Sentences with word secret

A Secret (French: Un secret) is a 2007 French film directed and written by Claude Miller. The screenplay was based on the novel by Philippe Grimbert. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

American said it is exploring its next steps and that it wouldn’t sign the lease in «its current form because of a secret provision, inserted at the last minute, awarding additional gates to United.»


That’s why we call it the secret spinach!


Bill Collins, the lawyer who negotiated a secret settlement with accusers of ex-Assemblyman Vito Lopez, was let go after 15 years with the Assembly for taking no action when he learned of the complaint.


NAC is not as necessary as the three minerals above, but it’s a fantastic secret weapon.


Especially in our secret Facebook group!


Hidden aboard in secret compartments, the man said, were some 2,000 bricks of pure Colombian cocaine — two metric tons in all.


But it’s no secret what is in a chicken nugget — most quick service restaurants have nutritional information posted in the store or on their website,» Peterson said.


How can participating in an un-authorized co-op or secret co-op hurt you?


The other Porter brother only made a handful of starts for Missouri this season, but morphed into the Tigers» secret weapon while his older brother Michael was sidelined with back surgery.


Once a week, I take a bath in Cleopatra’s secret recipe of milk, honey, and roses.


Lotz says the teams are currently refining the «secret sauce» of their technology, how the therapy exerts its disease-modifying capability, and how to maintain that component in a way that can be scaled-up to safely disseminate to patients.


With this in mind, today I’m sharing with you my three favourite ways with turmeric and a short beginners guide detailing how to use this secret weapon in everyday life.


was curious about your muffin secret & was surprised to see the corgi.


But before I get ahead of myself and tell you any more, let me show you the «secret sauce» behind Patriot Power Greens and why I think it will work for you…


thanks for the extra (secret) tips.


Things began as suddenly as they ended, when on Oct. 29, Graham and Quebec Premier Jean Charest surprised their respective publics with a memorandum of understanding, the result of nine months of secret talks.


Use a Secret Ingredient — Serve at least one course with a secret-weapon ingredient that makes everyone swoon trying to guess what it is, like David Monn’s rose-petal jam added to his angel food cake, or Naeem Khan’s muddled kumquat cocktails.


The Soviets agreed to withdraw the offensive missiles in return for a U.S. commitment not to invade Cuba and a secret pledge to remove nuclear missiles from Turkey at a later date.


Being able to announce great growth numbers is like tasting your auntie’s secret sauce: you’re going to want more, and you’ll want to know how it is made.


They have to deny & cover up because if they don’t a 500 + year old Catholic secret skeleton will come tumbling out of the closet!


«We could not remain neutral after these claims of secret support by Cloudflare,» said CEO Matthew Prince in a blog post.


Ivor Greenstreet argued that the Ford Expedition was not a secret gift nor was it «given in the night».


The use of secret back-up servers will be copied to defend against distributed denial of service attacks.


You may like mine too, there are a couple of «secret ingredients» that really make it amazing.


The House also directed the committee to prove the secret police over disobedience to court orders since June 2015 and report back to the within four weeks for further legislative action.


Fourth Annual WCR Food Games: Celebrity Chef Coaches Nyesha Arrington and Mei Lin lead three teams in three rounds of exciting competition for best use of a secret ingredient.


I overcame my anxiety with relaxation exercises which I do several times weekly, and a little later on in this article I will share my «secret» with you.


I don’t think there is a secret recipe to success, just a huge amount of hard work.


Quinn said he intends to hire a lawyer to file a complaint against Nevergold for organizing a secret meeting that should have been made public.


Good bosses are hard to come by — but it’s no secret why.


The effort to rid the world of Jews, he concludes, was also an effort to free man from oppressive biblical prohibitions, so as «to have men’s secret lusts dance unrestrainedly under the open sky.»


And as the charges also show, the greedy art of secret self-reward was practiced with particular cleverness and cynicism by the Speaker himself,» Bharara said.


There was nothing secret about that, it was an agreement that was arrived at by both parties and so I do not know where this insinuation is coming from».


