Sentences with word slide

The Slide is a sci-fi radio serial in seven parts by Victor Pemberton. It begins with an earthquake in Southern England. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

The Diaper Rite Bamboo Prefolds are an affordable option for those seeking optimum absorbency while keeping costs low — simply fold the prefold in thirds and slide into your favorite pocket diaper.


I guess I’m hesitant to pull the trigger on any of those names as they all seem to be continuing to slide.


And the man who began our national slide into shamelessness, Richard Nixon, and who died never once expressing clear unmitigated shame about his actions in the Watergate scandal, was buried a hero by a bunch of other shameless politicians.


AirFunGames offers one of Florida’s widest selections of inflatable water slides, moon bounces, rock walls, carnival games, concession equipment and so much more.


As they explain in their introduction to the special online slide show, such subjective mysteries as…


Sure, there’s wasn’t much drifting except for a quick slide in the first turn, but the sound of the 2.3-liter EcoBoost engine at full throttle was spellbinding to say the least.


These «DNA nanoballs» are then washed over a slide patterned with sticky spots designed to hold a single ball at each spot.


No fewer than 20 states raised their proficiency standards, while just 8 let them slide.


Mr. Deer’s opening slide at the La Crosse talk, clearly intended to refer to Wakefield, speaks volumes about Deer’s lack of neutrality: «If he wasn’t so fucking greedy, he’d a been tougher to spot.»


Pickett made a large number of special purpose My collection of K&E slide rules K&E 4081-3 (ca. 1937) This is the probably the oldest 4081-3 in my collection, dating back to the year it was first


It was great how the style intentionally had us focused on her non verbal and verbal cue, and had little note taking and PowerPoint slides.


To lay the dough in a pie pan, slide a baking sheet under the bottom sheets of wax paper so that the dough is sitting on top.


To complete the rep, slide horizontally over to the other arm, and push up.


In bright white rubber with a slip-on silhouette, these casual slides from Marc Jacobs are detailed with embellished flowers — a pretty and youthful touch that keeps them statement.


new arrival mens fashion causal sandals summer outdoor beach slide sandals with Bengal blooms bee flower print


The person sitting at the furthest point from the screen should be able to read what is on your slide.


Like the Lexus RX, the front-wheel-drive, seven-passenger minivan has seen its sales slide this year, down 6.9 per cent to just 6,438 units sold for the first eight months of 2015.


«He hurts me more diving than anybody else ever did sliding,» says Angel Shortstop Tim Foli, who suffered a bruised right wrist earlier last month as a result of a Henderson cannonball slide.


Engage the lats and let the towel slide away from your body as you stretch out and then pull back.


Click «download» below to access the slides.


Check out these nine slides to see how business mavens, such as Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Sheryl Sandberg and more, parent their kids while running their empires.


Despite the President’s proposed increases for FY 1998, federal R&D funding would continue its downward slide of the past several years.


I push harder on each successive lap and never slide, never go off-course.


Duration: Approximately 30 mins 18 slides covering: • Interconnected Food Chains • Food Webs • Interrelationships • Food Chain and Food Web Stability • Energy Flow and Food Webs • The Recycling of Energy • The Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming ****************************** Activity Learning Objective (s): Describe producer/consumer, predator/prey and parasite/host relationships in freshwater, marine and terrestrial ecosystems.


Taking your child on a ride down a slide seems innocent enough, but, if your child’s leg accidentally gets stuck while your body keeps moving downward, it could inadvertently cause a fracture.


I put this cute tee-shirt underneath, along with the hat, and slides.


Articulate Storyline also offers a wide range of built-in templates, including slide layouts.


This sporty-meets-luxe pair of slides have a shiny satin upper strap and rubber sole for style and function.


The Lord GOD knows those that are his!!!! God is greater than america, so go slippin slide on a sliddin slush!!


Bring your favorite fashions down to earth with the «Cool Breeze» slide sandals from A2 by Aerosoles.


The healthcare sector, which dropped 1.6 per cent, weighed most heavily on the S&P 500, as shares of Allergan and Celgene led the sector’s slide.


Using a knife, slide the knife through the two layers to create a swirled top layer.


These family aquatic centers with features such as water slides, waterfalls and sandy «beaches» are becoming commonplace on the suburban landscape, but 10 years ago they were an unknown commodity.


Later on, he and his classmates would create narrated multimedia slide shows on their laptops to be exhibited at a gallery in downtown Portland.


It would have been against the old rules, sure, but do you think a slide like that would improve the game in theory?


Either way, if Sanchez does leave, Arsenal have to act as with results on the slide and their best players moving on, it doesn’t paint a particularly positive picture…


To complete the look, slide one’s arm through structured glossy bag to give the outfit a polished and put together look.


As your infant is still too young to go down alone, it doesn’t really matter how steep the slide is.


There are 25 matching bulletin board display worksheets for you to print out of these 25 sentence slides.


Today I bought this pair of tapestry slides (so hot for fall!!)


Obin’s view echoes the concern of the market’s last week, that not even a breakup can stop the recent slide.


You’ll learn how to create projects from scratch, how to work with slides, add shapes, and how to add and format text, images, and characters.


Exterior trim and different wheel packages offer customization options for A6 owners, while all A6 models benefit from Audi’s signature grille, bright LED headlight accents, and the low 0.26 drag coefficient, helping the car slide through the air efficiently.


You can review our archived scratch cooking webinar online, and access the PowerPoint slides used during the webinar.


The second screenshot shows the SlideShare Pro subscription popover that appears near slide 10 of a presentation.


Pair it with tan slides and a denim jacket for a more casual look, or dress it up like I did with strappy nude heels, gold jewelry and a bold lip.


J Brand grey tee (similar here, here, here), Ancient Greek slides (similar here, here, here), Tibi skirt (similar here, here, here), Givenchy bag, Balenciaga bracelet, Ray-Ban sunglasses


I loved the slide show and the photo’s.


