Sentences with word shallow

мелкий, мелководный, мелководье, отмель, мель, мелеть, уменьшать глубину


- мелкий, мелководный; неглубокий

shallow stream — мелкий ручей
shallow sea — мелководное море
shallow tray — плоский поднос
shallow hole — неглубокая яма
shallow steps — пологие ступени
shallow lens — плоская линза

- поверхностный, ограниченный; пустой


- часто мелкое место, мелководье, мель; отмель

the shallow of the river — брод


- мелеть
- уменьшать глубину

Мои примеры


a shallow groove cut into the cliff — неглубокая канавка, вырубленная в скале  
a reaction to a world full of shallow materialism — реакция на мир, полный мелочной меркантильности  
the shallow pragmatism of customers — узкий практицизм потребителей  
shallow roots of a tree — неглубокие корни  
shallow breathing — неглубокое дыхание  
shallow play — несерьёзная, неглубокая пьеса  
shallow explanation — поверхностное объяснение  
shallow depth of soil — небольшая мощность почвенного слоя  
shallow water effect — влияние отмели  
shallow fog — низкий [стелющийся] туман  
shallow foundation — фундамент неглубокого заложения  
shallow-draught — мелкосидящий  

Примеры с переводом

I consider her to be shallow.

Я считаю её поверхностным человеком.

Alligators live in the shallows.

Аллигаторы водятся на мелководье.

His breathing became very shallow.

Его дыхание стало неглубоким.

Theirs is only a shallow friendship.

У них некрепкая дружба.

Elm trees have shallow roots.

У вязов (деревья) неглубокие корни.

His breathing was shallow and his pulse was weak.

Его дыхание было неглубоким, а пульс — слабым.

The silt shallowed the canal

Ил сделал канал мелководным. / Из-за ила канал обмелел.

ещё 8 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Her breath came in shallow gasps.

His breathing was shallow and uneven.

Her boyfriends were all shallow creeps.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

срав. степ. (comparative): shallower
прев. степ. (superlative): shallowest

I agree with you that much teaching is shallow.


2) Our Deterministic (shallow water) models need a smaller dataset for calibration (only surface pressure and surface wind).


At the Gum San Chinese Heritage Centre, learn how Chinese miners travelling overland from Robe in South Australia discovered the Canton Lead, one of the world’s richest shallow alluvial goldfields.


Each hooligan received her frozen hand in a shallow baking dish, along with a set of tools for excavating, a bowl of driveway salt coloured with food colouring, and a shaker of plain table salt.


Researchers long thought that Clovis hunters, identified by their distinctive «fluted» spear points marked with long, shallow grooves, followed game south through the corridor more than 13,000 years ago, when their tools begin to show up in the continental United States.


And judging from the pilot alone — the only episode the CW made available — the characterizations are shallow and the humor far too broad.


The shooter’s first DLC, Curse of Osiris, was canned for being repetitive and shallow.


I’m far less confident in their playoff bid than I was previously, mostly because the East looks quite improved on the shallow end.


While the plants can cope with dry, thin soils, foilage may become pale and yellow on very shallow soil over chalk.


They have since identified new variants in a number of environments: hot springs, shallow marine sediments, rivers, even the permafrost.


Surrounding the island are shallow coral reefs where you can see a variety of tropical sea life.


Wind speeds off the Atlantic Coast and in the Gulf of Mexico are lower than off the Pacific Coast, but their wide, shallow continental shelves give them higher development potential.


Trainers who claim to be experts in all sort of training may prove to have only shallow knowledge and experience in what you need to do in order to achieve your goals.


Gili Air has a great shallow reef in the south east part of the harbor, infront of Tami’s Neverland.


In the Portrait mode, the object, be it a flower or a dog or a person, is in sharp focus while the rest of the background is blurred, creating a shallow depth of field.


This particular set is nicely vertical, which is very helpful for mixing with a single beater (more shallow bowls allow tossed material to coat your kitchen.


