Sentences with word smoke

Sentences with the word Smoke?



  • «air the old winter clothes»; «air out the smoke-filled rooms»
  • «a dusty airless attic»; «the dreadfully close atmosphere»; «hot and stuffy and the air was blue with smoke«
  • «a ring of ships in the harbor»; «a halo of smoke«
  • «The fog lifted»; «The smoke arose from the forest fire»; «The mist uprose from the meadows»
  • «repel the enemy»; «push back the urge to smoke«; «beat back the invaders»
  • «the belching of smoke from factory chimneys»
  • «smoke billowed up into the sky»
  • «The smoke blackened the ceiling»; «The ceiling blackened»
  • «`smog’ is a blend of `smoke‘ and `fog'»; «`motel’ is a portmanteau word made by combining `motor’ and `hotel'»; «`brunch’ is a well-known portmanteau»
  • «October’s bright blue weather»- Helen Hunt Jackson; «a blue flame»; «blue haze of tobacco smoke«
  • «he swung late on the fastball»; «he showed batters nothing but smoke«
  • «The smoke clouded above the houses»
  • «the muscles and nerves of his fine drawn body were coiling for action»; «black smoke coiling up into the sky»; «the young people gyrated on the dance floor»
  • «the test tube held a column of white powder»; «a tower of dust rose above the horizon»; «a thin pillar of smoke betrayed their campsite»
  • «the cigar smoke curled up at the ceiling»
  • «dense smoke«; «heavy fog»; «impenetrable gloom»
  • «grew more and more disgusted»; «fed up with their complaints»; «sick of it all»; «sick to death of flattery»; «gossip that makes one sick»; «tired of the noise and smoke«
  • «he took a puff on his pipe»; «he took a drag on his cigarette and expelled the smoke slowly»
  • «The chimney exhales a thick smoke«
  • «did you ever smoke?»; «the best con man of all time»
  • «the harsh cry of a blue jay»; «harsh cognac»; «the harsh white light makes you screw up your eyes»; «harsh irritating smoke filled the hallway»
  • «I can’t help myself—I have to smoke«; «She could not help watching the sad spectacle»
  • «People who smoke incur a great danger to their health»
  • «I watched the blue smoke drift lazily away on the still air»
  • «a light sentence»; «a light accent»; «casualties were light»; «light snow was falling»; «light misty rain»; «light smoke from the chimney»
  • «the miasma of the marshes»; «a miasma of cigar smoke«
  • «a murky dungeon»; «murky rooms lit by smoke-blackened lamps»
  • «a plume of smoke«; «grass with large plumes»
  • «The chimneys were pluming the sky»; «The engine was pluming black smoke«
  • «The building reeks of smoke«
  • «a mere ribbon of land»; «the lighted ribbon of traffic»; «from the air the road was a grey thread»; «a thread of smoke climbed upward»
  • «strange fancies of unreal and shadowy worlds»- W.A.Butler; «dim shadowy forms»; «a wraithlike column of smoke«
  • «the smoke rose sluggishly»
  • «with all that smoke there must be a fire somewhere»
  • «his dreams all turned to smoke«; «it was just smoke and mirrors»
  • «the fire produced a tower of black smoke that could be seen for miles»
  • «he went outside for a smoke«; «smoking stinks»
  • «We never smoked marijuana»; «Do you smoke
  • «laid the poor fellow senseless with one stunning blow»; «a stunning detonation with volumes of black smoke«
  • «Strong emotions welled up»; «smoke swelled from it»
  • «thick cream»; «thick soup»; «thick smoke«; «thick fog»
  • «The clothes tumbled in the dryer»; «rising smoke whirled in the air»
  • «a wall of water»; «a wall of smoke«; «a wall of prejudice»; «negotiations ran into a brick wall»

Smoke is a collection of airborne solid and liquid particulates and gases emitted when a material undergoes combustion or pyrolysis, together with the quantity of air that is entrained or otherwise mixed into the mass. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Local people say the smoke burns their throats and lungs, blocks out the sun and coats their skin in black, oily soot.


Consumers who have working smoke alarms in their homes die in fires at about half the rate of those who do not.


To protect your child in the case of a fire, keep bedroom doors closed when your child is sleeping because doors act as barriers to fire and smoke.


What if your neighbor has a fire and there’s smoke damage to all your clothes and furniture?