Guice slides in as the early down ball carrier Detroit has desperately lacked, spelled by both LeGarrette Blount and Theo Riddick.


High-level math students showed the largest slide, while the lowest performers actually made gains over the summer.


слайд, скольжение, ползун, салазки, каток, скользить, проскользнуть, выскользнуть


- скольжение

to have a slide on the ice — скользить по льду; прокатиться по /на/ льду

- ровный, гладкий ход
- каток; ледяная гора или дорожка
- детская горка (для катания на ковриках)
- спускной жёлоб; наклонная плоскость

- амер. деревянный лесоспуск, канал (для сплава леса)
- ползунок, зажим (на молнии и т. п.)
- диапозитив, слайд
- фото кассета
- предметное стекло (микроскопа; тж. object slide)
- скользящая часть механизма; ползун; движок (прибора)
- салазки, каретка
- золотник
- спец. шлиф
- геол. оползень
- спорт. слайд (подвижное сиденье гоночной лодки)

ещё 11 вариантов


- скользить; двигаться плавно

the book slid off my knee — книга соскользнула у меня с колен
the bottle slid from his hand — бутылка выскользнула у него из рук
the car slid up to the house — автомобиль плавно подъехал к дому
he slid forward on his stomach — он пополз вперёд на животе
to slide downhill on a sledge — съехать с горы на санках
to slide down a slope [a rope] — скатиться с откоса [соскользнуть по верёвке]
boys slide down the banisters — мальчишки скатываются по перилам /катаются на перилах/

- двигать плавно

he slid the car to the curb — он плавно подкатил на автомобиле к тротуару

- скользить по льду и т. п.

a boat slides through the water — лодка скользит по воде

- поскользнуться

I slid and fell — я поскользнулся и упал

- проскользнуть, пройти незаметно, осторожно прокрасться

to slide away — ускользнуть
he slid into the room — он незаметно проскользнул в комнату
I didn’t notice him slide behind the tree — я не заметил, как он спрятался за дерево
to slide past smb. — незаметно проскользнуть мимо кого-л.
he slid out of sight — он исчез из виду
they slid out of town — они незаметно выбрались /улизнули/ из города
it slid out of my mind — я как-то забыл об этом

ещё 4 варианта

Мои примеры


historians attempting to pinpoint the Roman Empire’s climacteric, that precise moment when it began its long downhill slide — историки, которые пытаются точно определить точку расцвета Римской империи, тот самый момент, когда она начала долгое скольжение вниз по наклонной  
slide projector — диапроектор  
to slide down the banisters — скользить по перилам  
to slide out of the room — выскользнуть из комнаты  
the dangerous slide in oil prices — опасное снижение цен на нефть  
slide report — выступление, сопровождаемое показом слайдов  
slide fastener — застёжка-молния  
slide valve — золотник, золотниковый клапан  
to slide down a slope — скатиться с откоса  
to slide into error — впасть в ошибку  
land slide has blocked off traffic — оползень перекрыл дорогу  

Примеры с переводом

Her purse slid out of her hands.

Ее сумочка выскользнула из ее рук.

The car went into a slide.

Автомобиль занесло.

He slid with the stolen money.

Он скрылся с награбленными деньгами.

These slippery snakes slid away.

Эти скользкие змеи уползли отсюда.

We cannot slide over this problem, it should be discussed openly.

Мы не можем умолчать об этой проблеме, её следует обсудить открыто.

He slid into a seat near my own.

Он незаметно сел рядом со мной.

The politician tried to slide over the delicate subject.

Политик попытался обойти щекотливую тему.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He slid across the ice.

She slid into the driver’s seat.

Francesca slid across the ice.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

sliding  — скользящий, задвижной, заслонка
slider  — ползун, ползунок, движок, скользящий контакт, бегунок, слайдер, задвижка

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: slide
he/she/it: slides
ing ф. (present participle): sliding
2-я ф. (past tense): slid
3-я ф. (past participle): slid

ед. ч.(singular): slide
мн. ч.(plural): slides

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


The next slide actually provides the key to all further talk.

И здесь следующий слайд, собственно, даёт ключ ко всему дальнейшему разговору.

You should see my electric slide.

Ты ещё не видела, как я танцую электрик слайд.

Technically, you can’t power slide anything.

В принципе, ты ни на чем не сможешь сделать силовое скольжение.

The 3D penguins sliding down the slide really set this inflatable slide apart and is superbly well designed.

Конструированные пингвины ЗД сползая вниз скольжение действительно устанавливают это раздувное скольжение отделенным и суперблы хорошие.

You can get them with added features like slide entrance and others.

Вы можете получить их с добавленными функциями, такими как вход для слайдов и другие.

Next slide: problems associated with transport.

Следующий слайд — проблемы, связанные с транспортной составляющей.

Next slide, if we could, please.

Первый слайд, если можно, будьте добры, пожалуйста.

Outdoor man becomes — next slide

«Настоящий турист» станет… следующий слайд

I had a slide that said Breakdown.

У меня был слайд, на котором было написано Срыв.

For an automatic change to the next slide, you must assign a slide transition to each slide.

Для автоматического перехода к следующему слайду следует настроить смену слайда для каждого слайда.

The slide contains 3 slide lanes, a tube support frame and a climbing.

Each slide has one main animation that runs when the slide is shown.

На каждом слайде имеется одна основная анимация, которая запускается при показе слайда.

Advances to the next slide when you click on the background of a slide.

Переход к очередному слайду происходит по щелчку в области фона слайда.

Jumps to a slide or a named object in a slide.

Переход к слайду или к указанному объекту на слайде.

Any objects in the slide design are inserted behind objects in the current slide.

Все объекты в дизайне слайда вставляются за объектами на текущем слайде.

