Sentences with word secure

безопасный, обеспеченный, обезопасить, гарантировать, добиваться


- спокойный, не знающий тревог; безмятежный

a peaceful and secure old age — тихая и безмятежная старость
to feel secure about /as to/ the future — не тревожиться о будущем
I have my mind secure — у меня спокойно на душе

- уверенный, убеждённый (в чём-л.)

secure of success [of victory] — уверенный в успехе [в победе]
to be secure of smb.’s affection — быть уверенным в чьих-л. чувствах

- твёрдый, несомненный; непоколебимый; стойкий

secure belief in smth. — непоколебимая вера во что-л.
secure hope of salvation — твёрдая надежда на спасение
our victory is secure — наша победа несомненна

- (обыкн. from) безопасный, надёжно защищённый

- воен. обеспеченный

secure from invasion [attack] — обеспеченный против вторжения [нападения]

ещё 4 варианта


- обеспечивать безопасность, надёжно защищать, охранять

to secure a town against assault — надёжно защищать город от нападения

- воен. обеспечивать, прикрывать

to secure a gap — ликвидировать прорыв

- спорт. страховать
- защищать, обносить стеной, укреплять

a city secured by fortifications — укреплённый город
to secure a town — укреплять город, обносить город стеной

- укреплять

his last novel secured his reputation — его последний роман упрочил его славу

ещё 13 вариантов

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Keep your passport in a secure place.

Храните свой паспорт в безопасном месте.

Troops were sent to secure the border.

Войска были отправлены на защиту границ.

The company secured a $20 million contract.

Компания обеспечила себе контракт на двадцать миллионов долларов.

She arrived early to secure a place at the front.

Она приехала заранее, чтобы занять место впереди.

We must secure the country’s borders.

Мы должны защитить границы страны.

Are you sure that shelf is secure?

Вы уверены, что эта полка не упадёт?

He felt secure in his father’s shadow.

В тени своего отца он чувствовал себя в безопасности.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He believes his job is secure.

Secure your belongings under the seat.

Negotiators are still working to secure the hostages’ release.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

insecure  — небезопасный, опасный, ненадежный, непрочный
security  — безопасность, обеспечение, защита, охрана, надежность, залог, гарантия, уверенность
securely  — безопасно, наглухо
securance  — уверенность, убежденность, обеспечение
securement  — обеспечение

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: secure
he/she/it: secures
ing ф. (present participle): securing
2-я ф. (past tense): secured
3-я ф. (past participle): secured

but eternal live is as secure as God is gracious to grant one his spirit as a GIFT the moment she/he believes.


There are plenty of twins and multiples who received formula as babies who are happy, healthy, smart, secure individuals.


Hölzle boasted that the Chromebooks are «probably the most secure» laptops on the market.


However, just because new tools and strategies have arrived, it doesn’t necessarily mean that more established advertising methods can no longer turn heads and secure decent conversion rates.


The idea that pension is less secure than wages is distinctly weird, but does mimic the kind of institutionalised dismissal of the person who is not working in the particular approved structure.


Finally, Plastiq uses Trustwave to ensure their system is secure.


It would be interesting to see if he does get a new 4/5 year deal, if his hunger and desire remain, or once his future is secure, does he, like many others before, loose focus.


Bitcoin puts the responsibility of security on the client side and therefore these services such as Bitcoin wallets have no other options to make secure services and there is obviously a tradeoff between security and usability.


Also important, companies will need to make sure the customer’s data is secure and private.


I want all parents who are going through the early months of raising twins, or if your babies are colicky, to feel secure knowing that putting them down will save you.


The agencies offered guidance for individuals and businesses to ensure their networks are secure.


Wrapped Loops — nobody wants beads all over the floor and the wrapped loop is a much more secure way to attach them.


Revelae Kids Cozy Baby Sleepers create a secure sleeping environment that helps babies sleep through the night, with a fully enclosed baby sleep sack design that resembles the womb.


