Sentences with word shelter

They have a goal to put toys in the hands of more than 100,000 underserved children who have humbly asked for a toy through various organizations and homeless shelters.


Get involved in other ways such as caring for neighborhood feral cats before and after TNR by providing an outdoor shelter, food and water, watching for signs of disease, and monitoring a cat colony post-surgery and post-return.


We do not allow Joplin breeders, adoption centers, rescues or shelters to list Belgian Shepherd Tervurens for free in Joplin.


The animals were then flown to Oakland, Calif., where they were delivered to no-kill shelters in the San Francisco area.


If the two fish were more than a body length apart, however, the trailing fish typically darted to the side, where it might catch the frantic prey if it veers from the lead pursuer toward some shelter.


There are puppies, big dogs, small dogs, and dogs of all shapes, sizes, and colors in shelters and rescues.


I would thus find a shelter from the raging Wind and Storm!


Miniature Schnauzers typically do poorly in a shelter environment.


Shelley was rescued from a shelter where she was scared and very shy.


The report says the new goal will be to keep people in shelters closer to their homes.


If in a suburb of the Milky Way man shelters in a modest cottage, he must do so lest he love excessively this paltry place, take breaking dawn for day, or looking up adore the finite skies and lose a universe that never dies.


If you’ve ever met a dog who’s scared of the everyone and everything, you know that is not a pleasant experience for anyone, and in fact, behavior problems are one of the biggest reasons dogs are relinquished to shelters.


My understanding of the current political real estate tax loophole is the ability to carry forward to future years any real estate loss in a particular year, to offset, and shelter from tax, any profits in future years, for up to 18 years.


Several churches located on higher ground served as temporary shelters or meeting points for evacuees.


Weisbaum is an animal lover who has worked with shelters and rescue organizations in the Seattle area.


Built by adherents of the Church Universal and Triumphant in 1989, the shelter holds enough food and fuel to support 90 people for seven months.


Senator Courtney said, «By adopting from a shelter or rescue group, an animal’s life is being saved.


All the dogs in our shelter are healthy, fully obedience trained, spayed/neutered (if they are over 6 months old), and fully vaccinated.


So much for the traditional rules of not spending more than 30 % of your income on shelter costs and ensuring you are diversified in your assets.


IACC is the largest shelter in the state, as well as Indiana’s busiest animal control department, Sterling says.


This is important information for people involved with dogs that are in or that have come from shelter or rescue environments.


Food, water, clean diapers, sleep, shelter.


We know that by providing spay neuter we are reducing the number of unwanted litters in our community and reducing the number of dogs and cats that end up being euthanized at local shelters.


Visit your local shelter with an eye out for black dogs and cats and you will understand.


When it comes to what age puppies should be sterilized, the answer coming from most animal shelters has been» as soon as possible.»


One of the most time-consuming tasks animal shelter volunteers perform is walking the dogs.


While disappointing for all — adopter, animal, and shelter — a returned adoption should not be considered the failure it appears to be at first glance.


An underground bomb shelter holds survivors in the wake of a nuclear winter, but their one-world civilization isn’t big enough for the five of them.


By Ellie Whitcomb Payne Charleston Animal Society and other Lowcountry shelters see a surge in hound dogs brought in as strays each winter and spring.


We help shelters protect animal health, support animal welfare, and save animals» lives.


And with the abundance of animals in need in all local shelters, the opportunities to help are endless.


Best Friends National Conference provides the inspiration and tools to help shelters and rescue organizations move the entire country to no-kill by 2025.


*** In the case of inclement weather, please call ahead to confirm that the shelter has not closed for the safety of our employees and visitors.


An extra helping hand is appreciated at any animal shelter.


Once a girl achieves sufficient stability, the staff and volunteers assess whether she is ready to leave the shelter, and reintegration into society is the next natural step.


Head to any animal shelter and you’ll meet at least a few dogs who were given away by families after


I came from another shelter during the flood a few months back.


The back hatch opens up and provides shelter from sun or rain.


A variety of fact sheets, guides to building shelters for wildlife in the school garden, and posters.


Whether you have free weekends or evenings, pet shelters can always use more volunteers to help them care for the pets.