Creates a new slide that contains a bulleted list from the titles of the slides that follow the selected slide.

Создает новый слайд, содержащий маркированный список заголовков слайдов, расположенных после выбранного слайда.

The summary slide is inserted behind the last slide.

Обзорный слайд вставляется после последнего слайда.

Inserts a copy of a slide or named object into the active slide.

Вставляет копию слайда или именованного объекта на активный слайд.

If no previous effect exists on this slide, show previous slide.

При отсутствии предыдущего эффекта в данном слайде перейти на предыдущий слайд.

Makes the slide with the focus the current slide.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат slide

Результатов: 10629. Точных совпадений: 10629. Затраченное время: 90 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Herndon slid into the seats on the side with the sink

The panels in the ceiling and wall slid back and the holographic keyboard display materialized in the middle of the room

But as the knife slid across Fox’s throat, Haques was surpised to see not blood pouring from Fox’s throat but a nest of mosquitoes

The young man fished out a fifty Euro note and slid it into the plastic wallet

«Wait stop!» He banged urgently on the partition, Mirielle hurriedly raised her head as the partition slid down

He seemed satisfied that I was gone quiet and it slid shut again

The teller put our money into an envelope and slid it across the counter

The little man in tweed and corduroy slid forward and sat on the lip of the

legs and speed back towards the light of town, the wolf slid the hood from his head

He handed his brother’s blade to him and he slid it under his coat where its scabbard waited

The faceplate in the door slid open and

A solitary, salt-laced tear slid down his cheek

The same bent and battered tin tray slid across the floor

Smiler slid the tray a little further into the cell

The few other powered boats were stilettos that slid thru the chop without bobbing

This was the instant of doubt, the point where the prey loses its fear of those mesmerising eyes and runs for dear sanctuary, but in that instant when Lucy felt that she might regain control of her legs and speed back towards the light of town, the wolf slid the hood from his head

» His hand had slid between her thighs, his thumb brushed her lips

The faceplate in the door slid open and candlelight spilled into the room

She came over and slid her arm around his waist, and ducked under his right arm so he could lean on her

She slid her arm around his waist and helped him up the stairs

Luray’s lip’s just started to smile, then her gaze slid away, back out onto the plains around them

“So young man, how are things at the camp?” She slid her arm in his and led him around the side of the house rattling off a series of questions

Michael slid off Lady Jennie and the young man tried to do the same

The young man slid out of the cot and went to the water and dumped the bucket on his head

«Very well,» he slid it back into the case

The brass bolt that should have slid

slid down the rail, second best,

» She slid backwards over top of him so her head went across his chest and her hair got tangled in his beard

The huge pie dish slid all the way down the table and spilled its contents all over poor little Ruby, who wailed and screeched and sobbed

He slid down the truck to his knees

» She went up the steps to the kitchen/office level and slid into one of the stools at the counter

The visitor landed and his rider slid off with Lady Sally in his arms

She must have guessed, because she came up behind him and slid her arms thru his and around his waist

«Elmore,» Thom said as he slid into it

He took his ceremonial sword and slid it into its scabbard, turned and opened the door

slid home with deadly force somewhere between his thigh and his

Rayne slid into the room and stood there staring at him; then she began to smile strangely and he knew

Australian, who knows?’ Mr Greener said as he slid into the driving seat of his

She took the box and slid it open with her

He pressed it and watched as the door depressed a few inches and silently slid to the left

The door slid open and Alexei got his first view of the inside the ship

slid inside, following her

He went to the console and tried to lift it off her and in the process something broke lose and slid towards him

We slid under the water tank and sat on the floor

I slid closer to her on the bench and embraced her

slid all the way down the table and spilled its contents all over poor

took his hands out of the pants and slid it again into Ish’s shorts

Yellelle and Koruki conversed a bit as they slid onto the bench across from her

There was slight movement in the trees minutes later as two men slid to the landing and looked in the house

Moments later at the other end of the level two silent figures slid out of the trees and landed on the balcony of Warrior Hold that led to the master bedroom

As Altera entered the forest in hot pursuit of Matai, Sonia and her squad slid down some vines and awaited her

Brent did and the chair moved by itself and slid forward centering him amid the vast array of dials and buttons

Tam pressed some other buttons and the side door slid open, they

She slid out from under him

Ship opened a side panel and a seat slid out for Brent

I slid from the chair, under the table, and backed away to the side of the door leading to the living room

I knew I’d been left for dead or buried alive, but then I found I was in a drawer that I slid out of in random panic

“We do?” He slid his fingers around her body and down to her panties and back to outline a breast

He rolled a nipple between thumb and forefinger and slid his hand upward to rest his fingers against the side of her throat

Ava stretched out in an early Noonsleep while the hours slid by on the canal

He slid the box open afraid of how few he may find

He slid the blade further around, repeatedly

slid behind the wheel and operated the electric starter

Lifting the saw above his head and perpendicular to the wall, he slid it through the side of the house as if by magic

Harry slid the point of his pen knife along under the flap and carefully withdrew the contents

‘Look, there are marks there on the cliff – it looks as though something heavy slid down it recently

By his side Ken has already slid his right hand into his jacket pocket

from her stomach as the ice cream slid down her throat and reached her belly

The proctor checked his watch, wrote the start and end times on the cover, then slid the envelope away from him as if wanting to distance himself from it

“You’re all set,” he said as the door slid open, disappearing into the wall

He slid out from under the dock as soon as he heard voices inside

Instead, he slid on his belly toward the end of the car, his

Heather slid on top of him

Two dribbles of spit slid down the principal’s cheek

Her calculus text slid

Tahlmute poured the house mug into his own and Kemberra reached back and slid the empty down the bar

She was in fact, so wrapped up watching their faces that she hardly noticed when Jim slid in to the seat next to her