11 cheap gifts guaranteed to impress science geeks Science comes up with a lot of awesome stuff, and you don’t need a Ph.D, a secret lab, or government funding to get your hands on some of the coolest discoveries.


Mr. Silver is accused of engaging in illegal schemes involving secret payments from law firms for «selling his office,» as one prosecutor said.


MPs are calling on Northern Ireland Secretary James Brokenshire to use his powers to reveal the names of the secret donors who gave the DUP # 435,000 to campaign for Brexit, openDemocracy can reveal today.


App: You can only open (or even see) Call And Text Eraser, called CATE, if you know the secret code.


He was making an apparent reference to Singh, who that same month pleaded guilty in secret to bribing Venditto and Edward Mangano in exchange for lifelines to his businesses, including more than $ 20 million in town-guaranteed loans.


Saint Nicholas, who died in 343 AD, was known for secret gift-giving, such as putting coins in people’s shoes, which led to him being called Father Christmas in 16th century Europe.


And P.S. I like the secret inside cover so much, I’m very tempted to just leave off the dust jacket.


HYDERABAD, Nagaraju Rayudu Updated: Mar 20, 2018, 09:24 IST It’s not a secret anymore that over 80 % Indian males suffer with small penis size and premature


If I want to eat at a nice restaurant that I would usually go to, then YES I would love to do a secret shop there.


We pride ourselves on our recipes always being delicious, nourishing and simple We’re super proud of some of our recipes from quinoa muffins to blackbean burgers and cannellini bean birthday cakes (secret recipe!)


Along with oppressive government laws, secret prisons and chronic food shortages, there are also groups of homeless, at-risk orphans in the country that Bae had photographed in an effort to bring attention to the issue.


My family has a secret soup recipe that they only make during Christmas, for example.


The most massive FBI propaganda effort is now well known: the vicious campaign to take Martin Luther King «off his pedestal» by planting derogatory articles in the media, peddling secret tapes to journalists (such as Ben Bradlee when he was Newsweek’s Washington bureau chief), and sending threat letters to King and his wife, Coretta.


I was training at one of the Russian embassies in downtown Washington, DC (with some «secret squirrel-types») and saw a couple of Kettlebells in the corner of the training hall and asked one of my training partners about them.


Well there is, and the secret ingredient to this elixir is mushrooms — or so says coffee, tea and hot cacao maker Four Sigmatic, which has built its entire brand around the fungi.


The book is like a secret weapon for first time home-buyers who dare tip-toe past enemy landmines.


It seems that somehow the identity of the brothel visiting Premier League manager has somehow remained a secret but it does appear some managers are emerging as front runners in the sleaze race and the name mentioned most often in chatrooms and other hugely scientific places, appears to be a certain Avram Grant (although we are not stating that this means he is the guilty party).


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word secret, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use secret in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «secret».

Secret in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word secret in a sentence.