«I like to call my Ally savings account my «rainy day fund» because it is easy to maintain and it seems secure and safe,» said one reviewer.


Book your seats today with a 100 % guarantee and safe and secure payment and delivery options to watch Leicester City vs Arsenal this season — Enjoy the game!


Ultimately, the NSA has made our country’s critical infrastructure less secure in the name of security, while showing blatant disregard for the democratic process.


The clear audio «click» lets you know it’s now secure to move.


The 20 year old helped his side secure promotion back to Serie A last term and has netted four goals in 11 appearances this term and has attracted a great deal of interest of late.


Cribs have their dangers, but with a properly sized mattress and nothing within reach, they can be made reasonably secure, and you don’t have to worry about the baby exploring the diaper pail or climbing up the bookshelf or emptying out the dresser.


We have few breakable items, all up high.Furniture is secure to the wall and child-friendly.


They are both safe, secure, 0-6 months and lightweight.


Keeping your child in an upright position in a cloth carrier can make him feel secure, and swaddling him while he is resting can help him sleep by replicating the womb.


QuickBooks» cloud-based platform provides secure access from any internet-connected device.


She settles for a secure, safe but passionless future even if there’s been a fundamental shift in her.


This implies that the broker is trustworthy, secure and reliable.


Hardware wallets for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are by far the most secure and the most…


Moby wraps are great, safe and offer many different positions you can you even a sling hold, they are more secure them slings and the baby k «tan carrier which I also have.


All of our rigorous testing enables us to feel completely secure with our new product when launch day comes.


This was the most amazing moment of my life getting out of my daily routine to learn a whole new world of knowledge and meeting a teacher like Gayle who made me feel supported, warm and secure whilst learning.


It is also advised that any wallet chosen is secure.


If millennials had access to defined benefit retirement plans, where employers made contributions on their behalf, their retirement would be more secure.


All the exchanges performed in this platform are usually safe and secure in nature.


Use a secure, original password for all your email accounts.


Colgate’s contour changing pad provides a secure cocoon for baby during diaper changes.


The sling can be adjusted to fit any size of body or position while still maintaining a secure, deep pouch in which your child can rest comfortably.


(It might be noted, however, that there is a vast moral difference between the secure man’s over concern with his possessions and the unemployed man’s anxiety about his lack of these goods.


Its five-point harness fits from the back and bottom, enabling a secure fit in the stroller… MORE Reviewers commented that with this footmuff «We don’t have to bundle our baby up practically at all… just zip him in his «cocoon» (we call it) and he is super toasty.»


You might think that having a baby in the bed or in the room with you will be more distracting and make it tougher to get your sleep, but actually, you’ll feel more confident and secure in your child’s safety throughout the night when you’re practicing safe co sleeping.


And with all those many adjustment facets comes one extremely comfortable, secure carrier, for the record.


Customers expect you to offer a secure and reliable system to conduct business.


It provides the baby a warm, secure and healthy sleeping environment and helps mothers to keep their…


«We won’t be able to eliminate all spam, but we want to make the online environment more secure for Canadians by addressing the more severe cases,» said Manon Bombardier, the CRTC’s chief compliance and enforcement officer.


The swing utilizes a bucket seat with an exceptionally secure, if difficult to adjust, safety restraint.


Once you get comfortable its impossible to regain the hunger UNLESS circumstances change, ie you join another club, you get a new boss… Its been said on this forum a million times before Wenger has made these players feel too comfortable and secure.


The safe and secure bond they develop with you will set them up for life… have fun and enjoy giving them an amazing start to that journey.


In principle, Newman himself was in favour of «a kind of neutral ground, on which men of every shade of politics and religion may meet together (women were not meant to engage in politics…), disabuse each other of their prejudices, form intimacies (i.e. get to know each other) and secure co — operation.»


cards, bank accounts, Venmo, cash, etc. — to be fast, secure, transparent, and inexpensive enough.