” He slid his arm around her shoulders

Johnny slid two of the shots in front of me after he paid the bartender

He was still mad about her disrespect for his advice concerning the property, but it wasn’t I told you so that slid from his lips

He got a good view of the massive bruise, for the first time when the movements slid her sleeve up her arm

She slid back farther on the cushion and before long they were lying side by side so he could just hold the book out and point to the letter in question

She pulled lose and slid up on the Stonehenge that surrounded the third house

He immediately, pushed the girl to the ice, with such a force that she slid backwards on her butt, for several feet

Johnson slid his hand into the space-age mold, his large

Two seconds passed and the silver door slid sideways into the wall panel at

Planet-born flesh calling to space-born? Planets slid into space as he should slide into her, completing the cycle and helping them unite in a circle of oneness as they became one beneath the smiling face of Kortrax and the frowning face of Gordon’s Lamp

After stepping into the darkness, he suddenly slid his strong arm around her waist, and pulled her close to him

moor and a gangplank was slid across the deck

the river slid slowly by on the other — and the smell

«No,» she shouted pushing against his firm chest, then debated if that was such a good idea, as her heel teetered, on the top step, and finally slid out from under her

Heather slid on a pair of athletic shorts, a T-shirt, and over both top and

Carl slid open a small window on the top of it, an entrance just big

A panel slid

from a drawer and slid it across his desk to the

He laid out two binders and slid one over to Otto

” Otto slid a single sheet of A4 paper across the table

Heather slid back across her bed, stopped at the door in front of her, and

Heather slid down the nightstand as if she were melting, still holding the

Whatever had slid them across the floor had stopped

Underling and slide him the report without anyone noticing

There was a nice big lake sprite there already, but enough room to get the stern of his boat in and slide up along the dock and the channel side

Johnny bounced down the stairs of his house two at a time, landing on the main floor with a loud thump that took him into a slide toward the kitchen

They took up the front another few turns before they could finally slide it under

I nodded my head, just barely, and he let me slide down the wall in a heap

stamping on the brakes, he sent the car into a slide, spinning her round on the tarmac

I am the mud slide and the

The faceplate jerked back and he heard a key slide into the

I watched family slide shows of me with my step-brothers

I go to the painted red swings, then to the slide with the wooden pyramid on top

I measured time in solid blocks of obscurity punctuated by the slide of battered tin across concrete

We approached junctions, the heavy braking making me slide feet first towards the front of the truck and sending needles of dull pain up my legs

«I don’t like the looks of this sandbar, it looks like it moved all the way over to the weeds from here, I think we need to slide across above it on the high side

by puddles that slide thick and solid

panelled and beaded, she hears the slide

Tarlass put in his last slide of that sequence

By the time that he reached his mid forties, Tom’s good looks and the firmness of his buttocks were on that inevitable, gravitational slide southwards

I quietly slide over the fact that he is married – she doesn’t need to know that

slide down a little in her seat

“Press the top panel and the door should slide open

It was thick hardwood, she heard a heavy bolt slide into place

breathe in and out while you roll or slide the magnet

The snowstorm had obliterated all trace of their landing and slide into the snow bank

The cadaver started to slide grotesquely to

His trunk and limbs began to slide

She folded her legs over his and turned so his arms could slide inside the big-knit without opening it and he could pull his fur around them both

She is starting to slide

As Bex is being stabilised they wheel Leona out to their ambulance and slide the stretcher back onto its runners

Like Carol he is desperate for the slide down into oblivion, but neither of them can contemplate rest at the moment

She puts the schooner of sherry to her lips and lets the thick, sickly sweet amber wine from the Jerez region of southern Spain slide around her mouth

Ted continues to slide all the way to the door, where, having fathomed out the intricate operation of the swing handles, he pulls his jacket collar up and weaves his way out into the night

The villas were once substantial residences, a world or parlours and roast meat, of the girl in service and the rustle of long skirts, but now they host the two-ring lives of students and people like Ted, people screaming silently, inwardly, as splinters drive under their fingernails as they claw their way up or slide their way down life’s serpentine ladders

Roman could almost see the drool slide down Brunno’s chin in anticipation

They are too close to let it slide now

Her foot slipped just then and she began a sudden slide beneath the safety rope

The secret tells of a short lived moment of peace, a brief interlude, a space between the blip and slide of the monitor soundtrack that pervades every spare inch of the intensive care unit

Wearing skates, he was able to keep his balance, while his elder slide about

Planet-born flesh calling to space-born? Planets slid into space as he should slide into her, completing the cycle and helping them unite in a circle of oneness as they became one beneath the smiling face of Kortrax and the frowning face of Gordon’s Lamp

Landing upright, her feet quickly slide backwards down the slanting side and into the water

Jim’s hand reached back from the front seat and Kit slide her hand into his

She wanted to reassure him that he was, but instead she just let him slide away

Then and only then, did she slide into the driver side of the van, and start the engine

It wasn’t until the tall lanky man, the rest called Dusty, slide into the passenger seat

In less than a heartbeat, he’d slide her off his chest, and pinned her to the floor of the van

She merely shook her head No, and slide across the floor to grip tightly to his vacated seat

«You could’ve slide off there

She closed her eyes, so not to see him slide across the way

He then wrapped her arm around his and escorted her back to the table, where she slide in behind Mike and he then turned a chair around squatting on it to stare into Mike’s red face to say, «I like to dance with those women that don’t dance

We can loosen the bolts and then slide the seats together

“That means we need to get the bodies out of the seats at the back of each section and as they’re removed we slide the seat in front of them backward hard against the now empty seats

The battery basically just sat on a piece of metal next to the engine and if you hit the brakes, the battery would slide back and forth, that’s pretty incredible

And one time while I was driving on a city street in Tucson, Arizona the canvas type sunroof that you could slide open and see the world actually ripped off the screws and blew away along with the drivers sliding side window