  1. Webb kept this secret until 1949.

  2. A secret contract was awarded to M.

  3. It made no secret of these preparations.

  4. He was given a secret identity of Ed Tilden.

  5. Chetwin marries Wilton in a secret ceremony.

  6. The Quebec Agreement was a secret agreement.

  7. This is the scout’s salute and secret sign.».

  8. Achieving 100% completion unlocks a secret ending.

  9. This secret order was composed of Union sympathizers.

  10. Paul vanishes as the secret passage closes behind him.

  11. Often, such finds were kept secret due to superstition.

  12. So the secret was simple—a series of related phrases.».

  13. Each level features two secret items that can be found.

  14. Her children were kept secret and remained largely unknown until the 20th century.

  15. A new Italian government took power and began secret negotiations with the Allies.

  16. From 1832 to 1834, baptisms and church services continued, increasingly in secret.

  17. By September 1954, the PBHistory agents had found only a few top secret documents.

  18. From 1987 to 1991 it was funded as a secret project codenamed Project Timber Wind.

  19. Nevertheless, the Nicaean emperor kept this news a secret, and sent Theodore to his son to negotiate.

  20. In 2018, Williams married the musician Phil Elverum in a secret ceremony in the Adirondack Mountains.

  21. In some countries, Internet police or secret police monitor or control citizens’ use of social media.

  22. He showed it to me in secret, and I was thrilled to have him share his own childhood secrets with me.

  23. Critics considered him expert at flighting the ball; Neville Cardus wrote that «Flight was his secret.

  24. Frederick never gave the secret away, but was reportedly disappointed to learn how the machine worked.

  25. Later, when Keechaka meets Draupadi, she requests him to rendezvous with her at a secret hiding place.

  26. The Church of Scientology’s attempts to keep Xenu secret have been cited in court findings against it.

  27. He was also ordered by Eisenhower to deliver a secret letter to Patton and investigate its allegations.

  28. Covert NRO activities to be carried out by MOL were classified secret and given the code name «Dorian».

  29. She wrote later that he, «whose name my Father’s Law Student taught me, has touched the secret Spring».

  30. STAVKA’s plan, codenamed Operation Bagration was kept secret from all of the involved Front commanders.

  31. The seller was convicted of stealing a trade secret, fined $750, and sentenced to two years’ probation.

  32. During the war, he was kept under surveillance by both the English and Austro-Hungarian secret service.

  33. When war broke out between the Ottomans and Russia, Solomon started secret negotiations with the former.

  34. After the failure of a peace mission proposed by Pope Clement VII, Francis and the pope negotiated an alliance in secret.

  35. After arriving at Slovetzia, Ira is surprised to discover Joy’s true identity, but she convinces him to keep it a secret.

  36. Octavian forcibly entered the temple of the Vestal Virgins and seized Antony’s secret will, which he promptly publicized.

  37. Kummer, who worked as an operator under John Mitchell, revealed another piece of the secret: a candle inside the cabinet.

  38. Deciding to take revenge, he assassinated Harutian Mgrditichian, who helped the Ottoman secret police, in Constantinople.

  39. Smith, in which she starred opposite Brad Pitt as a bored married couple who find out that they are both secret assassins.

  40. The exploratory parts of the game feature a series of arcane codes and glyphs, treasure maps and chests, and secret rooms.

  41. Although Wilton’s marriage is legitimate, it was conducted in secret, and she is accused of having a child out of wedlock.

  42. As there was as yet no secret ballot in South Carolina, Tillman threatened to remember any votes cast for the Republicans.

  43. In 1914, aliens known as Mondoshawans meet their human contact, a priest of a secret order, at an ancient Egyptian temple.

  44. Afterwards La Salle’s mission had remained nearly secret until 1686 when former expedition member Denis Thomas, who had deserted in Santo Domingo, was arrested for piracy.

  45. Starting on 14 August 1978, he attended secret meetings with Nkomo in Lusaka, Zambia (where ZAPU was based), doing so with the assistance of the mining corporation Lonrho.

  46. Not all Italians welcomed French rule, however; Giuseppe Capobianco founded a secret society called the Carbonari to resist both French rule and the Roman Catholic Church.

  47. Brockett, acting as tour guide, hints at a secret history of inversion in the city by referring to Marie Antoinette’s rumoured relationship with the Princesse de Lamballe.

  48. Etty exhibited Elizabeth Potts at the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition of 1834 under the title of A Portrait, as the subject’s mother requested her identity be kept secret.

Synonyms for secret

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word secret has the following synonyms: clandestine, cloak-and-dagger, hole-and-corner, hugger-mugger, hush-hush, surreptitious, undercover, underground, covert, classified, concealed, confidential, private, hidden, mysterious, mystic, mystical, occult, orphic, esoteric, inward, privy, secluded, unavowed, unacknowledged, arcanum, mystery, enigma and closed book.

General information about «secret» example sentences

The example sentences for the word secret that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «secret» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «secret».