I preheated the oven to 350degrees and mixed about 1 cup of the flakes with some: maple syrup, tamari and liquid smoke.


«People are facing the risk of cancer even without being exposed to cigarette smoke


Particulate matter (PM) is the term for particles found in the air, including dust, dirt, smoke and liquid droplets.


Fortunately, a smoke alarm went off and the manager was able to douse the fire.


This year a bartender from Munich will be showing his latest mixology techniques with ideas about how to work dry fruits and spices, or smoke infusions into cocktails.


Add hot sauce and liquid smoke, then use a potato masher to mash some of the beans, about 1/4 of them, to thicken the sauce.


Destaillats, Gundel, and Logue will also further characterize the composition and chemistry of thirdhand smoke.


We were greeted with a traditional smoke dance to promise us a safe visit.


A friction fault inside an electric window switch that could cause smoke emissions due…


I guess the intention behind this e-paper remote is that it is supposed to replace apps, which don’t really do a good job of controlling everything in your house and universal remotes with buttons that are quickly becoming irrelevant due to smart smoke detectors, lighting systems and air conditioners.


If you use your dehydrator you won’t be able to replicate the smoke flavor, but, on the other hand, with a marinade you can introduce whatever flavors you like.


Infants and children who are around secondhand smoke have higher rates of asthma attacks, respiratory infections, ear infections, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) than those who are not.


Your thoughts are a big smoke screen that keeps you in denial that sin in you is the bondage that ties you down with a materialistic world view.


Combine the ketchup, brown sugar, lemon juice and zest, molasses, Worcestershire sauce, liquid smoke, mustard, onion powder, and pepper in a nonreactive saucepan and whisk to mix.


The next time opposing counsel blows smoke, take a step back and decide whether there is any fire behind the puffery.


I am a hard worker, who doesn’t drink, smoke or party.


For all we know Delta could turn up to be better than the others when the smoke clears.


In August, wildfires burned through British Columbia, and the smoke plumes are clearly visible as they get stirred into the atmosphere and pass over the Arctic.


Have a lower smoke point, so don’t use for high heat cooking.


III, snapping our necks back and sending a thick, oily cloud of tire smoke from the massive bias ply Goodyears out back.


You know not to use fancy oils with a low smoke point for searing, sautéing, and frying.


It entertains, sure — but when the smoke clears, we can’t help but see the obvious way the trick was designed.


If done correctly, once Jigglypuff goes back to normal size, the smoke stays giant.


There are a number of non-smoking rooms for people who prefer a smoke free environment.


«We did see smoke this morning above Agung though, and our hotel shook a bit earlier in what I assume was a tremor.


I don’t want all this hard work and sacrifice to «go up in smoke».


But I think its unhealthy, its afterall carbon in smoke.


In other games with poor AI the designer is able to hide it well by providing some smoke and mirrors by providing you with an a NPC character to go ahead of you and engage the battle so you can’t stand back and notice exactly how poor the AI is.


Blue dots and red blobs (middle) show the fires growing, while daytime views reveal extensive clouds of smoke billowing over parts of San Francisco and out over the Pacific Ocean.


Therefore, when the smoke from the burning oil is present, it can be pulled into the fresh air for the cabin, thus allowing the smell to come thru the vents.


The glittering, icy landscape of Greenland is being marred by soot that falls from the smoke plumes of Arctic wildfires, new satellite-based research shows.


Water: If you want a moister tempeh, add the water in before you add the maple and liquid smoke.


In a house fire emergency, being able to catch your bird directly from the cage and wrap him in a towel will hopefully prevent or minimize any smoke inhalation (which can be deadly for a bird), any burns or other trauma.


We researched and reviewed the top fire and smoke alarms for your home.


Mix the tomato sauce, tomato paste, vinegar, worcestershire, liquid smoke and sweetener if using and then pour evenly over the ribs.


It’s an oasis of calm and entry-level accountancy in a cacophony of tyre smoke and bullets, a sim designed for all the family.


Close the lid and smoke brisket for 3 hours adjusting the dampers to maintain a cooking temperature of 225 degrees F. (For my Grill Dome ET, this means having the bottom damper open about 1/4 to 1/2 of an inch and the top damper open about 10 percent.)


Odor resulting from smoke will result in a fee up to $ 50 being charged to professionally clean and remove odor from the equipment.


The evening is also a time I often reserve to learn new stuff and «make smoke come out my ears».