His back was raw from the friction of the slide

Brice approached the gate of Shattered Rock and put his hand out, letting his palm slide over the slimy, grease coated exterior

While they rested, they watched the great sun slide behind the hill

knew that God would not let him slide

Whilst I ate I pondered what the slide on the watch was so I reopened the rear covers and checked the where abouts it was positioned only to discover one of the half pates covered any chance of investigation

Eventually the boys picked one of the old ladders, heavy and solid even though it must have been centuries old! So we tried it outside and it did slide a bit but that was on the icy roadway

A man came across and said ‘that won’t slide look its already on the grass below’

Fists were raised and court action promised as the noisy passengers slide down the yellow slides, that is once the air hostesses have managed to peel away the tar that was insidiously creeping through the doors

Old money on a slow genteel slide to ruin

He was dressed in combat uniform with his rank slide on his chest as opposed to shoulder badges

Suddenly, he heard something slide down the slope of the

I’ll let it slide this once

He would have to let this latest offense slide

“Considering your present circumstances, I’m inclined to let that outburst slide

with one set sporting a nifty slide to one side

Jason studied the exterior of the fusion heater for a few moments and then said, “If I unscrew the top panel I reckon that all four of those panels will just slide out

He released the clips on one of the panels and then found that it would slide out with ease, revealing the still warm heating element within

Sebastian’s eyes started to slide down, and he had to blink a couple of times

Pausing for breath for a moment he tried to sit on the ledge itself, soon discovering that without the soles of his boots pressed firmly against it he would rapidly slide off

Most of the teeth on the locking cog had sheared off, leaving the door free to slide in its track

Phil pulled her hand and eventually she managed to slide back out

This time he could slide with ease against the fuel pipe but now the cold was much more biting

He heard a rapid rustling sound and moments later she began slide in beside him

The door was a conventional swing type (the main slide doors were firmly locked into place)

I could feel tears slide down His face, soaking my robe

Wanting him to slide up the semi’

slide past her to sprint up the stairs and put his kit on

the bed sheet before using her hand to slide him inside of her

When it had drained totally the security panel switched to green allow the hatch to slide open

The car only managed a speed of eighty KPH before it started to slide about on this abandoned freeway

“However, we may still have to deal with Gibbons, he may not let this slide

heavier than usual, and with a bound and a slide, there they were,

Uther struggled to slide back into his courting personae

Kay laughed with mirth, and then Leland began his attacks in earnest, and she lost herself in the thrill of deflection, attack, and counter-attack under the darkening sky, billowing grey clouds beginning to slide in from the east

Slide the patty onto waxed paper — you can use the fork to make a little swirl on the top to make it pretty

Reese stepped forward to slide his arm around Kay’s waist, his fingers tenderly cinching him to her side

I tried to steady myself to look around when I felt a hand slide past mine

Once the shoes were off though, the pants would easily slide over her socks, so she did not have permission to remove her socks after the shoes

A rock slide a thousand years ago must have blocked this arm of the watercourse

But the police car clipped the curb, flipping over to slide along behind us on its roof, adding to the display, showering sparks and pieces of bodywork in all directions

I am giving seriously thought about purchasing a slide ruler to ensure that my tires are in compliance with the twelve (12) inches from the curb ordinance lest I too risk receiving a summons

Most recently, he and his wife had attended some old couple’s slide show

He shifted to lift up my hips, then hooked his thumbs down to slide against my skin and pull pants and panties off in one deft motion

” He knew: she’d fucking told him to find out everything the bitches knew, everything! But he’d had it with listening to her and tried to let the rest of her mouthy tirade slide right off his back

The receptionist’s eyes seemed to slide right past them, as did the nurse’s when she brought me in to take my weight—I’d cracked triple-digits again, I discovered with delight—temperature, and blood pressure

“You won’t ever be without me,” he said, and the world seemed to slide sideways as he kissed me again

This was a curious trailing indeed, though somewhat scary and of course dangerous… a good enough reason (beyond park regulation) for me not to slide my hand along the spine of that elegant animal

A man could go up a short stepladder and slide the light up and down the pole, then clamp it tight

Kevin jerks the wheel and loses traction a bit before his car slides off the road

suddenly, slides to a halt in front of the old man and his donkey

Finally, the old man turns his head slowly toward them, slides down off the donkey

John turns his head, watches her as she slides around him

John pushes the button that slides the window open

Apollo slides down the corner of his cell with his palms pressed firmly against his ears, trying to stifle the girl’s cries

over their notes and slides to go one better

When the inner door slides open, do not move

Ted sighs, reaches for his cigarettes, flips the top of the box, takes one out and taps it on the bar so that it slides vertically through his nicotine-yellow fingers

He keeps a weather eye on them as he slides across the room and leans on the bar

He slides five twenties off the top and passes them to the owner of The Basement

Dave slides in first

The volume cranks up to overload and Billy starts to sing as he slides down onto his knees

Billy has to jink right as he approaches a hard right hand bend, narrowly avoiding the chevron signage in the hedgerow, and, oblivious to the state of the road behind him, he slams on the brakes, white lining, and slides to a halt

He manages to put his forefinger to his lip at the second attempt, and then as he slides off his stool he says, «Nice to meet you, Victor

He slides his key into the lock and pushes open the heavy front door

He slides over and joins Maggie on the two seat wicker sofa

As the tyres grip and the engine drops its guts, Helen’s body slides down into the passenger seat foot well

He slides his arms down, bends and kisses my neck

Fists were raised and court action promised as the noisy passengers slide down the yellow slides, that is once the air hostesses have managed to peel away the tar that was insidiously creeping through the doors