Synonym: hidden, mysterious, private, secluded. Antonym: open. Similar words: in secret, secretary, desecrate, consecrate, decree, desecration, decreed, ice-cream. Meaning: [‘sɪːkrɪt]  n. 1. something that should remain hidden from others (especially information that is not to be passed on) 2. information known only to a special group 3. something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained. adj. 1. not open or public; kept private or not revealed 2. conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods 3. not openly made known 4. communicated covertly 5. not expressed 6. designed to elude detection 7. hidden from general view or use 8. (of information) given in confidence or in secret 9. indulging only covertly 10. having an import not apparent to the senses nor obvious to the intelligence; beyond ordinary understanding 11. the next to highest level of official classification for documents. 

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(1) A secret between more than two is no secret. 

(2) Self trust is the first secret of success. 

(3) The secret of wealth lieth in the letters SAVE. 

(4) The secret of success is constancy of purpose. 

(5) I have no secret of success but hard work. 

(6) To know how to wait is the great secret of success. 

(7) You have to believe in yourself.That’s the secret of success. 

(8) The secret of being miserable is to have leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not. 

(9) The only secret a woman can keep is that of her age. 

(10) You have to believe in yourself. That’s the secret of sucess. 

(11) The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportumity when it comes. 

(12) The secret of a good momory is attention[], and attention to a subject depends upon our interest in it— We rarely forget that which has made a deep impression on our minds. 

(13) Discipline was the new coach’s secret weapon.

(14) She imparted the secret to her friend.

(15) Don’t tell him any secret—he’s got a big mouth.

(16) The secret was spread among the crowd.

(17) They will go into secret session.

(18) I want you to keep the secret.

(19) It is a secret between them and me.

(20) He can’t keep a secret.

(21) Perhaps the flowers were sent by a secret admirer!

(22) She babbled the secret out to her boyfriend.

(23) What is the secret of his success?

(24) Don’t tell anyone my secret.

(25) I wasn’t very successful at keeping the news secret.

(26) The party leader is elected by secret ballot .

(27) The minister revealed the secret to me.

(28) Let me tell you a secret.

(29) Details of the proposals remain secret.

(30) The three things most difficult are, to keep a secret, to forget an injury(sentencedict .com), and to make good use of labour. 

More similar words: in secret, secretary, desecrate, consecrate, decree, desecration, decreed, ice-cream, decrepit, decrease, decrescent, recreation, excrete, concrete, fertile crescent, accretion, syncretic, discretion, decry, sec., recruit, scarecrow, secede, insect, sector, secure, second, necromancer, recruitment, seclude. 

English Collocation

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Used with adjectives:

«I have a big secret.«
(big, great, little)

«She kept a dark secret for many years.«
(dark, dirty, terrible, shameful, family)

«I shared my deep secrets with him.«
(deep, innermost, intimate)

Used with verbs:

«Can you keep a secret?«

«I have a big secret.«

«We found out about the secret.«
(found out about, discovered, learned, uncovered, know)

«How did the secret get out?«
(get out, come out)

«We shared our innermost secrets.«
(shared, revealed)

«His decision remained a secret.«
(remained, stayed)

Used with prepositions:

«They planned the party in secret.«

«He knows a little secret about his family.«

«I will not keep any secrets from you.«

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Used with verbs:

«The meeting is secret.«
(be: am/is/are)

«The surprise will stay secret until tomorrow.«
(stay, remain)

«Please keep this secret.«

Used with adverbs:

«The information is top secret.«

«They have very secret meetings.«
(very, highly, supposedly)

Used with prepositions:

«He kept things secret from his parents.«

Used with nouns:

«The secret door is behind the wall.«
(door, exit, entrance, room, location, passage, tunnel, vault)

«She is part of the secret police.«
(police, service, society)

«They were having a secret affair.«
(affair, meeting, rendezvous)

«He is a secret agent.«

«She has a secret admirer.«
(admirer, life, love, lover, passion, wish)

«He was caught on a secret camera.«

«He stole the secret document.«
(document, file, code, formula, information, password, plan)

«She found the secret recipe.«
(recipe, ingredient)

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Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • secret [ˈsiːkrɪt] сущ

