Sentences with word sincere

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No woman would ignore such touching and sincere words.

Ни одна женщина не будет игнорировать такие трогательные и искренние слова.

Please give them my sincere apologies.

Прошу тебя, передай им мои искренние извинения.

She was sincere in that desire.

И он был честен в этом своём стремлении.

We only work with sincere and honest people.

Мы работаем в одиночку, с честными и искренними людьми.

Be yourself and be sincere with people.

Надо быть самим собой и вести себя с людьми искренне.

It’s quite possible that they came here with sincere intentions.

Мы говорим: возможно, часть из них отправились туда с искренними намерениями.

This goal can only be achieved if the intentions are serious and sincere.

Эта цель может быть достигнута только в том случае, если намерения будут серьезными и искренними .

He was honest and sincere and probably assumed the same in humans.

Он был честен и искренен и, вероятно, предполагал то же в людях.

Another question is how sincere are others around you.

Другой вопрос в том, насколько искренними являются другие вокруг вас.

Since its strength depends on how sincere the request is.

Поскольку ее сила напрямую зависит от того, насколько искренней является просьба.

They probably do so with sincere conviction.

И, скорее всего, они делают это с искренней убежденностью.

Make sure the apologies you give are always sincere.

Убедитесь, что извинения, которые вы высказываете, всегда искренни.

The sincere, unsolicited apology involves five steps.

Искреннее, честное и бескорыстное извинение состоит из 5 шагов.

We wanted it to be authentic, sincere.

Мы всегда хотели, чтобы он был искренним и настоящим».

But please, take my sincere heart with you.

Но, пожалуйста, возьмите мое искреннее сердце с собой».

She seemed sincere, but still…

Она была очень искренней, но при этом, судя…

Each prayer was deep and sincere.

Каждая его молитва была неистова, но искренняя.

May everybody concerned live up to this sincere wish.

Пусть же это искреннее желание воплотится в жизнь для всех заинтересованных в этом.

I pay sincere tribute to all involved.

Я искренне отдаю должное всем, кто принимал участие.

Our most sincere preference is not to dwell too much on majorities.

Наше самое искреннее предпочтение заключается в том, чтобы не тратить слишком много времени, пытаясь решить вопрос о большинстве.

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искренний, душевный, задушевный, честный, чистосердечный, прямой, чистый


- искренний, неподдельный

sincere admirer — искренний почитатель
a sincere piece of advice — искренний совет
sincere sympathy — искренняя /неподдельная/ симпатия
he has a sincere dislike for flattery — он искрение ненавидит лесть

- истинный, подлинный, настоящий

sincere friend — истинный /настоящий/ друг

- прямой, честный; праведный

sincere life — честная /праведная/ жизнь

- чистый, без примеси

sincere wine — неразбавленное вино

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Please accept my sincere apologies.

Примите, пожалуйста, мои искренние извинения.

Please accept our sincere thanks.

Примите, пожалуйста, нашу искреннюю благодарность.

She has a sincere interest in painting.

У неё неподдельный интерес к живописи. / Она искренне интересуется живописью.

He was so kind and sincere. No wonder I bonded to him.

Он был таким добрым и искренним. Нет ничего удивительного в том, что я привязалась к нему.

Please accept my sincere apologies for my behaviour yesterday.

Пожалуйста, примите мои искренние извинения, за мое вчерашнее поведение.

We wish to express our sincere condolences to your family.

Мы хотели бы выразить свои искренние соболезнования вашей семье.

May I give my sincere and abject apology for the incident?

Примите мои искренние и покорные извинения за этот инцидент.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…I couldn’t tell whether her earlier poor-mouthing had been sincere or just a gambit to get me to pick up the dinner check….

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

срав. степ. (comparative): sincerer
прев. степ. (superlative): sincerest

Sincere is the second studio album by English musician M. J. Cole. It was released in December 2000 under the Talkin’ Loud label. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

I wear my heart on my sleeve and I am a sincere and real individual.


Thank you for sharing and a sincere congratulations on the reward of all your hard work.


At Mass the Church places before God «all for whom we offer this sacrifice… those who take part in this offering, those gathered here before you, your entire people, and all who seek you with a sincere heart.»


The paintings are not simply an exercise in cool irony, they’re a sincere attempt to make sense of the world and the joy and despair I feel at being alive.


I am an easy going, family and friends, goals getter, health oriented, honest, open mind, optimistic, self support, enjoy simple life and sincere guy.