Flip off the traction control, left foot on the brake, some pressure on the gas with the right foot to release a little of the 5.7-litre Hemi V8’s torque that peaks at 394 lb.-ft., and woo-hoo, here comes tire smoke!


And no lingering smoke hung in the air — indeed, you’d never know there had been any forest fires at all if you hadn’t heard about them previously in the news.


I am a fuuny person I love to make jokes ones I get a hang of your vib I just turned 19 I’m struggling a Lil bit in life rite now BT I always try to stay positive a I love to hang out smoke drink


Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak complained about the fires on his Facebook page: «The haze situation in Malaysia is going to worsen in the coming days with winds carrying smoke from hot spots in Sumatra.»


Much has been made of how restrained Spielberg is in his direction, but that belies the elaborate framing and the coffee-dark richness of design; how the light comes thickened with dust and tobacco smoke as if it somehow has substance.


Funny how many new 2.7 Ecoboosts are coming into the service department blowing blue smoke.


After Daniel leaves Ronald (and pays a visit to the old man’s granddaughter, played by Amber Tamblyn), he sees a widow named Helen (a quivering Burstyn), whose home just burned to the ground, and whose identity went up in smoke along with the vessels that contained it.


Sentences with Smoke, Sentences about Smoke in English

1. May I smoke here?

2. I forbid you to smoke.

3. You can not smoke here.

4. You shouldn’t have smoked.

5. I warned him not to smoke.

6. How many times do you smoke?

7. There is no fire without smoke.

8. There is no smoke without fire.

9. Sorry, the room was full of smoke.

10. Samuel blew smoke in George’s face.

11. I promise I will never smoke again.

12. My sister neither drinks nor smokes.

13. I wish you wouldn’t smoke in classroom.

14. She is too young so that she cannot smoke.

15. The smoke alarm has never been maintained.

16. If you smoke too much, your lungs get hurt.

17. Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs.

18. In the fire that broke out, people were affected by the smoke.

19. A recent survey shows that the number of smokers is decreasing.

20. She suddenly went out of the dorm’s room to cry and smoke the cigarette.

21. When I cannot see words curling like rings of smoke round me I am in darkness—I am nothing.

22. Fog or smoke are considered dense when the visibility is lowered to a quarter of a mile or less.

23. Mommy smoked but she didn’t want us to. She saw smoke coming out of the barn one time, so we got whipped.

24. What sort of sap doesn’t know by now that picture-perfect beauty is all done with smoke and mirrors anyway?

25. I don’t drink, and I don’t smoke. It’s a personal preference. My mom has never drunk or smoked. I look up to my mom.

26. I’m French, so I’m quite lazy about exercising, and I smoke. But I do love going for a run in the morning with my dog. That’s all.

27. Mom was a smoker. My grandfather was a smoker. My aunts were smokers. My uncles were smokers. I don’t know any smokers now, not even my mom.

28. The letter had been crumpled up and tossed onto the grate. It had burned all around the edges, so the names at the top and bottom had gone up in smoke.

29. Parents should not smoke in order to discourage their kids from smoking. A child is more likely to smoke when they have been raised in the environment of a smoker.

30. Maybe it’s like becoming one with the cigar. You lose yourself in it everything fades away: your worries, your problems, your thoughts. They fade into the smoke, and the cigar and you are at peace.

31. Now the only thing I miss about sex is the cigarette afterward. Next to the first one in the morning, it’s the best one of all. It tasted so good that even if I had been frigid I would have pretended otherwise just to be able to smoke it.

1. Smoking stinks.

2. I’ve given up smoking.

3. Hey, no smoking in here!

4. Smoking may cause cancer.

5. Smoking can cause cancer.

6. I quit smoking a year ago.

7. Smoking is forbidden here.

8. This is not a smoking zone.

9. I advise you to stop smoking.

10. You’d better give up smoking.

11. Smoking is harmful to health.

12. You’d better give up smoking.

13. Smoking is strictly forbidden.

14. Smoking is not permitted here.

15. Alex’s cough is due to smoking.

16. Steve sat smoking on the bench.

17. Alex’s cough is due to smoking.

18. Smoking has affected his health.

19. She regretted smoking for 2 years.

20. I am determined to give up smoking.

21. My sister advised him to stop smoking.

22. Pam was advised by him to stop smoking.

23. I applaud your decision to quit smoking.

24. The cafe on the main street is a smoking-free venue.

25. Smoking is a bad habit; moreover, it is a very expensive.

26. Ella will quit smoking cigarette in a week, you believe that.

27. My mom started smoking when she was 11. She went to the hill next door to try her first cigarette. She set the entire hill on fire, but it didn’t deter her.

