Sentences with word shout

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


However, he can shout louder than anybody.

Тем не менее, он может кричать громче, чем кто-либо.

It was so loud that we had to shout in order to hear each other.

Настолько громко, что приходилось даже кричать, чтобы услышать друг друга.

Ask our Republican critics!, I wanted to shout.

«Спросите наших республиканских критиков!» — именно так мне хотелось им крикнуть.

Let those who shout abuse and ridicule My Holy Word do what they do.

Позвольте тем, кто выкрикивает оскорбления и высмеивает Моё Святое Слово, делать то, что они делают.

I was outside and heard someone shout.

Я был на улице и услышал, что кто-то кричит.

I’m also into people who shout for a living.

И ещё я такой же как те люди которые кричат чтобы выжить.

Sacred ram, shout that I may hear you.

Священное рам, кричи, так чтобы я мог услышать тебя.

They shout even while standing 2 feet away.

Они кричат, даже стоя в полуметре друг от друга.

And everywhere I go, they shout Rooney.

И везде, куда бы я ни пошел, они кричат Ру…

I told Tom not to shout.

Я сказал Тому, чтобы он не кричал.

They are just shouting to hear themselves shout.

Они слышат лишь того, кто громче кричит.

He didn’t like to shout about his wares, as many fish sellers do to attract customers.

Назир не любил кричать о своем товаре, как это делают другие продавцы, чтобы привлечь клиентов.

To be heard you had to shout.

Чтобы тебя услышали, приходилось кричать.

Some girls in the show shout and cry when he appears.

Некоторые девушки в шоу кричать и плакать, когда он появится.

They show no interest in dialog, but they want to shout, talk, and utilize other people personal space.

Они не проявляют интереса к диалогу, но они хотят кричать, говорить и использовать личное пространство других людей.

It is confusing when you and the coach shout instructions at the same time.

Это сбивает с толку, когда вы и тренер кричите инструкции одновременно.

Today there have been several instances where I had to shout at my kids.

Сегодня было несколько случаев, когда мне пришлось кричать на своих детей.

She can shout very loudly to have all the farm animals listen to her.

Она может кричать очень громко, чтобы все сельскохозяйственные животные слушали ее.

I don’t know why they felt the need to shout that out the window at me.

Я не знаю, почему они чувствовали потребность кричать, что из окна на меня.

Television experts shout that «we can not protect ourselves.»

Телевизионные эксперты кричат, что «мы не можем защитить сами себя».

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крик, окрик, возглас, громкий крик, кричать, покричать, накричать, звать


- громкий крик, возглас

cheerful [wild] shout — радостный [дикий] крик
involuntary [triumphant] shout — непроизвольный [торжествующий /ликующий/] возглас
shouts of joy — радостные крики
shouts of despair — вопли отчаяния
the great shouts of the crowd — рёв толпы
shouts of laughter — взрывы смеха
to give /to make/ a shout — вскрикнуть, издать крик

- даровой стаканчик вина; угощение
- плата за вино для всей компании

to stand a shout — угощать (вином) всю компанию
my shout — моя очередь платить

- пьющая компания
- полигр. проф. восклицательный знак


- кричать; громко говорить

to shout loudly [furiously] — кричать громко [в бешенстве]
to shout at the top of one’s lungs — кричать во всё горло
to shout with delight — визжать от восторга
to shout at smb. — кричать на кого-л.
to shout for help /for assistance/ — а) звать на помощь; б) взывать о помощи
to shout for a candidate — амер. громко выкрикивать имя (своего) кандидата

- выкрикивать, громко произносить (тж. shout out)

to shout one’s orders [one’s insults] — выкрикивать приказания [оскорбления]
to shout approval — шумно высказывать своё одобрение
to shout oneself hoarse — кричать до хрипоты; охрипнуть от крика

- звать, окликать (тж. shout out)

to shout for /to/ smb. — криком звать кого-л.
to shout for /to/ smb. to come — криком подзывать кого-л.
to shout out to smb. — громко звать, окликать кого-л.
they shouted out to each other across the river — они перекликались через реку