Started in 2004 as the Los Angeles based ARME (Animal Rescue, Media, and Education) the small charity served hundreds of shelter animals in Southern California, quickly building a reputation as the team to call for senior and special needs animals.


«As we speak now a majority of the people in the town are currently at the Police station to seek shelter.


Camp Companion relies soley on foster homes to provide shelter for the cats waiting for their forever home.


We will then use those donations to complete Night Night Packages requested by shelters directly to our offices.


As a companion to «Puppy Bowl,» «The Dog Bowl» works with shelters and rescues across the country to fill the rosters of two teams of professional players, Team Paws and Team Tails, in the ultimate canine competition.


Journalist Tom Vanderbilt has made a career out of writing about topics from the mundane to the obscure, including sneakers, Quonset huts and nuclear fallout shelters.


A small number of shelters regularly shoot at least some of the animals; shooting was earlier deemed a humane method of killing and to be acceptable for Oklahoma towns and cities with populations under 10,000 people.


Less than a fifth of the island has electricity, half its cellphone towers are still not functioning, schools are closed and more than 4,000 are in shelters, according to a government website.


Trust in the Creator does not mean that we do not have to labor to provide food, shelter, and clothing.


As an added bonus, Newman’s Own states that the company focuses its charitable giving to animal shelters and other animal related services.


укрытие, приют, убежище, кров, пристанище, приютить, укрывать, укрываться, прятаться


- кров, пристанище, приют, убежище

to abandon hospitable shelter — покинуть гостеприимный кров /приют/
to afford /to grant/ shelter — предоставить убежище
to deny shelter — отказать в убежище, отказаться приютить
to find shelter with smb. — найти приют /пристанище/ у кого-л.
the ship found shelter in a safe harbour — судно укрылось в надёжной гавани

- укрытие, прикрытие, защита

to find /to take/ shelter — укрываться
to give shelter — укрывать, защищать
to seek [to find /to take/] shelter from the rain [from the wind] under a rock [under a tree] — искать [найти] укрытие от дождя [от ветра] под скалой [под деревом]
under the shelter of night [of darkness] — под покровом ночи [темноты]
beneath the shelter of anonymity — прикрывшись анонимностью

- покровительство, защита

under the shelter of the government — под защитой правительства
he took me under his shelter — он взял меня под своё покровительство /под свою защиту/

- приют (для сирот и т. п.)

shelter for the poor — приют для бедных
night shelter — ночлежный дом; ночлежка

- шалаш; навес; жилище

shelter of straw and leaves — шалаш из соломы и листьев
rock shelters — пещерные жилища

- метеорологическая будка
- домик (личинки насекомого)
- бомбоубежище (тж. bomb shelter, air-raid shelter)

shelter trench — щель-убежище

- воен. укрытие

shelter area — зона укрытия (при взрыве атомной бомбы)

- pl. заградительные насаждения


- приютить; дать приют, пристанище; укрывать; служить приютом

to shelter smb. for the night — дать кому-л. приют /приютить кого-л./ на ночь
to shelter smb. from the rain [from pursuit] in a house [in a village] — укрыть кого-л. от дождя [от преследования] в доме [в деревне]
the house sheltered him for many years — этот дом много лет /долго/ служил ему приютом /пристанищем/

- найти приют, пристанище, прибежище; укрываться, прятаться

to shelter from the storm in a house [in a village] — укрываться /прятаться/ от бури в доме [в деревне]

- защищать, укрывать

to shelter crops — защищать посевы
a wall [a rock] sheltered us from the wind [from the sun] — стена [скала] защищала /укрывала/ нас от ветра [от солнца]

- укрыться, спрятаться (тж. to shelter oneself)

to shelter (oneself) from the weather under /behind/ a rock — укрыться /спрятаться/ от непогоды под /за/ скалой
to shelter oneself behind smb.’s authority — прикрываться чьим-л. авторитетом
to shelter oneself behind one’s superior — прятаться за спину начальства
to shelter oneself under /beneath, behind/ one’s father’s influence — прикрываться авторитетом отца
I sheltered myself in the crowd — я скрылся в толпе
let us shelter till the storm is over — спрячемся, пока не пройдёт гроза

