Sentences with word scream

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


I think I’ll scream until he gets up.

Я решила, что буду кричать до тех пор, пока он не поднимется.

One can sing and scream without strain.

При этом человек сможет петь и кричать без слов.

If you touch me I shall scream.

Так что если ты толкнешь меня, я закричу.

She didn’t scream or anything.

Даже не закричала или что-то в этом роде…

I heard my father scream in pain.

Я слышал, как мой друг кричал от боли.

Hearing someone scream and seeing them run from danger grabs our attention.

Слышать, как кто-то кричит, и видеть, как он бежит от опасности, привлекает наше внимание.

Seja wondered why they did not scream like the others.

Она поинтересовалась, почему же он не кричит, как все дети.

I know you heard me scream.

Я знаю, ты слышала, как я кричала.

He didn’t scream with me.

Он не кричал, когда был у меня в постели.

All I could do was scream

Все, что я мог сделать — это просто кричать

E-meters convinced him that tomatoes scream when sliced.

Он пришёл к выводу, что помидоры кричат, когда их нарезают.

After 20 minutes I heard a scream.

«В течение 20 минут я слышала, как они кричат.

80 thousand fans scream his name.

Тяжело, когда 16000 человек кричат ваше имя.

I’ll scream it for the world.

Но сейчас буду кричать об этом на весь мир.

I wondered if I would scream again.

Я просто хотел услышать, будут ли они кричать что-то снова.

He can hear her scream in agony.

И она могла слышать его рыдания, в то время как сама кричала в агонии.

All she can do is scream.

Все, что она умеет — это кричать.

You should scream with happiness because you deserve it.

Вы должны кричать от счастья, потому что вы этого заслуживаете.

All he can do is scream.

Все, что он может делать — это кричать.

I hate children who scream and cry in restaurants.

Я иногда слышу, как люди кричат и спорят в ресторанах.

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Synonym: bawl, cry, howl, screech, shout, shriek, squall, wail, yell. Similar words: screw, screen, screening, stream, dream of, dream up, mainstream, create. Meaning: [skrɪːm]  n. 1. sharp piercing cry 2. a high-pitched noise resembling a human cry 3. a joke that seems extremely funny. v. 1. utter a sudden loud cry 2. utter or declare in a very loud voice 3. make a loud, piercing sound. 

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1. A scream broke the silence of the night.

2. A scream shattered the silence.

3. A piercing scream split the air.

4. I felt an uncontrollable urge to scream.

5. The man began to scream horribly.

6. He was a perfect scream.

7. I thought I heard a scream.

8. The scream sent a prickle down my spine.

9. There was an unnatural silence and then a scream.

10. The echoes of his scream sounded in the cave for several seconds.

11. A terrifying scream in the blackness of the night made my blood run cold.

12. Life is a roller coaster. You can scream every time you hit a bump(, or you can throw your hands up and enjoy the ride.

13. The scream made me jump.

14. She let out a scream of pain.

15. The crowd continued to scream abuse at him.

16. If you lay one hand on me, I’ll scream.

17. He let out a bloodcurdling scream.

18. A sudden scream pierced the silence.

19. He’s an absolute scream in our friends.

19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

20. His voice rose almost to a scream.

21. I was so bored I wanted to scream.

22. Edvard Munch’s «The Scream» is a famous Expressionist painting.

23. Sometimes he irritates me so much I could scream.

24. He fought down an impulse to scream.

25. Her scream brought me up short.

26. If you don’t leave this instant, I will scream.

27. Fran uttered a shrill scream.

28. Her scream was followed by a loud echo.

29. Lou prattled on about various trivialities till I wanted to scream.

30. The tension was becoming unbearable, and I wanted to scream.

More similar words: screw, screen, screening, stream, dream of, dream up, mainstream, create, decrease, creature, increased, creating, increasing, increasingly, team, beam, steam, teammate, script, scratch, scramble, describe, subscriber, crew, description, prescription, sacred, discrimination, in secret, credulous. 