    1. секретм, тайнаж, загадкаж, таинствоср

      (open secret, mystery, sacrament)

      • dirty little secret – маленький грязный секрет
      • commercial secret – коммерческая тайна
  • secret [ˈsiːkrɪt] прил

    1. тайный, секретный, таинственный, сокровенный, потаенный

      (hidden, confidential, mysterious, innermost, undercover)

      • secret ballot vote – тайное голосование
      • secret police agent – агент тайной полиции
      • secret revolutionary society – тайное революционное общество
      • secret bank account – секретный банковский счет
      • shared secret key – общий секретный ключ
      • new secret weapon – новое секретное оружие
      • secret military base – секретная военная база
      • secret charm – таинственное очарование
      • secret doctrine – сокровенное учение
      • secret corners – потаенные уголки
    2. потайной


      • secret passage – потайной ход
    3. скрытный


    4. негласный


      • secret surveillance – негласный надзор
    5. закулисный


      • secret game – закулисная игра
    6. конспиративный


      • secret apartment – конспиративная квартира
  • secret [ˈsiːkrɪt] прич

    1. засекреченный


    2. скрытый


    3. закрытый


    4. затаенный


  • secret [ˈsiːkrɪt] нареч

    1. тайно, секретно

      (in secret, top secret)

    2. в секрете

      (in secret)

секрет secret, discharge
тайна secret, mystery, secrecy, privacy, arcanum, privity
загадка puzzle, riddle, enigma, conundrum, secret, crux
секретный secret, classified, confidential, undercover, subterranean, backroom
тайный secret, covert, clandestine, arcane, undercover, privy
потайной secret, sunk, flush
скрытый hidden, latent, covert, occult, ulterior, secret
негласный secret, private, backroom
конспиративный secret
скрытный secretive, cagey, reserved, reticent, secret, close
укромный secluded, quiet, cozy, secret, snug, cosy
уединенный secluded, solitary, lonely, private, remote, secret
явочный recruiting, reporting, secret

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • secret сущ

    • mystery · enigma · riddle · arcanum · dark secret · open secret
    • covert · stealth
    • confidential
    • hidden
    • mysterious · mystical
    • clandestine · undercover
    • private · privy · intimate · confidence · privacy
    • esoteric


  • confidential, top secret, classified, undisclosed, unknown, private, under wraps, hush-hush, sub rosa
  • hidden, concealed, disguised, invisible
  • clandestine, covert, undercover, underground, surreptitious, stealthy, furtive, cloak-and-dagger, hole-and-corner, closet, hush-hush
  • cryptic, encoded, coded, mysterious, abstruse, recondite, arcane, esoteric, Kabbalistic
  • secluded, private, concealed, hidden, unfrequented, out of the way, tucked away
  • private
  • secluded, privy
  • unavowed
  • hidden
  • confidential
  • mystical, mystic, occult, mysterious
  • underground, hush-hush, hugger-mugger, clandestine, cloak-and-dagger, hole-and-corner, undercover, surreptitious


  • confidential matter, confidence, private affair, skeleton in the closet
  • mystery, enigma, paradox, puzzle, conundrum, poser, riddle
  • recipe, (magic) formula, blueprint, key, answer, solution
  • arcanum
  • closed book, enigma, mystery

Предложения со словом «secret»

However, something changed me a few years ago, when I came across a little secret that we have in Britain.

Однако пару лет назад всё изменилось, когда я натолкнулась на маленький секрет британских учёных.

I want to share that secret with you today.

И я хочу поделиться с вами этим секретом.

And finally, one of the reasons why things have gotten so out of control is because so much of what happens with surveillance — the technology, the enabling rules and the policies that are either there or not there to protect us — are secret or classified.

И, наконец, одна из причин, почему всё вышло из — под контроля, это то, что вещи, связанные со слежкой — технологии, политика и правила, дающие дополнительные полномочия, служащие то ли нам, то ли против нас — засекречены или конфиденциальны.

In 2011, she told me her teachers were being scored with a complex, secret algorithm called the value-added model.