He slides her to the floor

The metal slides get too hot during the

Kinda slides into it

Next, I saw what seemed like a heavenly area with slides coming

I smiled — sort of an adult playground without swings or slides

I am about to respond when he slides his arm across my shoulders

The water slides up my bare calves as it rises, cool and soft

He slides his hand back slowly, his fingertips grazing my side

Uriah slides into the seat next to me, leaving his half-eaten muffin and half-finished glass of water on the other table

Will slides his arm around her shoulders and pulls her to his side

He slides his hands down my arms and then squeezes my hips, his fingers sliding over the skin just above my belt, and I shiver

Then he reconsiders and slides his arm around me, pulling me to him

Tobias undoes his belt buckle and slides it from its loops

It slides back to admit me, and I see Jeanine, pressed against a wall, with Tori standing a few feet away, her gun high

I shove the gun forward and it slides away from us

” She slides a little closer to me, so her shoulder covers Marcus’s name too

her office and luckily this meant fewer people to present slides; a couple of vendors

Try to avoid building fancy slides, and focus on

Try to avoid building fancy slides

buttons come easily undone, the belt slides off as easily as the pants, and

She slides under the king-size bed while tearing her tights in a few places

The rain slides smoothly over the UFO’s shiny body

When a country slides into economic disaster, the first thing to

He slips half way and slides downward, but stops himself and continues walking

But I started sending my slides to galleries

and it grew exponentially as we neared the brightly colored slides

That was the main excavation and the one that caused devastating slides during the building of the channel and soon after the opening of that important waterway

They observe calving glaciers shedding big chunks of blue ice in spectacular, thunderous slides that tumble into the ocean producing huge splashes of water and join the submarine current from the ice fields where they are born

A few seconds later it disappears, and the entire wall slides open to reveal a cavernous chamber, roughly a hundred metres in length and width and height

One hand slides and secures my back while the other reaches for my thigh

People gasp when the slides are crowded with words,

He laughs for a moment, clears his throat and slides the door open

His hold stronger, and with intent, he slides his hands up my robe to my waist

In several places earth slides had almost filled in the fissure, but the

His glance slides to the Lost One and then just as quickly skitters away

Here beside the door are several addresses carved into the stone, and this drilled sapphire slides up and down on its platinum rod, indicating which of the addresses is on the other side of the Plane door

She instructs me to pull my arms out of the straps and then she easily slides the «hanker jock-strap» around

Then, suddenly he hears a shout and the knife slides across the icy ground towards his outstretched grasp

I have seen slides that fill the screen with text paragraphs

If you have ever heard a good speaker, do you remember the slides or what they told you? Did they use slides with lots of words or did they have a graphic with a few words?

For lunch they stopped at a fast food outfit with a playground, planning to allow Frankie to kill an hour on the slides and other apparatus

through the slides while discussing your topic

“If she slides,” said Jerry, “let her go

I flicked the slides forward with my thumbs

She tosses her hair, slides forward, and places her feet on the ground

A hard charge into your side makes you swing your sword, Kaite slides across the floor and out of the way giggling

But poor me! Tragedies always come when you least expect them! The elusive banana leaf that I took out from my pocket, slipped from my hands, as silk slides on fingers, and falling with a movement slowly, slowly, went to crash on the floor

You ignore her worried look as the airport corridor slides by ever so slowly

Of course she slides over seductively and rests her head on your shoulder and her leg across yours

“Thanks,” you reply as they shut the door and the electronic bolt slides in place, locking you in a room much like the first, except this one has only one door

When Sober is over you march over to the door, papers and overhead slides tucked under your arm, swipe your card through the magnetic reader, beep your way out of the lab-farm and into the government labyrinth

“One Long Island iced tea,” Bob says and slides the drink down the small bar to you, trying to put on a show without the space to do it

The number of slides should depend on the content of your presentation

If it contains considerable amount of data then there should be more slides, obviously

But don’t bore the audience with too many slides

A presentation of 20 minutes should not contain more than 35-40 slides, as the attention span of the audience per slide is 1

, your college’s logo—as the audience shouldknow where you are from your first slide): They willonly clutter your slides, distract the listener from the main point of the presentation and, in the case of fancy patterns, and possibly even reduce the readability of your text

Do not use animations in the text because the attention of the audience will shift from you to the slides

You can use mild animations only in the headers and while changing slides

Prepare your slides with utmost care and ensure that your speech doesn’t bore the audience

The blade whistles a sweet tune through the cold air and gracefully slides across your exposed throat as though it were a figure skater gliding on a frozen pond at night, shining in the light from the gas lamps and the twinkling stars overhead

It was a park that had amenities such as swings, slides and a couple of carousel’s called roundabouts that they loved spinning and jumping on and off

This was followed by a series of slides showing the reaction vessel

He rapidly flicked through a series of slides of the disaster at Blackford and continued his presentation, holding the last shot of a huge fire engulfing a storage tank

There were more slides to come later


He then slides off the chair

Blood from his face and neck soaks the carpet beneath and Curly Pete pulls the cushion from Razor Mick’s hand and slides it gently underneath his head; �He was a good friend, he always said he would go first

Skilfully he slides the poles through loops sewn onto the side of the tent and with a strange twisting motion he flips the tent upwards snapping the poles into place and sits it squarely in the centre of the room; with the door facing the huge television set

Taking a chance Grailem slides out from under the vehicle as it enters the warehouse and stands briefly in the doorway

The cry of the loon slides across the lake

learners should be taught with visual aids such as overhead slides, diagrams,

 Posting static PowerPoint slides online and calling it «online

A few days after Christmas 2007, I dropped off a return of a gadget that would convert slides to digital, since it appeared to be defective

‘After about forty slides in a row, I stopped and sat down next to Robbie who looked pretty blissed out

After a few slides from the lower takeoff, he was ready to go from the top

They had three slides each before Liberty said that she felt pretty lucky and that she wasn’t going to push her luck any more

Vinnie was sliding the glove around the door in small circular motions, every now and then he would tap one of the fingers of the glove against the door in alternating rhythms