орать, вопить, вскрикнуть, зареветь, визг, вопль, умора, клекот


- пронзительно кричать, вопить, визжать

the baby screamed all night — ребёнок кричал всю ночь
to scream with pain [with fear] — кричать от боли [от страха]
to scream with delight — визжать от восторга
to scream oneself hoarse — охрипнуть от крика
to scream for help [for mercy] — вопить о помощи [о пощаде]

- издавать резкие, пронзительные звуки, свистеть, гудеть, реветь

the brakes screamed — тормоза завизжали
cars scream — автомобили дают резкие гудки
the whistle screamed — раздался резкий свист
the wind screamed — ветер завывал

- разг. неудержимо смеяться, хохотать; умирать со смеху

he was so funny, he made us scream — он был так смешон, что мы покатывались со смеху
to scream with laughter — неудержимо хохотать, умирать со смеху

- выкрикивать (что-л.; тж. scream out)

to scream in anger — кричать /выкрикивать/ (что-л.) в гневе
to scream out orders [curses] — пронзительно выкрикивать приказания [проклятия]
to scream out a song — горланить песню

- разг. резать глаз

this colour scheme screams — это сочетание цветов режет глаз /слишком кричащее/


- пронзительный крик, вопль, визг

a scream of terror [of pain] — крик ужаса [боли]
to utter screams of pain — вопить от боли

- резкий, пронзительный звук

the scream of a peacock [of an eagle] — крик павлина [орла]
the engine gave a shrill scream as it entered the tunnel — при входе в туннель паровоз дал резкий свисток /гудок/

- умора, уморительно смешной человек, случай, анекдот и т. п.

it was a perfect scream! — это было просто уморительно!; мы умирали со смеху!
in that part he is a perfect /a regular/ scream — в этой комической роли он неподражаем

- пренебр. нечто переходящее допустимые границы

a scream of a bunch — амер. кучка бездельников

Мои примеры


those inebriate sports fans who yell and scream throughout the game — те пьяные болельщики, которые горланят и визжат на протяжении всей игры  
to scream with fright — завизжать от страха  
to scream in horror — кричать в ужасе, визжать от страха  
to scream for help — звать на помощь  
scream of a peacock — павлиний крик  
to let out a scream — испустить вопль  
scream of brakes — скрип тормозов  
to scream with pain — кричать от боли  
a scream of terror — крик ужаса  
scream with fear — кричать от страха  
a scream — хохма  

Примеры с переводом

‘Get out!’ she screamed.

— Вон отсюда! — завизжала она.

He screamed at her to stop.

Он крикнул, чтобы она остановилась.

I screamed for help.

Я громко позвала на помощь.

She’s a scream!

Она такая смешная!

It was a scream!

Вот была умора!

Eagles scream.

Орлы кричат.

The wind screamed through the trees.

Ветер завывал среди деревьев.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…that new comedy is a scream…

Sirens were screaming in the distance.

We heard screams coming from the flat.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

screamer  — крикун, потрясающий факт, сенсационный заголовок, восклицательный знак
screaming  — кричащий, уморительный
screamy  — визгливый, кричащий, крикливый, экспансивный

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: scream
he/she/it: screams
ing ф. (present participle): screaming
2-я ф. (past tense): screamed
3-я ф. (past participle): screamed

ед. ч.(singular): scream
мн. ч.(plural): screams

Scream is an American hardcore punk band from Washington, DC that originally formed in the suburb of Bailey’s Crossroads, Virginia. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Notes: The episode’s final scene NEEDED to be that badass, because the penultimate one was filled with a young girl’s screams for her parents, who sacrificed her to R’Hallor to, like, stop the snow or something.


So if you see your cats biting seriously, fighting with claws, if you hear screams, or if chasing is only one way, that is conflict!


The Level Design This game screams to be open world.


Just serve them dinner on this Creepy Crawly Spiderweb Plate and you’re sure to get a few shrieks and screams!


Even as the intensity of the shocks approached the maximum of 450 volts, the authority insisted that the shocks should continue — that the anguished screams, the banging on the wall, the pleas about heart conditions, and ultimately the ominous silence from the other room should all be ignored.


Mine is a nightmare, I have a 2 year old baby and have been trying to make him to stop feeding a bottle at night but all he does is cry and i mean he screams and that is really not nice and I have also tried to use a cup it does n`t work.I really need a plan on that PLEASE HELP!!!


The regular version seems like something you could make a nice pro-idol duo dance with, while the «Last Battle» take just screams for Chie’s kung-fu dance moves.


However, it isn’t long before the screams of Toad were heard in which Mario, Peach and Huey are horrified to find a Slurp Guy draining the colors out of Toad leaving him to become mere paper.


Instead they rely on simply muddying the waters with screams of deceit and conspiracies, essentially propaganda to confuse the laymen.


