and three, or four and five etc.) so somebody has two armrests.


Whilst mom and newborn are still at the hospital, have somebody take home a towel or piece of clothing that has baby’s scent on it.


«Mr. Speaker,» the minister said, «somebody really should advise the Liberal leader not to lead with his chin in Question Period.»


It will be very embarrassing when we see God and Jesus when the time come and everybody was like glancing around and then God and Jesus look at us and ask «Are you looking for somebody


I need somebody who can support me and help me…


This is going to be a referendum on Andrew Cuomo, and the alternative is going to have to be somebody who is different enough that the public can accept.»


The way I see it Loney, every time I go into the studio, I challenge somebody — either Johns, Bearden, Cy Twombly — like it’s a heavyweight championship fight.


But what really defines whether somebody is a fit for your company is how they act when nobody’s watching.


I can’t tell you how many actors and actresses have told me over the years that somebody with the last name Wayans gave them their big break.


Enjoy the lake, but your wake shouldn’t swamp somebody‘s basement,» Cuomo said, according to a transcript provided by the governor’s office.


кто-то, кто-нибудь, кто-либо, кое-кто, важная персона


- часто ирон. человек с положением; важная персона; «шишка»; невесть кто

He’s (a) somebody. — Он влиятельный человек. Он личность.
the desire to be somebody — стремление выйти /выбиться/ в люди
They are somebodies in their own village. — В своей деревне они пользуются влиянием.
He thinks himself a somebody. — Он много о себе воображает.
She acts as if she were (a) somebody. — Она ведёт себя так, как будто она невесть кто.

- имярек; такой-то

General Somebody ordered to bring up the guns — Генерал Имярек приказал подтянуть орудия.

- шотл. милый; милая

I’m going to marry my somebody — Я женюсь на своей милой.


- кто-то; кое-кто; некто

Somebody is knocking. — Кто-то стучит.
Somebody has taken my pen. — Кто-то взял мою ручку.
Somebody will be in for it. — Кому-то за это попадёт.
Somebody is missing. — Кого-то не хватает.

- кто-нибудь

I want somebody strong enough to … — Мне нужен кто-нибудь посильней, чтобы …
Somebody’s walking on my grave. — Что-то меня дрожь пробирает. (шутл.)

Мои примеры


to bid against somebody — предлагать более высокую цену чем кто-л.  
the woman who fancies herself somebody — женщина, которая мнит себя важной персоной  
to get angry with somebody — рассердиться на кого-л.  
somebody has taken my pen — кто-то взял мою ручку  
causing somebody to commit suicide — доведение до самоубийства  
commit somebody to appear before the court — предать суду  
not somebody’s cup of tea — не по вкусу кому-либо  
give somebody the time of day — обмениваться приветствиями; здороваться  
turn somebody out of doors — выставить за дверь; прогнать  

Примеры с переводом

Somebody has to do it.

Кто-то же должен это сделать.

Somebody is knocking at the door.

Кто-то стучит в дверь.

I’d like to be somebody.

Мне бы хотелось выбиться в люди.

Somebody left you a message.

Вам оставили сообщение.

We need somebody neutral to sort this out.

Чтобы это уладить, нам нужен человек со стороны.

Is that somebody you know?

Это кто-то из твоих знакомых?

Somebody’s car alarm kept me awake all night.

Чья-то сигнализация на машине всю ночь не давала мне уснуть.

ещё 8 примеров свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

body  — тело, корпус, кузов, труп, организация, воплощать, придавать форму
nobody  — никто, никому не известный человек
anybody  — никто, кто-нибудь, любой, кто-либо, всякий, важное лицо, значительное лицо
some  — некоторые, одни, другие, некоторый, какой-то, несколько, немного, около
someone  — кто-то, кто-нибудь, кто-либо, некто, какой-нибудь один
something  — что-то, нечто, что-нибудь, кое-что, немного, приблизительно, несколько
sometimes  — иногда, временами
somewhat  — отчасти, до некоторой степени, что-то, кое-что, некоторая часть
somewhere  — где-то, где-нибудь, куда-то, куда-нибудь, где-либо, куда-либо, кое-куда

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


I seen somebody laying right there.

«Я видел человека, который в тот момент поседел на глазах.

There is somebody waiting to help.

Есть люди, которые ждут, чтобы помочь.

I never want to hurt somebody, especially my old teammate.

Я никогда не хотел кого-либо травмировать, тем более своего бывшего товарища по команде.

I prefer not to go against somebody but to build together with somebody.

Я предпочитаю не противостоять кому-либо, а созидать совместно с кем-либо.

One an hour until somebody talks.

И так — по одному в час, пока кто-нибудь не заговорит.

Whoever I marry deserves somebody who values fidelity.

За кого бы я ни вышла замуж, он заслуживает того, кто ценит преданность.

He could hear somebody speaking inside.

Он сказал, что слышал, как внутри кто-то ходит и разговаривает.

Then somebody accused us of being communist.

Во-первых, меня обвиняли в том, что я был коммунистом.

You cannot force somebody to buy our products.

Конечно, мы не можем склонить каждого человека к покупке нашей продукции.

You need somebody you can hold and touch.

Вам нужен кто-то, о ком вы сможете заботиться и направлять.

Everybody knew somebody who had died.

Каждый из нас знал кого-то, кто пропал.

Most likely you will see somebody playing.

Я думаю, что вам будет интересно посмотреть Кто-то еще играет?.

We are a nation always quoting somebody.

I need somebody to talk to me.

The house looks like somebody lives here.

До сих пор дом выглядит так, как будто там кто-то живет.

Income needed for buying insurance for somebody or yourself.

Страхователь — человек, который покупает страхование для себя или для другого лица.

He wanted to be somebody but was a nobody.

Он все еще хотел быть кем-то, хотя на самом деле уже был никем.

I am not asking you to copy somebody.

Мы вовсе не говорим о том, что вы должны кого-то копировать.

Find somebody who can support you.

Найдите кого-нибудь, кто мог бы вас поддержать.

I believe somebody may have a conscience.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат somebody

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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Sentences with the word Somebody?



  • «appeal to somebody for help»; «Invoke God in times of trouble»
  • «level criticism or charges at somebody«
  • «they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights»; «Certain rights can never be granted to the government but must be kept in the hands of the people»- Eleanor Roosevelt; «a right is not something that somebody gives you; it is something that nobody can take away»
  • «ruffle somebody‘s composure»
  • «wrench a window off its hinges»; «wrench oneself free from somebody‘s grip»; «a deep sigh was wrenched from his chest»
  • «teach somebody to unlearn old habits or methods»

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