- спасать, защищать, укрывать

to shelter smb. from calumny [from blows, from hostile criticism] — защищать кого-л. от клеветы [от ударов, от враждебной критики]
to shelter smb. from punishment — спасти /избавить/ кого-л. от наказания
the harbour is sheltered by hills from /against/ the north wind — горы защищают гавань от северного ветра

- неодобр. покрывать, выгораживать

to shelter swindlers — покрывать мошенников
to shelter oneself by an expedient — выкрутиться с помощью уловки

- воен. располагать на отдых

Мои примеры


a magnanimous donation to the town’s animal shelter — великодушное пожертвование в пользу городского приюта для животных  
flood victims wanting food and shelter — жертвы наводнения, которые нуждаются в еде и крыше над головой  
air raid shelter — бомбоубежище  
placement in shelter — помещение в приют  
bomb / air-raid shelter — бомбоубежище  
to find / take shelter — найти себе приют, убежище  
to afford / give / offer / provide shelter — давать приют  
forest shelter belt — полезащитная лесная полоса  
shelter-care facility — приют  
to seek shelter from smth. — искать убежище / укрытие от чего-л.  
custodial shelter — охраняемый приют  
private shelter — частный приют  

Примеры с переводом

If it storms, we’ll need shelter

Если разразится шторм (гроза), нам потребуется укрытие.

They are in need of food and shelter.

Они нуждаются в пище и крове.

We made a shelter from branches.

Мы сделали шалаш / навес из веток.

This house sheltered him for twenty years.

В этом доме он прожил двадцать лет.

All around me, people were running for shelter.

Окружавшие меня люди бежали в убежище.

He always sheltered himself behind his father’s authority.

Он всегда прикрывался авторитетом отца.

The garage served to shelter his horses

Гараж использовался как укрытие / пристанище для его лошадей. (досл. Гараж служил чтобы укрыть его лошадей)

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…the shelter stores huge cans of water for an emergency…

Instinctively he hung back in the shelter of a rock.

…a beneficent couple who are regular volunteers at a homeless shelter…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

sheltered  — покровительствуемый, безбедный
shelterless  — бесприютный, беззащитный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: shelter
he/she/it: shelters
ing ф. (present participle): sheltering
2-я ф. (past tense): sheltered
3-я ф. (past participle): sheltered

ед. ч.(singular): shelter
мн. ч.(plural): shelters

Sentences with the word Shelter?



  • «I don’t want to go to a restaurant; besides, we can’t afford it»; «she couldn’t shelter behind him all the time and in any case he wasn’t always with her»
  • «food and shelter are necessities of life»; «the essentials of the good life»; «allow farmers to buy their requirements under favorable conditions»; «a place where the requisites of water fuel and fodder can be obtained»
  • «The sewage plant served the neighboring communities»; «The garage served to shelter his horses»
  • «After the earthquake, the government could not provide shelter for the thousands of homeless people»
  • «If it storms, we’ll need shelter«
  • «take shelter from the storm»
  • «we ran head over heels toward the shelter«
  • «we set about towing the unwieldy structure into the shelter«; «almost dropped the unwieldy parcel»
  • «want courtesy»; «want the strength to go on living»; «flood victims wanting food and shelter«

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Make sure they have food and shelter.

Убедится, что бы у них были продуктах и жилье.

No one who needs emergency shelter is turned away.

Все те, кто нуждается в переселении из аварийного жилья, должны быть переселены.

They don’t care about your shelter.

Их не заботят ни ты, ни твой приют.

The fifth shelter is a daytime shelter for homeless women in Newark, New Jersey.

Пятый приют для бездомных женщин работает в дневное время в городе Ньюарк, штат Нью-Джерси.

More than 30,000 sought temporary shelter.

Более тридцати тысяч человек вынуждены были искать временное убежище.

In this arid area they found shelter in what already existed there-the geological formations.

В этой засушливой области они нашли убежище в том, что уже там существовало — геологических формациях.

Adequate shelter is another basic need.

Другая базовая потребность связана с получением адекватного жилья.

Providing emergency shelter is now the top priority for the humanitarian effort.

Главной приоритетной задачей в рамках усилий по оказанию гуманитарной помощи в настоящее время является обеспечение временным жильем.

Hunting artifacts were found in the shelter.