- австрал. разг. заказывать выпивку для всей компании, угощать всех присутствующих; платить за выпивку, сигареты и т. п.

to shout the odds — сл. а) объявлять ставку (на скачках); б) хвастаться, бахвалиться

Мои примеры


to give / shout a cheer — сказать что-л. ободряющее  
to shout for help — звать на помощь  
loud shout — громкий крик  
piercing shout — пронзительный вопль  
to give a shout — закричать, воскликнуть  
to go on the shout — напиваться  
to stand (a) shout — угощать выпивкой всю компанию  
to give / issue / send / shout a warning — предупредить, сделать предупреждение  
to shout one’s head off — кричать во всю глотку /что есть мочи/  
cheerful shout — радостный крик  

Примеры с переводом

Do not shout at me.

Не кричи на меня.

Mother shouted for the children.

Мама громко позвала детей.

He shouted out in pain.

Он громко закричал от боли.

There’s no need to shout at me.

Не надо на меня орать.

A shout arose from the crowd.

Из толпы раздался крик.

When I call your name, shout out so that we know you’re here.

Когда называют вашу фамилию, громко отзывайтесь, чтобы мы знали, что вы здесь.

I wish you’d stop shouting at the children.

Я хочу, чтобы ты прекратил кричать на детей.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He wanted to shout from the rooftops when he got the job.

…well-wishers shouted to departing passengers from the dock…

Don’t shout. I nearly jumped out of my skin (=was very shocked or frightened)!

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

shout down — перекричать, заглушать криком

Возможные однокоренные слова

shouting  — крики, возгласы одобрения

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: shout
he/she/it: shouts
ing ф. (present participle): shouting
2-я ф. (past tense): shouted
3-я ф. (past participle): shouted

ед. ч.(singular): shout
мн. ч.(plural): shouts

Throw my hands up and Shout!
* Вскинуть руки и * * Кричать!

I shout like a true Italian.
я ору как настоящий итальянец.

The boy gave a great shout.
Мальчик издал громкий крик.

I want to shout: «Wake up America.
Мне хочется крикнуть: «Проснись, Америка.

You should shout out for help.
Ты должен был кричать о помощи.

No need to shout, guv ‘nor.
Не надо орать, приятель.

Maybe you can give him a shout and talk some sense into him.
Может быть, вы можете дать ему крик и вразумить его.

Lift my head up and Shout!
* Поднять голову и * * Кричать!

If you want to scream and shout, get on the pickets.
Хотите орать и вопить, отправляйтесь на пикет.

“We won!” she heard the crowd shout.
«Мы победили!» — кричала толпа.

You snap, shout, squirt water, and maybe even throw a pillow.
Хватаете, орете, обливаете водой а, может, даже бросаете подушку.

And they shout it from the rooftops.
И они кричат об этом со своих балконов.

We want our sovereignty back, people shout.
Мы хотим, чтобы нам вернули нашу независимость, – кричат люди.

Ovechkin: Moscow girls make me sing and shout
Овечкин: от московских девушек хочется петь и кричать

I’ll scream, I’ll shout for help!
Я буду кричать, звать на помощь!

It’s not a good dog you shout at.
На хорошую собаку не кричат.

Such simple souls, they shout «Mamma» when they come.
Такие простые души, они кричат «мама», когда кончают.

The ones who shout at me don’t bother me.
Те, кто на меня кричат, меня не беспокоят.

He doesn’t dig deep; he’s not able to shout.
Он копает неглубоко, и он не умеет кричать.

Don’t shout at me. I can hear you all right.
Не кричи на меня. Я хорошо тебя слышу.


Примеры употребления слов в разных контекстах собраны автоматически из открытых источников с помощью технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных. В случае обнаружения неточностей или замечаний к тексту, используйте опцию «Сообщить о проблеме» или напишите нам

В этом разделе вы можете посмотреть, как употребляются слова и выражения в разных контекстах на реальных примерах.
Все примеры собраны из уже переведенных текстов: официальных документов, сайтов, журналов и диалогов из фильмов.
Раздел Контексты поможет в изучении английского, немецкого, испанского, русского и других языков. Здесь вы сможете найти примеры
с фразовыми глаголами, устойчивыми выражениями и многозначными словами в разнообразных по стилю и тематикам текстах
Примеры можно отсортировать по переводам и тематикам, а также сделать уточняющий поиск по найденным примерам.