Also, an individual who had been, for example, a member of a Southern Baptist Convention church (which formally disavowed most of its white supremacist doctrines 22 years ago in 1995) all of his life and claimed to have secretly joined some splinter denomination that espouses white supremacy shortly before the employment issue came up, might have difficulty proving «sincere» religious beliefs of this type as opposed to a «sham» religious affiliation in a court.


Their performances wind up becoming the saving grace of the film since their wide range and great chemistry together sells the more sincere and dramatic moments in the final act.


I am in the leadership and management consulting business; I found Glen to be someone who conducts himself professionally, takes a partnership role with his clients and is sincere in his pursuit.


hello everyone… i am an asian sincere young lady who is seriously searching with hope for the real affection and love of my life here… joining dating websites may sometime cruel trust and attraction since there are lot of people who are just trying to play games and emotion… i have been alone i…


Yet his paintings, visually exuberant and rigorously crafted, reveal a sincere effort to capture the experimental spirit of the time — a transitional moment when artists were challenging the relationship between painting and sculpture.


Not to be confused with the year and the flame when they want to plunder, is quite simple and sincere, but many can not handle this kind of reality before you start the NSA singles are very clear, and even what happens when the first sexual adventure, is something to be said about morning and evening, we tend to think of new, or perhaps re-evaluate what we did and it makes us a change of heart.


Conversely, with the exception of Josh, the artists are sincere (and I think it is sheer genius to have Vinnie Jones play one of them) in their efforts, especially Adrian.


The only difference is that the studio can slam the door in the unknown’s face, while they have to go out of their way to shower you with sincere and deeply felt sweet nothings.


I am a sincere, down to earth, honest drama free, hard working brother, but most of all I love God.


Looking for a sincere, fun, loving, honest, strong but sweet, samrt sexually confident, charming and..


I am a shy, honest, sincere, and loyal man who doesn’t like being toyed with.


When juxtaposed to the glimmering lights of the city, their saddened faces look only more sincere.


I would like to meet a sincere, kind, humble, respectful, gentle, communicative, cheerful, attentive, patient, loving, tender and romantic man.


We put this question to our male respondents and found a great range of answers — from the sincere to the very silly.


Tall, sincere Brit, discreet, honest, passionate, generous and kind.


I am a dedicated and sincere proponent of this craft.


I am basically a simple, adjusting and funloving person, whom others consider as sincere and friendly too.


a sports fan, introvert, the kind of person who enjoys of an sincere and mature company and that she loves of making jokes.


I’m very sincere, happy and very romantic.


I’m not a POD author myself, but I’ve heard Jerry speak and found him to be a sincere man.


If you don’t print the next part, though, I will know you are not sincere in what you say, and move on.


His use of green in those works represent a sincere employment of color to tell a narrative that is dictated by what a specific color can mean.


So I just want to use this opportunity upon my departure to say a sincere thank you to all those who have taken the time over the years to engage constructively and that I hope to continue that debate from time to time here on the EnvironmentGuardian site once settled into my new role.


It’s my sincere hope that by adopting the principles laid out below, or at least starting the discussion, the lazy gardeners and foodies among us can take both our philosophy and our practice to the next level.


«On the occasion of the 2015 Farmers» Day celebrations, I join many other Ghanaians in expressing our sincere appreciation to our farmers and fisherfolk for their hard work and commitment to the cause of building Mother Ghana over the years.»


In Matthew, attached to these Beatitudes on the disinherited and oppressed, are other sayings of Jesus which similarly exalt the meek, the merciful, the sincere («the pure in heart»), and the peacemakers.


Some New York Democrats have accused Cuomo’s efforts of being politically motivated rather than sincere, saying his decision was driven by his primary challenge from progressive activist Cynthia Nixon.


Till you are focused and sincere, you need not be bothered about your ups and downs.


This act helps strengthen a loving relationship and proves your sincere love for them which is most likely reciprocated instinctively.


The process is rich and promises major life-enhancing changes when done with an open heart and a sincere intention to harness all there is to learn from what has happened and to turn it into the fuel for your richest, most loving experience of life yet.


I am sincere, loyal, considerate, kind, warm, and thoughtful.


Although Jorden’s paintings reference both her studio surroundings and early modernist work by artists such as Delaunay, «A light touch prevents her work from becoming overly cerebral or beholden to her sources… Jorden’s paintings, modest, quiet and sincere, transfer each studio decisions into elusive political moments.»


Federal level regulations will be employed in an effort to dampen the effect of ill-willed activity without limiting the ability of sincere investors and traders.


They’ll belt out wonderful hymns and exchange sincere greetings after service.