В убежище были найдены предметы, связанные с охотой.

What I did at the shelter was wrong.

То, что я сделал в убежище, было неправильным.

This is a standard type tunnel shelter with two entrances.

Стандартного типа туннельное убежище представляет собой довольно протяжённый туннель с двумя входами.

Training and extension courses will function for veterinarians at the shelter.

В приюте будут функционировать курсы для ветеринаров (как учебные, так и направленные на повышение квалификации).

People who have just moved cannot find adequate shelter.

«Люди, которые только что переехали, не могут найти адекватного жилья.

Whoever kidnapped Val came here after the shelter.

Тот, кто похитил Вэл, пришел сюда после убежища.

Caritas Switzerland is also engaged in shelter reconstruction for returnees to Khatlon province.

Организация «Каритас» (Швейцария) также принимает участие в восстановлении жилья для возвращающихся в Хатлонскую область лиц.

U.S. citizens in Haiti should remain in shelter.

«Гражданам США в Судане следует укрыться в убежище в настоящее время.

The same should also be applied to shelter and services related to shelter.

Этот принцип следует также распространить на приюты и службы, связанные с приютами.

A shelter identification card was issued to the head of each family seeking shelter.

Главе семьи, ищущей убежище, выдавалась идентификационная карточка убежища.

The shelter is definitely a minimalist shelter, but will serve you find in the event of an emergency.

Убежище, безусловно, является минималистским убежищем, но оно поможет вам в случае крайней необходимости.

Powerful organizations with widespread confidants throughout the country ensure shelter, shelter and material advancement.

Мощные организации с широко распространенными доверенными лицами по всей стране обеспечивают продвижение жилья, жилья и материалов.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат shelter

Результатов: 21585. Точных совпадений: 21585. Затраченное время: 96 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Synonym: cover, defend, guard, harbor, hide, protect, screen, shield. Similar words: svelte, alter, filter, filtering, alternative, helicopter, melt, belt. Meaning: [‘ʃeltə(r)]  n. 1. a structure that provides privacy and protection from danger 2. protective covering that provides protection from the weather 3. the condition of being protected 4. a way of organizing business to reduce the taxes it must pay on current earnings 5. temporary housing for homeless or displaced persons. v. 1. provide shelter for 2. invest (money) so that it is not taxable. 

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1. Knowledge is a comfortable and necessary retreat and shelter for us in an advanced age; and if we do not plant it when young, it will give us no shade when we grow old. 

2. They built a primitive shelter out of tree trunks.

3. Human beings need food, clothing and shelter.

4. They took refuge in a bomb shelter.

5. Provision of shelter was their main concern.

6. They were anxious to find shelter for the night.

7. They are in desperate need of food and shelter.

8. The shelter is a brick construction.

9. They found shelter from the storm in a barn.

10. We took shelter from the rain in a cave.

11. They constructed a shelter out of fallen branches.

12. He sought shelter from the rain.

13. He stood in the shelter at the bus stop.

14. They sought in vain for somewhere to shelter.

15. The refugees’ main requirements are food and shelter.

16. Their immediate need is for food,[] clothing and shelter.

17. The great elm trees gave shelter from the wind.

18. The bomb shelter has concrete walls that are three metres thick.

19. They opened a shelter to provide temporary housing for the city’s homeless.

20. They huddled in the shop doorway to shelter from the rain.

21. You can’t shelter the children from the real life forever.

22. Trees are a shelter from the sun.

23. We had to leave the shelter of the trees.

24. We used branches and leaves to form a shelter.

25. We took shelter from the storm in a barn.

26. They were driven to the hut for shelter.

27. They befriended the young girl, providing her with food and shelter.

28. I have passed your heart.not I don’t want to stay.but you would not shelter.

29. The door enables us to shut the birds in the shelter in bad weather.

30. That big tree on the bank of the river might afford us shelter from the rain.

More similar words: svelte, alter, filter, filtering, alternative, helicopter, melt, belt, shelf, shell, help, hello, helmet, helpful, cannot help, and the like, nonetheless, to the life, overwhelm, in the least, to the limit, take the lead, in the long run, The last rites, nevertheless, not in the least, with the help of, overwhelming, outer, term. 

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