Dave feels the cool sand sliding between his fingers

The temple is constructed of rough timber and lumber with no ornamentation, the sliding doors are made of rice paper

sliding out at the back

sliding down her neck feeling his life hung by a thread

lock and the heavy, ratchet grumble of sliding tumblers

«Grrr,» she said, and the palm of her hand started sliding up the inside of his thigh

I tried to unravel time in some vain hope of stopping the days from ticking over into the new shift pattern, but the inevitable morning dawned with the usual sounds of boots on concrete, sliding locks and the dull metallic alarm of my breakfast tray being laid on the floor by my mattress

After each halt the truck then began its ponderous attempts at acceleration, jerking through the gears, sliding me slowly towards the rear of the box where my head would hit hard metal

It seemed so strange to hear the sound of two trays sliding across the floor instead of one

If you are sliding on ice, you have invested in unprofitable enterprises

With the rain slanting across the road and the windshield wipers sweeping furiously across glass, the black Aston shimmied around a tight right hand bend, sliding out at the back

sliding sideways on tectonic southerlies,

They took off bounding out the door sliding across the hall rug to the stairs

of the glitter rain shine, sliding across

Most of the slime came sliding off

slipping and sliding, down the sea wall,

call to home, sliding thunder on the deep cold

His hand sliding up the inside of her thigh discovered that she didn’t need to wait til Noonsleep either

Another is, you play to her weakness, she fears sliding back

His trilby kept sliding about as he nodded his head in time to the music

Politicians come and go, passing through the revolving doors of power and celebrity, and sometimes even infamy, like eels sliding from a barrel

Shivering under my blanket, I squelch after him, my boots slipping and sliding on the boggy ground to where Berndt is standing, similarly wrapped up

Our pace quickened for the final thrust and so we raced, slipping and sliding through scattered sun-bleached tree bark, fragments of branches and odd pieces of driftwood that littered the stony ground until we were close enough to resist it no longer

I rolled onto my stomach, allowing the water to wash and revive me, pulling myself forward over the pebbles like a lizard, sliding down into the water past the boulders, keeping as near to the bottom as I could and then turning, and looking skyward through sparkling shafts of sunlight beaming through my open fingers

Perhaps the crates were sliding about on deck or maybe she was top heavy, or maybe she wasn’t handling to his liking, any one of a thousand reasons

As the wind and snow swirled and howled against the Hold, Tarak bent and kissed Rayne sliding his arms around her and pressing himself to her

It was incredibly difficult to keep his hands from sliding down to her ass

see poor Brandy on the other side of the sliding glass

in one of the divided sections, sliding their way onto the worn seating

Vastly relieved, she quickly and quietly slipped into the room, put her damp towel to hang over the back of a chair and turned out the light before sliding under the covers careful not to disturb him

“Are you playing with me?” Jorma asked, sliding the cups back for a re-fill

length of stout iron railing and sliding it across the causeway

She imagines the tip of the needle breaking skin, sliding into muscle, the bulge where the liquid pools as she presses on the plunger, and the spasms, a face, a rictus grin

His head aches and he feels as though he is sliding down into the cold earth

Tom could see him sliding on the stones

quickly, slipping at the top and sliding inelegantly down the other

He climbed, rather than walked over huge roots and dead trunks, falling into drops under overgrown piles of dead branches and sliding on the dead leaves and damp rocks

Heather straddled him now, grabbing him with her hand, sliding on slowly

Sliding down into the claw foot tub, Emma released a deep sigh of relief

Max pounded on the brown door, only to be answered with a sliding piece

She turned and kissed him, sliding the silk

» Was all she replied, while sliding down from the table? «I can’t

Snow squished into her cast, from the opening at her toes, sliding back in to the van, she pulled on the woolen sock she’d brought with her, Just in case it got a bit nippy before she could drive back to the house after dark

Sliding into the car, she wondered just how she’d managed to go so long without spending money

Sliding down the door, in an attempt to cover her numb legs, she replayed the scene they had just witnessed

The aeroplane had been cleaned and the catering service was sliding the last of the food carts into the galleys when Sue entered the aeroplane

And one time while I was driving on a city street in Tucson, Arizona the canvas type sunroof that you could slide open and see the world actually ripped off the screws and blew away along with the drivers sliding side window

Agent Johnson ran to one of the vans, opened its sliding

» Desa got up to get it, sliding as much of the best of herself across him as she could while doing so

All he heard were the drapes sliding shut, then Gypsum’s light faded to a glow

The sliding sound of the heavy table on the thick carpet got louder and faster

He could see that this would be a very difficult maneuver as his foot began sliding on the mold that covered this wood

They moved away from the store as notices flipped and flopped all over the windows, when Beauty moved closer they all converged in the spot opposite her face, slipping and sliding to get her attention

Once you see the veil, it becomes possible to push it aside and walk through to an accessible universe of opportunities and abundance, just the way one pushes aside a sliding glass door

But it was impossible to avoid sliding as she hurled her stones

But as the substance began sliding down her thighs, Nerissa couldn’t help fearing what it

He turned his confounded gaze upward, noting the clouds sliding against the darkening expanse

The rock was increasingly ragged, his foot sliding, almost slipping off the edge except

For Scott the cabin’s extension, with its solar panelled roof and sliding bay windows, was the next best thing to being outside

Glen took her hand in his, its cool, smooth weight sliding in and out again before he was even aware

He grabbed the edge of the hatchway again with his left hand to stop himself sliding, and paused for a moment

” Sebastian grunted noncommittally as he prepped a needle, sliding it under his skin

“Are you comfortable?” She nodded, and Sebastian grinned in reply, sliding down in his seat

Phil began to pull himself back out, sliding with some difficulty against the fuel pipe