В 2011 году она рассказала, что её учителей оценивали с помощью сложного секретного алгоритма — «модели добавленной стоимости».

I consider the common house the secret sauce of cohousing.

Я считаю эту территорию секретным ингредиентом кохаузинга.

It’s the secret sauce because it’s the place where the social interactions and community life begin, and from there, it radiates out through the rest of the community.

Всё дело в ней, потому что это место, где начинается социальное взаимодействие и жизнь всей коммуны, и оттуда она распространяется на остальных участников коммуны.

It turns out that the oracle of ancient Greece holds the secret key that shows us the path forward.

Оказывается, у провидиц Древней Греции был секретный ключ, который укажет нам дорогу вперёд.

That’s the secret of life.

Это жизненный секрет.

Even my secret pleasure of studying the Italian painters have been infected by politics.

Даже на моё тайное увлечение итальянской живописью теперь влияет политика.

I’ve overpowered his elite guard, burst into his secret bunker with my machine gun ready.

Я победил его элитную охрану, ворвался к нему в секретный бункер с заряженным автоматом.

What’s their secret?

В чём их секрет?

And it turned out the Hallowiches had made a secret settlement with the gas operators, and it was a take-it-or-leave-it settlement.

И выяснилось, что Хэллоуичи заключили секретное соглашение с газовой компанией, носившее ультимативный характер.

One of America’s best-kept secrets is how residential segregation is the secret source that creates racial inequality in the United States.

Строго охраняемая тайна Америки — так это то, как сегрегация по жительству бесшумно и непреклонно порождает расовое неравенство в США.

What was their secret?

В чём же их секрет?

The only thing that the film industry has to do is unleash its secret weapon, and that’s storytelling.

Индустрия кино должна лишь обнажить своё секретное оружие, а именно — рассказывание историй.

And I think I’m a little wrong when I say that life is a mystery, because I think that life is actually an open secret that has been beckoning our species for millennia to understand it.

И мне кажется, я ошибаюсь, когда говорю, что жизнь — тайна, потому что жизнь на самом деле — это всем известная тайна, которая привлекает всё живое уже многие тысячелетия.

But the truth is, the real secret is, we tell all women that their sexual pleasure doesn’t matter.

Правда в том, что мы говорим всем женщинам, что их сексуальное удовольствие не имеет значения.

I have one last secret for you.

Я открою вам последний секрет.

I didn’t tell you one dirty little secret.

Я не рассказал вам неприятную маленькую тайну.

And I didn’t want them to grow up with a secret.

И я не хотела, чтобы они росли с секретом.

The marriage researcher John Gottman says that the secret of a healthy relationship is not the great gesture or the lofty promise, it’s small moments of attachment.

Исследователь брака Джон Готтман говорит, что секрет здоровых взаимоотношений не в широких жестах и щедрых обещаниях, а в объединяющих мелочах.

A little-known secret in American history is that the only American institution created specifically for people of color is the American slave trade — and some would argue the prison system, but that’s another topic for another TED Talk.

Один малоизвестный факт из американской истории: единственное, что было создано в Америке специально для цветных людей, — это институт работорговли, и некоторые готовы поспорить, что это тюрьмы, но это уже тема для другого выступления.

The secret lies in what made Lisa see our initial demonstration as political.

Секрет кроется в том, что заставило Лизу увидеть наш первый показ как политический.

He made his followers want to aid his secret purpose.

Он внушил своим приверженцам желание исполнить его тайную цель.

Ancient catacombs that the Jews use as secret synagogues.

Древние катакомбы, которые евреи использовали в качестве тайных синагог.

You think she was planning to meet a secret lover?

Вы думаете, что она планировала встретиться с тайным любовником?

Dr. Kovacs has been developing a top-secret process

Доктор Ковакс разрабатывал сверхсекретный процесс

He knew all the caves and all the secret paths.

Он знал там все пещеры и все тайные тропы.

You don’t believe a secret society is murdering congressmen.

Ты же не веришь, что тайное общество убивает конгрессменов.