28. Parents should not smoke in order to discourage their kids from smoking. A child is more likely to smoke when they have been raised in the environment of a smoker.

29. The results of this survey are shocking and should be a wake-up call to men and women that drinking and smoking too much not only gives you a bad headache in the morning but can affect your ability to start a family.

курить, дымить, дымиться, коптить, дым, курение, дымка, сигарета, дымок, копоть


- дымить; дымиться

the chimney [the fire, the stove] smokes badly — труба [камин, печь] сильно дымит

- коптить (о лампе и т. п.)
- закоптить, покрыть сажей; задымлять

the porridge is smoked — каша пахнет дымом

- курить

to smoke oneself stupid [sick] — накуриться до одурения [до тошноты]
to smoke oneself into tranquillity — покурить и успокоиться /чтобы успокоиться/
he smokes like a chimney — он много курит

- куриться

a good cigar will smoke for at least half an hour — хорошая сигара курится не менее получаса
the pipe smokes well — эту трубку приятно курить

ещё 4 варианта


- дым; дымок

column of smoke — столб дыма
smoke ammunition — воен. дымовые боеприпасы
smoke apron [blanket] — воен. вертикальная [горизонтальная] дымовая завеса
smoke barrage [candle, pot] — воен. дымовая завеса [свеча, шашка]
the smell of stale smoke — запах застоявшегося табачного дыма

- копоть

cured in smoke — копчёный
dried in smoke — холодного копчения

- курение

to have a smoke — покурить
to long for a smoke — иметь сильное желание закурить

- разг. курево; сигара, сигарета; папироса

dry smoke — незажжённая папироса или трубка во рту
to offer smb. a smoke — предложить кому-л. сигарету

- разг. перекур, небольшой перерыв в работе

ещё 7 вариантов

Мои примеры


the smoking remains of a fire — дымящиеся остатки костра  
a room filled with stale smoke — комната, наполненная застоявшимся дымом  
to blow smoke rings — пускать кольца дыма  
to carry off smoke — отводить дым  
to smoke a cigar — выкурить сигару  
to smoke a cigarette — выкурить сигарету  
smoke detector — индикатор дыма  
to emit smoke — дымить, куриться  
to fume thick black smoke — выпускать толстый чёрный столб дыма  
to go up in smoke — улетучиться  
we stopped to smoke — мы закурили  
to smoke cannabis — курить травку  

Примеры с переводом

Do you mind if I smoke?

Вы не против, если я закурю?

I prefer not to smoke.

Я предпочитаю не курить.

It’s unhealthy to smoke.

Курить вредно.

Tobacco smoke bugs me.

Я не переношу табачного дыма.

I didn’t notice any smoke.

Я не заметил никакого дыма.

Air tainted with smoke.

Воздух, пропитанный дымом.

Smoke goes up a chimney.

Дым поднимается по дымоходу.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Smoke swelled from it

Smoke funneled up the chimney.

We smoke our hams over hickory.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

Возможные однокоренные слова

oversmoke  — накуриться, слишком много курить
smoked  — копченый, дымчатый, закопченный
smokeless  — бездымный
smoker  — курильщик, курящий, мужская компания, курящий
smoky  — дымный, дымчатый, закоптелый, дымовой, закопченный, коптящий
smoking  — курение, копчение, курительный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: smoke
he/she/it: smokes
ing ф. (present participle): smoking
2-я ф. (past tense): smoked
3-я ф. (past participle): smoked

ед. ч.(singular): smoke
мн. ч.(plural): smokes

Examples of how to use the word “smoke” in a sentence. How to connect “smoke” with other words to make correct English sentences.

smoke (n, v): the grey, black, or white mixture of gas and very smallpieces of carbon that is produced when something burns; to breathe smoke into the mouth and usually lungs from a cigarette, pipe, etc.

Use “smoke” in a sentence

I can’t stand the smell of cigarette smoke.
He used to smoke two packs of cigarettes a day.
Do you mind if I smoke?
He neither smokes nor drinks.
I neither smoke nor drink.
Please don’t smoke in my presence.
Do you smoke?
I think I smell smoke.
Do you mind if I smoke?

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