Изучайте иностранные языки, смотрите перевод миллионов слов и выражений, проверяйте их употребление на реальных примерах благодаря нашей технологии поиска на основе двуязычных данных!

Synonym: call, clamor, cry, howl, scream, shriek, yell. Similar words: should, rush out, show, hour, house, shock, shove, shoot. Meaning: [ʃaʊt]  n. a loud utterance; often in protest or opposition. v. 1. utter in a loud voice; talk in a loud voice (usually denoting characteristic manner of speaking) 2. utter a sudden loud cry 3. utter aloud; often with surprise, horror, or joy 4. use foul or abusive language towards. 

Random good picture Not show

1. When I shout, give a haul on the rope.

2. Her warning shout came too late.

3. We heard a shout of warning.

4. Shout it from the sea.

5. Brenda repressed the urge to shout at him.

6. He didn’t shout, he just glared at me silently.

7. I heard her warning shout too late.

8. There’s no need to shout! I can hear you!

9. We had to shout above the noise of the traffic.

10. I had this sudden impulse to shout out «Rubbish!» in the middle of her speech.

11. There’s no need to shout, I can hear perfectly well.

12. It irritates me to have to shout to be heard.

13. He is rather far away, but if you shout,( he may hear you.

14. He flushed crimson and began to shout angrily at Frank.

15. I had to shout to make myself heard above the din.

16. «Freeze! You’re busted!»,shout the police.

17. Don’t shout out all the answers.

18. An older man tried to shout him down.

19. It’s wrong to swear and shout.

20. The team’s still in with a shout.

21. He had to shout over the racket.

22. A ragged shout went up from the small crowd.

23. There’s no need to shout at me!

24. There’s no need to shout!

25. Give me a shout when you’re ready.WHICH WORD?

26. What did you shout at him for?

27. We heard a shout afar.

28. They heard him give a loud shout of astonishment.

29. Tosh was known to be a man who would cuss and shout.

30. At last, a 5-0 victory gives England’s supporters something to shout about.

More similar words: should, rush out, show, hour, house, shock, shove, shoot, short, show off, show up, show in, shower, shorts, bishop, though, without, shoot up, reach out, in short, warehouse, household, housing, shortly, smooth out, stretch out, as though, a thought, do without, go without. 

The Shout is a 1978 British horror film directed by Jerzy Skolimowski, based on a short story by Robert Graves that was adapted for the screen by Michael Austin. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

As soon as Jackson reached the New York dugout, he and Martin exchanged purple words, angry shouts and bitter accusations.


Your player character is the Dragonborn, an entity that possesses the power to control dragons and harness shouts for the expressed purpose of saving the world.


For a start we need players with a physical presence in the middle of the park, beginning to think Sissoko wasn’t a bad shout after all, we actually now need the next Viera and Gilberto Silva…


However, turnout was still high, and MSD students filled the room with dancing, laughing and joyful shouts.


The Christmas season is full of touchstones: Santa with the Rockettes at Radio City, small kindnesses from strangers and boisterous shouts of, «God bless us, every one!»


Yet maybe the authors forgot the thrill of seeing each new review posted, a review possibly clutched at, read and re-read, and the overjoyed shout in the writer’s mind that cried, «My book really does exist!»


We have mixed feelings about captain obvious Michael Pachter here at Dealspwn, but his prediction of a new Twisted Metal game was admittedly a good shout.


Maybe if we all listened, and didn’t all shout we have the answer before we realsie that we don’t, then we might get the real answer.


A big shout out to the three lovely lady food bloggers that I received cookies from: Christina at Body Rebooted, Lindsey at Cafe Johnsonia, and Brianna at Flippin» Delicious.


Was hoping you guys would be okay with me giving a shout out on my website!