We stumbled across your little secret after the hostage takedown.

Мы наткнулись на ваш небольшой секрет после захвата заложников.

My grandfather always claimed I would inherit a secret fortune.

Мой дедушка всегда говорил мне что я унаследую тайное состояние.

My disagreement with Sisko over the Valerians is no secret.

Мои разногласия с Сиско по поводу валерианцев не являются тайной.

They have secret techniques based on the type of torture

Они владеют тайными методами в зависимости от типов пыток.

McCaskell and the Secret Service will pick you up then.

Затем Маккаскелл вместе с агентами Секретной службы лично подберет вас.

Look for the Spring premiere of Secret Life

Ждите весенней премьеры сериала Втайне от родителей

It was shot in secret by some of her followers.

Оно было снято втайне кем — то из её последователей.

I did in fact find some births that were quite close to the marriage dates, and that was a little unexpected, but my secret wish, I suppose, was to hope that Dick Shepherd, the highwayman, might have been somewhere in the family tree, but if he is, I haven’t got that far back, but I wouldn’t mind at all.

Я на самом деле нашел некоторые даты рождения, которые были совсем близко к датам свадьбы, и это было немного неожиданно, но мое заветное желание, я полагаю, было бы надеяться, что Дик Шеперд, разбойник, возможно, находится где — то в родословной, и если это так, я не дошел еще так далеко, то я был бы совсем не против.

It was tightly regulated and kept secret from the public.

Это жестко регулировалось и держалось в секрете от общественности.

Making deals with witches, holding secret meetings with werewolves.

Заключение сделок с ведьмами, проведение секретных встреч с оборотнями.

That you can pass on the secret of everlasting life?

О том, что ты можешь передать секрет вечной жизни?

Remember the lightbulb I took from that secret room?

Помните лампочку, что я забрал из потайной комнаты?

What secret requires a payment of four gold florins?

За какой секрет требуется плата в 4 золотых флорина?

Membership to the Sherlocks is a closely guarded secret.

Членство в Шерлоках держится в строжайшем секрете.

They’ll still be holding on to some terrible secret.

Они все еще будут хранить какие — то жуткие тайны.

What flaw in your character, what deep abiding secret?

Какой порок твоего характера, какая глубоко зарытая тайна?

I’m not keeping your secret for you anymore.

Я не буду больше держать твой секрет в тайне.

I will keep your secret and serve you as Warder.

Я сохраню твой секрет и буду служить тебе Стражем.

I never betrayed a secret she asked me to keep.

Я никогда не выдавал тайны, которую она просила сохранить.

It is His own secret that God will tell us!

Теперь уже сам бог посвятит нас в тайны своего творения.

Anti-Communist Masonic secret society founded during Cold War.

Антикоммунистическое масонское тайное общество, основанное во время холодной войны.

The Casey raid was a disaster for the secret police.

Рейд на жилище Кейзи закончился для тайной полиции полнейшим крахом.

I financed this entire operation out of secret bank accounts.

Я финансировал всю эту операцию из секретных банковских счетов.

The Altans somehow had knowledge of our secret Chicago facility.

У Алтана имелись сведения о нашем секретном объекте в Чикаго.

Louis Nelson’s fingerprints were found on the secret door.

Отпечатки пальцев Луи Нельсона были обнаружены на потайной двери.

Billy sells their secret recipe online for 500 bucks!

Билли продал их секретный рецепт в сеть за 500 баксов!

Would you ask Colonel Sanders for his secret recipe?

А ты попросил у полковника Сэндерса рецепт его жареных цыплят?

So bolin brings them to a secret mountaintop training facility

Так что Болин отправляет их на секретный горный учебный центр!

We formed secret societies that evolved into the clans.

Мы создали тайные общества, которые развились в кланы.

Victoria received letters and gifts from a secret admirer.

Виктория тоже получала письма и подарки от тайного воздыхателя.

I thought the location of the Alpha site was secret.

Я думал, что местоположение базы Альфа было секретным.

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