This offers you access to a diverse range of markets and asset classes, from physical commodities and secure wealth stores like gold to derivatives in the form of currency.


Conquering that fabric — transforming a practically featureless item into a safe and secure carrier for a person… that’s pretty awesome.


«Providing secure escrow service for the current FinTech markets requires modern technologies and the highest security standards.


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Considered less secure than cold wallets.

Они являются менее безопасными, чем холодные кошельки, о которых ниже.

Neither radio nor email are secure.

«Безопасными не являются ни радиосвязь, ни передача данных по электронной почте.

Everyday routine makes children feel secure.

Порядок в повседневной жизни способствует тому, что ребенок чувствует себя более уверенно.

What’s secure today may not be secure tomorrow.

It could therefore be chosen as a mutually recognized secure business partner, when another secure economic operator is looking for new partners for its secure supply chain.

Поэтому он может быть выбран в качестве взаимно признанного надежного делового партнера, когда другой надежный экономический оператор ищет новых партнеров для своей безопасной цепи поставок.

How secure you consider cloud computing to be will largely depend on how secure your existing systems are.

Насколько безопасным вы считаете облачные вычисления, во многом будет зависеть от того, насколько безопасны ваши существующие системы.

The themes therefore reflect both building secure systems and also building systems in secure way.

Поэтому темы отражают, как создание безопасных систем, а также строительные системы в безопасным способом.

A secure password is the first guarantee that your personal information is under a secure lock.

Безопасный пароль — это первая гарантия того, что ваша личная информация находится под надежным «замком».

So it is pretty secure, but not absolutely secure.

Finally, always be certain that the casino is secure and secure.

It lets you use a variety of anonymized and secure features for establishing secure communication.

В результате, используются различные анонимные и безопасные функции для установления безопасного общения.

There are three networks for communication: a secure Internet-based chat function, a secure radio routed via satellite and a secure telephone system.

Используется три вида связи: переговорная функция безопасной связи на основе интернета, безопасный канал спутниковой радиосвязи и безопасная телефонная система.

DSRC aims to provide a dedicated secure safety channel for secure communication of safety messages and transportation data in real time.

DSRC предназначен для обеспечения выделенного безопасного защитного канала для безопасной передачи сообщений и данных о транспортировке в режиме реального времени.

The system saves customers’s funds secure and lets them making secure deals in the web.

Система надежно хранит деньги своих пользователей и позволяет совершать безопасные деньги в сети Интернет.

Lubuntu 12.10 could be run on UEFI secure boot hardware by turning off the secure boot feature.

Lubuntu 12.10 может быть запущен на безопасном загрузочном оборудовании UEFI, отключив функцию безопасной загрузки.

SkyHub’s secure payment system takes the stress out of traveler by providing easy, instantaneous, secure, payment option.

Безопасная платежная система SkyHub снимает стресс у путешественника, предоставляя простой, мгновенный, безопасный способ оплаты.

Security researchers discovered last month that secure hardware made by Germany’s Infineon Technologies was not so secure.

Когда в прошлом месяце исследователи безопасности обнаружили, что безопасное оборудование, производимое немецкой фирмой Infineon Technologies, оказалось не таким уж безопасным, стало ясно, что последствия будут серьезные.

We now have a secure warehouse in Camden Town and secure passage to the Poplar Docks.

У нас есть надежное хранилище в Кэмден Таун и безопасный путь к Поплар Докс.

Particularly if imitators secure unprotected brand names there.

А именно в том случае, если имитаторы зарегистрируют там за собой незащищенные торговые знаки.

Officials said the nuclear arsenal is secure.