The only moment of alarm for Liverpool came in first-half injury time when Loris Karius brilliantly tipped over Mohamed Diame’s curling effort, but normal service was resumed after the break as Salah had a second handball shout turned down when the ball struck Lascelles.


Question: My dogs lump is huge, has a few different lumps, she acts normal, the lump moved shout could it be non cancer?


Sure rest supporters were worried at 4-2 same as me, this is not what champions do, but as crazy season continues we are still with a shout.


Hi Melissa… thanks so much for the shout out!


After telling the same jokes — including a shout out from Bo the First Dog — the….


Ocon knows that a strong season could see him in with a shout at a Mercedes seat, whilst Perez will feel that beating someone as highly-rated as his teammate could see him in the frame for a promotion to a top team.


A special shout out to trainer Larry Hill and his team from Puppy Imprinters who will be doing training demonstrations and offering advice.


The Asus ZenPad 8.0 Z380C is also a good shout; while it’s not the highest-quality machine it’s a great budget option.


So, I just wanted to kind of give a shout out.


What does an article or book do that makes us nod along, laugh out loud, or shout, «What?»


The «tree huggers» shout and most folks just ignore them.


«Some fantastic netball shown by all the girls but special shout out to Becky Airey who was Chester’s player of the match stepping up in a position she has little experience playing.


Special shout out to Shaggy for getting shacked repeatedly at Avellanas and that switch foot during the drop at the river mouth, landing on your butt, disappearing in the white water, then coming out standing… what.


The letter was a great sigh of the spirit, «My heart has grown cold», a protest and a shout of pain.


Il Toro have lost just two of 12 games on home soil this season so the shout here could be backing the draw at 14/5.


Special shout out to Christina who was our facilitator during the entire stay.


Thanks for the shout out and I’m glad you enjoyed the cake:)


Special shout out to my old friend Peter McCabe Thinking of getting over to Joyo’s G-Land surf camp for some perfect waves this season?


Thank you for the shout out and beautiful, not to mention delicious, recipe to add to my volumes of apple recipes….


Thank you SO much for the shout out on facebook!


So, long story that I tried to make short… I gave you a shout out too!


He was the first in that day, so the echoing room, where even ordinary speech was magnified to a shout, was quiet except for the sound of filling baths.


If you’ve had an exceptionally good experience with a cover designer, give him or her a shout out in the comments, too.


Back again, Traci, just to let you know I gave you a shout out in my most recent post about the magnetic memo board I made.


There’s were shouts of a handball but referee Gamassa waived play on.


Whatever the case, give us a shout in the comments below.


Your reward for getting through the storyline and kicking Miraak’s ass is a shiny new shout that lets you tame and ride dragons, the much-anticipated feature that Dragonborn introduces.


Special shout out to my relay buddy who helped get me through today #motherrunners #mrtt #willrunforchocolate #chocolate #runHershey #runPA #love2run #kissmyrun #eatchocolate #momsontheloose #roadtrippin #runlikeamother #hershey #whatifgirlsrantheworld #sweatpink #skirtsports


«For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first.


I also want to give a HUGE shout out to my work family, though I never ever expected my job to be what it is right now I couldn’t be happier with it.


Give me a shout out, or several, on your favorite social media (Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook) and share this giveaway with your friends!


If not for Manchester City’s majestic form, Tottenham could have been in with a shout of a strong title challenge once again, but this is clearly no ordinary season.


Since I’m on the fitness track I have to give them a little shout out.


Thank you for saying my blog is funny and the lovely shout out.


Include your Twitter Tag so we can give you a shout out.


It’s great so I thought I would give it a shout out and share it with those of you who are extremely challenged by speed like me.


Speaking of monotonous, the dialogue in these action sequences consists almost exclusively of repeated shouts of «Go,» «Come on,» «Let’s go,» «Move,» or some combination of those exclamations.


I gave you a little shout out on my blog, too.


Mommy Mundo gives a great big shout out along with loads of hugs and kisses to mommy besties from North


Don’t forget to give me a shout out when you’re done — hit me up in the comments below via the Facebook page on Twitter or on Instagram


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