Nothing screams warm and cozy like a bowl of Butternut Squash Soup, Turkey Chili with Butternut Squash, or homemade spaghetti sauce poured over spaghetti squash in place for regular noodles.


Its bright colors, beach theme, and easy nature scream sunshine and fresh air.


Sheppard recounted a rambling story: He had fallen asleep watching television, was awakened by his wife’s screams upstairs and twice confronted a «bushy-haired» man who had beaten him — first in their bedroom, then outside the house after Sheppard took chase.


The first night onboard, Lo is awakened by a scream and a heavy splash from the next cabin and she alerts Security that the neighbor she met briefly that evening has been attacked.


Nothing screams «rinky-dink» and «not ready for prime time» and «temporary» more than tube trailers sited tenuously at auto dealer lots for refueling infrastructure.


There are only five cogs in the transmission, although the smooth four-cylinder never really screams for another gear.


In a nutshell, Black Capped Conures make the best pets for those who are true bird lovers — those who don’t mind cleaning up a mess from time to time or waking up to screeches and screams every morning at sunrise.


Gucci is all camel shades and just screams expensive, with Veroushka like models with amazing hair.


Most dogs actually bite out of fear and if the person they defensively charge or snap at screams and flails, it triggers and even stronger survival attack response.


She’s wonderful in the film’s quieter, more emotional moments, but she’s also a scream going head-to-head with Turturro at his most manic, more than holding her own against an actor determined to run away with the picture.


Dakota Fanning isn’t given the chance to shine as her character screams and cries throughout and doesn’t bring anything to the table.


Hear the sweet screams of your victims as you strafe them with submachine gun fire or explode them with grenades.


Now seemingly out of the blue a gift from the horror gods the one the only scream queen Jamie Lee Curtis today has tweeted her official return to the 10th installment.


This arrangement is beautiful and screams spring to me.


And the eagle screams and spits with anger — but is healing every day.


For most of us, it’s been a first-time, and you could hear it by the screams underwater.


His odd moves and cowardly screams were only expanded on in the sequels, but this new personality would also serve Luigi well when he finally got his first starring role.


The fact is, my child screams for 30 minutes before bed if I hold her and rock her to sleep (ending in tears for both of us after three false starts, 1 hour of night time sleep, and me going to bed at 8 pm for the 2nd MONTH in a row) or if she’s SAFE, WARM, HAPPY, WELL FED (from the breast, I might add) and surrounded by the company of her favorite little animals in her crib.


Embarrassing Errors: Nothing screams inexperienced and lack of attention to detail than proofreading errors and typos.


Best known for his flying attack, where his screams of gibberish have been interpreted as things like «Johhny bought a car!»


She remembers it was guarded and lit up 24 hours a day, and she was terrified of the hog screams and clanging sounds at night.


(I used my ice scream scooper that I use for making cookies to make the balls.


It is the same melodramatic scream, followed by a badly animated squirt of blood.


Even screams of terror were much less obvious from those who were deaf.


Even the look of the new Nintendo machine screams kid-approved.


It’s tender, long stems scream elegance over regular vegetables.


This low bun, complete with a classic French braid, screams garden wedding.


Actually, he usually just jumps up and down and screams «CHIPS!!!


Audio is no-frills 2.0 DTS-HD Master Audio (at 24-bit/48kHz) that my receiver decoded as mono in Pro-Logic mode, sending the early-1980s soundmix (including a welcome Wilhelm scream) straight to my centre channel.


Also, it was hard to find a tenant that didn’t mind newborn baby screams and, now, the pitter-patter of toddler feet.


As a student when I take classes and the assistant keeps returning to their favorite peeps… my head screams «what about me»!


* You * will be pissed if my son screams and writhes to be free, yet shoot me the stink eye if I walk him up and down the aisle.


I love to squeeze a penny until it screams and this will be the perfect project.


Nothing screams «power» like well developed traps.


Maybe there will always be the scream of the lambs as long as human beings exist.


But besides a cracking 0-100km / h time, 1000Nm on tap from 2300-4300rpm, a V12 scream and plenty V12 badging to go around, the S65 AMG Coupe also features unique multi-spoke forged wheels measuring 255/40 R20 front, and 285/35 R20 rear, as well as the twin-blade radiator grille, 3D front-splitter, and a splashing of AMG badges.


This is hardly one of those games where every domestic detail screams a tale of shattering poignancy, but each house does feel like the property of a distinct personality, now fled or eaten or left to rot in a bathtub.