They were sincere and never did anything to suggest they had any self-serving agenda.


He added, in a tone so humble and sincere that his character would never have used it: «She taught me to be grateful for my life regardless of what that entailed, and that’s directly related to the image of Christ on the cross and the example of sacrifice that he gave us.


I just need some warmth, care and sincere love.


«Conflating the miraculous with notions of chance and arbitrariness, Sheilah Wilson’s work alludes to religious motifs from a perspective of a sincere and heartbroken skeptic.


Do we trust our medical health professions and academics (including many sincere godly Christians) to know what they are talking about?


Perhaps most impressively of all, Timoner doggedly pursues — and arguably captures — the sincere and tender soul behind the bluster.


Whatever one might say about the original, it was obvious that the movie came from a place of sincere love for the monster movies that inspired it.


In addition, Alliance Nebraska courts may consider reducing or dismissing the traffic violation altogether, though any such decision by a judge would rely heavily on your Alliance Nebraska driving history, the nature of your traffic violation and your sincere interest in being a better and safer driver.


The way Roberts so casually speaks of exiling his own son for being gay, with what sounds like sincere regret for the child’s suicide and an utter disinterest in connecting the dots between the two, isn’t even chilling.


But the meetings were friendly and the shared concern appeared to be sincere.


It is my sincere hope that the County Executive has done everything possible to respect the taxpayers of Erie County and not propose a tax increase


Synonym: authentic, bona fide, genuine, honest, legitimate, real, unaffected. Antonym: false. Similar words: insincere, sincerely, cereal, cerebrum, ceremony, cerebral, sorceress, cancer. Meaning: [sɪn’sɪr /-‘sɪə]  adj. 1. open and genuine; not deceitful 2. characterized by a firm and humorless belief in the validity of your opinions. 

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1) Her protests seemed sincere enough.

2) His was a sincere offer of help.

3) He’s sincere in his views.

4) Please accept our sincere thanks.

5) Please accept our sincere apologies.

6) My sincere congratulations on this auspicious event of yours.

7) He was sincere in his wish to help us.

8) He offered a sincere apology for his behaviour.

9) I’ll be open and sincere with you.

10) for our ever-lasting friendship,( send sincere blessings and warm greetings to my friends whom i miss so much.

11) The details will tell you who is sincere to you.

12) Best wishes and sincere congratulations on your graduation.May this special day be the commencement of the continued series of upward steps to further success.

13) He seems so sincere.

14) Please accept my sincere wishes for the New Year. I hope you will continue to enjoy good health.

15) My sincere thanks to you for being my child’s teacher.

16) My sincere congratulations on your happy marriage and my best wishes to you two for a lifetime of happiness.

17) I would like to say a sincere thank you to everyone who has helped and supported me.

18) Season’s greetings and sincere wishes for a bright and happy New Year!

19) In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts.May the kind of Christmas outshine all the rest.

20) In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May the kind of New Year outshine all the rest.

21) For our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and warm greetings to my friends whom I miss so much.

22) Sincere congratulations on your son wedding please convey our best wish.

23) Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ingnorance and conscientious stupidity. 

24) Don’t try to win a friend by presenting gifts. You should instead contribute your sincere love and learn how to win others ‘heart through appropriate ways. 

25) We are very happy to learn that you have successfully passed the college entrance examination this year and have been admitted into Beijing University with honor.Allow us to offer our most sincere congratulations on this happy occasion and wish you greater achievement in your college education.

26) I’m delighted to receive the announcement of your marriage and now send you and your Frank my sincere congratulations and best wishes for a happy and harmonious life together.

27) His proposal was no jest — he was completely sincere.

28) You make my heart smile. In such a soft and warm season, please accept my sincere blessing and deep concern for you. For our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and warm greetings to my friends whom I miss so much. Wish you a happy new year and a good fortune in the coming year when we will share our happiness, think of our good friends, and our dreams come true!

29) Thinking of you at Christmas with a wish that is warm and sincere.Have a wonderful Christmas andjoyous New Year!

30) Time flies by and I remember I haven’t seen you for ages.I send you a fine card with my missing and sincere blessing.

More similar words: insincere, sincerely, cereal, cerebrum, ceremony, cerebral, sorceress, cancer, ceremonial, dancer, since, ceremonious, concert, concern, concerned, uncertain, concerning, ever since, long since, disinterested, necromancer, uncertainty, marriage ceremony, going concern, remembrancer, disconcerting, adherence, coherence, be concerned about, deference. 

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