Worryingly there was no sound from behind the door so Chris tore his gloves off, pulled the manual release lever beside the door and the two of them set about sliding it open by hand

” he replied, sliding the fingers of his right hand into his HEPO pocket

He moved to the communications console and opened a sliding panel at the right-hand end

“Yes, the first one was about a bearded man shining a torch at a rectangular block of stone in a cave and another one sliding down a rocky tunnel

After a couple of minutes you arrived in the cave, sliding out-of-control down the sloped tunnel and landing on the ground

‘Then there is nothing more I can ask of you,’ she said before sliding off the bed

But he seemed to enjoy every minute of it, slipping and sliding on the slops on the floor and licking the beer of his arms and throwing himself around in a wild frenzy, while his friends, friends!, clapped and jeered and sang and shouted and danced, danced!, bumping and pulling and shoving until all ended in a drunken heap on the floor

Then he struggled downstairs with it, sliding it down the

with the man sliding his prick into her arse

She crawled across the huge ocean of a bed sliding onto the floor

Empress of the Office, where she spent most mornings on the red willow love seat that faces my desk, raising her regal head only at unfamiliar sounds: in winter, the heavy snow sliding off the metal roof and crashing to the deck below, startling us both; in early spring, the northern flickers trying in vain to pluck insulation for their nests from the roof vents; a heavy summer rain; the grinding noise of the propane truck making its first delivery in fall

Since that day Adem had felt himself sliding deeper and deeper into a state of mental illness

Someone came sliding into my shell hole with an avalanche of stone earth and grit I was just about to give them a mouthful when I saw who it was

He stepped through the portal to enter a dark tunnel with cave like walls that flowed down around him like mud sliding down mountains, flames danced on those walls and further ahead

“This is Silver Snake,” she said as she stopped to swing the blade upwards sliding it around through the air like a live serpent thrashing

He was sliding down a slope, not even trying to scramble back up

Sliding an arm across the back of Carmen’s chair, he leaned close, speaking softly in her ear

The door was a heavy metal slab, with two locks and a tiny barred window with a sliding shutter

There was no vocal invitation to enter; just the door quietly sliding aside, revealing a

Halon grasped the handle and tried pulling, sliding, turning and pushing it to obtain some indication of its purpose, but it would not budge

Pulling open the door Terry made his way up the steep spiral staircase, one hand sliding around the circular wall to steady himself

Sliding his back up the wall, Terry stood on shaky legs and listened as hard as he could, holding his breath so as not to distract himself

Sliding more than climbing, she made the bottom in seconds

She moved into the main chapel, heading toward the trunk, pulling out the leather jerkin and sliding it over her head in one smooth pull

He had polished it to a smooth finish to give it the best chance of sliding the tumblers without a catch

Guard — The crossed top of the sword’s hilt which keeps the enemy’s sword from sliding down and chopping off the wielder’s fingers

Sliding towards the rear of the vehicle, I desperately scrabbled about for a handhold to stop myself careering right off the back

Sliding the remote down the side of his chair so I had no chance of using it, Uncle Hobart saluted me with his can

He sat at the kitchen table, sliding his hands under the sides of his thighs to stop them trembling

The bastard always teased her this way, slipping his tongue through her pubes — almost but not quite there — then sliding it away again, over and over

She slithered downwards, rolling him on to his back, sliding off the end of the bed so she was kneeling between his thighs

He bent his head toward mine, his hand sliding under my hair to cradle my neck

As if he could sense my reaction, he moved the arm behind me again, sliding downward to slip his hand into the rear waistband of my pants so it rested against my buttocks and urged me harder against his thigh

He changed the movement of his hand, no longer simply sliding smoothly but pushing, stretching against the inside of me

Its horn blared, and I yanked the wheel hard to the right, sliding across the intersection and hitting the highway shoulder in a spray of gravel as my car came to a stop

  • Use the word SLIDE in a sentences

Sentence Examples

The slide blocked the road.

Then he could slide down the drainpipe.

He rushes to the rope which hangs from the point of the shell and letting himself slide down the rope he gives it an impetus which causes the shell to fall off the edge of the moon.

What do you think of that slide?

If you can bend my shackles just so I can slide them off my foot—

It’s soft and will slide down easily without hurting your throat.

Just a rock slide and a broken arm.

If I slide shutters closed when I hear the sound of ball, that would arouse bitterness.

Marks in dust on light shade prove little man on first visit… slide down lamp cord to reach floor.

I wandered down to the East River one night, thinking I’d just slide in and get it over with.


Drop them way back so they’ll just slide down.

A slide rule to figure out these stress formulas.

You should’ve given them that book and a slide rule to take along with them.

Let’s tie a rope to that hook and slide down.

Did you see an urchin slide out of here?

Well, I think I’ll slide over to the hotel and pack.

Honey, you slide in and they carry you out.

Get a piece of fat and slide off!

# A-mooch, a-dancing, slide and glide entrancing

slide over and face the wall.

That chap would slide out of anything.

One of my granddaughters dared me to slide down the banister.

I saw General Herkimer slide off his horse…

Oh, but they slide down the banisters.

Let’s take a look at that slide.

Could I have the slide, Doctor?

And I left the hot oil to slide on the shaft.

slide my guns back in their cradles, untie my hands and I’ll hold them out.

Take the straight and narrow path and if you start to slide

Well, I made it, but I had to slide.

A slide valve with a fine screw on the stem.

There’s a slide valve for it.

Last winter, a snow slide come down on that man’s house and killed him dead.

You can get it from the wail Of a slide trombone

We’ve got a swell roof too. We’ve been putting a fence around it. And I could build a slide and a sandbox.

We place the slide in the projector and turn on the light.

In other words, all the figures of name number four are written backwards and read from right to left until we reverse the slide when they read correctly from left to right.

All right. Get the spectrum slide of wolf’s hair out of my case while I mount this.

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