Some are within an easy swim of the beach, others will require a boat ride, and some of the most secluded can be visited only by kayak, as they lie within shallow bays reached by narrow channels.


It’s the one where I Can a newly single 34-year-old find love using a ruthlessly shallow dating app?


In the shallow fore reef, 1 to 6 ft. the abundance of tire coral makes exploring some shipwreck sites almost impossible.


«America’s going to be very rudely awakened by all the money that has been spent with a shallow and empty drawer on the result side.»


A beautiful shallow scuba dive, it’s easily accessible from shore by a beautiful beach entrance right next to the main road entering George Town.


She sank and capsized in shallow water off the tiny Tuscan island of Giglio, claiming 32 lives.


In a wide shallow baking dish with high sides (one that will fit all the berries in a single layer, with space between them), toss the berries with the golden syrup, balsamic vinegar, and black pepper.


Warner Bros. needs to consider some important factors going forward: Snyder and Goyer need to be reigned in, as their sensibilities are too shallow, even for superhero fare.


The 10-megapixel-rear camera is primarily ideal for shallow depth of field shots.


Hawaii Loa Ridge is a relatively shallow dive site that may be done as a easy reef dive (moored up) or a slightly more advanced drift dive.


Savvy Jordy had a solution: She used the same cabinetry bases, making one more shallow than the other to accommodate the HVAC, and spaced the floating shelves equally apart to achieve a deceptively balanced look.


To get the best view, the team used a confocal laser scanning microscope, which creates sharply defined photographs with a shallow field of focus.


We could easily rest as many parts were shallow, so it’s ideal for those traveling with kids or people not at ease with swimming.


Surrounded by calm shallow waters and fringing reef, it’s ideal for snorkelling right off the beach.


New friendships tend to be shallow, focused on sharing superficial pastimes rather than on the mutual development of character.


Sure, the phrase is a keeper — and its epitome in «The Forever Now» at MoMA was shallow, slick, and pretentious.


At Shark Ray Alley in waters as shallow as 5 feet, large schools of jacks, groupers, snappers and barracuda abound.


Scottish soil tends to be shallow, while soil further south is deeper and can store larger amounts of rain before becoming saturated.


The coupé shares its wheelbase with the seven-seater, but with a long, sloping roofline that flows into a shallow rear window and high-set rear end.


It is the perfect place for divers and snorkelers alike as most sites are along walls that offer shallow enough water for the snorkler and plenty of depth for the diver.


The 150,000 litre swimming pool has a bottom depth ranging from 1.1 metres at the shallow, to 2.7 metres at the deep.


For those without sea legs, river cruises have the advantage of smooth trekking, shallow waters and the gift of land that’s always in sight.


Heat 1 tablespoon of the oil in a large, shallow, heavy-based ovenproof saucepan over medium heat.


Before priming and painting, install dowel rods on shallow shelves to prevent serving plates from crashing down.


But possible to surf even low tide, just very shallow.


This reef break is a hollow grinding right-hander and breaks over shallow rocks (Advanced surfers recommended).


From its intriguing start to its weary and shallow climax, the movie progresses slowly but surely into a brainless action film, complete with tactless one-liners.


Tip the bread mixture into a broad shallow serving bowl and add the raisins, capers and parsley.


Not one for the shallow pocketed then, although those with the keys to a 911 are unlikely to bat an eyelid.


This gorgeous island is not far from Cancun, but the shallow site known as «Afuera» is about 25 miles (40 kilometers) from Isla Mujeres.


If we don’t make an effort to know them better, we might end up judging our workmates based on shallow impressions.


Preheat oven to 400 F / 200 C. Grease a shallow tart pan (mine is about 1.5 inches deep and 10 inches in diameter) thoroughly with butter or vegetable oil.


Add cardamom powder, stir wel and keep aside in a shallow bowl


Croesus Mining NL has intersected a new high-grade gold mineralisation zone at its Fort William deposit at Binduli, where spectacular hits have been made at quite shallow depths of less than 80 metres.