В то же время чиновники подчеркнули, что американский ядерный арсенал находится в безопасности.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат secure

Результатов: 60870. Точных совпадений: 60870. Затраченное время: 196 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Synonym: acquire, attach, close, fasten, firm, fix, get, lock, obtain, safe, seal, shut, sound, stable, sure. Antonym: anxious. Similar words: security, secular, persecute, recurrent, prosecutor, consecutive, prosecution, sec.. Meaning: [sɪ’kjʊr /-‘kjʊə]  v. 1. get by special effort 2. cause to be firmly attached 3. assure payment of 4. make certain of 5. fill or close tightly with or as if with a plug 6. furnish with battens. adj. 1. free from fear or doubt; easy in mind 2. free from danger or risk 3. kept safe or defended from danger or injury or loss 4. not likely to fail or give way 5. able to withstand attack 6. financially sound. 

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1 A guilty conscience never feels secure

2 No government can be long secure without a formidable opposition. 

3 Our objective must be to secure a peace settlement.

4 Tie the two ropes together with a secure knot.

5 It’s important to keep your documents secure.

6 There are no secure jobs these days.

7 Federal leaders continued their efforts to secure a ceasefire.

8 You have made me feel secure.

9 That is a secure foothold.

10 Always lock your bicycle to something secure.

11 He found a secure foothold and pulled himself up.

12 Her place in the history books is secure.

13 I don’t feel secure when I am alone in the house.

14 This is an excellent port being secure from every wind.

15 Over a tenth of the population have secure,( undemanding jobs.

16 There is no magic wand to secure a just peace.

17 Extra men are needed to secure the camp against attack.

18 May all beings be happy and secure ; may their mind be contented!

19 UN troops will secure the land corridor so that food supplies can reach the trapped civilians.

20 Britain is intensifying its efforts to secure the release of the hostages.

21 She finished the match,[] secure in the knowledge that she was through to the next round.

22 Secure the two pieces together with a couple of stitches.

23 They secure their degrees by slogging through an intensive 11-month course.

24 He who in adversity would have succor, let him be generous while he rests secure

25 Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no secure direction ; without direction, there is no life. 

26 Very close and trusted friends share confidences candidly. They feel secure that they will not be ridiculed of derided,and their confidences will be honored. 

27 Firmly compress the soil in the pot so that the plant is secure.

28 Pupils in our schools are taught in a safe, secure environment.

29 Car manufacturers ought to produce vehicles which are more secure against theft.

30 I pulled on the rope to see if it was secure.

More similar words: security, secular, persecute, recurrent, prosecutor, consecutive, prosecution, sec., incur, execute, sector, second, insect, occur, curio, curve, molecule, section, speculate, execution, executive, in secret, curious, curtain, current, secretary, secondary, accuracy, accurate, currency. 

Sentence with word secure. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use secure in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for secure.