It was a lazy June afternoon in Berwickshire, England, when George Watson, enjoying a relaxing soak in the tub, heard «a scream, a roar and a commotion» coming from his back yard.


But saying that there’s nothing to see on the performance in preseason result scream escapism for me.


The material and color screams «AH-mazing»!


► A computer screen indicating night-vision shows soldiers hunting a giant wolf until we hear screams and the screen goes to static.


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word scream, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use scream in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «scream».

Scream in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word scream in a sentence.

  1. I knew that I could scream on cue like that.».

  2. The first three episodes did not feature the scream.

  3. Great Auk calls included low croaking and a hoarse scream.

  4. It was a strong, querulous scream, ragged in the hot, still air.

  5. She does not despair, does not cry, does not scream for revenge.

  6. If I am thinking minnows, a carp will fill my brain till I scream.

  7. Araya’s vocal performance begins with a piercing, wordless scream.

  8. He was told to imagine something coming towards him and to scream.

  9. Spielberg recounted that Allen was so scared she could not scream on cue.

  10. Before McCoy can complete the examination, they hear a scream from outside.

  11. Distressed or frightened adults may whistle, hiss, or in extreme circumstances, scream.

  12. When a frog is attacked, a distress or fright call is emitted, often resembling a scream.

  13. Hirsch of The Detroit News said about the Supremes: «they don’t scream or wail incoherently.

  14. Rueful later in life, Bacon said that he had «wanted to paint the scream more than the horror.

  15. In this work, the arrows point to a man about to die, and according to Tóibín they scream «Here!

  16. The alarm call is a harsh scream, and while foraging together common starlings squabble incessantly.

  17. According to Araya, it was Hannemann’s idea to add the scream for the introduction in Angel of Death.

  18. They didn’t know where it came from, and they couldn’t be certain, but it possibly sounded like a scream.

  19. He felt uneasy about his lyrics being so public, and later said: «I scream, ‘Death is real,’ and you clap».

  20. The female of the species is known to emit a loud, shrill scream during the mating season to attract males.

  21. Friedhelm Mennekes writes that in the victim’s scream, «there is not even a lament of being forsaken by God.

  22. I think, if I had really thought about what causes somebody to really scream, it would have made the scream ..

  23. A wavering scream may be used in bluff charges against intruders, while a low growl is used for aggressive warning.

  24. It instead produces the characteristic shree scream, ear-shattering at close range, an eerie, long-drawn-out shriek.

  25. A female may scream and vigorously fight off her suitors, but will submit to one that is dominant or is more familiar.

  26. I am very happy despite the rats, the rain, the mud, the draughts [sic], the roar of the cannon and the scream of shells.

  27. Frances had heard a scream, and a few minutes later had watched as her mother (blood on her face) and father had entered the room.

  28. They embrace their mother, causing her to scream in pain as demonic like beings spawn from under her, dragging her down through the floor.

  29. Carpenter gave his approval to restore the ambiguous ending, but a scream was inserted over the outpost explosion to posit the monster’s death.

  30. I wanted to stamp my feet and scream «But you don’t understand, the whole show was about the crapness of the comeback, of blowing one’s own myth.

  31. The slave had supposedly died determined to be buried in his homeland, and any attempt to bury his skull elsewhere would cause the skull to scream aloud.

  32. Another neighbour who lived behind Yeates’s home said that he heard a woman’s voice scream «Help me», although he could not recall exactly when the incident had occurred.

  33. Ryan Gilbey of the New Statesman was critical of Dunst’s character, remarking that «the film-makers couldn’t come up with much for Mary Jane to do other than scream a lot».

  34. However, when the Sixers’ Hall-of-Fame guard Hal Greer inbounded, John Havlicek stole the ball, causing Celtics commentator Johnny Most to scream: «Havlicek stole the ball!

  35. Gerd Heinrich noted the local name «soisa», meaning drum, and described the call as being a subdued drumming purre purre purre purre purre which sometimes ends in a loud shrill scream.

  36. The mouth of the triptych’s central figure was also inspired by the nurse’s scream in film director Sergei Eisenstein’s Odessa Steps massacre sequence in The Battleship Potemkin (1925).

Synonyms for scream

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word scream has the following synonyms: belly laugh, sidesplitter, howler, thigh-slapper, wow, riot, screaming, shriek, shrieking, screech, screeching, shout, shout out, cry, call, yell, holler, hollo, squall, call out and cry out.

General information about «scream» example sentences

The example sentences for the word scream that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «scream» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «scream».

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