Sentences with the word Shallow?



  • «the boat entered an area of shallow marshes»
  • «She views this quite differently from me»; «I consider her to be shallow«; «I don’t see the situation quite as negatively as you do»
  • «shallow water»; «a shallow dish»; «a shallow cut»; «a shallow closet»; «established a shallow beachhead»; «hit the ball to shallow left field»
  • «shallow breathing»; «a night of shallow fretful sleep»; «in a shallow trance»
  • «shallow people»; «his arguments seemed shallow and tedious»

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Mainly used for decorative tubes, industrial pipes, some shallow drawing products.

Он в основном используется для производства декоративных труб, промышленных труб и некоторых мелких продуктов растяжения.

According to the hypothesis of multiple shallow waves, the phase transition is retained as a result of randomly conducting many independent shallow waves.

Согласно гипотезе множественных мелких волн, ФП сохраняется в результате хаотичного проведения множества независимых мелких волн.

Contamination is detectable by sampling springs or using shallow monitoring wells.

Загрязнение можно обнаружить с помощью отбора проб воды из источников или неглубоких контрольных скважин.

Lithium-ion batteries, especially those used in laptops, prefer shallow discharges.

Литий-ионные батареи, особенно те, которые используются в ноутбуках, предпочитают «неглубокие» разрядки.

He’s not as shallow as you think.

35-year-old male, shallow breath, widespread internal hemorrhaging.

Мужчина, 25 лет, дыхание поверхностное, обширное внутреннее кровотечение.

The remaining 20 percent are shallow enough to be recovered through mining operations.

Оставшиеся 20 процентов являются достаточно мелкими, чтобы их можно было выработать в ходе горных работ.

The coral reefs characterizing these times indicate that the inland seas were clear and shallow.

Коралловые рифы, характерные для этого времени, говорят о том, что внутренние моря были прозрачными и мелкими.

Any cracks should be shallow and not discoloured.

Любые трещины должны быть мелкими и не приводить к обесцвечиванию.

This is because the waters are shallow.

Это объясняется тем, что данный водоем является мелким.

I know it’s small and shallow.

Я считаю, что это низко и мелко».

Precisely because their opinions are shallow, they may easily change.

Именно потому, что эти мнения поверхностны, они так легко могут измениться.

People who have rapid shallow breathing during sleep need prompt medical attention.

Люди, которые принимают быстрые неглубокие вдохи во время сна, необходимо обратиться за медицинской помощью.

Breathing repeatedly stops or becomes shallow.

Вследствие чего дыхание многократно останавливается или становиться очень поверхностным.

To avoid risks they prefer shallow friendships.

Чтобы не рисковать, они предпочитают поверхностные отношения».

Deep, infrequent watering is better than shallow and frequent.

Вот почему глубокое и редкое дыхание является более эффективным, нежели поверхностное и частое.

This exercise can be performed in both shallow and deep water.

Такие занятия могут проводиться как в мелкой, так и в глубокой воде.

Clara instructed me to take short, shallow breaths.

Клара сказала мне, что следует делать короткие, поверхностные вдохи.

Their analysis proves mostly shallow, with judgments that are simplistic and tendentious.

Содержащийся в них анализ чаще всего оказывается поверхностным, а высказываемые оценки — упрощенными и тенденциозными».

Alamosaurus had vertebral lateral fossae that resembled shallow depressions.

У Alamosaurus были латеральные ямки позвонков, которые напоминали неглубокие углубления.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат shallow

Результатов: 7201. Точных совпадений: 7201. Затраченное время: 115 мс


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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Examples of how to use the word “shallow” in a sentence. How to connect “shallow” with other words to make correct English sentences.

shallow (adj): having only a short distance from the top to the bottom

Use “shallow” in a sentence

I don’t like his shallow personality.
The water here is very shallow.
I don’t like his shallow personality.

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