  • With you I am secure! (10)
  • She felt suddenly secure. (8)
  • But she would not be secure. (4)
  • They secure an introduction. (4)
  • Lady Blachington, I secure you. (10)
  • How does he secure dramatic expression? (3)
  • We are secure from nothing in this life. (10)
  • Her situation should secure your compassion. (4)
  • The Serpent has slimed her so to secure him! (10)
  • In one week, I fondly trust, he will be secure. (10)
  • He will be wrathful; but ye are secure from him. (10)
  • It was found necessary to secure her with chains. (21)
  • Anything to secure oblivion from this aching misery! (8)
  • But in our state of things no one is secure of this. (9)
  • Why had she to do all the work to secure their love? (8)
  • How does he secure great unity and continuity of idea? (3)
  • Was she only waiting to make her conquest more secure? (8)
  • The lessons must continue; for if they did, he was secure. (8)
  • Now may the maids and wives of Merry England sleep secure. (10)
  • Now we are quite secure, from any outside thing, at all events. (12)
  • But the door being closed, he thought himself internally secure. (10)
  • The utmost care could not always secure the most valuable fruits. (4)
  • All that you need to do now is to secure the command of West Point. (18)
  • Where law is established, or tolerably secure, the knife is not used. (10)
  • Secure of herself, in the glad conciousness of success, she gazed down. (5)
  • I wonder he does not marry, to secure a lasting convenience of that kind. (4)
  • This was sufficient to secure the devoted attachment of young Mr. Beauchamp. (10)
  • The game was hers, and only did not pay her for what she had given to secure it. (4)
  • In order to secure the coins in her pinafore she places the clay pipe in her mouth. (8)
  • Not that he went out of the way to secure his end, or risked the expense of a plot. (10)
  • I have arranged to secure you twenty thousand pounds for the delivery of West Point! (18)
  • What is the force of Imitation as a principle to secure Unity in musical composition? (3)
  • Though tolerably secure of not seeing Mr. Crawford again, she could not help being low. (4)
  • Your husband I abhor, Reginald I despise, and I am secure of never seeing either again. (4)
  • It needed enormous labour to make the town secure against the enemy, or even habitable. (19)
  • The man who knew the man who sold his cook stove to secure the price of a circus ticket. (21)
  • The secure and comfortable have to pay in occasional panics for the serenity they enjoy. (10)
  • The gentleness and gratitude of her disposition would secure her all your own immediately. (4)
  • Nobody meant to be unkind, but nobody put themselves out of their way to secure her comfort. (4)
  • Though he was conductor of the Opéra at Dresden, he could not secure permission to produce it. (3)
  • Only when she was alone in the train, secure from all eyes, did she give way to desperate weeping. (8)
  • But they, secure of their fun, were by no means desirous to have it over, or even to have it begin. (9)
  • With every word, too, of this talk, the ground, instead of growing firmer, felt less and less secure. (8)
  • It is often remarked that the ambition of the country editor is to secure a position on a city paper. (16)
  • They think themselves secure, you do no more than what is expected, and it raises no gratitude at all. (4)
  • And then, as they were secure in their privacy, Louisa cried aloud for her father, her beloved father! (10)
  • He does not secure, however, such helpful training in style or such expert drill in newspaper methods. (16)
  • Without this it cannot secure either business for its advertising pages or influence for its ambitions. (16)
  • The American general was disabled, many of his troops killed, and his position on the crest far from secure. (19)
  • Secure on the pavement again, Eckart humbly acknowledged that the English tongue could come out upon occasions. (10)
  • Seeing this, the Pennsylvanians became jealous of Virginia and formed plans to secure the Ohio region for themselves. (19)
  • Courcelle made up his mind that the proper policy for the French was to secure a stronger hold on the more distant tribes. (19)
  • By doing nothing to secure relief he had acquiesced, even if the evidence could now be gathered, which was more than doubtful. (8)
  • But to our ancestors the important problem in first erecting the house was to secure the substantial support of the ridge-pole. (17)
  • But since he must be absent some time or other, I do not perceive how he can ever be secure while she holds her present influence. (4)
  • It was odd how, with all this ingrained care for moderation and secure investment, Soames ever put his emotional eggs into one basket. (8)
  • The ideals remain, and these alone you can go back to, secure of finding them the same, to-day and to-morrow, that they were yesterday. (9)
  • Where the sheathing is omitted all corners shall be diagonally braced and such other measures taken to secure rigidity as may be necessary. (17)
  • With a touch of dread and longing she wondered that no one dragged her back by force into the comfort of a sheltered, care-free, secure life. (12)
  • Frontenac, thinking all was secure for the present, had left Quebec to entertain a band of Iroquois at Montreal to a great feast and war-dance. (19)
  • She knew enough to feel secure of an honourable and speedy establishment, and her imagination took a rapid flight over its attendant felicities. (4)
  • Secure of friendliest welcomings, She swam the havens sheening fair; Secure upon her glad white wings, She fluttered on the ocean air. (10)
  • Down she rushes to secure the cherished fragments: he follows: they find him, true to his character, alighted and straggling over a bed of blooming flowers. (10)
  • They felt that a secure supremacy would not have paraded itself: so they divined indistinctly that there was weakness somewhere in the councils of the enemy. (10)

Also see sentences for: achieve, acquire, assured, attach, attain, barricade, bind.

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